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Get Round Pirate Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Get Round Pirate

Sailing by some island you noticed two pirates, who were playing a strange game on a rum barrel. One pirate had golden doubloons, and the other - black chips. Compete with one of them to try your fortune and win the whole chest full of gold coins. You can also join their company and play this piratical game with your friend. Keep your eyes skinned to get luck in this adventure for a stroke of good fortune!
$14.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 87 87 comments

Get Round Pirate was available as a giveaway on June 20, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Ice Pingvi Game is an exciting game.

Sailing by some island you noticed two pirates, who were playing a strange game on a rum barrel. One pirate had golden doubloons, and the other - black chips.

Compete with one of them to try your fortune and win the whole chest full of gold coins.

You can also join their company and play this piratical game with your friend.

Keep your eyes skinned to get luck in this adventure for a stroke of good fortune!

System Requirements:

Windows 98/98SE/2000/Me/XP; CPU: P700; 256 MB; Sound Card


Xing Interactive



File Size:

2.47 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Climb, dive, jump, kick, punch, and slide with your friends to dodge.

Comments on Get Round Pirate

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To Jamie,
Solitare is a great game,probably you don't like it because you don't know how to play it.And this game is crap,okay?

Reply   |   Comment by Smarty  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Um... my name is Smarty not Samtry, BlueBerry Pie!
But it was fun taking to you yesterday!

Reply   |   Comment by Smarty  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

As someone said it is like connect four, which had always been a game I enjoy. I really liked this one. granted its simple and not all effects and glam, but it beats solataire!

Reply   |   Comment by jamie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I must admit that while the game is a bit boring (at the $15 price) the comments are a great read, Please put more Doublegames up so we can see all the "I hate doublegames" comments.... GREAT reading!.

Reply   |   Comment by dahood  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

jess this is crap. do better ggotd

Reply   |   Comment by cheryl robbins  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Let me adress all you people who whine about us "complaining"

read this,please dear god read it....

More then half of you say that your kids love it,that because kids have an extremely low threshold for things they enjoy,there brains are undeveloped and therefore they have no such need for higher quality things,but to the point,alot of people have adressed you back,but all you do is say the same things,you have yet to stand up for yourself and actualy give out a good arguement.

Wether these games are good or not,this company copys games,and rarely adds anything new besides gfx.

We are not flaming,we are not complaining,we are criticising,and again,this is soley based on your interpretation of criticization.

but you tell us to stop,NO! You tell us to get over it,YOU GET OVER IT!
we have a right to post here,GGOTD NEVER told us to not criticize,so just shut your traps!

Half of you don't even play this,you just let your kids play it!
and yet you can determen wether the game is good or not??? Bo******!
You have no standards,and no sense,any moron can figure out that kids will play almost anything,its you people who buy bad games like "cars" instead of masterpieces in game desighn like "sly cooper"

BTW,sky cooper is kid freindly,its rated e for everyone

"Its free so just don't complain!" If you actualy took the time to stop reading your people magazine and type in a couple words in the google search bar your standards would be hightened by what is a good free game!

Ever played "cave story" Its a masterpiece,a perfect example of oldschool fused flawlesly with new concepts!

look it up and play it,Its better then all of the double games games that have been released here combined,infact,X10

Even downloading and installing these games ins't worth it,thats what were saying.

and also,we serve another purpose by "complaining" WE TELL PEOPLE WHO ARE LIKE US TO DOWNLOAD OR NOT DOWNLOAD THESE GAMES!
The game barely has an acurate description for gods sake!

So excuse us if we want to warn people,your not infauluable,so just shut up already with all this crud!

Reply   |   Comment by loki  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nobody is perfect. A supremely boring game, but thanks for trying (and often suceeding) day after day. Tomorrow's another day.

Reply   |   Comment by tlsmith1138  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


The merchant referred to that I will not try is DoubleGames. For GGAOTD and GAOTD I am a loyal user.

Reply   |   Comment by Kevin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No. 29 Merril,

I do not agree with your logic that every game should be measured on it's own merit, with respect to the GGAOTD website. There are stores that I refuse to patronize because of past bad experiences and DoubleGames is no different.

I am dissatisfied with this merchant and I will no longer try its offers. The torrent of complaints and low ratings about this company should make most people cautious of downloading them.

GGAOTD should be listening closely to the voice of their webtraffic. Note the (humorous) threat not to come here anymore by writer No. 19 Rick. At least the company is being warned by this one. Most of the time people just give up trying, traffic drops and everyone's left scratching their heads.

For me, I would rather see one good game posted 5 days in a row than five poor DoubleGames posted 5 days in a row. Really.

Reply   |   Comment by Kevin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the detailed evaluation #49, Swan Shanks. Because of this, I downloaded and I had no trouble downloading (dial-up and all)

I am not an avid games player, but I do like to keep simple ones on hand to play occasionly. This looks like one for me!

I downloaded the Flower's story a while back and played it to its end twice, so far. It's simple and fun and takes a bit of thinking to arrange the flowers.

The button up from yesterday is cute, simple, and not too demanding!

I purrrsonally do not care fot beat the clock, shoot-em-up, road-rage-racing stuff. So, for me the simple silly games are ok!

pea-ess--I am purrobably older than most of you, and I haven't played many games before. Too busy working, I guess

Reply   |   Comment by Mewsicat  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh dear. Re my post #30 I installed the fix the day after Nucear Ball was given away and it worked, I still have the full version and can get past level 29.

To all those who now have a trial version because of the fix (I am so sorry, the fix worked for me so obviously I thought it would for everyone as the issued fix was to move on from level 29 on registered versions, which is what we had from the giveaway), uninstall just the fix itself from the destination to which you installed it. If this does not work then the registered version can be recovered by using System Restore - go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore and click on the day before you installed the fix to put it back.

I am so sorry, this was the fix that Urse Games gave the day after they gave Nuclear Ball away after seeing there was a glitch with level 29. It did not unregister my version so I am shocked it has caused this problem.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you for telling me how to "fix" Nuclear Ball. There's only ONE problem. I did what you said, and I installed the fix, and now when I click to play, it says I have only 60 days to play it! What happened to my free game forever, that I loved??? Any ideas?

Reply   |   Comment by Musica  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Guys - you act like you are PAYING for this. If someone had come along and said that they would hand you a free decent game once a month, you'd be lined up out the door. It's FREE. if you don't like it, quit flaming the GAOTD ppl, and move ON....
Good job guys.

Reply   |   Comment by Kay  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Rob(#31): So in your eyes anything free is good? Swell. Let me know when you can swing by and pick up my garbage.
Wake up, buddy. This isn't a freeware site. Do a little research before you tear into people who complain here.
You're well within your rights to sing the praises of games like the one offered today, even shell out $15 for it. Whether or not this game, or any other, is entertaining or worthwhile is obviously a matter of personal opinion. That DoubleGames and its clones are shameless and deceptive rip-off artists is stone cold fact.
It makes no difference to me who or how many give this game a thumbs-up. I've been stung enough times from giving these clowns the benefit of the doubt to have anything to do with them ever again. And judging by the comments, so have a lot of other people. And we're well within OUR rights to speak up.

Reply   |   Comment by Daily Biscuit  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#42: Not necessarily. They may be flagging foul language only. I have seen a lot of posts get through that were questionable. What gets me is people refuse to read the guidelines here and take these 'suggestions' to the forums where there is at least a chance of being heard by the powers that be. It is not difficult to sign up for the forums. Very strange. If people want different types of games, go to the forums and tell them.

Reply   |   Comment by Ambrosia  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey give the guys a break. I love some of the Doublegames games. You have to think. Bushido is one of my favourites. While this one looks a bit childish the concept is still OK.

Reply   |   Comment by Phoebe  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#30 WOW!!! Thanks a million. I'm not always too adept at installing things, so I sure hope this will be as easy as the original was. I hope others that have this problem see your answer. Thanks again.

Reply   |   Comment by Musica  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great game for the kids! Thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by Sam I Am  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

its terrible!!!YET ANOTHER DOUBLE GAME!!!omg they make games that sucks badly and yet i hate em and they are offered here alot!Call The GGOTD staff!

Reply   |   Comment by Megaman Zero  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the fix for Nuclear Ball Merril and a thank you also to Steve Somers for the connect 4 freeware link. :)

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You know... There's something amusing about people who complain that the free stuff isn't good enough. True enough, a hulluva lot of the games offered here are awful, but they are free.

I'm willing to take a minute or so every day to drop by. Sure, I often leave empty handed; but I've gotten a few real gems from here.

I'm not complaining. Hey, it's free.

Reply   |   Comment by Patrick J. Simmons  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game isn't quite as bad as I was reading. It's not very good but I've seen worse. What I hate is that I had to give up the Dwarves and the Alien Shooters and my favorite, Brickshooter Egypt when I had to get a new computer. Would appreciate a rerun opportunity to get those again, at least the Brickshooter game.

Reply   |   Comment by Nana  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You know what would be REALLY cool? Giving away extended periods of play time for subscription games like Darkspace or Star Sonata. Say, a year or 6 months.

Reply   |   Comment by Ahrenjb  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Actually, this game is okay.
I also groaned when I saw DoubleGames and then groaned even louder when I tried to read the game description.
However, the game itself is fine. It has the option for two players. Yes, it's simple. No, I wouldn't pay for it. Yes, I'll take it for free and have some fun.
For those like me who had no idea what the game was from the description - here's a new description:
"Connect 4 with pirate graphics"

Reply   |   Comment by hyperhelper  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I DL/ed and installed this game with no problems. The graphics are very good, looks sharp both small screen and full on my 15" V/A flatscreen monitor. It plays smoothly and quickly on my computer. To my ear, the music seems a bit off for the action of this game, but it is no problem to turn it off and play the soundtrack to a popular pirate movie in the background with Winamp. Now I have something new for my six year old grandson to play when he visits; he LOVES pirates! This will make him extremely happy, he can play against me or against the computer, perfect. It is a bright, colorful game that plays just like the real Connect Four game but doesn't have pieces that get lost... thumbs up, and thank you!

Thanks Merril(#30) for taking your time to post the Nuclear Ball fix!

Reply   |   Comment by LDahl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh common Giveaway, don't you read the comments? Can't you see these people don't want lame flash based games? Give use some more fun studd like Alien Shooter. I mean, double games is getting twice as bad every time. All their games are just doubles of one another.

Reply   |   Comment by Ted Morin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've been faithfully lurking on this site for several months. One of the first things I do in the a.m. is check what GAOTD is offering. But, in all that time I have only downloaded one game. One of those dwarf games.

Now, this complaint is directed towards DoubleGames...who is the poor sap who actually spent $14.95 on one of your games. Seriously, I go OfficeMax and dig through their $9.99 basket for Nancy Drew games. Clearly I'm not a games snob. I love hidden object games, and puzzle games. I've never spent more than $10 on a game and they are loads better then the ones you offer. GGAOTD can't even give away your games for FREE! What does that tell you?

Someone mentioned that GGAOTD wasn't going to last much longer with all the crappy games they're offing...how does DoubleGames stay afloat?

A say kudos to GGAOTD, it can't possibly be easy convincing publishers to give away their games for free. And and on a daily basis.

DoubleGames...you perplex me.

@#19...are you giving an ultimatum? Holding yourself for ransom? That's hysterical. You left me rolling. Thanks for the chuckle. (7 year old child)"One more crappy game and I'm never coming back!"

Reply   |   Comment by Erin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Like "Rob" in comment 31, I love the free downloads -- even the ones from DoubleGames. Figure the chance to try a new game every day is worth it -- some I wind up keeping, others I don't -- but how else would I get this kind of variety! Thanks GOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by dsi  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

By the way, I have to say Ambrosia #33 has it nicely put. Thanks.

-Angus Solton

Reply   |   Comment by Angus Solton  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A couple weeks ago I started a forum entry about doublegames. If you'd like to comment on it or add to the discussion, here is the link:

For the people who have posted the "Don't complain about free stuff," please go back and find every DoubleGames title over the last couple months, play the games, and read the comments. People are allowed their opinion, as you are, and a LOT of people's opinion is that DoubleGames is not good. Plain and simple.

Added to that though, I appreciate Merril's comments, that every game should be judged individually. Thanks for your objective review. Still not my kinda of game. I've been coming to the site since January. Between Jan-Feb I probably downloaded and kept 8-10 games, and still play most of them now. Since March I've probably downloaded 1-2 games. Things just don't seem the same.

Reply   |   Comment by BMoss  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey #19 or Rick, What the hell is wrong with you? DoubleGames countdown?! I don't like them either, but why say your thoughts to the world? It's not GGAOTD's fault anyway. I HOPE GGAOTD will post three more games from DoubleGames so you and other retarts leave.

Anyway, onto the game. It is a clone of connect four, but is badly done. I wouldn't recommend getting it, but it is free so I can't complain. Thank anyway, GGAOTD!

-Angus Solton

Reply   |   Comment by Angus Solton  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It was a waste of time just reading the official description of the game...

Wait, I know why you published this game!

you must be preparing us for an amazing game in the future!
it must be it..

looking forward for it!

Reply   |   Comment by tomer  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

How about a real Connect 4 game? Connect 4 Cities.

Reply   |   Comment by Leslie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by Lori  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The fix listed for Nuclear Ball lost my registration key after following Merril's (#30) instructions. Anyone know how to get it back? Now I only have an hour to play the "fixed" version instead of unlimited to play the broken one. Not sure if this is better!

Reply   |   Comment by Mom of 5  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Okay, to all of those who say "But it's free!"

1) These games are free anyway. Connect Four can be found free pretty much anywhere on the web. Solitare and Freecell come free with the computers. Entire sites are devoted to giving away free games (gamehippo.com, reloaded.org, abandonia.com), so why should we be grateful if we're getting an already free game for "free"? Not to mention that most of the freeware games are better than these, anyway.

And remember that the graphics thing goes both ways. People claim not to judge these games on graphics, so don't judge honestly freeware and abandonware games on *their* graphics. This argument is just preemptive in case anybody says "But these games have better graphics!"

2) The site is dedicated to giving away free games that we normally have to pay for. Note the "pay for". In our minds, that means the games have at least some standard of quality, which we're getting free for just one special day. We feel cheated when this "quality game people normally have to pay money for" is, well, worse than what anybody can do with a year of C++ programming. Now add in the fact we've been getting these "worse than freeware" games for perhaps a few months now...

3) GGOTD used to give away *good* games. Now it doesn't. Most of us remember the days where it was a high quality site, and want it to remain that way. Giving away Doublegames and Freegames4rest (which is freeware *anyway*) just reminds us how much this site is dropping.

So yes, I believe we have a right to say that these games are terrible, despite the fact we are getting them for free.

Reply   |   Comment by AnonPoster  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Quote # 30

#28 Your wish is my command :-D

The developer, Urse Games, issued a fix for the game; download and install this but do NOT uninstall the original. Re-open the original and you can play past level 29!!

Nope ! it does not work. Sorry you fix not only does it not work, but it sets the orig game to a demo saying no demo time left. ): I wound up setting a restore point on my XP home to get my game back.
I think it sucks we can't get past level 29.
I love this game too.
I did as you mentioned to. I downloaded the exe file and just installed over the top, went back into my start programs, clicked on, N. ball only to find out it says no demo time left.
So, your install over the top trick will not work.

Reply   |   Comment by Tom  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Double Games,...double WASTE of d/ltime, ram, and harddrive space.

this site needs to stop trying to give away games that their CREATORS can't give away. you are destroying ANY loyalty,that might have been engendered earlier when you were dispensing GOOD, enjoyable, playable products.

graph out your hits/downloads ratio whenever you offer those lame doublegames/freegames4rest "games" vs. when you offer REAL games...
i'm SURE it WILL impress!

Reply   |   Comment by dummerdendat  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good morning everyone! ;)

Well, I too inwardly groaned today when I discovered that we were faced with yet another 'Double Games' offer. However, I did download it for review and had no problems with the download/activation and installation process on Windows XP Pro.

NO ADDITIONAL ICONS at all left on my desk!

Review for 'Get Round Pirate'

Upon launching the game I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that it opened in full window mode and that even at that size, the graphics still rendered excellently. I almost checked to make sure that it was indeed a 'Double Games' offer! ;)

The opening scene shows you our pirate, complete with parrot, hook, treasure chest, skull & crossbones and sword. While still cartoons, this graphic artist knows exactly what he's doing and proves it by showcasing his work to the very best of his advantage in this game.

Upon close examination, the artist has also drawn light stubble on our pirate's chin, loose skin at his throat, a strong featured square shaped face with a dark suntan and wearing a naval (looking) type jacket.

Even the shine on his buckle, sword handle, hook and other places is done excellently. While this in itself doesn't promise a 'fun' game, it certainly makes it enjoyable on the eyes and fills one with hopes of sea-faring adventures and pirate sounds as one continues on to play the game.

The music is even worse than yesterday's game, which found me scuttling for the 'off' button - located at the top right of the screen, along with volume, max/min. option and an x to leave the game immediately.

The launch screen also includes 'Play,' 'Instructions,' 'High Scores' and 'Exit.' Not being as tempted as yesterday's game to just click 'Exit,' I chose 'Instructions' in the hopes that it might just be a more unique game than usual from this software house.

The instructions page, fits in with the entire pirate theme, with them being written in an attractive, understandable brown cursive text on a muted orange background. They are also very brief which indicates very simplistic game play.

The other two options included with this screen are 'Single player,' '2 players' and 'Main Menu. Opting for single player mode, I was presented with the normal game difficulty choices, 'Easy,' 'Medium,' and 'hard.' So I thought I'd see what 'Medium' entailed first.

The playing field is shown as a ragged piece of paper (à la any pirate document!) filled with 42 empty circles and a lobster holding it all up on a sandy beach. Again the graphics are just great here also.

To the left of the screen, it also shows a 'Main Menu' link and a quick return to the 'Instructions' menu, enabling you to do a fast check if you've forgotten something. It also shows you your 'Wins,' 'Losses' and 'Draws,' obviously for the 2 player game - which only means you're playing the computer, NOT that this is a multiplayer game.

Game Play: This is yet another clone - this time it's of 'Connect 4.' The idea being that you have to connect 4 gold coins in a row - in any direction. The coins drop from above after you indicate (with a click,) which column you'd like it to drop down into.

Don't be fooled - if you choose 'Difficult' you'll find this game a real challenge - even if you've played it before. This is going to be a special game treat for the younger game audience that have never played 'Connect 4' before. Even putting it on easy is going to be a challenge for some kids, especially if they choose the '2 player' mode.

For those that have never played the original game, this 'Double Games' clone is a keeper for your games folder. Actually, because the game has such great eye candy, and the fact that I haven't played a 'Connect 4' game in maybe 20 years, means that I'll be keeping this game - Double Games or not.

Recommended age group would be from 9 - adult and with parent's intervention, could teach children the advantages and strategies of forward planning in other games, such as 'Chess.'


4 for nothing less than excellent cartoon graphics;

-1 for dreadful music (even pirate ditty music would be better!)

-1 for originality;

2 for return game play;

1 for including single player and 2 player games;

1 for easy instructions;

1 because Double Games actually chose a decent game to clone this time.

TOTAL: 6/10 and a thumbs up

Thank you for this game Double Games, one would hope that you really are reading our comments and will improve your offers here. I do wish you'd offer anything but a simple flash game for review though.

Thank you GotD for your efforts with this initiative, I know it can't be an easy task to keep it going amongst all the recent doubts (my own included!) that have been expressed about this website lately.

Have a wonderful day everyone - you just might get to keep a game today!
~ Swan

Reply   |   Comment by Swan Shanks  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I am really very sick of checking the comments to find what people are saying about a specific game and all I can see is gripes about the game maker.
If you don't want to download it, don't. You are not the only one in the world who comes to this site and believe it or not, some people like these games.
With all the complaints, you would think that you are being charged a fee to download games. THEY ARE FREE!
Honestly, people, get a grip.

I happened to download this particular game and it is very enjoyable for my kids.
Most games from Doublegames they enjoy immensely. So you see, just because you don't want it, someone else does.

Nobody wants to read the endless comments about "thanks, but no thanks AGAIN today. get rid of Doublegames and maybe I will come back"....
Did you even read the one sentence above where you posted your comments? It says: PLEASE COMMENT ONLY ON THE SOFTWARE HERE. It says nothing about ranting about the maker and you didn't even download the game. You have absolutely zero to post as a comment on the particular software, then, wouldn't you agree?

Okay, I am going to step down off of my little podium now. I just get so tired of trying to weed out the gripes from the actual comments about a game.

Thanks GAOTD, you really are appreciated for the great service you provide, even though with some of these people you don't think so.

Reply   |   Comment by naturalcommander  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

just saw yr post --THANKS for the link!

Reply   |   Comment by JEG  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#31 When I first came across this site I too was of the same mindset - "it's free so why complain?". But I came to realise that that is not the point of the site; this page is FOR reviews of the software and although some comments are admittedly negative because "Grand Theft Auto" is not being offered and are as such not appropriate, negative reviews over the software itself is perfectly in keeping with the purpose of this page. To say that everything is great just because it is free is not the reason this page exists - it is for critical review and if something is of poor quality then this should be stated - regardless of whether you paid for it or not.

In your analogy of complaining about being given a car with a flat battery, think of this page as a facility to review the car which is supposed to be fully working. By all means, say about the good parts of the vehicle but the battery fault should not be overlooked as it does not work as it is supposed to.

I always state in my reviews that the game should not immediately be dismissed without downloading just because of the developer and that each game should be reviewed on its own merits. But there are still some negative aspects which of course must be mentioned, free or not. This page exists also for developers to see where improvements could take place - to gush about how everything is wonderful because you did not have to pay therefore defeats the purpose.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

OK, here is sort of an allegory I think is appropriate. Don’t stop me if you’ve heard it before.

Someone is sitting at a table in a public place giving away sandwiches. You think, ‘Cool, free sandwiches!’ You take one and say thanks. Taking a bite, you discover your sandwich contains a cockroach. It is not customary in your culture to eat cockroaches. When you mention the cockroach in your free sandwich, a passerby calls you an unappreciative whiner.

Sandwiches = games
Sandwiches with cockroaches = bad games

In conclusion, I’m indeed grateful for the yummy games from this site. I don’t like cockroaches.

Reply   |   Comment by gumby  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I used the fix that #30 suggested and downloaded it the way that they suggested, now it tells me that I have to register the program and I do not own it now. I liked this game and am trying to find out how to fix it so I still have the original game installed. I would like to see some logic type of games or problem solvers like mystery case files. Thank you for the games and software that you post. I do not download everything that I see, but I do check them out everyday. I am going to try todays game out. If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix my registration I will check back later. Thank you!

Reply   |   Comment by Lin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'd like a 'Connect Four' type game -but not this one, its geared for young kids.

I would also like the 'BOGGLE' game -only if its not childish.

Reply   |   Comment by JEG  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

$14.95 for such a game?!? Honestly, I can get better games for less on various Internet platforms (both, used and new ones).

#33: If they moderate the postings they obviously have to read them...

Reply   |   Comment by Mike  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

DoubleGames again! Oh no!

Reply   |   Comment by Sammy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game is nice if you like this type of game.
No problems downloading or playing.
Thanks for the games ,I for one appreciate them.

Reply   |   Comment by atrapos  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Connect Four as a game was solved and proved to be always won by the first player to move if they play optimally (exactly like Tic-Tac-Toe). The game engine is used in the software given below - it's impossible to beat if the software goes first and very hard to beat if you do! Because this was an academic piece of research it is now and forever freeware.


Reply   |   Comment by Steve Somers  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Musica and Merril, I too got stuck on 29 on Nuclear Ball. There is a final block suspended in mid-air that is impossible to hit. I'll try the fix.

Bless you. :)

Oh! Thanks DoubleGames for NOT dumping a ton of unwanted icons in the start up menu and giving me the option to refuse a desktop icon during installation. There was one extra "More Games" in my start menu which was easily deleted. A small price to pay for a free game. It played exactly as I expected for a simple connect four game. Thanks for the opportunity to download the full version. Unfortunately I am not amused enough by it to play again so I uninstalled it.

Keep trying.

Reply   |   Comment by Bonnie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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