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Immortal Defense Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Immortal Defense

Immortal Defense is a fresh take on the tower defense genre. In the course of your adventure, you'll face twenty-six different enemy types, including challenging bosses. You'll come to know the use of eleven different "Points", each with its own personality and style of defense. You'll go through one hundred stages of challenging gameplay - including secret stages for the most advanced path defenders.
$22.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 237 75 comments

Immortal Defense was available as a giveaway on June 18, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Dragons Puzzle is a fascinating puzzle game dedicated to fabulous dragons.

Immortal Defense is a fresh take on the tower defense genre. In the course of your adventure, you'll face twenty-six different enemy types, including challenging bosses. You'll come to know the use of eleven different "Points", each with its own personality and style of defense. You'll go through one hundred stages of challenging gameplay - including secret stages for the most advanced path defenders.

You'll experience an interesting combination of procedural and pixel-art, an original soundtrack, and you'll explore a story about love, duty, and the consequences of immortality. With six to ten hours of gameplay, this game won't be something you play and then forget about.

What would you be willing to defend for all eternity?

System Requirements:

Windows 2000 or later, DirectX 8.0 or later, 128MB RAM (preferably 512MB+), 1.0GHZ CPU (preferably 2.0GHZ+), 32MB videocard, a monitor capable of 1024x768 resolution


Xing Interactive



File Size:

27.8 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Immortal Defense

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I first saw this game on tigsource.com and thought "arty farty game with stupid vector graphics. lame." and I didnt even pick it up when it was available for free out on tar intarwebs.

Then a few days later I downloaded the demo.

First off, the graphics are gorgeous. Clean, simple, powerful, they capture perfectly the melancholy of the solitary guardian of a people who are forever beyond his grasp. The problem is that the pretty lights that make so much sense in-game don't really translate to excellent screen captures, which is apparently the only metric used by most of the gaming public. These graphics are complemented by a hypnotic soundtrack that you listen to for hours, uncomplaining, while the Immortal Defense addiction fever burns its way through your body.

This game is worth every penny. Graphics, music and gameplay make this one a gem. I hope the developers gets this on the XBox Live service or the Wii downloadable content service to bring ID to a broader audience. This game has the chops for the bigtime.

Belgian dude, if you want to go pick up FFVII for $10, go for it. I dont think appreciation of Immortal Defense' unique beauty is beyond the majority of gamers. It's just beyond you.

Reply   |   Comment by Josh  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My Review of this game:

1. First Impression:

The game starts up quickly, runs smoothly with no errors or obvious glitches. Very... odd startup music though. Interface is fairly intuitive, difficulty option is nice, and the 'encyclopedias' are useful.


2. Story:

You are a new Path Defender, whose job is to guard a hyperdimensional area known as pathspace - which is basically a highway for space vessels - from the evil empire called the Bakvah, who are attacking your home planet and many others. Not original, but it is very well done, with plenty of dialog and interesting characters, and only a small amount of Engrish.


3. Gameplay:

Your cursor is your main weapon, and automatically fires little arrows at the enemy ships, which move along a predefined path from one goal to another. You can also use 'points', basically upgradeable circles with symbols, to attack the aliens in various ways. These points are paid for and upgraded with your 'cache', earned by defeating enemies. Sometimes, you get help from Aa (original name, huh?), another Path Defender. There's a timer, and each level lasts about 1-7 minutes. If you prevent most of your enemies from getting to the other end, you win. Usually, about 10-20 enemies can get through before you lose.

This isn't a new concept, but is well done. The attacks are varied, the enemies can be though as well, but sometimes you feel grossly overpowered, and at other times, underpowered. The upgrades can make your points insanely powerful, but also cost insane amounts of cache, making it a very careful balencing act.


4. Graphics:

A lot of the graphics look like they come from a 1990s Space Invaders game, but are generally well done and well animated. The point animations are very pretty, and your little cursor is nice, if not very shiny or advanced looking. The menu graphics are similarly old looking, and the entire game is sprite based. Still, the graphics obviously were done with a lot of effort.


5. Sound

The music in the title menus, as I mentioned, is an odd woman's voice warbling some sort of showtune. Not exactly action-game material, and very out of place. However, the rest of the music, if not varied, is suitably mysterious and space-like.


6. Replay Value:

Unfortunately, the game doesn't have a 'free for all' mode, though there is a similar level at the end of each of the four sections of the story. Still, the levels are fun enough to replay, though not as exciting as the first time around. You can turn the difficulty up though, which helps.


7. Final Word:

Immortal Defense is a great game, and has a very solid concept behind it. A good buy, and a great GGOTD offer. Please, more of this, not DoubleGames!

Total: 8/10

Reply   |   Comment by Bookworm  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

What can I say???? I do not play many TD games at all. This hooked me because there is so much strategy potential that I would be surprised if paul (the creator) is not achieving higher scores on the later levels after replaying them time and time again.
There is a Japanese art of archery whereby the archers go through a
ritual of about 10 minutes before firing one arrow.

Whilst they are not likely to turn the tide of battle as an archer in any particular army battle, I would not be surprised to notice many of the opposition falling asleep on the floor, obviously complete with cobwebs and those other bits of stuff that cannot be identified, only to be spiked by these precision arrows.
Anyway, my point is that I seem to spend more time deciding whether to put the points 'here or there' on the map, than actually finishing the bloody levels. Therefore, it is quite possible that the only limit of strategy in the game, is oneself.

I personally think this game has much potential, apart from the colossal amount of particles and fragents (detail) going all over the place.

Within a few months this game will shine to those unfortunate, ADD types who do not sit still for more than 1 nanosecond at a time.

Anyway, nice one Paul.

I have already purchased the game btw. I look forward to the update of 1.05 and beyond.

Reply   |   Comment by andy12345  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I played around with the full version of the game when I got it.

I completed at least 5 campaigns and I was on number 6.

When I started up this game again, there was a few errors and ignored it, went to the stage section and I had to start all over again!

Did anyone get this problem when I ran into this?

Reply   |   Comment by zuson  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#69 Thank you so much Paul.

I was pleased to see the writer is already established.

I will very much look forward to future programs from RPGCreations.

Thanks again, take care,


Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

People who criticize this game for the storyline has really short attention spans.

I wonder what would happen if they try to read a science fiction novel?

The story is great. I liked the game play. I would tell the author of the game to keep up the great work.

Reply   |   Comment by nanikore  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Accepted. Keep reviewing games the way you do, you're great at it.

Just as a note, the writer of the story is a professional writer, so that's already the case. ^_^

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Paul, yes in hindsight I should have said that my review was on first impressions, it was remiss of me to sum up the game without seeing it through to the end and even though this was not possible I should have stressed that the basis of my review was from the beginning only, please accept my apologies for that.

I do think that whoever did write the story should work on books and/or films in addition to games, I think the story of the game is beautiful and deserves recognition outside of the gaming world so that a greater scope of people would get to experience it.

I don't mind at all about you using my comment, in fact I am very flattered, thank you!

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the reply. You're right, but even though you don't have enough time to judge a whole game in the day of release, if it were me reviewing a game, I'd mention that because of the limited time frame I can't say anything substantial about the game besides first impressions.

In other words, it seems premature to tell us that we should be making movies instead of games if you don't play enough of the levels to experience the depth of the gameplay. For instance, the first two campaigns -- the first 16 levels especially -- are intentionally easy and simple, in order to teach people to play the game, and I suspect you only got through that area of the game and thought the full game was just as simple as the beginning.

By the way, despite my complaints, I linked to your comment on the Immortal Defense press section, since I liked the review so much, hope you don't mind.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#61 Hi Paul, I totally agree with what you say but unfortunately with games like this it is not possible to play all the way through and then have people read your review of the game; this game is set to last at least 10 hours (more if you go back and repeat levels) and so would span over days if not weeks to play thoroughly. Ideally this page would be read by people after that time but realistically this is not the case - the page and its reviews is read for the duration of the giveaway and is then confined to archives which have little exposure.

Because of this it is necessary to write a review based on a trial play. Although some people do indeed seemingly just glance at the screenshots and make assumptions, which is wrong, it is not practical on a game such as this to go through the whole lot and therefore reviews must be based somewhat on the first impressions. I personally try to give full reviews and in the majority of games am able to comment on the game as a whole as they are much shorter. For this game which is of much greater length, the first levels had to be the basis of my review. I do appreciate that the beginning is not sufficient to rate the whole thing but although as you say it gets more intricate and strategic later on, the first levels at least are clicking on circles along a wavy line which does appear much less intricate than the story. In your (excellent) analogy of basing a book review on the first chapter (although I did go deeper into the game than the very beginning), I suppose it would be like that chapter being very flat or full of spelling mistakes - no-one would want to read on. (In fact, book publishers do only ask you to submit the first chapter when offering them a book you have authored - they decide whether they would like to read more and then go on to publish it from this chapter, which is why it is so crucial.)

The only way I can think of to combat this problem is for the top of each daily page to have an extra link back to archived pages only when they have been added to. This would keep such pages fresh in people's mind to click on and read reviews fuller than the initial play allowed instead of them just being archived and forgotten.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I played this for five hours straight last night. I can't remember the last time I was so sucked into a game. Great work.

Reply   |   Comment by Don  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game was a complete thrill to play. Its story should by followed in order for the game to have meaning. The end left me in shock, and the graphics were stunning. The music was a bit loud, but was all original and worth the large filesize. Definitely worth a download!

Reply   |   Comment by Joly  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I started the game up this morning and found out it didn't install the full version for some reason. Anyone else have this problem? Only the top two rows of stages can be played.

Reply   |   Comment by Joe  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Definitely a very good game! It has nice story and more importantly simple but at the same time very sophisticated gameplay (I play only on 100% difficulty level).

Reply   |   Comment by Romla  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

As for the first boss, here's the strategy: "Okay, you fight the Brother Bavakh twice. The first time you fight him, the way to win is to use the *second charge attack* (press right mouse click, wait until it charges to the second level, and release it on the enemy); this will cause Aa's tower's shots to all focus toward that point. The trick is that the Brother Bavakh randomly disrupts the flight pattern of the bullets, so you need to do it *at the right time*, notably in the instant just after all the bullets change course (they do so periodically). Aa's Limited Point is the strongest tower in that level, so sometimes it helps to restart the level several times until the Limited Point of Aa (he places it first I think) is in a good place, somewhere near the center. And use *all* the love points on Aa's Limited Point."

There's more strategy and so on on the game's forums.

Merril, I think that's the problem with most of the reviews here -- 5 people work for 6 months on a game, and then one person plays the first few levels and decides whether it's good or bad. That's not really enough information. Unless someone has gotten through the entire game they aren't really going to be able to say anything about it. Talking about the story without knowing how it ends would be like reviewing a novel while only reading the first chapter, or reviewing a movie after only watching the first ten minutes.

Whiterabbit, thanks for the suggestions, but most of those are actually planned to be added (you can check the game's forums to see the wishlist and development).

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#48 Sorry that I did not give the game itself more credit if that is the case, I admittedly did not progress through to the later levels, so to me all I saw was a wavy line along which circular disks travelled that needed clicking on, hence my scrunched up nose on the actual game!

#50 Thank you so much, I love your reviews too and hope that you don't stop them or only review in full occasionally as they really are one of the main highlights of this page each day.

#51 Dear God!!! Is that how I came across, as a Trekky?!?! I have no interest in Star Trek at all and although this game does take place in, er, the sky, it was the romance and deepness of the story itself that I was taken by as opposed to any similarities between Spock and Co!!!!! :lol:

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Awesome game. Since I had a Warcraft 3 for quite a time and have played quite a few TD's(custom made tower defense maps)witch i never found particullary interesting I didnt d/l this game the first time I heard about it. I evaded downloading the demo for few days and then out of boredom from all new brand 59$ games i decided to give it a try. Ohhh boy was I in for a pleasent suprise. I was expecting classic 150 lvl tower defense boredom but then there was this Aa guy telling me a little bit about background story, k , so i thought they added few lines of cheap story to justify all that shiny things exploding on the screen. Ohhh i was wrong... The more I played the more i was sucked into this wierd scfi world, and i couldnt but wonder how one TD game could have better story and music then most of the new games i bought for 59$.

I dissagre with person telling that game with bad story could still be good game, it could be if we are talking abaout tekken or pes, but otherwise there is nothing to move you on even if the game is good... On the other hand even if the game is so so you still would want to play it till the end just to see how the story goes on...

This game requires quite a lot of thinking, and telling its all about brainless clicking is actually brainless trying to be smart comment type of thing. Before any lvl you need to decide where should you place points, witch parts of path would be best for particulary point, on witch points should I invest upgrades,should i place all points now, or should I save the cach and wait down the lvl to get that more needed one,and so on, and so on. Even if you survive the lvl there is still the question if the particular combination was the best, and maybe you could get more cash for futher lvls if you played it differently.

I find the game to be quite addictive for TD kinda game, music was great, story was awesome, graphic where nice since i like that retro style and gameplay was quite addictive.

Graphic : 8
Music : 8
Story : 10
Gameplay : 9

Overall : 9...
Verditc : if you can aford to pay 22.5$, you should deffinetly buy it. If you think its steep price for indie game, all I could say its : Not everything that shines is gold...

Reply   |   Comment by Razorman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To Heln,
I don't think you'd be that someone but thanks for replying.
PS I'm a girl

Reply   |   Comment by Smarty  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I thought it was an amazing game considering it was free and not produced by a larger game developer. Not too much long term replayability and I thought the final final ending (with the automatic loss?) was wierd. Or maybe I just didn't figure out the trick. Anyway the fact that I got to the end (?) is testament enough for how fun and addictive the game is though. I'm not sure what would make it better in terms of long term replayability, but honestly without a story to drive the levels and different challanges the game basically becomes just like those "training" missions.

Anyway an interesting and addictive game. Too bad more games on this site couldn't be of the same level or better.

Reply   |   Comment by Robert  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A unique game in my experience. I activated it fine. The download took almost 2 hours on dialup. It would be nice if there was a built-in accelerator.

Reply   |   Comment by William  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I can´t seem to beat the first boss. Always get him down to 100,000 energy or so. "Focussing" the attacks with the right mouse power-up doesn´t always seem to work. Sometimes my point attacks only move a little, sometimes not at all. I would find somewhere else to post this, but the developer website seems to be down... Little help?

Reply   |   Comment by ShaggyMoose  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

G'Day Yeah it was "Childish" of me to cyber sook :cry:
Must be life hear in "OZ" getting to me.
Sorry ~Swan.

As for the game after much reading i think i may leave well alone.
Thanks GGOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by #1 and computerchristmas  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sorry I didn't quite finish my last post and accidentally clicked on submit, lol ........................ if my real love of writing about my favorite games such as FPS and RPG games become a little to obsessive because I spend far too much time on them instead of actually playing games.

Also I'm sure the length will put off readers from actually reading the comment, lol :)

To the developer ‘Paul’……....despite the Dudes comment I think this is a wonderful gaming experience. You’ve melded art with gaming here. As someone else mentions and as evidenced by mine and others links, there is a lot of space devoted to this game on different fan sites. I do hope you will make improvements to the game and possibly add more 'points' and tweak the graphics. I would certainly buy this game if you did update it :). This is definitely one of those games I want to keep, so will probably have to purchase it at some point, unless I decide to dedicate one of my computers just for Giveaway games and utilities, lol.. Maybe you could work on creating an editor, which would enable the user to produce their own levels, the more points to add to the game the more interesting it would become (IMO); as there is limited space on the information bar maybe even enable a selection process at the start of a new game so that you could choose the points that you wanted to use at that particular point in the game. Much like the set up for the arkanoid game 'Break Quest' where there is a whole series of options to change the game play. You could even have a toggle for précising the story line and or removing it altogether, (although for me the story line would be a keeper) and having a greater selection of the wonderful music you chose for the game. This latter idea could be in the form of an additional downloadable add-on to the game so that it didn’t make the actual game too unwieldy to download, especially for those with dial up connections. Also you could make the lines more complex, for example placing too many points on the line could cause the line to branch thus creating more than one line for the enemies to travel along. Or even better the line could be disturbed by the defending points and become unstable and thus move, making the defense less effective and harder for the player to actually shoot the enemies. This of course should also be tweak-able in the options menu so that you could increase or decrease the tolerance the line has to disturbance by ‘points’ This would add a more complex aspect to the game play, but I reckon for the fans this would really enhance the game play.

Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Been checking this site daily in the way you keep poking a cavity in your molar with your tongue: you know you shouldn't, you know it will hurt, but you do it anyway for no reason you can explain.

Who knew it'd work out in the end? Immortal defense is, to my shock, a genuinely good game. There's nothing particularly innovative about it but the story, gameplay, difficulty scaling, and presentation are all well better than passable and as a total it's rather nifty. Having a ball with it.

Guess I'll have to keep poking at molar for another four months for the next game that couldn't have been created in under an hour. I'm not being overly negative, just honest. Creating a low rent Bejeweled/snake/Tetris/mahjong clone is 102 programming homework, not something you charge people for. Free doesn't make them better and changing from blocks to fruit or fruit to clown heads doesn't make them different.

By the way, I think the screenshots chosen may put off a lot of users of this site. There is a surprisingly touching, if awkward, story wrapped around this game, and much of the play itself is setting up your position before it starts so it is not as frantic as it may appear.

Reply   |   Comment by Captain Carp  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

While anything short of Death's cold embrace could be considered a pleasant change from the recent plague of swill from DoubleGames and friends, I'm sad to say that Immortal Defense struck me as little more than a music-engorged technicolor yawn put together by a group of friends who more than likely can speak fluent Klingon.
While obviously talented, the developers of this gem could have better spent their time producing a more interesting game with less emphasis on a "boffo" soundtrack and a seemingly endless storyline that could only appeal to those who feel they are undressed without a pair of gigantic rubber Spock ears. (Wear them proudly, Merril. May you live long and prosper.)
While a great amount of work undoubtedly went into this game, I can't shake the feeling that it's more about being someone's personal "pet project" rather than a serious attempt at gaming innovation.
So while I, personally, found this offering not to my liking, I would like to thank GOTD from the bottom of my heart for a day without dwarves, snakes, butterflies, or bears. Your efforts are always appreciated.

And I, as always, remain,

El Fabuloso

Reply   |   Comment by el fabuloso  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Beautiful comment Merril. I really love reading your prose. Keep it up please.

Swan, don't stop because today's review was an exception. I'm spending far too long on some of the reviews I post; I'm considering only reviewing the games i really enjoy, with just brief impressions for the games that are either (IMO) not worthy of the title of game, or if my real love, an FPS, I am reviewing; in a document that is so far nearly 1000 pages long, lol :|
To The Belgian Dude; I also love your dry, to the point and 'sometimes edging on the sarcastic' comments. Nice one all of you.

Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This one is pretty cool, and a welcome break in the streak of simpler games. I'll be playing this again for sure. Thumbs up!

Reply   |   Comment by bovi  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Merril, thanks for the review. Though I do think the gameplay is a bit more intricate than you give it credit for -- to become very good at this game on the higher difficulties takes a lot of strategy, although meant for people who are really into the tower defense genre, so those who don't normally play that genre might not get all the intricacies of the gameplay involved.

ShaggyMoose, there is a way to move points during the setup phase -- just press 'S' to sell a tower for a full cache refund while there. It's mentioned in the manual, but it was a mistake not to mention it in the story/tutorial.

Belgian dude (Belgium is a great country, btw) -- all I can say is that it isn't your type of game. Plenty of people loved the game and think it's worth the money, and not for as facile reasons as you suppose. The game has dedicated fans. I've gotten fan-art for the game. I've gotten people say to me they cried at the ending. I don't think it would have those if what you said was true; it doesn't sound like the kind of things people seeking to be in the "in" crowd would do or say.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've just finished this game and ive been playing straight from my previous comment. this is one of the greates games ive played since they came out with Jets'n'Guns

Reply   |   Comment by C.J.  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I haven´t played any of the other "tower defense" games that have been floating around recently, but this game is in the same vein according to comments by others. For me, it is quite an original puzzle/strategy game.

Each level contains a path with a start point and end point. Enemies continually spawn at the start point and make their way along the path to the end point. Its your job to stop them, using a varied collection of "points", which provide unique methods of defense or other assistance. Setting up the perfect defense based on the resources allocated and the enemies you are facing is sometimes quite a challenge. You have to hold off the enemy for a set period of time; if too many get through, you lose.

The developers have gone out of their way to hang the game on an interesting backdrop and for the most part, it adds something. However, the story snippets and comments you receive throughout the game vary from though provoking, to obtuse, to downright camp!

I have only finished the first campaign, but this is a summary of my thoughts so far.

- Interesting concept. Storyline doesn´t really get in the way if its not your thing.
- Original graphics.
- Good variety of "points" to experiment with.
- Many levels.
- Addictive gameplay.

- Graphics can become very confused. Its often hard to see what is going on, especially when the level seems to "smear" towards the end. Not sure if this was intended to make the game more difficult or is for aesthetics only, but I found it annoying.
- Sounds is quite limited. Various lame plinking sounds are made by your points when attacking and there seems to be only one or two tracks that plays constantly in the background.
- If you had your defense set up exactly how you wanted it, but then have to retry, you have to redo the entire setup. This is very frustrating! Not being able to drag and drop your points freely during the setup phase is poor design and a big draw back for me. If it is possible, it would be great if someone could let me know how.

Reply   |   Comment by ShaggyMoose  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#16 Michael : "That’s because the full game is 27 MB and the demo is 17MB. Unneeded files are removed from a demo."

No, it's because the game data is bloated with 22 MB of sound files.

#23 Monkton : "even 1gb+ commercial PC games have small .exe files, most of ANY game is the game data"

Game data doesn't equal music. Game data is data needed to play the game not the stuff to enhance the overall experience. In a good game the game data should be a fair chunk of the footprint.
The other point you make that even big games have small executables proves my point. This games executable is 1/6th of the total package. In other words the actual game data is very small.

#24 darthjar :"I think they put more into the backstory than the actual game"

Exactly! Which is why this is bad. A good game without a storyline is still a decent game. A bad game with a good story doesn't make it a good game.

#15 Paul :"Plenty of people have already bought it so far, so it is selling at that price."

Paul is the programmer for those that haven't caught on. Paul, there's always people willing to pay anything for anything because they think it makes them part of the "in" crowd or because they don't know better or because they don't know the value of money. That doesn't make this a good game.
So what if you added a grand story to it. It is what it is, one of the million variations of TD games. One could just as well make a variation of Pac-man, add a score performed by a real symphonic orchestra and an epic space opera story to it and it would still be just another Pac-man game with some extra pomp and circumstance.
I'm not saying that the story is bad or the music is awful. But it takes more to make a decent game, let alone something that you charge 23 USD for, then a story with some music and a very lame concept that is suited for some brainless clicking at the end of a long hard day.

To demonstrate the insight of a fan :

#29 Keith Monson :"This is a great game..." - "...I’m not sure why I “win” the level..." - "Hurts my eyes to play for very long." - "Great game!"

He thinks it's a great game although he hasn't got a clue what he has to do or is doing to actual win. Not something that speaks well of the intelligence needed to play the game.
He has issues with the eye-candy but never the less stil thinks it's a great game.

Paul you have the right ideas of how to enhance a game...now go and make a game worthy of the enhancements.
Keep in mind that for 10 USD one can buy Final Fantasy 7 (100 hours game play - produced by a real company with more staff for cleaning that you have had working on this)

Reply   |   Comment by Belgian dude  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow was I shocked to see this here - I was just playing the demo last night. I enjoyed what I played, but didn't think it was quite worth $23 (though if there IS a tower defense game worth paying for, it's definitely this one).

I like the fact that you can replay old levels to get a better result so you'll have more "cache" (the game's currency) in later levels - you can't make mistakes that can't be fixed later. It's a bit more interactive than most tower defense games, since you can damage things with your cursor (and charge up a more powerful attack), as well as picking a primary target for the towers ("points") to focus on. Some of those towers have some interesting features that makes where you place them a bit harder of a decision (like shots that loop around the edges of the screen).

If you think the screenshots are weird, well, the game still has some surprises left. The story's as strange, if not stranger.

Reply   |   Comment by Karzon  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Michelangelo, even.... :-|

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

From the very first window that comes up whilst the game is loading with an adaptation of Micelangelo's "The Creation Of Adam" on it, you know that this is going to be a unique game and, wow, are you not wrong.

Indeed, to say that the game is deep is a huge understatement - play has a whole intricate story provided, which you can actually choose to read the volume of from the menu, and I feel no need to go any further demonstrating the deepness of the game than to quote one of the first lines of the story

"The image of your wife -- pregnant with your daughter -- is the last thing you see before you close your eyes"
No prizes for guessing that this does not belong to Double Games' range of titles.........!! ;-)

The music of the game is a huge part of it and purposely so as the developers understand the vital relationship between melody and atmosphere, building tension and setting the scene with appropriate, unique tracks that are solely for the game itself. Most of the music is feel good music with an underlying classical feel, although the menu is bizarrely coupled with sung music from the 1920's/30's and does not seem appropriate at all, in fact I would go as far as to say it spoils the tension and drama that previous music and instructions have built up.

The visual effects from the instructions to the game play itself can only be described as stunning, wording that changes colour through the spectrum and patterns that appear in the sky when you move your mouse around are 2 such examples of intricate detail that offer wonderful effects. The game is also interspersed with pictures to capture the moment of various parts of the story - a man looking up at a blue planet surrounded by stars and circles of blue clouds is one of the first such pictures and is just gorgeous. The writers of the game also seem to have a great sense of humour, I giggled when the game itself first opened as you are greeted by one of the "ghosts" that announces "A newcomer, eh?!" (actually I think it says "Eh, newcomer?" but it still made me laugh).

Personally for me I don't like games that have fast enemies coming at you that you have to keep clicking to shoot and destroy in order to gain points - I just don't personally find those type of games fun at all - and so the game itself is not ever going to be one of my favourites for that reason. But I know that is just me and many people will love this; as WhiteRabbit shows above, this is not just an obscure game that is being offered here today - this is almost a cult game with blogs, forums and even YouTube uploads devoted to it. Why there are not such things for "Run Painter Run" are beyond me but that's another story ;-)

This is certainly not just a game with a simple goal; ethics, mortality and the power of love are very important aspects and the game has very deep meanings and morals, laced with thought provoking and quite sensitive issues. Far, far more emphasis and detail have been put into the story of the game than the game itself - if the plot and its dramatic and inspiration provoking music were taken away then the game itself would no doubt be less than 1MB in size. The effects and graphics of playing the game are truly beautiful yet the game itself is so simple - use the mouse to shoot enemies until you win the level.

Winning a level comes up with messages of recognition and you do actually feel you have achieved something and, moreover, you feel the desire to continue because the story is so strong, you want to fight for what is right.

This game has had an incredible amount of work put into it but I can't help but think that the developers should be authors or make a film as the simple game itself is nothing without the underlying story, graphics and atmosphere building music.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I usually enjoy the games I find here, maybe not all of them, but a good portion of them, but this? This one reminds me of the old DOS games we used to play before Windows and better graphics became available, $23.00?? I think not, I wouldn't spend 2 cents on this! No way..

Reply   |   Comment by Tobius  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game crashes before loading and then displays:

Failed to load the game data. File seems corrupted.

I would love to give it a try, but looks like I can't.

Reply   |   Comment by Dude  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the details Whiterabbit. I played for a couple of rounds and decided to keep the game. I won but Im not sure how. I learn by doing. More exposure is needed for me to really understand the game play. I like the colors and I like the music. Being an avid reader , I like that there is a story line. Very SciFi. My advice is download and try. You will not know if you like it unless you do. Thanks to GOTD. Its good to see different types of games being offered.
To Smarty, I hope you find your mysterious emailer. I sent this site to someone I knew way back in the 1970's from an email I found for them on line in a site related to vintage comics. Probably not you. He was an artist and signed his name Puck. Thanks for all the comments. I enjoy reading them as much as the games and it has become a daily thing to read what you have to say..... I have got to get out more!!

Reply   |   Comment by Heln  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good morning everyone! ;)

Well since Stephen's reviews are becoming longer and more comprehensive, I don't see the need to bore you all with my own full reviews each day. ;)

Today's game is activated automatically when you install the the program. Very nice. No problems on Windows XP Pro.

Several pieces of music - all different and enjoyable. It's the first time I haven't had to turn the music off in a game for a l-o-n-g while.

A few of the graphics are good - however the path lines and edges of the 'Points' desperately need anti-aliasing - in matter of fact, the 'Points' graphics themselves really need to be completely redone.

I think 'Points' is a very weird and confusing name when you're struggling through the 16 pages of back story (way too long and needs to be shortened!) I'd like to have seen the 'Points' given a completely different, more meaningful and understandable name.

The playing field is very basic therefore easy to understand once you play the game, as are the 'Points' once you actually use them. I've only just finished Level 2 and unfortunately didn't feel that I achieved a lot of enjoyment or even excitement from this game.

It was nice to see that all those that have been requesting RTS games for so long, get what they want. :)



2 - for various pieces of music;

1 - for graphics;

1 - smooth animation;

-1 back story way too long;

-1 boredom factor;

TOTAL: 2/10 and thumbs down

However, I'd still like to thank RPG Creations for coming on board with us. I sincerely hope that our reviews will assist you in improving the game - though even improved, I still don't believe it would be worth $22.95. Your other games look interesting though. ;)

Thank you GotD for a change of pace in your game offers. It couldn't have happened too soon, as I think was evidenced by yesterday's comments.

#10: #1

Peace to the ~Swan, Your not all that bad! After all it’s a new day.

I accept your white flag of truce. ;) Peace always, to you too #1.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
~ Swan

Reply   |   Comment by Swan Shanks  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Mixed reviews on my end. Better than what's been offered lately, but that is poor praise. The game is not at all intuitive, there is no obvious goal ( other than eliminating the aliens advancing on the string... no interest at all), and is really a poor execution of a high concept. I've already uninstalled this one, and don't recommend anyone even trying it.

I'm a new adherent to this site, and have downloaded a few really good games. That said, the last two weeks have been a bit dry in the quality department. Hopefully, this is just a lull and not indicative of the future for this site.

Reply   |   Comment by Michael  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Looks cool graphic & play-wise. I agree the usual price is too steep.
Good offering today IMNSHO!

Reply   |   Comment by ballpeen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Seems interesting. I like tower defense games *ive tried a bunch of flash ones, my favourite being desktop tower defense*.

The sample images dont really make sense to me, but im sure it will once I install the game.

Thanks for the free game. :0)

Reply   |   Comment by Gerry  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

- Interesting approach to a tower defending game, nice graphics (reminded me of GridWars2 in some ways).
- Installed and activated fine.

Couldn't be bothered with the story it's trying to tell, though. :-)

There's nothing wrong with this game, accept it doesn't really capture me. I guess I like to see monsters, deformed humanoids or whatever that seems to be alive and wants to attack in a tower defend like game, instead of these abstract figures. So, I uninstalled it.

But, this game is finally something different to the avalanche of [*censored*] games that came by here the last week or so. Just for that, this one deserves a thumbs up.

Reply   |   Comment by JanW  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well sounds different. The screenshots dont help me much but i do appreciate them :) thank you. I think i will at least try it. Thanks for the extra info whiterabbit.

Reply   |   Comment by Vella  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It looks like a seizure.

Reply   |   Comment by Etitan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To access the in game screenshots from my post above (comment #25),, just copy and paste the address minus the braceketd code. Sorry about the length of todays review. I got a little carried away ;), lol

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You win the level because you prevented the enemies from getting to the end of the path (there's a timer, you have to stop from from reaching the end during that time).

If the effects hurt your eyes, you can set them lower -- the effects slider goes from 0 to 100.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well it's a pretty game, the music is wonderful! I usually hate the music in games and turn it off but this one was very well done. I have never played this type of "tower defender" game so the concept is new to me. I'm not sure why I "win" the level but I kept doing it so I must have been doing something right. I'd like a bigger ship with bigger enemies in the next version. Maybe some louder battle sounds too. But I really like this game. Hurts my eyes to play for very long. It does remember the last level I was on when I quit so that is a good thing. I hate those games that make me start over. Great game!

Reply   |   Comment by Keith Monson  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sweet towers strategy and utter destruction of millions of enemies. My type of game

Reply   |   Comment by C.J.  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the nice review, whiterabbit.

Yeah, each of the power ups as you call them has different levels of strength, seven levels in total, and spending money (cache) on them increases their strength.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is great.
All of you who looks at the graphic and then say the game sucks are wrong!
The game is very fun and challenging and you should try it even if the graphics are not that good

Reply   |   Comment by Osher  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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