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Amsterdam Street Racer Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Amsterdam Street Racer

Dodge police cars, smash traffic cars, eliminate your opponents, take breath-taking jumps, burn rubber and race your way to the final checkpoint! Earn respect and money in drag- and street races, work your way up to city races and finally take part of the two adrenaline-pumping "final challenges" that take place in this enormous city!
User rating: 173 24 comments

Amsterdam Street Racer was available as a giveaway on October 27, 2013!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Want to test your puzzle-solving skills?

Dodge police cars, smash traffic cars, eliminate your opponents, take breath-taking jumps, burn rubber and race your way to the final checkpoint! Earn respect and money in drag- and street races, work your way up to city races and finally take part of the two adrenaline-pumping "final challenges" that take place in this enormous city!

System Requirements:

Windows 98, ME, XP, Vista; Processor: 1 Ghz; RAM: 256 Mb; Direct X: 9.0c; Graphics Card: ATI Radeon, Nvidia GeForce or Volari Duo Hardware TnL and 32 Mb videoram required


Xing Interactive



File Size:

117 MB



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Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Amsterdam Street Racer

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Can't seem to get the multiplayer to do anything

Reply   |   Comment by Gregg  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The thing I loved about Mobil 1 Rally Championship was the length of the stages, one of the Scottish ones was around 20 minutes driving. Game makers just don't go for that level of course creation any more right down to video taping driving the actual courses then making it a digital reality.

As a virtual driving experience, the best of the lot (for me) was Richard Burns Rally. Such a shame, such a lovely man. Wish I was healthy enough to dig out the MOMO wheel and play a good driving game.

Reply   |   Comment by Foolish1  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This post is mainly for Stephen in reply to my first post #3: You're right about the controls. I haven't really played many racing games (but I'm quick to pass judgement ;)) aside from TrackMania Nations and the Race gametype in multiplayer in Halo PC. Halo steering is controlled with the mouse and that was what I was thinking about, but TMN does use the cursor keys. I didn't like it, but got used to it.

I probably won't re-install today's giveaway, but I am going to fire up TMN :D

Thanks for your review and moderation, I appreciate the work you do!

.......................Mooderator Comment.....................

Thank you Amanda :)

Reply   |   Comment by Amanda  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

How about making it so you can control the game using your trackball? Also how about making a practice mode where one can drive around freely and learn how to drive and maneuver before being forced into a race?

.......................Mooderator Comment.....................

The practice mode is actually quite a good idea. I did find you could wander around the streets a little when playing the Street Race, but that's not the same. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Reality Check  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@ Amanda (currently #3) and anyone else, who (like me) hates "controlling" games (racing ones in particular) with a keyboard - there is a free program called Joy To Key, available at http://joytokey.net/en/download that allows mapping the joystick to the keyboard. I learned about it a year or two ago from someone posting on this website, so now I'm kind of trying to "give back to the community". Since the above description may not be clear, let me state it more bluntly: it makes the computer believe (and act accordingly) that, say, you pressed the Left Arrow key, when in fact you tilted your joystick left. Thus, it allows you to use a joystick in games (and non-game software, according to the author, but I haven't tried that) that don't natively support a joystick and those who (like today's game) do, but won't let you reconfigure it, making a mess of the configuration if you attempt to.
As for the game itself, the "city" looking not much like a city (any city in the world) and the so-so graphics aren't the worst part IMMO. The real abomination is that the game contradicts all laws of physics. Accidents that in reality would make the cars undrivable and cause serious/deadly injuries to the drivers happen here every few seconds. Completed a "lap" and have to make a U-turn as the arrow shows? No problem, just drive through the low concrete wall separating opposing lanes, which in reality is possible only in a solid monster truck.
This is a game for little kids who watch cartoons where a character gets hit by something or by an animal, flies high into the clouds, falls back to earth and stands up as if nothing happened. For us adults, it's a waste of time. Can't give it thumbs down because it somewhat resembles racing games, but there is absolutely no reason to vote thumbs up. Oh, and all those games from so many years ago should be permanently free since no one is going to pay for them anyway and giving them away for free may entice people to buy their latest versions. So I expect stuff like Colin McRae Rally 1.0, WRC, Insane, F1 2010, GT Legends etc., etc. to appear here, right? After all, once upon a time Grand Theft Auto was all the rage and now its' first three parts have been available legally for free for so many years (not that I liked or even played them)

.....................Moderator comment......................

Thankyou for your comment JoeJ, it was a pleasure to read. :)

Reply   |   Comment by JoeJ  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm downloading the game but can't try it for a few days as I have other things that need my attention. Booo!

Just curious about whether you ever played Mobil 1 Rally championship back in the late 90's?

..........................Moderator comment.........................

Oh my ... I'd totally forgotten about this game. Played it back in the day. Was a gem of a rally game. The later Colin McRae rally games (later changed to Dirt after his death) were similar, but came after Mobil. Thanks for reminding me.

Make sure you install the game before the giveaway is over.

Reply   |   Comment by Foolish1  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

suddenly the speed came back, downloaded. installed, tried to play.
Being Dutch..... this is a far cry from being "Amsterdam" it looks more like some US city. Controls are horrible, graphics an abomination. well....compared to the other games the Rabbit mentioned.
I like racing games but this one is going in the bin :)

......................Moderator comment.......................

Thank you for your feedback NoName. :)

Reply   |   Comment by NoName  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

(Hi Stephen! Hope you and the family are enjoying the new house, not just still slogging away putting everything away...)

I ran a number of races on this game in the first 2 modes using different cars, and then uninstalled it. My impression is it's so amateurish there's no suggestion I could make to "improve" it, aside from throwing it all away and starting over.

Harsh words, yes, but I didn't enjoy any part of it, and IMHO the flaws and simplistic approaches used - without even decent background graphics to make up for the large download file and all the negative stuff - simply render it unenjoyable, and barely playable. To emphasize that point you need only watch at the end of a race, whether you win or lose, as random cars continue to arrive at the Finish line at top speed and crash into the racers willy-nilly. How silly - but it underscores the lack of attention the developer ("and his friends") paid to the mechanics of actual gameplay.

No rating at all from me, just a quick uninstall. Nothing to see or enjoy here, folks; move along, move along. That's my 2c - there are too many decent racing games - and a bunch of fun demos - freely available for download to spend time trying to make something out of this nothing. Maybe it could be a decent engine for a decent driver someday, but as is, it's not ready for prime time, even for free.

.......................Moderator comment......................

Thank you for your feedback John. :)

Reply   |   Comment by JL  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

oooooh this is a fun game! and improvement could go two ways. with better graphics could make it a tokyo drift type game and with better (more realistic) damage would make an excellent demolishion derby type game. either way i would buy the game. fact is, even though todays game is free i may buy it for the measly five thirty eight they ask just to encourage development. REALLY its worth it. I couldnt get the multiplayer to work and found out when i left the game that it was a firewall issue so will try again when i play again. Seriously if you want a nice race type game thats just fun this is it, but if you want a hard core simulation with picture perfect graphics then this is not really your cup of tea, rather just pay big bucks for something more. i would give this game an overall 8 just for the fun factor alone

.......................Moderator comment....................

Thank you for your feedback Fred. glad you liked the game. :) I want to find out what the last mode is like. Probably a demolition derby type mode.

Reply   |   Comment by fred  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice racer game. I appreciate it GGOTD. I am going to have to get used
to using the keyboard a little but I like the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Michael  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Visually speaking , I can get past the graphics , I mean they are nice to look at and they are really not too bad to look at.

The physics of the game really ruin the gameplay experience for almost anyone. This is a Need For Speed type of game that tries to be a drag racing game at the same time. The cars on the track start off way to fast and it seems that it's an unfair advantage. There is no real sense of direction as turning corners require great judgement and there is no good visual indicator on where you are going on the track.

If there is one thing the developer XING Interactive improved on, it's the installer process on GOTD. It now installs properly into a real directory of your choice and has an uninstall process in the control panel. Every game that Xing has given away in the last month or so has run properly on my computer so they are realizing that they need to get with the modern times compatibility wise.

As for the games Whiterabbit UK mentioned that are commercial, you can often find these games on various distribution platforms however older games like Dirt, and Track Mania - used some kind of DRM that may be compatible under Vista and lower 32 bit machines but may not be guaranteed to work on newer computers. I personally like GRID if I want a racer to play. It's been on sale plenty of times.

This Amsterdam Racer game.... needs a lot of work and some rough edges to smooth out.

........................Moderator Comment....................

Thank you for your feedback Jason. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Jason Carver (Little Bears World Of Freebies)  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Bit of nostalgia reading the minimum requirements -- Volari Duo Hardware TnL? :)

For some folks the hard part about using the keyboard in a game is remembering quickly what does what -- I have in the past just marked the relevant keys, often on a spare keyboard. They have those reinforcing rings you stick around the holes punched in notebook filler paper -- in a pinch I've used the center dots from those. [Dating myself, this was before they sold already marked keyboards, replacement keys, key covers etc.]

" It’s one of the reasons most motorsport/racing game enthusiasts buy an expensive wheel controller to play most racing games; (mine cost over £260/$390; but you can get them second hand for around £150/$225 via e-Bay) rather than use the keyboard controller; mainly because keyboard controls give you an all or nothing response when turning which makes it hard to steer around corners, whereas using a racing wheel attachment allows you to negotiate corners as if you were driving a real car."

I think some might be surprised how in some games they go to such extreme lengths to really model the car's handling characteristics etc., as well as the different tracks, road surfaces & such. Pro & semi-pro drivers actually use them along with thousands of dollars worth of accessories like you mentioned, WR, the same way say a fighter pilot puts in time in a flight simulator, because it's not economically possible to spend all that time actually hands on.

" I doubt I’d be homesick if my home town (Burnley, UK) was digitally mastered into a racing game (no disrespect meant to the town of Burnley which is located in a beautiful part of the country)"

Born in Detroit -- 'nuf said... pile all the disrespect on the place you want ;)

......................Moderator comment.....................

Thanks for your comment Mike. Some of the games I play have amazing visuals, including several racing games. My favorite though is the latest in the ArmA series (Arma 3). The environments look amazing.

Arma 3 6

arma3 steam screenshot

Arma3 screeenshot EGcz 11 jpg

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Okeee, so if you have been there you must agree that this looks way different than Amsterdam ?? It looks more like for instance San Francisco i.m.o. ;-)
And yes, it changed in the years but not as in this game !!!
This looks in no way like Amsterdam! ( Amsterdam in the Netherlands that is ;-) ) not even as Amsterdam in New York ( near Utica).

.......................Moderator Comment.......................

I don;t think many games truly capture the areas they purport to capture; though the Settle to Car;ise railway expansion for Train simulator 2014 does come very close to how i remember some of the area's (such as the Ribblehead viaduct and Dent station. My school owned the station in the mid to late 70's, using it for an outward bound center).

Reply   |   Comment by voorbijganger  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not bad for nothing I suppose. As mentioned by the Mod, there are better premium racing games out there but for nowt, pretty good.

Played for around 20 minutes and that's how I'll probably play it again. It's like a game on your smartphone, alright for a bit until you find something else to do.

Keyboard controls are a little hit and miss and overly sensitive. Maybe the Moderator had more joy because he's from Burnley and has 6 fingers on each hand (only joking, I'm from Nelson so I'm allowed to say it) :)

Overall. Not bad for a short while but not something I'll be playing to death.



My uncle comes from Nelson, he has seven fingers, lol. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Mick Heyes  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

excellent; I am 46 next month and been gaming since I was 12ish. I own hundreds of games from retro to xbox 360. This game is def worth a try and is a keeper for me, thank you very much GOTD...

.........................Moderator comment.........................


Reply   |   Comment by Robbie  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I just Googled Burnley, UK! Cool! It's go a tornado sculpture made out of paper towel rolls! Way cool! Way to recycle, Burnley, UK!

..........................Moderator Comment........................

Haha! Where that statue stands now was one of my favorite runs when I used to live there back in the late 70's early 80's. I used to run over Crown Point at least three times a week (6 to 12 mile round trip depending which route I took). The statue wasn't there then though. About 100 meters from the statue is an old isolation hospital (used for Tuberculosis patients pre 1960's) which I nearly purchased for approx £12 000 back in the late 70's. My then wife didn't fancy living on the top of a hill, miles from m=nowhere with a 300 meter long dirt track from the main road to the house. :) It has fantastic views over the town especially at night when everything is lit up. Always regretted not going ahead with the purchase.

You can see the house I lived in as a teenager in the picture of the football (soccer) field. It was directly in front of the football field next to a small children's park. Fond memories of my first girlfriend. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Swamp Thing  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

We got FISHDOM 2 yesterday!


I bet we broke the Internet with every person on earth trying to download FISHDOM at the same time! Did we reach our goal of 2 billion downloads in a single day?

If GAOTD breaks the Internet does it have to pay to fix it? Is that what you were doing all night, White Rabbit? Fixing the broken WORLD WIDE WEB?

........................Moderator Comment......................

Surprisingly there was just over 8000 downloads. Considering some games have approached 30 thousand downloads I would have expected this game to have at least been into double figures.

Reply   |   Comment by Swamp Thing  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hello GOTD team,

First of i want to thank Stephen for the return comment about the match three games, will check those out today. Merci.

This game is non of my intrest but due of comment "20 and #26 of Dusty, I wanted to test it.

I noticed that SP2 of Vista wasn't installed properly since last reinstall
In IE7 all went without any glitch yesterday :) so the download worked fine. Today after updating my computer i tried IE9
After clicking there is a pop-up screen asking "install, save or save as"
- first attempt "INSTALL" did not download the file after 5 minutes i refreshed the page
- Second attempt "Save As.." i selected my download folder and it worked fine, the normal unzip afterwards and install worked also fine.

So to Dusty (and for your knowledge Stephen)
When using Internet Explorer 9, download and save on computer before insalling, do not select install directly

*The installer installs the game in the 'programs' directory, i changed it myself to the games directory (C:\Games\Xing Interactive\Amsterdam Street Racer)
*It also wanted install MICROSOFT DirectX 9.0c (what i did directly)
*the first time starting it had a long while a black screen (15 à 20 sceonds, but after that it worked (thought uncorrectly for a few seconds it crashed)

By the way i used an Windows Vista 32bit SP2 desktop
And thanks for the question Dusty, cause of that i noticed my computer was not up to date, and now it is


(Ps. i am a Dutchman Living in France, was fun to see Amsterdam in this digital way, but it didn't made me homesick)

..............................Moderator comment......................

Thank you for your feedback Willy. Much appreciated. I doubt I'd be homesick if my home town (Burnley, UK) was digitally mastered into a racing game (no disrespect meant to the town of Burnley which is located in a beautiful part of the country)

Reply   |   Comment by Willy-France  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

30 seconds and deinstal - what a big rubbish!

...........................Moderator Comment.....................

I'd have given it more than 20 seconds.

Reply   |   Comment by neverever  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

AMSTERDAM ??? in the Netherlands?????????? ever visited???

.........................Moderator comment.....................

I have; many years ago (1977 and 78)

Reply   |   Comment by voorbijganger  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded and installed fine on Vista 64-bit.

I got all the way to the options screen, changed the resolution (nice to see that they go up to 1440x900), and stopped at the controls.

I didn't look too closely, but it appeared that everything including steering was done with the cursor keys. Booo! This isn't 1995. Maybe back then I'd gotten pretty good at controlling games using the arrows, but mouse control has spoiled me.

I didn't try to play it. My recommendation would be to make steering be controlled by mouse, gear shifting and everything else with the keyboard.

I'll keep an eye on the comments here, see if I've missed out on a truly awesome game (or didn't pay attention at the controls screen). Will dig it back out of the recycle bin if that's the case.

......................Moderator Comment.........................

Hi Amanda,

Even most of the games I mention in the 'In Brief' section of my review above

i.e. Dirt/Need for Speed/World Rally Championships/F1 2013/Burnout Paradise/Test Drive Unlimited/Grid or Blur franchises

Apart from the games exclusive to the X-Box and Playstation, i.e. Gran Turisomo and Forza Motorsport (which use game pads) use keyboard control and most of those have current versions out at this time e.g. WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship which was released a few days ago. (that is, unless you own a decent steering wheel controller like Logitech's excellent gearshift, pedals and wheel combo). It's one of the reasons most motorsport/racing game enthusiasts buy an expensive wheel controller to play most racing games; (mine cost over £260/$390; but you can get them second hand for around £150/$225 via e-Bay) rather than use the keyboard controller; mainly because keyboard controls give you an all or nothing response when turning which makes it hard to steer around corners, whereas using a racing wheel attachment allows you to negotiate corners as if you were driving a real car.

There are racing games that allow mouse control, but, from my own experience controlling your vehicle by mouse can be even harder than using keyboard controls. (Though I appreciate some of our users are unable to use keyboard controls due to hand disabilities and using a mouse may be the only alternative as buying a decent wheel controller can be rather prohibitive {some enthusiasts go the whole hog and buy seat accessories which can cost in the thousands})

Today's game does support analogue controllers such as game pads and wheels, just go into the options menu and select controllers then check the analogue toggle.

Reply   |   Comment by Amanda  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for this - looks like great fun!

Reply   |   Comment by Gordon Bennett  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A full review of today's game will be posted later. I wasn't able to get a demo of this game yesterday so wasn't able to pre prepare a review to post first thing.

Amsterdam Street Racer: In Brief:

Amsterdam Street Racer is a basic racing game. Don't expect Dirt/Need for Speed/World Rally Championships/Gran Turismo/F1 2013/Burnout Paradise/Test Drive Unlimited/Forza Motorsport/Grid or Blur like graphics. Go back to the turn of the millennium and you may then have a graphically superior game (but only just).

Still, for free and even with the asking price (via Google) of less than $5, and assuming you don't already own any of the racing games I mentioned in passing in the above paragraph, then Amsterdam Street Racer is okay. I've played much better free racing games (the free version of Trackmania or the free Need for Speed: World are both much prettier and have much more solid game play than this game, but I've also played far worse racing games.

Thakfully, we all have different views on what makes a good or bad game; so, my advise is to try the game for yourself.


Amsterdam Street Racer:



Amsterdam Street Racer downloads as a 117 MB zip file that unpacks to a read me and a wrapped setup file (the orange colored file with the key symbol), plus there's a setup file with security (setup.gcd) that's protected from being hacked (because the previous giveaway system was easily cracked). This file may case some security software to alert the user to a possible malware attack, but it will be a false positive.

The game giveaway team check all game giveaways for malware using several well known anti -malware suites. There has never been a game giveaway infected with malware since the project started back in Dec 2006. (The owners know that allowing such things would compromise their business, so they make sure all software given away via the giveaway and gamegiveaway sites are thoroughly checked for all types of malware before allowing community members to download any files.

Some community members have been having problems installing games since the security software was added. It's been found that turning off your security temporarily or configuring it to accept the setup.cgd file usually sorts the problem out.

To register and install the game click on the orange colored icon. The installed game requires 187 MB of disk space and installs to the following path by default:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Xing Interactive\Amsterdam Street Racer\ (If the install path shows the last game giveaway installed you need to clear your internet cache) you'll also find a shortcut in the Start Menu for an uninstaller.

A shortcut is installed to the desktop and Start Menu/Program list. You'll also find an uninstaller in the Start menu/program list Amsterdam Street Racer.

Amsterdam Street Racer works on my Win 7 (64 bit) computer. My Win 8 machine hasn't been unpacked yet and I've not reinstalled Vista or XP yet.



Dodge police cars, smash traffic cars, eliminate your opponents, take breath-taking jumps, burn rubber and race your way to the final checkpoint! Earn respect and money in drag- and street races, work your way up to city races and finally take part of the two adrenaline-pumping "final challenges" that take place in this enormous city!

Reference accessed HERE 27th Oct 2013

You race through the mean streets of the Dutch capital and try to avoid crashing your ride in the process. Multiple opponents will try to beat you for the best time of the day and spoil your attempts at obtaining eternal glory and the admiration of the inhabitants of the famous red light district!

Reference accessed HERE 27th Oct 2013

189852 screenshot1 medium

The Game:

Amsterdam Street Racer has five modes, Street Racer, Drag Race, City Race, Final mission I and Final mission II, each of which has its own ame play:

Street Race:

Race back and forth in one single Street. Use your driving skills to make the 180 degree spin without reducing your speed. Winner bags $500 and earns some respect. Entrance fee $100.

Drag Race:

Use your quick shifting skills to beat your opponents in this street race. Winner takes $250 and earns some much needed respect. Entrance fee $100.

City Race:

Be the first to locate and return from the checkpoint hidden in the city. winner takes $1000. you'll earn some Big respect after winning a City race. If you lose you will lose your entrance fee. Entrance fee $1000.

Final Mission I:

This race will challenge your stamina to the max. Entrance fee $7250

Final Mission II:

This is a survival challenge in the 'Pit of Doom', entrance fee $9000

Game play options:

Amsterdam Street Racer 1

There are five cars that you can use, each can be selected from the initial start screen following the main menu. These are:
Cyrax - 250Km/hr
Harwen v6 - 260 Km/hr
SSR-GT 240 - Km/hr
Zabaro DT - 260 Km/hr
Zaseve DT - 260 Km/hr

You can also see the time it takes to reach 100 kilometers per hour and 160 kilometers per hour. There is an option to toggle between automatic transmission and manual transmission. If you are a novice to racing games i advise you to select automatic transmission (I think it's set as default).

From the vehicle selection screen you can create a name for yourself via the player statistics. you'll also find how much money you have earned after racing (assuming you win). You start the game with $500 which unlocks two of the race modes, Street Race and drag Race. to unlock the City race you require $1000 and for the last two mode significantly more.You can also see the number of races you have won and lost from the main start screen.


Forwards - Up
Reverse - Down
Left Turn - Left
Right Turn - Right
Hand Brake - Space
Nitro - Ctrl
Shift Up - A
Shift Down - Z
Horn - H
Toggle Lights - L
Change Camera - C
Reverse Camera - B

Amsterdam Street Racer 2

You can also use analogue controllers, but this option is greyed out in the keyboard selection. to select another controller you must first have it attached and set up (may need to restart your computer to do this). Once attached click on Device at the top of the menu. If you have an analogue controller such as a game pad or driving wheel you will then see the control options for that controller. You can switch the analogue controller off and on as well as set the force feedback. (usually rumble on a game pad).

you can remap all controls if you wish.


1) ... Earn money in drag races and street races
2) ... Take part in 2 adrenaline pumping final challenges
3) ... Dodge Police cars, smash traffic cars
4) ... Take breath-taking jumps
5) ... Burn rubber and race your way to the final checkpoint!


You can see some game play videos of Amsterdam Street Racer HERE, HERE and HERE.


You can change the music by replacing the appropriate files. You can find them via the following path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Xing Interactive\Amsterdam Street Racer\Audio\x.ogg

Don't replace the .wav files as these are sound effects. The music files are in the ogg format.

If you decide you don't like the music and want to change it for some of your own favorite music you can do, but you must convert the music you choose to the ogg format. (free audio converters are readily available online). Be sure to select the correct files otherwise you may cause problems with the game. I'd back up any music files you decide to change just in case. Once you've played the game and confirmed that it works with the new music, then it may be safe to delete the files. Don't forget to rename any files you use to the ones you are replacing.

Minimum System Specifications:

CPU - 1 Ghz

System RAM - 256 Mb

Direct X: 9.0c

Graphics Card - ATI Radeon, Nvidia GeForce or Volari Duo Hardware TnL

Video RAM - 32Mb

Amsterdam Street Racer 3

Amsterdam Street Racer 4


If you own any of the following games or other recently released premium racing games then this game is likely not for you. Though I did find the different modes intriguing and decided to keep this game for future exploration because of these modes (Drag Racing and the second final mission:

Dirt/Need for Speed/World Rally Championships/Gran Turismo/F1 2013/Burnout Paradise/Test Drive Unlimited/Forza Motorsport/Grid or Blur

Controller options allow you to use analogue controllers such as a game pad or racing wheel. If you own one of these I'd advise you to use them as keyboard controls are rather sensitive. There's little in the way of simulated acceleration. When you press the forwards key you virtually start in full speed, which makes for difficult controlling when negotiating turns. you can drift in this game y touching the brake key (you need to let go of the acceleration key momentarily to drift.


It's free today
Has several modes of play
Some original game play


Basic game play
controls are quite sensitive. i.e. acceleration is super fast

It's not the worst racing game we've had given via the game giveawayoftheday project. I'd suggest you try it for yourself. I have all of the PC games mentioned above and lots more as I love racing games. In my heart I think this game is sub standard, but I still think its got some worth as a racing game, partly because of the different modes and the ability to choose any vehicle at the beginning of the game.


Gameplay - 6.5
Graphics - 5
Replayability - 7
Originality - 6
Instructions/help - 4
Music - 5

Totals 33.5 out of 60 which is equivalent to 5.6 out of 10

Problems with the game?:

If you have any problems installing or playing today's game please go to the game discussion forums where you'll find a FAQ's section HERE.

Games, Games, and yet more Games plus Download, Installation & Game play Problems:

If you're looking for something other than today's game check the didimatic site via THIS link for some brilliant deals.

Steam weekend deals include 75% off Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect, Narco Terror, , The Risen Collection, Sacred Collection, Killing Floor Bundle, Secret Files, Emergency 2013, Iron Front: Liberation 1944, Janes Advanced Strikefighters, Spellforce Complete, Nail,d, Lost Horizon, Test Drive: Ferrari Legends, Sanctum 2, and Eve Online, 66% off Euro Truck simulator 2 and Miners Wars 2081, 80% off Rochard,, plus loads more deals ranging from 10% to 81%
There's over 100 titles on sale at the moment via Steam including 75% off the game in the 48hr sale. The latest title is the award winning System Shock 2 (PC Game Of the Year - USA Today (1999), Best Action Game & Game of the Year - CNET (1999), Game of the Year - Game Revolution (1999), Game of the Year - Computer Games Online (1999), RPG Game of the Year - PC Gamer (1999), Game of the Year - Evil Avatar (1999), Game of the Year - Intelligamer (1999), RPG of the Year - Gamespy (1999), RPG of the Year - Games Domain (1999), Adventure Game of the Year - Gone Gold (1999), Game of the Year - Glide Underground (1999), Single Player Game of the Year - PC Accelerator (1999), Best Genre Bender - Gamespy (1999), 5th Best Game of All Time - PC Gamer (1999),

You can find details of all these deals by following THIS link; then click on the specials tab.

There are plenty of deals over on the Green Man Gaming site plus 25% off selected titles. You'll find the deals HERE.

You'll find many more game deals from Gamersgate, Gamestop, and GOG; all of which you can find via the Didimatic site, which I've linked to above.

To be honest there are too many game deals around to list them all. Just visit the sites I recommend above and I'm sure you'll find something that suits you for a very decent price.

Check out the Game Discussion forums HERE for details of other games, either free or on deals such as the Indie Game bundles, (there's a brilliant one over on the Groupees site with around 30 games for only $12 as well as the Indie Gala and Humble Bundle Weekly sales or check out the four day sales at IndieGameStand.

The latest IndieGameStand game is Party of Sin is a cooperative puzzle-platformer for 1-4 players. If you pay more than the average (which stood at $1.27 at the time of writing this) you'll also get the sound track. The game comes with a Steam key as well as a DRM free copy. You'll find the deal HERE. This deal ends on Thur 31th Oct around 5am GMT.

There are small indie bundles available over at Indiebundle.org. Each bundle has three games and costs $5 each for the basic bundle plus a few dollars more for extra games. Check the Indie bundles HERE

There's also more Indie bundles available such as the Groupees and Humble Bundle weekly sale plus the Indie Gala October and Red Faction bundles. You can find them all via the Game Discussion forums. All bundles are excellent value for money :). For most of these bundles you need not pay more than $5 for several games that would usually cost you a lot more. You'll find links to all of these bundles in the Game discussion forums HERE


A Request for help:

Developers rely on good feedback to improve their games. If you download this game please take some time once you’ve played it a while to leave some constructive feedback either positive or negative. The more constructive feedback we get, the more likely developers are going to give more games away. The giveaway site already has a very good standing with the search engines. Developers want their products out there on the WWW, this site has the potential to do that. The game giveaway project gives away on average between 9 to 17 thousand downloads for each game depending upon what genre and how obscure the game is. That’s a lot of homes these games are being downloaded into and a lot of 'potential' cash that’s being lost by the developers. If we get better games because of better feedback, the community are likely to continue to benefit from the generosity of the developers. Satisfied community members are then more likely to visit the home sites of those developers and purchase games that they may not have bothered with before they discovered the developer via the game giveaway site, thus giving the developers more incentives to give away even more decent games.

Please leave some feedback once you've checked the game out. It can be positive or negative, but please explain what your reasons were for the feedback you post. You could also leave suggestions for improving the game, for example, this game could do with more block types for the levels editor, add more power-ups, describing the ones you think would be suitable, add some mini games (which seem all the rage in some arcade games now) or enable the user to be able to change the in game music easily.

Thank you in advance to all those who take the time to post a constructive comment.


Whiterabbit aka Stephen


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I never leave a review because most of the games(yes, even some of the 2 dollar games) are happily accepted for free. But I would only keep this game if the developers paid me $5, or my retarded nephew created it for me as a birthday present. But I think even HE could do better. And I don't even have a nephew

Reply   |   Comment by Alfred  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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