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Troll Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Troll

Fantasy arcanoid clone game with hi-color graphic, efects, sounds and monsters. Vile orcs came from the north and built powerful castles to enslave defenceless villagers. Poor king Uterus unable to fight the evil had to flee to the exile. After many days walking he met brave troll warrior who agreed to help little people to destroy dark castles and all terrible monsters.
$14.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 129 46 comments

Troll was available as a giveaway on November 28, 2009!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Manage to frustrate the plans of mean Duchess and to save the Crown Prince.

Became a brave troll warrior and save little humans from orcish tyranny in a beautiful fantasy adventure.

The quest will take you through six lands from green plains, across the mysterious swamps and desert, through snowy mountains and dark horror forest to the terrible wasteland, the home of orcs. You will have to defeat many foes and face hideous and powerful creatures to finally fight the freedom for peaceful people from the Plains.


  • new concept advancing and expanding good old arkanoid destruction...
  • performed in a cute fairy graphics...
  • accompanied with beautiful music...
  • powered by engine with many visual effects...
  • running in 800x600 in Hi/TrueColor...
  • with 6 completely different scenarios...
  • divided into many levels ordered into the adventure campaign...
  • infested with 40 monsters...
  • and 5 hideous bosses.

System Requirements:

Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/2003/XP, 400MHz CPU, 32MB RAM, DirectX 9.0


Xing Interactive



File Size:

10.7 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Troll

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This is one of the first games that I've noticed are somehow corrupt. Lately, this and the latest couple after this either have issues with "display not loading" or the .exe simply failing to work. I really don't think it's my machine.
It always seems to be these high graphic games. Troll, ATD, Gregory Phoenix, Strateg....and any concerns I have about them not even firing up go unanswered. Rakeinthegrass's email comes back as non-exsistant.
I waste my time downloading these games for no reason. Surely I can't be the only one experiencing these problems.
How about fixing this issue?


I try to answer everyones queries wherever possible. As you seem to be the only person experiencing these problems its almost certainly your computer thats at fault. Have you tried updating your video drivers? Also, many of Rake in Grass's games use OpenGL as the default graphics program, so try reinstalling the latest copy. You can download it via the following link:


check out the discussion forums as well:


Reply   |   Comment by Buskieboy  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i am terrible at "Troll"...having said that...i still find myself replaying it since a prior giveaway...

switching from mouse to keyboard seems to work better (for me)...and my inability to get to the powerups, etc., make the game different each time (i still haven't completed a game, due to either lack of skills, lack of patience, or both...)...my guess: anyone who is able to complete the game will find it replayable...

GGOTD is a family-friendly site, however, don't most game sites have something that is offensive to everyone?...the cartoon nudity & other "Troll" humor are sophomoric, but mild compared to many games...and GGOTD has the benefit of both Whiterabbit & other community members reviewing & commenting...you can choose to not install, uninstall, or password protect...

my mom---82, small town, and not a great one for anything slightly "risque" (her word of choice)---wandered in & peered at the screen...she just laughed it off as "dumb"...even the "King Uterus" controversy...

the music is only noticeable to me at the start & between levels...during play i am too busy with a flying fireball belching dragon, rats, ghosts, & whatever else wanders around to notice...

the game has the usual 300AD rich colors...

300AD games are quirky, zany, unusual, fun...and appreciated...tho' they definitely aren't for everyone...lol...

thank you 300AD & GGOTD...

special thanks to Whiterabbit for continuing to volunteer at GGOTD...it must take a toll, & we all benefit from his gift...

....moderator comment....

Thanks and yes it does. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Violet4714  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I installed on Vista 32bit, and it works fine, weird game play, quirky but you have to admit, it's fun looking back on these old games, thanks for the freebie. Always worth a look everyday, just to c what is about.

Reply   |   Comment by Popz  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded & installed OK on Win 7 x64 & installed OK on Vista x64. However, there seems to be a serious problem with the character set. All of the menus are completely unreadable on Win 7 & partially unreadable on Vista. The menus show separate lines but the individual characters look more like hen scratching. The labels for the castles etc. were quite readable however. Your posted video gave me a good idea of the game play. I haven't had these character set problems on other games that have appeared here.

Get well. I enjoy your comments.

Reply   |   Comment by Marshall  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I didn't like this. I got bored really quickly with it and it took aaaaages to finish a level. I only kept playing so I could see if the rest of it would be different kinds of game play. Next one I tried was the same, only a lot, a LOT, harder and I couldn't keep up even if I had tried. Thankfully I lost pretty quickly, and having lost interest in playing anymore, closed the game.

And then my monitor shut down. Like, completely went out. The computer was running like it should, the monitor just wasn't showing anything. I had to set the laptop to hibernate and then turn it back on again and everything was back to normal, monitor and all. It MIGHT be unrelated but I'm not about to try and start this game again. Because it might NOT be unrelated, and it's not worth it for a game that I didn't even think was fun.

Also, 'King Uterus'? That's just not funny. I don't find it offensive. Just stupid. Kind of like Jackass on tv.

(Maybe it's my punishment for having had two games in a row go under my nose that I was interested in and forgot to install before time ran out.)

Reply   |   Comment by Angrboda  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I passed when I saw this offered again; sorry but the humour seems to escape me.
School boy sniggering over female body parts is rather sad.
(And WHY female, why is the king not called a MALE body part???
(even then I still would pass)
Sorrry I never vent but this is just wrong.
Stephen hope that you are going to be ok, VERY sorry to hear of your latest health problems...
take care..

..moderators comment...

They are ongoing, and all part of the initial problem from when I was hit by a speeding car. Thanks for the thought; it's appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by Merri  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

played for 10 minutes and then deleted it.
Takes too long to destroy a castle, same thing over and over and
same sounds over and over.

ok i guess if your 6 or 7 years old.

Reply   |   Comment by me again  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Full frontal Male Nudity on level 2 (top-right-most level after level 1) is a bit much!! I though just "bums" but no. I little too much!! Game was uninstalled

Reply   |   Comment by ncmacasl  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"King Uterus"?! Who is the idiot who decides character names in this game, anyway? Does he/she have sex on the brain? If this game is as lame as the king's name, I think I'll pass.

....Moderator Comment.....

Hi Frank,

You'll find a sense of humour streaked through most of their games; that's all it's meant to be. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Frank Molnar  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not my type of game so I didn't bother although the content issues wouldn't bother me. I would suggest to the distributor that some mention of nudity be included in their description to avoid some of the hoohaw. There is no mention at their site either.

WR hope some of this medical stuff is at least helping the situation :) It has been a long hard road for you.

Wish I could join you guys on the forums but I am unable to set up an account there. Probably because my email of choice is an 'info@..' one.

.....Moderator comment.....

Hi Lonni, you could set up a free hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail account just to register on the forums. :). As yet the Medics haven't a clue. I've been sent from one specialist to another with no resolution in sight. When I try to offer them my opinion I get a look of amazement mixed with disgust; (despite my own medical training {worked in intensive care for a year} and my first degree incorporated physiology )

Reply   |   Comment by Lonni H  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ok Win 7 Ultimate 32 bit. Keys moves ok if takes a second to get the
grasp. Mainly hold down up arrow key & move side to side, block the
dragon fireballs back upward. Swipe at bad things.
Mouse is more fun but it's very jerky when moving. Easy to do the killing w/ with LMB but the blocking is poor with mouse. Just did first level. Opeions for music/sound. Makes a desktop icon. Fairly
dopey game but will try a few levels since like Rack games.
White Rabbit hope ya get better quick. Steam baths, Dead Sea salts,
etc. to keep limber when healing.

Reply   |   Comment by Frank Graham  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Can't connect to install. That's OK, this looks like a loser game anyway. I think some of the comments are well founded. The game side has sucked for a long time now. It offers only repeats or games that no one wants. I used to come here every night wondering what great game would be offered. Now I hardly care anymore. I guess that is the problem with the site now. No one cares anymore.

Reply   |   Comment by gpc111  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just another mention about the Steam deals. they have changed over and you can now get Left for Dead for £6.24, Order of War for £7.49 (both 75% reduction, plus other games for sale are Borderlands (33% off only released one month ago), Ghostbusters (US only),Spore, Resident Evil 5, City of Heroes and Trine. All of which apart from those already marked, are 50% off.

You require the free Steam client to be able to purchase these games. If you buy Left 4 Dead, let us know via the Steam giveaway group over in the forums as I'd love to play a coop game with other giveaway members. I rarely play online, but Left 4 Dead is one of those games thats really good for online play. :)

You can download the client and check out todays bargains (remember it rolls over to the next bargains tomorrow at 4pm GMT) here:


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey whiterabbit, Hope you feel better we need your comments!!

.....moderator comment.....


Reply   |   Comment by GAOTD Installer  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wonderful game !!
why all the boos

Reply   |   Comment by GAOTD Installer  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Doesn't seem to work on my version of Vista. :( I installed it on my netbook, as it's the only thing I have XP on. I just have to use my bifocals to see it. (Sucks getting old) I like the quirkiness and humor.

Reply   |   Comment by Trish  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Arrrgh. I usually play games windowed, and this one has a bug that just breaks the whole thing for me. The bug is when windowed, the mouse is not restraint to the window, so when I click to slash or right click to block, sometimes the mouse goes outside of the window and I end up getting a right-click menu or something. That totally ruins this game for me.

The game itself: graphics aren't that appealing, sounds average. Gameplay is very unwieldy, as the character doesn't move in a constant motion. And who's heard of an arkanoid where the ball hurts the paddle? Given this is a try at a different type of gameplay, you can't blame them for the inconvenience. Moving on, I find the game too cluttered. A regular arkanoid doesn't have life bars except ball counters. Of course though, this game isn't regular. I don't know, but there are just too many sprites everywhere. On the level select screen, there are so many levels to choose from but no clear indications of where to start. It took me five minutes to figure out where the first level actually is.

Overall, I think this game is sort of a mess. If they'd brushed up on the basic gameplay and given some clear hints, it'd make this game much better. 3/10

P. S. Is it just me or is almost everything on this page bolded? I think someone's comment is lacking an end HTML tag.

...moderator comment...

html tags don't carry on from one comment to the next. I know what you mean about it looking bold. I can hardly distinguish between the normal and bold lettering, which is a pain. It's been like this since we got the update.

I also found the windowed mode unplayable. I should have mentioned that in my review, but I rarly play in windowed mode. thanks for bringing it up.

Reply   |   Comment by GMMan  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well I am surprised that my comment #24 was deleted. It was a general comment not directed at any particular individual, but no big deal I guess. I now see that this place is quite sensitive and why some are offended by the so called adult content in this game. That being known to me now, I will be more careful of my comments in the future.
Have fun all.

....moderator comment...

Hi John, no offense was meant, but the comment was directed at a particular community member (even though there was no name mentioned). Standards have to be set. I actually agree with what you said, but it's not for these comments. Sorry if you were upset by the omission)

Reply   |   Comment by john  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hope your health improves soon. Get well Whiterabbit. Thank you.

.....moderator comment.....


p.s. did you get L4D2? if so we must have a game.

Reply   |   Comment by michaelkelleherthename  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi vnutu,

The giveaway team are limited to those software houses that are willing to allow over a thousand licenses to go for a nominal fee. I'm sure you’ve noticed that many game distributors are now offering free games. Most of the big name games are also selling at unbelievably low prices compared to a few years ago. When this site first started, arcade games were selling for nearly $20, and it was rare to see any games offered for free anywhere else. Now you can find free 'decent quality' arcade games everywhere.

The giveaway team is trying their best to get quality games. IMO, they have done an admirable job. We've had some excellent games over the past several weeks since the giveaway team returned.

Sorry you feel so hard done to with respect to not getting the games you want. I suggest you go purchase some like I do. (I buy three or four games every week). Sorry to be a little off with you, it just annoys me when I see posts such as yours. This is and always has been a free site, where many community members do appreciate the ‘rubbish’ you seem to believe we’re getting.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've tried from mirror and with Returnil on. Everythings was OK.

Then I tried again without Returnil and I've the same old message.

Really, very strange! Ok this game seems to be not for me. Next!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Wot@n  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

sorry, no advertising here; and no you don't have the right......

Reply   |   Comment by F.Misle  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

As for the game, I downloaded this on one of the previous times it was offered. I assume this is the same version.
It's not a bad game. It should be enjoyable to a wide spectrum of people.
.... edited.........To each their own I guess.

....moderator comment....

sorry John, had to remove the comemnt directed to someone

Reply   |   Comment by john  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey whiterabbit/Stephen

Very sorry to hear of your medical issues. Take some time and be well.
You do a great job here. Take care of yourself.

Reply   |   Comment by john  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Is this site ever going to offer games that are worth playing again?

it seems like there has been nothing but junk offered here, for a little over a year now. I rarely make any comments here, but perhaps it's time that those of us who have been visiting the website since it's inception start speaking up about the quality of what's been being offered here.

Why don't you try to attract WORTHY software offerings instead of this junk that would have been appropriate 20 years ago?

This site is becoming laughable.

....moderator comment....

You next comment was deleted. It was totally out of order and very ignorant. I'd really like to make a personal comment, but wont as I'd just be dropping down to your level.

Reply   |   Comment by vnutu  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've tried all the solutions here posted, several time. Nothing is changed. It's the first time that it's happened and my configuration is always the same.

...Moderator comment...

I'm out of ideas, sorry. Perhaps try again later. Did you download from the mirror site? if not you could try that.

Reply   |   Comment by Wot@n  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I got this one last time it was offered and although I do like rake in grass games this one didnt stay on my system very long. sorry but thimbs down from me just for overall game play not being real good.

Reply   |   Comment by dewgrl2511  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If you haven't checked out the game discussion forums recently and are looking for some recently released games follow [url=http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/forums/topic/6603][b]THIS[/b][/url] link to find some amazing Thanksgiving bargains on Steam, Direct 2 Drive and Stardock. Games that were only released last week such as Left 4 Dead 2 have 25% off, other games that are no more than a couple of months old have upwards of 75% off for example Majesty 2 a sumptuous looking fantasy rts. (real time strategy) game. Batman: Arkham Asylum was 50% off the other day, but that ones gone now. If you're into city building simulations Cities XLed edition that was released several weeks ago is 50% off, plus there are loads more offers over Steam and the other two mentioned game distributors. If you’re a gamer check all three places NOW. Madballs in: Babo Invasion is only £2 or $2.

Today’s deals change over to new deals in around 3 hours, so go check 'em out now.

You won’t regret it as there's something for everyone. Direct 2 Drives deals last until Monday. On Monday they will be posting something very special, though if you live in the UK it's being posted later tomorrow. Just follow the link above or [url=http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/forums/topic/6603][b]HERE[/b][/url]

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded the game as instucted on giveaway of the day but when it came time it wanted a registation code and game give away did not provide it how would i get it so i can have the full version does anyone know

......Moderators Comment......

That's very strange. Try redownloading it from the appropriate link (Your not following the link to Rake in Grass's site then downloading the demo are you?) and reinstall. you'll probably have to manually delete the first installation.

Reply   |   Comment by ladyred_40  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

On 2 different computers, with different kind of connection, different firewall, same problem:

on setup a message from GAOTD: Failed to connect. Please try again later.

As I've posted at #6. No solution.

....Moderator comment.....

If it's occuring on all your computers it's more than likely your router or Modem, though you may need to clear the cache on all your computers as well. Did you try the suggestions i made earlier - that is reboot the modem and router. This often solves such problems. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Wot@n  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Woho...i had a demo of this game for a while, but kind of forgotten about it. I'm very happy i got the full version of the game since it's quite funny and fun to play.

Reply   |   Comment by MIHAc  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yes, it works on Win 7. Music not that bad. I don't recommend it to be played fullscreen because the graphics spread out. Other than that it's good.

@ Wot@n
I also got the same error and I tried again The first time my security program ( KIS 2010) wanted me to give permission to the setup. I allowed but nevertheless it couldn’t connect. So, I tried again. This time Kaspersky wanted permission for a temporary file which is obviously related to the game’s installation. I allowed again and the installation was successful.

It runs on Windows 7, it’ll most probably run on Vista too.

.....Moderator Comment.....

Thank you for letting us know. :). Ahmet, sorry, I accidentally deleted the last comment you made. Can you repost it. Thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by Ahmet  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

....personal comment removed...... Uterus is a correct term whether it's used as what it is or not...it's not a slang word...which by the way, if they wanted to be offensive could have used much worse. Most kids, even in religious schools, are around or seen nudity, sexual references, cussing and much more. Have you watched cartoons lately? Most of the content in those are much much worse.

As a matter of fact being on a "high horse" and acting that way pushes children into doing things....just because you don't like it or approve. Something to think about next time you turn your tv, computer, or radio on....and before opening up any book...even the good old bible has what many consider objectionable material in it.

A simple comment of "this game isn't for me" or "I will pass because of content" would have sufficed just fine....better yet not leave a comment at all. ......personal comment removed.......

Reply   |   Comment by Orchid  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


The game looks fun, though I did expected to hear its music through the video you put in the first comment. I couldn't find it's video on the net. Anyway, I don't understand why so many thumbs down, maybe I'm weird loving arcades.

I'm running Windows 7, I'll inform whether the game runs or not on it. Btw, I like the humour in king's name =)

Moderator comment:

I created the video the last time the game was given away, but couldn't remember my You Tube account name so never uploaded it. I placed it in a backed up copy of TROLL, which I found this morning. I wanted to refresh myself as o what the game play was like because I've not played it for quite some time. Anyway I uploaded it to my photobucket account because I couldn't find a video either. A video is so much better than a written description or still images. It can really show what a game looks like while playing and hopefully if the bandwidth is enough it'll last throughout the giveaway. (I may upload it to one of my other accounts just in case. :lol:) Thanks in advance for letting us know that it'll work or not in Win 7.

Reply   |   Comment by Ahmet  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed and played fine on XP sp2.
It is a little bit repetitous, but it's nice to play and have to work to beat a level.
I really like Rake in the Grass games (and their graphics), and this one didn't disappoint.
Thanks for giving me another great time-killer, GGOTD!

P.S. Hope you get some relief, wrabbit. :) Thanks Molly, the extra sleep was much needed; I've been chasing my tail for over a week due to staying up all weekend last week.

Reply   |   Comment by Molly  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Cheeky, mature, and funny. I enjoyed it despite the rough edges.

Reply   |   Comment by MercuryPDX  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

......Removed personal comment ....... Yes it is somewhat juvenile, but it is a new take on a breakout. It shows some real creativity and if it gets a little crass, so what! .....personal comment removed....... It is a fun game, well done and certainly worth keeping if the humor is to your liking. It will stay on my system without question!

Mod comment:

The personal comments that were removed were pretty mild,but it was obvious who the comment was directed at. Constructive comments are acceptable though. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Spooky  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sorry Mike, I'm trying to discourage comments directed at other community members unless they are constructive. Although your comment wasn't rude, it was cutting to the bone a little too close. ......Comment deleted.......

.......Moderators comment......

Please would the community refrain from making negative personal comments against other community members? We are all entitled to an opinion no matter how it may seem, absurd or not. I will be keeping a more vigilant eye open for personal comments as I think they are detrimental to this comment section. Let’s keep the standard high. Thank you in advance. I realize how satisfying it can be to comment against someone’s perhaps misguided comments, but we’re here to get free games, hopefully enjoy them and then write comments about the game. As I said in comment #1, this is a game that you'll either like or absolutely dislike. Although I do disagree with the comment that was made, it’s not right that we should flame the community member.

Reply   |   Comment by mike studyform  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi dpasje,
From previous comments last time it was given away there may have been problems running it on Vista, but as with many games, sometimes they work on a particular system sometimes not.

To Wotan, try clearing out your internet cache and rebooting your modem, and if you have one, your router.


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

is this working on vista?

Reply   |   Comment by dpasje  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

On setup: Failed to connect. Please try again later. ??

Reply   |   Comment by Wot@n  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sorry my other comment had typos, I got a bit upset due to game contents.

Reply   |   Comment by Skye-hook  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wish I had read comments 1st! Due to the really grooss and low name of King & the nudity & mooning, AM UNINSTALLING! And yhes, I MEAN to shout! Shame on RakeInGrass!

Reply   |   Comment by Skye-hook  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Wouter, isn't that the case with most arcade games. I'll grant you, the game play is actually quite difficult at first, but once you get used to the keys, and know which bonuses to avoid or pick up, this is quite a challenging game. As for the graphics, I agree to a point, they look a little messy, but this is quite an old game. I'd actually say they are quirky rather than messy graphics, but for me it this that adds to the game play :)

I'm sure as already mentioned above that this is going to be one of those games you'll either love or hate. I do think its worth persevering with it though. Don't let your initial feelings about this game put you off. I didn't like it the first few time I played it, but persevered because of the breakout link (one of my favorite arcade genres) and now think its a really good game. :lol:

Besides, how could the developers of games like Jets and Gun, Archibald's Adventures, Undercroft and Crystal Caves make a bad game, lol.


The bandwidth for photobucket images and videos is quite small, so, depending upon how many community members look at the video I've embedded above, it may disappear sometime today. I've posted it to a different account to the images, so hopefully they will continue to show. :)


If you're offended by the cartoon depiction of nudity and the use of anatomical names of parts of the reproductive organs you may not want to download this game. Personally I think its all meant to be tongue in cheek (though I was a little wary of the use of some words in the introduction to Jets n Guns (another game by this developer) due to having children who had access to the game. I do think the words used in todays game are less obnoxious. When my daughter saw this the last time it was given away she asked what the word Uterus meant. That gave us an ideal opening to explain about reproduction; something which I personally think is much better learned from your parents at a young age rather than hear it second hand in the play ground. Still, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Please just remember, this is JUST a game.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Has a go at this game the last time offered and stopped playing after a day: messy gamepaly, unappealing graphics and a very repetetive gameplay.

Two thumbs down.

Reply   |   Comment by Wouter  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Troll: (~7Mb)


I’ve not got time to re write my previous comments on this game, nor to write a new review. An appointment to see a thoracic surgeon yesterday has left me totally blitzed. (I had to see him due to a loss of 3 inches to my vertebral height over the thoracic region of my spine (due to breaking my spine in four places, which has impacted on my breathing) so I’ve just cut and pasted the previous comments I’ve made. This game received mixed blessings when its been given away previously; name of the king in the story line behind this game is King Uterus, (obviously a males humor); plus there were other negative comments about the graphics and the use of a cartoon nude that momentarily pops up during game play, plus several instances of mooning (using cartoon characters). Bearing in mind this game is now seven years old I personally think the graphics are good. The style is quirky, but I like that in a game. The actual game play is vaguely breakout, but with a difference from your usual ball and bat game. Instead you use your weapon (an axe)or shield to swat away (or when using the shield to deflect) fireballs that have been fired by dragons flying overhead (usually by belching), plus invading undead and a variety of other creatures including Trolls. You also use your weapon to kill these as they approach. If they make it to the bottom of the screen part of your village is destroyed. The game has elements of Pong and Space invaders as well as breakout. Overall it’s a great game in my opinion. Don’t let the old graphics or the school boy humor put you off this entertaining and somewhat different breakout game. From the levels map you can choose two or three directions to travel ([em]to choose a new level[/em]) after each turn and you can also re-play levels that you’ve already played. The game has loads of re-playability due to the random nature of the enemies, fireballs and power ups that you can pick up.


Troll, a quirky break out game with a difference had been given away twice previously. The first time it received a positive 73% of 154 votes. The comments posted were less than complementary initially, but those who actually played and got to grips with the game posted much more positive comments later in the day. Some were offended by the name of the king (King Uterus), that you’ll find if you read the story accessible from the main menu, and others were offended by the isolated occurrences of in game cartoon nudity and mooning by cartoon characters.

Personally I think this is quite an unusual breakout game; unlike most others of the 2D variety; and as with other Rake in Grass games, for example Jets ‘n’ Guns, there’s an element of comedy in some of the art work and animations

You can read all the comments by following the link:


Oddly the second time this game was given away it got an appalling positive score of only 34% from 537 votes.. You can read all the comments from this second giveaway:


Became a brave troll warrior and save little humans from orcish tyrany in a beautiful fantasy adventure.

The quest will take you through six lands from green plains, across the mysterious swamps and desert, through snowy mountains and dark horror forest to the terrible wasteland, the home of orcs. You will have to defeat many foes and face hideous and powerfull creatures to finally fight the freedom for peacefull people from the Plains.

Reference accessed Nov 27th http://troll.rakeingrass.com/index.php





The Game:

You can read basic information about the game by clicking on the HTML document called Troll that can be found within the doc folder where the game is installed; just open the file and click on the help link to the top left of the page. This opens up a page with detailed information about the game play as well as the key bindings if you prefer to use the keyboard rather than the mouse to control your Troll.
Key Bindings:

LEFT_ARROW, Z : left

RIGHT_ARROW, X : right

DOWN_ARROW, LEFT_CTRL : weapon strike


RIGHT_CTRL, SPACE : cast spell


You’ll also find details of all the power ups and bonuses that you’ll encounter in the game. These include several score multipliers, bonuses in the form of spells such as the swarm spell that summons a swarm of wasps, which causes your troll to run around manically, thus affecting your control over him. I would recommend you avoid this one because it will cause you to lose quite a lot of life through missed fireballs. There’s loads more such as the Stone skin spell, shrink, block gates, double and triple ball (breaks the fireball into two or three balls thus doing more damage), magic arrow, heavy impact, dispel (cancels out any spells still running), plus lots more. Some become available once you have captured one of several castles, though you must be adjacent to one of the huts, or other places such as Baba Yaga’s hut, or the pyramid. There are two kinds of magic spells in the game; duration spells and cast spells. Duration spells are used immediately and their effects last several seconds. Cast spells can be used anytime during the level by RIGHT_CTRL or SPACE. The last taken cast spell is shown in single slot above the “magic” sign to the right of the playing field. Duration spells are in lower three slots.

To access the game you need to create a profile, and then you are taken to the levels map. The only levels you can play are the ones with crossed swords or those you’ve previously won. When selecting levels you are able to select any level that is adjacent to the level you played, which as already mentioned is denoted by crossed swords overlaid onto a castle. You select your level by clicking on a castle turret. Each castle has a name which can be seen at the bottom of the screen when you hover your mouse over the castle, with names like Crystal Palace, Windy Hill, Skull Keep, Fort Despair and poison valley, you can see that the overall theme is dark. Besides the castles you’ll find several other buildings which include a pyramid, tents and a few others which bestow specific magical abilities (see the help page in the Troll HTML document for more details). You need to be adjacent to one of these buildings to activate the ability. For example the ruins called ‘Monk Stones’ you can invoke the gods of sky to help you with their magic.


Watch out for the funny animations such as the cccp sputnik like ship that wanders slowly across the map screen occasionally, dragons and even old nessy (the Loch Ness monster) and the odd mooner and naked streaker, all of course done in the best possible taste. (legs crossed – British humor – Kenny Everett)
You can see which power ups are running by looking to the right hand pane which shows the power ups caught in four boxes labeled ‘magic. Above these are the life indicators for both the enemy (red) and the troll (green) that are in the form of old bulb thermometers though there is a score at the top of each indicator. The enemy is marked out of 100 and the troll out of 10. Above this is the score, then the word Troll which is initially in bold gold lettering. As you collect letters these change to white. Once you’ve completed the word, you’ll see a figure to the left of the playing arena pop in with a billboard saying ‘Bonus!’, this will give you an access to a secret level (different for each of the six scenario’s). If you fail to collect all letters in one level, you can play the level again to get the remaining ones. You can’t miss the little fellow with the billboard though because he waves at you manically. You have to keep your eye on the fire ball breathing monster above and the monsters attacking your village from below. There’s no let up at all. Thankfully, if you lose the level, you can restart the level without losing any progress apart from the score you made in the level prior to losing it.

The theme remains similar throughout, that is you have to prevent the fireballs from destroying your villages and return the fire balls and kill the monsters attacking you, Each level has it’s own monsters and art work. It’s not as easy as you think, with each castle needing a specific amount of damage done to it by the returning fireballs. Your progress can be hindered or helped by the power ups that fall frequently. The most important (IMO) are the life power ups that help to repair damage done by fireballs.





As a Slideshow:


all on one page:


You can see more screen captures over at Rake in Grass via the following link:



Unfortunately the bandwidth has been exceeded so I've removed the video which you could see here; however it's still possible to see the video by following the link below.
I've posted a link to my photobucket upload just in case the bandwidth runs out. Just click HERE
if the above video no longer shows. In fact if you aren't in a rush would you click here in preference to watching it via the game giveaway comments section, thank you.


I think most community members are going to hate the music. Unfortunately, unless you’re a dab hand at editing script (using a text editor that supports hex) you’ll have to put up with it. I personally think it fits in with the medieval theme and don’t mind the music so long as it’ turned down.

Features :

• New concept advancing and expanding good old arkanoid destruction...
• Performed in a cute fairy graphics...
• Accompanied with beautiful music...
• Powered by engine with many visual effects...
• Running in 800x600 in Hi/TrueColor...
• 6 completely differend scenarios...
• Divided into many levels ordered into the adventure campaign...
• Infested with 40 monsters...
• and 5 hideous bosses.

System requirements:


CPU 400 MHz
32 Memory RAM
Good 3D accelerated GFX card (8 MB)
Win 9x
DirectX 8.0


CPU 800 MHz
GeForce 2 MX + (32 MB)
Sound card
Win 9x / ME / 2000 / XP
DirectX 8.1+





Personally the cartoon nudity that some found unacceptable the first time this was given away, in my opinion is nothing to be worried about. Though if you are a parent who wants to shield their children from anything remotely related to nudity, or words that refer to parts of the female reproductive system, then I would keep this in your passworded accounts. For me it’s well worth keeping. It’s got some original features when comparing it with other breakout clones, and it’s also quite hard to beat. There’s only one difficulty level, and you only get one life, but as already mentioned if you lose you can resume where you left off, so no progress is lost. Well worth 7 out of 10.

You'll either love or hate this game. :lol:

Thank you Rake in Grass and the game giveaway team for another excellent and in this case very unusual game. :lol:




Further information:

The closest I could compare this game to is the Freeware breakout game Wrecker Ball Dream by Glinkie Games, which you can find a link to in the freeware section of this site i.e.:

or via:


There’s even a troll forum where you can read information about the game, though the last post was nearly 18 months ago.

Troll forums:


The games home page is:


For loads of free arkanoids/breakouts check out the thread in the games discussion forums. You’ll find lots of free ‘full version’ shareware games as well as freeware and browser based games:


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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