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The Mystery of the Dragon Prince Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — The Mystery of the Dragon Prince

Solve the mystery of the Dragon Prince!
User rating: 17 24 comments

The Mystery of the Dragon Prince was available as a giveaway on November 20, 2021!

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Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and MyPlayCity! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!

Explore an ancient castle that has been cursed! Solve the mystery of the Dragon Prince in this exciting Hidden Object game! After receiving an invitation at home, set off on an exciting adventure inside of an old castle. Solve puzzles, find Hidden Objects, and explore different rooms in The Mystery of the Dragon Prince!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: 600 Mhz; RAM: 512 MB; DirectX: 8.1; Hard Drive: 97 MB





File Size:

98.1 MB



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The Mystery of the Dragon Prince:

In Brief:
The Mystery of the Dragon Prince is a decade old Hidden Object Game.

The game was originally given away 6th January 2019 where it received a positive 78% from 40 votes with 24 comments which you can see HERE

You can see a few videos of game play HERE, HERE (part 1), HERE (part 2).
Explore an ancient castle that has been cursed! Solve the mystery of the Dragon Prince in this exciting Hidden Object game! After receiving an invitation at home, set off on an exciting adventure inside of an old castle. Solve puzzles, find Hidden Objects, and explore different rooms in The Mystery of the Dragon Prince!
Reference accessed HERE 5th January 2019 and again 18th November 2021
The Game:
Nevosoft has a long and fairly accomplished track record in the casual realm, with popular games like Mushroom Age and Vampireville to its credit. That’s what makes The Mystery of the Dragon Prince such a surprise, as it’s a badly dated, poorly executed hidden object hybrid adventure that doesn’t come close to the company’s own highest standards. The premise is simple enough: A woman named Anna receives a letter imploring her to come to an old castle to save it, but the letter is 200 years old. Intrigued, she heads off to this castle (apparently she knows where it is from only a picture, because its location is never otherwise specified) and discovers that it’s fallen under a dark magic spell that has mystically preserved it, empty and unchanged for two centuries. At the urging of the old gardener who calls her “Countess”, Anna’s challenge is to explore the castle, solve its puzzles, and try to undo its curse.

This is easier said than done, as the original spell distorted some castle functions, including simple door locks. That sets up the convenient opportunity to roam around looking for crystals, keys, and practical items like matches and water faucets. Some are found in the main environments and others in hidden object screens that feature an annoying amount of shuffling items around to see what’s behind them. Apart from that, it’s a very traditional casual adventure hybrid, really, but there’s just nothing to support it. The hazy graphics would have looked bad years ago, there is no voicework of any kind, and the music is eminently forgettable. The presentation isn’t the only shoddy element, however. Though interactive areas sparkle, it’s very difficult to find exits in the castle’s meandering layout, making it easy to overlook new areas. The hint option charges glacially and is totally useless for most of the standalone puzzles. When confronted with a tiled jigsaw or pipe alignment task, it brilliantly highlights one square, as if that’s supposed to mean something. That’s it for help, too, as there’s no skip option at all, no hints whatsoever for the adventuring segments… and no notebook, no map, no objective list, or any of the other modern conveniences casual gamers have come to expect. There are a few promising encounters with a dwarf, troll, and dragon, but these quickly fizzle out. With no compelling story or gameplay driving you forward, then, in the end there’s really no reason for players to bother.

Reference accessed HERE (near the bottom of the page), Originally posted by AG Staff {Jack Allin, Merlina McGovern, and Robin Parker} December 10, 2010, reposted by Whiterabbit-uk January 5th 2019 and again 18th November 2021.




















Notes on Security
I scanned a zipped copy of the installed game using Virus Total and it found 1 hit (Zillya) from ? antimalware engines. Zillya ia amongst only several antimalware suites that often tag MyPlayCity Games compared to most better known and more reliable antimalware engines; so, it's very likely to be a false positive.

The downloaded executable 'may' include some low level adware that opens your browser once to MyPlayCity Games home page after the game has installed and also places a few shortcuts onto your desktop; these can be safely deleted once the game has been installed).

The MyPlayCity installation does NOT inject any malware into your system. When your browser is opened to MyPlayCity's home page following the games installation, it earns MyPlayCity games some money, part of which is given to the developer of the game for allowing the game to be given away free. The giveaway version of MyPlayCity games version has had most of the adware disabled.

You can see the results of the scan via the following link:


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

[star ratings on scale of 1-5:]
fun 1
visual/sound 2
challenge 2
storyline 3
user experience 0
overall 1.5

tl;dr: I do not recommend this game!

The whole story:

I rate so many games 3.5+ stars that I wonder if I'm too much of a softy. But playing The Mystery of the Dragon Prince, I'm aware of how much better those other games are. I'm sure a lot of effort went into this one -- that's why I rated visual/sound a 2, rather than 1 -- but I'm about to get harsh!

The game is mercifully short. I finished it in two sessions, all the while wondering if I should quit while I was ahead.

It has a storyline ... sort of. I didn't particularly care, so even though it's fresh in my mind, the details are hazy. You're an everyday modern girl and out of the blue, you receive a letter in the mail that is post-dated 200 years ago requesting your presence. Then your cat knocks over a bunch of stuff including an old photo of a castle that you've never seen before. That's it -- you decide to drop everything and go investigate. You learn the history from the folks you meet at the castle and some of the puzzles. Figure them out and, boom, happily ever after, apparently with a dude ... who's a prince? ... and a dragon? And maybe you're a princess?

The stills are beautiful. But the hidden object scenes are murky and pixelated with teeny, obscure objects. I couldn't see anything even with the brightness turned all the way up. About two-thirds of the way through, I bumped up the gamma, which helped a little with the hidden objects and puzzles, but it made the rest of the game look washed out.

It was an annoying click-fest. I resorted to randomly clicking all over the place to find objects because I still couldn't distinguish objects, even with the brightness and gamma up.

It's a convention to use a different color for the names of objects that require an interaction to be found. For example, if you have to move something or open a drawer to see the object, it might be listed in yellow.

There's no distinction here. You have to click on everything ... and maybe something moves. When it does move, it's often too dark to see. So you're still click-click-clicking away on the chance that something is there. And you don't know if you're done because you can still move the objects around afterward.

The music is OK. I didn't pay too much attention because of the frustrations of playing the game.

The level of challenge and the user experience are intertwined. Both were so frustrating that I resorted to using the hints and a walkthrough.

Turns out the hints are sometimes wrong. Once it indicated a spot where there was nothing to do (I was supposed to be doing something else in a different room). And the hints work only if you are in the room where you need to do something. They can't direct you to where you need to be.

The mechanics of game play were so horrible -- and the artwork so dark -- they made the puzzles needlessly difficult. In one puzzle, I tried to put a valve where it seemed obvious it should go. It wouldn't take, so I figured it must go in another puzzle. I came back later to try a section of pipe that was the same size as the valve. But it didn't work. Turns out the pipe belonged in another part of the puzzle that was so dark I had to use a walkthrough to find it. Usually it's enough to have the correct piece in the correct puzzle, and the piece magically goes where it belongs. But if they're going to be such sticklers, they could give a little feedback -- like "Close! I almost got it" -- to suggest looking for other spots in the puzzle. And it turned out that the valve did belong where I'd tried it. Why not let me place it and then prompt me for the pipe?

Some puzzles seemed random. I clicked and clicked and clicked until they were solved. Others I didn't have the patience for and skipped them.

And there were some fun puzzles, but the frustration from everything else detracted from them.

Then there's the user experience.

Navigating was bizarre. Most of the time, I got little feet to show where I could go. In the dining room, no little feet, but a chat bubble. No big deal, just strange.

But what was a big deal is that there was no sense of direction. I was never sure which way clicking would take me. If I were moving forward or backward. It's a tiny world, but I spent most of the time lost, despite retreading the same ground over and over and over again.

The treatment of completed areas was inconsistent. When I was done with some areas, they became inaccessible. In two places, chat bubbles popped up to tell me that I'd done everything there. And then some areas remained available even when I was done.

Some areas -- like the bureau in the bedroom -- even remained active and sparkly, suggesting there was more to be done there. Not so. Just active and sparkly.

If I didn't click EXACTLY on an object, it didn't register. This was a big problem with the wispy runes. One object took 10 clicks to pick up.

There were no tooltips on the objects in inventory to identify what I'd picked up, so I wasn't always sure what I had.

On the plus side: With zero replay value, I can delete the game and clear a little space on my flash drive.

(System info: Win7 Pro 64-bit, 32GB RAM, i7-6700HQ, GTX 970M, 1920 x 1080 resolution)

Reply   |   Comment by tinyearl  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Ridiculous game. Getting well rid of it.

Reply   |   Comment by Lawrence Carter  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Im having trouble installing the game. After I unzip the file, a dialog pops up saying "failure to launch program". It didn't even get to the installation part yet. Is anyone else having this problem?

Reply   |   Comment by fay striker  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Why can't I get the game launcher to launch? Before downloading I turned off ALL security devices. Download, extract, click set up. No matter what I do, it always comes up as failed to launch. Can anybody help me? This has been going on for MONTHS and I have not been able to download even one game. Please help!

Reply   |   Comment by Connie Jo  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

internet walkthru

Reply   |   Comment by Bob  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Hello Whiterabbit (hope bunny is better)
Thanks to you and MyPlayCity for the most challenging (to say the least) game. I must have downloaded this back in 2019 when first given away. Today I remembered it and since having cataract surgery on both eyes I tried again.
Mainly, guess work is what it takes and having played hundreds of HOG. It is so dark that when I go back in again I am going to try to brighten my screen. Once you solve a few of the puzzles and hidden objects you kind of get in a zone.
I must say that after solving a few there is a real sense of accomplishment. Haven't felt that with most newer games.
All best wishes and thanks for what you do. snow

Reply   |   Comment by snow  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Despite my concerns re: the issues noted by others, I went ahead and installed and really this is a thumbs down for me so far. The HOG scenes are extremely dark, and in the absence of a map I'm just wandering a bit. I did find a walkthrough and without that pointing out some of the TRULY HIDDEN objects in those dark areas I'd never have been able to proceed (that is probably what Vladimir meant by prompts from the internet.) In between the very frustrating HOG scenes the story is kind of silly and so far there's no real puzzles if you don't count trying to click on pitch black areas where you think an item might be hidden. One of the only thumbs down on a HOG I've given in all these many years! I really do love HOG/adventures and hope for more.

Reply   |   Comment by neme  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Try Lightening your screen.

Reply   |   Comment by ronald goodin  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

ronald goodin,

Hi Ronald, I've changed the way you wrote your comment as it was a little negative towards neme. We try not to be antagonistic or call out community members in any negative way as we are all entitled to our opinions (so long as they are not negative towards someone). Thank you for the suggestion though. :)

Stay safe.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

ronald goodin, of course I had the screen brightness up to 100% on my HP laptop, but the scenes were still very dark. Overall, the game just wasn't to my taste despite me being a huge HOG fan. I see reviews elsewhere complaining of the same issue, so I'm guessing it's not just me, though perhaps some are not as bothered by this.

Reply   |   Comment by neme  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Whiterabbit-uk, thank you. Even after all these years of being active on internet forums, I'm still kinda taken aback when people find it difficult to be civil when someone is just honestly asking for help. Of course, you know me from way back and know that naturally I would have lightened the screen brightness before posting :). I do appreciate the edit, and maybe the suggestion might help someone else.

Reply   |   Comment by neme  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I've just played a little of the game (don't have the time to play more today), but I loved the detailed graphics/images.

The music is a bit jarring if you compare it with the music of more modern games, but you can always mute it or keep the volume low in game settings.

Reply   |   Comment by Sunil Suresh  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Continuing from my first comment, I see that this game is not without some problems. I do hope I am able to plow through it. Thanks so much for the warning about no map and other difficulties.

Reply   |   Comment by Lynne FitzGerald  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

I'm so happy to get an HOG on the weekend. Made my day. Thank you Game give away of the day!

Reply   |   Comment by Lynne FitzGerald  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

According to my notes following its last giveaway (8th Jan 19) it had "no map. Once saved goes back to some previous place"

Reply   |   Comment by Sieska Cowdrey  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Sieska Cowdrey,

Hi Sieska,
It does say when you decide to leave the game that the game will resume in the location where you last solved a task or puzzle. It then asks you if you are sure you want to quit.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

This is a game that can be won only with the prompt from the Internet. There is a subtle moment: you start collecting glass fragments, you have a basket for this, it does not allow you to choose the desired object in the scenes that you did not pass on time. You have no opportunity to somehow start from the beginning, there is no user's profile in the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Vladimir  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

Vladimir, that sounds like a deal-killer for me; thanks for posting! Between this glitch, and no map, may have to pass on this one, which is sad since I'm hungering for a HOG :).

Reply   |   Comment by neme  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)


Can anyone else confirm what Vladimir has noted? I've only just woke up and haven't the time to play today's game.

To Vladimir,

What do you mean by This is a game that can be won only with the prompt from the Internet?

Thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Whiterabbit-uk, hi .
I think he means that the player must use walkthroughs from the internet
in order to win the game .

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I hope the rabbit is better . :-)

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

It's almost 06:00 here in Greece .
I will try to install and play the game in order to verify what Vladimir
said and I will get back to you .
I am really tired , but I will try .

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)


Hi Thanks G.
That makes sense; however, the way he's written it may confuse some as it seems he's saying you require the internet to play the game.

Having to use or choose to use a walkthrough just indicates that the game may be on the difficult side or more challenging than the usual HOG.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)
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