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Picross Hansel and Gretel  Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Picross Hansel and Gretel

200 Japanese crosswords that you just can't put down!
User rating: 18 16 comments

Picross Hansel and Gretel was available as a giveaway on February 18, 2023!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Dragons Puzzle is a fascinating puzzle game dedicated to fabulous dragons.

Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and ToomkyGames! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!

The children of Red Riding Hood and the Woodcutter need help against a very treacherous and wicked witch.

An exciting story for fans of all kinds of puzzles awaits you. Expect a bunch of quests in unique worlds full of secrets. Japanese crosswords come out in bright colors and take on a new life as you solve them. A new fairytale world awaits you, along with new characters! Great premium-quality graphics, 200 unique levels of varying difficulty, nonograms from 10x10 to 30x30 with nice background music to help you immerse yourself in your most pleasant memories.

- Japanese crosswords that come alive with light once they’re solved!
- 5 different worlds and 200 unforgettable levels!
- great practice for your logical and abstract thought processes!
- cute ocean dwellers: dolphins, crabs, fish, starfish, octopi and many more!
- simple interface and exciting gameplay!
- a story of magic, mages and mystical spells!
- mini-games and dialogues that’ll keep you wanting more!
- over 15 rewards and trophies for extra quests!
- stunning illustrations and wonderful music!
- more than 30 hours of exciting gameplay!
- the best way to have fun and expand your brain!

System Requirements:

Minimum: Windows XP SP3 x64; Processor: 1500 MHz; Memory: 512 MB RAM





File Size:

52.7 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
Developed by SCS Software

Comments on Picross Hansel and Gretel

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Picross Hansel and Gretel:

In Brief:
Picross Hansel and Gretel has never been given away before. I won't be posting a review of todays game, I'll leave it up to Jason and/or DataDragon to give you the details.

We've had several of these over the past few months; so, most of the community will probably know what the score is with respect to how to play them. There is a tutorial for newbies to the genre.

It's an 8Floor game so it will be basically the same as previous Picross games we've been given apart from the actual puzzles and the theme. You can see a video of game play HERE.

If you enjoy playing the Far Cry series of games, Ubisoft
have a free weekend on for the latest iteration of the game Far Cry 6. I think you can download it from both uPlay (Ubisoft's client) and Epic Games. You do require a free account on both.

Don't forget to check out the latest freebie from Epic games called Warpigs a strategic RTS Tower Defence hybrid (excellent game with 89% of nearly three thousand reviews giving it a thumbs up).

You can find lots of free Nonogram puzzles online (same links as I've posted when the previous Griddlers games were given away) for example Goobix.com and Online Nonograms

Picross Hansel and Gretel has exactly the same design as the previous giveaways back in January i.e. Christmas Griddlers Journey to Santa and Christmas Eve's Santa's Toy Factory Nonograms that were released by the same developer of today's giveaway (8Floor). They have a habit of releasing lots of games with the same mechanic but with different themes; for example other Griddlers games we were given given earlier in December (i.e. Magic Griddlers 2) and November (Magic Griddlers) last year.

Apart from the different levels there's nothing to distinguish between all five games with respect to game play.

If you get stuck, you can find solutions to the puzzles HERE and Steam community reviews of the game HERE.






Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)


I scanned a zipped copy of the installed game using Virus Total and it found ? hit/s (VBA32 & Zilliya, Jiangmin, Kingsoft, MaxSecure, Panda & BitDefenderTheta) from ? antimalware engines. These (number) are amongst only several antimalware suites that often tag MyPlayCity Games compared to most better known and more reliable antimalware engines; so, it's very likely to be a false positive.

You can see the results of the scan HERE

The downloaded executable 'may' include some low level adware that opens your browser once to MyPlayCity Games home page after the game has installed and also places a few shortcuts onto your desktop; these can be safely deleted once the game has been installed).

The MyPlayCity installation does NOT inject any malware into your system. When your browser is opened to MyPlayCity's home page following the games installation, it earns MyPlayCity games some money, part of which is given to the developer of the game for allowing the game to be given away free. The giveaway version of MyPlayCity games version has had most of the adware disabled.

If you're still not convinced of the games efficacy and want to be absolutely sure that the game is safe to install, please use a sandbox program to check that the game is safe to install before installing it to your C drive or other drives on your computer (assuming you have more than one drive).

There are free sandbox programs such as Sanboxie, GeSWall, BitBox, Windows Sandbox, Bufferzone (a six month commercial license was given away via the applications side of the project back in December 2009 HERE), Shadowzone, as well as others. (You'll find them all on the same page from Techwhoop.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

I have enough of these, so won't be downloading. I believe the specs are wrong and this will play on 32 bit machines. GGOTD has been posting links to Steam recently, not because that is the source, but to take advantage of Steam reviews and it's listed System Requirements, just as they have often done by linking to Big Fish, though that is not currently a source site, either. Unfortunately, someone on Steam has listed these as requiring a 64 bit operating system. I have 4 of these grid puzzles from 8Floor, and 3 of them give me the standard "not a valid Win 32 application" error when I click on the the game shortcuts. Also, I have other Toomky games that have this same behaviour. If you get this error, what you need to do to make these work is go to the folder that the game installed in, and click on the icon that says "Game". The "Picross Hansel and Gretel" icon may give this error because of the updated Toomky software which is coupled into that icon, but the actual Game icon should work fine when double clicked. The icon with the game's that actual name, and any shortcuts on your desktop or program menu, draw on this Game icon, which contains the actual game program. Those using more modern 64 bit machines can click the shortcuts as they normally would.

Reply   |   Comment by mediaman13  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

It is picross puzzles. Do you not know how picross works? Did someone in the back of the top balcony just go - Nope, never heard of them? Actually, its not tetris and I'll bet a lot of you NEVER have tried them since they seem brain-y and spook-y and mysterious! Fine then, I guess I better explain this in detail as even the tutorial might not help.

Picross are logic puzzles where you use number clues along the edges of the grids horizontal rows and vertical columns which indicate how many of the cells you need to color in using the left mouse button in order to reveal the hidden picture. When there is more than one number shown, that means the colored cells need to be separated by at least one or more empty non colored cells and using the right mouse button you can optionally mark the alleged non color cells during your guessing. If all is in the right places, the numbers at the end of the grid for that row/column disappears and the cells locks into place. As a general rule you can assume that the bigger the grid, the harder the puzzle. Higher numbers might be easier to figure out initially such as a big combo might have only a limited numbers of ways the combination can be arranged in to the grid. As you get further in a puzzle, those filled spots of course can make it easier to guess the other spots with the rest of the clues, and hopefully being a picture might give some added ideas where to color or not. Once all the spots are filled, you get to see a image that you figured out from those clues and possibly a burst of dopamine hits your system kind of like falling in love..but without all the dating... Picross are also known as nonograms or griddlers, Handjie puzzles, Pic-a-Pix puzzles etc. In Nonogram puzzles for example, the picture is random, whereas Picross puzzles will reveal a hidden picture.

This one is a sequel to Picross Fairytale - nonogram: Red Riding Hood secret, has about 40 hours of gameplay (or 100 if you suck). As already covered nicely by Whiterabbit we've had picross logic games here previously, and at minimum are reskinned versions (different themes) like this one has a lot of the same basics as the fairytale version. Some others of course will have gameplay differences as well so its good to read reviews and descriptions in depth to see if a game generally is more of what you may have liked, or how it differs in some manner. I can see why some like this genre and theres a ton of content if you do... for me it sometimes kinda feels like its dentist day but you just ate a big box of oreos because you like your dental hygienist and your teeth look sparkly white afterwards. :)
Rating: B-

Egypt Picross: Pharaoh's Riddles (Jan 2020), Royal Riddles (Aug 2015), Riddles of the Mask (April 2017), Nonograms: Wolf's Stories (June 2019), CryptoPics June 2012, and Shellblast (July 2009) are just a few of the others besides what Whiterabbit mentioned just from this site so your bound to have plenty of gameplay should you enjoy this genre.

Reply   |   Comment by DataDragon  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Windows Vista Home Premium

Game loads but the numbers in the margins aren't visible. Had the same problem with a previous picross and tried several suggested fixes to no avail. Gonna have to pass, not worth too much effort to try to track down a fix.

Reply   |   Comment by LakeLivin  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)


Have you tried changing the screen resolution?

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)


Thanks, but yeah, I tried that the other time I had the issue with a griddler on here (from I'm guessing the same company) and if didn't work. Haven't had a problem with any of the other griddlers given away here.

Reply   |   Comment by LakeLivin  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Improvements for picross games:
• Since the row/column numbers slant bottom-left to top-right, having the crossing-out of the numbers slanting in the same direction makes it difficult to read the number that is crossed out. It would be nice if the cross-outs slanted from top-left to bottom-right.
• It would be good to hi-light the actual row/column numbers in addition to the rows and columns as the cursor hovers over the squares. It is very frustrating to get penalized for clicking the correct square...in the wrong row or column.
• Please change the font used for the numbers…it is a distraction to force us to determine whether we’re seeing a 7 vs. 1 or 3 vs. 5, especially when they’re crossed-out.
• In some of your picross games you use a bright and obvious color/image for the blank squares. This is good. In others of your picross games the selected blank squares are very lightly indicated (e.g. Riddle of the Mask) and, depending on the ambient lighting, it’s not very obvious that a particular square is out of play.
• Similarly, in some of your games you hi-light the selected rows/columns so lightly that it’s not at all easy to verify which row/column I’m on.

Hansel&Gretel contains the following improvement:
 rather than punishing me for guessing wrong, you now indicate the rows/columns that are not correct and allow me to find the error myself.
 you no longer hide the numbers that are correct.
 The selected ‘filled’ vs. ‘empty’ squares are now very obvious.
 Automatically filling in empty rows/columns is an improvement that eliminates a tedious distraction.
 I accept that it’s now possible to change the selections between ‘filled’ and ‘empty’, in exchange for the punishment of a mere mistake.
 It would still be useful to have the rows & columns (including the numbers) highlighted in some manner, to indicate which row/column we’re on.
Thank you for these improvements.

Reply   |   Comment by MAJ  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Don't know if this is just a bad brain day or not, but these are more challenging than the recent games. Definitely will enjoy playing these.

Thanks again for quality games.

Reply   |   Comment by Jackie  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Today's game needs no introduction other than the fact that this is essentially like the other griddlers given away on this site, Just like with an alternative game, Sudoku which is also I think a Japanese crossword puzzle, the math has to add up in order to have the right squares on the field.

Every griddler game given away thus far has some kind of tutorial built in so if anyone is new to this kind of game be sure to pay attention to it as it has important clues on how to play,

There are many expert tutorials on YouTube if you're still unable to figure things out, At the end of the day I would like a relaxing Mahjong game in place of a Nonogram. I just don't fare well with these puzzles :)

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

I can't see anything that is Japanese with this game.
What did I miss?

Reply   |   Comment by Jack Amano  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Jack Amano, LOL! No, you're not missing anything: nonograms are sometimes known as "Japanese crosswords" (see nonograms.org).

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

Cad Delworth, Thank you.
I learnt something new today.

Reply   |   Comment by Jack Amano  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

new free game on gog: Biing!: Sex, Intrigue and Scalpels
find it here: https://www.gog.com/en/game/biing_sex_intrigue_and_scalpels

Reply   |   Comment by smurf  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

and a new one at indiegala as well can be found there https://teas.indiegala.com/nup5

Reply   |   Comment by smurf  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)


Thanks for the heads up on these Smurf, appreciated. I've not checked GOG or IG for a few weeks now.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)
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