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Soup Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Soup

In the game world "Soup" you operate a saucepan which moves on a table. Your goal is to fill it and make edible soup. Avoid contacts with grenades or any harmful units. Playing time is limited. Collect bonuses to gain life, increase score and time.
User rating: 127 41 comments

Soup was available as a giveaway on February 26, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Turn a field of multicolored hexagons into a single solid color!

In the game world "Soup" you operate a saucepan which moves on a table. Your goal is to fill it and make edible soup. Avoid contacts with grenades or any harmful units. Playing time is limited. Collect bonuses to gain life, increase score and time.


  • Realistic, colourful 3D-scene, changing colors at each start.
  • Dynamical, full of risk gameplay, threatening by "a heavy outcome", demanding development of tactics of the best preparation of soup - balance between quantity and quality.
  • Compact distribution kit, democratic system requirements.

System Requirements:

Microsoft Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP, Pentium II 400 MHz or equivalent, 48Mb RAM (96Mb for XP), Direct3D 7 compatible 3D graphics card with 16 Mb RAM


Xing Interactive



File Size:

2.57 MB



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Comments on Soup

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i alway love the taste of chicken soup as well as oyster soup';`

Reply   |   Comment by Savannah Scott  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

COMMENT 37 Hes right though Winfix WinAntispyware Winfix 2006 and WinAntivirus all bad guys heck just going on there web pages the page itself installs spyware if I were him take heavy precaution and get the best spyware scanners avilable today and start scanning!!! trust me

Reply   |   Comment by Unknown  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

For those that have problems with 3D-like perspective - try the f-keys
you can tilt the table top (much like the old school 3D-Pool games).
Makes it a lot easier - maybe too easy!

I also found that I was forced to press shift-enter to continue the
game after inserting player name.

Soup is a nice diversion, however.

Thanks for the gift!!!

Reply   |   Comment by w-cappa  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#37 Wow thanks BuBBy, for the heads up! Kudos!

Reply   |   Comment by BillW50  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Aside from the obvious popularity of "Soup" - do not download "WinAntiVirus" or "WinAntiSpyware" which are advertised on their site http://minigames3d.com/productse.htm Clicking on these adverts immediately displayed a graphic suggesting my PC was infected and that I should download their product to remove the infection. Doing so would only be the start of my problems.

If you are wondering what these two products do - search for the product names in Google. You will find these products are about as popular and helpful as Spyware, Viruses and Trojans.


Personally I will not support a company that obtains revenue from or supports "Badware".

Reply   |   Comment by BuBBy  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Been trying out games and SOME of the other software daily for about three months now, and this is the worst I have seen. I'm not experienced at games, but I usually get better at them with a little playing time under my belt. NOT so with this one! I had a high score of "52" and I just moved the pot around randomly on that attempt instead of actually trying to aim it in a certain area. It's a shame 'cause it could have been a fun, silly game if it could have been controlled better. It "looked" good on my system, just wouldn't "play" worth a hoot. My first thumbs down, and I couldn't submit that, LOL. Thanks "Giveaway of the Day", but this one isn't worth the time of downloading. :-(

Reply   |   Comment by Jean  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#30 thanks for the tip, just tried that with the shadow and actually got a completion bonus lol...then the game was over :(

Reply   |   Comment by Pamela  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

1 hour and 25 minutes for the next game, not by my clock lol, more like 11 minutes, either way i cannot wait!

Reply   |   Comment by Pamela  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

lol comment #21 Zip Zap, I'm easy to please most of the time. :D

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is the worst game I have played other than the Singing Dropping which was absolutely gross!

Reply   |   Comment by Vanessa Wang  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Seem like one to avoid, judging by most of the comments and the score so far ... Still, I've already got quite a few good games from GGOTD that will keep me very happy today, and there's always tomorrow!

Reply   |   Comment by Webby  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I actually enjoy this game...................it is made for younger players; however look on the table for the shadow.........that's how you know where the stuff will fall................i really do enjoy it.

Reply   |   Comment by Linda  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Lost my appetite for this one. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Gore May  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This was a logical choice for the next game. After we wore ourselves out mowing the lawn yesterday, it's nice to get a chance to eat today :-)

Reply   |   Comment by Old Girl  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Interesting design, love the 3d as it moves very well (no lags or anything) but the idea might have been developed a tad. Soup then desert or something. Besides, whilst worms are not nice they are protein and some people eat them. Why the low score? Cultural differences, man!

Reply   |   Comment by Alba Maria  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well, i did try this game, and it is in fact almost impossible to catch anything. I caught 4 out of 30 lol. But the graphics are great for me anyways. Thanks GGOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Pamela  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

update - I ran the program with a "run as" command; it seems that Soup makes a memory access violation. In doing so, one of explorer.exe's libraries 'broke'.

Reply   |   Comment by Angus  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This doesn't even run. A small window pops up, then vanishes. I checked in task manager, it was never running. Odd. Anyone have the same problem?

Anyway, keep up the good work GGOTD!

P.S. It seems like Soup is the only game Minigames 3d created. What a relief.

Reply   |   Comment by Angus  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

sorry poor poor game here,

Reply   |   Comment by Tman  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#19 gee thanks for telling me all the games i've missed lol. Hey, i think trying it out for myself works best. :) Thanks GGOTD for your hard work :).

Reply   |   Comment by Pamela  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

LOL, I never thought I'd hear you say 1 bad word about a game or app, Whiterabbit aka stephen!

Why must you put your kids through this lousy game though???

Reply   |   Comment by zipzap  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

not for me(hard to control and has the previous posters said about knowing where stuff will land)..but thats just my opinion and they say they are like a-holes everyone has one and they all stink..LOL...50/50..well for the ones that voted anyway..worse i've seen here yet..but still love the job you people do here keep it up GOTD i never miss a day no worries there :)

Reply   |   Comment by w/e  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Semi, thanks for the detailed review on game play. Saved me a download and install, and likely an uninstall from how it sounds. First lawn mowing and now soup making, is it Weird Games Week? Thanks anyway GGOTD, will check back tomorrow.

Re: #12 Arlene & #13 OnceBitten, more often than not there's good games here. XMas Blox, Treasure of Persia, Aqua Words, Aquatic of Sherwood, the Swap 'n Falls, Phantasia 1 & 2, Egyptoid, Crusaders of Space, the Snowy games, Robbox, Hyperballoid, Butterfly Escape and Star Blaze are examples of terrific ones they've had, the last three just this past week. Check each day and you're bound to find some "keepers". They're really doing a great job choosing games but nobody can expect them to score a hit every single day. ;)

Reply   |   Comment by Game Seeker  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'll try again tomorrow.

Reply   |   Comment by tim  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've got agree with most the comments here - the main problem is the difficulty level and the perspective.

GGAOTD has given us some great games in the past and lots of us really appreciate getting them for free.

But this one and to be honest yesterdays really drop the standard. Maybe a little playtesting is needed before putting choosing the games.

Reply   |   Comment by BobC  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Re: my comment #15 I forgot to mention I was taking about semicolons review. :D

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka stephen  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've just retried the game, and although I still agree with you on most points. Once you are aware that there are shadows to indicate where the items will drop, it does help you to catch some of them; however, it's still too fast for me to enjoy the game. I lose every time I try. Maybe if it will play on an old 286 or 386 computer running the original windows or maybe win 95, then it may be a goer as I'm sure the slow processor speeds (25-30MHz)of mthose machines would slow the game down enought to make it playable. And the small memory sticks...I seem to remember mine had 4Mb of memory...probably would support the poor graphics, lol.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka stephen  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I completely agree with semicolon. This game is too hard to play, the pot pauses before it moves across the table. There are shadows, but they are VERY light. It is just to hard to tell where the food is falling and it is hard to control. Thanks GGAOTD for the free games, we can't always be pleased, but your doing a great job. Thanks again!

Reply   |   Comment by Jessica  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Don`t think i will fall for this one iether,I check allmost everyday but mainly find "Screensavers or System checkers" Hmmph!, And some good little games for the kids but not even they like this one :~(
Other than that atleast its free.

Reply   |   Comment by OnceBitten  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I always read the comments before downloading. Thank you for all of your insight.
Lately, it seems a lot of these games are "dumb".
I won't be wasting my time. Thank you again

Reply   |   Comment by Arlene  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I actually like this game..
I thought the graphics were very appealing, control was easy as pie, and winning isn't too difficult. I downloaded it just to see how bad it was but looks like I'll be keeping it. Thanks guys.

Reply   |   Comment by God  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the feedback semicolon .. tried it myself and surely didn't see the shadows you mentioned were there . this is the first i have felt the game didn't stand up to what i have received. thanks anyhow GGOTD keep them coming :)

Reply   |   Comment by bluhoteyes  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice assessment semicolon. I thought, Mmmm, something unusual, but I have to agree with what you said 100%. This is the first game I've really though was a poor excuse for a game. Pity really as the idea is sound. With some tweaking of the graphics and perhaps the addition of an indicator that shows you which square the items are falling on, apart from the grenades this would have been a much better game. I didn't even notice the shadows you mentioned Semicolon, lol. Maybe my kids will like it; but I doubt it, as it really is difficult to progress in a skilled way. My son will definitely get frustrated; my daughter has more patience, so we shall see. :D Thanks for the well written review.

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#3 Thank you for a well-worded and thoughtful assessment. If it works as poorly for me, I will not have to question whether it is my computer or function of the game. This is the type of negative feedback that is helpful. Well done.

Thanks GGOTD team, will be back tomorrow for sure.

Reply   |   Comment by Face  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

is that a game ?
totaly unplayable
too hard way too hard and no fun at all
already at the first level
too hard to read where they falling
no chance to win = no fun

Reply   |   Comment by baselone  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Didn't care for the game. But I do enjoy trying all of them. Thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Kerry  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yeah very hard to control...not liking this one. But thanks for all the great ones before.

Reply   |   Comment by Gil T.  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the comment and saving me from waste my time Semicolon. I will come back tomorrow.

Reply   |   Comment by Martin  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Looked promising, as it APPEARED to be different... but I was mistaken.

On the surface, the colors and graphics are very tacky and are relatively ugly; I assume they were designed for younger gamers, but this is no excuse.

As for the game, it's simply frustrating to play. The perspective is so bad that you can't tell where you need to put your soup pot to catch the food. There even seems to be a delay in reaction as to how the pot follows where your mouse would be, making things even more unnecessarily difficult.

To make things worse whether the food is falling all the way in the back or in the front, it looks EXACTLY the same. Sure, the game puts shadows on the table to help you, but even when your soup pot isn't blocking said shadows, they are way to light to even notice half the time as you frantically attempt to catch whatever you see falling.

It's pretty much an uncontrollable version of the Atari classic Kaboom!, which is surprisingly much more fun than Soup.

Reply   |   Comment by Semicolon  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"democratic system requirements."

There was a vote?

Reply   |   Comment by BuBBy  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

yay first to comment nice game rock on GGAOTD team!

Reply   |   Comment by Eurasianjewel  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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