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Zack 2: Celestine's Map
Fulfill your greatest quest in a world!
The competition is over.Visit our main page for more free licensed software.
Zack 2:Celestine's Map is a story-driven action rpg game set in a world full of magic, secrets and supernatural creatures.Zack continues his journey to save his brother from the hand of the evil wizard Celestine while Meggy and Amice continue their fight against the forces of evil.
Forge your own destiny as you make friends or enemies based on conversation decisions or battles while finding your brother..
Play the game with three different yet connected characters with their individual storylines and unique combat and magical skills..
Discover ancient secrets on your journey from supernatural beings,witches and corrupt humans..Invest your rewards into upgrading your weapons, skills or armour as the game progresses.
Plant flowers and fight with zombies to save your brain.
Play Facebook games in your browser without logging in.
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I tried so many times to get the key and it's same issue : Facebook Blocking i made all GOTD said in their message by email because i contacted them but nothing resolved when i returned to the task it's not completed there's an error...or the task it's not marked as completed Even if in my Facebook the link is posted many times...i sent that message to GOTD by email but that they didn't answer and they didn't send me a key they just close the competition. So maybe they will answer to my request to get a steam key.
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After 1 day later facebook problem still exist just remove it please..
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Keys are being given, if you are having issues, use the contact link at the bottom of the main page and explain the issue.
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just got a key, i love this king of game !!
thank you ggotd and the dev !!!
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Complete actions and don't get a key =(
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Keys ar ebeing gien. I got one and others have. If you are having issues, use the contact link a tthe bottom of the main giveaway page and explain the issue.
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still not working
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Community members are receiving keys as I did. Make sure you are logged in and use the link provided by Self1sh at the top of the comments. If you continue to have problems use the contact link at the bottom of the giveaway page and explain your issue.
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Thanks for the free key.
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The method you mentioned does not work. I have tried many times and tried from different browsers.
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If someone could get a key how did you do it, which steps did you do to circunvent the block?
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Paulo Monteiro,
Not sure if I've replied to this already? I didn't circumvent any steps. I clicked on the button that would usually open up my Facebook page, but instead I got the same message as you did i.e.
I did this yesterday morning and cannot remember whether I then just returned to the gamegiveaway page or followed thorough to the next stage by clicking OK and getting the second message where it says ''SORRY SOMETHING WENT WRONG'' i.e. where you posted the following.
If I click the ok button i get this
Because of a serious head injury that caused some brain damage, combined with some very strong pain killers (i.e. Fentanyl, Oxycodone and Gabapentin), that I've been prescribed with for over 15 years, my memory is not as good as it used to be. Semi automatic procedures such as clicking on buttons etc, are not remembered exactly after a day; especially as I have other much more important things on my mind at this time.
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I want to thank you for the giveaway,however i can't seem to complete both tasks(as it doesn't work for both,fb blocks it).
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Whiterabbit-uk, it's not working
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Facebook Login is currently unavailable for this app, since we are updating additional details for this app. Please try again later.
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Any ideas how to login without Facebook? It's blocked here
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Teresa Marques,
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Teresa Marques,
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Whiterabbit-uk, hello
i tried that i returned to the giveaway page and it did not complete
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Teresa Marques,
Hi Teresa, Really sorry; it did work for me after clicking on the Facebook button, I received the small pop up saying words to the effect that it was blocked. When I returned to the giveaway page, it showed a tick in the box next to the Facebook button, and at the top of the page it said that a key had been sent to my email.
I'm just a volunteer and have no access to the workings of the giveaways; I just post reviews and moderate the comments as a thank you for all the games I received back when the giveaway project was new.
Back then (when the project started late 2006) I was ignorant of many of the different arcade genres that were available. At that time I was only playing certain AAA games like Call of Duty, Battlefield 1942/Vietnam & BF2 as well as the then recently released Elder Scrolls Oblivion, plus a few arcade genres like breakout and space invader like games. The giveaway project opened my eyes to the amazing selection of different genres that were available to play; and, for two years following the start of the gamegiveaway project, we got some amazing and excellent games virtually every day that had no ties to sites like MyPlayCity, Falcoware Games and TooMky Games. I used to post short reviews of the games back then, but as they got longer, I was constantly asking the then moderator to edit my comments for spelling and grammatical errors. They then gave me access to the administrators panel so that I could edit my comments. I then offered to moderate the comments section as a thank you for allowing me access to the admin panel.
I've continued to post reviews and moderate ever since, partly because I've made some very good friends via this site; some of which I play cooperative games with, usually twice a week, plus writing reviews keeps me to keep my mind active. :)
I would suggest you contact the giveaway team via the contact link at the bottom of the main game giveaway page. It opens up a window where you input your name, email and the issue.
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I don't get it i try to login with facebook but it wont let me, every giveawayoftheday that asks to login with facebook is blocked
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Mario Alonzo,
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You say it still works if we click the button what button?
If i click the ok button i get this
so it's not working
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Paulo Monteiro,
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Whiterabbit-uk, You don't seem to be reading and just pasting. It doesn't work.
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Whiterabbit-uk, not working mate try it yourself
thanks anyway
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I read every comment. Why should I spend time replying to each community member individually (I'm just a volunteer, who doesn't get paid for the many thousands of hours I've spent posting reviews and moderating this and the forums comments.) when the issue was the same for all.
That's why my reply was copied and pasted to each person. If you have it set to receive replies each person who posted about the issue would get a notification that I'd replied. Copy pasting is there for a reason. (i.e. to save time having to post the same reply to each community member)
When I clicked on the Facebook (FB) button, I got the same issue as everyone who posted comments about the issue. When I cancelled it and returned to the giveaway page, it showed that it had worked despite the FB app not working; so I assume that the giveaway team have sorted it so that as long as you click on that second button it will work even though it is broken.
If the issue persists I suggest you contact the giveaway team. You can find the contact form at the bottom of the game giveaway home page. Hopefully, they will be able to help.
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Whiterabbit-uk, they didn't sort it, that "trick" isn't working, i'm sorry to say. why would i lie?
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Paulo Monteiro,
I did, and it worked for me. I returned to the gamegiveaway page after I'd received exactly the same messages as your images and it showed that the Facebook part of the task had been completed, and it said near the top of the page that a key was sent to my email.
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Mario Alonzo,
No ones calling you a liar
As I've tried to explain elsewhere, when I clicked on the Facebook button I received the same messages that Paulo Monteiro posted earlier. I thought it hadn't worked myself, but when I returned to the gamegiveaway page for the game, it showed a tick next to the button meaning it had worked even though Facebook had rejected it. Near the top of the giveaway page for this game it said a key was sent to my email.
I suggest you contact the giveaway team using the contact form at the bottom the the gamegiveaway page:
They will hopefully send you a key.
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Whiterabbit-uk, Are you logged in? If you are, then log out and try to log in again. We can't even start completing tasks because we can't log in.
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When trying to login even from the smartphone it says:
Feature unavailable: Facebook Login is currently unavailable for this app, since we are updating additional details for this app. Please try again later
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Still blocked by Facebook
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