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The Rise of Atlantis Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — The Rise of Atlantis

Find a way to bring the legendary continent of Atlantis back to the surface and restore it to its might. In this extraordinary puzzle game with spectacular new features, handy bonuses and explosive power-ups you set out on an adventurous quest around the ancient lands of Greece, Troy, Phoenicia, Babylon, Egypt, Carthage and Rome to gather the seven greatest powers of the patron god of the Atlanteans - Poseidon.
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 393 43 comments

The Rise of Atlantis was available as a giveaway on December 1, 2013!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
A unique memory game where you remember the card that you pulled out before.

Find a way to bring the legendary continent of Atlantis back to the surface and restore it to its might. In this extraordinary puzzle game with spectacular new features, handy bonuses and explosive power-ups you set out on an adventurous quest around the ancient lands of Greece, Troy, Phoenicia, Babylon, Egypt, Carthage and Rome to gather the seven greatest powers of the patron god of the Atlanteans - Poseidon. With 77 captivating levels of fantastic game play, truly unique twists never seen before and the ability of continuous replay this game will keep you entertained for weeks!

  • Excellent storyline in beautiful animation;
  • 77 explosive levels with the ability of continuous replay;
  • 7 magic artifacts to assemble in ancient lands;
  • Spectacular power-ups and bonuses;
  • Awe-inspiring graphics and soundtrack.

System Requirements:

Windows 98/ Me/ NT/ 2000/ XP/ Vista; CPU: 500 MHz; RAM: 128 MB; Direct X 8.0 or higher; Video: 32 MB


Xing Interactive



File Size:

26.6 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

Comments on The Rise of Atlantis

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I missed the games for Dec 1 and Dec 8, anyone how is willing to email me copies of the game core files, id be very grateful. Thank You

..................................Moderator comment.............................

Both games are available from both MyPlayCity and Jenkat Games. the latter is the better one as there's less chance of getting a hijacked home page etc.

Reply   |   Comment by Roberto Brown  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Disappointment! I won the game but the promised screensaver download is 'page not found' at astro gemini

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Hmmm, that Is a disappointment :(

Reply   |   Comment by Carys  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


It downloaded and executed without a problem. Runs great!
I did download it last time and lost it in a crash. the graphics
appear clearer this time, but that could be the newer computer.
I remember it as being mainly too easy, then hit a snag or two later on.

Thanks for another great game!!

Hope all had a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

Reply   |   Comment by Lee C  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#20 For crying out loud; I copied and pasted just for you because you missed that part apparently. I said raining when the stars are out is not accurate, so unless you're accustomed to it raining when it's clear out with the stars in your area, the rest of the world requires CLOUDS for it to rain. Sorry, I couldn't post pictures to clarify.

Reply   |   Comment by Deborah1962  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I got this one of the last times it was offered, and really enjoy it. I would also love a relaxed mode, but it's one of the few timed games that doesn't frustrate me. I've played it again and again, just because I can finish it successfully.

I am so glad that we do get the same game repeated here periodically. I'm lucky if I make it much more than two years before I need a new laptop, or at least a clean reinstall of Windows. Then I start fresh with the games and it's like discovering my favorites all over again.

Thanks Playrix and GGOTD!

................................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for your feedback Dani

Reply   |   Comment by Dani  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Like most of what Playrix puts out, this is a good game. I enjoy it quite a lot.

I'm on XP SP3 so it's not one I have problems with lag over as some of the newer ones seem to be wont to do to my system. It's a simple game with good graphics that look and feel more realistic than others.

Pro for this:
It's simple, as stated above
It's visually appealing
It's easy to play
It's fast moving

Cons for it:
Though it's easy, it becomes rather boring rather fast as there's nothing to distract
You can't keep moving pieces when it cascades and shifts like you can in other games. That, because it's so common in others, becomes annoying, quickly.
The music and sounds can get on your nerves quickly. As I use a headset for the computer, I don't put it on for this one, thus making the sounds less annoying.
The time it takes to cascade and shift is a little longer than most, thus becoming slightly frustrating when you're 'in the groove'
It's not as challenging as many others out there, thus one you can easily get bored with

Overall, like most of what Playrix puts out, this is a good game. It'll keep you entertained.

................................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for your excellent feedback DA Myst

Reply   |   Comment by DA Myst  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Every time I try to install the game I get a error"cannot connect to server, try again later. anyone else having this problem?

................................Moderator Comment...........................

Hi tkelly46, make sure Internet Explorer isn't set to offline working. Even if you use Firefox, to download from the giveaway site I.E. must be online. to open I.E. type I.E. in the search field then click on. Failing that try clearing your internet cache. A corrupted cookie may cause this problem. Also check out the FAQ's section over in the game discussion forums. I've linked to it above in a previous reply to someone else.

Reply   |   Comment by tkelly46  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

game will not install on windows 7. all drivers are updated and all security is shut off even firewall. it say setup.exe. stopped working helpppppppppppppppp

…………………………..Moderator Comment………………………

Hi Nancy, Check out the FAQ’s section over in the game discussion forums. I’ve linked to it above in a previous reply to someone else. Hopefully you'll find a fix there. alternatively, if you don't see this until after the giveaway, go to Jenkat Games. Their free downloads are probably the best with respect to less invasiveness. They do have this game for free 24/7. ;-) :lol:

Reply   |   Comment by nancy a otrosinka  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm getting corrupt downloads too. Twice. Not only that but it seems to be screwing up my video. Both times my windows have become jittery and I have to purge it and reboot my pc. No, I won't be trying a third time on a product that is harming my comp.

.............................Moderator comment.......................................

Hi Terry, Try using a different file archiver. there really is nothing wrong with the giveaway download. Some community members have been getting a similar problem. I've had it myself (not from giveaways, but from one of the game download sites (was direct to Drive, which is now GameFly). I used a different file archiver (7 Zip) and the game unpacked perfectly.

Reply   |   Comment by Terry  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

One of the best games I've played.

.........................Moderator Comment.........................


Reply   |   Comment by Chris  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After setup and run cursor is not showing and is hidden, try to option and could not get cuRsor option. Is there to be set in file? I am using window 8.0 hp laptop

.............................Moderator Comment.......................

Hi Jeff, try going into compatibility (right click on the games executable then select run as Administrator, then click on properties and open up the compatibility tab. firstly try running in a different OS mode e.g. this game was made when XP was still the king, so try XP mode. also try checking some of the display boxes (trial and error). hope this helps.

If not check out the FAQ's section over in the Game discussion forums:


Also check Playrix's forums for possible fixes.

Reply   |   Comment by jeff43  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ticket to Ride! Ticket to Ride! Ticket to Ride! Ticket to Ride! Ticket to Ride! Ticket to Ride! Ticket to Ride! Ticket to Ride!

Reply   |   Comment by Swamp Thing  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@11 - Comment by critic reviewer - (GOTD doesn’t know how to get new games instead of paying to give away same old games, this is why i don’t come here anymore...)
Nobody is gonna miss you critic reviewer - Gee we other dudes see the rabbit posting links to multiple games - I.E.
(Get around thirty Match Three games for free HERE or pop over to MyPlayCity for 47 match three games HERE . You can also get the game free from Jencat Games.) Also other links are provided to other stuff- so thumbs up gotd and rabbit!

.............................Moderator comment..............................

Thanks Wot, though I didn't post many links today. Feeling a little under the weather.

The guy pops up every now and again. I recognize his format, always ending with don't bother to reply because I won't be coming back to read it. (Likely story). He posted a lot a few years ago.

Reply   |   Comment by wot  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I thank you for this version of Alantis. I had almost completed one of the other versions and lost it when upgrading from WinXP to Win7. I haven't seen Windows 7 as one of the versions that this game can be played on. I have it downloaded and installed and was able to write my name. I'm going to try it out and see if it works okay with 7.

I too would like to have the untimed option , not just for this game, but for all of them. I'm definitely not a whiz so there are some games I have had to leave because I couldn't master them at the timed level.

Thanks White Rabbit and Playrix.

………………………..Moderator comment…………………………

Thank you for your feedback

Reply   |   Comment by David Forness  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is fabulous game, as all the games from Playrix. Graphics are stunning and playing this game is pure enjoyment for anyone. I have it from previous Giveaway, so I didn`t download it today, but I highly recomand it. I wish the Playrix would offer The Path of Hercules to try. :) Thank you GOTD and Playrix.

………………………..Moderator comment…………………………

Thank you for your feedback

Reply   |   Comment by Kiki  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The instructions and tips are very clear and easy to understand. I also like that you can replay a game if you missed getting the bonus piece he first time around. Although there is not a relaxed mode, the amount of time given is usually sufficient. I appreciate that in these games. It is a typical match 3 game, but the graphics are good. I have found I tend to gravitate towards the Playrix games. They are good quality. I would suggest, since there isn't a relaxed mode, to create a way to get more points more quickly, so that you can earn more lives more quickly. To tell the truth, these "timed" modes trigger my "timed test" anxiety from my school and university days, and it can become an unpleasant experience, rather than a challenge. That's just my little quirk! Thanks, GOTD. :P

………………………..Moderator comment…………………………

Fixed it for you. :) Thank you for your feedback

Reply   |   Comment by blueboomerang  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded this game the last time it was offered. I agree with most of the comments...anytime you see a game from Playrix or Alaware especially, they will be great games. This one is a fun one. I love that they have the match three and then a hidden object search every now and then to break things up. The sound and graphics are nice. I like that the companies bring back things that have been given away before because it gives the folks who have not had a chance to play or lost it due to having to reformat or getting a new computer.

The sales on steam are awesome. I just bought Bioshock Infinite which was brand new 60 dollar game that came out last year for 9 bucks. I don't have the dlc, will wait for a sale but wow...how awesome is that?! It is the first time playing a first person shooter, so I will have to try it on easy like my son suggests..lol I am that bad!

Thank you to the team here and Playrix, give this game a go, it is really fun!

.............................Moderator Comment...........................

Thanks for your feedback Pixiey. Yes the Steam sales always amaze me. Games that were only released a few weeks ago are in the sale, and apart from some games like the Call of duty franchise, most other games you can get dirt cheap for example PayDay 2 and Far Cry 3. The Steam sales are one of the reasons I have nearly 2300 games and almost 2100 dlc's on Steam alone (will have once the Steam sales are over). I just can't resist a good bargain. :lol:

Reply   |   Comment by Pixiey  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi, WhiteRabbit,

All these Atlantis games get confusing. I remembered that I had one that had been frustrating because I could not seem to free all the artifact pieces. So I went back to my games folder and found that it was Atlantis Quest, and unlike today's game Rise of Atlantis, it does not have anything like that recharging sun to bust the tile grid. Compared to some other match-3's, the Atlantis tile grids are smaller (i.e., fewer tiles in the grid), so I end up getting boxed in while trying to free the artifact pieces. So based on the review, video links and comments, Rise of Atlantis would seem to be more to my liking (or perhaps we should say my abilities?).

I do so appreciate the GGOTD project for offering (and re-offering) so many games, the game companies for continuing to partner with GGOTD, and especially WR for all your hard work putting reviews together. In the spirit of this weekend, I am THANKFUL!


................................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for your feedback Cara. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Cara  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Another great game from Playrix and GGOTD. Love the game. Thanks very much!

Reply   |   Comment by Woody  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If you like match 3 games, don't miss this one. It's one of the better ones out there I.M.O. I still have it from years ago and downloaded it again on my newer machine. (but, you know how computers are.. they're not 'new' for very long.) ;)

…………………………..Moderator Comment………………………


Reply   |   Comment by HOSS  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

How about a 'Relaxed Mode' option with no timer.

Moderator, I tried to add this under "share your ideas" "How would you improve "The Rise of Atlantis" but it wouldn't work. After inserting the correct code at the bottom it kept saying "You entered the wrong characters, try again". I tried 15 times!!

…………………………..Moderator Comment………………………

I've had the same problem in the past. I now sign in using my forum details. That way you don't need to use the codes.

Reply   |   Comment by Sarge  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

So far it works well on Win7, 3GB RAM on Dual Core AMD.

I'm very glad this is repeated. Thank you!

Reply   |   Comment by KristleBawl  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Got this game during July 2012 giveaway and voted thumbs up just like today. The only complaint I have is that it's a neverending story - you complete your "journey" and then start a new one from the first location, with your points cumulating forever, bonuses and lives intact. Only the number of the journey increases - I must have had some bad weather last summer since my game is saved at the beginning of journey 4 (not that it can remain interesting forever, so the game should simply end after one journey).
I think it is possible to cheat in this game to avoid losing lives - if you're running out of time, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to call up the Task Manager and shut the game down from there. You have to do it early enough so that you don't run out of time before the game gets killed by TM. That way you restart the game at the last save with the number of lives unchanged as opposed to having 1 life fewer if you didn't use the TM. Enjoy the beautiful graphics!

…………………………..Moderator Comment………………………

Thank you for your feedback Joe :)

Reply   |   Comment by JoeJ  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

As regular readers will know, I don't like Match-3 games and therefore I wouldn't normally comment on them, but I'm puzzled by Deborah1962's comment about weather: "(raining when the stars are out is not accurate imho)."

Really, Deborah? You've never experienced rain during the night? All I can to that is that you must live somewhere very strange if you think that rain at night is "not accurate." Either that, or you've never been to the UK!

…………………………..Moderator Comment………………………


Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have this game as a permanent part of my rotation. I enjoy Playrix games and the majority of my game collection is from Playrix.

I am a sucker for details, little things most people do not notice like swaying trees (realistic looking), ocean waves, weather accuracy (raining when the stars are out is not accurate imho), flags flapping or moving to the breeze, things like that.

This game does not disappoint, you have accuracy and the makers of this game added plenty of details to satisfy the worst in me regarding details. If it doesn't move or sound right, I am bothered throughout the game.

My only complaint is the voiced compliments, I always feel like a little child in school being complimented because I got it right. I wonder what happens when I don't....anyway, I wind up turning off the sounds entirely to avoid the "encouragements" which is a bit disappointing as I love the sound of rain, thunder and the creaks of boats bobbing in the water in this game. Call me strange.

I missed yesterday's GGOTD as it's the first thing I check Saturday morning (I'm located in California)but, I was a bit off my routine because I had to work my forum board job to make up for the day I took off earlier in the week. I rushed in to find one wasn't offered so at least I didn't miss out.

...........................Moderator comment.............................

Thank you for your feedback Deborah. you didn't miss a game yesterday. There wasn't one. :) or should I be :(

Reply   |   Comment by Deborah1962  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It's an excellent game - difficult to finish, but not (quite) impossible. Bright and easy to see even for old and / or tired eyes, and you can play one round if you only have a short break, or a lot if your time's your own.

I've downloaded it several times, on different computers, and I still play it sometimes. If it's a new one to you - you'll probably enjoy it!

Reply   |   Comment by Basilica  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Also played this before. Yes get those bonus elements since game can have some hard screens and don't want to get discouraged. Thanks guys.

Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you! Works perfectly!

Reply   |   Comment by Nicky  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Is it just me or is anyone else getting corrupt downloads? I've tried downloading three times already.

...........................Moderator comment.............................

Try using 7 Zip to unpack the giveaway. I've seen this problem before and changing your file archiver usually fixes the problem.

Reply   |   Comment by Tosh  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have yet to play this, but it downloaded fine. I have enjoyed all the "Atlantis" games by Playrix. This looks to be another one that I will enjoy. Thanks GOTD and Playrix. I play these a lot when I am sitting at hospital or Dr. Office waiting for tests and treatments. Really makes the time go by much easier.

Reply   |   Comment by emmy  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

One of the favorite family games, good for seven and up. I have it on every computer in the house. Thanks for offering it often!

Reply   |   Comment by Jane McCullam  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have played this on an android for quite a while now and all I can say is THANK YOU ggotd!!! The graphic's are outstanding and gameplay is excellent. My computer is one of the ativ smart pc tablets and the game runs flawlessly. Keep up the good work!

Reply   |   Comment by Robert  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

GOTD doesn't know how to get new games instead of paying to give away same old games, this is why i don't come here anymore, I came here to se if changed and not and i never view comments once i post mine so waste your time as i won't se it i may have my pc set up to post idiot comments on review sites

...........................Moderator comment.............................

Hi Steve, I remember your last comment (Railroads of America). The giveaway site do their best to get new games, but, as I've said loads of times when community members such as yourself complain, there's still a recession going on, so it's difficult to get new games. That said, we still get more never before given away games than repeats. You should be thankful you're getting free games.

Reply   |   Comment by critic reviewer  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Dude! I just downloaded "Call of Atlantis" to my smart phone Thursday! It's a fun game. Colors are bright. Graphics are clear. Game play is fine. It ain't FISHDOM but is made by the same company. I will say this, "Pearls of Atlantis" is my second favorite game right now. So, I'll take another in the series.

Reply   |   Comment by Swamp Thing  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After you download the file and unpack, at the start of the file, setup displays the following message "The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program" ???

...........................Moderator comment.............................

Try using a different file archiver for example 7 Zip. See the FAQ's section over in the game discussion forums.

Reply   |   Comment by Nadin  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Atlantis is an excellent match three or more game, that I like a lot. I have a few suggestions for improvements based on many hours of game play with the version from the last giveaway!

There are a few bugs relating to reshuffles. The game permits a black block to be swapped with a neighbour, however these type of move are not considered by the algorithm that decides if a board need to be reshuffled. Secondly, following a reshuffle the game does not reset the timer that causes one allowed move to be highlighted, after a long period of inactivity.

When the player becomes more expert, perhaps after two or three journeys, I would prefer to have fewer cascade events. It's most annoying when they occur while the sun is powered-up, but the button has not yet been pressed.

When a player matches more than 4 blocks that incorporate a doubly locked (or frozen) block, then perhaps this should be rewarded by clearing both locks.

...........................Moderator comment.............................

Thanks for your feedback. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Fisher  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No relaxed mode? No, no, no.

Reply   |   Comment by Sergio  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Madness! 1 game at a whole weekend! And that you had where your claims until the last weekend myself the 2 games you give out on the weekend.

So much for your offer.
Too bad this game (even if good) will be played repeatedly

Reply   |   Comment by complainers  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I just wanted to thank you for the game! I appreciate your effort and work you put into this.

Reply   |   Comment by Skooter Lee  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yes, I like this one, too. I got it from MyPlayCity (before they started forcing you to install games to your C:\Program Files folder, etc.), but after I had Call of Atlantis, so I was a little disappointed, as I think Call of Atlantis is the best of the 3 Playrix Atlantis games. Like they were just practicing with Atlantis Quest and Rise of Atlantis, and only really perfected it with Call of Atlantis, which has such lush graphics, and some sort-of puzzly hidden object levels (also gorgeous), and I think even better gameplay.

Of course, I must confess I had trouble with the time limits on Atlantis Quest, and it took me a while to figure out how to finish it. In Rise of Atlantis I remember one particular level as being a problem, but as RosnSC (#2) is avoiding spoilers, I won't go there. And in Call of Atlantis, I occasionally lose a life, but usually have time bonuses to use.

Still, Rise of Atlantis is well worth it, and you can't beat the price! I like the historical info, too, and I don't think it's the same as in the other games. So once again, a big thank you to Whiterabbit, Playrix, and GGOTD!

............................Moderator comment.............................

As always, thank you for your excellent feedback Delilah. :smile: :lol:

Reply   |   Comment by Delilah  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hiya great white hopping one. Although this is a pc game site I am sure you don't mind me mentioning that the German xbox area on xbox.com will have it's advent calender up soon
HERE, and that also on Xbox in general there are some big sales going on with discounts up to 75% especially in the arcades section you can get your hands on some real classics like wolfenstein 3d (THE original shooter), Golden Axe (possibly the best 16bit beatemup) all or almost all sonic titles and much much more for under 5 euro's (that would be under 3 pounds I guess)
on a final note for xbox users, if you have gold, grab your free game (Gears of War until the 16th of this month). If you don't have goold buy a month if you want GoW since that cost you about 6 euro's where buying GoW is 29,99

Game of today. It's a Playrix, that should say enough for the regulars here. For the newbe's...Playrix is (imho) one of the best gamehouses that offer their games here. Regardless of what the type of game is, it is almost always a good one (provided you like the type of game offered of course). Today is a match 3 type of game and I am sure this will bring most of us at least 5 hours of fun ;) (more if you play it more often then once)

..............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thanks for the info and feedback NoName. :)

Reply   |   Comment by NoName  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a good game, IMO (one that I've replayed quite a few times, over the years since I first got it from GGOTD); graphics are enjoyable (even to older eyes!), as is the music. This game allows you to replay any level you wish, in case, say, you missed out on a bonus or two; you simply click onto the one you want to replay, and click play. Though most regions have their challenging levels, one certain region is especially challenging; you will want all of those bonuses to help you with it....:D.

.....................................Moderator Comment................................

Thank you for your feedback RosnSC :D

Reply   |   Comment by RosnSC  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The Rise of Atlantis :


The Rise of Atlantis has been given away five times previously; once on New Years Eve 2007 when it received a good 86% thumbs up out of 441 votes and 177 comments, which you can read HERE, and then it was given away again Easter 2008 when it received a positive 76% of 701 votes. You can read the 115 comments made that day HERE. Also it was given away again Sept 2009 where it received a positive 88% of 60 votes (the gamegiveaway had been offline for some months, which would explain the low number of voters) and you can read all the comments posted that day HERE. And again back in September 2010 where it received a positive 81% out of 499 votes with 65 comments which you can read HERE, finally it was given away July last year where it received a positive 88% of 538 votes with 65 comments which can be read read HERE.

rise of atlantis

rise of atlantis options

You can play the game online for free HERE, HERE, HERE or HERE

The downloaded zip file is 26.6 MB in size. The zip file unpacks to a readme and a dual activation and setup module. The game is installed to the following path:

C:\Program Files\Playrix Entertainment\The Rise of Atlantis

and shortcuts are placed on the desktop (for a change) and also in the start menu (look for Playrix). You can delete this game using add/delete programs or via the uninstall link found in the Playrix entry in start menu programs list. The game works in both XP Pro, Vista Home Premium and Win 7 Ultimate and Pro. (not got a home edition).The installed game is 26MB in size. I don't have a comparison from the last time this was given away as the last installation was lost via a HDD failure.

The rise of Atlantis (remastered) works on both my Win 7 (64 bit) & Win 8.1 (64 bit) computers. I've not reinstalled Vista or XP yet.

Introduction :

Find a way to bring the legendary continent of Atlantis back to the surface and restore it to its might. In this extraordinary puzzle game with spectacular new features, handy bonuses and explosive power-ups you set out on an adventurous quest around the ancient lands of Greece, Troy, Phoenicia, Babylon, Egypt, Carthage and Rome to gather the seven greatest powers of the patron god of the Atlanteans - Poseidon. With 77 captivating levels of fantastic game play, truly unique twists never seen before and the ability of continuous replay this game will keep you entertained for weeks!

Reference accessed HERE Nov 30th 2013

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Features :

• Storyline with introductory animations for each civilization
• 77 levels with the ability of continuous replay
• 7 magic artifacts to assemble in ancient lands
• Includes power-ups and bonuses
• Excellent graphics and soundtrack
• Includes an animated Atlantis 3D screensaver once the game has been completed

Introduction :

The Rise of Atlantis is a match three or more game that is similar to Atlantis Quest, with similar game tiles and similar bonuses, thought there are enough differences to make it a worthwhile addition to your match three games library. (You can get both The Rise of Atlantis and Atlantis Quest for free from Gametop now. I’ve included a link to the forums where you’ll find links to download these games if you either missed today’s giveaway, or want more match three games). There’s now a sequel to this game called Call of Atlantis. It’s basically more of the same, but with additional bonuses and I think a new screensaver. I’d put The Rise of Atlantis in the same playability range as Atlantis Quest, both of the Age of Japan games, The Cradle of Rome, The Secrets of Olympus, Heroes of Hellas, The Cradle of Persia and both of the Big Kahuna Reef games. This game has a similar addition to the latter two games in that you get a fish screensaver once you’ve completed the game, though the Big Kahuna Reef screensaver has more options but doesn’t include manta rays, sharks and dolphins in the species that you get with this screensaver.

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I originally only gave this a 6.5 out of 10, but that was based on only a few levels of play. I’ve played a lot more levels since and found that the game was worth more than what I’d originally given it as it almost gave me as much pleasure as Treasures of Montezuma, which is still in my opinion one of the better of this genre; though there has been a trend towards more interesting match three games such as 4 Elements and Finding Doggy.

You can see quite a few screenshots (see link below) of ‘in game’ tips such as the use of the sun bonus, which is activated by creating several matches of four or more tiles. The bonus is not transferable between levels though so when you’ve collected enough multiple tile matches you should utilize this bonus which acts similar to the electro bonus in that a large number of random bricks are destroyed. When the sun bonus is activated the sun will glow for a few seconds telling you that it is ready for use. You can check on how near to completion the sun bonus is by either looking at it or clicking on it which will bring up a message telling you what percentage the sun bonus is to completion. The electro bonus destroys all bricks on the board of one type, which you can select when activating the bonus. Other bonuses include an extra life bonus, a time bonus, a tile shuffle bonus and a bomb bonus that destroys several tiles in the vicinity where you activate it. All these can be carried forwards to the next level. You also get locked tiles that require at least two passes at making sets of three or more to get rid of them. If you pause for a while you will be prompted by a yellow glow around a prospective match, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best to use.

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Each board set comes in a different shape, which become more complex as you progress through the levels of each stage. The screenshots also show the story line and the various menus, and level maps that can be found throughout the game. There are several stages to progress through, each with its own distinctive story and images, thought the tiles appear to remain the same there was a new tile added to the four that were present from the first stage. I am presuming that a new tile will be introduced at each stage to make the game a little harder to play, but this is just a thought as I’ve not quite finished the second stage yet. As you progress through each level you collect pieces of an artifact. At the end of each level you will be given the level statistics that include the number of tiles you’ve destroyed, the number of matches, the number of artifact pieces the time it took to complete the level the time bonus and the level score as well as a game tip. From here then you proceed to the level map.

Each level gives you information about the Mediterranean civilizations that you visit. These include the Phoenicians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Carthage, Rome, Greece and Troy, You can replay any level that you wish to enable you to either improve your score or collect any of the bonus items you may have missed the first time, though if you managed to collect all of the bonus items on the first attempt, you wont get anymore and this won’t give you any new pieces of the artifact that you are collecting. Each time you replay a level the tiles are arranged randomly, which gives this game a lot of re-playability. If you run out of time (indicated by the gold bar under the playing field) you lose a life, though apart from the life bonus, which first appeared in level three of the second stage, Babylon you can also earn extra lives every time you earn 100 000 points. (Which works out about every second stage). On leaving the game your progress will be saved, though if you were in the middle of a level, the tiles are randomly placed on returning.

You can read a decent review of the game HERE.

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If you don’t like the music you can change it by exchanging the files found by following the path:

C:\Program Files\The Rise of Atlantis\Base\sound\Music - Assuming you allow the game to be installed to it's default location.

You do have to convert the music you wish to use to the ogg format and change the name to the same as the file that you are replacing.

Images (over 50 images)

You can see a slideshow of around 50 images of the game HERE

Video :

To see what the game plays ;ike you can check out several videos of game play HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.



System Requirements

Operating System………………….Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Vista
CPU………………………….......…….500 MHz
System Memory (RAM) ………… 128 MB
Video Memory…………………....…32 MB
DirectX 8.0 or higher


In my opinion this is well worth downloading despite it’s similarity to loads of other match three games. The graphics are excellent and the bonuses and in game story line add to the playability of this game. They may even impart some interesting historical facts about these ancient civilizations. I also like the addition of a screensaver that you can only use once you’ve completed the game.

Thank you to the Giveaway project team and Playrix Entertainment for a marvelous game that is ideal for a rainy day or if you have several moments to spare, though I reckon if you get hooked you could be playing this for hours at a time :)

Serial Free Game House Rise Of Atlantis Install

the rise of atlantis review col2

You can find around thirty free match three games that include The Rise of Atlantis, though all the games mentioned come from Gametop and Freegamepick so every time you shut your game down your browser is opened to the home pages of either of these game distributors, though it is innocuous. You can find links and details of some of the games via the following thread in the forums. There’s a good variety of match three games available including bubble shooters, Luxor clones, and Rise of Atlantis clones:

Get around thirty Match Three games for free HERE or pop over to MyPlayCity for 47 match three games HERE . You can also get the game free from Jencat Games.


Audiovisuals; Learning Curve; Backgrounds; Game balancing; Bonus screensaver


Single play mode; Emphasizes matches over combos


Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 8
Audio/Sound Effects: 7
Help/Tutorials: 7.5
Originality: 8.5
Replayability: 8

Total score 47.5 out of 60 which is equivalent to 7.9 out of 10

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the rise of atlantis 640x480 screenshot 2


I've not bothered posting my usual extras section today, but There’sloads of Sales on due to black Friday. Check out the Steam sale which has been on for the past few days; with over 2000 games on sale. you're bound to find a bargain. The sale ends on 3rd Dec 2013. There’s also sales on at GreenManGaming, Gamersgate and other outlets. Check out the Game discussion forums for more details.

Also there's several Indie Bundles available; to find then go to the Game discussion forums HERE. If you have any problems running the game you'll also find the FAQ's section in the stickies via the above link.

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