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Meridian: Age of Invention
Experience the wonder of discovery as you rebuild a crumbling kingdom!
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Win one of the 100 Steam keys for Meridian: Age of Invention!
Experience the wonder of discovery as you rebuild a crumbling kingdom in Meridian: Age of Invention, an innovative time and resource management game! Endlessly imaginative, visually stunning and accessible to players of every skill level, Meridian: Age of Invention will take you to a time and place you'll never want to leave!
Key Features
- 55 levels
- 10 different tasks
- 10 unique characters
- Point-and-click controls
- Learn-as-you-play tutorial
System Requirements:
Windows XP or later; 1.2 GHz processor; 512 MB RAM; 1024x768 or higher resolution; 600 MB hard drive space; DirectX 8.0 or later
Alawar Entertainment
The game is available for $2.99, but the winners of our contest will get it for free.
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Developed by PopCap Games
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The Game:
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Good luck everyone. This is the sort of game I like but I downloaded from MyPlayCity no problems.
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nice game
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With all the Total Entries, prefer buy it cause any chance to win. But I'm disappointed because the game stop in the video presentation or on the first screen. So can't play it, so sorry! probably the Intel Graphics 3000 not enough!
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I'd 2nd what WR said, FWIW of course... that's because testing the game I downloaded from MyPlayCity, it runs in my VBox win7 32 bit VM with it's emulated [fake] GPU.
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Thanks you for all your propositions but I have already the latest driver, 10Go Ram and a ssd so for this game I have no solution but when I buy it, I found a good price for a 6 in 1 hidden objects bundle games and no problem with them. So continue to propose us games and for me it's a change to discover some.
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Dieses Spiel ist gut und man kann viel lernen
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Evidently not free. Turned into a big hassle & not worth it I'd rather put out 2.99
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Whiterabbit-uk: "All you have to do..." - NO! That is it not worth!!! It does not matter how big is the "winning-chance"...
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Whiterabbit-uk, you don´t give only "a few moments of time" - you give personal information and that is not impossible. A few weeks ago a moderator wrote "...many children visit this site..." and so it is not serious to make HERE such dubious offers. All thumbs down for this site since changing to this practice - I hope the parents have an eye of their childrens activities.
............................Moderator comment.......................
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Is this Game Giveawayoftheday, or Game Contestoftheday ?
Have fun Jumping through hoops.
A lot will not bother.
If it is Giveawayoftheday, then it should stay Giveawayoftheday.
I pass on this one.
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Haven't decided to enter yet, so looked over Whiterabbit's 3 youtube video walkthrough links. The 3rd link is just a very short, low quality montage from BigFish, if you just want to get a very basic look. Neither of the other 2 illustrate the logjam effect the GameZebo reviewer mentions. The 1st link is by a proficient player, at least proficient enough to breeze through the 1st 6 levels. The 2nd link is from from a player struggling some on level 2, only earning a bronze. It appears this player is thinking a little too linearly, not really multi-tasking, which is a necessity in a game of this type. For instance, that player left 2 workers mining ore, when probably 1 would have done for some or all of the level.
The 1st video also includes the music, the 2nd only the sound effects, so there must be separate volume controls under options. You can use that 2nd video to assess better whether the sound effects will wear on you too much. As to the reviewers complaint about the music, it is and isn't true. There's more than 10 or 15 seconds of music, but it's composed by a minimalist, so the main theme is only about 8 bars and repeats over and over, ad infinitum, while the harmonic accompaniment changes slightly. That said, the whole thing doesn't last that long, maybe 32 bars, couldn't really tell. So, though simple games generally don't feature lots of music variety, the reviewers right in saying the effect here can become annoying too quickly for many.
Overall, since the 1st video available covered only the 1st 6 levels, though that's a more than adequate walkthrough usually, it's difficult to tell whether the game is challenging, tedious, or only enjoyable challenging for those who like very similar repetitive action. The video of that adept player breezing through the 1st 6 levels just doesn't give any hints of whether there really are potential logjams later on do to bad game design, or whether the reviewer just didn't grasp the gist of the strategy.
As I have said before, TM games walk a very thin tightrope between mentally stimulating and repetitive rat race. The latter of which many of us can already get at work. ;) I might give it a shot and enter. Thanks GGOTD and Alawar. And Whiterabbit, of course.
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Well, I hope you didn't take my post as a criticism of you. Nor was I trying to denigrate the reviewer. I didn't want to download the demo, so was just giving some feedback on the available evidence. I wouldn't necessarily expect you to review everything. Though we all know of your very high standards, please trust that we always find your work far ahead of just plain adequate. After all, I wouldn't have had any videos to review or reviews to analyze if you hadn't taken the time to provide those useful posts.
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If get this message from, when you want to join the alawar games group on steamSorry, we cannot check private or limited profiles. Read this: Here stand the reasons and how You could change it.
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A game I would Play and I do not play games that often, looks like a lot of fun
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I hate trying to win something we used to get for free! I also don't want to give steam my email so they can spam me forever, and it's just not worth setting up a throwaway email for a CHANCE to get a game that I never own and can't download.
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There is no link to download 'Meridian: Age of Invention' that I can see. The only thing that I can find is the "Join and Win" button, and it just moves me down the page to a link to join Alawar Games on Steam, which I have no desire to do.
The moderator has stated, in response to an earlier comment about the contest: "This game is extra to the usual game giveaway. Everyone who visits today can still get a game totally free, plus they can win a license to another game." However, there is no other game being shown as a giveaway today, so in effect there is no free game today.
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effazin, is today game
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Win Meridian: Age of Invention
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Sadly, farewell. Site changes killed it for me.
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I hate this new business you've got going on. It really sucks! Why can't we have the old hidden object and other games?
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I love these games and would love to win a license.
Happy Easter!
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100 license keys for more than millions of users..
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Animator, It's all become too much trouble and, sadly, I just can't be bothered anymore
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Animator, To Moderator: Am I missing something? Because I don't see a free game available today, just a contest I couldn't win nor even enter because I don't social network. I'm not being snide, I wonder if my browser (Firefox) isn't showing me something. It wouldn't let me dl last week's game using the link provided.
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Yes, there is a free game today! I had to go to the Game GOTD home page to see it:
It's here:
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Avid Gamer, Odd, star-sky-2 didn't show up in Firefox around 6 a.m. this morning, only the contest to win the other game. I tried IE and it did show up and I dl'd installed and played it. Now, it's showing up in Firefox.
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You could not see this game:
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