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Game Giveaway of the day — INCINERATE

INCINERATE, advanced space shooter with new ideas! You are the commander of the spaceship, and the fate of the Earth is in your hands!
User rating: 43 comments

INCINERATE was available as a giveaway on April 7, 2012!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
You have several attempts to correctly guess color, but will you choose it?

It is 2074.

Astronomers from around the world are watching an asteroid crash into the surface of Mars leaving a huge crater. Clouds of dust and vapor hide the surface of the planet for several long months. Communication with all Martian research stations is lost. When the clouds clear away, people send new spaceships to the Red planet.

The spaceships send back shocking news. Hundreds of plants producing arms have been set up on the maimed surface of Mars. Thousands of machines stock the mineral deposits that had been brought to the surface by the massive explosion.

A huge geothermal unit is running in the Center of the crater. Its energy creates a protection shield that extends beyond the planet’s atmosphere.

The objective of the unknown aliens is absolutely clear: they’re building an army to conquer the Earth! So people are sending a small spaceship to the Red planet with one mission: blow up the shield generator so they can launch missile attacks from the orbit.

The spaceship will have to land in an isolated area, and then try to infiltrate into the alien conspiracy.

You are the commander of the spaceship, and the fate of the Earth is in your hands!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7


Xing Interactive



File Size:

41.6 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
A challenging MOBA set in a fantasy world.
Developed by Overwolf

Comments on INCINERATE

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i just figured out how to get another stars ashes offering, the great pharaoh 2, to play on my netbook and thought i'd try the same thing with this. it worked! for anyone else having the same problem, here's what to do: using a1ctl, change the screen resolution to 1200x768. launch the game (otherwise i get black screen and SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING error). in the game's options screen, change the resolution to 800x600. quit out and change the computer's resolution to 1024x600. relaunch the game. no more problems with two cursors, both with inertia and doing different things. no lag time, so game play is responsive.

i'm terrible at this type of game, but i still like to play them sometimes. i find it frustrating that it's unclear how you accumulate the points to purchase anything. after blowing up tons of aircraft, trains, and buildings, i got only 14 points, enough to buy the smallest amount of ammo. later i got *zero* points after blowing up a bunch of stuff. it would be nice to have an idea of how to maximize the score, what's important to destroy, whether i have to wipe everything out to score at all. maybe if i play it more it will become clearer, but i don't think it would hurt to give us more up-front information. the game play is not rewarding enough to keep going back over and over again just to figure out how it works.

thanks for offering this, stars ashes and gotd!

(system info: winxp home sp3 on an acer d250, 2gb ram, 1.6ghz, 1024x600 resolution, a1ctl 1.0)

...........................Moderator comment.....................................

Thanks for the feedback. Would you post this in the forums as well. I did create a post specifically for Q & A's. :)

Reply   |   Comment by tinyearl  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Please could you do a rerun just back from holiday

thanks dudley

........................Moderator Comment.................................

We will probably see this game again early next year or possibly late this year.

Reply   |   Comment by dudley grammer  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is the first time I have left a comment. This game is excellent and very challeging. I want to say thank you for allowing us the opportunity to have and play this game. I have told others of the golden opportunity to check these games out this way. Thank you and please keep up the great work.

Reply   |   Comment by Dane Kaley  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Dear GAOTD ! Thanks for your offers.
I like that game is very cool as well as graphics of items and ships and also sounds of them.

On the other hand, when I change resolution of the game as bigger than 1024*768*32 bit to 1280*960*32 bit, I recognize qa problem which the screen of right part does not shows itself as good. Some parts of the right is missing outside of the monitor. Only, I can see all of them screen in the 1024*768*32 bit in options. Even if, my monitor is big as 21 inch and my graphic cards is powerful as ddr5 ram 256 bit.

Therefore, I like the options of left or right map of the game. It is the first time as I see in the game. I like that ı want to it in my dream in this style of the games.

I can buy this product after my windows crashes.

I hope that license keys of purchased games are not only for one year.

Sincerely, Gokhan

........................Moderator Comment........................

Thank you for your feedback

Reply   |   Comment by Gorgeouskykhan  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Got the game last time. As to your question, yeah as good and ultra-conscientious as all the stuff in the reviews are, it's probable a little too much. I wouldn't necessarily jettison a lot of it - it's very useful stuff. Maybe a little condensation. Of course, that's kind of laughable coming from me, since I'm notorious for posts of Biblical proportions, though certainly not of Biblical importance. :) Despite that, I've actually had to do a little professional editing for broadcasting time constraints, so maybe I'll suggest some simplified alternatives. But not tonight. I'm too tired. Sorry.

One suggestion, you could replace paragraphs with lists - for example indented or bullet type lists, say on the "problems downloading" section. Also, have you notice that the first two paragraphs dealing with I.E. being offline are somewhat redundant?

The main thing I would do though is not post the alternative games and giveaways here. I'd post that in the forums each week and link to it. As great as these tons of game are, I'd have to stick to the technicality that it can be seen as off topic. Although, since you haven't received any complaints from developers, maybe I'm just nitpicking. Anyway, that would certainly decrease the review size.

In any case, regardless of length, the bottom line on your reviews is this: They "make" the comments section. Thank you!

........................Moderator Comment.............................

Thanks for your feedback Watcher.

I've though aboout the posting of other games in this section which is supposed to be devoted to just the one game and also listing things more often; I've just been too lazy, lol. Well not lazy; more like time better spent on (for me) more important matters like playing all of the games I've accumulated. (I'm still trying to get through a massive list of games some f which I've purchased over a year ago yet still not got around to playing.

The respose has been split on these isses, so I'm going to have to think hard about it (hmmm, well not too hard). I'm tempted to take the alternative games section to a new thread in the forums or combine them with the Rabbit says, 'buy this' thread (formerly Rabbit's Recommendations) lol.

The problems section certainly needs cleaning up as well.

Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To be honest, I'm really bored of Star Ashes. It's always the same giveaways from them (though that's because they don't have that many games), always the same engine, always the same odd English, etc. It feels that it's almost a filler when the GGOTD team can't find a good enough developer. I must have around half a dozen unique copies of this game.

Sorry if I'm being pessimistic. It's just that there's only two days in a weekend and I expect to come to something exciting.

BTW, if you still have Space Interceptor/Project Freedom/Starmageddon II, I've got a mod for you. It's an infinite survival shooter, and somewhat backwards. I tried to innovate while with a lack of documentation. Links:
Mod DPK (if you haven't unwrapped the data archives): http://www.mediafire.com/file/5ohthcobvrci75b/gm-survival-mod-dpk.zip
Mod (regular, use if you've unpacked the files): http://www.mediafire.com/file/dc0je30mdekap0d/gm-survival-mod-compiled.zip
Steam link to original game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/34810/
Original EXE (if you have the Steam version; it apparently can't read command line arguments): http://www.mediafire.com/file/fztv54xhxbqmr24/projectfreedom.exe

......................Moderator Comment...................

Unfortunately what you say above is too true. The giveaway team have struggled to find developers willing to giveaway their games over the last three or four years. Considering we used to get a game every day and good ones at that. The recession is still in full swing which doesn't help matters. I do think the giveaway team responsible for getting us all these games have actually done a very good job considering the circumstances. apart from the odd weekend, we've had virtually a constant stream of games since last april when e had several weeks without gmes.

As I've said several times over the last four years; some of the developers who used to be regulars here now have their own game giveaways, which hasn't helpd the situation.

I still believe if the community got more pro-active with respect to posting constructive comments ( of which you have been one of the primary contributors over the last few years) this site could be seen as a beta testing or improvement stage by the developers which could mean more developers coming on board and consequently more games. I don't know of any other site that has so many community members that are potential beta testers. We jus need more users to leave constructive comments. It's certainly improved since I've been posting that request, bt its still not enough. Considering on averge over six thousand users download these games every game giveaway day, we are only getting a tiny fraction of the potential feedback that could be given if only the community would see the potential.

Reply   |   Comment by GMMan  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yay! Incinerate is back - I lost it in a hard drive crash and found that it was one of the games I was most sad about losing.

About the "long winded" reviews: Honestly, WR, I can't say that I find them long winded at all. They merely have lots of really useful info (unlike some truly long-winded reviews I have seen elsewhere that seem to be written by people who just seem to like to use lots of words.). I read the whole thing every time - even though I haven't yet run into any issues with a GGOTD offering, the issues section gives me a good idea of what I might run into.

Thanks, WR for the thorough review and Stars Ashes for a nifty game. Hope everyone has a happy Easter!

.........................Moderator Comment..........................

Thank you for your feedback karol, much appreciated. :)

Reply   |   Comment by karolb  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow, this game is tough! Thanks for the free game. Works fine on my Win7 x64 system.

Reply   |   Comment by Derek  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Loved this game when it was first offered here. Lost it some time ago to a bad hard drive. Looking forward to playing it again. There are some difficult sections so it makes it challenging.
If you haven't tried it before , give it a shot. I believe most will like it.

Thanks for offering it again.

Reply   |   Comment by joe  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To Long didn't read version

I would like to suggest my idea. Something like either a easy play option or a game cheat/hack that can be used to slow the game's enemy targets down. Slow enough that for all those with slow motor skills can actually have enough time to react to a enemy target destroying it before it destroys them.

The game could also use a 1280 X 1024 16 bit & 32 bit screen reseloution

.........................Moderator Comment..........................

Thank you for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by Rick Frog  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Dear Gentelmen & Lady's of Stars Ashes

I have downloaded and installed a couple of your games from Game Give Away of the day over the past couple of years. I have to say you make great games ones that have offered me many hours of fun & some times very many hours of big frustration.

But that is just me I am motor skilled impaired and I have a hard time to write things out or just to move things about these days. I am what you & some others would call physically disabled.

However I do not think of my self that way. I can not explain what it is so well but here is what happens to me something in my mind makes the signals that I send out that are to travel across the nerual pathways of my mind, well those signals end up getting lost along the way

Sometimes those signals gets mixed up. Because of this problem my motor skills suffer. No I am not mentaly disabled. I am actually quiet smart. But when it comes down to things that have to deal with physical dexterity or my ability to move or to react qiuckly, well when it comes down to those things I am not so good.

I now use a wheelchair for my mobility, since things have degenerated to that point. That they have progressed to a point that I can no longer walk safely or comfortably.

Imagine if you can that you tell your left leg to step forward but it trips you when instead of lifting up, it drags along the floor. Or imagine that you tell your left hand to reach for & close on a glass of water it closes to early or that when you tell you right hand to turn right, your left hand twitches closed or instead of picking up a glass of water you end up knocking it over.

At times My body disobeys the commands I tell it to do. It does work, it just works at things much slower than it does for most other people. Doing things like writing a letter for what some people comes quickly. Ends up being a slow and often a ardeuos task for me.

Particularly with my motor skills on bad days. On my good days I do fine by all myself but on a bad day I have to request assistance or have a care aid assist me with things like bathing, cleaning or even dressing.

The reason I am writing to you now is because I have a hard time when it comes down to my control of the ship in your games. Even with the special made mouse and keyboard that I have. I will still end up having much trouble survivng some of your game's levels.

At times it is often so difficult for me to survive that I will die so many times I end up losing count. Sometimes I will die more times than I have ships for the level that I want to complete.

what I am looking for is a game with a easy play option or perhaps what is needed is a cheat code? I and people like me need something or anything along the lines that will slow the enemy ships down enough that we can have time enough to react.

We need something that can give our slow motor response enough time to actually react to the threats we face in your games. Try to imagine if you can what it is like for those with slow motor skill coordination, For myself & for all those who like me have a hard time with control of their motor skills.

I just I wondered if there is anyway to add a cheat code to game or even a hack something that can give a person either more lives or something that will give a person a larger than average number of shields.

Perhaps you could make longer lasting shield times. But what would be a very good thing for guys like me is if there was a way to slow the enemy down in the game so that all those like me who have a slow time reacting. Can end up actually having enough reaction time to move the ship into a firing position so they can destroy the enemy target before it destroys them.

I ask if you can create or add something like this to your games so that all others like me will die less often. So that all like me can enjoy your games. Please add this function for all those who're not of whole body and for all those who are like me with physical impairments that are not visible to the human eye.

I love the chalange your games bring to me even if I have yet to complete level one of this game. I just had to say this so you can understand a effort this is for me to write.

This did take me a long time to write out it took me over 54 minutes to type out the original letter at my fastest writing level. This is a edited version for Game Give away of the day. Editing & rewriting took me 39 minutes more.

I did copy and paste most of the original letter here to Game give away of the day. But I did add some thoughts and clarified some other things.

This is the only other suggestion I have about the game & That is this: The Resolution of 1280 X 1024 in 16 bit and 32 bit is missing from the games choices.

Thank you very much for the great games you provide and thank you to Game give away of the day for giving us the chance to get these great games that have been provided for free by so many great game companies...

blessings be

Rick Frog

A Addendum for Stephen & a Hoppy Easter to everybody but most of all a my special thanks goes out to the Whiterabbit. I must thank you for the dedication you provide to this website, so the rest of us can benefit from you excellent in depth reviews.

Because of you & this web site, I have got some great I installed. Games that I often spend many hours in enjoyed playing. Games that I other wise could not have afforded or I might not have installed or tried bout.

But because of the reviews you write I have often installed games I normally would have never given a second though at trying out. Many that I have enjoyed so thoroughly that I have kept them on my system for years...

.........................Moderator Comment..........................

Thank you for your feedback Rick. You should visit the Old Codgers thread over in the forums, where we post our ills etc. It actually helps to share your thoughs and feelings.

Reply   |   Comment by Rick Frog  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@10: Uncompressed the game is 72.1MB, and seems to have all the files it should. I can't be bothered to pull out the previous version, but all I can say is the icon looks different (maybe).

Reply   |   Comment by GMMan  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Stephen, I also want to say I like your reviews, they help me decided if I would like a game before downloading. Whether your overall rating is high or low, you explain why. So even if my tastes are different, there's something useful in your words. My only wish is to know near the top if it's a new version or the same file as before.

If you take out your troubleshooting, plea for feedback, etc., then please leave a link to quickly get to those sections. There are too many new people here to assume everyone knows all that. As for me, it's very easy to scroll past the sections I don't need to read again.

Thanks for all your help.

.........................Moderator Comment..........................

Thank you for your feedback Mr Dave.

Reply   |   Comment by Mr.Dave  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Lovely shooting and flying game. Simple but work well! Download was smooth, activation fine and the gameplay is good. I give it 8/10.

Reply   |   Comment by Flora  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed fine on Vista 64-bit, but while playing, the game crashed a few times.

Love the game, very fun. The graphics are good, good music and I like the sound effects.

I died a lot, which made me want a quick continue option, rather than the motivational quote upon death, back to the main menu, then to the level selector, then back to the game.

I wish I could have accumulated money (or credits or whatever) quicker, would have liked to upgrade the primary weapon if that was possible. I didn't play long enough to be able to buy anything.

And "depot" in "supply depot" is spelled wrong in the opening help screen and the icon guide at the beginning. You can see it in the screenshots posted here ("supply deport" it says).

Overall, this one's a keeper! Thanks GGOTD and Stars Ashes, and thanks to Stephen for the first post and moderation, really nice.

.........................Moderator Comment..........................

Thank you for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by Amanda  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

First post here and I've had a few games from the site and all have been great. The others were for my partner who says thank you too.

Star Ashes great work and Game.GAOTD big thxs.
This game is great and a classic . I played a few like Air Strike etc but this one has lots of pluses. Here they are....
It's totally Portable :) oh happy days ! (wish more games did this)
Its more responsive to mouse than most.
It works on both W7 X86 and x64 without issue.
Its design and graphics are better than the others I've played.

No registry hassles , no E-mail for serial hassles, no install hassles just here you go, enjoy.
10/10 Couldn't find fault .keep up the good work.

.........................Moderator Comment..........................

Thank you for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by IsItBroke  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

We've been using this since 2009 on Windows Vista. This game can be quite a challenge, but with time it can be mastered. The graphics are very appealing and the sound as well.

Note that we're not into shooter games all too much, but INCINERATE is usually where we turn to for a shooter. One of the appealing aspects is that the levels progress very gradually here, thus it is not impossible to reach the conclusion as it is with other shooter games offered before. When one is always defeated at level 3, there is not much appeal in continuing. BUT with INCINERATE, one can actually complete each level on the first few attempts, and reach a final conclusion.

It is possible to walk away from the game and pick up at a future date as well. Most RPG, TM and action type games have that ability, but some shooter games do not.

The price for the game is fine and I have recommended this to others after the initial giveaway back in 2009.

Download and installation - 10
Registration process - 10
Price (9.95 USD?) - 9
Graphic Appearance in Game – 9
Background and Colour - 9
Audio – 9
Game Play - 9
Replay Ability - 8
Originality - 10

9+ - Thumbs up!

Thanks to GGOTD, posters to the forum and Stars Ashes. A special thanks to Stephen (WhiterabbitUK) for doing such great work here. Stephen, you have really helped everyone by pointing out other places to watch for new games and special offers. For example, we are now members at Realore and we let them know that GGOTD sent us. I am recommending GGOTD to more and more people. Probably others are as well, thus you should be seeing an increase in visitors here.

NOTE: If anyone had a problem with activation, make certain that you are online and that your Internet Explorer is set to work on line. I use Firefox. Our internet connection was TOSed and when it came back up, we had the infamous failed to connect message here, even though THIS and other websites worked fine on Firefox. Sure enough it was Internet Explorer (which we never use) that was set to work offline at the file tab. We set it to work onine instead of offline, closed the silly Internet Explorer, and the game activated just fine.


.........................Moderator Comment..........................

Thank you for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by Mr. Snoozles  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Install catastrophe. It said it didn't install correctly, so I decided to be safe and reinstall. Catastrophe ensued with a hail of inescapable error messages. No further reinstall or proper uninstall possible!

No doubt, it HAD installed correctly the first time, but it's too late to cry about that now...

Reply   |   Comment by Joe Torrell  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Agree with JL's comment. Speaks for me.

All in all, this is just my long-winded way of saying – and I HOPE I speak for a large part of the community(!) – we love our Whiterabbit Moderator and your “long-winded reviews”, and this place wouldn’t be the same if you changed them! I for one hope you don’t change anything – I think you’re doing a great job, even on the days you post a “quickie” review – which is STILL longer than many reviews elsewhere! It all works for me, and I look forward to it each week.

Reply   |   Comment by Markey Marcus  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh, BTW, I almost forgot: thanks for the Fallout tip, Whiterabbit.

Reply   |   Comment by lsim  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed fine on my Win7 Premium 64 SP1, 4 GB RAM, ATI 5470 HD 512 MB. After playing some levels I can say this is a good little space shoot'em up, ideal to kill lol some time between other games. I found the graphics (spaceships, effects, etc.) good and enough creative. The music is standard but too repetitive for my taste - I'm gonna turn it down a little or even... off. :) The gameplay is very good. So it's a keeper, no doubt about that.
About the extra info on site I suppose it's a good idea to leave it here, as it is more visible to the visitors and saves time. But that's only IMHO, of course.
Thank you GGAOTD, Stars Ashes and Whiterabbit. Happy Holydays.

........................Moderator Comment..........................

Thank you for your feedback Dan. :)

Reply   |   Comment by lsim  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

seems to need xp compatability mode on Vista x86? It kept 'hanging', now seems to be ok.



Reply   |   Comment by devnullius  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi, WR -- I wanted to chime in on the topic of your posts as requested. I'd been noticing the growing bulk of the first comment too, while appreciating the generosity of your time spent moderating these areas. What would you think about troubleshooting info being built into these games pages, maybe along the unused right side or something? Similarly, the description of incentives to provide a useful review should be built into the page contents somewhere so it doesn't need to bulk up the comments section.

Or, if the *OTD operators don't want to change the page design, maybe link to the forum as you suggest for the alternate games list. The reviews are incredibly useful, but a lengthy alt games list (and the troubleshooting info which basically stays the same each time) would do much better (IMO) as a single link, and would reduce the density of the comments to stuff that's unique to the particular day's offering. :)

Thanks, Star Ashes, for today's download. This one's not my thing, but I think that in general you guys have some nicely designed games.

........................Moderator Comment..........................

Thank you for your feedback Dan. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Dan  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I played this game the last time it was offered here, but I wasn't able to complete it, maybe I'm just not that good at it. ;)
Thanks for a fun game; I've had no problem downloading and playing.

Reply   |   Comment by pixie45  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you for All your info WR... you are great but I'm not downloading today as I did before and I'm more of a Royal Envoy or 3-math game person. This type of game...not my preference but I wholly appreciate it anyway. Still haven't finished Royal Envoy but enjoying 'getting my builders and clerk's in line. LOL!

Reply   |   Comment by Teri  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Why is Incinerate ALL UPPER CASE?

Reply   |   Comment by dog  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed Without any problems on Win7 Home Premium SP1-64bit PC. Thumbs up for this game, download it while you can. Thanks GGotD Happy Easter
Good Little Shooter game, Nice Graphics, Runs smooth with mouse control, Auto Saves at each level which is great for a quick Blast "between meals"
minor Cons
None really, Doesn't create a Shortcut- Just read the instructions supplied by Whiterabbit.

Reply   |   Comment by Ralph  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

We love this game!!!!!!

Reply   |   Comment by mjb  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I only wanted to add my HO, that your comments are one of the reasons I always READ your reviews - since you cover the GGOTD offering so well, I have been able to avoid some stinkers and found some gems, plus I got some great alternative packages in the forum listings based on what you wrote.

So NO, I for one don't think you're going overboard with your reviews, you've become quite adept at organizing them into sections, too, so I can actually read the parts I want to know and skip over anything I'm not interested in, like if the genre doesn't interest me. I also hope that you're getting more feedback since you added the section asking for player input, and your in-game pictures help a lot. Also, you can drop in your help section if we're having problems with a download/install - that has saved my sanity more than once! ;-)

All in all, this is just my long-winded way of saying - and I HOPE I speak for a large part of the community(!) - we love our Whiterabbit Moderator and your "long-winded reviews", and this place wouldn't be the same if you changed them! I for one hope you don't change anything - I think you're doing a great job, even on the days you post a "quickie" review - which is STILL longer than many reviews elsewhere! It all works for me, and I look forward to it each week.

Hope this helps...

As far as today's game goes, if you're into this kind of shooter, IMO this is a kind of run-of-the-mill flier/shooter with good action, graphics and challenges; there's not a lot to set it apart from others of its' type, but it will provide a few hours of gameplay without becoming too boring, and it lacks the really long cutscenes and setups that some others of this type have, so you can get immersed for an enjoyable session or two. I just find this kind of game wears me down since I prefer more leisurely types, but still enjoy short sessions from time to time when I get amped up for it.

All in all, a fairly nice example of this genre - for me, a keeper as an alternative to my more sedate preferences. 7/10, I think is fair.
Stephen, hope you and the family have a good Easter, and you get some QUALITY time with them instead of spending all your time loading us up with your over-the-top reviews here.......(J/K!!!) Enjoy the weekend! John

...........................Moderator comment....................

Thanks for the feedback and thoughts John. :)

Reply   |   Comment by JL  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Disappointed - since when do you blow up in space shooter flying over a building? Aren't you flying ABOVE ground?

........................Moderator comment....................

Ah well, we can't please everyone. Check the games section of my review, I've posted details of a load of excellent free games (70 of them) available through the client Desura several of which are brilliant shmups and top down shooters; (for example M.A.R.S. A Ridiculous Shooter {don't let the title put you off}, 10 minute Space Strategy, Warlocks Gauntlet, Starfare, Invaders: Corruption, Mental Venture, Vega Strike, and Neiv. You can find all of them in the Desura Games list, or purchase a couple for peanuts eg Irukandji for £1.99, Bullet Candy for £1,99. Ace of Steroids £1.99, or Battlegroup for £2.99).

You can find a complee list of all of the Desura based games via the following link, plus a link to Desura:


Reply   |   Comment by Joe Disappointed  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Works very well with 3DVision!

Reply   |   Comment by DL  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great game! We love it. Good sound effects and on our wide screen I even felt as if I were in motion. The only thing that I didn't see that worked correctly was being able to add a new player after one player has played his game. We just selected "empty" and played that player.

......................Moderator comment....................

Thank you for your feedback

Reply   |   Comment by Jennifer  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Very nice game. Downloaded/installed/played just fine on my win7x64 machine. Only quibble I have is its length .... way too short. The last time this was given away I ran through the whole game in about 45 minutes. Was so disappointed I immediately deleted it and am very happy to see it back. Sit back and enjoy all you old zaxxon fans! :)

......................Moderator comment....................

Thank you for your feedback

Reply   |   Comment by indianacarnie  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi all I was just wanting and wondering why gaotd todays download is 41.6 mb when I have downloaded this game in the past full version from other sites and it is 29mb ??

........................Moderator comment........................

Can't answer that. Though maybe the ones from the free sites have been disabled in some way?

The music files total 9.6MB the dds files another 9.4MB and the enemy dds files are 16MB which total 35MB, the rest includes system, profile, Sfx, player data and executable

Reply   |   Comment by umhhmm  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have been playing this game for quite some time now and enjoy it enough to want to continue to waste time on it. Thanks for another great game.

Reply   |   Comment by Stephan  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Shooting with right button: When using StrokeIt mouseware disable the mouseware by clicking the icon in the system tray. Then the right button shoots as it should. Fun game, nice graphics, played it for a few minutes. A really great shoot 'em up is Alien Shooter. I really enjoyed that one. This game looks like fun as I said, but it's fairly difficult due to a lack of firepower.

....................Moderator comment..................

Thank you for your feedback

Reply   |   Comment by Chris Gordon  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

yeah, I remeber this, its a pretty good game.
I would sorta be willing to pay for it at the right price.
$10 they want for it isn't bad but just not worth it for how short it really is, still fun though.

Reply   |   Comment by vgamesx1  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Played for just a while, but I like this game. Nice graphics, nice steering with a mouse (though it wouldn't hurt to be able to use a keyboard or a joystick). One funny language error (a depot is called a depot, not a deport, I think :-)). Like most games offered here, it installs by unpacking into a folder, so it's yours to keep for future system reinstallations and you can move it to any other folder (even to a USB flash drive if you feel like having it with you all the time). It's free, so you have nothing to lose. No ads, toolbars, homepage hijacking, etc. Highly recommended.

Reply   |   Comment by Joe  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good.....really miss this game, Thanks giveawayoftheday and Stars Ashes for a such awesome giveaway.

Reply   |   Comment by rizal  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Why thumbs down?Trolling? This game was already posted on GGotD and is one of the best games i have seen here. Try it and comment before thumb down.

....................Moderator comment.................

I wouldn't worry Flan; I'm sure most users realize how false that scoring system is. We've asked time and time again for a fairer method such as only being able to vote after the game has been downloaded and even better played. That way we can get a true picture of how user feel about the game. Unfortunately there is no prescriptive method that can score a game fairly unless scoring was restricted to that part of the community that actually liked the genre that was being assessed. We all have different tastes and to some this sort of game is junk even though we in the know ;-) know better and vote on the strength of the game play, not the appearance and what genre it may be.

I personally rarely mark a game down even when i don't like the genre for example Time Management games. I'm sure some bias creeps in, but i do try not to be judgmental about any game and will alway try to score on several different aspects of the game such as Game play (the most important), graphics and audio (important for setting the mood) as well as originality and replayability. I'm not always right in my assessments, but I do try to be fair.

Reply   |   Comment by Flan  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Does't wordk:
You can find m even ore Sci-Fi based games from Good Old Games http://www.gog.com/en/search/

....................Moderator comment................

Thank you Eastern Bun.......Yes, there are some superb Sci Fi/Space oriented games available from GOG. I highly recommend Freespace 1 & 2 as well as some of those I've listed in my review below. I've ust posted Vega Strike a superb 3D space sim that's also available via Desura for free. It's been modded quite heavily and includes a Star trek mod as well as plenty of others.

W.r.t. it not working did you get any error messages? Check the event logs for details as you may be able to fix the problem. Often it's a driver issue or the game may be conflicting with another program/process running in the background. I've posted several suggestions that may fix the problem in the problems section of my review above.

Alternatively you could try the free version from MyPlaycity (MPC) to see if that one works. The only difference between the two is that you have to watch out when you are installing the MPC version as well as uncheck the home page change everytime you start up the game. This is a new tactic from MPC. They no longer force you to install toolbars etc, but you have to make sure you uncheck the boxes every time you start up the game. Plus they always open up your browser when you close the game down.

Apparently there are ways around the last one, but that would be breaking the agreement made when you download and play the game for free. All games from MPC are actually commercial games sold elsewhere (apart from other game sites like MPC for example Gametop, Jenkat Games, and FreeGame Pick to name just a few). These sites pay the developers a retainer so that we are able to get the games free. The sites themselves gain via all the advertising etc, and which is why they force you to visit every time you play the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Eastern Bun  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hello everybody,

I hope to read from any of the posters (or from our Easter Whiterabbit) that this is a different version (from the one offered in the past) of this very nice game.

Happy holidays everyone :)

..........................Moderator Comment...................

Hello Occassional Gamer. This is version 1.0, so no it's not an updated version. :(

Reply   |   Comment by Occasional Gamer  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've expanded my reviews over the last year to include a request for help w.r.t. feedback, a decent problems section and a large alternative games section as well as the main review. I'm just wondering whether it's become too unweildy or does the community want me to continue to include all this extra information and details of game deals? I am considering removing the problems section and posting a FAQ's section in the game discussion forums and may even post the alternative games section each week in the forums as well, then just adding links in the main review. Please when posting feedback for today's game add a small hint as to what you would wish me to do. Please don't post unless you include feedback for the game and make that the main subject of you post. Thank you.

I would still post the alternative games suggestions, only they would be linked to the forums (that's if the community wishes it, or just keep it as it is, either way I don't mind).

There are some amazing freebies (some of which are time limited) as well as some fantastic Indie game bundles, so please do check out the section covering all of the games to find these gems (that include a time limited freebie from GOG called Fallout, which I think ends either today or later this weekend). I've linked directly to the game at the end of this review.

Developers rely on good feedback to improve their games. If you download this game please take some time once you've played it a while to leave some constructive feedback either positive or negative. The more constructive feedback we get, the more likely developers are going to give more games away. The giveaway site already has a very good standing with the search engines. Developers want their products out there on the WWW, this site has the potential to do that. The game giveaway project gives away on average between 9 to 17 thousand downloads for each game depending upon what genre and how obscure the game is. That's a lot of homes these games are being downloaded into and a lot of 'potential' cash that's being lost by the developers. If we get better games because of better feedback, the community are likely to continue to benefit from the generosity of the developers. Satisfied community members are then more likely to visit the home sites of those developers and purchase games that they may not have bothered with before they discovered the developer via the game giveaway site, thus giving the developers more incentives to give away even more decent games.

Please leave some feedback once you've checked the game out. It can be positive or negative, but please explain why your reasons for the feedback you post. You could also leave suggestions for improving the game, for example, this game could do with a levels editor, add more power-ups, describing the ones you think would be suitable, add some mini games (which seem all the rage in some arcade games now) or enable the user to be able to change the in game music easily.

Thank you in advance to all those who take the time to post a constructive comment.


Whiterabbit aka Stephen


Incinerate:l> (41,5Mb zip file - when installed 72.1Mb)



Today's game is a 41.6Mb download with an installed size of 73.1Mb. Installation is a breeze; the unzipped activation/setup file installs to the following path:


There is no desktop icon created so you will have to create your own via the above path or whichever path you chose for yourself. If you want a start menu shortcut you will have to go into Documents and Settings which is found in the root directory (C:\).

i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\name\Start Menu\Programs\ (XP) or C:\Users\(User-Name)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ (Win 7 and Vista)

where 'name' equals administrator, or whatever name you use for your account. Just create a new folder within the program folder and add a shortcut from the games executable file. (right click and select create shortcut then copy that to the folder you've just created - you can also use the same shortcut and copy it to the desktop or select send to desktop {create shortcut}).

The size of the downloaded file and the installed game are both different to last year's and the previous years files, but the versions seem to be the same. The game works on win XP Pro 32bit, Vista Home Premium 64bit and Win 7 Pro and Ultimate 64bit. (Not tested on other iterations of windows). ;-)


Incinerate was originally given away June 2009 and received lots of positive comments and out of 497 votes received a 54% positive vote, then again February 2010 where it received a positive 58% out of 355 votes. And last year it was given away twicee (Feb 2011) where it received a positive 69% of the votes from a total of 299. and August 2011 where it received a positive 68% of 281 votes. There's plenty of opportunity to see what the community though about this game from the 171 comments that you'll find from June 2009 HERE (77 comments), Feb 2010 HERE (48 comments), Feb 2011 HERE (49 comments) and HERE (34 comments) Aug 2011



It is 2074. Astronomers from around the world are watching an asteroid crash into the surface of Mars leaving a huge crater. Clouds of dust and vapor hide the surface of the planet for several long months. Communication with all Martian research stations is lost. When the clouds clear away, people send new spaceships to the Red planet. The spaceships send back shocking news. Hundreds of plants producing arms have been set up on the maimed surface of Mars. Thousands of machines stock the mineral deposits that had been brought to the surface by the massive explosion. A huge geothermal unit is running in the Center of the crater. Its energy creates a protection shield that extends beyond the planet's atmosphere. The objective of the unknown aliens is absolutely clear: they're building an army to conquer the Earth! So people are sending a small spaceship to the Red planet with one mission: blow up the shield generator so they can launch missile attacks from the orbit. The spaceship will have to land in an isolated area, and then try to infiltrate into the alien conspiracy. You are the commander of the spaceship, and the fate of the Earth is in your hands!

Reference: accessed HERE 26th June 09



The Game:l>

Today's game is a vertical scrolling shmup (space shoot'em up), with a small ship that you control with the mouse. The left and right mouse buttons select primary and secondary weapons. You can move the ship anywhere on the playing arena, avoiding buildings and other objects. You can destroy buildings, objects and enemy ships before they destroy you. Crashing into buildings and ships destroys your shields, but you can do this occasionally. You can pick up extra power ups once buildings have been destroyed. Repair droids will repair any damage caused by enemy fire or by crashing into buildings. On the way you have plenty of opportunity to pick up a variety of power ups that you can also purchase from supply depots that you'll find shortly after starting a new level. You just have to fly your ship over the symbol that denotes the supply station. The supply depots contain several items such as rockets, armour, magazines for your guns as well as various upgrades such as your weapons and shields. You primary weapon requires magazines and the secondary weapon, which is fired using the right mouse button requires rockets. Occasionally in game you will also come across branching routes. This aspect of the game gives some re-playability to the overall game, though choosing either route doesn't look much different. :) . Provided you have completed a checkpoint, you can return to the beginning of a checkpoint by clicking on the continue button. Otherwise you'll start a new game from the beginning.


Video & Images:l>

You can see a 5min 45sec video of game play HERE

You can also see loads of screen captures HERE as a slideshow or all on one page HERE where you can then select individual images to look at.


The main menu gives you access to an options menu that allows you to change screen resolutions, starting from 640 x 480 x 16 to 1600 x 1200 x 32. You can toggle between full screen and windowed mode plus change the lighting from normal to advanced, though I haven't checked what the difference between the two settings is okay, and finally there's a sound and music slider for adjusting the volumes. The help menu is rather basic, with nothing more than the story line and an image of the various power ups available. There's nothing about how to play the game either.

On starting the game a page opens up that allows you to create a new profile. You can set up more than one profile if you wish. Once this is done, a level map appears. I'm not sure if you can re select previous levels as I only played the one level (left it too late to play an extended game earlier this morning). Once in game you can see several symbols around the periphery of the playing area. These give information telling you how many rockets or magazines you have as well as informing you about the state of your shields.



I was only able to play the demo which consisted of six levels so cannot describe the later parts of this game I thought the construction of the game was quite well made and the difficulty was good enough to create a reasonably decent game, that I would say is worth a good 6 out of 10; though, that said there are many 'shmup's' out there and overall I think this one is an average shooter. The above images and game play video should give you a good idea of the game.


Alternative Games some free some on great deals:l>

You can get today's game giveaway free 24/7 from Gametop HERE. Remember to watch out for toolbar installations and home page hijacks via check boxes during the games installation.

There are hundreds of space themed games available, many of which are free. They are amongst my favourite genres. The following two links will take you to threads that have links to loads of free space shooters and strategy games, then I've included a couple of sites that giveaway commercial games, after that I've listed several games I own that I can honestly say are excellent time wasters which you may consider buying - all are bargain bin games by now, then a link to a brilliant commercial site that has gathered older DVD/CD based games and removed the DRM from them and now you can download the games, ranging from a few hundred Mb, to upwards of 4Gb in size. (So you'll need a broadband connection to download them) :)

The first one is the Space Shoot 'Em ups or Shmup's: A longish list of FREE games, where you'll find a massive list of Freeware, abandonware and even a long list of browser based space orientated games. I highly recommend the following one from that thread: Fraxy, Universal Combat, Realms, and Chalk . Unfortunately I've not kept the list up to date of late, so there are actually loads more free games that are space related which you can find via the Games Synopsis HERE. I'm sure you have lots to check out now. :) I hope you find something of interest. I would certainly consider buying Freespace 2 and/or Darkstar One from Good Old Games (GOG) or DotEMU, both are 3D space simulators, with amazing graphics and a real feel for being in an imaginary space shooter. I've listed several very good space orientated games at the end of the review. The X3 series of games are some of the most realistic space games I've ever played together with the online game Shattered Horizon. You'll find the Free Games synopsis HERE

There's also several free Shmup's (Shmup's = Space Shoot 'Em Ups) available from Gametop, MyPlayCity (Where you'll find Star Defender2, Orbital destruction, Astro Avenger 1 & 2 plus loads more good quality Shmups; so if you missed those that were given away previously you can now get them free 24/7 ) You'll also find a few over at FreeGamePick, but the last time I downloaded anything from freeGamePick they had become more aggressive w.r.t. toolbars and in some cases forcing you to change your home page before you could play their games.

You'll find Arial Fire, Air Shark, Air shark 2, Forbidden Galaxy, Forbidden Galaxy 2, plus many more that are linked to via the Shmup's link I've posted above. all the games from these two sites are commercial quality games that are given away free through sponsorship. When installing these games you do need to watch your installation as some of the games do ask if you want toolbars installed or even to change your home page, however, these can be avoided simply by making sure the boxes that show up during installation are unchecked. All the games from these two sites do open up your browser when you close the game down, but there's nothing untoward about it. you are always taken to the sites home page where you can check to see if there are more games. Once you close the page, that's it.

Finally I'll list a few really good DVD based space shooters/strategy games that aren't free and can cost cost anywhere between $10 to $50. Apart from Galcon Fusion which was only released yesterday (Friday 12th Feb) I've got every one of the games listed below and IMO think that all of the games are excellent. If you love anything to do with space you'll probably love most of these games. All of them are available via steam or as a DVD.

Genesis Rising …………………. Strategy

Mass Effect and Mass Effect II …..released last week - FPS/RPG

Spaceforce: Rougue Universe .…Strategy/shooter

Sins of a Solar Empire …………. Strategy

Sword of the Stars …………..…..Strategy/shooter

Light of Altair ……………...……Strategy

X3: Terran Conflict ………...……IMO a brilliant game

X3: Reunion ………………..……expansion to the above game

Shattered Horizon …….…….….First Person Shooter set on and around the shattered remains of the moon and the international space station – amazing visuals – now with more maps, extra weapons and a single player mode - requires Vista or Win 7 - XP not supported

Galcon Fusion …………………..shmup

Gratuitous Space Battles ………………………….…strategy

Star Trek DAC ……………………………………....strategy shooter

AI War Fleet Command ……………………….…….strategy shooter

Jamestown ------------------Shmup

Solar 2 ------------------

The following are available from Good Old Games for between $5.99 and $9.99

You can find m even ore Sci-Fi based games from Good Old Games and DotEMU
as well For example:

Earth 2040

Earth 2050

Freespace + Expansion

Freespace 2 (brilliant 3D space shooter)

Darkstar One (similar to Freespace 2)

You'll find more freeware links to space orientated games in the original comments for this game when it was given away back in June 2009. the link is above in the Introduction to the review.

More Gamesl>

Up until a few weeks ago I'd stopped posting links to MyPlayCity games because you were required to install toolbars and have your home page hijacked before you could play any of their games. It seems that they have changed their policy yet again and removed that requirement. You will still get the check-boxes so you need to make sure the boxes have been unchecked before installing the game. also they have a very large collection approaching 600 premium quality arcade games ranging from Match 3, Time Management and Hidden Object games, Action and Adventure games to Shooters, Flying, Car, Brain Teasers, Board games, Mahjong, Games for Girls, Card games, Sport, Arcade and several more categories (most can be found in more than one category.), so make sure you do check because they may not have removed all of the negative stuff yet.

Some more good news, if you remember I used to post links to another free site called FreeGamePick, but stopped for the same reason I stopped posting links to MyPlayCity. They have also stopped the practice of forcing you to install toolbars etc. You can get the previous weeks games such as Helic and two of its sister games from FreeGamePick, though it's called Helicopter Wars and the other two are called Sky Battle and Sky Battle: WWII. Helicopter Wars and other previous game giveaways are also available from MyPlayCity.

You can find more games over on FreeGamePick HERE

Apparently Gametop has gone the other way and now forces you to install toolbars etc.I can't confirm this as I haven't checked in a few weeks. they certainly didn't a few weeks ago, but I read in the forums that they had last week.

With respect to all of these free game sites including Jenkat Games always make sure you uncheck the toolbars and home page changers. If they wont let you, it means you'll have to mess around recovering your home page. when this happened to me several months ago via MyPlayCity it took me ages to get rid of the extra browser that went straight to Ask.com.

If today's game doesn't take your fancy then check out the game discussion forums and the free games synopsis. We’ve posted a couple of thousand free games over the last three years, many of which are excellent alternatives to their commercial cousins.

Recent additions include a shmup called Grid Wars 2 (similar to Geometry Wars), a superb 3D space sim called Vega Strike, as well as Passagebalt (a Cannabalt/ Parkour type game), Savage: The Battle for Newerth a large scale FPS/RTS game,A fantastic basic client for Microsofts new Flight sim, Blood of the Divines I & II and the first four episodes of Reapers End, both FPS games though the later is a first person sword game, Yeti Hunter a horror suspense game, a platformer called Bit of war a first person spooky walk-through called The Stairwell, Retroblazer an FPS, another FPS called Open Arena, an update to the flight simulator Flight Gear, a free FPS game called Red Eclipse, an Experimental Puzzle called Cut & Paste (from the Indievania site I've mentioned further down this section). An update to a game posted over 2 years ago called open Transport Tycoon, Mari0 (a portal like version of Mario); there's also another Doom port called DoomRL (roguelike FPS) and finally from week 177 an adventure game called The Journey Down. I was going to post Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge, which was freely available until GOG hoovered it up (like they have with many older games over the last few years for example Darklands, Decent and many more decent oldies). Actually I've just found a legal fan remake of Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge that is free which I will be posting details of soon. :) You can get the most recent version of Command & Conquer Tiberium sun for free via Fileplanet, but this is only a temporary offer, check

http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/forums/topic/11550 for details

All of the major game distributors such as Steam, Impulse and GOG all have some sales with savings as good as 75% in some cases.

For example GOG (Good Old Games) has several Activision games with 50% off for example Arcanum, Caesar III, Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption and the Zork Anthology.

Steam has several games on sale at the moment including Magic the Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalker 2012 plus all unlocks, included in the sale is Hack, Slash , Loot, but this is also available in one of the Indie bundles i've detailed below and you can get all the games in the bundle for Steams 40% off price (just about) . If you like flying gamesthere's also Microsoft's new Fligh sim which is actually free for the basic client.

Today's 24 hr deal is Cthulu Saves the world and Breath of Death VII

Gamestop also has some excellent deals with anything from 33% to 75% off. These include the Battlefield 2 Complete Collection a superb open world FPS with 75% off costing an amazing $4.99 (though I think this deal is only available in the US). Battlefield 2 has hundreds of Gigabytes of free custom made content available (I have over 700GB of maps and mods for this game, (filling a DVD case with nearly 100 DVD's full of files plus a 1TB external drive with almost half the disc full of BF2 extra's), an indie game called The Undergarden has 50% off and a beta game called A Valley Without wind (I posted a review of this game in the forums), plus several other games.

By far the best sales go to Gamersgate, which as usual has even more sales too numerous to mention here.

Greenman Gaming (GMG) has some deals to offer as well, though not many at the moment; you will have to Google GMG as they aren't included on Didimatic

You can check out all of the main distributors deals via the Didematic Site

There are some 'no strings attached' freebies from Alawar and Realore (well you do have to install Alawar's gamebox and register a free account over at Realore, but there's nothing in game to disturb your gameplay). You can get 'Fashion Season' from Alawar and 'Three Days: Amulet Secret!
(last week it was Pirate Stories: Kit & Ellis) from Realore. The Alawar freebie is usually available for around a month (it changed this week) and the Realore game changes every Friday. At the moment I think you can get still get 'Awakening: The Dreamless Castle' game for free from Big Fish Games though you will need to visit Freestufftimes to find the coupon code to get it free. It's a puzzle HOG. (You'll need to look back at least 4 weeks plus a few days to find the coupon).

If you are interested in Indie Games check out the Indievania site (and the Desura site which I've posted details about at the end of the section) for great deals (and some freebies to) on obscure and new indie developers who've put there games up for sale. All money goes to the developers. Included on the Indievania site are alpha stage games like Kenshi which are well worth buying at a lower price than the eventual release price. (There's nearly 240 obscure and little known indie games, though some may be familiar like 'Xotic' and 'Inside a Star Filled Sky', both of which are now available on Steam. You could also visit Kickstarter that highlights new projects. At the moment there are a couple of up and coming games that still require funding such as 'Wastelands 2', 'Bacillus' and 'Kenshi', plus there are several other projects hanging around that are still in alpha such as 'Driftmoon', 'Tomes of Mephistopheles', 'Double Fine Adventure' and 'Code Hero' to name just a few.


There's more games from the Kickstarter project that include a space strategy game called FST: Faster than Light (I think this one only has a few hours left to sponsor), a second version of auditorium called Auditorium 2: Duet and a Squad based strategic shooter called Takedown (this one looks very good, but i don't think its going to make the needed funding). No money is taken from your account until its confirmed the project has reach its funding target. Just check the front page of the game discussion forums for details.

Oh yeah, nearly forgot, the next Indie Royale bundle is still available as is the Indie Royale Ninja Pack which you can find via the following link:


For those who are not familiar with the concept, its a pay what you want (almost) deal. You can check the Indievania site out via the following link:


Theres a couple more bundle offers still valid and a new one has just been posted that includes four zombie oriented games which you can check out via this link:


(for example theres one from Milkstone studios that has three games called Zombie Football Carnage, Infinity Danger and Motor Heat. I think you'll find those via the indievania site {see second link above}); and the zombie bundle I mention above also from Indievania called Bundle4Deal which includes Zombie Football Carnage (repeated from the last deal), Metal Dead, Three Dead Zed and Corril Slayer).

There's also a new one from the Indiegala bundle (Indiegala III) which has five excellent games with a bonus game and one more to add next week whichall those who pay above the average prce will get:

Flatout (bonus)
Greed: Black Border
Futur Wars
Grotesque Tactics
Twin Sector
Trapped Dead
Gear Grinder

All for less than $5. There's only one day left to purchase this bundle, whereas the next bundle has four days to run. Now there's another Indie
Royale Bundle called the April Fools Bundle that includes yet more excellent Indie games


Defence Grid: The Awakening plus all 4 dlc's
Hack, slash and Loot
Alien Zombie Megadeath
Astro Tripper (bonus)

Most of these games come with Steam keys and/or Desura keys plus DRM free copies. Only Gear Grinder for the Indie Gala bundle.

To use the Desuar and Steam keys you need to install Steam and Desura clients. Finally, I found over 60 quality freeware games via Desura, many of which are excellent games. (I've just posted details of these in the game discussion forums HERE

They include the following games:

Smokin Guns, Revenge of the Cats: Ethernet, Savage: The Battle for Newerth, Evolution rts, Beret, Tank War, UFO: Alien Invasion, Red Eclipse, Triple A, Hacknet, The Kite, I Shall Remain, Xonotic, Lariad, Starfare, Process, OGS Mahjong, Monster I, Epic Inventor, Speed Dreams, Naev, Noxious, NeverPutt, Bullet Train, Warzone 2100, Renegade X, World of Padman, Cube 2: Sauerbraten, Urban Terror, Dwarf Fortress, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Marble Arena 2, Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adveraries, Battlemass, Teenagent (free on GOG as well), Neverball, Open Tyrian, Vega Strike (just posted this last week)

Oh yeah for a VERY limited time (could literally end today) you can get the very first Falloutgame for free from GOG HERE

Problems installing, activating and running today’s game:

If you have difficulty downloading or activating the game you can try again later or do one of the following - for example once downloaded when you click on the dual activation and set up file you may get the message “Failed to connect. Please try again later” Check to see if your internet explorer isn't offline (thanks to MrSnoozles/Mike and GMMan for that fix). If the previous suggestion doesn't work go check out previous comments from the last several weeks and look for comments from GMMan and Mike. They have also posted their possible fixes for this problem.

Mike suggests that you check to see if Internet Explorer is offline (even if you use firefox). If it is make sure that it's online thn try again. I’ve always tried re-booting my modem and/or router with some success, though Mike has said that doing that does nothing. Still, it’s worth a try if all else fails.

If you are getting the black screen problem right click on the games executable and select properties then click on the compatibility mode and select the disable visual themes. This should fix the problem, if not try disabling the display scaling on higher dpi settings and disabling the desktop composition. You can also try compatibility modes for XP, epecially if the game is quite old.

Other fixes include changing your screen resolution, installing the latest direct X (remember that XP uses DX 9 or earlier only, Vista uses DX 10 or before and Win 7 DX11 or before). Also try updating your graphics drivers. The main two chip manufacturers are NVIDIA and ATI (now AMD) both of which offer driver downloads for free. Just go to the respective manufactures home page and you'll find a link to the driver download page. To find out which graphic card or graphics chip your computer uses type in Dxdiag in the search field (Vista or Win 7) or the run command (XP); this opens up the DirectX diagnostics panel. click on the display tab and look to the left panel. You should easily see what graphics card or chip you are using. (This is required information when selecting the correct download from the developers site).

If you are asked to turn off your Data Execution Prevention for this game to run. You can create an exception so that the game will run without having to turn DEP off. Please bear in mind it's rare that anyone even mentioned getting a DEP warning. If you are not sure how to create an exception read THIS article, which tells you how to do it.

If you are having problems unzipping the game giveaways zip file, for example getting a message saying the file is invalid try using a different file archiver such as 7-Zip, J-Zip, CAM UnZip, Hamster Free Zip Archiver, GZip, B Zip2, peazip, ZipUnzip, FreeRAR Extract Frog, RAR File Open Knife, ALZip, The Extractor, RarZilla Free Unrar

Okay, that should be enough. There are actually many more free versions available. also there are other commercial titles such as the well-known WinRAR, Stuffit, WinAce, NXPowerlite and Corel Winzip Pro, but IMO 7-Zip is probably one of the better freebies. I did purchase a copy of Stuffit when it was on sale a few years ago and recently repurchased a more up to date version when it was o offer via BitsDuJour, but didn't like the interface for some reason, so hardly ever use it.

In response to the following problem“the file is in use of another process” –
I suggested that you try rebooting your computer. If that doesn't work, check what programs are running in the background and turn off those that you know are not needed as there may be a conflict with something (Game Booster is a useful free program that will automatically turn off all unnecessary windows programs and you can add others to the mix via a configuration screen. Once done you can then switch everything back on via a single button.

you can download Game Booster from IOBit:


Also try clearing out your internet cache and refresh the page (F5).

W.r.t. Netbooks and problems with resolution, Markus posted a possible fix via registry editing. He said the following:

"If you install the latest Intel GFX driver and
1) Run regedit2) Search and modify all values “Display1_DownScalingSupported” from “0″ to “1″3) Restart the system
New resolution 1024×768 will be available then.#"

If you are posting requests for help late in the day I would suggest posting in the main giveaway forums in the game Game Discussion . If you’ve installed the game but it won’t work for some reason, it should still be registered, so someone may be able to help at another time. Unfortunately if your problem is actually installing it then once the giveaway period is over there’s nothing that can be done until the game is given away again (though that isn’t guaranteed). It’s always worth checking out the free games sites as sometimes the games we get here are also available for free from them as well.


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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