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Tetromino Challenge Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Tetromino Challenge

Think you have what it takes to just walk away from a game? We dare you to try to break free from the addictive madness of Tetromino Challenge. It only takes seconds to learn, but you'll need lightning-fast reflexes and the utmost precision to master the block-dropping action. Maneuver the blocks as they tumble down to form lines that make them disappear. The difficulty and tasks increase with each level, so make sure to keep your gaze fixed and your mouse hand steady!
$19.99 EXPIRED
User rating: 127 30 comments

Tetromino Challenge was available as a giveaway on February 6, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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1001 Jigsaw World Tour: Europe is a puzzle game and a fantastic tour guide.

Think you have what it takes to just walk away from a game? We dare you to try to break free from the addictive madness of Tetromino Challenge. It only takes seconds to learn, but you'll need lightning-fast reflexes and the utmost precision to master the block-dropping action. Maneuver the blocks as they tumble down to form lines that make them disappear. The difficulty and tasks increase with each level, so make sure to keep your gaze fixed and your mouse hand steady!

  • Colorful 3-D graphics.
  • Dynamic visual effects.
  • Lively music and sound effects.
  • Addictive gameplay.

System Requirements:

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, Pentium 600MHz, 128MB RAM


Xing Interactive



File Size:

9.08 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG

Comments on Tetromino Challenge

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I also received message “This application failed to start because D3DXab.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.” It doesn't. I even downloaded it again. However, when I go to the file itself, versus the shortcut, it works fine. It's just a pain to have to go to explore, and then the file to open it up.

Reply   |   Comment by Marty  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This does seem to have some entertaining variations on the Tetris theme ... I bet Tetris fans are happy today! Personally - since I've never been much good at Tetris myself - I don't think I'll be keeping this one. Thanks anyway, GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Webby  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game's pretty challenging, and I really like the creative twist they made on the original Tetris game. The different objectives each level gives you in challenge mode keeps the game interesting.

Thanks as always!

Reply   |   Comment by Lindsey  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks...a nice tetris game...music is interesting, graphics are good...should entertain for a while!

Reply   |   Comment by John J.  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

lol well my daughter wanted a change from the Bubble games. This should do the trick. Many thanks GOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Peta  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm still waiting for bejeweled 2 dulex! this is great whens bejewled 2?!

Reply   |   Comment by YoshiX  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks again!

Reply   |   Comment by Free N Clear  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I scanned the setup file and archive over and over, it does NOT have a virus. Anyway, great game! Keep up the good work GOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Angus Solton  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm confused by the installation. Usually, when I install a game, it puts it onto my computer in a neat little package that I can then move to games. This one kind of just vomits pieces all over the place: music, texture, data...

Reply   |   Comment by )ESS!E  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you 18 for scanning for the Trojan.Bancos "it’s not in these files." 18 said. Can G.GAOTD, GAOTD check for virus and spyware before offering to us. just the meantioning can drive people away from site. I downloaded it put waited for comment 18, and if 18 did not scan I would had to delete the file without installing it.

Reply   |   Comment by John  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I also got the same error message...D3DX8ab.dll not found...shame cos this looked good

Reply   |   Comment by Pippa  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Tetris games are great and I hope to see more of them here. Thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by zipzap  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It's a Tetris clone, this time in 3D. I already have a different paid-for 3D Tetris from a couple years ago so uninstalled as simply don't need another one. But if you have enjoyed Tetris in the past and never tried it in 3D then this game is worth a try.

Re: #6 Larry B:
Correct, it uses arrow keys and not the mouse so not sure why they said "keep your mouse hand steady." Unless they meant your right hand which controls the arrow keys and is also used for the mouse? OK that's a stretch :) It's just that I wouldn't go as far as to call their mouse reference "false advertising". Despite playing many Tetris clones I have never seen one that was mouse-controlled and not sure Tetris would even work well with a mouse. Arrow keys just make more sense for Tetris.

Re: #14 V0iD:
Correct, this game is not listed at Terminal Studios under the name "Tetromonio Challenge". But check Terminal Studios "Challenge Tetris" at the following link, it's the same game:


Not for nothing, but was a copy/paste of the entire description from the Natural Games site really necessary? The link at the end of the copy/paste would have been enough for anyone who wanted to go read it. Not to mention reposting entire copy/pastes elsewhere without permission is considered by many to be a copyright violation. (Yes, GOTD and GGOTD both copy/paste full descriptions directly from developer's or distributor's sites but they do have permission when they make agreements to offer the programs.)

Re: #8 Kathy:
Nope, it's a false positive. Didn't need yet another Tetris clone but your assertion that this contained Trojan.Bancos was intriguing, so downloaded it anyway. Got lots of anti-virus and anti-spyware/adware scanners, scanned the heck out of it and came up with nothing. Still curious, opened the files in an editor and there's no Trojan.Bancos or any of its references in these files.

For anyone who is curious, Trojan.Bancos is a trojan that scans a hard drive looking for Portuguese language references that indicate the user may have an account at one or more of several banks in Brazil and also does their transactions online. It then attempts to get the account information sent to a third party. That's what it is, but it's not in these files.

Reply   |   Comment by Game Seeker  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Received message "This application failed to start because D3DXab.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
I re-installed and re-downloaded several times...same message.

Reply   |   Comment by rich1013  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@14 Yes, there is reference to Terminal Studios, they are the creators and it says so. They took an exert of what you said too.

Reply   |   Comment by John  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Tetris with a twist. Bombs are cool and the graphics a great.

I will be pulling this one down tonight at home!

Reply   |   Comment by Wayno  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No Referance on the Terminal Studio Site i See

Think you have what it takes to just walk away from a game? We dare you to try to break free from the addictive madness of Tetromino Challenge . It only takes seconds to learn, but you'll need lightning-fast reflexes and the utmost precision to master the block-dropping action. Maneuver the blocks as they tumble down to form lines that make them disappear. The difficulty and tasks increase with each level, so make sure to keep your gaze fixed and your mouse hand steady!

The rules of Tetromino Challenge are similar to those of a regular tetromino game, however here you will not only be putting the blocks in nice even layers but also going through levels that contain various tricky tasks. Speed, precision and quick wits is what will be required of you to succeed.

Seven randomly rendered tetrominoes or tetrads - shapes composed of four blocks each - fall down the playing field. The object of the game is to manipulate these tetrominoes with the aim of creating a horizontal line of blocks without gaps. When such a line is created, it disappears, and the blocks above (if any) fall. As the game progresses, the tetrominoes fall faster, and the game ends when the stack of Tetrominoes reaches the top of the playing field.

The seven rendered tetrominoes in Tetris are referred to as I, T, O, L, J, S, and Z. All are capable of single and double clears. I, L, and J are able to clear triples. Only the I tetromino has the capacity to clear four lines simultaneously, and this clear is referred to as a "tetris." (This may vary depending on the rotation and compensation rules of each specific Tetris implementation; For instance, in the "Tetris Worlds" rules used in many recent implementations, certain rare situations allow T, S and Z to 'snap' into tight spots, clearing triples.)

Tetris is a puzzle game invented by Alexey Pajitnov (last name sometimes transliterated Pazhitnov) in 1985, while he was working for the Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia during the days of the Soviet Union. Pajitnov has cited pentominoes as a source of inspiration for the game. Its name is derived from the Greek word "tetra" meaning four, as all of the blocks are made up of four segments.

The game is available for nearly every video game console and computer operating system, as well as on devices such as graphing calculators, mobile phones, and PDAs. Tetris has even appeared as part of an art exhibition on the side of Brown University's 14-story Sciences Library. The game first gained mainstream exposure and popularity in the late 1980s beginning in 1988. Tetris consistently appears on lists of the greatest video games of all time; it is believed to be the best selling game ever, due to its wide availability on almost every modern computer and game system made.

A tetromino is a 4-polyomino. There are five free tetrominoes, seven one-sided tetrominoes, and 19 fixed tetrominoes. The free tetrominoes are known as the T-tetromino, L-tetromino, skew tetromino, square tetromino, and straight tetromino, respectively.


screenies available here

Reply   |   Comment by V0iD  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Fantastic game.
A few days ago I was bellyaching about games not being challenging enough, this one makes me eat my words. Not just another tetris clone the different game play modes actually force you to abandon the usual tetris strategies or adapt and use them in different ways.
This one is a definite keeper and I say its the must have download for the week so far.

Reply   |   Comment by guyfromtrinidad  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

this game doesn't require uninstallation, just remove its directory from hard drive (C:\Games\Tetronimo by default).

Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway of the Day project team  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Someone please help me uninstall Tetromino Challenge (I tried to find but didn't see any "uninstall" option, even in my "Add and Remove Program"), because it wasn't loading at all on my computer. Thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by lana  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

this looked like a fun game but it says i have to unsip it before i can download it and theres nothing there to unzip

Reply   |   Comment by destinytyler  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good one!

Reply   |   Comment by Jeff  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I Havn,t installed it because it contains "Trojan.Bancos" may be harmless but not worth trying. All the other games have been great and pest free.

Reply   |   Comment by Kathy  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi All. I've been checking out this site on a regular basis for about two months now. I've had very few problems with any of the games you've offered, and when I did have one, someone was available and willing to help me out. I don't care which games you choose to give away; I truly enjoy trying them out. It's just plain fun!

I sure do miss Sky Bubbles Deluxe, though, my favorite bubble game -- my hubby just HAD to reinstall my OS and lost it for me. :( Thanks, folks; keep up the good work! You definitely have a satisfied consumer here! You are appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by Jean  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

False advertising ... Game discription stresses "mouse hand steady". Game uses arrow keys only. Music, display & game plays OK other than that. No real "excitement" for me with this one. IMO.

Reply   |   Comment by Larry B.  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game works very slow, which makes it rather easy. The bomb function is a good extra. I can't see why it should be $ 20,-, because you can buy same portable games for $ 3,-. So in a scale from 0-10 I give the program 6 points

Reply   |   Comment by Arjan  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I agree with you comment #2 Nancy. I'm really amazed at the fantastic library of games I've built up since downloading my first game from this site (Arkanoid:The Virtual Isles), which was just before the game giveaway started up back in early December 06. We're talking well over $1000 of savings if you're an arcade fan. Thank you very much. I wouldn't have strayed from my favorite genre for a long time yet (Arkanoids) if it wasn't for you and thankfully have found a couple of genres that I wouldn't have discovered if you hadn't given them away. I'm beginning to feel a little guilty for not buying some of these games, although I have bought 2 so far thanks to the side advertising; Magic Ball 3, being one of them, which has got to be the best 3D arkanoid graphically, I've ever seen, and the game play is an improvement on Magic Ball 2.

Keep up the great work guys.

Reply   |   Comment by WhiteRabbit aka Stephen  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A fancy version of the old tetris. I am so addicted to this site. I have received some really fun games.

Reply   |   Comment by Gil T.  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Every game that I've gotten so far are fantastic!! They are fun, challenging and will surely get the blood pressure up there. I'm so glad that this link was sent to a group that I'm in. Keep up the great selection.

Reply   |   Comment by Nancy  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

thanks again

Reply   |   Comment by MrsM64  –  18 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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