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TITAN HUNTER was available as a giveaway on September 20, 2019!
TITAN HUNTER - roguelike game where you are forced to wander around the world in search of the TITANS who destroyed your people. You will have to go through the intricate locations filled with aggressive monsters and powerful weapons.
Choose your hero arm yourself with powerful weapons and go to a dangerous world. Destroy aggressive monsters and bosses, find funny references and Easter eggs, meet different partners or interesting crooks and interact with them.
Go through a hell that you never dreamed of, find the Oldest of the genus TITAN and destroy it thereby freeing his people from their centuries-old supervision filled with horror and fear.
Become a hero who will save the world. As you progress through the game you will find weapons:Coming for the destruction of monsters and bosses, using a variety of shells and tactics that are not limited to the size or capabilities they can be like conventional bullets or can be presented in the form of giant red-hot missiles.Also, you will not pass the game without meeting on the way aggressive monsters: Monsters in the game can meet different, some will look like small and harmless animals, and others on the contrary will do everything to destroy you.Also you will meet strangers or just a good companions?In the game you will meet an evil witch who will not mind to treat you to a bottle of freshly baked potion, as well as you can look into the tavern to the greedy trader who despite the difficult times but still sell us a couple of three interesting weapons but keep in mind this is only the beginning and who knows who else can meet youAnd also during the game you will meet titans : This is a separate type of monsters that have a lot of health and special abilities.
Thanks to good protection and a large supply of health to defeat them is not so easy, but with the proper skill and desire everything is possible.
Windows 7/8/10
11.5 MB
I checked this morning and it said there wouldn't be a giveaway. It's now too late to post a review. Though I have posted some images of the start of the game.

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That's two days in a row that I have been able to download from either giveaway or game giveaway. I sometimes get 503 nginx errors, sometimes nothing, but download links don't work. Tried in Chrome & Firefox.
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I had a similar problem a few years ago. Took a phone call to Microsoft, who linked to my desktop and found I'd installed a security software that I thought i'd disabled, but it had re=enabled itself when I replaced my motherboard. It blocked both the game and applications side of the giveaway project. as soon as it was discovered I deleted it and all was well. Check to see if you have a background security software; maybe one you've recently installed?
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I have no idea how to do anything. I'm stuck in the tutorial area, but no matter what I click or do, I can't open the gate, and I can't find anything that tells me what to do. No instruction manual.... :(
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People need to realize that this giveaway game is still in early access.
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What's a innoextracter, where do you get it, and how do you use it?
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alexyu, Hope this link helps. http://constexpr.org/innoextract/
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Maybe try this
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Thanks for trying, but I still have no idea of what's a innoextracter and how/what for do you use it: The link you gave just says that "Universal Extractor 2 is an unofficial updated and extended version of the original UniExtract by Jared Breland; it brings several hundred changes including community-wanted ones such as a batch mode, auto-updater and scan-only-functionality"! Since I have no idea what "the original UniExtract" is or was intended to do, that didn't help much.
Also, I was puzzled: "IF INSTALL FAILS {...] USE A INNOEXTRACTER TO GET GAME TO WORK after uninstalling"; I don't think a game can 'work after uninstalling': Wouldn't that be an oxymoron? :-)
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Thanks also for this; at least I now understand that it relates to "Inno Setup", which "is a tool to create installers for Microsoft Windows app", although a "tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup" doesn't sound like it would correct a case of "INSTALL FAILS(no in game mouse)"...
But, anyway, it's all way over my head, and I wouldn't even try just to get this game to work.
Again, thanks to you and Mike for caring enough to post about this. Hopefully, your comments will be useful to better-informed GGAotD users.
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IF INSTALL FAILS(no in game mouse) USE A INNOEXTRACTER TO GET GAME TO WORK after uninstalling.
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