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The Saint: Abyss of Despair Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — The Saint: Abyss of Despair

Help the ex-priest to solve a horrifying supernatural mystery!
User rating: 37 22 comments

The Saint: Abyss of Despair was available as a giveaway on January 8, 2017!

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Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and MyPlayCity! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!

An ex-priest, who believes the Evil One lives in him, becomes entangled in a nightmare scenario when he travels to Africa to investigate an alleged demonic possession. Guide this tortured soul as he works feverishly to solve a horrifying supernatural mystery and save the life of an innocent child! Compelling and highly playable, The Saint: Abyss of Despair will draw you in with its intense opening monologue and hold you in its grip until you've experienced every breathtaking moment!

  • Learn-as-you-play tutorial;
  • Casual and Expert modes;
  • Solve the mystery!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: 1.4 GHz; RAM: 1024 MB; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 595 MB





File Size:

484 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

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Comments on The Saint: Abyss of Despair

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...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thank you to all who posted comments this weekend. much appreciated. regards Stephen

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Finally (!) completed the download. After auto-registration, everything went smoothy. I am enjoying the game. The only negative aspect was the download; took almost 2½ hours on a 60mB broadband connection. During the download, ran a speed test and it returned a 60+mB download speed. Must have been on the server's end. Anyway, it's done, and the end result is good.

Reply   |   Comment by JerryGuinn  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

The game downloaded and unzipped without problem, and although I put my sound on to hear the awful voice, everything proceeded quite smoothly through the first couple of HOG sections.

So far the voice hasn't been too annoying, but I probably won't have it on next time I play anyway. Graphics are good, and though some things are harder to spot than others, I wasn't forced to scream for help, yet.

I always install GAOTD games to a Games folder on an external drive, and this one was quite happy with that process. So - no problems so far! The story looks interesting, something different from the "Grandad left me a clue" kind of story.

Thanks for another time-passer! :-D

Reply   |   Comment by Basilica  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

People seem to like this game, so I've started downloading it. Is the server very slow, or are a large number of others downloading at the same time? The 484 MB file is coming through at 64.1 kB/second. Downloading will take neary 2 hours more, and I'll likely have to shut down before the download has completed. It'd be very nice if more server capacity could be made available when such large files are offered.

Reply   |   Comment by Walter Snodgrass  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

a fun game, but a bit short.

Reply   |   Comment by Cathy Leov  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Here is the problem I am having. I downloaded, unzipped, and double clicked on setup. I get the pop up that says connecting to gotd, then it says successfully activated, then it opens the gotd webpage that says I have successfully activated now what. That's ALL I get. The game is no where on my computer and neither is a myplaycity folder. Nothing except the zip file and the folder it was unzipped to. I have Windows 8.

Reply   |   Comment by Angie  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

I deleted both the zip and the extracted folder then downloaded again, same problem. Not wasting another 28 minutes downloading for nothing, so had to download from myplaycity to play. I like the game so far. BTW- I went through search and regedit and the only files on my computer concerning the gotd download were the zip and the extracted folder. There were no actual game files on my computer at all and nothing changed in my registry except those 2 files/folders I removed and downloaded again.

Reply   |   Comment by Angie  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Looks like a good game to me. Once again, I couldn't even download it until I rebooted in SafeMode....but while it was downloading, I "was" able to do other things in another tab so that's okay. It works fine on Windows 7, full screen mode. The first speaking character I came to is very annoying so let's hope the rest of the characters don't speak that way. Nice graphics & storyline.

Reply   |   Comment by DelennDax7  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Already played through. The game is pretty short. I didn't have any trouble seeing the hidden object scenes - not dark at all. All in all, not a bad game. If you like HOG's you will enjoy this one, I think. I agree with the comments about the voice overs. Some were speaking so slow it was almost comical. I would have rather not had the voice and just read the dialogue myself. I did think that the ending was rather abrupt. Thank you MyPlayCity and GOTD for another enjoyable game.

Reply   |   Comment by Arizona Scout  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I haven't played the game as of yet. I would like to know why Zemana anti-logger continues to block all of the games I try to download from this website. Don't know whether to try to figure out how to stop Zemana or to stop trying to download your games. My PC hasn't been right since I d/loaded "LikeNewPC", can't figure out what the problem is.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Mine also get blocked by Zemana. I just turn it off till the app is installed. I've not figured out the reason though I suspect it's either the disabled adware or the Themida code embedded in the wrapper.

Reply   |   Comment by Terri  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

The Saint: Abyss of Despair
Didn't play once I read the description, as as one of the people out there that suffer from vision problems it doesn't sound like I could see this game well, but also the premise of the storyline along with a HOG which we don't favour, although we already have some we don't mind playing occasionally, means a pass on this one.
But will not downvote it as others out there may love this type/premise of game.
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and healthy 2017, and the healthy part could sure use to extend to us here as it was a hard 2016 ;)

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Ditto to you JBurt.

Reply   |   Comment by JBurt  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This sums up things for me as well. Plus my interest briefly flared when I thought it was based on Simon Templar.

Reply   |   Comment by wyrwolf  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I really like this one. Love the graphics and the overall eeriness. Well worth downloading.

Reply   |   Comment by Paula Flinn  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have been trying to download games with Free Download Manager. They've updated and changed it recently and they want you to drag and drop the link to their home page which initially comes up blank. I am unable to drag either the link in my email from GGotD or the two word link on your page which is the hot link. Without Download Manager it will takes way too much time. I believe they want the actual link and not the two word link from your page to which I am directed for the actual hot link.. Wish I had not updated FDM. Your assistance would be appreciated.

Thank You.

Reply   |   Comment by HisSon  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Hey ya Wrascally Wabbit,

Didn't download the game. Have too many of those HOG's installed as it is. Thanks for the opportunity for the game MPC and GGOTD. Keep up the good work

I do have a contribution tho...Here's the FreeLoaders weekly...https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/01/07/free-loaders-heist-heist-baby/ from RPS. They even included a little "ditty" from Terry Cavanagh.

Hugs to you and your family. Been a busy year here so far....

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Delenn, thanks. hope alls well with you and your family. :)

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)


"Didn't download the game. Have too many of those HOG's installed as it is."

Just FWIW, my suggestion to everyone that can do so, is to install these games on an external hard drive, or separate internal drive, or separate internal partition, in that order. You can also use one or more folders to store the shortcuts... if you set it up to use drive X: for example, set the external drive or USB stick or whatever to X:, & all the shortcuts should still work, regardless the PC, laptop, or whatever device used.

At any rate, point is then you never have too many HOGs or Match 3s or whatever -- they're there if you ever want, & no bother if/when you don't. And I think that it's a better idea if you're running, or plan on running 10. Major version updates [next one's in April, 2017] are trickier & take longer the more files/folders you have on the Windows drive/partition, and with each major change there's a chance a portion of your game collection will no longer work in 10.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Thanks, mike, for the suggestion. We have 2 1 TB external drives, 2 500 GB external drives plus 2 500 internal drives so we got it covered and we are taking about getting a NAS.

AFA my comment, I was just trying to be polite about not downloading a HOG. TMs and HOGs are not my fav. I have a few I like(Aquascapes, Farmscapes..etc) but usually they are too dark, dreary and I just don't have the patience for them. I do look at the pics and read That Wabbit's review and the comments..and I HAVE downloaded a few just because he has gotten me to play a lot of different kinds of games. I REALLY dislike TM's and HOG's come in a close second. But, HEY, some people like them so I don't knock them....or vote them down. Each to their own likings.

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

The game is visually OK but some of the voice acting is so terrible it's funny! I've not played that much of it yet, will have to see how it goes, the puzzles have been easy so far.

Reply   |   Comment by Helen  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for this nice HOG,
It is rather short as I finished it already, a few hours gameplay.
The graphics are very nice, to my opinion : the story starts off very promising but to my disappointment are all the interesting scenes away in a flash. For instance you are putting items in order on the proper device. Suddenly there is a flash and you're in totally different environment, could be the house destroyed, or build up again or in an ancient ruin. That makes the game a bit less valuable to me; the explanation in between and afterwards doesn't cover all those flashes neither are they needed.

The game in nonetheless worth downloading, the hog-scenes are good, the items not to badly hidden and with good descriptions. The tools you need to pick up to use further in the game are logic as well.
For me a 7/10 because it is a bit short.

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Thank you for your feedback Irene. appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by irene  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Downloaded and installed okay on Win10.

When I go into 'options' and uncheck the full screen option, because I prefer to play all games 'windowed', the whole thing crashes and the screen goes black. The only way out is to reboot. I've tried three times, given up for now and haven't time to try playing full screen - so can't comment about the game itself other than it goes straight into a slideshow story about what happened to the family rather than onto the 'play' option.

I didn't get the email about the game. Has that been changed and do I need to re-register?

...........................................Moderator comment...................................

Hi Mum

I had the same problem. i prefer to play in full screen, but when I'm playing to review I always play in windowed mode as it is easier for screen captures. I got the same problem, but i found opening up the task manager enabled me to change it to windowed mode.

Reply   |   Comment by Mum  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Mum, No problem here to go to windowed mode (on Windows7)

Reply   |   Comment by irene  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

If you have time to post a comment it is appreciated. I will moderate any comments whenever I get a few spare moments. If you have time to post a comment today it is appreciated. Thank you to all who took the time to post feedback about last weeks games. :)

Please only post comments about the game being given away today; other comments either not appropriate, or not about the game may be deleted; however a little light banter among community members and with the moderator to keep this a friendly place to visit will be allowed, and will be judged by the moderator as to whether it is suitable or not to be left.
I am posting this in light of the massive increase in negative comments, inappropriate comments and spam that have occurred over the past several months since the site was updated and in particular since the site started to give away games from the Steam world. I truly believe that if we get lots of decent feedback about the games we get here, more developers will be happy to give away their games. Seeing lots of complaints instead of feedback about the game will not persuade developers to give their games away for free. So please bear this in mind when posting your comments. Negative feedback about the games given away is always welcomed as that can also be very constructive for developers, however, complaining about the way the site is operating or problems about downloading or installing the games should be directed to the giveawayoftheday contact form which I've linked to HERE, alternatively, if the problem is game related and it is late in the day (I can't moderate 24 hours a day), please also post your issue in the forums where you may get a response from the community. Often, such problems are related to your computers set up. i.e. your security may block the installation (for example quite a few game giveaways I've installed have been blocked by my copy of Zemana Anti-malware suite) Also please read the moderation policy which can be found HERE and if you do have a problem please check the FAQ's thread HERE. Thank you.

The Saint: Abyss of Despair

In Brief

A Hidden Object game with excellent graphics and a plethora of decent puzzles and useful items.

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Whether you like or dislike The Saint: Abyss of Despair please give some feedback about your opinion of the game, for example, what you liked or disliked about the game, and how it could be improved from your point of view. If you don't like this genre at all, please explain why. What improvements would change your opinion? There are thousands of subscribers to the game giveaway of the day every weekend which makes this an ideal forum for giving developers ideas as to what their consumers (i.e you) would like to see in a game. For example, you could suggest extra content such as better or more original mini games, or a level editor that you would like to see that would make it more appealing to you. Maybe you think the graphics are a little dated and are in need of re skinning, or maybe you've just had enough of the genre and want to see something different or something with more originality?

If you miss today's game giveaway you can always get the game via MyPlayCity 24/7 HERE.

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The game downloads to a 484 MB zip file that unzips to three files, (a setup.gcd security wrapper, the set up file and a read me). Those with multiple hard drives are able to save games on any drive they wish. The newly installed game is 586 MB in size. The game installs to the following path by default, but can be changed by the user if you prefer:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MyPlayCity.com\The Saint - Abyss of Despair

Four shortcuts are installed to the desktop. three of which can be safely deleted (Play Online Games, MyPlayCity Games and shortcuts to a free online game which vary each week). Also, if you don't like icons installed to the quick launch task bar, make sure you uncheck the box when the additional tasks window appears (after the Select Start Menu Folder window)


Solve a horrifying supernatural mystery in the thrilling game The Saint: Abyss of Despair! An ex-priest who believes the Evil One lives in him becomes entangled in a nightmare scenario when he travels to Africa to investigate an alleged demonic possession. Guide this tortured soul as he works feverishly to solve a horrifying supernatural mystery and save the life of an innocent child!

Reference accessed HERE. 8th January 2017

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If you have a problem installing or activating or getting The Saint: Abyss of Despair to work please visit the problems section, which I've now incorporated into the FAQ's thread, and which you can find HERE

The Game:

I was quite impressed with The Saint: Abyss of Despair though didn't really pay much attention to the finer details as I was initially concentrating on getting screen captures for the slideshow (108 images) that said, I think most Hidden Object lovers will love this game with it's excellent graphics, it's dark story and the plethora of puzzles and useful objects that are presented throughout the game. Hidden Object scenes are plentiful, with some objects from each scene being required to progress, usually by unlocking drawers, or helping to solve various puzzles. The game starts with the usual story board that tells of Jonathan de Saints past life as a soldier and his friendship with another soldier called Michael who writes to him, inviting him to join him at his farm in Africa. You can skip this story at any time. If you skip it, you are taken back to the main menu. On selecting play you are then given the choice of two modes, casual or expert. The difference between the two are the reload times for the hint and skip buttons, these take 90 seconds to recharge in casual mode and twice as long in expert. There are no indicators (sparkles) in any interactive zones when playing expert and you cannot play the tutorial in expert mode.

I only got part way through the game so cannot give a full review at this time. I'll be off to archery for the first time in over a month in less than an hour and won't be back until mid afternoon. If I have time I may continue playing, but it's more likely I'll curl up in front of the TV to watch one of the Blu Rays I've received at Christmas. :) The Saint: Abyss of Despair is definitely a story based HOG worth downloading IMO.

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Other Reviews, Videos and a Slideshow of images:

You can see community reviews of The Saint: Abyss of Despair HERE and HERE as well as more information over in the Big Fish forums HERE. You can also see a slideshow of over 100 images taken from the first half the the games gameplay HERE. Please note some images could be considered spoilers.

if you want to see some game play you can see some videos of game play HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. You can also see a walk through of The Saint: Abyss of Despair HERE

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A nicely put together Hidden Object game, that I'm sure HOG fans will love. The puzzles are interesting, the standard HOG pages are okay and the graphics and animations are excellent. In my opinion well worth getting. i purchased this game when ot was first released on Steam just over a year ago, though the game was released about 4 years ago.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank MyPlayCity for giving away The Book of Desires minus the usual MPC check boxes and also to the game giveaway team, as always, for securing other ways to get free games, in this case Steam keys.

Useful Information not related to today's game giveaway:

The problems section that used to be posted here in the Game review is now included in the Game Discussion FAQ's thread; which you can find HERE.

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I've updated the games section that used to be posted with the review. The thread is now called 'Weekly round up of game deals', formerly the games section of the weekly reviews. I don't update it very often now, but it does have links to the more popular indie bundle sites where you can get some fantastic deals on games, with up to 95% off many games. . You can find the thread (which I've posted in the sticky section of the game discussion forums to make it easier to find if you are perusing the game discussion forums) HERE.

If today's game was not to your liking, you may find other games either free or for less than the price of a cup of coffee (from your favorite coffee house) via the 'Weekly Roundup of Game Deals' thread which I've posted a link to above, or HERE.
The latest free game over on Origin has now changed to Mass Effect 2 an excellent Sci fi based shooter that is well worth getting. You'll find it HERE and see a couple of videos of game play HERE and HERE Please note that you do require the Origin game platform to be able to download and install the game.

The Ubisoft 30 years anniversary has now ended.

Finally, check out the Steam stores specials tab, you'll find over 270 games on sale at the moment.

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Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit-uk  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)
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