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The Last Roman Village Giveaway

The Last Roman Village

Develop a whole Roman city from scratch and defend it.
$12.99 EXPIRED
User rating: 13 11 comments

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Join and Win! Time of peace is over. The Roman Empire doesn't exist anymore. Everything is in the hands of General Marcus Aurelius to preserve and protect the last piece of roman history. Enemies are attacking on both sides, and it is important to keep good defense and balance on both flanks. With a little luck and wise choices you will be able to take the best decisions to show the enemy hordes that the Last Roman Village will remain. Times are hard choose wisely every coin you spend...

* Build and Upgrade more than 10 buildings
* Train and upgrade roman soldiers
* Defeat big variety of enemies like skeletons, orcs, trolls, minotaurs goblins and more
* Defeat 10 unique bosses
* Wheels of Soldier give you options to win many surprises like dog pet, 10% more attack and defence for all soldiers, stronger walls and towers, 3 magics (summon soldier, arrow rain and wrath of gods), coins and more
* Beautiful music and weather change atmosphere
* The game will not have any paid features or DLCs

System Requirements:

Windows XP SP3/ Vista SP2/ 7/ 8/ 10 (32&64bit versions)


Twin Stone Studio




The game is available for $12.99, but the winners of our contest will get it for free.

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The Last Roman Village

In Brief
The Last Roman Village is a strategy defense game that gives freedom to develop a whole Roman city from scratch and to wisely choose the way to defend it. The game allows players to experience variety of options and creativity.
The game was released on Steam on the 26th July. Side scrolling defense games are one of my favorite types of games (next to Breakouts, Shmups and top down TD games)
You can also see a few videos of game play HERE (1min), HERE (28mins), HERE (1hr 12mins) and HERE (18mins). The third link is worth checking despite its length, however the first link from the developers intro video of just over a minute gives an overall picture of the game. Personally I'll probably buy this if I don't get one free to review (depending on the release price), as I do like these rare (compared to the usual top down variety) side scrolling TD games.



The Game:
On booting up the game you get a configuration window that allows you to select from a range of resolutions from 640x480 up to 3840x2160. There’s also a drop down menu for selecting the graphics quality; ranging from low, medium, height, very high and ultra and there's an option that allows you to select which monitor your game will appear on if you have a multi monitor display and there’s a checkbox for selecting windowed mode. The game starts in full screen by default. After several game story boards the main menu will appear. This comprises of three buttons, PLAY, OPTIONS and QUIT. The options menu allows you to re configure your game, basically mirroring the initial configuration window, apart from the multi monitor selection menu which is not included.
The main aim of the game is to protect the emperor. You start the game with a small village, but can expand by building various building, which all give different advantages to the defense of the village. For example building an house will give you an extra villager every third wave. Villagers are useful because they repair broken walls after each wave (+1 HP per second) Houses can be upgraded to level 2. When upgraded homes will create two extra villagers per turn. Building a forum increases your gold income by +4 coins every wave. Other useful buildings include Blacksmith (swords), Mill (food for health), Armory (Stronger Armor for protection), Roman Barracks (creates level 1 - Spearmen, level 2 - Legionnaires and level 3 - Praetorian's), Archery Range (train archers), Ballista Factory (creates powerful Roman ballista), Stone Mine (produces +2 Gold and +1 Spears per wave), Tent (healers levels 1 to 3) and a Woodcutters cottage (produces +2 Gold and +1 Spears per wave). You can see a more detailed description of each building via one of the images I've posted below.

More to follow later
Key Bindings:

M = next information panel or call archer while in game (or Red controller B)
N = Call Infantry (or blue controller X)
I = Encyclopedia/Pause
K = Skip to Wave
T = Train (Upgrade) Soldiers (or Yellow controller Y)
A = Forward
D = Backward
E = Build or upgrade building
1 = Magic 1 (Arrow Rain)
2 = Magic 2 (Summon Warrior)
3) = Magic 3 (Wrath of Gods)
F = Spear Throw
Esc = Exit

















Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Whiterabbit-uk, Hi thanks for giving a brief info about our game. I did not received any email from you. So if possible write me email info@twinstonestudio.com

Reply   |   Comment by TWIN STONE STUDIO  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Thank you so much for the time

Reply   |   Comment by TWIN STONE STUDIO  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

TWIN STONE STUDIO, Thanks. I'm enjoying the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


I've posted a WIP review HERE. I've already spent over 3.5 hours on the game, but need to spend more time before I post a completed review. I will be editing the Steam version as and when I can over the next few days and will email you when I've completed it. Thank you again for the Steam key. it is very much appreciated. My overall feeling so far, ''a decent and enjoyable game, challenging, but not too hard for experienced players and beginners alike''. As I've said elsewhere, there aren't many of this type of TD game on Steam; I hope its a winner for you.
Question ........ Is the Arena area a work in progress that you'll be adding later, and is it a separate mode? Thank you in advance for answering.
Regards Whiterabbit.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Whiterabbit-uk, Hi, first of all thanks for the detailed review. The arena is slowly building in the game and at wave 45 it is fully build and you can upgrade it also. All 3 magics and the dog pet only can be win on the wheel bonus round, which mean some players will see it , others may never see these abilities.

Reply   |   Comment by TWIN STONE STUDIO  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Thanks for the update. appreciated. Will email you when I've finished the review.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Whiterabbit-uk, Hi sorry for type you here . I did not have your email. Sorry if you find the game a little challenging. Usually we have some people before ( they played like 40 hours) and on easy they manage to beat the game so easy with like 38 praetorian :) My best strategy that I recommend is to put a wall tower and place soldiers behind the wall not direct fight so you can save them. Here is a link with a very good gameplay if you like to check and I hope you enjoy the game and sorry for bothering you here on this chat.

Reply   |   Comment by TWIN STONE STUDIO  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi, There is no need to apologise, especially because I'm finding the game challenging. Personally I think 'challenging' is one of the attributes in a game that makes a game good. I'm still working on a full review. Unfortunately it's taken much longer than I thought it would. I presume you are responding to my Steam review which is still a work in progress? My last attempt on the fourth wave included a defense tower, which helped significantly, but I was using a previous save where I'd squandered my limited supply of gold on the wrong buildings.. As with all decent TD games, which I consider your game to be, you require the correct strategies to win. I don't see the point in playing a game where you can win easily.

Most of the top down TD games on Steam tend to be too easy; though the tower defense game given away here Thursday 1st August was quite difficult compared to most top down TD's I've played over the years (called Ballistic Attack), but it's still a run of the mill top down version, with the same formula as hundreds of other top down TD games with nothing new added to make the game interesting. All the developer had done was add more difficult enemies early in the game, which made it difficult to beat even with tried and tested strategies. Unlike many tower defense games, your game does have some original features (at least none that I've ever seen in a TD game before) that enhance the game and make it more interesting and more importantly give it replayability.

Thank you for posting the link to the game play video; however, I'll probably not check it as I'd rather discover the correct strategies to beat the game on different difficulty settings. I'm not looking to find an easy way to beat the game; part of the fun is finding the correct strategies to win. Watching others win a game is like cheating to win.

The longer it takes for me to actually win the game, the better my review will be because I can then comment on the ins and outs of the game and thereby give a fair assessment. I'll email you when the review has been completed.

Again thank you for the Steam key. It was appreciated. I just wish I could have played a demo of the game before the competition here had started so that a reasonable review of the game could have been posted before the competition ended.

You can email me on Whiterabbit-uk@hotmail.co.uk

I've done a lot of beta testing for various indie developers (Dejobaan Games, Pi Eye Games, 2DBoy, Alawar entertainment, and others; as well Beta testing several MMO's for Ubisoft and Bethesda. Plus several game modders for various games I loved to play (Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, Crysis) over the years since I retired from work 14 years ago. I was forced into retirement due to a serious road traffic accident Sept 2005 that left me with a severely broken back {I lost 4 inches in height} and serious head injuries.

If you require any alpha or beta testing, I'd be happy to help. I always submit written reports on any bugs and glitches I find in the games I alpha or beta test, plus suggestions for possible inclusion into the game and always include images and if needed video footage to supplement my written reports.

Whiterabbit aka Stephen

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Congratulations to the winners

Reply   |   Comment by TWIN STONE STUDIO  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I thought the competition was supposed to run until Saturday afternoon? last night (Thursday) it said there was still 43 hours left, which meant we had until 6pm Saturday (UK time)?

I redeemed the Steam key and was able to download the game a few hours ago. I'm in the middle of playing and collecting my thoughts. I'll post the review here and over on Steam either later this evening, or because the competition has already ended I'll probably wait until tomorrow morning so that I can spend a little more time checking the game out and editing my review. In the mean time, what I have already written I'll post with what i've already posted previously. Though no opinion of the game will be included until i've completed my game play time. I like to play the games I'm reviewing for 3 or 4 hours at the very least before posting a review; thought, depending on how much depth there is to it it can be much longer. I'll send you links to the one I post here and my Steam review via the email you gave me. Check it tomorrow around lunch time and it should be complete by then. :)

Thanks for the key.



p.s. it's a pity I didn't have a free standing version, so that I could have played and posted a review much earlier.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)
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