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Among the Heavens was available as a giveaway on August 11, 2018!
Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and MyPlayCity! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!
Up in the sky in a fantasy world, two friends Cid and Markus decided to bring an old tavern back to life in Among the Heavens! Playing as Cid, you will experience fast paced and fun gameplay by serving magical potions, entertaining guests and earning tips in order to add new fancy features to the tavern and build new ones in the future. In this Time Management game you will meet cute and surprising characters, each with their own unique personality, emotions and behavior!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: 1.6 GHz; RAM: 512 MB; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 124 MB
47.4 MB
I haven't played any TM games for years, but I decided to try this one, since it has lovely graphics as well as Match-3 sections. It installed and registered right away, since I followed the directions by temporarily disabling my antivirus first. Looks like fun!
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In order to receive tips, you need to clip the circle as it gets to the green. Nothing told me that, I learned it by trial and error. It would be nice to have a non-timed choice, as it does continue to get harder. After you've tried a level for a few times, it does ask if you want an easier time, click yes, but I did not find it easier!
Will keep you on your toes!
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Nice time management game. Starts our fairly simple and gets harder as you go which it should. I love these types of games, and am glad of a new one to add to my collection. I will be playing this often.
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Marie, How do you collect the tips? I see the green ring counting down so do I have to click on it quickly or just let it run down? Thanks.
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You click on the circle when it gets to the green section. if you miss it then they are mad and just leave without the extra tip. They said something about clicking when it was green when they first introduced that part. but it goes by so fast, and i really didn't understand it when it was explained. I think that part could have been explained in a better way to understand what to do. It does seem to get a bit quicker as it goes on. But i was still able to pass rounds even with missing a few tips.
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Marie, Thank you. I am off to gather my tips...hopefully... as I worked very hard for them...lol
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I played this for awhile. It was too difficult starting around the 5th game to figure out how to make max points. I kept getting no tips even for excellent service. Frustrating and not a relaxing game for me.
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Downloaded fine.. extracted fine.. activated fine... (two times) did it install anything, anywhere?
No clue
I can't find evidence of anything installed today (still missing the windows xp search functionality)
egad.. I forgot about the captcha.. rotten eyes here and those little itty bitty, tiny, pictures... 9 panels on the tiny picture guessing later.. no wonder nobody comments anymore
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Didn't get back until this evening. Not worth me spending a couple of hours writing up a review, so hopefully the links to other reviews, the videos and imaes will suffice.

I'll be away from home until mid-afternoon. I'll endeavor to post something later on my return. I already had this game via Steam and the brief time I've played it so far can say it's a decent time management game with elements of match three and excellent graphics that will appeal to family oriented gamers with children. In the mean time you can see Steam community reviews of the game which are generally good HERE plus several game play videos HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.
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