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Into the Haze Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Into the Haze

Rescue a young girl from the clutches of an ancient demon!
User rating: 40 36 comments

Into the Haze was available as a giveaway on July 30, 2017!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
An engaging and simple game where you need to become the master of numbers!

Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and MyPlayCity! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!

Rescue a young girl from the clutches of an ancient demon in Into the Haze! Guide your character through the mist of a hair-raising supernatural adventure, where she'll encounter an ancient fog demon summoned by her sister-in-law in a magic ritual gone wrong. Race to rescue the heroine's daughter, Emily, before the demon claims her prize. Your powers of observation will need to be keen as you search for hidden objects, and your puzzle-solving skills will need to be at their best as you crack dozens of brain-bending enigmas and complete mini-games unlike any you have played.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: 1.4 GHz; RAM: 512 MB; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 574 MB





File Size:

547 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

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Comments on Into the Haze

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...........................................Moderator comment...................................

If you are having issues installing today's game, it's more than likely that your anti-malware suite is blocking the installation due to the game-giveaway wrapper, which contains Themida code. This code is also known to hide malware, but for todays game giveaway the wrapped contents are absolutely safe. Unfortunately some anti-malware suites will still block the installation as a safety precaution, and in some cases will even delete the games executable.
There are three approaches you can try get the giveaway installed:

1. White-list the giveaway wrapper, then install
2. Reboot in safe mode with networking, then install the game, then reboot.
3. Temporarily turn off all your security software until the game has been installed.

If none of the above work, check the comments below just in case someone has posted a fix, then check the FAQ's thread over in the forums HERE. If you still can't install the game please post your issue below. If by the end of the day you've still not got the issue solved try contacting the giveaway team HERE with an explanation of your issue, plus your contact name and email. Thank you.
Thank you to all who have commented over the past few hours. Not got time to answer any individual comment at the moment as I need to go to the vets soon. Our cat was attacked while we were on vacation, leaving her with a wound that developed a large abscess. We took her to emergency vet the other day, where the abscess was drained, but it left a large open wound that needs surgery to clean the wound properly. We booked an early appointment for this morning to stitch up the wound., (which looks very nasty)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Hi, Stephen!
Just looked at the posts ( I usually save a copy with most of the posts after the GA is over), and want to tell you that I completely understand your care about your cat, who's part of the 'WR family', and hope the vet manages to mend the damage done by the attack (due to what?), without any lasting damage -- and I'm glad that you had a fun and productive 'away time' in your family trip.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thanks Alexyu, appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by alexyu  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I did have to restart in Safe Mode for the installation to work; it then installed just fine. I don't have any time to try the game tonight, but the graphics look great! I'm always happy to find good HOG games! So, thank you to GAOTD and Myplaycity!

Reply   |   Comment by M. Aronson  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi! It was a very long download, but opened easy. Graphics are very good. Its a good hog. You don't
necessarily have to get one item in order, but may be able to have in your inventory in advance. But still
one activity after another. Its a nice game and moves along easily! Thank you for another great
game! have a good week! Lee

Reply   |   Comment by Lee  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Caught this late in day. Good on Win 10 x64 Pro using game's icon. D/L fast on even a slow connection. Plays smoothly. Yes bit dark but not unbearable by any means. Engaged me right away. Thanks GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Nice game, just completed it under Windows 10.

There's one point in the game where there's a typo. You're told to look for a box in a hidden object scene. You are actually looking for a bow.

Thanks MyPlayCity and GOTD for many hours of enjoyment.

Reply   |   Comment by Daug  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Win10 Home 64bit. I have not played this yet as I was going through the comments reading. I have 31m left to finish downloading, probably end up being 24m. After reading everyone elses comments on the game not loading. I have notice that the time taken to download, loading, activating is getting longer and longer. IDK. Games getting bigger? I don't think so, it even happens with much shorter games. My ADSL+2 is capable of loading 15Mbps and at the moment loading this game it is running at 2.4Mbps. I actually ran the SpeedTest and downloading the game at the same time and got 15Mbps. This is the websites problem. Also once the game downloads and ready to click on setup, this too takes awhile. Around 30secs and it can seem like its not loading. Activation comes up and just hangs for another 30secs or more. Eventually I get to the MyPlayCity where do you want to install this box.
I can understand how some people say it is not loading. But I have waited up to a minute for it to all happen. I don't turn off my Antivirus programs, I have WD and Malwarebytes. Maybe worth looking into as no other game I have downloaded does this, even from MPC.

Reply   |   Comment by Suzanne  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You know how I love HOG/adventure/puzzle games, so was delighted to see this when I popped in this morning. D/l'd and installed fine and so far is playing well. I don't remember doing this one before (I know it was offered previously here, but maybe it was a time I was away) so I'm having fun with it. But two nits: I like and understand "atmosphere" for these "scary" games, but many are way too dark. I'm not having any trouble seeing stuff (as has happened with a few others) but I just am starting to find it draining. (One reason I was kinda tickled to grab that kiddie game from yesterday, which is light and perky :).)

I'm finding the puzzles so far VERY easy, which is a bit of a disappointment, so I hope they get a bit more challenging as I play through. Once again, thanks to WR, GGOTD, and MPC for another fun game of this genre; I could do one every day!

Reply   |   Comment by neme  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ah, happy to see another Hopa game. :-) I always have to reboot into Safe Mode with Networking and I never have problems with doing that.

Nice game! And I could have sworn I already had this but I can't find it to downloaded/installed onto my Win 7, 64-bit system. It looks very familiar....maybe I played a Demo or something. Anyhow, I like this game! Good graphics, good puzzles, & interesting storyline.

Reply   |   Comment by DelennDax7 (Dax)  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Unfortunately the download takes WAY to long. I have quick connection, and this download should be around 25 times faster. At least. Normally the download of a 500 mb file takes 2-3 minuttes tops. Here 1/5 have taken 10(!) minuttes.

Reply   |   Comment by Rasmus Bertelsen  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

I like the game and this type of game, but the mouse pointer moves sluggishly making it a drag to play. Win 10 Pro, 8G Ram, Intel dual core, Radeon graphics card. Most MPC games play well on my PC, but a few others were sluggish, too.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Semo

Thank you for your feedback. Try going into compatibility mode (by right clicking on the games exe or shortcut, then click on properties. The small window that opens select the compatibility tab and then try checking various combinations for example run as Administrator and disable scaling. That may cure the mouse issue. Trying a different resolution may also cure the issue.

Reply   |   Comment by Semo  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Game downloaded and installed fine on Win10 Home x 64. Looks good but no time to devote to playing today.
As always, thanks for your efforts Whiterabbit-uk!

GGOTD Team: If I may make a suggestion, I think at this point it would behoove you to put an instructional message about installation on the giveaway page. Let me explain...

Lately the threads have been flooded with posts about how, when attempting installation, the "Successfully Activated" popup comes up but the game does not install. As many of us have learned, this is because of certain antiviris/antilogger software. When these are turned off, the games install fine.

I have used the site for years and have never had a virus/trojan/malware issue ever! For assurance, people can always scan both the downloaded zipped folder and the unzipped folder prior to installing and turning off their AV/AL software, then the program folder after installation.

If people are reluctant to turn off their AV/AL software, then they would know not to even bother downloading the software and these same questions would not have to be asked and answered over and over.

I think a standard message explaining this, in bold, perhaps in red(?), directly under the "download" button where it would not be missed would really be helpful to everyone on both ends of the site.

Thanks for reading.
And thanks for all the great games and software!

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thank you for your suggestion jboy. It is a good idea, and would actually save me a lot of hassle as I've tried to answer this question over and over for years now. Unfortunately I have no admin rights to change the giveaway pages. That would have to be done by the tech team. Maybe send a message via the contact form, which you'll find HERE.

Reply   |   Comment by jboy  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Stephen, you're welcome and done! I hope they consider and act on it.

Reply   |   Comment by jboy  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Look at this pat reply I received. It is as if they did even read my suggestion!

"Dear user,

It seems that your anti-virus system is damaging the installation files. In this case, you may try the following workaround

Please, carefully follow these steps:
1) disable the anti-virus suite and restart the computer. You need to disable all the anti-virus systems if you have more than one installed. Make sure it won't start automatically upon the system boot.
2) download the program archive once again and extract the contents to a dedicated folder
3) Carefully follow the installation instructions in the readme.txt file.

There should be no problems with the installation. Make sure you switch your anti-virus back on after the installation. Please mind that all the files are checked for viruses beforehand, so you may rest assured, the installation is 100% safe.

Sorry for the inconvenience "

Reply   |   Comment by jboy  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not willing to accept that first answer, I replied and received this gracious answer. Being that I shared the other one, I thought it only appropriate that I share this one as well. I hope management gives it some serious consideration.

"Dear user,

Thanks a lot for the feature suggestion and sorry for the previous reply. Lately we've been getting a lot of reports on the issue you described and the answer was clearly sent to you by mistake. Once again sorry about that.

We've forwarded your idea to our management, maybe we will introduce something like that in the future.
Thank you for understanding and your continuous support.
We hope you will enjoy the games and software products we'll e giving away in the future."

Reply   |   Comment by jboy  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

There is something about waking up and seeing your favorite game, waiting to be downloaded. Thank you!!

I have windows 8.1 and had no problem downloading or playing this game.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................


Reply   |   Comment by Kim  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I too had problems installing and running this game so I went directly to PlayCity and downloaded it. It ran just fine.

These are my absolute favourite types of games. Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention. Can't wait to play it (later in the week I'm afraid).


Reply   |   Comment by Anne H  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

For those that are having trouble, be sure your anit-virus is shut down before installing. I have Win7Pro and have had no trouble with these games.

Reply   |   Comment by mardel  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded quickly and easily. Installed without any problems.

I enjoy HOG games, so this is a good giveaway for me.

Thanks GOTD and MPC

Reply   |   Comment by Mum'stheWord  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Install Failed ?
Turn off: Firewall and / or your Anti-Virus
I had to stop My Anti-Virus (Avast) before Installing

Hope is helpfull

Reply   |   Comment by André Dürner  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded the game and tried to install. It activates, but doesn't install!! The installer crashes. I tried twice.

No luck on this one.
Win 7 home premium.

Reply   |   Comment by Gwen  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Gwen, I found the solution: before installing the game disable antivirus and firewall. Once installed, restarts will re-enable security systems :)
PS: I had written 5 hours ago but the comment has not yet been approved, I hope this will come before

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thank you for your feedback Michele, been out all afternoon, so no moderation. Unfortunately some security software blocks the giveaway wrapper automatically even though the files are safe due to Themida code that is used as the wrapper. Themida code is also used by hackers and other malicious people to hide malware.

Reply   |   Comment by Michele  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi lately with the Giveaway Setup I have problems. In practice, the launch closes without installing anything, but the beautiful one is from the Succefully Activeted window, but the game is not there !!! I tried with another pc, to get the setup but nothing. In PCs I tried Windows 7 64 Bit and Windows 10 64 Bit with relevant updates. Do you have a solution? Sorry my bad english are Italian

Reply   |   Comment by Michele  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Michele, I haven't tried this game yet but, I've had the setup launch and then not install. I have to turn off my antivirus even though I don't get any error warnings from it.

Reply   |   Comment by redphantom  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Michele, Same for me. It closes/crashes without installing. You are not the only one.

Reply   |   Comment by Gwen  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Gwen, Thank you for your reply, we hope the team will find a solution

Reply   |   Comment by Michele  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Edit: Solution: Disable antivirus and firewall before installing (since I read on the network that setup of this game was seen as malware), and the game has been installed

Reply   |   Comment by Michele  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Michele, I've had same problem with a couple of games recently when I'd never had a problem before. In my case, an update to my antivirus was interfering; I temporarily disabled the antivirus and installation worked. My housemate's computer is similar to mine and runs same antivirus but always must be disabled to install; this is first for my computer. Hope this helps.

Reply   |   Comment by Elkyn  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Michele, I have found that, in order to successfully install the game, I have to temporarily disable my antivirus program when installing any game from GGOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Carolyn  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Hi Michele. :-)

GAOTD users reported problems with these antiviruses/firewalls, in past months/years: Avast, Avg, BitDefender, Comodo, Kaspersky, Norton/Symantec, pados.hu TinyWall, Zemana antilogger/antimalware.
By the way, almost all the engines on the mentioned web services that are problematic for some GAOTD users, showed NO PROBLEMS.

If you have one of those AV, you could try these possible solutions:
1) If the package has been correctly downloaded, right-click it, click properties and:
- Win8, 8.1, 10 users --> tick/select the unblock checkbox, click apply, click ok.
- WinXP, vista, 7 --> click the unblock button, click apply, click ok.
2) If the package has been correctly downloaded, put the setup.exe and the setup.gcd (or their entire folder) in the whitelist of your antivirus.
For Norton AV: open the application, go into Security, find the problem file, click on the hard-to-see Options at the bottom of the box, once there, you can choose to exclude this file, go ahead and open it.
3) Disable the real-time/on-access scanning, just the time to download/install the software (then re-enable that function).
4) Disable your AV completely, just the time to download/install the software (then re-enable it).
5) Boot windows in safe mode with networking, just the time to download/install the software (sometimes this is necessary with kaspersky antivirus).

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thanks Xilolee

Reply   |   Comment by xilolee  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Hi Michele,

This issue appears for some weeks now.

Installation will work when you de-activate your anti-virus program / firewall during installation of the giveaway.

Installation then works properly, and the program then appears where you have installed it.

Don't forget to reactivate your anti-virus / firewall immediately after installation.

This hint was given to me here some time ago. Find this procedure unfortunate, but up to now it works without problems.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

There are two other methods that can work as well. The first is rebooting in safe mode with networking, install then reboot as normal; or, white list the giveaway wrapper with your AV suite. temporarily deactivating your security is the quickest, and as there has never been an infected game giveaway in the over 10 years of operating, it's virtually 100% safe so long as you don't forget to turn it back on.

Reply   |   Comment by marie  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Michele, Gwen try turning off your anti-virus long enough to install. Sometimes the GOTD install wrapper gives a false positive and the executable gets quarantined.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................


Reply   |   Comment by good2bqueen  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

marie, I disabled my system security and I could install thanks for info thanks

Reply   |   Comment by Michele  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I absolutely LOVE hidden object games. The one downside that makes me skip a game though, is how dark it is. This one looks really gloomy and dark, and when you don't quite see 100% anymore, that is a problem.
However, as I LUV hidden object games, I will definitely give this one a try anyway!

Thank you for providing this game! Much appreciated!

Reply   |   Comment by Gwen  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Today's game is over half a gigabyte in size to download; so, if you have a slow internet connection, be sure to start downloading as early as possible to avoid disappointment; if your download keeps breaking, I suggest you use a download manager that can save the downloads as they occur, but if your download speed isn't an issue please avoid download managers as they basically take up several download spots thereby slowing down other community members downloads.. With large downloads, lots of community members are downloading at the same time and there is limited bandwidth at the server side. I have a 100GB broadband connection yet it still took almost 20 minutes to download when few were downloading.

Please only post comments about today's game giveaway; other comments either inappropriate, or comments with only one or a few words; for example vg, good, thank you, TY, bad, rubbish, this game is ~%!£*? etc , or if the comment has nothing to do with today's game or is complaining (send your complaints to the giveaway team via the contact form that I've linked to below), they may be deleted at the moderator or administrators discretion; however, a little light banter among community members/friends and with the moderator to keep this a friendly place to visit is acceptable and welcomed. All comments not specifically about today's game giveaway will be judged by the moderator and if deemed inappropriate, will be deleted and usually with no explanation. Please see the moderation policy HERE for details about posting comments. If you are having problems installing the game check the FAQ's thread HERE and read through the communities comments because sometimes fixes have already been posted; and if for any reason you want to contact the giveaway team, for example, you have a game to offer the community, or are unable to download the latest game or other issues that the FAQ's thread or these comments don't cover or solve you can do so HERE
Into the Haze
In Brief
A Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure (HOPA), with decent graphics and puzzles.

After you've had an opportunity to play today's giveaway please take a few moments to give some positive or negative feedback about the game; for example, what you liked or disliked about the game, or how it could be improved. If you don't like the genre at all, please explain why and if any, what improvements would change your mind? If you don't have time to post a comment today, please do so at your convenience, thank you. To access the comments once the giveaway is over, open up the game giveaway to its home page then scroll to the bottom of the page where it says Archives and select the date the giveaway was live (giveaway days are in bold type). This will open up the appropriate page for you to post your comment or review.
There are thousands of subscribers to the game giveaway of the day every weekend which makes this an ideal forum for giving developers new or fresh ideas as to what their consumers (i.e you) would like to see in a game. For example, you could suggest extra content such as better or more original mini games, or a level editor that you would like to see that would make it more appealing to you. Maybe you think the graphics are a little dated and are in need of re skinning, or maybe you've just had enough of the genre and want to see something different or something with more originality? Giving such feedback instead of saying nothing or just saying this game is rubbish or good may bring more developers to the site, which could mean more and better games. Would 'you' give away thousands of copies of a game (or extra content for a game) away to a community that complains all the time instead of giving useful feedback? It only needs a few moments of your time.

This site could be transformed if only the community would be more forthcoming in their opinions of the games they are getting for free instead of complaining about the way this site has changed, for exam0le, they don't like MPC games, they hate HOG's, have had enough of Match Three and Time Management games, or they want to see the latest version of Call of Duty or some other big name AAA game given away or that they don't like Steam games. If something isn't for you then please move on to the next giveaway, or check out the forums HERE, HERE and HERE, where a few members of the community post details of various free games and free game sites as well as links to various indie bundle sites etc; you never know, you may find something that really interests you.
If you miss today's game giveaway you can always get the game via MyPlayCity 24/7 HERE; or If you prefer to purchase the game you can get it via Big Fish Games HERE. It usually costs £7.70; but, if you are a new subscriber to Big Fish Games you can usually get it at a discounted price of £2.99/$2.99.

Into the Haze downloads to a 547 MB zip file that unzips to three files, (a setup.gcd security wrapper, the set up file and a read me). Those with multiple hard drives are able to save games on any drive they wish. The newly installed game is 562 MB in size. The game installs to the following path by default, but can be changed by the user if you prefer:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MyPlayCity.com\Into the Haze
Four shortcuts are installed to the desktop. three of which can be safely deleted (Play Online Games, MyPlayCity Games and shortcuts to a free online game which vary each week). Also, if you don't like icons installed to the quick launch task bar, make sure you uncheck the box when the additional tasks window appears (after the Select Start Menu Folder window)
Break magic spells and send evil powers back to hell in the great hidden object game Into the Haze! Are you ready to investigate the dark mystery connected to love magic that is the most powerful spells ever? If you decide to use dark magic to charm a person, get ready for terrible consequences because so impudent interference won’t stay unnoticed. Launch the game Into the Haze and dive to the world of breathtaking adventures! Here you are to help the main character get rid of importunate ghost who has been haunting her since her sister-in-law has performed the unsuccessful magic ritual. Veronica tried her hand at charming Alexander, who has fallen in love with her and they get married. But their happy marriage continued not for long because Veronica had set evil powers free and now your aim is to return them back to the Pandemonium. Alexander asked his sister, the main character of the game, save his daughter Emily from ill fate because he had nobody to rely on except her. He himself was cursed and he did his best to protect the baby from demoniac spells but disappeared.

So start your adventures right now! Explore the devastated house and look for necessary items that will be helpful for you in the future. Cope with brain training mini-games and solve them as quick as you can! It’s a perfect chance to boost your attention and logic – don’t miss it! Connect wires in the exact order or find all the hidden items from the list to get clues in the game Into the Haze. Don’t be afraid of difficulties – you have hints at your disposal, use them if you are stuck. Keep in mind that active areas are highlighted, click on them to interact with the items. Gloomy forest, ruined cemetery and dark yet picturesque places are here for you to investigate! Choose the game mode and accept the challenge of exorcism in the game Into the Haze! If you are just an amateur – play the game in Casual mode. But if you have already played lots of games of the same genre – try Expert mode and rack your brains. Find a way to send the evil spirits back to hell and save Alexander’s family from disastrous curse in the game Into the Haze!
Reference accessed HERE. 30th July 2017 2017
If you have a problem installing or activating or getting Into the Haze to work please visit the problems section, which I've now incorporated into the FAQ's thread, and which you can find HERE

The Game:
Rescue your niece and defeat the ancient demon is the main plot-line in Into the Haze, a new Hidden Object Adventure from Argali Entertainment in co-operation with Alawar. Into the Haze gives us a little flashback of the very first HOPAs a few years back, it is not that this game is not good – it is just unoriginal.
As with most Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure games your mouse cursor will change when it's over an interactive area, over an object you can pick up or where you can take a closer look. HOG scenes can be recognised by the sparkles and once one of those scenes has been completed your inventry will be stocked with a useful item. Mini games are located o doors and once completed give access to a new area. If you find the puzzles too hard then after a time you can skip the puzzle (once the skip button has recharged). There is also a journal, where you can find the notes the main character has made about her adventure.
As mentioned above, the storyline in Into the Haze is nothing to be excited about unless you are very new to the genre. The plot of summoning demons and missing relatives have been reused countless times and Into the Haze did nothing to spice that up. Anyway, the dialouges of the characters are quite interesting to read and they are accompanied by good voice overs. The character’s look and animations are also actually above our expectations.

You might already know from what we have written, Into the Haze is as simple as a HOPA could be. The Hidden Object scenes are easy on the eyes and are very standard and easy to complete while the puzzles are not creative or challenging by any means, but that does not mean that they are not fun. The gameplay is nothing wonderful but another game full of running around collecting objects with no map offered. Even the locations in the game are not really innovative, they are all what we have seen before in some other games.
That being said, Into the Haze is quite a fun little game to enjoy. It has great graphics with good lightning, good quality and good details even though they might not be spectacular. The music is also super nice although some might argue that it is a little too cheerful for a deary game like this and sometimes the transition between soundtracks is odd.
Edited reference accessed HERE. Original review written by All About Casual Games on September 30, 2013 Edited and added to by Whiterabbit-UK 30th July 2017

Other Reviews & Videos of Into the Haze:
You can see community reviews of Into the Haze HERE and more information in the Big Fish forums HERE.
You can see some videos of game play HERE and HERE. You'll find a video walkthrough HERE and a downloadable walkthrough HERE.

I've not played this HOPA long enough to give a fair assessment of my opinion. The little time I have played was okay. It has all the elelments you'd expect of a HOPA, with decent graphics and good puzzles, that can be skipped if necessary. If you like HOG's of any type this is one I'd download.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank MyPlayCity for giving away Into the Hazeand also to the game giveaway team, as always, for securing other ways to get free games.
Useful Information not related to today's game giveaway:
The problems section that used to be posted here in the Game review is now included in the Game Discussion FAQ's thread; which you can find HERE.
I've updated the games section that used to be posted with the review. The thread is now called 'Weekly round up of game deals', formerly the games section of the weekly reviews. You can find the new thread (which I've posted in the sticky section of the game discussion forums to make it easier to find if you are perusing the game discussion forums) HERE.
The rest of the information that used to be posted here can be found in the forums HERE. Finally, check out Delenns thread for details of other free games and offers HERE






Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)


"... if you have a slow internet connection, be sure to start downloading as early as possible to avoid disappointment..."

Bearing that in mind, that a 500 MB download will take time, the servers seem less congested mid afternoon Eastern time, if that helps anyone. With a fairly decent broadband connection, an hour or more for a larger game from GOTD drops to minutes for me by simply waiting till then.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Mike

Thanks for the suggestion. Even better if you can wait till the last quarter, when barely any downloads occur. The worst time is usually the first quarter of the giveaway, especially from around 12 noon (UK time when America starts to wake up).

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  7 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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