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Dangerous robots Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Dangerous robots

Fighting robots burst out of one military laboratory.
User rating: 16 17 comments

Dangerous robots was available as a giveaway on September 8, 2020!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
1001 Jigsaw World Tour: Europe is a puzzle game and a fantastic tour guide.

Fighting robots burst out of one military laboratory. They destroyed part of the city. This quarter was fenced off and special forces were sent there. You are one of the soldiers and you have to destroy dangerous robots. Kill robots using different weapons. Look for ammo and first aid kits in different parts of the block. Good luck.

System Requirements:





File Size:

192 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Overwolf
Developed by Razer Inc.
Developed by The FlightGear Organization
Developed by AxySoft

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Dangerous Robots
In Brief
Dangerous Robots is a first person shooter using the unity engine. The aim of the game is to survive as long as you can without dying. Each robot kill scores you one point. A record of your highest score is kept and below that figure (located in the top right corner of the screen) is the number of kills you've managed in your present game. If you die, the lower score is reset to zero. You can see a video of game play HERE.
The Game
When you start the game via the games shortcut , you are taken directly into the action, with no main menu present; however, if you press the escape key once in game you get a few button one of which enables you to configure the graphics . You have nine weapons and a torch. Scroll through your weapons using the mouse wheel or the number keys. Weapons include at least 4 rifles, including a scoped sniper rifle (the rest use iron sights), a shotgun, pistol, bow, katana and knife, plus a torch, which doesn't appear to be of any use in a game set during the day. I played the game for about 30 minutes and didn't see a day/night cycle, nor was there any access inside buildings. Ammo is limited, but you can find magazines scattered around together with grenades and health packs. All of these are placed on small tables/stools, so can be easily identified. Grenades are selected using the backslash key and thrown by using the G key. To pick up grenades, ammo or health packs hover over the item and press F when a hand appears. Pressing F1 will bring up a lengthy list of key bindings, but there is no way to change them. Health packs give you 25 health points back, but you cannot use them if your health is greater than 75. You can see the state of your health in the bottom left corner of the screen. On the bottom right is your magazine count and the total number of bullets for the weapon you are using.
All the robots look exactly the same and sometimes just stand there while you walk up to them. The soldiers in combat uniforms are allies, so don't shoot them, though doing so doesn't affect you except there are less allies to shoot at the robots. I've walked up to some and they didn't shoot back, whereas others will follow you for a short while if you try to escape. A few bullets to the robots head usually suffices, especially if you are close to them. As expected the sniper rifle is probably the best weapon to use unless you are close to a target. You'll see them spawning randomly all over the level. I don'.
I've seen most of the assets used in this game in other cheap shooters; (usually zombie shooters, but not exclusively). After several minutes of game play I became bored of the game as there was no challenge, and little in the way of extensive game play, with levels etc. I only continued to see if the game improved or new assets appeared, but everything remained the same throughout the time I played. Sadly, since game engines became easy to purchase and some even free to use, these first person shooters have become very common. Some are okay, especially if the developer has purchased extra add-on asset packs that can make these unity games look fairly professional, but most are run of the mill with few purchased assets and little to inspire more than a few moments of game play before deleting. Sadly I'd pigeon hole this among that type of game. 20 years ago, it may have been a reasonable cheap shooter, until you see some of the games that were being released back in the early 2000's e.g. Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis which was later re-released as part of the ArmA (Armed Assault) series of games (name was changed to ARMA: Cold War Assault and can be picked up via Steam for around the same price (£3.49/$ 4.99/€ 3.99) as today' s giveaway which retails for $5 over on Itch.io). Today's game has similar graphics compared to that old classic, (actually debatable as I'd say ARMA: Cold War Assault has better graphics despite being 19 years old) plus you can use vehicles, and can explore hundreds of square kilometers of land as well as carry out many different missions.
If I kept this game I very much doubt I'd ever boot it up again, so it'll be consigned to the recycle bin instead. :). That said; if you don't own many first person shooters, try it out; you may enjoy it in short stints. ;)








Useful Information not related to today's game giveaway
Don't forget to check the giveaway game discussion forums HERE; especially Delenn's threads for non Steam and steam freebies. The latest Epic Game freebie is now available - Into The Breach (Control powerful mechs from the future to defeat an alien threat. Each attempt to save the world presents a new randomly generated challenge in this turn-based strategy game from the makers of FTL. ). The fifth episode of 3 out of 10, i.e. is also available . (Episodes 1, 2 3 & 4 are still available free as well)
Indie Gala freebies include the recently added third expansion to the Theatre of War franchise Theatre of War 2 - Battle for Caen; (sadly the previous two titles are no longer available).
Stay Safe everyone.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

Whiterabbit-uk, hi .
The game refuses to install under Windows XP ,
Installs under Windows 7 but doesn't start .
Error "non compatible OS" ???
I can't verify that , because the GameGOTD Team
did NOT give us that information in the info box ,
Sorry about that but this is happening for the last
7 - 8 games and I am getting frustrated .
How difficult is to ask the developer for the games specifications ???
You know that my health is not in a good state .
I don't have much energy or brain power to spent in vain .
All I want is to play some games and forget myself for a while ...
whithout breaking my b...bloody heart ...
So , if the game needs Windows 10 to work , please tell us/me and
I won't spent my time on it .

Now , I have an idea about the torch but I can't check it .
If you have some time , please give it a go .
The idea :
what if you find some fuel or some other flamable liquid and use the torch to create a flamethrower , you know , like the guys in the Circus .
Or create a trap , lure the enemies in and set them on fire .
Or just throw the liquid on the enemies and set them on fire ... :-)

Ps. I've noticed that the last game giveaways are Unity made .
From all the games , only one worked .
Under Windows 7 , forget about Windows XP ....
That's a HUGE ammount of lost time and shattered nerves ...

Be well and happy my friend .

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)


Hi G, From a brief look back regarding which versions of windows some of these games work on, or in this case the lack of. It seems to be an issue with games coming originally from Itch.io. I think this has arisen because of the ease at which you can pick up a game engine these days on the cheap and even for free. This has possibly led to back yard developers, who are basically one man/woman concerns; probably making these games in their bedrooms and then putting them out via sites like Itch.io. If you look at more professionally created games from free game sites like MyPlayCity, Gametop, FreeGamePick, TooMky Gaames etc and games that are released on the popular commercial platforms like uPlay, Origin, GOG and Steam, you'll find that system requirements are almost always listed.
Any versions of Unity after version 5.2, has had support for XP completely removed, so if the developers of these games are using v5.2 or newer, the games won't work on XP; unfortunately none of the games I have that are made with Unity quote the version number used, which makes it hard to know whether or not the game works on XP. The giveaway team can only put up the information they get from these places so their hands are tied with repect to being able to quote the system requirements if those data haven't been released. It does seem shortsighted of the developers as knowing that you can play your games on older systems may boost the sales of those games. Sadly as already indicated above, a lot of these games are being by fly by night developers using free versions of software, or beta versions. (The latter suggestion is only an opinion after reading around and playing a lot of these games).

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Whiterabbit-uk, thank you for the response .
About the Unity dropping support for Windows XP ...
That explain the issue with the Windows XP , the game not even installing .
But , I've installed the game under Windows 7 (Home Premium), and the
game still refuses to work ...

Anyway ... did you check my idea about the torch ?
or am I missing something ?

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Wait a minute ...
When you say "torch" , do you mean the good old medieval
style torch , or the modern times electric torch ???

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Because if you mean the modern torch , my idea sounds really silly ... :-)
I don't know why but when I was reading your review and saw the word
"torch" , an image of a wooden stick with fire at one end , filled my mind ...
Strange ...

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

JEDIGEG, is the Reichstag Defender working for you on XP? It is a brandnew game, created after some 300 demonstrators stormed the stairs of the Reichstag 10 days ago on 29th August.


On a side note, i requested the link for the two GGOTD games offered and i do not get any emails to my anonmails-Address from GOTD, which is very unusual. :(

If anyone would simply post me the link to the games to my email burni ata anonmails.de i would be very very happy!

Reply   |   Comment by Burni  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Burni, hi .
Followed the link and got the error "Your browser does not support WebAssembly" .
I did not press the "ok" button .

Name the games and I will try to help you if I have the energy .

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

JEDIGEG, Hi G, Yes, I meant a modern torch. I didn't want to reply as I thought you may have felt foolish ;) Still, if it had been the following days game (Witches 2) a burning torch would have fitted better.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

White Rabbit-uk, hi .
Thank you for the clarification .
The idea that "my" torch was totally different from the actual torch
of the game , dawned on me quite suddenly as I was writing the
response to your response to me .
I can tell you that at that moment I felt quite silly .
I was laughing with my self for a few minutes ... :-)
Don't worry , I have no problem admitting my mistakes (Mea culpa) .
To my defense though , when I've inserted the word "torch" to Google
Translate (from English to Greek) I've got the following definition :

"a portable means of illumination such as a piece of wood or cloth soaked
in tallow or an oil lamp on a pole, sometimes carried ceremonially" .

Anyway , thanks again for the info and for the time you spend with/on me .

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

JEDIGEG, WebAssembly is actually the UnityWebPlayer, i had hoped your browser at least would be able to support new games. Especially because the Reichstag Defender is a good game based on actual events. ^^

So, with Unity and the End of Flash, XP will definitely die next year. I doesnt make sense anymore to boot it up.

Reply   |   Comment by Burni  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Burni, hi.
Well , I am collecting free games (giveaways) for the last 15 years ,
so I have about :
900 games on STEAM ,
100 games on GOG ,
50 games on ORIGIN ,
100 games on EPIC ,
30 games on Uplay
and some others that I can't remember right now ...
Also I have more than a 100 games that I bought on the cheap on
E-bay and full price from local retail shops .
ALL of them work just fine under Windows XP and have never play them ,
except of 10 - 15 of them ...!!!
NO TIME ... do you know how time consuming is it to scour the internet ,
in a daily basis for game giveaways ???
Very much , I can tell you ... :-)

Anyway , I am 56 years old and with ALL those games , I think I am set
for life ... literally ... :-)

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I forgot to mention the hundreds of games that came free
inside the CD's / DVD's of the computer magazines I've
bought from 1998 until 2008 .
Great magazines like PcFormat (UK) , PcGamer , CHIP ,
PcMaster (Greek magazine) , Ram , Pc World , just to
mention some of them .
Of course , they are all "dead" now ...
Damn crisis ...

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Hi G, Tried to reply to a few of your later comments, but keep getting a message 'Wrong Parameters' when I use the reply button, then what I've typed disappears. Don't know what the issue is. I w as trying to say I also collected free games from PC magazines, at least until I joined Steam in 2009, when the constant sales, which were far better back then saw me cancelling all of my subscriptions as my Steam library started to grow almost exponentially. I stopped buying games unless they are very heavily discounted (at least 75 % or more) back in 2017 becasue I realised there was no way I'd ever be able to play all of the games in my account with what years i have left. (I have approaching 12 thousand games in my Steam account, but all the other platforms that you quoted I have around the same as you).

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Whiterabbit-uk, hi .
I also had a few "vanishing post" events , but fortunately it was a very long time ago .
As I see , we are both "crazy" game collectors ... :-)
What is almost ironic is that although I have so many games , yesterday I found my self
finishing QUAKE III ARENA Single Player campaign (free from Bethesda at QuakeCon 2020) ,
in "bring it on" . !!!
Beating Xaero , even in that low difficulty , was very satisfying . :-)
I thing I will replay the campaign in "heart me plenty" .
Or even better , I will go back to my true BIG love , UT 1999 ... :-)
One more good thing about this "retro-mania" is that I can play my beloved games in today's
hardware with all the settings cranked up to the max and enjoy all of the "eye candy" of the
levels/maps .
I didn't have the money to bye the needed hardware back in 1999 ... :-(
So , I really love going back to my old games .
Next stop , DARK FORCES in DOSBox ... :-)
Bye for Now .

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Download gaat zeer langzaam 2 x geprobeerd en duurt +/- 4 uur dus gestopt

Reply   |   Comment by Jan K.  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I've only just seen today's giveaway about 5 minutes ago and it downloaded in less than a minute. Maybe try again as there will be few community members downloading at this time, so the download should be faster. Of course it also depends on your broadband connection. I have a 350MB connection which is reasonably fast.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)
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