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Zack 2: Celestine's Map Giveaway

Zack 2: Celestine's Map

Fulfill your greatest quest in a world!
$14.99 EXPIRED
User rating: 10 13 comments

The competition is over.Visit our main page for more free licensed software.

Zack 2:Celestine's Map is a story-driven action rpg game set in a world full of magic, secrets and supernatural creatures.Zack continues his journey to save his brother from the hand of the evil wizard Celestine while Meggy and Amice continue their fight against the forces of evil.
Forge your own destiny as you make friends or enemies based on conversation decisions or battles while finding your brother..
Play the game with three different yet connected characters with their individual storylines and unique combat and magical skills..
Discover ancient secrets on your journey from supernatural beings,witches and corrupt humans..Invest your rewards into upgrading your weapons, skills or armour as the game progresses.

System Requirements:

64-bit Windows 7, 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) or 64-bit Windows 10






The game is available for $14.99, but the winners of our contest will get it for free.

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With four days to go before this giveaway ends, if you have more than 28 entries, you stand a 100% chance of getting a key. Of course this will change as more community members enter the giveaway.
This is a seven day event; there is no game to download, complete the tasks over the next seven days to earn as many entries as you can, then the winners will be announced next week; if you are a winner, you will receive a registered version via the email you registered with; (I'm not sure if it's a Steam key or a registered downloadable version?)

Please note that the review below is based on the βeta version I received and reviewed last year HERE, when the game was a limited giveaway. I've edited some of the original review to update some of the changes made from when it was fully released on Steam, but do need to add some more information when I have some spare moments.
Zack 2: Celestine's Map
In Brief
Zack 2: Celestine's Map is a story-driven action RPG (Role Playing Game) made with the Unity Engine and set in a world full of magic, secrets and supernatural creatures.

Zack continues his journey to save his brother from the hand of the evil wizard Celestine while Meggy and Amice continue their fight against the forces of evil. Forge your own destiny as you make friends or enemies based on conversation decisions or battles while finding your brother. Play the game with three different yet connected characters with their individual storylines and unique combat and magical skills. Discover ancient secrets on your journey from supernatural beings,witches and corrupt humans. Invest your rewards into upgrading your weapons, skills or armour as the game progresses.
Reference accessed HERE 28th September 2020

The Game
I was given a copy of the game so that I could post a review before this offer went live, I initially had some issues starting the game, but all those issues have been sorted since the game was released on Steam earlier this year.
The game starts with an introduction, with several images of ancient text that fade away quickly, leaving medieval looking silhouettes, then the main menu appears. Once the game has fully loaded, it's in the third person view.

There is a tutorial session that you can't skip that introduces you to the games key bindings and game mechanics; once you pass this, the game improves significantly w.r.t. the look and feel of the game. The movement keys are standard i.e. WASD; I found movement felt really sluggish and does not flow like regular games of this type; i.e. much like the way you end up running in a dream; where you run in slow motion.
If you've ever played any RPG's from about 15 years ago, for example Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, or Fable, the graphics are similar to those games, though maybe a touch better; They are somewhat dated by today's standards, but are still acceptable; afterall, it's the game play that counts (IMO). Also the game play appears to be pretty standard RPG fare, with edged weapons and upgradable magical abilities but no guns. If you are not concerned about having the latest super duper graphic engine powered games, then this looks like it's going to be a reasonable RPG.

I've not booted up the game for several months (just post full release) so may update parts of this review if I get some oppertunities to spent some time in game this week. :)

You can see a couple of game play videos and
Key Bindings & Options
WASD = Movement
I = inventory
J,K & L = attack modes
R = Select Weapon
T = Opens journal and flips pages
E = turns music down while in the options menu (not working yet)
Q = turns music up while in the options menu (not working yet)
Use I/O to open and close inventory pages
Use I to swipe through all journal pages
Use arrow keys to navigate the inventory slot and then sacred item slot
Q = use activated sacred item
E = use activated crafted item

The options menu includes Resolution vSync, AA and Texture quality as well as a music slider where E tuns the music down and Q increases the volume. There's also a full screen/window toggle













Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)


We've had over 200 decent indie arcade and AAA games from Epic games since they started to give free games away (mid December 2018) and that's not counting the pre- alpha version of the latest Unreal Tournament, which has been available for free for around a decade now. It has slowly developed into a decent game and well worth checking out; especially if you were a fan of the earlier versions. The last official release was 2007 when Unreal Tournament 3 was released.

Initially, Epic gave one game every two weeks, then a game every week and since last year two games virtually every week . This week until Thursday 26th August at 4pm UK time/ 11am Eastern time you can add two more games to your Epic library. The first one has a word that isn't suitable for family sites so I won't give you the full name, it's called Void B******s a revolutionary strategy-shooter that will test your wits as well as exercise your aim. The second game is an open world platformer called Yooka-Laylee. From next Thursday we will be getting another game called Automachef, a resource management puzzler where you design kitchens, program machinery and watch your genius come to life!

Battlefield V is still available free from EA Games (Origin) until 1st September, but I think you can only get it free if you subscribe to Amazon Prime via their free Amazon Prime Gaming. You'll find a link to the appropriate page HERE; you'll need to log in via your Shareware on Sale sign-in then click on the link that says '' click here to go to the giveaway page '', then you'll need to sign into your Amazon Prime Gaming account (basically the same as your Amazon Prime sign in (I think). It's part of the Twitch gaming subscription which you get free with Amazon Prime. If you are unsure how to do this you can find out via Livewire HERE. I've posted some images links to videos of game play for single player cooperative and multiplayer game play as well as a link to a review of the game over in the giveaway forums HERE

If you like WWII first person shooter, Battlefield V is actually an amazing game with respect to graphics and immersion. I was blown away by the action when I first booted up the single player campaign last year. I've posted some images and a link to a review of the game over in the forums HERE.

More games have been added to the Indie Gala showcase section HERE; (e.g. the latest additions include:
Leisure Suit Larry 1 - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards
Leisure Suit Larry 2 Looking For Love (In Several Wrong Places)
The Mims Beginning
Web Spice
Cat Defense
Return to Mysterious Island 2
Still Life 2)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Приложение не настроено: Это приложение все еще в режиме разработки, и у вас нет к нему доступа. Переключитесь на зарегистрированный аккаунт тестового пользователя или попросите администратора предоставить вам разрешения.

Reply   |   Comment by Stan  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Question from Stan Google translated: (Вопрос от Стэна Гугл переведен)

App not configured: This app is still in development mode and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user account or ask your administrator to grant you permissions.


Переведенный ответ на оригинальное сообщение:

Привет, Стэн, пожалуйста, используйте контактную ссылку внизу домашней страницы. Заполните обязательные поля, т.е. имя, адрес электронной почты, причина контакта и реквизиты.

Я уверен, что команда раздачи сможет решить проблему для вас. У других была такая же проблема раньше, в том числе и у меня.


Translated reply to original post:

Hi Stan, please use the contact link at the bottom of the home page. Fill in the required fields i.e. name, email, reason for contact and details.

I'm sure the giveaway team will be able to fix the issue for you. Others have had the same problem previously, including myself.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Same Facebook error as last week App not configured, can you help?

Reply   |   Comment by Paulo Monteiro  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Paulo Monteiro,

Hi Paulo, if you look to the bottom of the home page, there's a link to contact the giveaway team. Message them via the contact details and hopefully they will fix the issue. I've had similar issues with both Facebook and Twitter when entering these limited giveaways and they have been able to sort the issue out.

When you click on the contact link, it opens a small box where you will need to fill in your name, Email, subject matter (title) and a message describing the issue. Please do let me know if you get it sorted. Thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It is not possible to download the game. A page 404 is displayed.

Reply   |   Comment by Joe Lis  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Joe Lis,

Hi Joe, There is no download; this is a seven day limited giveaway. On the seventh day 500 keys or a downloadable version will be distributed to the winners. When I played the Beta last year, it was a downloadable version rather than a Steam key, so cannot say for sure.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Is this a steam key?

Reply   |   Comment by Paulo Monteiro  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Paulo Monteiro,

Hi Paulo, When I played the Beta last year, it was a downloadable version, so cannot say for sure whether it is a steam key. The giveaway is being edited by one of the administrators at this time, so things may be clearer later today. It is a seven day giveaway though, so there will be nothing given until next week. I was gifted a key via a friend when it was released.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)
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