Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.

Crusaders Of Space Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Crusaders Of Space

After an unexpected attack by the aliens, a long and exhausting war has followed. The Earth defenders have virtually no resources and manpower to continue the resistance. There is only one chance left. This chance is you. You are to fly a small single-pilot spacecraft directly inside the alien command center and destroy their Main Brain. After you do this, the aliens will become disorderly and fearful. This is the only way to save planet Earth. Good luck, pilot. You'll need it.
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 147 67 comments

Crusaders Of Space was available as a giveaway on November 4, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Turn a field of multicolored hexagons into a single solid color!

After an unexpected attack by the aliens, a long and exhausting war has followed. The Earth defenders have virtually no resources and manpower to continue the resistance. There is only one chance left. This chance is you.

You are to fly a small single-pilot spacecraft directly inside the alien command center and destroy their Main Brain. After you do this, the aliens will become disorderly and fearful. This is the only way to save planet Earth. Good luck, pilot. You'll need it.

System Requirements:

Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP, 3D Video 32 MB


Xing Interactive



File Size:

13.3 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

Comments on Crusaders Of Space

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i just wanted to let you know i have stop downloading the games on the giveaway of the day because they are all trail verison and i can go any where and download trail verison of games

Reply   |   Comment by LINDA  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well time might be money for some people, but how much time does it take to pop in over here and check out the game. Thirty seconds or even less. What's that costing people, three cents for that few seconds, oh brother. I pop in every day and check out the game, if I don't like it or it's not the type of games I play, and most of them aren't, I just pop back out.

I like this site, because I'm on a very very limited income, and can't afford to buy the games I've gotten here.

I usually don't read the comments, as most of them are from rude idiots who just want to get their fifteen seconds of fame for complaining.

I learned a long time ago, you can make some of the people happy some of the time, but you can't make all of the people happy all of the time.

Thanks for the free games, I for one appreciate them, even if they aren't the type I play.


Reply   |   Comment by RuthieJo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My XP SP2 home computer completely froze as soon as we tried to run this one. Just distorted unreadable blue text on a black screen.

Thanks guys for the rest of the great stuff. We are particularly enjoying the Snowy series, Archmage, Turtix and many others and Ingenious has become my default relax-for-a-few-minutes-with-a-cup-of-coffee game.

Reply   |   Comment by Melissa  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey, the negative reviews are there for a reason. To save other people the time wasted downloading it and trying it. Time is perhaps the most vital resource, more than money, and it can't be regained. So you guys complaining about people who write negative reviews - quit it. If this game rocked, then the majority of these comments will show it. Yes it is free. But even amongst free downloads, there is a hierarchy of how good these things are.

Romnation.net has free games, specifically emulations of games from the Arcade and home game systems. That's much better than this game. GGPO.net hosts clients for two arcade quality fighting games, where you can play others online. And it's free.

Reply   |   Comment by Pol  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just checking back to let you all know that, while Astro Fury is definitely a better game, this one holds a challenge all its own and is good for when you don't have much time and want to play quickly. I like the sound effects quite well and even the old-school graphics are nice. Not the best one I've played but definitely a keeper. I give it 7/10.

Thanks Alawar and GGOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by single rose  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I got this last time around and it still remains a favourite on our computer.

Thanks for all you do GOTD. Keep up the good work.


Reply   |   Comment by Peta  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi thanks GAOTD, but not my type of game. Keep up the good work!

Reply   |   Comment by Roger  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't know what happened to my last review (on a different computer now), but to recap, I tried this on XP SP2 (GeForce FX 5700 Ultra) and never could get the graphics to work--just a lot of "garbage" or video "noise." The music played, but that was it. So, I put it on my laptop and it does run. Game isn't so bad, but I did have a problem with it minimizing once during the game and then when I exited I got this error: "This program requires a missing component D3DRM.dll which is no longer included with this version of windows." It did work, so I don't know why this error came up.

Game is basically okay--was kind of miffed when I found that playing the *normal* level gave you ONE ship. So the minute you get hit, you have to restart the level. Which meant going back to the main menu--no "do you want to restart" like in other games.

Nothing against the game, although it looks icomplete by having only 2 levels. But I think the graphics are too buggy for prime time personally.

Reply   |   Comment by Geek Grrl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey, I agree with the fact that this isn't state-of-the-art, but for a diversion, I like it! Not complicated, no fancy changes to make for weapons... just plain shooting fun. Thanks, GGAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by moo  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

nothing bad with this game but nothing really that attractive about it either. repetitive. back to snowy treasure hunter for now.

Reply   |   Comment by Dylan D  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My kids and I are loving the games I'm downloading from here. Thanks so much GOTD! Ignore the whinners! There are MANY of us who appreciate the free downloads!
{It'd sure be nice if those complainers could be banned. Why do they even come by if they don't enjoy the games?}


Reply   |   Comment by Cindy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game is free, but some people's time has enough value that perhaps they wouldn't want to waste it on something that is not modern enough to be of value. If people want to complain, that's fine, it means they didn't like the game, and thought it was a waste of time, and surely we would want to know that.

Reply   |   Comment by wurlybird9  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Actually these games are not "free", they require my time to come here every day and check them out, my time is worth money.

Plus, if we are silent when we dislike a game, then how is giveawayoftheday.com supposed to know how they are doing? Would they rather we just remain silent and eventually stop visiting the site because they never have any games we want? I highly doubt it.

Reply   |   Comment by Space  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To #35: Just to clarify, downloading and playing MAME ROMs is not legal, despite the ready availability of the ROMs. But many people do it anyway because the chances of being prosecuted as a MAME player are slim to none.

Reply   |   Comment by Donald  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i luv this site. its a winner! heck, i usually just watch the percentiles before i download and i am seldom discouraged.

Reply   |   Comment by slipperedlobster  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This will probably get deleted (all my comments get removed, even the + ones...)

Anyways, fun game. Worth the DL. Hold your mouse down for non stop firing.

Reply   |   Comment by Mike Rowe  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

first of all no where does it say you are given game in exchange for review so above #36 it says free because theypay alawar for a 24 giveaway licnse and alawar told me their software here is a little different then whe nyou buy from them and only catch here is no free tech support or support at all

Reply   |   Comment by jwfjfwjf  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you for the free game and a fiew old memories. I also put it on my old compaq. Great oldies game. I'M keeping it. I hope you give away more of these oldies games. I know you can get these free from another sight but I trust GGOTD to give us clean games. The game runs good on both units . Install good. So the game will run on 98&MCE with no problems.

Reply   |   Comment by Harlan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by spencer  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I Love this game!!!
Loved it then-
I was stressed - checked gaotd saw this
what a great surprise.
now if only it didnt error on load- but probably my system
it still works

Reply   |   Comment by william  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I think this website has a problem if people can't give negative opinions about a game without a bunch of computer-ignorant sycophants coming and commenting on the negative comments. If you like the game so be it, but we're not in nazi germany so let other people express their opinions.
The people saying that we are "freeloaders" just because we give a negative opinion on the game are just idiots.
I don't care if you guys played on spectrum or zx-81 or whatever, I had an oric myself and I think that the games on these machines were much better than this one because at least, back then, the programmers were using the technology the best that they could and bringing the computers to their limits.
BTW using 3D doesn't automatically equals "good" graphics, especially this cheap 3D. There's more artistic value in the pixels of Galaga that in this game's spaceship made of 3D primitives with random shaders tacked on.
I can't even make out the shape of the spaceship and it's size is way too large to avoid the missiles.
Bad gameplay is another example of bad quality fyi.
I have nothing against Alawar, their other game "Astro fury" offered a few days ago was much much better.

Reply   |   Comment by moi  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh, lord! The pom pom boys are shaking them wildly today. Hows the tea bags, boys? You have to be behind one another or the big bad critical reviewers might tell the truth about the software without you feeling superior.

Crusaders of Space is an OK space shooter with sub-par response time. I am continually puzzled as to why such primitive games need to suck so many CPU cycles. but perform so poorly.

And, once again the "programmers" (if banging something out on a cheesey game design engine could actually be called programming) have forgotten to constrain the cursor. If you play this on a multi-monitor setup you will have to shut doen your secondary monitor or this ends up dropping to the task bar with annoying regularity. Why is it these second rate publishers never seem to get that right?

BTW, I have an actual Galaga console and the graphics in Crusaders, while larger, are no where as nicely executed as the Galaga console, nor is the play as smooth and responsive.

Ok, pom pom boys, have your tea bags and shake those pom poms! Rah!

Reply   |   Comment by Hempman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I personally like these retro games, but this is the first Alawar game I can't get to work.

I have WinXP SP2 and NVidia GForce FX 5700 Ultra. I even updated the drivers, but no dice. I can hear the music, but the it either minimizes or I get up the screen, but it's scrambled.

Reply   |   Comment by geek_gurl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'll file this one under "Enjoyable Abandonware"...
My own highly subjective category for some of the games I encounter (not necessarily obtained via GGTOD). :-)

Installed, activated and played fine, BTW.

Thanks Alawar Entertainment and GGOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by JanW  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Alawar constructively I can't find where you can exit the game. Even Esc didn't work. Nice game, maybe a clone but who cares. Many thanks GGOTD for another excellent game.

Reply   |   Comment by Phoebe  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not everyone is "very computer savvy" as it was put and are probably not the ones complaining every day about is being given for FREE.

Simply put if you don't like the choices that GGOTD makes each day, don't log on to the site, go wherever the computer genius people go.

Many of us are really tired of all the complaining. I like to read the comments about the game of the day such as White Rabbit. He is so very generous to spend his time to share with us his input on the game, it's pros and cons and all the others that share information about the games.

We who are not "very computer savvy" will be here daily to see what's being offered for FREE and are very grateful to GGOTD for whatever choice they have made. Even computer illiterates need entertaining between feedings.

One other thing, Mr.Belgian Dude you sure might know about computers but you need a whole lot of schooling yourself in manners and learning how to treat others that are so far beneath you.

Keep up the good work GGOTD and THANK YOU from all the computer dummies like myself out here.

Reply   |   Comment by Linda  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My God there are a lot of deranged people posting comments today. Seriously? Making vague, often irrelevant attacks against other users when you yourself are offering nothing constructive to the game's discussion is truly quite sad. Although I rarely agree with him, Belgian Dude is right: the people making these strange, hostile, and downright pointless comments really need to grow up - FAST.

Reply   |   Comment by bork - 2  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

For an Alawar release this is terribly bland visually and gameplay wise. Thumbs down.

Reply   |   Comment by bork  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I liked it. Thanks.
Those of you that didn't, well, diferent people have different taste.
And yes, I think you should be able state what your tastes are.
The graphics, sound, and playability were good.
I would prefer to have a quicker way to restart when I die.
I'm not as fond of shooters like this as I am of some other types of games that have been on here, but making it free let me try something I would not have otherwise, and frankly, it's more addicting than I would have thought.

Reply   |   Comment by George  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

agree with #9 - not everything is suitable for everyone :) Tomorrow then

Reply   |   Comment by James  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Whiterabbit, aka Stephen, please email me from a different email address. My emails are coming back. Thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by Nutszmom  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I see that the usual bunch of sycophantic freeloaders are back.

For your information this site isn't here for you to get 'free' stuff. Nor is it here for you to keep spouting your rude mouth off. Ever noticed that those that do review the products do just that? You might not like it that the reviews are negative. Probably because you're scared that you wouldn't get your grubby little paws on 'free' stuff.
You might not like that people that have been around the block or two, that do know something about programming, that have knowledge of computers and gaming don't care for bad or stupid or ancient or faulty products. It isn't their fault that you don't know as much but it is your fault if you are unwilling to learn.

So tbenson,Gary, leelee and the rest of that ilk...
shut up, read, google some stuff if you can't take the word of your betters and for god sake grow up.

This game is indeed ever so reminiscient of Galaga and the like. Does it have pretty colours, sure. Does it have anything that is a minor let alone major improvement upon the ZX spectrum/C64 days, no. Unless you count the graphics. Which I better have considering that it's 25 years since the Galaxian days. Although....when you compare it to what the Amiga did way back when it isn't really that much of an improvement.

Is it entertaining? I guess so if what you seek is a little mindless blaster game.

Is it worth 20 USD? Not by a long shot. For those that start whimpering about it being for free so who cares what it normally is priced at may I remind you that you should stop being such a cheapskate and not look on GGAOTD as your personal little secret where you can get FREE stuff.The idea is to comment about the game in exchange for having the priviledge to have the game running longer then it's normal shareware limit.

If you get a car for free it's great. If that car is a clone of a Ford-T and normally would be sold for 15,000 USD, would you then think it wonderfull that you have a 15 thousand dollar car for free or would you be intelligent and intellectual honest enough to realise that the company is full of it, even although you still would appreciate the free car. Think about it. And for god's sake stop complaining about people doing what this site asks them to do, namely reviewing the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Belgian Dude  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If you truly want to play old school games, download the MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) program. There are many games for MAME that you can download legally and play. Btw, MAME emulates several thousand arcade games.

Reply   |   Comment by itchy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh, guess instead of reviewing the negative reviewers, I should review the game.

Yeah, it definitely reminds me of those games I used to play in college in the eighties.

To get to know it I played on easy mode. It's a good game for those who want to relive the old days [or might enjoy this genre, which I call "retro" games.]

The only nightmare aspect of it is that this game brought back old memories of where I did lousy the first semester of school because I was pumping every quarter I had into game machines like this. I spent way too much time in the arcade.

This game caused me to have depressing flashbacks.

End review. I have to rush over to CompUSA to see what new games are in stock.

Reply   |   Comment by MichaelSF  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm 50. I've only had a computer for 8 years. I've only been playing games on it for around half that. This reminds me of Space Invaders, that I played when it was brand spanking new in 1978 on a cruise ship to Bermuda. I've played better and more sophisticated games - mostly for free here at Game Giveaway of the Day :) But this simple, easy to learn "shoot the bad guys" style is fun and I enjoyed the heck out of it when I downloaded it a year ago from this site. I have played it over and over trying to conquer all the levels from the beginning - not just by stages.

Please don't stop offering something for everyone as long as the game functions properly on a decent computer and doesn't contain suspicious elements.

Alawar is a name I have come to trust thanks to this site. Please include them in my thanks to you.

Reply   |   Comment by bootz  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Folks, can we stop feeding the trolls? Whining about whiners is still whining, and doesn't really help. I'd rather read posts about the GAME, please.

That being said, this is a fun little game that I wouldn't have paid for but enjoy nonetheless. Its graphics are a bit dated but, believe me, are superior to Galaga's. I give it a marginal thumbs up, although there are better versions out there.

-- Retro

Reply   |   Comment by Retroboy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Jesus christ, what an horrible game.
If you are interested in this genre, you can find games that are a hundred times better on freeware websites (I mean real freeware not giveaways). I suppose a lot of the people who frequent the GGOTD are not very computer savvy, so the advice of the day is: go out on the internet, there are many places with free games made by amateurs who are much more entertaining than this quickly put together garbage.
GGOTD probably had to give money to the "creators" of this game for it to be featured and IMO it was a waste or money. Or maybe they were obliged to accept it as a part of the deal with alawar?

Reply   |   Comment by moi  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well said MichaelSF! I don't like these types of games either....too old for my taste, but I won't complain about it either. Let the one's who like it enjoy it and I'll just wait till tomorrow. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Samantha  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Positive and/or negative, I like to, and do, read ALL of the comments about the current giveaway software. Heck, what if I was considering purchasing it from the store, or online, where I can't get a refund if I find I don't like it - even after a one-hour free trial? BTW, I do enjoy this website, and download most of the offerings. Thank you to the people who provide this service to us.

To the ones who are complaining about the negative-about-today's-game-offering commenters - isn't that what the comment section is for...for making one's comments on their experiences with the software? I don't think the commenters are trying to give the G/Giveaway of the Day folks a hard time, but just giving their feedback on a company's software. If the company doesn't get the bad, as well as the good, how will they know where they need to make improvements in said software? BTW, I do think that commenter #8 was rather harsh, even to the point of 'yelling', and was totally unnecessary.

One thing I have noticed today is that the thumbs up/down boxes are absent. I think it's nice to be able to vote on someone's comment. :)

Reply   |   Comment by RosnSC  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I wouldn't presume to speak for everyone here, but I just downloaded and installed this game and found it to be entertaining. Keep in mind that I am not an accomplished gamer and that I just play for entertainment in my, too scarce, free time. I am a caregiver for my wife, so if I can get a few minutes a day to unwind with a game that is stimulating, but does not require much of a learning curve, I am very grateful. My thanks to Alawar and GAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Rich  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well, I'm surprised! It only took 2 months for the whiners (NOT whingers!) to show their ungrateful and ugly heads again! Surprise, surprise, I knew the honeymoon would end!

Alawar games are so good that most of the time I don't bother reading the comments until I've started the download. Today, however, I took a moment to read about it because it seems similar to Astro Fury from the other day. Thank you to all the ingrates for making my decision to go ahead and start this download. If you can complain so much, it must be a real hidden treasure. I'm sure you haven't even downloaded it and played it.

My son and I love Astro Fury so I'm sure we will love this one, too. Thanks, Alawar and GGOTD.

PS: Comment #8, not everyone who visits this site and whines is from America, And not everyone from America is an ungrateful whiner. I'm from America and I am very grateful for this site.

Reply   |   Comment by single rose  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Crusaders of space is not the best game I have downloaded and played from the site but it's a good game, for me, for my son, we enjoy this game and we spend good time with it.
There were better game from this site, of course : "Jets'n'guns", "7balls", "Dragon", "Brave Dwarves", "Dinos & bubbles" and so one...
But I am OK with Gary and tbenson : if you don't like it, uninstall and stop.
A site as "Giveaway of the day" is a very good idea and it cannot be the best all the time ! So thanks to the team of this site.

A frenchy in the Shakespeare's language. Goodbye !

Reply   |   Comment by AGH-38  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I agree with TBenson - people should quit complaining and simply review the games presented. IMHO a review does not include personal insults or saying things like "I hope this site shuts down. How do those type of comments tell the readers about the game?

It does not take much intelligence or effort to make gutter comments. You might as well just cast an up or down vote with your thumb and say nothing else.

And you should remember that your insulting comments have insulted the people who develop and maintain this site and also people who make the games. And unless a game gets zero votes, keep in mind that some people like the game and enjoy that it was made available. Your insults also put down others who appreciate the games and site users.

I applaud the site. It's hit or miss on each game, but isn't that the case with anything we consider buying or using? Why does the grocery store sometimes have fifty brands of the same type product. Why are there are so many different model cars. Why does the game software site or store have so many titles.

Just because YOU don't like something does not make it bad, a waste of time, unworthy, deficient or waste of money to someone else. Surely you don't think yours is the only opinion that matters or should be taken into consideration.

I have liked two of the recent games, that bug shooting one [Feelers] and NeoBall. Both simple, decent graphics, and inexpensive [aka FREE.]

My feeling: with the THOUSANDS of game sites, including ones that give free demos, why hang around here if you don't like the software. You are just upsetting yourself by downloading games on this site.

Oh, and with all due respect to you [which is a way of saying zero] no one cares what you have to say, anyway. :)

Reply   |   Comment by MichaelSF  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I decided to carry on uploading them as otherwise it would have been wasted effort:

Check them out all on one page:


Or as a slide show:


I forgot to mention that this game will require some graphic emulation, though unless your computer is pre millennium, you shouldn't have a problem as the video memory requirements are only 16Mb. You can see the read me file with the minimum requirements on this provided you leave the box ticked when the installation has completed.

If you want to change the music you can simply by choosing your favorite MP3's and swapping them for the ones in the music folder contained within the data folder within the main games folder. They are MP3's so you can swap them directly. However you must rename the tracks to the ones that are contained within the folder, ie Menu, Boss and Main. :)

You can also find the help menu within the game folder as well. (This is different to the in game help screen). It does mention that there are toggles to switch off specific effects for those with slower machines; however I couldn't find these anywhere.

Finally, once you've completed a mission, you can replay it in any difficulty setting without starting from the beginning of the game.


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

will you please leave alawar.com, they have too many game offered when you are back from vacation.pleae give some brain stroming. thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by TAPASH NATH  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not a bad game. Personally, I like these retro shooters, although Astro Fury from the other day was a better game.

... and as far as the great ZX discussion goes, ZX80 was released 1980, ZX81 was released 1981. Not a sniff of the 60's I'm afraid, even for the Commodore 64, although I can see how some people might have been fooled ;)

Reply   |   Comment by Flux Capacitor  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#21 - I don't like truffles! LOL
But I couldn't agree more with you and #8.
I do read the comments before I download and they are always helpful in my decision making. But shoot if I don't like a game I just uninstall it. NBD.
I discovered this site just about two weeks ago and I am thrilled to get a game for free every now and then. THANK YOU GGOTD
P.S. I didn't dl this one, cuz it's not my style but there will always be tomorrow! have a happy day

Reply   |   Comment by Cathie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Repost, repost repost. It was fun then, butt not again.

Reply   |   Comment by Mark  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm not downloading this but, what's happening GOTD, the web site is not getting the game posted until a good part of the day has gone by and I'm getting the email after the timme has expired!

Reply   |   Comment by Terry Pardy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

WOW! Whadda buncha wankers! Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. The sense of entitlment of some users on this site is absolutly mind boggling. They strike me as the type who would refuse a bed in the homeless shelter because the linens were less than 600 count thread. Or how about getting insulted because the soup kitchen wasn't offering filet mignon with truffles and champagne for lunch? It's FREE...if you don't like what's on offer, go and BUY what you want and don't waste your time complaining here anymore.
Thank you GGOTD and Alawar for today's game. I've really been enjoying your high quality games, Alawar, and look forward to seeing more. So glad you hooked up with these guys, giveaway team. Cheers

Reply   |   Comment by leelee  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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