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World of Cubes Survival Craft
Create your own worlds with thousands of random players or friends online!
The competition is over.Visit our main page for more free licensed software.
Create your own worlds with thousands of random players or friends online in Multiplayer mode or start your own survival game on the infinite randomly generated maps!
Explore universes and random worlds created by others. Upload your own maps and creations from single player mode to online Multiplayer server to play with others! Build whatever you can dream of by yourself or with many other users online in real time
System Requirements:
Windows 10/ 8.1; Windows 10 Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1
The game is available for $1.99, but the winners of our contest will get it for free.
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I only see, "The competition is over" message
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I've been having trouble lately with these social media links. Neither Twitter nor FB work right on Cyberfox and I get mixed results on other browsers. That said, using a combination of browsers I was able to get the tasks done. Good thing Twitter wasn't one of them as that hasn't worked at all lately on any browser. I now have the link to download it, but now it appears I have to set up a Microsoft account. I suppose since I am on Win10 I should so I could access the store for other things should I desire it. I think it requires me to give them my phone number though, at least when I wanted to set up an outlook email account it did so this probably will as well. I do not like giving out my number to any company unless I need them to call me for some reason or other. But that's just me, your opinion may differ.
Also, why do these often say "this competition is over" when there is still time left on the clock? Front page was showing over 6 hours left but this page now says it's over.
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Довольно интересная игра, немного похож на Minecraft. Мой ребенок с удовольствием играет в такие игры. Проходить испытания и выживать в различных кубах. Содержание сюжета необычно и оригинально, что делает игру притягательной и довольно крутой. Спасибо за размещение, надеюсь выиграть!
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This is certainly the most confusing game I've ever played. The description says you can create your own worlds, but it appears that all you can do is explore random computer generated worlds and can't create anything.
All I was able to do was wander aimlessly around a randomly generated world. I was not able to anything else. If you encounter dogs, they will attack you, so it's best to avoid them. So, it helps to avoid dogs on your journey.
It would seem that you can collect items along the way. But I guess I haven't explored enough to find to anything to collect. Certainly the the game does not provide any insight into how to actually play it. So it's rather a mystery to me a this point in time.
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Thanks for the information.
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I can not get these giveaways to work. At first I thought it was because I had the games already, but I've tried for ones where I searched my Steam library to make sure I didn't already own it and same results. It looks like the portion where I'm supposed to do tasks is blurred out.
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Obvious Minecraft clone is obvious. If the discount is indeed for W10 devices only and not for W8 or W8.1 devices this should be mentioned in the blurp, it might however be a store mistake so if you have a W8/8.1 I would certainly try to reach the developer.
In Dutc we have a saying that roughly translates to "better decently stolen than bad thought up" and that can be said about this game as well. I just walked briefly through the world but it is massive. I would not be surprised when I am able to fly I see this being an actual globe. If you know how to play minecraft you know how to play this game, if you like minecraft you like this game. If you never tried mincraft because it is way to expensive (currently €9,99 but normally €26,99) this is your chance. Besides the name and in a slight way the looks (minecraft colors seem to be a bit brighter to me)this is exactly the same game. The biggest differences for me where the size of the world and the amount of animals and such already in place. In just a short stroll (not a Lance Stroll... I finish my runs) I encountered sheep, cows, horses, wolves, turkeys (the birds, not the people). there are different biomes, massive cave systems, tundra's. Didn't encounter 'water" yet but I am sure some seas or oceans should be present as well.
As I am currently playing a string of survival/crafting games (Stranded Deep and Subsistence are two games that are early access, not to expensive and highly recommendable) this fits nice in my play pattern for now
(p.s I also started in the F2P MMO Guild Wars 2. If you are sick and tired of the "get quest, do quest, run back to turn quest in, go to next quest WoW style games" you might like to try this. The "questing and leveling" system is like I never seen before, very intuitive and loads of fun. Also the "holy trinity" is gone. No longer designated tanks, healers and support. All classes fill all roles without problem)
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Mavadelo, Almost forgot. This game scores a 7/10 on my list due to it being a blatant and obvious ripoff from Mineccraft in a well done manner
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- Like on Farcebook (so Farcebook spams me with more "you may also like")
- Subscribe to YouTube (so they can track me)
- Follow on Twitter (so must become a Twitter member)
Three strikes.....
(this is a "giveaway"?)
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dpg, want some cheese with that whine? If these are 3 strikes for you this must be the absolute first time ever you are getting on a giveaway site as most giveaway sites are using this method including major places like indiegala. I am downloading free games with this system since it came to this site and NEVER has facebook spammed me with "you may also like". Youtube subscriptions are not to track you but for you to follow someone. you don't want to subscribe? you can use the same dang button to unsubscribe without any problems and still get the entry. Twitter? I got 4 different twitter accounts, I never post on them but only use them for things like this. You want things for free but you do not want them to know you got it for free? wait for samples in the wall mart or whatever it is called, only the sun rises for free
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The only action I actually had to complete was the FB share. Just clicking on the buttons for the others checked them off. I don't have the right version of Windows though.
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K, that doesn't work. I'm signed in and the option to download is still grayed out.
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Logic Ally, that was the moderator who suggested that, not me. Is that why I got 2 downvotes?
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Actions completed, but I received no key via email. Only a link to the Microsoft store. Then I see this:
"Discount applies to Windows 10 devices only."
Would have been nice to know that before bothering with all the social networking stuff. It should be a prominent part of the description.
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Hmm - only for "Windows 10/ 8.1" (PC) ???!! :-(( .
I cannot (only) download it - for using it in future (on W_10/8.1). :-(
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Vlado Janos, I tried that on a Win 7 system for my wife in the past and it is indeed like "Steam" once you got it clicked it is tied to your MS account. When my wife "upgraded" to 10 she could download the apps she got before and they were listed as "already owned". You will get an error for not being able to download but it will count as purchase (in fact MS doesn't care if you have a Win10 or not, they will gladly take your money if you would have to buy it)
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Thanks for Your tip.
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"...Sign into your Microsoft account. I used my Hotmail account details, then click on the download link. I presume the game will then be tied to your account, so you'll be able to play it when you upgrade your OS.)..."
I signed to MS_account, ... BUT: I cannot click on the download link, Because it is still "grayed out" (!!) = It is NOT clickable. :-(
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Vlado Janos, I'm seeing the same thing. Unable to click on anything, regardless of whether I'm legitimately signed in.
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Vlado Janos, that should be an easy fix with a copy and paste job.
IF you don't know how (not everybody might know after all) do the following
Put your mousepointer in front of the h in http and click and hold the left mouse button. Drag the pointer along the entire url untill it is blue. When you release your mouse it should stay blue.
Now hit the CTRL+C key combination on your keyboard
open up your internet browser and select the adress bar after the homepage has loaded, click inside of it once and it should turn blue. hit the Esc or Del key followed by the CTRL+V combination (the + meaning you press them at the same time) followed by enter. the site should open now :)
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Mavadelo, thanks, BUT:
I think you do not understand exactly what I wrote.
The web page opens correctly (MS_store !), but the link IN THIS (!!) PAGE is grayed out.
See (copy from MS_Store web_page):
... "save £ 1.49 • 28 days remaining
|Get the game >|
This game does not work on your device. "...
And THAT (!!) link "Get the game >" is not clickable (grayed out).
That is: copy URL from email to the (blank) address bar is not needed (as I think You wrote ...).
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tnx tnx tnx tnx tnx tnxtnx tnx tnxtnx tnx tnxtnx tnx tnx
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I did perform several a actions, but the last one gives a error:
On the Facebook page there is a entry:
Did the error occurred, because I already did like Game.GiveAway on Facebook in the past?
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Moderator comment // Whiterabbit-uk
I do have more than one FB-account, but I use the others only in a different OS.
In Win10 I only use one FB-account, just for GOTD and games/steam /twitter etc. And strangely, the first action is also with FB and that is successful.
This was not the first time, that this kind of error occurred.
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I have tried it on another PC and it worked.
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