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UnReal World 3.14 Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — UnReal World 3.14

UnReal World is a unique low-fantasy roguelike game set in the far north during the late Iron-Age. The world of the game is highly realistic, rich with historical atmosphere and emphasized on survival in the harsh ancient wilderness.
User rating: 252 42 comments

UnReal World 3.14 was available as a giveaway on June 30, 2012!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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You have several attempts to correctly guess color, but will you choose it?

UnReal World, or UrW, is a unique graphical roguelike RPG taking place in the Far North long, long ago. It brings you a realistic game world rich with historical atmosphere in which northern folklore, knowledge and way of life play an important part. The atmosphere and game features are highly original and compelling. The world of the game is based on the ancient Finland in the late Iron Age.

As a member of one of the nine different cultures you'll enter a very realistic and enchanting game world:

  • find excitement in surviving everyday life and the quest for success in the harsh ancient wilderness;
  • play freely or complete various game tasks in a huge randomly generated world;
  • skill-based system including dozens of skills from COOKERY to HIDEWORKING;
  • keep in touch with the indigenous spirit world and the supernatural guardians of nature;
  • packed with intuitive graphics and pictures, original music and sounds.

System Requirements:

Windows 98/ NT/ XP/ Vista


Xing Interactive



File Size:

25.8 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on UnReal World 3.14

Thank you for voting!
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.

Got to say this is one of the best 2d games i have ever played! Im a big fan of games like this where you build up from nothing and end up building houses and gathering food. Kinda reminds me of warm online, but in 2d.

Reply   |   Comment by Bro  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I managed to figure out how to use the game and have been enjoying it.

BUT my main recommendation is to be able to save your game. The only way it seems you can save your game is to save the character and quit. But then if you come back and die, there is no way to load that previously saved character. He is simply gone from the list of characters you can load. I spent hours playing and developing my character only to have him drown as he attempted to kill an injured elk one square off the shore (with no warnings given that he had to get back to land). What a bummer!!

..........................Moderator Comment..................................

Thanks enid

Reply   |   Comment by enid  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I got this yesterday and just had time to set it up before we left for a picnic. Being a 3 day weekend and having all this activities, I just haven't had a lot of time to try these games out.

Have to agree with #37.."just hoping he’ll set aside some time to work on these bugs, rather than just immersing himself in the game world. I believe he’ll understand what I mean, as the English translation so far seemed quite good. To put it another way, I don’t recommend wrapping a precious stone in a dirty rag."

Thanks Enormous Elk, GGOTD and Wabbit....

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

ahh got it Shift+Q for quitting ...

.....................Moderator Comment......................

Yes it is a little convoluted, but once you get it, it's simple. Glad you were one of the community members who persevered and figured it out ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by Duh  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

how the heck do i quit in the middle of the game??

Reply   |   Comment by Duh  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Looks intriguing, BUT seems the developer had done a yeoman's job developing the back story, but ignored basic coding. No controls for volume, which is pretty standard in most of the real world (pun unintended, but appropriate). I have no idea how you exit by pressing esc WR - didn't work for me. If GeneB hadn't mentioned shift-Q I'd still be using Task Manager to escape. And the controls guide says Q is the shut down command, not shift-Q, which I assume GeneB found through diligent trial and error.
In short, this may be a really fine game and I'll probably eventually discover that for myself, but - to me - I wouldn't spend 22 years on my back story and ignore basic user friendly design. That might explain why, as the reviewer you linked to put it, there's only a "small" group of devoted followers to this game. It might be the Finnish setting - but medieval fans are, well, legion - so I highly suspect it's the game's mechanics. I can't speak for hardcore gamers, but maybe I can for newbies, but I think the attraction for most gamers is figuring out a game's intriguing "game" mechanics, rather than it's convoluted operational mechanics.
I'm not trying to be disrespectful to this dedicated developer, just hoping he'll set aside some time to work on these bugs, rather than just immersing himself in the game world. I believe he'll understand what I mean, as the English translation so far seemed quite good. To put it another way, I don't recommend wrapping a precious stone in a dirty rag.
I'm not voting down on this -thanks GGOTD, just hoping the developer will do himself a favor and - after 22 years - address some of these basic design issues.

Side note: since I shut down the game twice from task manager, I can tell you that, at least initially, the game was using up about 415 megs of RAM. Which is certainly not a complaint, just a reference point for those with older computers if they're experiencing erratic performance.

........................Moderator Comment.........................

Thank you for your feedback Watcher.

Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

how to access the access the quit button in the middle of the game to close the game.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks Mod. Your comment on trying a different archiver got me thinking. There is no GOTD wrapper and the file will not extract. I was able to use the more advanced functions of 7zip to convince it I meant business. LOL, I 'opened archive' instead of extracting. This was a first from a GOTD offering. A logic puzzle to solve for access to the installer. After that effort I will be trying the game tomorrow. Peace.

.............................Moderator Comment........................

Cool, glad you got the game working.

Reply   |   Comment by Keith  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I looked at the game this morning, and it seemed a good game. Played a little bit of it, and it will take me some time to get used to it. This is a keeper for me. Thanx!!!

I didn't like the look of the thumbs up/down this morning, three comments, and the thumb down was way more than it should have been. People need to try the game before rating it, instead of giving a thumbs down because it isn't their cup of tea.

..........................Moderator Comment........................................

Thank you for your feedback Louis. That's been one of the problems with the voting system ever since the game giveaway started.

These 'unusual' arcade games always seem to 'fair' badly despite their obvious pedigree. I think many of the community are happy with just a Hidden Object, Time Management or a Match three game rather than something a little different. Virtually every decent indie game ever given away here has never really done very well on the voting side; though you will always see some very appreciative comments from those that do actually spend some time playing those games. For me as long as we get those comments the game giveaway has been a success.

Reply   |   Comment by Louis LaJoie  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I liked the detailedness of the game. But I found that the fact that every command is context sensitive rather confusing, i.e. there are no "universal" commands. Maybe a universal "quit" command for us newbies. I did manage to eventually wander my way out of the game. The other comments were useful in eliminating some confusion. Thanks to Whiterabbit as usual.

..........................Moderator Comment........................................

Thank you for your feedback Marshall

Reply   |   Comment by Marshall Savage  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded the game and have been enjoying learning how to use it. It does take some time, but I don't think it's to the point of uninstalling it. I enjoy learning how to use new software, even those with somewhat of a learning curve.

QUESTION: Has anyone been able to make a fire? Building a fire is NOT one of the skill options listed for my character and I feel quite frustrated. I put quite a bit of time into developing my character and now am unable to progress.

...................Moderator Comment..........................

Hello Enid. It's quite late in the day now. Most users will have been and gone for the day, so I'd consider posting over in the forums as well. I've linked to the appropriate thread in my short review at comment #1

I'd also go to the developers forums where you may find a thread already dealing with the question. If not join the developers forum and post a request for help. The forums do have a following and posts are made regularly. I'm sure some of the dedicated players over there will be able to answer your question. :)

You'll find a post specific to this game HERE.

You'll find the developers forum HERE.

Reply   |   Comment by enid  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Dl'd, installed fine on win7 x64.After playing some hours I suggest you try this out long enough to start to get the feel of keyboard control(rather than mouse,button type input) as it takes awhile to get comfortable with it. Once you've gotten used to it, it's a solid-well thought out game,easily worth the time and effort to learn. Could really use an option choice to reassign keys to a scheme more familiar to user.Other than that it's a good game, promising many hours of diversion.

........................Moderator comment.........................

Thank you for your feedback Bobby. It's a pity that the download numbers for this game are one of the lowest I've seen in ages. It's a pity as IMO it's been one of the better games (despite some of it's perceived shortcomings)

Reply   |   Comment by bobby baker  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Cool, I love roguelikes, read about this game some time ago, but didn't have a credit card at the time. The game looked hard so I did not felt compelled to invest the time in learning all the keys just to play a demo.

My experience at that time:
Started char with fastest option, spawned next to village.
Tried standard roguelike ">" key to enter village. Worked. So far so good.
Inside village, everything looks kinda sparse.
Find another human, go in his(?) direction.
"Bump" into him, nothing happens.
Click "c", which is "chat" in ADOM, nothing happens.
At this point, since it was just a demo, I gave up and uninstalled it.

So, my suggestion:

Put some default automatic actions/options/feedback when you "bump" into stuff. IMHO, is more intuitive.
Bumping into humans could automatically open a chat, without having to click "e", then "T", then the direction.
Or maybe auto open an "social interaction" menu, like, 1-Talk, 2-Stare Menacingly, 3-Smile Suggestively, etc... for people who like to roleplay the silent gruff or rogueish types.
Bumping into a tree could give options related (I just played 5 min, so I don't know if you can chop trees/harvest fruits, but it could auto show a menu if you can).
Also the "choose target" option is unnecessary when there is only one person/thing to talk/interact around you.

I think the important thing is to give the player FEEDBACK when they come across ("bumps",pass over/beside,etc.) stuff, specially in the beginning of the game.
Like, if "bump" into a tree, char says "ouch!".

I mean, this game seems quite complex and full of stuff to discover, but just moving the char around the first time playing the demo it didn't really look like you could interact with most stuff...
And I actually had experience with nethack, ADOM, etc., people who don't probably get even more confused and tired.

Well, that's it, thanks for this promising game.

obs: To other people, download and install the game, then search for "roguelike" to get a grip on how this type of game works.
Don't overlook it just because of the graphics or some interface issues.
This is a pretty unique game, the premise alone should get people who roleplay to try it at least a some hours.

......................Moderator Comment.....................

Thank you for the excellent feedback. I totally agree with you on the graphics and interface issues that some feel are a problem. this is an excellent game with a depth that some games of this type lack.

Reply   |   Comment by pottering  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

thanks for the rpg game.
does anyone know of a first person rpg game?
not the from overhead view but straight on?
examples below
Escape from the MindMaster
Moraff world
Moraff revenge

......................Moderator Comment......................

you could try the latest elder scrolls, or Riven 2. The Witcher 2 is also a superb game and the recently released Game of Thrones. You can also play lord of the Rings Online for free. There are loads more. go check Steams RPG section for a very long list.


Reply   |   Comment by markey marcus  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

................ MESSAGE from the Moderator...............................

Please forgive my lack of moderation today. I had a very poor night so have slept for most of the day since posting my poor excuse for a review this morning. I was really hoping the developer would put in an appearance today; especially so as to explain the game play mechanics. As a few that have previously purchased this game have mentioned; it's not an easy game to get to grips with.

I promise (if you like RPG' s at least) the effort is really worth it. as this game is well made and solid. This is a game that has been in development for 20 years and you can expect a lot of game play that'll last for many months. You do need to spend some time with it, even if you are a regular player of RPG's; but once you've overcome the seemingly difficult start up and managed to developed a character you'll want to keep them alive and well. ;-)

It's definitely not a pick up and play game.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Unfortunately I do not have time to play this today and try it out. But it looks like a great game and I'm looking forward to playing it. I downloaded and installed it with no difficulty though. Just wanted to thank the developers for giving it to us today. It's always exciting to see new developers at game giveaway and this is a game I am unlikely to have found otherwise.

Reply   |   Comment by Abigail  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for your effort to let us try out games for free. However, I'm almost feeling bad, 'cause I have to say, this sektion can't surprice me anymore. Today's game doesn't fir screen at all - even you change resolution. There is an uninstaller, but the after scan with Your Uninstaller showed lots of left overs, I hardly didn't dare to erase. Anyway - tomorrow perhaps bring a surprice. Keep on trying you guys behind GOTD. We all know, you're doin' your very best. Thank you so much. Kindest regards from Denmark...

Reply   |   Comment by Allan  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This may be the worst excuse for a game I've ever downloaded from here! Why couldn't they just say use Shift+Q to Quit? I don't have an opinion on the game itself, the text is too tiny to read.. I can't tell what I'm supposed to do to play.. and when I wanted to just quit and try again later, quess what - there's some secret code to make it stop. Now that I know how to get it off my screen, I may give it another try, but I feel like the butt of a joke!

Reply   |   Comment by GeneB  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by Dani Reyes  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)



That site shows you how to install Wine so that you can play the game on your Mac.

Reply   |   Comment by NuBatman  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I really appreciate GGoD and developers but I personally do not like RPGs so I'm opting out today. I wish everyone a great 4th of July!

Reply   |   Comment by Teri  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I find this game difficult to learn so it is not enjoyable. The combination of bad graphics and real-life pictures is not a good contrast. How about better fonts to make the text more readable. You need a way to exit the game without using the task manager!

I would not buy this game.

Reply   |   Comment by Svock  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#9: "Any directions how to make it run on a mac ?"

In the writeup Whiterabbit generously provided it says UnReal World will run in a Virtual Machine on a Mac or a Linux rig.

Very basically a VM [Virtual Machine] is comprised of 2 parts -- the Host software, which emulates [pretends to be] a PC, & the Guest OS, the copy of in this case Windows you install inside the Host. VirtualBox [virtualbox.org] is a free VM Host app you can try -- Google/Bing for alternatives. For your guest Windows OS you might want to download the win7 32 bit ISO from Microsoft, which unlike most versions of Windows will run as a trial -- otherwise you'll have to buy a Windows license as if you were installing it on a PC/laptop. You could also download/install the win8 preview as your VM if you preferred, but most software & games have not been thoroughly tested in win8 yet. Note that all VM host software emulates a graphics card, & some games require a real one -- while UnReal World's authors say it'll work in a VM, your mileage will likely vary with other games.

.........................Moderator comment.................

Thanks for your feedback Mike

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi,so ein seltsames RPG habe ich noch selten gesehen naja, trotzdem Danke GOTD.

..................................Moderator Comment.........................


Hi, a strange RPG that I've rarely seen; well, thanks anyway GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by vectron  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have owned this game for many years, so I will not be downloading today. I do encourage people to take a look at it. As a roguelike it is hard and the interface can be confusing to work through. But once you've worked through those issues, developing your Iron Age Finnish novice to a self sustaining man of the woods is very satisfying. A thumbs up from me.

...................................Moderator comment......................................

Thank you Doug.

Reply   |   Comment by Doug  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Was anyone able to get it to work on Windows 7?

..............................Moderator comment................................

Yes I got it to work on a win 7 ultimate 64 bit and a Win 7 Pro 64 bit.

Reply   |   Comment by GAOTD Installer  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ok Win 7 x64 Ultimate. Has options to adjust screen size, needed Mode -2 setting for proper full size. Looks like 3 choices for that.
Yes msinly keyboard driven w/ some commands mouse clickable but moves and such are keys. Old school rogue, Ultima style. Guess could have a few fan friends but for casual play it is too horsey. Play field too old style. Like I was supposed to have started in a village but just got bunch of trees to bounce around in. Does take cnt-alt-del 3 finger salute to exit. Thanks GOTD.

..............................Moderator comment...................................

Thank you for your feedback Beergas. I had no trouble exiting from the game. you have to first press escape which brings up the exit screen then you have to press any key.

If you can look past the retro graphics and initial difficult start this can be a very rewarding game. Still, if like me you have all of the latest triple A games and most indie games released over the last several years I could understand how it would be hard to get into. ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good Morning Stephen,
I downloaded today"s GGOTD and decided to uninstall it, but it does not show up as one of my uninstall programs and now I am at a loss what to do to remove it.

I hsve a Windows 7 PC. I also admit that I am not very PC Savy.

Many thanks for your GGOTD website and all the work that you put in to it bringing us these incredible games each and every weekend.
Grace G.

...............................Moderator comment.......................................

Hello Grace, did you use the games uninstaller or windows own uninstaller (or an alternative program). Follow the installation path i posted in comment #1 and manually delete any files left over from the uninstaller 9if there is any. What registry entries that are left behind are not going to impact on the running of your computer. you can try deleting them by using key words such as the name of the game etc using the registry editor (accessible via the regedit command), but if you do that I would recommend creating a restore point, especially if you're new to editing the registry. I've redited my registry for many years and have never had a problem.

Reply   |   Comment by Grace  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Mod: Download link sends a zip file which does not open. Standard GOTD wrapped package is not present.

..............................Moderator comment..................................

Hello Keith. Try redownloading it. also try using a different file archiver. I've had problems using one archiver in the past and found another one would work fine.

Reply   |   Comment by Keith  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Moderator (Whiterabbit I presume), while Pluto's comment has vanished, I must agree that the links Pluto cited still contain an undesired break ( )at the end which results in a 404 error.

.................Moderator Comment.....................

Thank you Leafer. I'm sure I rechecked them all, but will recheck again.


Yeah, I was initially wrong. I really don't know how i missed them the first time I checked them. I'm sure I tried all of the links. Anyway, they have now been fixed.

Reply   |   Comment by Leafer  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

how to switch off unreal world 3.14 when exiting the games.

.................................Moderator comment..............................

Click on the Quit button (below the ancestors button to the top right of the window or top right if playing in full screen)


then click on any button or the the 'Press a Key' button to close the game fully.


Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

ditto for the link in this sentence

"There’s also a FAQ’s and Wiki link on THIS "

.............................Moderator comment.......................

Both links have been fixed ;-) Thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Yard  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This link to the review doesn't seem to be working

" and there’s a good review worth reading HERE "

.............................Moderator comment.......................

Both links have been fixed ;-) Thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Yard  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Any directions how to make it run on a mac ?

Reply   |   Comment by George  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Fully agree with @One Nut!
Thanks GOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by dimon  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

While the concept is very good, and the game play has lots of potential, this game might not be the most user-friendly game ever created. Tons of options and actions, key strokes and multiple case-sensitive directions for each action, it's almost to the point that the simple act of getting your character to do anything really gets in the way of the enjoyment of the game itself. Tried it, but got tired really quickly of having to use a non-intuitive GUI. I'll come back to this game, which has enormous potential, when it's a lot easier to use.

.....................................Moderator Comment.................................

Thank you for your feedback Capp

Reply   |   Comment by Capp  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

..........................Moderator comment............................

Hi Pluto, thank you for your help; however the links work absolutely fine from my end without any changes. I checked to see if there were any breaks and found none. I can't explain why you were getting a problem. No one else has reported this as yet. ??????

p.s. I didn't delete your post so that you could see how your links display.


sorry Pluto, I really don't know how i missed those spaes. The problem has been sorted now. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Pluto  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

whaou ce jeux est vraiment cool, il ressemble a Dungeon Odyssey

[whaou this games is really cool, it looks like a Dungeon Odyssey]

un grand merci a GAOTD que j'adore.
[thank you very much at GAOTD that I love.]

Reply   |   Comment by ziggi  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hopeless. Will not play in full screen and cannot read text in smaller; very difficult to uninstall. This is the first program from GGoD that has caused any problems

..............................Moderator comment......................

Try changing your screen resolution to something smaller. That will increase the size of the games window and text. There is an unistaller if you don't want to keep the game. Not sure whether you meant it wont go to full screen or whether it won't play in full screen. I presume the former. you have to restart the game for Full Screen to take effect. You can see where the full screen button is in the following image:


Reply   |   Comment by Pete  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

What a great and original take on the old school RPG genre. This takes me back to Ultima on my c64.

Reply   |   Comment by One Nut  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a game I actually bought a few months ago. It's quite good, though very different. True, the UI is atrocious but once you get past it, it's an incredible game. I'd say one of its biggest flaws, gameplay-wise, is that if you're to have any hope of survival, you need to get lucky and start near a village where you can buy an axe and fishing nets, because you don't seem to be able to make them yourself and lots of things can't be done without an axe. But it's been a while since I played so I could be wrong.

......................Moderator comment.......................

Thank you for your feedback Kaylakaze, much appreciated. Hopefully your comment will give some impetus to other members downloading and trying this excellent game. I do hope the developer Sami Maaranen makes an appearance and is able to answer the communities questions like last weeks developer. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Kaylakaze  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


UnReal World, or UrW, is a unique graphical roguelike RPG taking place in the Far North long, long ago. It brings you a realistic game world rich with historical atmosphere in which northern folklore, knowledge and way of life play an important part. The atmosphere and game features are highly original and compelling. The world of the game is based on the ancient Finland in the late Iron Age.

As a member of one of the nine different cultures you'll enter a very realistic and enchanting game world

Reference: Accessed HERE 29th June 2012

All images have been copied from the developers site.


The downloaded zip file is 25.8 MB in size and unpacks to a 'read me' document that give you the 'terms and conditions' and information about installation plus a dual activation and set up module. The installed game is in size. If you are new to the game giveaway project all you ‘usually’ have to do is double click (unless you’ve set the clicks to single click) on the module and it’ll install and activate automatically. The installed game is 36.4MB in size. The game installs to the path below.

C:\Program Files (x86)\UnReal World 3.14

However, during the installation wizards progress you are given the opportunity to select your own installation path if you wish; (it's highly recommended, especially if you have a second HDD or a partitioned drive as it will help to keep your system running smoothly - the more you fill your root drive (usually the C: drive), the slower your computer will run – if you’ve got a decent sized hard drive of more than a few hundred Gigabytes it’s always a good idea to partition it into at least two drives so that you can keep the operating system and other essential applications separate from other programs and games.

There is a shortcut installed as well as a Start menu/Programs list shortcut and an uninstaller included; so, if you decide the game isn't for you, it's easily removed.


The game will start when the installation is finished unless you uncheck the 'Start Game' heck box. It starts up in windowed mode.

I’ve tested the game in Win XP 32 bit, Vista Home Premium 64 bit, Vista home Basic 32 bit, Win 7 Pro 64 bit and Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit and the game works well on all platforms with no installation issues. The info on the site doesn't mention Win 7 but italso works on Win 7 as well. (64 bit, not got a 32 bit installation)

The Game:

I'm not going into great detail today except to highly recommend this excellent RPG. You can read lots of reviews via the developers game site HERE, and there's a good review worth reading HERE that covers everything I'd like to have covered myself.

There's also a FAQ's and Wiki link on THIS page of the developers site and you can also find details of the games development and future ideas HERE


As a member of one of nine different cultures you'll enter a very realistic and enchanting game world:1) ... find excitement in surviving everyday life and the quest for success in the harsh ancient wilderness
2) ... play freely or complete various game tasks in a huge randomly generated world

... skill-based system including dozens of skills from COOKERY to HIDEWORKING
keep in touch with the indigenous spirit world and the supernatural guardians of nature
packed with intuitive graphics and pictures, original music and sounds..there are infinite ways to play the game:as a fisherman, a hermit searching for the peace, a brave adventurer, a rough hunter, a trapper or a tradesman etc. Everything is up to you.

System Requirements:

UnReal World RPG runs in: Windows 98/NT/XP/Vista + in Linux and MacOSX with Wine emulator


This RPG game has been in development for 20 years. The game is a labour of love by the main developer Sam Maaranen and a small team of other programmers and artists whove contributed over the years such as Erkka Lehmus and Kaarina Melakoski.

It's not a game everyone is going to like, but before you decide not to bother because it may seem a little retro please do try the game. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the depth of game play. Once you've familiarized yourself with the basics you'll find a deeply rooted game steeped in lore. Once you get into it I guarantee you'll not put it down for a long time (unless you have loads of other games queued up). It's cetainly different from other RPG's that i've played over the past 20 years.


Suggestions and Helpl>

If you have any problems running the game please refer to the FAQ's over in the forums. You can access the FAQ's via the following link:


Also, if you post late in the day you are less likely to get a response from the community so it's a good idea to post over in the forums as well. You'll find a post specific to this game HERE. hopefully someone will reply with advice and or suggestions.

Alawar's free game of the month is still Land of Runes and Realore has a pre release alpha to test so again no free game this week.

Steams weekend deal is every game in the Warhammer 40 000 Dawn of War and Space Marine franchise. With 75% off all games and DLC here's your chance to get all of the series. The latest game is in the third person and in my opinion a big improvement on earlier games (though i love those too). There's 75% off all three of the Penny Arcade: Precipice of Darkness episodes (excellent Point & Click adventures). The 24 hour deal is Midnight Mysteries collection; a collection of four games including Midnight Mysteries, Midnight Mysteries 2: Salem Witch Trials, Midnight Mysteries 3: Devil on the Mississippi and Midnight Mysteries 4: Haunted Houdini. You can get all four games separately or as a pack with 67% off (the complete pack costs £7.66 instead of £22.99 or you can purchase them separately for a few pounds each ($3.33 to $4.66). You can find all of the deals on Steam as well as Gamestop, Gamersgate and GOG via the didimatic site:


You'll also find details of all of the Indie Game bundles (Indie Gala VI and the BeMine 3 bundles) over in the Game Discussion forums:


There's hundreds of arcade games available from sites like Gametop and MyPlayCity but please note that if you get any games from them you need to watch out for toolbar installations and home page hijacks. Just un-check the check boxes. with MPC games you may need to do this every time you boot a game up unless you create a new shortcut from the installed executable.


A Request for helpl>:

Developers rely on good feedback to improve their games. If you download this game please take some time once you’ve played it a while to leave some constructive feedback either positive or negative. The more constructive feedback we get, the more likely developers are going to give more games away. The giveaway site already has a very good standing with the search engines. Developers want their products out there on the WWW, this site has the potential to do that. The game giveaway project gives away on average between 9 to 17 thousand downloads for each game depending upon what genre and how obscure the game is. That’s a lot of homes these games are being downloaded into and a lot of 'potential' cash that’s being lost by the developers. If we get better games because of better feedback, the community are likely to continue to benefit from the generosity of the developers. Satisfied community members are then more likely to visit the home sites of those developers and purchase games that they may not have bothered with before they discovered the developer via the game giveaway site, thus giving the developers more incentives to give away even more decent games.

Please leave some feedback once you’ve checked the game out. It can be positive or negative, but please explain what your reasons were for the feedback you post. You could also leave suggestions for improving the game, for example, this game could do with more block types for the levels editor, add more power-ups, describing the ones you think would be suitable, add some mini games (which seem all the rage in some arcade games now) or enable the user to be able to change the in game music easily.

Thank you in advance to all those who take the time to post a constructive comment.


Whiterabbit aka Stephen


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