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Eternal Journey: New Atlantis Collector's Edition Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Eternal Journey: New Atlantis Collector's Edition

Get the key of the famous mystery of Atlantis!
User rating: 21 26 comments

Eternal Journey: New Atlantis Collector's Edition was available as a giveaway on August 25, 2019!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and MyPlayCity! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!

Travel from the deepest trenches of the Atlantic Ocean to the awe-inspiring wonders of Mars as you solve the greatest archeological puzzle known to man: the origin of Atlantis. Through stunning production values and cunningly designed puzzles, Eternal Journey: New Atlantis will draw you into an experience unlike any other hidden object adventure.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: 1.6 GHz; RAM: 512 MB; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 645 MB





File Size:

614 MB



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Comments on Eternal Journey: New Atlantis Collector's Edition

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trying to install, keep getting this message
C:\Program Files (x86)\MyPlayCity.com\Eternal Journey - New Atlantis Collector's Edition\DataLoc\Guide\scr138.jpg

An error occurred while trying to read the source file:

The source file is corrupted.

Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.
Abort Retry Ignore

Reply   |   Comment by marie vela  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey Wrascally Wabbit,

This one is the cat's pajamas. I am not a big HOG fan but it's got SPACE and Atlantis in the SAME game plus it's the CE version. Katie bar the barn...It's got me!!!!

Thanks for the game GGOTD and MPC and thanks to WR for his stellar review like always...

The hubby is finally getting just a little bit of muscle back. The Physical Therapist is happy over that. She told him he may NOT have to go in for another surgery. We will see in Sept. when he sees the surgeon again. That flesh eating virus did a number on his muscles and they had to cut out soooooo much. But it’s coming back…finally…just a little bit. You can still see the bone but it’s getting better. If he doesn’t have the surgery he can quit the PT, hopefully in January. They said Dec first but now it’s Jan.

Take care and huggles to you and the family...

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

delenn13, That's good news. I know how hard it can be with therapy. I was involved in an accident many years ago while still at university, that required a lot of physical therapy; (before the accident I usually mention), where I was forced off the road on my motorcycle on what we called the Snake Pass here in the UK (a car took a steep corner and ended up on my side of the road. The only way to avoid him was to bank my bike over steeply, but that led me over the edge and down the ravine.. I dropped about 80 meters (~240 feet), down a ravine and ended up with several broken bones,the worst of which was my pelvis. The only part of my body that wasn't covered in black bruises was my left arm and most of my head which had been protected by a full face helmet, but still had broken bones in the wrist and hands due to the impact on my hands from the handlebar when I hit something solid.

You and yours take care as well. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I can't remember where I first played Eternal Journey, but was so impressed with it I bought it in 2014. Still have it saved on my other puter. Great Game; Highly Recommend. This to this day is one of the BEST HOG's I've ever played. It's an Alawar Game.

Reply   |   Comment by JonE  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I had this game even before it was given away here in 2015, but not the collectors edition. I kept it so it was a good play....I don't keep HOGs that bore me or are too easy...play 'em and ditch 'em. So I am very happy to get the collector's edition: My favorite type with good game play and interesting story.

I had no problem with the game playing in my native resolution as some others have said. Mine 1360x768..opens full screen; perhaps because the resolutions are so close.

'puter is Win7Pro 64, 2.40 Ghz 4 gigs ram

Reply   |   Comment by LadyLei  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)


Reply   |   Comment by URSULA  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by URSULA  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

URSULA, Deactivate your VIRUS software during the install. This is a common issue.

Reply   |   Comment by Michael Cloutier  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed and runs fine, Windows 7/64. Definitely one of the better HOGs. Casual mode will give you plenty of help, which I like. The storyline is interesting and the graphics are good. I actually lost track of time for a while, which is the mark of an engaging game. It'll stay in my collection.

Thanks to GGOTD, My Play City, and as always to Whiterabbit for excellent reviews.

Reply   |   Comment by DanO  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

tl;dr: waterbears! WATERBEARS!!

the long version:

i played the non-CE version of this from the giveaway on march 15, 2015. i loved it! my edited notes-to-self from that playthrough are below. i ended with this:

"i'd be game to play this again, especially the collector's edition. there's a bonus chapter with the husband's story."

even though i have a monster backlog and little playtime, i'd like to replay this. thanks for offering it!

— tinyearl

Eternal Journey: New Atlantis (notes on non-CE version)

star ratings on scale of 1-5:
fun 5
visual/sound 5
challenge 3
storyline 5
overall 5

you and your husband are archaeologist/somethings exploring the ruins of atlantis. something happens and you get wiped out. next thing you know you are alive again and arriving on mars to investigate ruins that resemble those of atlantis.

i liked the music overall. there were a couple songs that i especially liked. i never say enough about the music, but it makes a huge impression on me. i play game soundtracks all the time.

visually, it's well done, though i didn't appreciate the focus on the protagonist's butt. the art is clear and the hidden objects are easy to distinguish. the illustration style is nice. i can't say it's any particular style. not steampunk. i thought the imagining of the temples and the space wormhole was beautiful. i loved the realistic animations of the elevator and the shuttle train. the cutscenes were almost photorealistic. very nicely done.

the game holds your hand a little bit. you're supposed to find data cards in all of the human-occupied rooms. any rooms where you haven't found the card yet have a symbol on them indicating that. i appreciated that reminder because i took a break from playing and forgot all about the cards.

the level of challenge was not very high. i didn't mind. i was only half paying attention at times and would have done poorly with too much of a challenge. the games were fun, and even though mostly easy, they were never boring.

i like that the map takes you where you need to go. that could account for some of the game's being shorter than others. much less running around trying to figure out how to get places.

excellent storyline, though it threw me for a loop how the protagonist survived one incident. i rationalized that it had to do with measles bugs in her system.

i don't think this was a very long game. i don't know how long it took, but i didn't run out of patience (i usually do :) ).

I recommend this game!

(System info: WinXP Home SP3 on an Acer Aspire One D250, 2GB RAM, 1.6GHz, 1024 x 600 resolution)

Reply   |   Comment by tinyearl  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

tinyearl, Thanks for the excellent feedback appreciated. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Offered here before on March 15, 2015, in case people are wondering why it seems familiar.

I do believe that the previous offering was not the collector's edition.

Reply   |   Comment by Mark Van  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I remember enjoying this game when I last played, and after problem-free d/l and install today, played a little, enough to say it's even enjoyable the second time around, since I don't remember that much :). I would like to gently suggest once again (have mentioned this before) that if a giveaway is a repeat, and especially when the previous giveaway was within a year or two, it would be great if that were just mentioned (as it sometimes is) so we could decide if we want to re-download. Usually if it's been awhile I will choose to re-play, but sometimes it's been frustrating when after going through the whole install, I see it's a repeat that I remember well enough to ruin the fun for me :). But thanks for this game and happy to see another HOG!

Reply   |   Comment by neme  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I've been coming here to get FREE games for quite a while now, and I don't normally post anything, but it baffles me to no end to continually see people post comments that, not only don't relate to the actual FREE game, but are just petty little complaints about the site.

I'm not completely knowledgeable about who owns/runs/works on the site, but it appear that it is one, maybe two, people. It also appears that they put in a CRAP LOAD of THEIR time to run the site, find FREE games to post, play the games and post a comprehensible review of the FREE games. Have I mentioned that the games here are FREE.

So, if you don't like how they are doing things, I would like to "gently suggest" that you do any of the following; 1) stop complaining, 2) stop coming here, 3) volunteer to help them on the site.

It should be obvious that this doesn't apply to everyone, but the ones that it dies apply to know who they are. You can yell and scream at me in a reply, but I'll tell you right now, I don't care if you don't like it.

Reply   |   Comment by Dennis  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Dennis, not "yelling and screaming" at all, but you might do well to distinguish between a "petty little complaint" (which I hate as much as you do!) and a helpful suggestion to make this great site even better. WR is a dear friend, and I would NEVER complain about anything he does. My whole goal in that suggestion, which was embedded in thanks and notes about how good this game was in my recollection, was to help, as anyone who has read my many comments here (none for a while, now, for multiple reasons) knows. Right up there with your suggestion of "help them on the site".

Reply   |   Comment by neme  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

neme, First off, I didn't intend to post this as a reply to your post, but meant to post it as a comment in general, so wasn't meant to single you out.

I'm a Software Developer so I deal with users all the time so can easily distinguish between complaints and suggestions. I have found that when a suggestion is accompanied with "have mentioned this before" and followed by anything that communicates negative feelings (frustration, anger...), it becomes a complaint.

That said, a complaint is a complaint no matter how you try to mask it or cover thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Dennis  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

What is the problem with the video when running full screen?

Reply   |   Comment by Thomas  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

The comments, subject and graphics have made me excited for this one. Busy day, so I hope to try it out later.

Thanks Mr. Whiterabbit and Lady Lark. ^^

Reply   |   Comment by Dana  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Nice one! This looks like a cracker, Stephen: just my cup of tea!

Thanks to GGOTD, MPC, Alwar, and Big five for this.

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

This is an excellent game. So excellent, in fact, that I bought it when it first came out years ago! Recognized the graphics immediately. Highly recommend, definitely worth the download. I may have to play it again just for fun! Enjoy.

Reply   |   Comment by Lady Lark  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

Eternal Journey: New Atlantis Collector's Edition

In Brief

An excellent Hidden Object puzzle game with a Mars theme.

Travel from the deepest trenches of the Atlantic Ocean to the awe-inspiring wonders of Mars as you solve the greatest archeological puzzle known to man: the origin of Atlantis. Through stunning production values and cunningly designed puzzles, Eternal Journey: New Atlantis will draw you into an experience unlike any other hidden object adventure. The Collector’s Edition of Eternal Journey features a bonus chapter that further explores the surprise ending of the main story-line, illuminating concept art, colorful desktop wallpapers and a step-by-step walk-through. Don’t miss a moment of this extraordinary adventure!

Reference accessed HERE 25th Aug 2019

The Game:

You can see Steam community reviews of Eternal Journey: New Atlantis HERE. All but one community review gave a positive thumbs up; the only negative review (in Polish) spent 10 minutes or less playing the game and then gave it a thumbs down mainly for the graphics (the game is several years old now) and the point the click nature of the game and mentioned there were too many mistakes (I don't remember coming across any even after an hours game play), and more importantly wanted you redirect you to their curator page for a fuller explanation, where they have posted almost 2000 short reviews that are virtually the same and I wasn't able to find that fuller review. There's even an official Steam group HERE. The Big Fish community have also posted comments tips and issues about the game HERE
You can also see several full reviews of the game HERE, HERE, , HERE, HERE, HERE (short), HERE. The collectors edition includes a strategy guide, but if you need to see it from a different perspective you can see a cheats/strategy guide via Gamezebo HERE and some videos of game play HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.
Most regulars to this site will know my feelings on Hidden Object Games, i.e. that I find them boring and tedious, but only because I've played countless versions over the many years. I have also had an interest in Mars ever since I became interested in astronomy when I received my first telescope from my father when I was around eight years old. This game features Mars so I decided to check it out in more depth than I usually do with HOG's given away here and found it entertaining and more importantly I loved it. It has mainly positive reviews on Steam, and i found a plethora of positive reviews online, some of which I've linked to above. This will definitely be a keeper for me. I'd give this a decent 9 out of 10 for game play and graphics. It is several years old now, but time hasn't diminished its appeal. I recommend you check this one out.



























Check out the following links for details of other free games HERE (giveaway forums), HERE (Indie Gala freebies), HERE (Steam freebies) and HERE (Epic Games freebies). The latest Epic game is now Fez a pixel graphic 2D puzzle platformer worth £6.99. Next Thursday this will change over to two more games worth £30 called Celeste (a super-tight platformer from the creators of TowerFall. Brave hundreds of hand-crafted challenges, uncover devious secrets, and piece together the mystery of the mountain) and Inside (an atmospheric puzzle platformer).
Today is also the last chance to play Anno 1800 for free a real time strategy game that you can get HERE, (you require a Ubisoft account and the uPlay game launcher to play the game. also available to play for free until tomorrow (via Steam) HERE is the excellent real time strategy space opera game BattleFleet Gothic Armada 2

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+25)

Hi Stephen, I thought the images looked familiar and that maybe they were even repeated from another game, but after a search it turns out that we first received the game in 2015 (except that it wasn't the collector's edition). I did enjoy it quite a bit at the time, so I'll be curious what's added to this edition compared to the original.

There were a LOT of comments and apparently a variety of people were having issues with the website, so between that and it being over 4 years ago it's understandable that you might not recall playing it. :) You were still rating them at the time, and you gave it 36.5 out of 50 (7.3 out of 10):

Game play - 7.5
Graphics - 8
Sound and music - 7
Replayability - 7
Originality - 7


Reply   |   Comment by Dan  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Dan, lol, just goes to show how tasts can change over time considering I gave this a 9 out of 10 this time. I'd forgotten about this game totally. That's the advantage of having some memory problems (due to a brain injury). :)

Thank you for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

WR, I can't imagine anyone who could remember even just the noteworthy games here over years & years, but you've been faithful in your moderation almost as long as I've been coming here so I know you've seen a game or two go by!

I've had memory problems for a big chunk of my life due to some health issues as well, so don't feel alone by any means. Best regards for a good remainder of the weekend.

Also, a hearty thanks to My Play City for their regular participation!

Reply   |   Comment by Dan  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Dan, :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  5 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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