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Woodville Chronicles Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Woodville Chronicles

Build your own beautiful town!
User rating: 12 21 comments

Woodville Chronicles was available as a giveaway on March 25, 2023!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Game featuring images of various robots made in this unique genre.

Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and ToomkyGames! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!

Build your own beautiful town in Woodville Chronicles, a fun and fantastic Match 3 game! Collect resources and build your city from the ground up! Complete challenging levels and unravel the secret of your town. Work through different obstacles like chains, double chains, chests, and more, as you complete each level. Unlock awesome bonuses that’ll help you complete your quest in Woodville Chronicles!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: 1.0 GHz; RAM: 128 MB; DirectX: 7.0; Hard Drive: 40 MB





File Size:

38.1 MB



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Developed by Valve

Comments on Woodville Chronicles

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Works fine for me, but then I'm running Windows 7. There's a relaxed mode, which is a plus for me, as I hate being timed. Also three different modes of game mechanics, and you're building a city.

Reply   |   Comment by Delilah  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

I like it. It plays fine on my ancient Win XP SP3, 32 bit machine. In the Gamezebo review that Whiterabbit linked to in the 1st - 2019 - giveaway, the reviewer gave it a middling rating, saying that the game has a nice combination of things seen in other games. It's a valid point, but then, how many good games have all sorts of unique, inventive touches? As Isaiah said in the Bible, "there's nothing new under the sun". Or at least not that much new. So, in most case, it's a question of whether you like the game play, not how unique a game is, IMHO. Although, building villages/buildings as you do here, or gardens, zoos, aquariums, or whatever in many games where you just earn "money" and then buy something when you have enough money, with no real strategy I find uninteresting and unnecessary. But, the 3 different matching mechanics up the replayability here to me quite a bit, and that feature is missing from a LOT of match 3s, and I'm a BIG match 3 fan. And the extra game of the drop the object down the board type is an extra bonus to me, though too short so far here. So this is a keeper for me.

But not perfect. The help has a slightly incorrect instruction or 2, like insinuating the drop the key is part of the regular game, and not a bonus game. Worse, there is no explanation of the 5 bonuses. At least one of them is obvious, the bomb, but the others you'll have to play with to get a feel for. Also, there's an interesting mechanic that has a notice slide in telling you that you can - at least for a limited time - make 3 quick matches of a particular tile and then get a bonus, actually supercharging 1 tile. Although it's not 100% clear, unless you stop and watch, what this tile does when you match it. (Though you often can't use this because there's often not 3 available matches for that tile on the board at that particular time.) There's also a notice about something concerning an electrical charge after you match that charged tile, but what that means or does??? The result seems to be bonus points, but not 100% sure. This kind of imprecision can be annoying unless you really like match 3.

Of course, most important is the unfortunate glitches folks are having with this game. Since this is a 4:3 game adapted for wide screen, it's much older than the 2019 giveaway date. The Gamezebo review seems to be from about 2010/11, so it was likely designed for XP, Vista, or Win 7. On the 2019 Giveaway page, some Win 10 users mentioned problems. And a Win 11 user on this page. It appears it's forward compatibility is not universal. Some Win 10 users can get it to work, others, unfortunately, can't. Quoting one solution from 2019: "right click on the program icon, open properties, then compatibility, edit high DPI settings. Select Override the high DPI scaling behavior. Click OK then Apply and finally Ok." But that didn't work for everyone. I definitely recommend playing with your compatibility troubleshooter. One other interesting thing from the 2019 page: one commentator posted this question to someone who had gotten the game to work on Win 10, "Are you running this version of Windows 10?:

Version 10.0.18362 Build 18362."

I'm assuming the questioner was running that version of Win 10 and was not able to get the game to work. And that may be the problem some of you good folks are having too, in that you may also have this version. Well, still worth trying the compatibility troubleshooter. Good luck!

Thanks GGOTD and Toomky.

Reply   |   Comment by mediaman13  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Seems to be working fine for me, but I'm still running Windows 7...

Reply   |   Comment by Delilah  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

By running with compatibility program on Windows 10 64bit, I was able to succeed !!

Reply   |   Comment by Johanne Brunet  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

I set it it up and it ran for me with no problems. Running Win11.

I sent Wabbit an email last week and he never answered but I just messaged him on Steam because he posted some pics of a game he was playing.

He's fine, everyone.. Just taking a break.

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

delenn13, TYVM!

Reply   |   Comment by mediaman13  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit, German version: This game runs without problems.

Reply   |   Comment by 5  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Hello - Downloaded and installed fine on Win 10. Not sure if that is making a difference or not.
It is a cute little game, colorful and cheery. As I'm older (don't care for blowing things up and gore) it is quite charming. Nothing to play for hours at a time, but worth the download. It is also available free on Toomky Games all the time.
Not too helpful for others who can't make it play, but this is my experience.

Reply   |   Comment by snow  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I have it running on Win 10. The only thing I can think of that might be different is that I install these games into a folder that is not protected by the 'Controlled Folders' in Windows security. IE I don't install it in the Program Files folder, I have a second HDD that I created a Games folder on and I install the games there.

Reply   |   Comment by JB  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

All, it appears this game has a chronic issue maybe with Intel graphics chips? Or perhaps this is an unfinished build of the game? From the previous reviews on the last giveaway, there was the same problem for many. It's quite a shame as this is a fun game if it would run fine. I do not have additional hardware to test on to check if it works on similar platforms.

Toomyky Games if you're reading this please check with the developer for an updated build please. I am going to also email Rumbic Studios in the mean time to see what they say about this.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Same here. The game loaded, started and then screen went blank and then closed.

Reply   |   Comment by Sue  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Sue, to get it running ok I had to open the file CONFIG in the installed directory and edit it using notepad or wordpad. Under Video Settings in the config file,

I changed the bool name="force3d" val="0" changed to val="1"
and also:
bool name = "screen_stretch" val="0" changed to val ="1"

I can confirm on windows 10 64bit it then did not crash at load and also did not crash after playing the first level in timed mode (you can select no time limit or timed when creating a player), then no crashes playing a key bonus level (use the arrows on the edges to rotate the board so the key can drop as a hint) and bought something for the city so hopefully that fixes it ok so everyone can play.

It is also recommended to install the game in a path not in the protected areas such as C:\Games\Woodville Chronicles. Its possible that would also cause other problems. In notepad to open the config file you have to just choose file open and change the type of file to open from .txt files dropdown to all files so you can see all the files in the directory (choose config) when you browse to your installed folder. Hope that helps.

Reply   |   Comment by DataDragon  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Will not open "fatal error" Win 10 updated

Reply   |   Comment by Chuck  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Woodville Chronicles also a giveaway on December 22, 2019!
User rating:+26 (87%) -4 (13%) 16 comments

Reply   |   Comment by Johan Ente  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

If anyone is able to successfully run this game, please let the community know how you liked it. Unfortunately when I installed this game and tried to run it, I got as far as the loading screen and then the game quit.

However, there is a short video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsduHEsWfEo

In case one is debating on downloading the game.

This game was also part of a compilation that was sold at Walmart, Staples, etc to name a few. It was called Casual Combo which included this game plus 3 others on one CD. You can find a used copy of this here


I am unsure if it will run on today's computers so ask around.

But for those who can run it today you're in for a nice treat of a game.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+17)

sailorbear510 aka Jason, I had the same experience- game did not run. I am using Win11.

Reply   |   Comment by Nonna Wysguy  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

JB in older comment from last time given away mentions on getting to run: No problems running this on Win 10. I install these games into a Games folder that is not part of the 'Program files', 'Documents' or other 'special user folders'. I think this helps as a lot of these older games can't deal with the new protected folders in Win 10. I didn't do anything else to get it to run (ie no changes to the compatibility mode). Maybe that will help, I will try to check it later when I'm home.

Reply   |   Comment by DataDragon  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

After installing to a C:\Games\Woodville Chronicles path (which still crashed like you on loading screen), I then got the game to run so far by opening the file named config with notepad and making one change below so far only and resaving. You can use wordpad but have to change the dropdown from all wordpad documents to all documents *.* in order to see the config file in order to open.

!video settings
bool name="force3d" val="0"/
!video settings
bool name="force3d" val="1"/

(changing the 1 from 0 is the only change made)

Reply   |   Comment by DataDragon  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Force 3D val 0 to Force 3D val 1 under video settings. (changing the 1 from 0 is the only change made). For some reason the text above didnt show in the comment.

Reply   |   Comment by DataDragon  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

+2 Time Zone __19:43 25/3/2023

sailorbear510 aka Jason, hi .
As Johan Ente said , the game was given away before at Sunday 22-12-2019 .
I had the game installed back then .
The game installed and worked without a problem , under Windows XP .
A few minutes ago , I've found that old installation .
The game worked just fine .
So , about your problem ... may I propose setting compatibility mode
to Windows XP ???
I hope that this setting will solve the problem ...

I did not install the game today .
Maybe today's files have some kind of a problem .
Sorry but I don't have the energy to install the game all over again ...:-(

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Nonna Wysguy, I seen some comments come in through email and there were different solutions on how to address the game crashing. They did not work for me unfortunately so this game for today is a write off.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  Last year  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)
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