Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Underground Dealer was available as a giveaway on June 21, 2007!
In a futuristic decayed urban world, when all economies have fallen, you have to make a living, by selling and buying merchandise.
As a street punk dealer, in a high-tech and crime dominated world, you have to make use of every skill you, to survive until the next day. You have to make as much money as possible, from buying and selling items for a profit. Several marketplaces are available for this. You are not alone, and you will face negative characters. Escape by fight, bribe … or even running away.
As you progress, your goal is increase your rank until you become a street lord.
Your goal is to make as much money as you can, by buying and selling items.
This is when you will stop paying protection fees, and start collecting them instead.
Intel or AMD CPU with at least 500 MHz, 128 MB RAM, DirectX 8.0.
19.9 MB
Play the role of Brian Spencer, a former intelligence agent, against a complex enemy created by an artificial intelligence. You play the role of a former intelligence agent, specializing in computer security. When a chain of events sets off worldwide, leaving critical service disabled, you assume the role a computer hacker to find out what happened and attempt to stop it.
Laptop Battery Monitor, is an intelligent laptop battery monitoring software. It accurately displays an estimated time, until your battery will discharge, or fully charge. You no longer have to worry on how much battery power you have left, when you can have this information in hours, minutes and seconds.
This game is boring not good and not worth downloading.
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will this one was ok but that was in the 80's i see some liked it and even downloaded it too. i'm going on 34 my dad had it on his tandy. i played it and likeked it back then but now naaa no thx. ggotd u can try better come on.oldies. the 80's are over. lol...
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To Belgian Dude: Sometimes your comments, aka reviews?, make me laugh. Today's comments I found to be just plain rude and insulting. When you say that only the intellectually challenged will enjoy this game, I assume you have in hand a professional assessment that indicates that you are not intellectually challenged. From your comments today, if you do have such an assessment, I would question the credentials of the forensic psychiatrist who conducted the testing! Your comments today insult about everyone, and I do you wish you would stick to providing an intellectually sound review of the games offered, instead of an intellectually challenged diatrabe which contributes nothing to the site, the game distributers/developers, or the peoople reading the comments.
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#7, Smarty
Well, your story is VERY essential for us and more intense than the plot of this game.
Would you please continue by telling us the so-far-biography of your friend's daughter including the summary of any educational and/or psychological report about her?
BTW: My grand grandma has revealed recently she won't ever play "fishing trip" because the fisherman reminds her of a later known bank-robber who grabbed at her back in 1920. After that being told I instantly deinstalled the dangerous game...
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What #34 said.
At least this game didn't sneak the adult stuff in without being upfront with it.
All games on this site should be examined fully anyway by you, the parent, before you even let your kids near it (like anything, unless you seriously trust it).
Go ahead and down it for not being a kids game if you must, but this comment area is better used for discussing actual game issues (which you obtain from ACTUALLY playing it) instead of things anyone can gather in less than five seconds of looking at the product.
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Rob(#21): Congratulations on being the One-Millionth person to use this site without having the faintest idea what it is about. The developers WANT to hear criticism so they can see how people feel about their product and if folks are willing to pay the asking price.
That is why they give it away (with limitations---No free upgrade, no tech support, etc.) for one day only. This isn't Christmas. It's business. Fair enough. You can get find some really great software at GOTD.
But did you ever stop to think that it might be all the shiny happy sheep like yourself who are responsible for the long stretches of crap software? When the people running this show see comments like yours, beeping and squeaking your undying gratitude for a piece of junk just because you didn't have to pay for it today, why wouldn't they keep on serving up junk?
I really wish you and the rest of Unconditional Love Choir would gather a little information before running your mouths.
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I wonder if he's actually managed to sell any copies of that awful game. It would be good to know: I figure it would only take me a day at most to reproduce it...
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I hate this kind of game.
I tried it, I didn't like it and I deleted it.
I'm sure there a lot of people that will like it, so I hope you enjoy it.
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Oh boo hoo. This site is not a kids game site. When ONE game comes along that is adult themed, you family people turn up your noses? This site isn't here to provide lame DoubleGames titles for your 5 year olds. It's here for everyone, so stop making your judgmental comments about the content of this game. At least it's not a would-be family oriented mahjong title with nudity in it. (a game from the very company that makes the games your tots seemingly can't get enough of)
Although I am defending this game because I don't see the validity of the empty judgmental comments it's receiving about its theme, I don't think the game is very good. As many others said, Dope Wars is better. Not recommended.
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no thank-you
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Ok, in Software giveaways vwe get 200$ software, here, however, we get 10$ games. And their 10 years old. Sigh,
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Good morning everyone! ;)
I was intrigued when I saw this game on offer today. It downloaded/activated and installed easily - though I found it very odd that it wanted to install itself to C:/ instead of C:/Program Files. Anyway I changed it to my normal games directory under Program Files and all seems well with the installation.
Launching the game, first brings you to a small window to create your profile and choices to either 'Start' or 'Exit' the game.
I found it disappointing (in a BIG way) that I wasn't directed to any kind of 'Help' or 'Instructions' screen - I checked the website also, but still no luck. This is not good at all and a help file needs to be written up for those less savvy in underground dealings. ;)
Clicking 'Start' brings you to a much larger window (though not full screen,) which is the 'Marketplace (one of a few types,) Information.' where you're able to buy and sell your illegal gains, respond to muggings, offer bribes, run, or choose to use any items that you own.
As games are apt to do to make things more difficult - it had automatically thrown me into a dangerous criminal market - and before I knew it, I'd been mugged. :) Moving into another market within the condominiums (only a 2 risk factor) - I was mugged again. I chose to fight (twice!) and simply lost health percentage - so I eventually did the cowardly thing - and ran!
At this point, I just experimented by buying two items. (It was all I could afford!) I chose the 'NeuroX Implant' (recovers health,) and the 'Zerox Energy Drink.' Before I could go any further - I'd been stopped by the police(!) - so I bribed him - and lo and behold - that seemed to work. I suspect a couple of donuts might have worked as well though! ;)
To the right of the screen, are buttons to 'Buy ('Special')Items' or you can click on 'Item Info' before you buy.
At this point, I was still somewhat confused and flying blind - AND only had a remaining Cash Balance of $100, failing health, and I was 73% bankrupt! Arggghhh!!!
There are no other screens, and the game really is NOT that intuitive. Either that, or I'm so honest I just can't work out how to live like a criminal and get ahead. ;-P
You cannot play in full window mode, or even force it to by using the Windows box at the top right of the screen as it has been disabled. Another odd feature.
My final conclusion is that this game is as confusing to play as their other game, 'Hacker Evolution' which I eventually uninstalled because of bug issues. The developers were kind enough to offer a fix, but by that time any enthusiasm I'd had for the game had waned.
There are no graphics to comment on except for a brick wall which is just a background. For for what it's worth, it's a really great graphic.
The music is various techno pieces (Ugh!) and IF I were keeping this game, I'd definitely be replacing it with something more to my liking. However, kudos at least for supplying a choice of music, even if it is ALL techno.
At the risk of sounding like I'm getting old-er, ;) I'm becoming increasingly concerned about the number of games available to our youth that promote illegal dealings, bombings, muggings, bribing police, shooting to kill and now hacking and trading illegal arms as well.
I have to wonder what kind of an impact all this is going to have in 15 years from now, as the games become less and less ethical - desensitizing today's youth to the horrors of these activities in real life.
I know some of the guys will laugh and say that I'm just being a female and a parent and that they (and their children,) know the difference between games and reality - but the cold hard truth is that games and television DO affect the psyche of young children, so much so, that their awareness of these horrors is fast losing its shock value.
That's my 2c err 3c for today! ;)
I'm uninstalling this game, not because of its subject matter (my kids are grown,) but for it's complete lack of fun (for me.)
Thank you Exosyphen Studios for your offer, but no thanks. While it was an extremely generous move on your part, these types of games bore me to death. It IS a plus that it didn't have all the bugs that 'Hacker Evolution' had though. :)
Thanks again GotD for your continuing efforts to bring new software developers to us, so that we can review their game software. I enjoy writing up the reviews, as much as I enjoy playing some of the games that I've downloaded here.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day! ;)
~ Swan
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It's an awesome game! I love it! Thanks GGOD
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Thanks so much Bonnie, #26.
As for todays game, it downloaded and installed perfectly, upon opening asking for a nickname that you are going to call yourself during play. You are then that persona throughout the game, which takes place on an unusual interface for a game, a Windows type menu with the familiar Windows buttons and message alert sounds, which is ironic as I am in no doubt that the themes of the game are worlds apart from images with which Microsoft wish to be associated.
The game is all about buying and selling commodities in order to make profit and whilst in essence this sounds like a good way of learning business skills whilst indulging in a game, use the skills in real-life and you'll be practising your new-found skills in prison. You see you are a drug dealer who buys and sells various substances and other questionable items such as cloned credit cards, CCTV image scramblers or injections that will affect the nervous system in order to make some moolah.
Every so often, to enhance game play, a message pops up about an "incident" that has taken place - an example title of such incident is "A junkie stops you".
Are these really lifestyles that we want to be promoting? There is no age limit on this site, you don't even have to give your first name and email address in order to download from here, so impressionable children or adults who cannot distinguish between fiction and real life have instant access to a game that is saying it's OK to deal drugs. Nowhere in the game are there any warnings or legal notices, even on TV shows there are watersheds for protection. I read recently about a boy who had played a computer game that involved killing others; that was his defence when he murdered one of his classmates.
The game itself is not bad, it does make you think in a business manner and you have an "inventory" to manage. There are different areas to which you can go so you have to make decisions that will affect how much money you have. Music is a big part of the game and you can flick through tracks during play to choose the one you want to listen to. The game itself is a bit pointless as you can just go on and on and on - there is no goal or ending.
If the game was of a different theme, such as a task of Donald Trump's "The Apprentice" then it would be quite a good concept. But dealing drugs? It wrecks lives and causes death - these types of games at the very least should have an age limit as they glorify lifestyles that impressionable players could so easily start believing are OK to adopt outside of the world of games.
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The most attention I will give this game is to read everyones comments.I realize that there are all types of games out there, but personally I find this type of game and the realistic killing games extremely offensive.I see no need to even create them.The real world is bad enough without indulging in a fantasy crime world..but thats just my opinion....perhaps tomorrow will be a better game.
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Oh my! Certainly don't want this game, god bring back DG's if need be but please not this game.
Thanks but..Ahh :!:
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Musica and Merril - go to Forums under Nuclear Ball. I fixed mine.
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Oh wild. I was thinking about Dope Wars a couple days ago. I like this adaptation.
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The moment I saw the name of the game I was excited, simply because it's finally something different from the DG sludge. However, after playing for a little bit, I have found myself disappointed. This game would be SO much better with a story-line and actual goals, but instead it is just a pointless grind without rewards. While not a complete waste of hard drive space, I'm going to have to give this one a 4 out of 10 and a thumbs down.
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My first thought in reading the description was, "Hey! That sounds a lot like Dope Wars!"
And I'm right. But at least it's a game with some sort of substance... no pun intended.
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#17 I have been genuinely out of my mind about this and had little sleep last night because I felt so bad - I am so very sorry for what has happened. The day after Nuclear Ball was offered on here, Urse Games offered a fix for level 29 that I installed; when running the original version it then let you go past level 29 without the registration being affected at all. Because this worked for me I had no idea that this error would occur for anyone else - why should it? I cannot tell you how sorry I am, I am shocked that it did this as it certainly did not do it to mine.
To get the original, unlimited version back click on Start (on the bottom left of the screen) and go to All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore and put your pc back to 2 days ago, before you installed the fix. I have tested this on my own pc and it will give you back the unlimited version immediately.
I have emailed Urse Games to find out why this has happened and if they will offer a fix that will not destroy prior registration. As I say, it worked fine for me the day after Nuclear Ball was offered - I really am so sorry, System Restore will get the original version back though.
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Crikey's people be happy ITS FREE !
Have you ever thought that its because of you people are never happy with the game thats on offer that all the good games dont get posted up ? Simply because they dont want to here yas all whine about how hard the game is or how big the download is or how long it takes to download .
Nice game I like it and am happy with it unlike these other sods.
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PPS: if you want to spend some couple of dollars paying for a management game and don't think it is suitable to play a druglord, then may I recommend
It's tongue in cheek. Suitable for kids as well as adults.
Unless you are one of those that think that you're loving god would be offended by you playing a game that has witches and magic.
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looks like another themed hacker game. it looks good and plays well but its just not my type of gaming
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I will NOT even try this one. YOU have got to be kidding! A game that wants you to be a drug dealer....
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Has anyone found a way to "un-fix" Nuclear Ball, so it's not limited to 60 days? Sure could use some help here.
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I remember playing games like these on my Apple II and thinking they were cool in the 80's. But you have to be kidding me to play something like this in the modern day! Don't waste your time, play any number of games that combine words with actual graphics and provide something for you to do rather than see "you were unsuccessful, you lost 15% health".
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This is definitely a game with a difference. No graphics apart from the page you are presented with at the start of the game. It reminds me a little of the text based adventures that were all the rage 20 years ago. And that's where I'd put this game although it's not exactly a 20 year old game, lol.
No screenshots today because the only computer I have screen capture software installed on is being used by my wife for some important research, it being the fastest and easiest to use. Anyway I digress.
If you're not bothered by the lack of graphics this game will be a welcome change from many that have been offered recently.
The basic story line is: You move between five market places buying and selling items from a menu. The cost of each item will differ depending upon how risky the market place is that you are in at present. You change between market places via a drop down menu.
Each market place has a particular risk factor. By buying the items that are given a higher % of possible profit and a lower price, which is also dependant upon which market place you purchase from, you can build up a sizeable profit.
You will be challenged frequently, in which case you have several options including bargaining, bribing fighting and running as well as dropping the items you are holding (which you will have just purchased, so if you intend going to a risky market place I wouldn't fill up totally, especially if you're a runner, lol.
Thats about it apart from what's been said in the introduction to this game above.
It's a pity the game didn't have at least 'still' images interdispersed with the choices you make. They would have added at least some atmosphere to this game. (maybe it has, but I didn't play it long enough.... I decided I'd much rather go into the Shadow of Chernobyl and get some good FPS action instead.
Some of the music is okay. There are 5 tracks that you can click on to progress to the next. There's also a volume control, so you can turn it of totally if you wish. The music files which can be found within the game folder are MPEG 3 layer files, so if you have a converter to convert your favorite music, you can get those songs playing in this game. You will have to rename the songs to the default songs within the folder though.
Happy gaming folks
I personally am not going to keep this because I have hundreds of games that I'd rather play, but before you listen to me, I'd check it out first, you may actually like it. It's one of those games you can play for a few minutes or longer, then save it till you're in the mood again.
2 out of 10 one of the lowest scores I've given so far...but that's in my opinion only...as I said you should at least try it before you go. (according to some there are already games similar and better than this on the market, but I've not seen them. I don't think it's worth $10 though, especially when I've just bought Call of Duty 2 for the equivalent of about $12 (which for those who don't know the game, was a block buster first person shooter from about 18 months ago. CoD 3 has just been released (I think) on X-Box. Also you'll find much more interesting games in the bargain bins at you're local superstores.
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PS: it doesn't even un-install properly
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Issue 1: date of release and version number
Here's a random grab of places where the game is available for download (no, it doesn't automatically start downloading anything, I never put up links that do that. If it does for you then there is something messed up with your browser)
Notice the version number as well as when it was launched?
Issue 2: Not everyone has cable - ADSL - T1 - T3 connections
A download of 21 MB for 20 MB of techno (and yes it's techno) music
Issue 3: Game data makes the game
Actually game data equals less then 5 KB. In other words the intellectual capacity of even Paris Hilton is higher then there is data in this game.
Issue 4: programming skills
Just like the ones programming 'Hacker evolution' and 'Mindlink 2005 Underground' the person programming this self-indulgent waste of space couldn't program himself out of a cage made of 1 soaked 2-ply papertissue. Don't take my word for it, just go and examine the contents of the game folder and the sub-folders. It's scarey to see.
Issue 5: game play = intellectual challenge
It truly does, if you're intellectual challenged yourself for the rest of us it is less challenging then making the weekly shopping list.
Issue 6: Originality
As some already commented on it's someone's variation of DopeWars. With a couple of changes. It is more predictable, less entertaining, less inspired, and OVERPRICED.
Issue 7: 9.95 USD = the price is right, is it?
For that amount of money I could perhaps be persuaded to play it for a minute or 5. Me paying them? ROFL
Issue 8: Story telling
Issue 9: Humour
Issue 10: in game graphics
Consist of some variations of a couple of pictures
-This is a version 1.0 that is barely out of the alpha test phase.
-It's made by yet again someone that thinks that everyone will so much enjoy their music that they won't mind that it is the majority of the entire download/install.
-For this game the music alone is more then 90% of the entire game. If you like techno then you can get some free tracks. But then again, anyone installing it would be getting those even if they never registered.
-It lacks everything you could think of to label it a commercial games. If it was something made by a 12 year old I might consider it a nice first try. If a student would present this to me as a demonstration of his skills in grade 9 I would fail him and hold him back a year .... minimum.
If you still think this is a great game then do yourself a favour
Download 1.4 MB (doesn't have 20 MB of mp3's - does have everything 'underground dealer' lacks except for graphics)
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The idea is original, but after a while it's seems to me rather boring. So in a scale from 0-10 I give the program 6 points.
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how do i increase my rank?
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So it's a PC version of DopeWars, big deal. Sure the prices change in real-time, and it's cute that you need to use some of the drugs and whatnot to restore your health, but so what? It's still basic DopeWar mechanics, w/o the random events that makes the big waves in prices. And not enough variation on the prices. Unless there's something I seriously missed, this game is BORING. At least in DopeWars you have a 30 day limit to try to make as much money as possible. Not even a time limit in this game, it seems. And what's with the "borrow the wrong amount and lose the game" mechanics? Sorry, this game ain't worth $5.
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Does anyone know if this is a graphics version of Drug Wars that was popular about 6 years ago?
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At last a decent game...thx GAOTD
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This game looks good but I won't download it though.
Because if my friend's daughter might scream!
That's because one year ago:
She was walking with her father on a Saturdayy afternoon at a busy marketplace.
And somehow she got lost.While she was looking around for her father she saw this weird man doing something like trading guns or doing something like bribing someone or so she told me.She ran and screamed and bumped straight into her dad who was desperate to find her and scared what his wife might cry all night long.
She's really scared of those street gangs.She dosen't know who they are but knows what they do and is terrified of them.
And since I let her play on my computer.It's best not to download this game or she might scream!
Thanks anyway though!
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It's really too easy and doesn't have that much features...In less than 300s, I had more than 3000$...
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How do you play the game?
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I gave it a good try. Not good like Hacker Evolution. I'd play this when I'm waiting for something to load on my workstation or whatever.
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First time since weeks: this game looks nice, im gonna try it.
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This is fantastic game! I used to play this all the time. Thank you GGofD!
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hmm.....seems nice.....i'll giv it a shot...4 the first time.....thx ggaotd
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