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Win one of the 50 Steam keys for Tempest!
When we created Tempest, we focused on the most thrilling part of pirate life – sea battles.
As you navigate the dangerous waters of the game you won’t just catch up with merchants, but you will encounter fellow pirates, creepy followers of a mysterious cult and terrible mythical monsters: Kraken, Leviathan and other infamous creatures. Your ship – the pride and joy of any freebooter – can be customized in many ways. You are free to change almost everything – from the color of your flag and sails to the ship’s hull and figurehead.
System Requirements:
Minimum: Windows XP SP3; Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core; Memory: 2 GB RAM; Graphics: Hardware Accelerated Graphics; DirectX: Version 9.0; Storage: 500 MB available space
File Size:
500 MB
The game is available for $11.99, but the winners of our contest will get it for free.
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In Brief
The Game:
Extra Information
. I've updated the games section that used to be posted with the review. The thread is now called 'Weekly round up of game deals, formerly the games section of the weekly reviews. You can find the new thread (which I've posted in the sticky section of the game discussion forums to make it easier to find if you are perusing the game discussion forums) HERE.
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Thanks for the spoilers. I learned a great deal from your review (and the others involved in it) and from the spoilers. I appreciate all your work.
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I was just wondering how I will receive my Steam Key for Tempest.
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posted the following review on Steam, Thank you GGOTD and developer(s) for the key. very happy camper
First to the developer(s): I got a key for this game in the exclusiv game giveaway of giveawayoftheday :) I assume you generously gifted those keys so let me first say thank you. So far, and I know it is just an hour oof play, I am happy I won one of them.
But now my "problem". What am I playing? am I playing a single player pirate treasure and sail game? Am I playing a limited multiplayer (say max 32 on server), Am I playing a mmo? It is not clear to me especially since there is a difficulty setting. If I am playing multiplayer I appologise to the poor souls that went to the bottom of the ocean due to my "no-one messes with the Dutch" attitude lol
I am pleasantly surprised by this game, I watched the download being just over a 100 Mb and feared initially I had a game in the casual range like on playrix and such. good games if you like that sort of thing but not what I use setam for. However the graphics are very nice (using highest settings) the ui is easy to understand and even though there is a lack of a start up tutorial (or at least, I didn't see it) I was playing and enjoying myself within a few minutes. A look at the controls, some clicking here and there and I was off.
However I am a pairate and I see several factions but can't remember seeing a character creation besides entering a name. No option to choose faction was present which I think would do the game a favor if available. I believe there are other games in this line of play as well and I even think I tried one a while ago but refunded it because UI and controls where.... lacking. This game however is a nice addition to my library
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I reactivated my Steam access this week, so I'm hoping to get a key to this game. Thanks.
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"We offer FREE licensed games you’d have to buy otherwise."
What was done with this beautiful page - a pity... Please remove this sentence from your page - nobody will believe it any more
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Been checking out the gamepage on Steam and their forums there. It is an early access, looks very interesting and absolutely worth jumping this week. entered and hoping to win :)
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This definitely looks like an interesting game. The graphics in the video look pretty good, but of course without playing the game I couldn't say how that is. The comments on Steam are mostly positive though so that's something.
Of course, my input is kind of meaningless as my sea battle video game experience is pretty much limited to "Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker," which of course doesn't translate to something like this (I did try AC: Black Flag once as well, but didn't really like it, or maybe I was just having a bad day).
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I have been a very pleased user of your site for years but free has no connection with gambling. I used to visit both sites almost daily I know hits generate money you need but be upfront and don't hide behind the more you visit the better your chances of getting a free program I may not like or need. Just be upfront about it if I feel like gambling for something I can choose many programs. I still check your site when I can. I used to make time to visit. You are smart people come up with something better. Please!
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I've been trying to add a suggestion in the "How would you improve Tempest?" widget with no luck, so I'll leave it here. Has the developer considered adding alternate forms of game input, such as game controller support and full tablet/touchpad support? Some of us no longer have the reflexes of our youth and find keyboard/mouse input (as well as extended gamepad usage) a wee bit painful ;-)
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This used to be a fun site that was different from all others, where I could download a free full game from time to time without jumping through hoops, joining other sites, or having a game cause my browser to open upon exiting. Now, it's become a site that wants me to jump through a crazy number of hoops, plus join Steam, to possibly, but probably not, win a game that I can't even try out first to see if I like, or it offers games from MyPlayCity that I can get for free any day of the week from that site, without coming here, and which causes my my browser to open upon exiting, which I really don't care to have happen. Had a lot of good times on GGOTD in the past, and I'm thankful for all the great games I have gotten from this site, but sadly, seems the good times are over.
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Tempest is a fast paced game when you want it to be. I like the different options of helping the defenders, etc. It makes for more strategic decision making on the player's part. I also like the choices of upping the weaponry items through buying and selling. It would be nice if there was a trading option in there somewhere. Just a thought.
The graphics are amazing and I love the sound effects. It seems a little easy to pick up the goods after annihilating the pirates. Maybe some sort of precision shot (a net) would be nice for this to make it a little more challenging.
Tempest is a pretty complex setup. I would like to see more training possibilities added to it. I think the training really adds a real twist to the game itself.
All in all, I give Tempest a 9/10 and a thumbs up. I understand it is still under development and I can tell a lot has gone into it already. Congrats to the developers on a fine game.
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Usually if I have nothing good to say I just don't comment, but I will finally make an exception.
I don't like the new GGOTD format AT ALL. I will not tweet, or Facebook, or any other such thing for a "free" game, much less for a mere chance at a game. It's like asking us to become spammers, and it is a juvenile approach to marketing. Do developers really think they can game the system by causing a one-time flurry of "likes"? Does anyone believe that will fool customers into thinking "wow, what a great game this must be"?
If so, please think again.
I highly suggest that this site and its customers reconsider this business model. If participation has not fallen drastically in the last few months I would be very surprised.
I check here every Saturday and Sunday and have for some time, but it won't be for much longer.
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JHughes, Game Lottery of the Day.
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I'm not about to recommend something to my friends that I have not even tried. It's dishonest and they would not be happy to find they have to jump through hoops for something I touted. As always on these 'join to maybe win" offerings, I will pass.
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i've had it with these infuriating join and win promotions... i used to be able to click on your site and download something when it appealed to me...i'm done with bogus "giveawayoftheday"
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I would really like to try this type of game, but these types of 'offerings' wouldn't do for a 'non-social media' type like myself. I don't have a facebook or twitter account. (And yet I survive :-) Not bragging...just don't see the need.) I'll try to get it during that summer sale that was mentioned.
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wow? my comments/reviews are now garnering negative votes even when i'm trying to give away well over a thousand pounds (approx $1500) worth of games. Maye it really is time for me to leave.
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Very good game. But there's NO way I'm going to "hurry up and enter by clicking on all those links"... A previous commenter said it all. I don't care how good the game is, I'm not willing to "like", "share", "tweet" about anything simply because I have a sense of integrity, and know who will be reading my posts, etc. I'm thankful for all the previous games provided by this site, but this time, it's just ridiculous. It's also obvious that those at the top running this site really don't care.
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Hi, I was really sad to read a certain little 'exchange of thoughts' between WR and one member on GOTD Forum called Philipgreenwood.., something I stumbled upon in mid week after last weekend Game Giveaway (last two positions on that page can be found here: )
It made me realize that GGOTD page is steadily becoming some exclusive Club for hard-core Gamers and devotees of one particular Games' 'stem' growing into this gigantic tree covering all planet..:) and anyone having different preferences, or voicing different opinions on matters concerning visiting GGOTD site and contributing to general game discussion (please note: GGOTD page, NOT Steam!) - is wrongly accused of being a 'luddite' no less, or 'naysayer'?? Ungrateful for that matter!! Oh dear, oh dear. How can this be - when honey-pot of given away so generously Steam keys (for grabs mind, they're so hot-hot-hot) is full of those tasty snacks..? Well now, - sincere good luck to those interested and appreciative of them!! I MEAN IT.
However! My own modest (I hope) single request for anything at all here is this: Please, please Guys, SOME Community members are by now really becoming allergic to anything 'Steam' ON THIS SITE. Not STEAM site, but here, on GGOTD! Unless.. GGOTD (as Game Giveaway Site) tries to match Steam's '70 plus million users' success.. Utter NONSENSE! Two entirely different SHOWS, right?..
I picked up this particular argument NOT to undermine Yours WR latest attempt to satisfy GGOTD Community, nor even for Your latest 'mission' to convert unconvinced and 'make them see sense' - but for what is sadly apparent (to me anyway) from that exchange of Comments on Forum, and that is holding Contempt for the rest of Community not interested in Steam, and Your fellow commentator wanting to go even further: turning weekend Steam offers on GGTD into a teasing sport for Visitors!?? (I quote: ..'can we have a teaser for sat-Sun game giveaways..Like if it is a Steam game or What it is?? I'm going to guess (Or start the rumor')..??
If he didn't start his comment with 'I agree with yu. HAY?/ Games Guru'.. I would have thought he was being sarcastic about what to expect on GGOTD comes the weekend.., but I would be wrong, wouldn't I!? I too cannot login to Forum any longer having lost my account there some time ago, besides, what's the point!? If those critical of 'new format' of both Sites and not enthusiastic about changes are suspected of being 'trolls' - what's the point indeed. What about those who are not, but still (just) give a hoot about what happens next??
Afternoon All, sad morning again in UK and round the World today. Great, Iconic, Unforgettable Ali no longer with us:((..R.I.P dear Man!
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Not a fan of most action games, but this one has my attention! Some of the gameplay reminds me just a little of the old "Tradewinds" games but with 10x better graphics. I love blowing things up! I look forward to being able to play it (as well as a few other Steam games I have), and on my new PC coming soon!
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Where is the giveaway up for review and comment? None Existent. There is a contest to enter where you might win access to a game in a couple more days, but NO giveaway.
Giveaway means, here it is, take it, use it, leave comments and feedback if you like our product.
What we have here is a of hoop to jump through before you even have a possibility of trying the game.
Like them on Facebook? Why would I do that, they have done absolutely nothing, gave me no reason to like them for anything. If I had the game and wanted to continue playing it after a week of trying it, then they could ask me to leave feedback or likes or whatever they wanted, but not before I even sample their wares. I don't abide extortion or blackmail and unhappily this form of marketing falls well within those parameters.
Another ballot if I'll follow them on Twitter - WHY? Again there is no reason for me to want to follow this company, in fact there is every reason for me NOT to want anything to do with them... resorting to this level of strong arm advertising, maybe their games just aren't that good, I don't know, I've not tried them and I'm not about to jump through this hoop to see if they are any good. Give me a reason to want to follow you on Twitter, but in the off chance of winning a licence to play their game - not likely.
The same holds true for the rest. NO WAY, Give me a reason and maybe I follow, but to follow blindly makes the followers fools. I'm no fool, least ways not for scams like this.
Why you don't package the game with a 10 day or 30 day wrapper. Let people try them, let us play them, then make us decide to like you and follow you, or give up the game, service etc. Lot's of companies put out 30 day samples that fail to work if not registered or purchased after 30 days, why not do it with the games.
Giveaway of the Day could go back to actually giving away games instead of cheesy scams to get lots of SPAM advertising. I never trust a company that even asks me to like them before they have given me a reason to do so. And neither company on this page has done so.
Why would I like a free game site that has no free games?
Why would I like a game I have not tried as they want me to do for a chance to win one of these licenses.
You'll have to come up with a more plausible and reasonable business model than what you are working with now to get my vote.
As I noted before, 'To blindly follow is the make of a fool" Maybe your company is supported by fools? Not a very stable footing for business..
My 2 cents inflated to 2016, about $14.95 and of no more value to the followers than it was 46 years ago!
And yes I do prefer to remain anonymous
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Just Annoyed,
In case &/or if it helps at all understanding...
You make some valid points Just Annoyed, but I don't think that there are any great solutions. The casual games that used to predominate on the Game GOTD site just aren't being made the way *they used to be* -- comparred to the Android & iOS game markets, the ROI just isn't there any more. Playrix is an example, who used to supply several great games to GOTD -- the last emails I've recieved from them were not for PC games but Android. I'm not saying that no one creates those games anymore, but rather that the companies who gave them away here may not be making them any longer.
At the same time, the market for casual type games has changed, with more people playing games on their cell phones, tablets, & TV boxes. Amazon has thousands of apps & games, but their marketing focus seems to be Android/Kindle, which I think backs that up -- they still have loads of PC games available, many for free, but a minute ago I had to use search because I couldn't find their old Casual Games category. Less of a market means fewer sales means less marketing means fewer [if any] giveaways, since that was at least part of the reason companies like Playrix gave away some of their games, so you'd buy others.
And then there's Steam, which is immensly popular, & often the only way companies distribute their games nowadays. I don't think its biz model is that GOTD friendly, hence the contests.
To sum it up I'd say that the old way, the way things were on Game GOTD, is likely & simply not possible any longer. That's not saying that today's contest entry requirements are good or bad -- not making any judgements at all in that regard. One of Whiterabbit's themes has been calling for constructive thoughts & comments, but sadly I haven't seen anyone come up with alternatives that GOTD could offer companies in return for free Steam keys for their games.
"Why you don't package the game with a 10 day or 30 day wrapper."
Because then no one would ever buy -- BigFish games, which BTW *I think* is under pressure considering the frequency of their half price sales, only allows an hour.
"You'll have to come up with a more plausible and reasonable business model than what you are working with now to get my vote."
Web sites make some money via advertising & bundling, e.g. MPC, which doesn't really give away games but sells them to you, the costs being viewing ads & having to deal with toolbars & the like. GOTD avoids the toolbars & such [THANKFULLY], & while it makes some money from advertising on their web pages, it's not enough to buy steam keys for everyone that wants one, so it's up to the game company to donate what they want, with whatever requirements like liking them on Facebook. There may indeed be a better way, a better biz model, but so far I haven't seen it anywhere on any site -- I'm fairly confident that if some site regularly offered free games with absolutely no strings attached, someone would have posted it, including Whiterabbit.
"My 2 cents inflated to 2016, about $14.95 and of no more value to the followers than it was 46 years ago!"
Makes me sad to say it, but get used to disapointment, & I don't mean that in any sort of nasty way at all... IMHO PCs & Laptops aren't dead, aren't going away, but the fact is their sales have been decreasing. Tablet sales, after climbing for while, are going downhill too. Intel just abandoned the low end chip market. The chairman of Microsoft just said the board felt MS wasn't moving away from the declining Windows market fast enough. Whether you feel it's good or bad, times are changing, & the people who get paid to predict the future for investors & Wall St. & execs like the Microsoft board are in fact talking about the death of the PC. It may be mostly hot air, like I think it is, or not, but regardless, it has an effect on where companies spend their money, so it will effect the software & games you'll see available anywhere & everywhere.
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mike, Thanks for the follow up, it is appreciated. I know I’m getting old and tired of changing with the times. All the phone apps and everything are wonderful, but what will all these young smart pups do when they hit my age and find their phones are tooooo small to see the text or play the games anymore?
Play a game or send a text on a phone pad, maybe if you have little hands, but my mitts have a problem with those little things. Trying to type on a screen pad or those little tiny keys on my phone – sure I can do it, use a stylus, but by the time I get it all typed and the spelling and grammar corrected – I might just as well phone or visit, it’s much more friendly.
Anyway GGOTD did provide an intro to ‘Royal Envoy Franchise’ which I do like and return to frequently. In fact, of all the games provided, it’s the only one I still use. Even to playing it a second time. No other game has managed that, which is why I appreciated trying games through this site before I bought it and it’s various incarnations. There are a lot of games out there, very few worth the time it takes to learn how to play them the first time and so I don’t waste my money on them.
Thanks GGOTD for letting me try the new games. I’ll go back and build my old comfortable Windows 3.1 system so I can play Doom again. I have 10 disks of game levels to play and an editor for making more, so should last the balance of my life.
I’ll cease my comments with this posting. I’ll leave game comments to those who can be entertained with what is offered. Thanks…
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Hey Wrascally Wabbit,
Already have this game and haven't played it. So no comment. But thanks for the offer.
Awesome review, Wabbit.
Saw your note in the forum. Thanks..Just take your time. No hurries. Just remember I can't post in the forum since they still haven't fixed it.
Here are some free games...Best Free PC Games of the Week | Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Think I am gonna check out that Monster Museum(These Monsters) game.
Also Origin is offering Nox On the House - Download Free PC Games | Origin Games
Sorry got to go. Got things to do. Got company coming and I live in Ridgeway...Parades etc... Fort Erie to commemorate Battle of Ridgeway | Fort Erie Times
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appears to be a very interesting game with plenty of action.
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I picked this up on Steam about three weeks ago. It's a lot of fun and the servers are very active. Great contest.
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