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Invention 2 Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Invention 2

Go through a city populated by monsters in search of salvation.
User rating: 12 16 comments

Invention 2 was available as a giveaway on November 17, 2021!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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You have several attempts to correctly guess color, but will you choose it?

While you were on the island exploring the underground laboratory, the infection was busy spreading throughout the world. In this episode, you have to go through a city populated by monsters in search of salvation aided by weapons that you will find during your travels. The gloomy atmosphere, music and atmosphere and a crowd of walking meat will keep you on your toes!

System Requirements:

Windows XP and newer





File Size:

482 MB



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Plant flowers and fight with zombies to save your brain.
Play Facebook games in your browser without logging in.
Developed by Overwolf
A street racing simulation and car management game.

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Invention 2:

In Brief:
Invention 2 is the follow up to Invention (that was given away yesterday. If you missed the first one yesterday, you can download it via Falcoware HERE or via a few other free game sites). It has similar graphics to the firs tone, though it is set in a small open world city/town instead of a laboratory on a secret island. It was previously given away 25th December 2017 and again on the 5th December 2018.

You can see a few videos of game play HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

Invention 2 is the sequel and continuation of the first part of the game Invention that we were given yesterday and back in 2017.

While you were on the island exploring the underground laboratory, the infection was being transmitted throughout the world. In this episode, you have to go through a city populated by infected monsters. You'll find various weapons and ammunition supplies as well as water and food to help with your survival. . The gloomy atmosphere, music and atmosphere and a crowd of infected zombies will keep you occupied. Beware of zombies behind doors. In this game they cam magically attack you through those doors
Edited and added to reference accessed HERE. 17th November 2021 The original reference was removed from Steam..

The Game:
Invention 2 is a first-person zombie survival shooter with RPG elements and is the sequel to the first game Invention.. The controls are the usual shooter controls, which you can find via the How to Play button in the main menu. Unfortunately there's no way to change the keyboard settings, so if like me you prefer non conventional key bindings, you're out of luck. The premise of the game is basically the same as the first game, i.e. survive the continual onslaught of zombie, though I'd hardly call it an onslaught. If you've ever played the Left 4 Dead or Killing Floor series, you'll know what I mean by an onslaught of zombies. Invention see's you attacked by a dribble of zombies most of the time and they are easy to kill. I found the machete the most effective weapon. Using any of the guns is hit and miss. sometimes a head shot dropped a zombie with one shot, but not always and even at close range sometimes it required three or four shots to drop a zombie. You are provided with a pistol at the beginning of the game and once outside the building you spawn in (on the roof) you soon come across a weapons shop where you'll find a shotgun an automatic rifle, ammo, some food and first aid and armour. Unlike the first game this is more open world, with inside and outside environments.

Written by and edited by Whiterabbit-uk 27th December 2017 and reposted with edits 17th November 2021
If you don't mind the retro graphics circa mid 2000's, it's actually pretty decent, especially when you consider the game used to sell for less than a pound/dollar when not on sale. via Steam. The developers who'll collection were removed from steam two years ago for an unknown reason.

When I last played this I did get some motion sickness after playing the game for about half an hour (possibly my mouse dpi was set too high), and as I have loads of zombie games such as Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, Killing Floor, 7 days to Die, Rust, The Walking Dead, Day Z, Dead Space and Dead Rising to name just a few, It's unlikely I'll play this game much. I did reboot my Steam version and compared it to todays version and both are exactly the same. This time (using a different mouse) I did not get the same issue with motion sickness. If you don't have many zombie games, give this one a try, you may be pleasantly surprised. (not earth shattering though) :).








Notes on Security
I scanned a zipped copy of the installed game using Virus Total and it found one hit (Zillya) from 52 antimalware engines. Zillya is one of only several antimalware suites that often tag Falcoware Games compared to most 'better known and more reliable' antimalware engines; so, it's very likely to be a false positive.

The downloaded executable 'may' include some low level adware that only opens your browser once to Falcoware's home page after the game has installed and also places four shortcuts onto your desktop (which can be safely deleted once the game has installed).

The installation does NOT inject any malware into your system. When your browser is opened to Falcoware's home page following the games installation, it earns Falcoware games some money, part of which is given to the developer of the game for allowing the game to be given away free. Once you've installed the game, there are no more browser redirections. This is because Falcoware removed their installer over a year ago (that installer would show an advert for a game and then open your browser each time you played and then closed the game down.)

You can see the results of the scan via the following link:


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

When I see the opening of the game , it slightly reminds me of Perfect Dark or Golden Eye from the Nintendo 64 except more graphic.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)



Perfect Dark, and Golden Eye.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Both these games are very difficult to play because the buttons are unresponsive. In fact I had to abandon the first game altogether because the mouse buttons didn't work at all and the inventory would only open if I hit the tab when the "hand" icon was displayed. Even then, it wouldn't close again.

This version is better in that at least the LMB works! The inventory only opens when it feels like it and not when I press the button, though, and the MMB, RMB and scroll wheel still don't work.

A good game but a lot of things still not right with it.

Reply   |   Comment by Lynn  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Was hoping Falcoware would answer JEDIGEG yesterday about some of the weekday giveaways being marked for XP, but they don't work for me, either. I also get "not a valid Win32 application" error message on a few of these. Of course, they may not know why. One speculation of mine is that it may have to do with service pack. Currently, I'm on SP3. I did find a browser that wouldn't work - didn't give me that error - but just wouldn't connect to any web pages. It was designed for SP2, but now works. I haven't verified, but I suspect that was the error they made when they forked it off from a version that works on the more modern versions of Windows.

I got that from Invention yesterday, will download 2 and see what happens and likely post about it shortly. Sorry, I'm late, but it's 3 AM here when the new one's post, and I'm a semi-retired night owl who doesn't get up, as a comedian once joked, "until the sun is warm". And, even then, this is not often the 1st page I check. :P Anyway, thanks GGOTD, developers, and a little rabbit's favorite protector. :D

Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh to clarify my last, that browser I was using as an example was a portable, so wouldn't give me an invalid app notice on the setup executable, since a portable doesn't have or need one. (I Love my portables! LOL) That's why I think it may still be a relevant example. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

According to my archives , the game was given away at least one more time ,
at Wednesday 05-12-2018 .
The Invention 2 zip file , back then , was 439 Mb .
Today's zip file is 482 Mb .
Also , today's Giveaway Publisher is Ashoot .
Back then , the Publisher was Falcoware .
Nevertheless , the screenshots and the "scenario" are exactly the same .
Just tried to install the game under Windows XP .
Just like yesterday , I've got the error "Setup.exe is not a valid Win32 application" .
So , I went and found the old installation from 2018 .
The game still works just fine after all those years ... !!!
I've spent about 2 hours on it .
Well , I can tell you , it grows on you ...
But it's problems still bug me a lot ...
Just to mention some of them :

The Counter Strike looking inventory ... DO NOT like it .
I like my weapons and stuff "clean" and fast , like UNREAL
or Quake , 1 to 9 my weapons , auto pickup ammo and of I go
for some fragging ... :-)
Also during the time you spent in the inventory , you are
totally open to attacks ... NOT cool ...

No sound control , just on/off ... ???

No save points , just auto saves ... you die you start over from
the beginning of the level .

The controls are in awkward positions (hit space to jump !!!???) .
So 90's ...
I would love to have a remapping app to set things right .
I bet the gameplay would improve about 30-40 % .

Well , there are more but I can't remember them right now .

Some info about yesterdays game .
After failing to install under Windows XP , I went and booted from
my other HDD , containing Windows 7 .
The game installed without any problems .
I've played for a while , just to see if it works .
Well , it works , with the same problems and glitches as the old
installation from 2018 .
So , the problems are not OS related , it's the code that has problems .
And something else ...
After closing the game , I've booted back in Windows XP , navigated to
the installation folder of Windows 7 and double clicked "Invention.exe" .
The game started and played normally , without any problems .

That's that for now ...

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)


Thanks for your feedback G (I did mention that it was given away twice previously.

I agree about the CS inventory style.

I've still not discovered why both games were removed from Steam. I don't think it was because of the asset flips; more likely they developer was posting positive reviews or getting friends to post positive reviews to enhance the chance of sales.

Personally, I wouldn't call them asset flips because most games that people say are asset flips are actually game engines where you buy the assets as a dlc, for example Unity or RPG maker, and the more professional Unreal and Crytek Engine's. I personally have hundreds of pounds worth of dlc for all of the RPG maker versions apart from the latest; though I've never considered actually creating a game to sell it; only using it for personal use.

Many developers have the same assets and have paid for them, so are licenced to use them. Unfortunately indie game development has become more or less plug and play for many using these systems as there's virtually no coding knowledge required, it's just mix and matching (probably not as simple as that, but near enough)


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

JEDIGEG, Thanks! If I understand you correctly, you're thinking a code problem in the installers is giving the error. Same problem for me with I-2. Oh, well. Nothing's perfect. Thanks again for your experiences.

Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Whiterabbit-uk, hi .
Sorry I didn't say that you had already mention the fact of the game
was given away twice previously .
I wanted to , but due to fatigue , I forgot it .
I've remember it hours later , when I wok up and felt awful .
You know that I love and respect your work here .
So please forgive my brain malfunction ... :-)

About the game and it's "assets" ....
The games reminds me of the "creations" of another "developer" .
His name ... jurij ...
The same game "created" again and and again and agian ...

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

watcher13, hello my fellow Windows XP user ... "Vive la resistance" ...:-)

About Falcoware , don't hold your breath , waiting for an answer ...
I know I am not .
Consider the fact that Invention was created over 4 years ago .
There were negatrive comments mentioning the problems of the game , all over
the Internet .
Falcoware is just the distributor .
The main responsible for improving the game is the "developer" , but it seems
he does not care ...

About the code of the game , WR (Whiterabbit-uk) explained it perfectly ,
in it's comment a little bit further down from your current comment , in this page .
There is no code ...."There is no spoon" ... :-)
It's just a mix & mach of predesigned assets of some game engine , in this case Unity .
Some "developer" trying to make a quick "buck" with the minimum effort .
The game used to be sold at Steam for 0,99€ ...

Unfortunately , over the last years , due to the economic crisis , the GOTD Team
was forced to lower the quality standards of the offered games , in order to keep
giving us a game every day , as usual ...
If you ask me , I would prefer NOT to have ANY game , when the alternative is to
have to deal with this Unity garbage .
I must say though , that noone forces me to do that , but my self .
I just collect EVERYTHING the GOTD Team give us and I am doing that from 2009
until today .
I realy like those guys ... :-)
I say 2009 because it was the year that I've discovered the 2 sites , GOTD and GameGOTD .
Many times their software offers turned to be from very useful to lifeshavers .
Also , I am an avid / compulsive collector of PC games , especialy of freeones ... :-)
I have thousands of them from different "clients" like Steam , Ubisoft , Origin , Epic and a few
more that I can't remember right now ...

About the browser problem that you mentioned .
Over the last few years , I had many problems with all the major and a few not so
major browsers due to the Windows XP abandonment by the browser companies.
Currently , I have installed in my PC , Firefox , Opera , Internet Explorer , Slimjet
and Yandex .
I mainly use Firefox .
All of them have big , bigger , or enormous problems .
I've searched and searched for a functional browser for so long but "no cigar" ... :-(
Fortunately , a few days ago I've stumble upon an article that mentioned a browser
compatible with Windows XP .
It's name , Mypal .
I am using Mypal for the last 2-3 days and haven't encoutered any problems at all .
So , if you want , give it a try ... :-)
Bye for now ...

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)


Hey G, no need to apologise.
I wasn't trying to 'dis' you in any way; I just thought you may have missed my comment.

I usually include links with such comments, but I'm exhausted after weeks of virtually no proper sleep for reasons I've probably mentioned several times recently; so, have been a little remise in my usual enthusiasm.

Regarding your comments about being an avid/compulsive collector of games. I'm the same, having downloaded virtually every game ever given away via this site as well as any Steam, Epic, Origin, UPlay games offered free (usually AAA or decent indie titles) as well as others such as Indie gala freebies, Caimans (thousands of good freeware games) and some of the better abandonware sites (I highly recommend My Abandonware HERE, that has a fantastic catalogue of abandoned games; many of which I was surprised to find on the site). It's considered a grey area legally, but I have no qualms downloading games from abandonware sites; especially as many of the games I download I originally purchased when they were released; such as the tiles I mention below.

I have terabytes of games backed up; probably most will never be unpacked, but I have been trying to revisit some of the games I've collected (including disk based games I used to buy 20 plus years ago); main trouble is there's too many, lol.

I highly recommend some of the Ricochet breakout games; (there's four of the series available from My Abandonware and I've posted a link in the Game discussion sticky section of the giveaway forums to thousands of custom made level sets {over 60 thousand}), several Cabela's hunting games, and at least three of the five Conflict titles (third person squad based shooters) for example Conflict: Vietnam (which is one of my favourite squad based Vietnam shooters) and Conflict: Global Terror; (the developer SCi games went into liquidation around the time of the financial crisis back in 2008).

There are hundreds (possibly thousands) of classic games that are now available via the abandonware site I mention above.

Finally, you'll also find lots of free games via the Internet Archive.

I always check games from all sites I download from before installing, using sites like Virus Total (size of archive limited to around 650MB) or my own security

(Good hunting :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Whiterabbit-uk, hi .
I am very happy to hear that I am not the only one who loves to collect PC games

I always read your reviews ... Well... almost always ...
I've must of missed 2 or 3 of them in the last 10 years ... :-)

Thank you very much for the links .
I know about the abandonware and Internet archive sites but due to the limited space
in my HDD , I stay away of them ... ;-(
It would be very difficult to choose which ones to download .
Grrrrrrrrrrrr , I need a new , ENORMOUSLY GIGANTIC HDD ... ;-)
Grrrrrrrrrrrr , I need to win the lottery ... ;-)

Later my friend .

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)


Hi G.
I still recommend some of the arcade games such as Ricochet Infinity, which is only 36MB in size and is in my opinion one of the best break out game I've ever played. Then you can find the thread over in the game discussion forums that links to a site with thousands of extra levels sets. That are kilobytes per set, so you could add loads more without taking up too much space.

Download Ricochet Infinity:

Level Sets:

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Whiterabbit-uk, hi .
I've followed your advise and downloaded Ricochet Infinity .
I will install it as soon as I find some time .
I 've found a ton of other games that I would love to download
but I will have to wait ... ;-(

And now a small story .

Waaay back at 1998 I've bought my first PC .
A Pentium 200 MMX , running Windows 95 A .
Those days I was buying a lot of PC related magazines and all of them had
floppy disks with game demos and shareware programs .
In one o them I've found a demo of an old (1995) DOS game .
It was a platform/puzzle game by Machination called FRAMED and I loved it .
Of course the demo was just a small taste of the game and naturally I wanted more .
Unfortunately , when I ve started to look for it , I've discovered that the company had
went under and closed .
For years I was searching for it but all I've found was the demo .
At some point I've found the full game but it was cracked .
I've downloaded it but never installed it because cracked games don't agree with me
Fast forward to today ...
As I was looking around the other games at abandonware.com I had an inspiration and
searched for FRAMED and there it was !!!!
So , THANK YOU my friend for urging me to download Ricochet Infinity .
Thanks to you , I now have 2 great games to play with ... ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)


Check your Steam messages. I've sent you a Steam key for a game that's on your wish list.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)
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