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Angry Daddy Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Angry Daddy

Help the young guy to escape from the Angry Daddy of his girl!
User rating: 166 16 comments

Angry Daddy was available as a giveaway on July 11, 2015!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Game featuring images of various robots made in this unique genre.

Angry Daddy is the endless running game. Help the young guy to escape from the Angry Daddy of his girl! If the Angry Daddy catches you, the bottle of moonshine will distract him for time, and help you escape!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7


Xing Interactive



File Size:

37.5 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Mojang AB
Select, install, and update games, play and communicate in-game.
Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games

Comments on Angry Daddy

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Thanks, Whiterabbit and Smurf! I've been upgrading the double-jump bonus without knowing what activates it! I'll keep an eye out for those sneakers!

Reply   |   Comment by Jim Tallman  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Haha! I think you've come up with the plot for Angry Daddy II!

Reply   |   Comment by SlG  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Can anyone tell me how to "double jump" or what the double jump bonus does? Thank you.

..........................Moderator comment.................................

I think (not played the game enough to actually find out) you can only double jump by buying the bonus's via the shop, which is accessible from the start via the basket button to the bottom right of the game play area. It's usefulness is to be able to get to the higher stacks where you can collect more gold.

Reply   |   Comment by Jim Tallman  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Older version Product 54.3MB Jul-Aug 2014
Newer version Product 62.8MB May-Jul 2015

..........................Moderator Comment............................

Thanks Bob

Reply   |   Comment by Bob  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi there,
it is working well on my PC running on Vista and it wasn't difficult to figure out the workings even before reading your explanation (which I should have). This one feels like a phone application even on my PC. As yourself, I rarely use my mobile phone unless there's an emergency. I'm really not a fan of games as phone applications unless it's on my phone stuck in a waiting room somewhere for hours. Otherwise, nan! But thank you for the opportunity to try it! Much appreciated as always!

Reply   |   Comment by S.A.  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I installed this game the last time it was offered and it is a very enjoyable game. Quite addictive to start with and very different to the usual GOTD offerings. It took a while to figure out what the key combinations were and what everything did but once I'd got it all sussed it provided me with several hours of fun.

The downside is that it is very difficult to get past the first few levels. I've got no chance of ever completing the game!

Reply   |   Comment by Lynn  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

thanks,>> Keys!!
I was lazyly trying only everything my mouse could do. Except for somersaults.

Reply   |   Comment by Cas  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

.Well, started with notification: Something about that 'AngryDaddy_Data' -folder should be in the same folder with the executable. Closed the warning and got configuration screen. Changed keybindings (s->x), also improved graphics level. As a big fan of Redneck Rampage, I was disappointed. This seems more like difficult 'Sonic' from upwards view and the scary daddy is way more agile than one would expect from a guy that size... Not my cup of tea, but nice graphics.

Reply   |   Comment by takiainen  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi, Stephen! Good to see that your 'time of troubles' is over...
This has a few differences from the version from last time (even one new DLL), but changes seem minor, like from a V1.1 to a V1.2 -- but check your 'boilerplates': This game doesn't install any icons!
Thanks for all your care and knowledge.

.........................Moderator Comment...........................

Thank you for the feedback Alexyu, appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by Alexyu  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Played a couple times but just not my kind of game. Here's hoping tomorrow's game will be better. *fingers crossed*

.........................Moderator Comment...........................

What sort of games do you like Jane?

Reply   |   Comment by Jane  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded, installed, up and running inside of 10 minutes (Win7/64). It's a new style to me - I'm not an avid gamer, just casual. I found it very fun to play - made me laugh while I bashed into things and got caught by Daddy. I'm getting the hang of it, and I'll keep this for occasional diversion.

Note to developers: It would be helpful to have a slower setting available for learning the game.

Note to gamers: As of this writing the counter shows 71% downvotes, but no comments on the game itself. If you downvote, it's only useful if you also explain why. Otherwise developers have nothing to go on for improvement.

Thanks, GOTD.

.........................Moderator Comment...........................

Thats a good idea. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Dan O  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


IMHO the best way to play an Android game is on an Android device, & there are so very many games available if one isn't to your liking somehow, chances are there are 3 or 4, if not dozens that are very similar that might.

This is perhaps the 1st thing my wife learned when she got her small Kindle HD... She has 2 game collections, one on her PC, one on her Kindle. When she want to play relaxing on the couch or lying in bed or anywhere really, she grabs her Kindle. When she wants to play something more involved she sits at her desk with her PC. [I'm always afraid that one of these days she'll get bored with that arrangement & grab my small Windows tablet to enjoy the best of both worlds, & I'll never see it again. :( ]

Anyway, as above that's *purely* FWIW, & if you enjoy this sort of thing on a PC, Great. OTOH with Android tablets starting at $30 on sale, I have to say it's worth at least trying mobile games as they were intended.

..........................Moderator comment...............................

I agree to a certain extent; however, for those like myself who don't own an android or iPhone

My daughter has an ipad air and my son an ipod, but neither of them (after a brief period of not being able to live without them) hardly ever play with the things now, much preferring the PC's I built for them - though my son built his own with my supervision last year - both have been unwittingly brainwashed to dislike consoles and mobile phones, though we did buy basic phones for both of them so that they could phone us if needed. Em's Blackberry has hardly been used in the three years since we purchased it. She spent £10 on the first day texting a friend for hours and since then the £20 top up we put on it has still not been used. Cal's phone is also only used for emergencies. Neither of them feel the need to phone friends constantly, preferring to invite them over. Personally, the only time I ever had a mobile phone was when I worked as a motorcycle courier for Pony Express inbetween teaching jobs. I find them invasive and unecessary.
rant over, lol

It's nice to see some of those games ported over to PC. One of the first games I ever purchased that was created for non PC use was a marble rolling game. Apart from the fact that the largest window I could get was 640x480, I still enjoyed playing the three sets that were included.

I'm so used to using a keyboard, I haven't found it difficult to play this game at all. It's actually quite a good port in that you can get a full screen version of the game via the Angry Daddy conficuration window,.

As always, thanks for your input, its appreciated by me and many community members.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I can't tell what is in angry daddy's hand. If he catches you, does he gut you with a pitchfork or blast your balls off with a shotgun?

What is daddy's motivation in being angry to begin with? Did the boy violate his daughter? Did the boy clue the local cops in on the meth lab he had built in the old chicken coop? Did he steal moonshine from the still?

Can we get angry daddy some counseling at the local Pentecostal church before he winds up somebodies BF in prison or six-feet under?

I'm worried about angry daddy!

Reply   |   Comment by Swamp Thing  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game was given away on August 3, 2014.
Stephen, can you tell if it's the same version?

................................Moderator comment...............................

I had totally forgotten that this had been given away beofre. Not sure if it's the same version. I lost one of my hard drives last year that had loads of Gamegiveaways that I'd not got around to backing up. I can't find a copy of the previous giveaway, so I presume I lost it.

Under the circumstances, I'm definitely pleased that it's been repeated. :)

Hopefully someone else will be able to confirm whether its a new version. I suspect it's not.

Reply   |   Comment by Avid Gamer  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have read about half a bible, but:
how to play?
Left,right, middle button, click double click, keyboard, ....

.......................Moderator Comment..........................

Hi Cas,
To start the gamne click on the game field, the perspectiver changes. Using the Arrow keys move foprwards left or right and use the space bar to jump. I'm sure there will be a slide control as well, but I've not got that far yet. You have to move forwards, avvoiding any obstacles, and collecting gold. If you crash, you get a couple of seconds to save yourself by clicking the button that appears. If you don't do it in tiome you have to start from the beginning.

I hope this helps. The game is simple to play, which is one of the reasons these types of games are so popular.

Reply   |   Comment by Cas  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The latest Daily Indie Game has been updated (see the games, games, games section below). there was a change over this evening to Psichodelya, an excellent shmups (shoot-em-up's) similar to classics such as DoDonPachi, Ikaruga, Espgaluda, R-Type Delta, Aero Fighters, Giga Wing, Raiden, and more recent Jamestown.

You can see a game play video and a tutorial video of Psichodelya HERE and HERE


Angry Daddy

In Brief

A runner game, where you have to avoid obstacles while running away from your girlfriends father. This is a port from an android game. Some of the images have been taken from the phone version, the game was ported over to PC for us to get hooked. :)


Angry Daddy downloads to an 37.5 MB zip file that unpacks to a read me and a wrapped setup file (the orange colored file with the key symbol), plus there's a setup file with security (setup.gcd) that's protected from being hacked (because the previous giveaway system was easily cracked). This file may case some security software to alert the user to a possible malware attack, but it will be a false positive.

The game giveaway team check all game giveaways for malware using several well known anti -malware suites. There has never been a game giveaway infected with malware since the project started back in Dec 2006. (The owners know that allowing such things would compromise their buisness, so they make sure all software given away via the giveaway and gamegiveaway sites are throughly checked for all types of malware before allowing community members to download any files.

Some community members have been having problems installing games since the security software was added a couple of years ago. It's been found that turning off your security temporarily or, especially if you don't feel comfortable turning off your security, configuring it to accept the setup.cgd file. That usually sorts the problem out.

n Jo N7j Mn8 Q3x UR9 C2ah Bi5w Qn W7 Tge WKp E7u3 Uqh RFHc Rn
KDa Tuk Cyc Gl 8 R4 Q6gt0 EZVAq3 Wl OX0ub P7nk Pbc Lw5rz o C

To register and install the game click on the orange colored icon. The installed game is 62.9 MB in size. and installs to the following path by default:


The path can be changed to suit wherever you prefer to install your games. I install all my games onto separate hard drives. Those with large memory requirements I place on a solid state drive (J Drive) and most arcade games go on my spanned F drive (two drives making up 4TB). Once the game is installed you can delete the giveaway setup files. There is a shortcut installed to the desktop and the Start menu. There's also an uninstaller in the Start menu, but, if you have Win 8 it is easier to use the uninstall tool via the control panel, or go directly to the game sinstalled folder and use the uninstaller.

OY5 QJup0 Pi9g MIONR9 Fc1 3w Ct8 SPS21 Ld3 VMAWAjey5 Edzc

The game works on both Win 7 and 8.1. I don't have a Vista or XP installed any more, so can't comment on whether the game will run on those platforms.


Angry Daddy is an endless running game. Help the young guy to escape from the Angry Daddy of his daughter!
If the Angry Daddy catches you, the bottle of moonshine will distract him for a time, and help you escape!

If you miss todays giveaway, or have probelms installing or getting it to work, you could try the free versions available from MyPlayCity . Do be aware that toolbars may be installed or browsers hijacked or home pages changed if you don't uncheck tick boxes during installation, and that your browser will be opened to the respective sites when you close the game down.

QAXCCEte Ls32 CA 622 NCb ABCRWOJpo023 Ub5 Qqo Gh V3r Dk
The Game:

Run fast and jump high to escape from the furious farmer in the funny arcade Angry Daddy! Bad things happen and your sweetheart’s father has taken an instant dislike to you. And the only way to meet her is when he is not at home. But if he notices your pair together, you’d better run away as quickly as you can! Play the game Angry Daddy and maneuver among lots of obstacles to collect coins and get scores. But your main aim is to run away from the furious farmer, so run, Forest, run!

Reference accessed HERE 28th June 2015

A small window opens on clicking the Angry Daddy's game icon, this enables you to configure you game for graphic quality. There are six settings -


Obviously, if you have a really slow computer select Fastest, if you have loads of resources max out the graphics quality. You can also select whether to play in a window or full screen, and, if you have more than one monitor, which monitor to play from. There are loads of screen resolution choices from 640x480 to 1920x1080.

This game was originally given away last year on the 3rd of August, where it received moderate acceptance. You can see the comments made by the community HERE

Many community members had problems figuring out how to play the game. Once the spash screen has gone the games main page opens. At the bottom right of the playing area you'll find three buttons that enable you to return to the configuration page, go to the shop, where you can buy 5 bottles of moonshine for 1000 coins, score boosters, coin boosters, magnet boosters and double jump boosters for 500 gold each. The icon with two silhouetted human busts takes you to a window where you can buy a new character (the rabbit) once you've earned a thousand coins.

When you are ready to start the game, tap the screen with your mouse pointer, this results in angry Daddy appearing with a pitch fork and starts to chase you. The only keys you need to concentrate on are the arrow keys.

Up = Jump
Left = move left
Right = move right
Down = slide under

If you don't make your manouver, you get a couple of seconds to bribe Angry Daddy with Moonshine. You start the game with some moonshine, however, later in the game, you will need to create your own moonshine by purchasing from the shop. If you don't have any moonshine left, or you don't click on the button to give moonshine to angry daddy, you have to start the game from the start.

For those of you who find it difficuly' a little practice and I promise you'll be wizzing away and breaking your record runs over and over.

What this game lacks is a world leaderboard. That would give some community members the incentive to carry on.. :) Good luck.

If you like runner games, Steam have a great stable of them, for example Bit Trip runner 1 and 2, Goat on a Bridge, T.E.C. 3001. If you want to be a little more daring, I highly recommend the parkour game Mirrors Edge, a 3D wor=ld where you run and jump across sky skrapers, scoffolding and cranes. You can pick that game up for a few pounds when its on sale. Other related games that I highly recommend are Brink, MDK 2HD and AaAaAA!!!: A REckless Disregard for Gravity. There used to be a demo of the last game posted in the game synopsis over in the game discussion sticky section.. I don't know whether its still available. It doesn't do the final game justice, but is still an excellent game to check out.

ZZOQz Xz HFQaz LMXqzll OMBu HBQi7uz3m BW6 M8 Fukj FHF rjc

Ypou can't physically change the music, only turn it off.

System Requirements:

Windows /XP/Vista/7
Processor 1 Ghz or better
512 Mb RAM
DirectX 9.0


A trpical runner game, with several different obstacles such as jumping, collecting gold, avoiding being caught and turning corners. These games tend to be highly addictive. I've got several excellent ones on my Steam account. This will be kept in my game library for those odd moments when i need a break from my AAA games. Ideal for a coffee break, or just a quick pick me up game in between doing your house work, or other activities at home.

angry daddy 640x480 screenshot 1

Gameplay: 7
Graphics: 7
Sound & Music: (You can change the music if you wish) 7
Replayability: 7
Originality: 7

35 out of 50 which equals 7.0 out of 10


If you have any problems installing or getting today's game to work please go HERE for help. I've posted most of the common problems and solutions in a FAQ thread, which you can find in the sticky section of the forums by following the above link.

angry daddy 640x480 screenshot 2

If you are posting late in the day I would also suggest posting in the main giveaway forums; in the game discussion section, because I cannot moderate 24hrs a day over the weekend. I've created a thread HERE for that purpose. If you've installed the game but it doesn’t work for some reason, it should still be registered, so someone may be able to help at a later date. Unfortunately if your problem is actually downloading it, once the giveaway deadline is reached you will no longer be able to download the game unless you've already started downloading it before the cut-off. Sometimes you can still register the game after the giveaway has ended so long as you managed to start the download before the giveaway ends. I've tested this and the grace period lasts for up to 1 hour. Apart from the above instances; i.e. already installed, but having problems running the game, (with the possibility of receiving help from the community via the giveawayoftheday game discussion forum); or still downloading after the cut off period, but within the 1 hour grace period, or registering within an hour of the cut-off period. Once the giveaway period is over there’s nothing that can be done to get the game (unless its available from one of the free game sites) until the game is given away again (though that isn't always guaranteed).

angry daddy 640x480 screenshot 3

It's worth checking the giveaway game discussion forums the day before the giveaways go live to see if we are getting a large sized file; this is especially important for those who have slow connections and even more so if the game is popular. We can have up to forty thousand (40 000) community members downloading over the 24 hour period, with the bulk of community members downloading in the first 12 hours of the giveaway going live, there is always a massive strain on the giveaway servers. The bigger the file size, the more community members will be downloading at any one time. Because the bandwidth is shared equally amongst all community members, downloads can become excrucatingly slow, so if you do have a slow connection, its important to start your download as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Because these games are free, the giveaway owners cannot invest in more bandwidth without compromising the whole project, so we have to be satisfied with what we have at present.

I hope the above goes some way in expalining why we sometimes have really slow downloads.

It’s always worth checking out the free games sites because sometimes the games we get here are also available for free from them. MyPlayCity (MPC) has the most with over 1000 games to choose from (todays is available from MPC and Gametop). Other sites include Gametop, TooMyk Games (I've not included a link for this yet) and FreeGamePick.

If you do download any games from MyPlayCity, Gametop or the other free game sites please 'do' watch out for toolbars etc. Make sure you un-check the check-boxes during installation, and, in the case of MyPlayCity, every time you boot the game up, (this may have changed now as these free game sites tend to change the format frequently)....... I've posted links to all of the common free game sites below in the games, games games section. If you do download a game from any of these sites you do so at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for problems arising from an installation. :)

For now I won't be recommending you download games from Jenkat Games. They have changed the way you get games from their site. Diane has posted information about this over in the game discussion forums. If I have time or remember, I'll link to it. TooMyk Games are now safe to download from. They have removed the games that were suspect and have cleaned up their act. As always, you download from those free game sites at your own risk. The giveaway site is the safest site I know of where you can get free software and games. The only disadvantages with downloading from here is you have to download and install within the day of the giveaway (apart from the instances mentioned above and if and when you upgrade or buy a new computer legally you aren't allowed to transfer games given away previously, unless they are being given away on the day you upgrade, or if you've purchased a licence. :)

You just have to look at the sites track record since the game giveaway site was created back in December 2006. Zero games given away have been infected with malware, there are no toolbars installed, nor home pages hijacked or browsers changed. There is one slght annoyance, but that only occurs if a community member isn't paying attention when the final window pops up after installing a giveaway. That is the software Informer installation. some community members have complained that they were given no choice in its installation. That is not true; when the final window pops up, there are two buttons, one asking if you want software informer installed and the button to close the giveaway window down. Some community members have clicked on the wrong button, probably because they weren't paying attention. Thankfully software Informer is a genuine application, that can easily be uninstalled by the usual means. It's actually a useful piece of software, especially if you have a lot of applications running on your computer. Basically the program will list the programs that need updating, or programs that have available updates. They wont be automatically installed (thus cancelling many giveaway registrations); you have to click on individual buttons to update each program/application. :D


Games, Games, and yet more Games:

There are 248 games on sale over on Steam this week, ranging from 10% to 90% off. You can find a full list of all sale items HERE.

You'll also find some excellent deals over on the following Game sites. For example, there's a 23% off coupon that can be put towards the pre order of Fallout 4, the long awaited sequel to Fallout 3, (one of (if not) the best open world rpg's with a post apocalyptic survival theme around).

Gamersgate Summer Sale
GOG (DRM free games)
GameFly (soon to be sold off)

I've removed the Desura link becasue the owners are bankrupt and there has been no activity on the site in a couple of weeks. If you own any games via desura i advise downloading all of the drm free games you have on that platform before the site is taken down.

Free Game Sites:

MyPlayCity (over a 1000 games to choose from)

To be honest there are too many game deals around too list them all. Just visit the sites I recommend above and I'm sure you'll find something that suits you for a very decent price. If like me you prefer Steamworks games, many of the above sites also sell steamwork games.

If that's not enough, check out the Game Discussion forums HERE for details of other games either free or on deals such as the Indie Game bundles (there's over 20 of them - If you purchased all of them you'd be paying around $80 for around a thousand dollars worth of games); or check out the four day sales at IndieGameStand. you'll find the indie bundles thread HERE. The thread is outdated, but all of the links will still take you to the latest bundles.

The latest IndieGameStand game is called Unity of Command:

Unity of Command is an innovative and refreshing operational-level wargame that covers the entire 1942/43 Stalingrad Campaign on the Eastern Front. Playable from both the Axis and Soviet perspective, it strives to recreate the strategy, the forces involved and the general tension of that crucial period in World War II.

Experience the highly fluid, enormously large battles of maneuver in a turn-based strategy setting. Take command in this mobile, back-and-forth sort of war where logistics and poor weather are often the decider, and defeat and victory are sometimes just a mile, or a day, apart.

PLUS, if you pay over the average, which at the time of writing was $2.02 you will also get the dlc Black turn. You can pay as little as $0.01 to get a drm free version of the game. to get a Steam key you'll need to pay at least $1.00.

The deal ends Monday13th July 2015 5am (GMT)

The latest DIG game is Psichodelya

The game pays homage to old-school style top-down shmups (shoot-em-up's) such as DoDonPachi, Ikaruga, Espgaluda, R-Type Delta, Aero Fighters, Giga Wing, Raiden, and more recent Jamestown.

Players control one of 3 playable ships - dodging bullets and destroying wave after wave of enemies for points in either single or 2 player local coop modes. There are 5 manic levels, each with an epic boss and 5 difficulty levels.

Set in futuristic environment, two races of mechanized alien species wage air-warfare over Earth-like pieces of land. Each ship has a coloured shield that protects the player from bullets that are the same colour. Enemy ships are also colour coded, making them more vulnerable to player shots of colour opposite to their colour.


- Easy to pick up and play, difficult to master
- 5 huge levels each with huge epic bosses
- 1 and 2 players co-op
- Controls for 2 players on Keyboard or Gamepads
- In-game leatherboards: local and global
- On-line leaderboards
- No two play-throughs are identical
- Music by Dylan Barry (NPPD Rush, Super Killer Hornet: Ressurection)
- 5 difficulty levels

You can get two keys if you pay more than the average of $1.00 (at the time of writing - this price is sure to go higher). One key to share with a friend or family member perhaps? You'll find that deal HERE. They also have five bundles of several games that'll cost you less than $1.50 each HERE (DIG Bundles 32, 33 & 34 plus DIG reBundle 7 and DIG Greenligh Bundle 1). You get Steam keys for all of these games apart from the Greenlight bundle; however, if they are Greenlit, you will receive Steam codes.
The single game deal ends just after Midnight Tonight (11th July) and will be replaced with a new game; (details haven't been posted yet)

Most of the bundles retail for around $5 give or take a few dollars (apart from the Daily Indie bundles that only cost $1.49 for six games), but you can pay as little as a dollar for some. There are some excellent bundles out at the moment. Check out the following:

Groupees (5 bundles)
Indie Gala (? bundles)
Humble bundle (2 Bundles)
Indie Royale (this bundle is no longer live)
Bundle Bandits (0 bundles)
Blink Bundle (0 bundles)
Play Injector (0 bundle)
Get Loaded (0 bundles)
Games Rage (0 bundles)
Flying bundle (0 bundles)

The free game from Origin has changed to Zuma's Revenge the sequel to the excellent Luxor style marble popping match 3 game. This is one of the better Marble poppers. Check it out HERE.

You do need a free Origin account and install the Origin client to get these free games. Once you've installed the Origin client and signed into your account select 'On the house' from the 'Free Games' drop down menu. Then select download now. The game will then be registered to your Origin account permanently.


A Request for help:

Developers rely on good feedback to improve their games. If you download this game please take some time once you’ve played it a while to leave some constructive feedback either positive or negative. The more constructive feedback we get, the more likely developers are going to give more games away. The giveaway site already has a very good standing with the search engines. Developers want their products out there on the WWW, this site has the potential to do that. The game giveaway project gives away on average between 9 to 17 thousand downloads for each game depending upon what genre and how obscure the game is. That’s a lot of homes these games are being downloaded into and a lot of 'potential' cash that’s being lost by the developers. If we get better games because of better feedback, the community are likely to continue to benefit from the generosity of the developers. Satisfied community members are then more likely to visit the home sites of those developers and purchase games that they may not have bothered with before they discovered the developer via the game giveaway site, thus giving the developers more incentives to give away even more decent games.

Please leave some feedback once you’ve checked the game out. It can be positive or negative, but please explain what your reasons were for the feedback you post. You could also leave suggestions for improving the game, for example, this game could do with more block types for the levels editor, add more power-ups, describing the ones you think would be suitable, add some mini games (which seem all the rage in some arcade games now) or enable the user to be able to change the in game music easily.

Thank you in advance to all those who take the time to post a constructive comment, and a big thank you to immanitas games for sharing and to the game giveaway team for getting these games.


Whiterabbit aka Stephen

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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15 Slimes : Action Defence Giveaway
18 Slimes is a new defense game with First, Second and Last defense line.
$0.49 ➞ free today
Stickman Warriors Super Heroes Giveaway
Premium version of Stickman PvP Online - Dragon Shadow Warriors Fight.
$0.49 ➞ free today
Stickman Warriors Dragon Legend Super Battle Fight Giveaway
Protect Saia Planet, defeat powerful enemies!
$0.99 ➞ free today