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Mysterious symbols Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Mysterious symbols

Mysterious symbols will never leave you in peace! Mysterious symbols, full of vagueness and hidden sense, will entertain you for many hours of fun and excitement! It's up to you to get over the obstacles and find the answers to all questions. Put every mysterious symbol on its place before your opponent does it and feel a real taste of the victory! Are you fast enough in cards moving?
$14.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 67 52 comments

Mysterious symbols was available as a giveaway on June 24, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Game featuring images of various robots made in this unique genre.

Mysterious symbols will never leave you in peace! Mysterious symbols, full of vagueness and hidden sense, will entertain you for many hours of fun and excitement!

It's up to you to get over the obstacles and find the answers to all questions. Put every mysterious symbol on its place before your opponent does it and feel a real taste of the victory! Are you fast enough in cards moving?

System Requirements:

Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP; CPU: P700; Memory: 256 MB; Sound Card


Xing Interactive



File Size:

3.35 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
A challenging MOBA set in a fantasy world.
Developed by Overwolf

Comments on Mysterious symbols

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#50 Hi Kevin, I apologize if I used the word "scold" incorrectly, although your post was addressed by name to me in disagreement and I remembered it as I had given some thought to your shop analogy. (I did also remember your name but did not mention that on purpose.) As I say, there are indeed shops that I would never go into again, particularly the one I mentioned above (oh what the hey - June's Florist - keep away) so this was a point I paid attention to, questioning whether I was in fact wrong to say that each game should be evaluated individually after all.

I came to realise that whilst I would not use a shop that had treated me badly ever again and would tell everyone not to also in severe cases, the case with Double Games is completely different. They offer games, for free, which are all different. Granted none of them have been fantastic, yesterdays was just the best (and I'm not even close to being a Senior Citizen...) and many people did agree. Yes, I would never buy the same product again after bad quality but comparing each game to each other is like comparing lemonade to cola - each is different.

The crux here also is that we are allowed to evaluate the games free of charge, we do not have to pay money (which I admittedly would not do from past Double Games titles) to find out if we have made a mistake. These are not the same things offered so we can find out, for free, if each is any better. In this case, it was. I know you personally did not like it but that is not to say no-one else would and this is, surely, better than that "Button Up" thing they gave a few days ago?

Personally I would not download anything, free or not, from the developer who gave the drug dealer game away because I vehemently disagree with the potential that has for causing death just to give them some money. I don't think of Double Games in the same way and therefore do stand by what I said but also respect your opinions and would hate to have offended anyone by disagreeing with them.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Actually, I like it quite a bit! It's true that the description given via GOTD is misleading, but could be applicable to native language difference; I think most of us have been on the net long enough that we can appreciate that the internet makes products available from around the world, and we can be grateful enough to approach an 'engrish' obstacle as a learning experience. As far as the game itself, I found the instructions more than sufficient to begin playing immediately; I find the game challenging and fun; the GUI is visually pleasing; the audio is pleasant, unintrusive and optional; and the challenge of the game is winnable, fast enough to keep me on my toes and yet not so fast as to make me quit in frustration. Would I have paid for it? Yes, up to $9.95.Will I use it? :) ... I have already placed it on my quicklaunch bar. Thank you, GOTD and Doublegames.

Reply   |   Comment by Colleen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well, Merril, I tried this game at your suggestion. I argued against your open-minded theory the other day---I did not scold you.

Now that I have had time to practice being open-minded along with others of you I can definitively say, it is not worth the play. Perhaps it is entertaining for some of the senior citizens that visit here but overall I found the play is lame and the graphics will never make up for that.

My vote still remains that DoubleGames should be avoided.

Reply   |   Comment by Kevin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Double again? Thump down

Reply   |   Comment by Sammy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#4, there is no possible way that a DoubleGames release "crashed" your computer so that you had to reformat it. Did you not try using system restore? Although DoubleGames contain spyware, there's no way they would create software capable of destroying a computer. What did you try doing to fix the problem before you gave up and reformated?

Reply   |   Comment by Ravenhill  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

gotta gripe....but i see everyone always comes back again tomorrow...lol

Reply   |   Comment by Peggy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#35 is right. White Rabbit's reviews are full of information that is not asked for and completely unneeded. You don't have to write 6000 words to describe whether a game is good or not. My "reviews" hardly ever get posted while I see other people have 7 comments on the same game. Whoever is in charge of moderation of the comments is playing favorites...

Reply   |   Comment by Ravenhill  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Stan comment #35, the posting made with the giveaway info (comment #26) was an accidental posting. I thought I was posting something else, but had forgot to actually copy what I'd written (I always write my reviews on a word document first), so what you see is (which does involve cutting and pasting) about the giveaways to two Battlefield forums after being asked to do so by the admin’s there. As both are dedicated forums, I tend to keep them as short as possible, with links and the info the developer offers. My morphine soaked head sometimes makes mistakes. As for cutting and pasting my reviews of games that are given away, you’re wrong; Some of the reviews can take me up to three hours to write if I find them interesting and worth while. If there is any cutting and pasting which is rare, it's usually to emphasize or give as an example etc. All the images are taken by myself and uploaded to my photobucket account.

I don't know what your problem is Stan, but I do hope you have a great day. Sorry if my attempts at helping are seen as something to be avoided by you. I can’t please everyone. "Cest la Vie"

The rest of your rant is not worth even answering...

I apologise to the all the regulars and those that just pop in occasionally for my reactions to a few posters. I just don’t understand why they have to deride other posters, especially as these forums are for........goes away to cut and paste…….

"Please comment only the software here. If you have technical problems or suggestions on our project, please leave us a note in our forums"

lol...say no more....

The majority of my reviews are following the request stated above. Okay I'm guilty of sometimes adding non related items...but I don't insult or deride others; but when ‘I’ am, I feel I should at least reply...... maybe I should have posted my suggestion regarding deleting certain posts in the forums,; but to be honest, I can’t be bothered going to the forums because I have other stuff to do. :) Have a great week everyone….

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

ya know.. its not that i really care at all about these free cheap games that you only play once..... the real entertainment is reading the comments. I guess these series of comments really spell doom for double games. double the trouble....????

Reply   |   Comment by slip  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#35 In addition to my last post to you which has not yet been moderated I see now that you were referring to #25. None of my previous comments have changed I am just acknowledging the correct post.

Furthermore, I do totally agree with #25 and would do even if I did not know who the author was. This board is for software reviews, not for personal opinions of other people's comments if they do not happen to coincide with your own views.

Before anyone says I am disagreeing with a comment and as such contradicting myself, I post reviews on this site daily. Disagreeing with other people's opinions on the software and singling them out is one thing, bullying in the manner of #35 is a very different other.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

As always the game installed and activated effortlessly!!! I have played the game a total of 4 times throughout the day, the last two times the game froze in mid play, so I will be deleting this game. I did enjoy the game while I could play it.

Reply   |   Comment by Mickey  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If it had been a "real" card game where players take turns playing, I might have liked it. Instead, it is the usual DoubleGames nonsense--a race against the computer to see (?) who can play their cards the fastest! Well, the computer's "electronic mouse" is definitely faster than my ball-bearing one. Enjoyable only as a curiosity. (I was going to leave a "mysterious symbol" here, but I changed my mind.)

Reply   |   Comment by Mystery Man  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Explaination of the game was terrible. Could not figure out the rules as to why the opponent got to play more cards. Even when I played a green card I never got to play another card and the opponent did. My turn always ended automatically when the computer sensed that I was out of plays but I never got a chance to check. I always got the feeling that I was being cheated. After reading the posts here then I realized that there wasn't any "turns", you just put the cards down as fast as you can.

Reply   |   Comment by Quark  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#35 Why do that? I wish to goodness this section would be moderated properly and stop personal attacks such as yours from appearing. WhiteRabbit has not once posted "several times a day telling GOTD how to moderate and what to delete." and his comments on here are courteous and informative. The only one I saw that asked GOTD to delete a post was in relation to a post pretending to be from him, which should indeed have been removed.

I am not aware of the details of WhiteRabbit's recent period of illness, I am a nurse and am empathetic and sympathetic to anyone in any such position, but to be clear I am not saying this out of sympathy or being part of the fictional "legion" that you portrayed. But I respect WhiteRabbit and will stand up for anyone who I believe is treated badly; your post is completely out of order and crazily rude. Yes, I am asking here and now for the moderators to delete it. Please feel free to start attempting to bully me.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I agree with reviewers above that a lot of thumbs down are prob by people who didnt even download this game. This is a very interesting game and keep ur brain active. If you just need a brain-dead game or if you are 4 years old, this game may not be for you. Works perfectly, no probs with control.

Reply   |   Comment by raja  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

What's really sad is how fantastic games like Neon Wars (made by BlitWise, makers of Pocket Tanks) get peddled by companies like DG next to this garbage.

Reply   |   Comment by Patrick J. Simmons  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is the best Double Games title I have seen and is very enjoyable. I got scolded by another commenter the other day for saying that we should judge games on an individual basis rather than writing them off as soon as we see the developer's name. Whilst I do appreciate that there are shops I would not go into after a particularly bad experience (if anyone lives in UK I urge everyone to stay away from "June's The Florist" chain....), I don't think that Double Games' past flaws warrant thumbs down without even downloading; I did not know today's developer until I saw, 50 minutes after release, that it had 49% thumbs down - I was then able to correctly guess them.

The graphics on this game are simply beautiful, the opening page is silhouetted grass against sunrise/set and has Chinese style symbols flashing in a twinkly way in columns up and down the screen. This description does not do the effect justice, it is just gorgeous to look at.

I read the rules first which are very sparse, it just says that you have to put your 30 cards down before the other player does the same with their's and tells you that red cards with a circle on them change the order in which cards can be placed on the 4 piles in the centre of the table, either in ascending or descending order from 1-13, it also explains what a "Wild Card" is. As such I thought it was turn to piece and played as such, losing every game. I couldn't understand it as the albeit fictional score board had scores from high levels. I played again before going out and watched as the computer's card crawled across the table slower than a snail downloading Photoshop on Windows 3.1 and I was becoming more and more confused. There HAD to be something I wasn't doing right and so then I started looking for "codes" and figuring out the meaning of any symbols I had seen up to this point; I had the time after all, the computer was still on its first move. Then I read on this comments section that turn to piece does not apply and individual "goes" don't exist! So I started putting my cards down without waiting for the 'puter to move and got up to Level 4, finally beating Brandon, Chad and Co!!

Some things still do confuse me, namely the description of the game written by the developers at the top of this page; the game does not have any "mysterious symbols to put in their place", only numbered cards. There is no obstacle or any questions apart from the way you both play at the same time which is not explained. In theory ANY game could have that description if the developer does not provide rules - "fathom out the mystery - work out how to play by yourself (and you can then start on the game........)".

The music to the menu is different to that of the game, the game music being more pleasant but WATCH OUT!!! Leave it on and you too risk having it on your mind the whole afternoon.....!! The graphics throughout are gorgeous, the playing board and its cards and their numbers reminded me of Renee Mackintosh style and the board sparkles as does mouse-over of any buttons during the running of the program. The game itself has a crimson background with a purposely out of focus Yin and Yang symbol and works very well, the whole thing is pleasing to look at and thought and much work has evidently been put into its graphical effects.

The game ends with what sounds like a group of people shouting "ohhhh!" or "ahhhh!" depending on whether you win or not. It reminded me of the "Age Of Japan" game where every so often you get a "Wow!" which is worth playing just to hear and in Mysterious Symbols unmute the music before the end so ya don't miss out!!

Sadly the one time I played knowing what was actually going on, there was no "flip" sign on the stock pile when neither I nor computer could go. I don't know if the stock pile is limited and this is the reason why (if so it would have been better for it to end there and then rather than having to wait for the clock to run out so I could smugly go ahead of Chad) or if this was an error but it lost me the game and I came to write the review. Level 4 was getting tricky to get my cards in before Mr PC did so, so I don't know how hard the later levels are and if it carried on like this the "Level 12" that Jenny got must mean that Jenny is a big rectangular box with a sliding drawer to insert CDs on her forehead.

I don't know if this is an original game or if, as in previous titles, it is a version of an established one; nevertheless this is really enjoyable and the graphics are beautiful even if I will be hearing its tune in my Midsummer Night's dreams this evening ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It's not enough we have to be subjected to more DoubleGames dreck. Now this site is becoming The WhiteRabbit Show. I'm all for free speech, and I don't mind scrolling past his endless "reviews"(basically just copying and pasting info from this and other sites). But now he's back to posting several times a day telling GOTD how to moderate and what to delete. Yeah, I'm aware of his legion of sypathetic admirers. Before the flames start, would it do any good at all to suggest moving his fan club to the "Off-topic" section of the forums?
Allowing someone to post mile-long essays again and again is one thing, but now we have to read his reviews of the application software here in the game section because GOTD didn't give it the attention he felt it deserved. Tell me, Stephen, is there a naked lady on that sympathy card you've been playing for months?

Reply   |   Comment by Stan Decker  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I second the suggestion of #28. GameGiveaway should approach Reflexive, a company that develops/distributes some excellent games, notably the "Ricochet" series of top-notch Breakout games, as well as a number of fantastic overhead shooters.

Reply   |   Comment by Donald  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good morning everyone! ;)

The first download came through corrupted from GotD, so I downloaded again, but this time from the mirror site. No corruptions and it activated and installed well.

Launching the game immediately made me check (seriously!) that it was indeed Double Games since the graphics looked excellent! It launches in window mode (which I prefer for card games anyway,) and displays a very attractive animated background with what I'm guessing is a Japanese theme.

Not knowing anything about Asian language and its pictograms, it's a natural assumption - but then the name of the game is "Mysterious Symbols," so maybe they aren't really Asian characters at all. Perhaps some of our Asian friends can let us know.

The launch window gives you choices of 'Play,' 'Rules,' 'High Scores, 'More Games' and 'Exit.'

'Rules:' are brief and without a lot of clarity on game play. I had to play several times (and closely watch my opponent's moves,) to truly understand the play;

'Music:'(predictably,) annoying and repetitive in these types of games and it got turned off almost immediately. It would be nice if developers (in general,) could either offer 4 or 5 (different) genres of music from which we could choose - or give us the ability to add our own music, in order to enhance our own game experience;

Options: There are no options of which to speak. You have the usual controls at top right of the screen, making them all accessible in-game. They consist of a toggle for music on and off; volume; max/min window and the well known x to quit the game;

Graphics: As I mentioned earlier, the graphics are really lovely! Full of warm colors inviting you to play. The cards have stylized numerals on them, which some people (elderly or very young,) will have difficulty discerning - however, for me they were a treat for the eyes.

Each aspect of the game design is extremely well done and looks very professional. Good eye candy for a genre of game that can often lack interesting design and visual qualities.

All the numbers on the cards are created with a drop shadow, adding a really nice effect to the play. While I would keep the present cards, I'd like to have seen a choice of styles, particular those that are easier to read for those with difficult eyesight;

The playing field: The background has had the least work graphically, being static with a few symbols down the left side. White lines are animated with a couple of traveling stars along them, giving the overall effect a little more pizazz. I really wouldn't want any more animation than this anyway - since the game does require concentration in order to win.

On the right of the playing field, you are shown your score; how much time has expired; the level you're on; 'New Game;' 'Rules' and 'Pause.'

Game play: I really hope I can explain this a little better than the 'Rules' page did.

Both you and your opponent are dealt 30 cards each. They're arranged in six piles (that apparently the other opponent is unable to see.) The objective of the game is to spend all your cards before your opponent can.

Five cards are also dealt in the middle - one 'Flip' deck and four piles with their values showing to both opponents. You can move your cards at the same time as your opponent as it's a race against time and to finish first.

The cards are blue and red with green 'Wild' cards. The middle upturned row dictates which cards you can place on top of each pile. At any given time, each upturned pile could have cards added to it by using a different 'rule' (my label.)

These 'rules' are indicated by little red arrows under each pile in the middle row and yellow turning arrows that appear randomly on the bottom of the cards.

This takes a lot of concentration if you're to beat your opponent. Thankfully 'he's' ;) programmed to move very slowly, so that you can see how the current set of 'rules' are affected by his game play. In order to win, (definitely difficult at the later levels!) you must concentrate, think fast and move fast. Without that combination, you don't have a hope.

Like many card games, there is no 'Save' feature, however it will record your score if it's high enough for the score board. Card games are usually over in a matter of 10 minutes or so, negating the necessity to save the game;

I've played a few games and for me this game is a definite keeper. The game is original (for me anyway,) and has an 'enjoyability' factor that will have me returning to play many times.

The game has an ancient feel to it, which got me to wondering if there is a history to this particular game.


-1 - Developer needs to readdress the 'Rules' page, rewriting it to make the game play more understandable;

-1 - for terrible music;

-1 - for their options: I'd like to see it include:

* a choice for plainer cards (to aid those with difficult eyesight;)

* needs choices for different music (please!) preferably something soothing to aid concentration, OR better still, give us the option to use our own music;

4 - for really excellent graphics. The warm colors invite you to play and all animation presents very smoothly;

3 - originality;

3 - enjoyablity and return play;

TOTAL: 7/10 and thumbs up!

Thank you to Double Games for finally giving us an original game that is enjoyable to play. They are certainly welcome here if they keep the originality of the games up, making it worthwhile reviewing.

However the retail price is too high for this genre of game. At most, I wouldn't pay more than $10 - even for a really good card game such as this.

Thank you always to GotD for their efforts. I really enjoy providing these reviews as a thank you for the free games. It's the least that any of us can do.

Hey Heln - I meant to wave hello to you yesterday also!

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!
~ Swan

Reply   |   Comment by ~ Swan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I tried it. I dont like it. Thumbs down. Alice Greenfingers is a nice little game. It would be a keeper if offered. I must go now...have to uninstall vagueness and sensless game before I will find peace. I am fast enough at downloading now to do.

Reply   |   Comment by Heln  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#16 - I, too, am not a great fan of "Engrish" - nor Flench......

The descriptions of some of these games is often written in one or the other of these languages - you just have to adjust :)

Reply   |   Comment by Richard Marion  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Despite DoubleGames' bad reputation, I figured I'd at least try the game. The game itself isn't bad, you compete against the computer, cards go in ascending or descending order onto piles, first to dispose of all cards wins. Thing is, no mouse on the planet can move even close to as fast as the computer! The response is so slow, that there's just no chance of winning.

Reply   |   Comment by LadyCerridwen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#20 is pretty much exactly right. A lot of these games that are like "$25" aren't worth 25c. I could buy a battlefield 2 version or all of battlefield 1942 or even halo for that or not a lot more. I've seen flash games with better game play and more fun that most of these. The only thing the flash game has that isn't good is too much fun and too little game play. This has about the exact opposite. This is my disapproval of these games not of GAOTD. I probably just found out about this site too late to get any of the good games.

Reply   |   Comment by wardog  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Perhaps the problem isn't with DG so much as GotD; You see, GotD has to offer something, and though they've likely got the point that DG isn't worth offering. However, I've yet to see anyone suggest any reasonable alternative - that is, another company to get in contact with and see if they're interested in doing a giveaway.
My suggestion to Slava and the team is to have a look at Reflexive Arcade; I've seen several titles that were there being offered here, such as Rake-In-Grass' Jets 'N Guns.
Anyhow, this comment would be better suited on the forums, but perhaps someone who already has an account there could relay a link to this comment for me - thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Keilaron  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded and activated fine. Played it and actually really like it. It probably isn't a game one would play for a long period of time but it's not a bad game to waste a little time with.

Reply   |   Comment by Chloe  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Today’s giveaway is called Total audio Tags, a useful program if you like to keep your digital music sorted and tagged with useful information

The download page can be found following the link:


You will find a short introduction to the application:

“Do you feel that tags like Unknown Album are not worth having? Total Audio Tags will help you create a perfect music collection. Most songs downloaded from the web have crippled or not full tags. Total Tag Editor changes the situation.
It allows you to view and edit the tags of your songs as you like. Add full info to the tags like title, artist, album, track,
year, genre, composer, copyright, encoder, language. A good music collection deserves it!
Besides, Total Tag Editor can export the tags to HTML, CSV, TXT, or XML. You will get full report about your songs! Total Tag Editor can handle both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags. It’s easy-to-use and very powerful. Total Tag Editor can be handled via GUI or command line. Batch processing is also available if you want to edit tags of several songs at once.”

The following are the supported music files that this software works with:
All supported files: *.mp3;*.wma;*.ogg;*.ape;*.flac;*.cda;*.mpc;*.wav;*.aac;*.ofr;*.wv;*.spx;*.la;*.ra;*.rax;*.ram;*.aiff;*.ac3;*.mp4;*.m4a;*.m4b;*.m4p

Today’s game giveaway called ‘Mysterious Symbols’ is worth a check out, especially if you enjoy card games. The download link can be found via the following link:
Mysterious symbols will never leave you in peace! Mysterious symbols, full of vagueness and hidden sense, will entertain you for many hours of fun and excitement!
It’s up to you to get over the obstacles and find the answers to all questions. Put every mysterious symbol on its place before your opponent does it and feel a real taste of the victory! Are you fast enough in cards moving?

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Daily Biscuit, comment #20 your admonishment of Double Games is fine and I have no argument with it as it's your opinion; but why insult those who try to be objective or fair minded. After repeating some of the statements you obviously disagree with you then have to insult those who don't have the same opinion as yourself. You start your rant and end it with derision of those not in your camp. Why... there really is no need of it. I personally try to be as objective as possible, voicing my opinions only once I’ve described the game, but I would never call John Doe for his opinions; why the anger against those that think maybe Double Games is okay????

GGAotD, don’t you think it really is time that whoever moderates these comments, should start deleting comments directed against other commenter’s.

Also, I posted my review three hours ago (~12.30pm GMT) and it’s not shown up on the comments section yet. It’s a fairly positive review for those who are interested. I suggest you try this game before you write Double Games off totally. It’s not perfect, but it is interesting and playable.

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

On Ya #20!! Good to see a bit of truth..After all even ppl who have negative thoughts have a say too.

Reply   |   Comment by Computerchristmas  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I went ahead and downloaded this one as I usually like the card games. The only problem I had at first was thinking the game was too slow, but as I progressed the computer became faster and it was a more enjoyable game. Not something I will spend hours playing, but it is a great way to waste a few minutes. I would not automatically rule out DG as a source to never download from. Sure, they have some games that are not worth the download, but hey, if it's free, download it, try it, uninstall if you don't like it. All it takes is time, and from the looks of some of these comments, we all have time to spare.

Reply   |   Comment by COJeepChick  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"Quit whining, IT'S FREE!!!"
"My kids will love this game."
"It's not as bad as some DoubleGames."
"Don't complain until you play it."

To all the bleating sheep who will squeak up on DoubleGames' behalf again today, open your tiny minds to receive this:
This site is not here to give away free software. GOTD offers software free for one day so people might try it and evaluate it for the sellers and hopefully enjoy it for themselves.
DoubleGames has proven, over and over, that they are a sub-par (to put it very kindly) company. They have ripped off images, music, and game ideas, packaged them poorly, and in a language all their own tried to scam people into paying money for their abominations. On their own site they lie about what is freeware. On this site they slap a ridiculously over-sized price tag on crap and no matter how many times they're called on it, I've yet to see them explain themselves or respond in any manner.
They are rip-off artists, period. They will take gladly take your money (or your kid's money) in exchange for a product that is worth less than nothing. This isn't just an angry rant by someone who "doesn't like kid's games". This is fact, as anyone who has follwed the DoubleGames saga here can attest to. I gave this outfit more chances than they deserve and every one was a bad experience.
Granted, there will still be the lemmings who come to the defense of these clowns, and they have that right. But those of us who won't be dumped on just because it's a "freebie" have a right to tell others about this shabby excuse for a software distributor.
Thanks, GOTD, this is no reflection on you. I trust there has to be some valid reason for the glut of DoubleGames lately. I just choose not to have anything to do with DoubleGames or their clones.

Reply   |   Comment by daily biscuit  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

First of all: I don't like Doublegames. Normally I don't even try them any more, cause I never found one I liked for more than 2 minutes.

This morning, luckily, I was borred enough to download this one - and that was actually a good choice.

The game is, in my opinion better than what we normally get from DG.
It's fun, later on a little bit fast, but sorting the cards actually can be challenging, if you try it.

So for all out there who only talk without knowing what the game is: Be quiet, try and if you are still against it, you can tell us.
But why do you write over and over and over... again, that you don't like Doublegames? Doesn't help, actually don't think that somebody might be interessieted in how you can rephrase that you don't like DG...

Reply   |   Comment by Shaja  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installation is a breeze, with no extra shortcuts being put onto your desk top, although the main menu has the usual link to Double Games. Which, if I was actually paying for this game, I would find intrusive; however more and more game developers are adopting this style of ‘linking’. Once installed be sure to uncheck the box that will take you to the double Games home page. On starting the game, you are presented with the games main menu, which opens up in windowed mode. The usual options such as toggling between windowed and full screen as well as music and sound toggles and game exit are all available from the top right hand corner

Main Menu:


The main menu is rather inspiring and graphically aesthetic, with a matrix like feel to the background graphic, although it’s rather more subtle than the Matrix screensaver I have. This gives the impression that the game could be a good one. :)

Please don’t ‘dis’ the game before you’ve actually tried it, just because it’s a Double Games offering…..

The rules are remarkably simple and are written in an easily understood format. You have access to the rules page from the game itself; so if you didn’t quite pick up all the rules on first reading it, you can check them out anytime during game play. For a change they are succinctly written in a prose that we can all understand, with little in the way of grammatical error. (probably, lol)



Clicking on ‘New Game’ will take you to the ‘card table’. You may be a little confused at first glance because the table is so colorful, but in a pleasant way. If you wish to pause or restart the game this can be done via the permanent menu to the lower right of the cards. I found the cards a little disorientating at first because there were no picture cards, the Jack, Queen and King being replaced by 11, 12 and 13, however you will probably soon become accustomed to the change (of course the aces are replaced by 1’s as well). If you do decide to restart a game, the restart button actually takes you back to the main menu rather than just restarting the level directly. That’s only a minor negative however as it only means one extra mouse click to get back into the game.

In Game image:


The game can be paused at any time during game play, again by clicking on the appropriate button to the bottom right of the playing area. High scores are accessible from the main menu.



High Scores:




New Game:



The game is simple to learn and quite entertaining. The whole theme is bright and colorful with minor graphical effects such as the sprinkling of stars when you hover over any button in game or when at the main menu. These add to the overall feel of the game.

The game AI is quick to place cards. As soon as the computers card has been lifted you cannot jump in and take the particular sequence the computer has chosen. You need to be quick in this game, otherwise the computer is going to beat you every time, unless the cards are against it... Oddly, even though I lost in the first round, my score was enough to place me at least a third way up from the bottom in the high score list; also I was the only player who was on level one , beating Brandon on level 6, Victor on level 4 and Barret on level 3. (Of course I realize these scores were set by the developers and probably have no relation to actual game play. :)

The whole presentation of this game is a pleasure to see IMO. I will definitely be keeping this one for a while. At least until I’ve seen if it’s possible to beat the computer. If the kids like this game it could help with their math, although both mine are above the level of counting to 13, forwards or backwards. But the cards that change the order in which you place cards as well as the wild cards that occasionally pop up, should definitely promote quick thinking in them.

The intro’ music is okay, although the back beat made by the electronic drum synthesizer is a little wearing after a short time. The in game music isn’t to my personal taste but its okay and fits in with the game play. There’s no control of volume in game so it will have to be done manually by adjusting your speaker volume. At the start of the game you get 8 minutes to complete the first level. There are no difficulty settings which is a pity because they would have added an extra positive to the game. As it is the games ai is virtually instantaneous, which gives the new player, or novice very little chance of beating the computer unless the cards were largely set against the computer, but even then your reactions to choosing, picking up and setting a card in the correct pile need to be very quick, otherwise the computers ai beats you every time.

To the developer, please add a difficulty setting which slows down the computer ai, and perhaps the ability to change the symbols to different patterns and styles that fit the overall game theme. No nudity please. :)

The sound effects are virtually non existent. I would consider changing these to something a little more inspiring, otherwise this is an excellent game, well worth at least trying out. Even if you don’t particularly like card games; this one, because of the change in style, makes it slightly different to the usual card game. It would also be a nice touch if the computer ai could be supplemented with a second option of a human player , playing via LAN. I hope you consider updating the game with these enhancements. Please.

Thank you Double Games and the GGAotD for bringing us free commercial games every day. As I’ve said before. It’s opened my eyes to lots of new games that I would never have even bothered to download the demo, partly because I’ve been so narrow minded in my choice of Arcade genres. Which are mainly Arkanoid/breakout games, with the odd space shooter thrown in for a little variety.

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

OK, for Doublegames, this didn't stink real bad.
It kept me interested long enough to figure out how to play it, but it isn't something I would want to keep.
One good thing was that it didn't put up the extra junk icons on my desktop like they usually do.
It gets a 3 from me.

Reply   |   Comment by Joe  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i think you should keep an opern mid to double games... yeah right like thats gonna happen thumbs down say no more but thanks ggotd

Reply   |   Comment by Dangiel  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I think the yahoos at DoubleGames will soon realize that, for the majority of the GGOTD users, once you've downloaded a DG nightmare, you don't need to download another. Perhaps they need to rename their company, if they want to fool us into downloading tripe.

The game desription is horrible. I've already noted I am not a fan of Engrish, but the description does not tell you what type of gameplay is involved, the purpose of the game, how many levels there are, or anything like that. It shouldn't be up to the more adventurous GGOTD users to risk a DG download in order to write a more descriptive game review.

Major thumbs down. I think I'll go play Retro Records.

Reply   |   Comment by metalshop  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I hope you all aren't so judgmental in 'real life'. I agree with the suggestion that people shouldn't be able to give a thumbs up or down until they've downloaded and activated the days giveaway.

This is an interesting game. It took me a while to figure out the gist of it. I was swearing at the computer for cheating and moving too slow. Then I realized it was a free for all and all I had to do was beat the computer to the pile. Could be a fun game. Kind of reminds me of the old card game Spoons. I will play it again.

Reply   |   Comment by PLady100  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Alice Greenfingers looks cool,how about offering that one next.This one sucks boooo,lol.Well its alright...kinda.... 3/10 for me.

Reply   |   Comment by BrittnyCDunn!  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You would get far more lasting enjoyment from buying 14.95$ of candy. Poor controls too, as often you will have to drag a card several times before it hits just the right spot to stay there. Then again, that's the only thing requiring any skill. I think playing a human opponent with real cards could be okay though. Thumbs down.

Reply   |   Comment by bovi  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

From the look of it, it's the same game as the one at http://de.agame.com/agames/3/8/000440.html . (Who knows if it has hidden depths, but I suspect not.)

Reply   |   Comment by Henry  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"will entertain you for many hours"

I don't know why, but I hate this sentence.

Reply   |   Comment by Ho  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

What a suprise: it isn't sooooo horrible as DoubleGames games usually are. O_O

Reply   |   Comment by Katze  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yep Good One, Thanks ! Kids will love it

Reply   |   Comment by Rob  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Double Games... Sigh.....

Reply   |   Comment by Menelkir  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

There seems to be a mistake in the description...
It should be "DoubleGames will never leave you in peace!"

Reply   |   Comment by Rant  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

yeah...first to comment!...the game's ok....not sooooo amazing...thanx anyways gotd!!

Reply   |   Comment by nm  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"Double Games" No need we say more!. :evil:

Reply   |   Comment by Computerchristmas  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I like this game. Might just keep it.

Reply   |   Comment by Suzanne  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

That has to be one of the worst descriptions of a game I've seen. Only the word "card" thrown in tells you anything at all about what the game itself is.

Ever since one of DoubleGames games completely crashed my computer to the point that I had to completely reformat it, I refuse to download any of their games.

The screenshot looks nice, but their games are often deceiving in terms of pretty graphics, and little in the way of interesting game play.

Reply   |   Comment by Snoop  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

ithink its worth checking out how im the 1st one to comment on this thing that i'll download later maybe. probably not

Reply   |   Comment by dave  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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