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Tank At The Gates! Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Tank At The Gates!

Throngs of enemy armour are spreading in your sector while your single tank is everything that stands between the enemy armada and your HQ... This game is a real gift for all the old-school fans of Battlecity and its clones, as it incorporates all the features of the the original title, adding some new and really good ones. First at all, the game is rendered in a full 3D with a possibility to tilt your camera to get a better viewpoint. Note that your tank turns smoothly, so the various ambush tactics can be implemented.
User rating: 159 44 comments

Tank At The Gates! was available as a giveaway on August 22, 2009!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Game featuring images of various robots made in this unique genre.

Throngs of enemy armour are spreading in your sector while your single tank is everything that stands between the enemy armada and your HQ...

This game is a real gift for all the old-school fans of Battlecity and its clones, as it incorporates all the features of the the original title, adding some new and really good ones. First at all, the game is rendered in a full 3D with a possibility to tilt your camera to get a better viewpoint. Note that your tank turns smoothly, so the various ambush tactics can be implemented.

All the original levels of the Battlecity are present in the game, plus alot of new ones are added. The terrain itself is colored in several different landscapes and is visually variable. Moreover, the terrain type influence the game process: both your and enemy tanks move slower in the desert, and while on the snow you may experience difficulties controlling your tank.

But, despite the number of improvements, the essence of the game remained the same - be quick, sharp and decisive while destroying your enemies. Use the number of upgrades like additional armor and improved gun, or powerful battlefield features like freezing off your enemies or raising concrete wall around your HQ. Finally, if you feel the game is too hard for yourself, you may invite your friend and play the game together on the same screen.

Good luck! Enemy will be defeated, we will gain a Victory!

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7; DirectX 9.0 or later; CPU: Pentium 3 800MHz; RAM: 1284MB; Video accelerator: Geforce 256 32MB; 20MB free hard disk space; DirectX compatible sound card


Xing Interactive



File Size:

7.77 MB



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Comments on Tank At The Gates!

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Does the activation code work with the demo version from the game homepage? I downloaded the giveaway but forgot to install it. :(

Reply   |   Comment by Torben  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Play now my Brute for fun and Free.
Go to :

Reply   |   Comment by Bemoeial  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I got the graphics error when I tried to run the game in full screen mode, but I got a great idea - to turn off full screen mode in config.cfg. Then I realize that the game doesn't care about the settings in config.cfg at all... And now the giveaway period is out... Crap...

Reply   |   Comment by Martin  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I can't do full screen either. It runs insanely fast on my computer.

Reply   |   Comment by GeneralSorrow  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well I'm glad I was here when they used to have some fairly good games to give away. Will skip this.

Reply   |   Comment by Diane  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You can get Battle City free from the following safe link:


and Tank Force is available as a MAME ROM.

Every few weeks I’ll be posting ROM’s for some of the more popular older consoles such as MAME, N64, SEGA Genesis, Super Nintendo (SNES), Atrai and few other less common game consoles. You can get the emulators from a variety of sources. The one I’ve started to use is from ROM Nation, which you can visit via the following link. They have a wide variety of Emulators and also supply the Free ROM’s for many of the consoles. You’ll find an unbelievable number of games available for these consoles. Some have already been converted to Windows and I’ve posted several over the preceeding months, but I think using the emulators may be better. They are similar to using DOSBox for DOS games. Nothing hard about using them. If necessary I will include tutorials for each of the platforms I post. (I may even create a separate thread as Wizzard did for the DOSBox tutorial):


Once you've downloaded the emulator you can get the ROM for Tank Force from the following link:


please note I've not reinstalled The Web of Trust or McAfees Site Advisor, so can't say whether the above link to ROM Nation is red rated. I suspect they may be because after navigating to the emulator download page a pop up appeared after about 30 seconds that asked me to contribute by clicking on one of the links. Which I did - I was taken to some unsavory sites. Though my security sofware didn't flag anything as nasty. I did however get the emulator by making sure I selected and clicked the appropriate link to the download page for the emultor (after renavigating to the original page after the pop up (which closed the original page). Thankfully there are loads of sites that have Emulators for free downloads, so if you're not keen on getting the emulators from ROM Nation you can just Google the name of the emulator you're looking for and you'll find loads of links.


I was told that there wont be a game for Sunday unless they carry over todays game for two days; so I will be posting some free games over in the Games discussion forums under week 50. I have a great 35 third person Adventure game which I'll be posting soon. You can get to the forums by clicking on the forum link near the top of this page. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh, by the way, glad you guys and girls had a good vacation.

Glad to see ya back

Bob T.

Reply   |   Comment by Bob T.  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Would hve been a good game if it would let me SHOOT!! Tryed reinstalling but still wont let me fire even thought i used both keys on my laptop one ata a time and wouldnt let me fire.
Windows XP Pro 32-bit

Reply   |   Comment by Christian Davis  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded and installed. XP SP3. Starts and crash with a "memory access error" Uninstalled.

To bad, I like tank games. But already saw links to Tank Commander and others for free.

Bob T.

Reply   |   Comment by Bob T.  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well, I still sometimes play Battle City and it's sequel Tank Force, those are great games.
I've seen many remakes of those old games but none were as good as the originals.
I don't think this one will be as good as the original games, but I'll try it anyway.
Thanks GGAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by DDS  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Vilulf is rambling again...

Anyways, for this game I found that the controls really aren't good. It may just be my computer, but the tank takes forever to turn. Also, if you blown up, and you go back to that spot, bullets still go through the blown up tank, but tanks can't. Makes absolutely no sense.

The initial screen resolution is extremely weird, have no idea why it's like that. Also, running in demo mode and quitting, instead of waiting 5 seconds after pressing cancel, I wait about 25 seconds or so. What's up with that?

The activator is very interesting too. I call its method "EXIF byte set". First time ever that an easily deletable picture is used to act as a registration key. Weird.

#20's suggestion of BZFlag is pretty good. I was pretty active there for a few years before I've decided to do other things (Half-Life 2, then hanging around at the forums here). They still have some great maps, including ones made by LouMan, whose maps are extremely cool environments as opposed to boxy brick buildings. My favorite map on BZFlag is Castle Warfare. You can still catch me once in a while, callsign GMMan. Remember to register!

Reply   |   Comment by GMMan  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#27 "VERY ANGRY" calm down, if you pay more attention on download and setup instruction instead of click-click-click-okay-okay-okay, you'll be fine to install anything you want, you'll have the choice NOT to install anything you don't want.

It DID ask you if you want to install this or that, it IS your action to click OK proceed, isn't it?

Come on, spent a few more seconds read before you click isn't that difficult, and no need to get angry by your own ignorance. We should be grateful this site give something for nothing, really, they don't owe you anything,you're free to visit the site, free to go away as well.

Reply   |   Comment by LEGOletgo  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

the link is

Reply   |   Comment by ph  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

if you notice on the page , the programmers name “tatari”, has “Atari” in it. and atari is known for producing games with graphics of this sort. lol. not saying all their games are terribly modeled, just some..

-could a moderator delete my prev post? link didnt appear correctly.-

Reply   |   Comment by ph  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Jeff, yeah it's not a bad game. You can find details and a link in the Free Games Synopsis (which I've linked to above in post #1, though for those who can't be bothered here's a direct link to a download site (Gamershell):



Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Steel Panthers is free and much better....

Reply   |   Comment by jeff  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded and registered very easily on XP2 SP3. If you look at the readme file it gives you not only the reg code, but very easy-to-follow instructions on how to register it. And they worked the first time for me. The game reminds me of the old arcade type games I used to play in the bars on my beer route in the 80's. A lot of fun, but my coordination ain't what it used to be. Maybe I need a few beers to get back in the swing. I'll try that and get back to you. Meanwhile, thanks GGAOTD. I like it and give it two thumbs up.

Reply   |   Comment by ezrider  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice game thank you very much, but STOP INSTALLING A SOFT WITHOUT ASKING ME, it's so unpleasant that if you do it again once more I wont come again and I WILL LET PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT SO MUCH AS POSSIBLE WHY WE CANT TRUST YOU !

Reply   |   Comment by VERY ANGRY  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

JohnO ~ and just why do you think this site is obligated to give you free games every weekend? It's free. It's a courtesy. Be grateful for what you get and don't be so indignant/greedy/disrespectful. The world owes you nothing.

Reply   |   Comment by PLady100  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Take this link.

Reply   |   Comment by Bemoeial  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Play My Brute for free and fun

Reply   |   Comment by Bemoeial  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by Ned_Kelly  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Many games today take so much time to learn and play. I really like a game that I can quickly launch and play without intimidating controls, rules, and instructions. I enjoyed playing this game. I was surprised how fun it was to play with two players. We laughed and wanted to play again. It took about two minutes to get used to the simple arrow and fire controls, but I was soon off to discover rewards that popped up to increase my speed and stop the enemy tanks. Loads of fun.

When looking for the activate.exe, I found mapeditor.exe. I wasnt' able to get it to create the walls until I pressed the F6 key to change the view. Now I can create my own levels and obstacles. A fun surprise.

The readme.txt indicates to run the Activate.exe in default path of c:\program files\... I installed on Vista 64 bit, so my default path was C:\Program Files (x86)\Tank_ATG\activate.exe. The install also places Activate.exe in the start, programs menu, so you can run it from there.

Thanks GGOTD and Tatarinov!

Reply   |   Comment by Dan  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is OK. Not great but it doesn't completely suck. First off like some users I can not make it run in full screen mode. It produces an error and has to be reinstalled. The registration process is also hard to find. The graphics are definitely dated. How a company would hope to sell a game like this is beyond me. This is a game a person could get with Windows 3.1 or maybe even DOS. I appreciate the free game but please move up to at least the 1990's.

Reply   |   Comment by gpc111  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the link mr-b. BZFlag is a free online multiplayer cross-platform open source 3D tank battle game. You can see a couple of screenshots via the following link:


Here's the download page for those interested in an online game:


Hi Greg,

Sorry to here you had so many problems getting the game to work. The first two alternatives I've linked to in my first post are better versions of the same type of game; and the rest of the tank games are pretty good to apart from the last few which are very old, but the game play is okay.

To Ivan, I'd try the other alternatives I've linked to. Maybe you wont have the same problem with those games running fast :lol:

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Excellent free tank game.

Reply   |   Comment by mr-b  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Same problem as #14.I reinstalled and it works again.

Reply   |   Comment by Micah  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It may be lame and behind the times but for an fart like me it takes me back to the 80's when last I played a video game. Too bad I can't play it. I'm either really too old or I missed a configuration option because it runs rather fast, I'm dead before I even get moving. Is ther a way to slow things down.

Reply   |   Comment by Ivan  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After exiting the game and trying again to open it, it crashes again, saying, "Unable to set graphics mode". Apparently it's not compatible with my PC. Disappointed and uninstalling.

Reply   |   Comment by Greg  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After my initial problems (comment#14), I got it re-installed and after some difficulty - (Déjà vu) I accidentally got it registered again. Great goodness, that things hard to register! I'm not even gonna try to changed the display settings this time. It's a fun game.

Reply   |   Comment by Greg  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I enjoyed its predecessor, so I'm happy to see this one. After installing and accidentally figuring out how to register it (finally!), I played a few games. It was fun as I remembered. Then I tried to set the display option to full screen. It crashed. Now every time I try to open the game, it crashes so I can't reset the "Full Screen" option to "No". Uninstalling, and trying download again...

Reply   |   Comment by Greg  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

When you start the installation process you will be told what controls are used for both the single player and two player modes.


1-st Player:

Uparrow - move forward
Downarrow - move back
Leftarrow - move left
Rightarrow - move right
Right "Ctrl" or "Ins" - "fire"

2-nd Player:

W - move forward
S - move back
A - move left
D - move right
Left "Ctrl" or "Space" - "fire"

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks GGOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Dave W.  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

how do you get the tank to fire - there's no game directions?

moderators comment:

use the ctrl key to fire

Reply   |   Comment by Ned_Kelly  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not really interested here. The visuals make this game no better than standard free flash stuff that was available 5 years ago. Thanks GGOTD for returning but I'll give today's offering a pass.

Reply   |   Comment by Retroboy  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm sure many users don;t get out of the apartment much,
and this may seem like a high tech game offering,
but trust me... there's more out there than 8 bit NES graphics and
low quality game play.

This is just my honest opinion.....

it's free
can apparently br run on an abacus
it has color graphics (lol)

it's lame
only 20 years behind current technology
normally costs more than ZERO ( Dollars, Euro, Francs, Deutsch Marks)

Although this game is inferior in all respects,
it's redeeming grace is that it's completely lame.

*** rambles on and on and on and on about something when there's
pretty much nothing to ramble on about

final verdict? a complete waste of bandwidth and time.
thumbs down !!!

Reply   |   Comment by vilulf  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

(4) @Spiritwolf
Did you see this file "readme.txt"
The clue is in the filename...........

Reply   |   Comment by Wizz  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed and ran fine on vista 64 bit

Reply   |   Comment by Clive  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the game this weekend GGAoTD!!

Reply   |   Comment by jean  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Does anyone else think that waiting 20 days for a new game to appear on this website is too long??
Anyway, I will give this a try on Vista 32 bit with 2.25 Gb of RAM.

Reply   |   Comment by JohnO  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

That was one of the toughest apps to find out how and where to enter reg key that I've seen so far. It would be so much easier if it were possible to navigate with cursor and if it was more clear how to reach the registration window...I found it totally by accident as I jumped around looking for it everywhere

Reply   |   Comment by Spiritwolf  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I thought this game was pretty fun. Graphics reminded me of an old Amiga.

Reply   |   Comment by bape  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yea! Games are back.

This game has the look of a classic late 80's or early 90's pc game. I'm still gonna give it a try.
Atari anyone?

Reply   |   Comment by Daniel Lovejoy  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Tanks at the Gates:

Today’s game is an updated version of Enemy at the Gates a basic ‘no frills’ tank game that was given away over a year ago in May 08. On opening the game the same flag effect is present, but it has been changed to a displaced pattern effect as used in army combat jackets, plus the name has been changed from Enemy at the Gates to Tank at the Gates.

Click HERE to check out the comments from the previous giveaway

Comparing the two games along side each other apart from some skinning differences, the games appear to be exactly the same so I’m going to re post my original review of the game. The Enemy at the gates that we were given previously was version 1.51, today’s game is version 1.80. The developer has said the following changes have been implemented:

Attention! "Tank At The Gates!" is a new improvemed version of June22-EATG game.

- The graphics is improved
- Various special effects are added
- More realistic physics
- New models of tanks
- Possibility to choose for what country to battle (the USSR, the USA and Great Britain)
- Set of other improvements and innovations

And here’s what they have to say about the game:

Throngs of enemy armour are spreading in your sector while your single tank is everything that stands between the enemy armada and your HQ...

This game is a real gift for all the old-school fans of Battlecity and its clones, as it incorporates all the features of the the original title, adding some new and really good ones. First at all, the game is rendered in a full 3D with a possibility to tilt your camera to get a better viewpoint. Note that your tank turns smoothly, so the various ambush tactics can be implemented.

All the original levels of the Battlecity are present in the game, plus alot of new ones are added. The terrain itself is colored in several different landscapes and is visually variable. Moreover, the terrain type influence the game process: both your and enemy tanks move slower in the desert, and while on the snow you may experience difficulties controlling your tank.

But, despite the number of improvements, the essence of the game remained the same - be quick, sharp and decisive while destroying your enemies. Use the number of upgrades like additional armor and improved gun, or powerful battlefield features like freezing off your enemies or raising concrete wall around your HQ. Finally, if you feel the game is too hard for yourself, you may invite your friend and play the game together on the same screen.

There are various bonuses during the game that could help you.
Enemy tanks are differing from each other and could be of several kinds.


- 3D-rendered battlefield with adjustable camera position
- Smooth targeting adds new flavor to the old game
- 4 enemy tank types
- 6 possible upgrades
- 4 terrain types
- Several different landscape styles (barren lands, snowfields and urban ruins) that alter tanks' characteristics
- Play the game in the cooperative mode along with your friend on the same computer
- 35 classical levels from original game could be revisited
- 50 absolutely levels designed especially for June 22-EatG

Reference: http://www.june22-game.com/ accessed 21st Aug 09

The Game:

June 22nd: Enemy at the gates looks remarkably like battle rush that was given away just over two year ago, though I couldn’t swear to it now as I deleted the game due to having Tanks Evolution that was also given away last year, which (IMO) is a much better version of this game. If you’re interested, check out the link to Tank Commander below; it’s one of those games from Gametop.com. If you don’t already know, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that it is the very same game as Tanks Evolution.

Today’s game has very basic graphics, and the controls are still clunky and the levels have very little variation in them apart from the color of the blocks. The one redeeming factor with this game is that you get a levels editor so you are able to create as many extra levels as you wish. You get 30 classic levels and 50 new missions plus as many new level’s as you care to make. These can be accessed from the games start menu. There is a separate shortcut for the map editor.

From the options menu you can select your screen resolution from several choices ranging from 720×576x16 to 1680×1050x32. There’s a toggle to set the game in windowed mode plus an additional mode called scaled that enables you to set the windowed mode to a size similar to a flash game, ie very small. There are three view modes from 2D to two 3D views as well as a gamma correction slider and music and sound controls.

Once you’ve selected new game from the main menu you can select either a one or two player game, where you play in coop mode. That is, you both fight off the enemy tanks, cooperating with each other. Accidentally shooting your buddy has no effect

There are four types of tank to destroy each one worth a different amount of points. These are: Light Tank (100 points), Tank Destroyer (200 points), Heavy Tank (300 points) and Assault Tank (500 points) The higher the point value, the harder it is to destroy the tank. In game there is little to distinguish between the tanks apart from their difference in size though checking the help file . As you progress through the levels you are awarded promotions, the first promotion is at the end of level one and isn’t actually dependent upon you score. The next rank is master sergeant; which appears to be score dependent as I held this rank for two levels?

There are in game bonuses that are gained by destroying commander tanks that appear slightly darker than the usual enemy tank. These bonuses the following:


• "Commander" tanks can appear during the game, darker than usual ones. It is suggested to destroy them as soon as possible. When such tank is hit, a bonus appears somewhere on the map. Pick it up! This will help you in the game.
Bonuses can be of 6 different types:

• "Wrench". When picked up, this gives you 1 extra life

• "Bomb". Destroys all enemy tanks on the map (note: your score remains unchanged!)

• "Red Star". When picking the first Star, your gun is upgraded to more powerful 85mm model with higher muzzle velocity.
Picking the second star allows you to fire enchanced AP (armor-piercing) projectiles with increased penetration. Be careful, as these projectiles are also capable to destroy concrete walls!

• "Beton".- (concrete blocks) Grants concrete protection to your HQ for 30 seconds.

• "Shield". An additional armor is installed on your tank, making you invulnerable to enemy fire for 30 seconds .

• "Clock". Enemy tanks are immobilized for 30 seconds.

The concrete blocks (betons), shield and clock are time limited and lasts for 30 seconds whereas the weapons upgrades last for as long as your tank survives or until your base is destroyed. It only takes one hit from an enemy tank to destroy you unless you’ve got the invulnerability shield active. Once your three lives are used up that’s the end of the game.

The editor is very easy to work with having only 12 types of block to work with that mainly includes brick and concrete style blocks with what are supposed to emulate trees and which you can hide under as well as barbed wire fencing. The concrete blocks are indestructible. All custom made levels are accessible from the new games menu. There doesn’t appear to be a save game option, but the review was based upon a demo of the game. I wasn’t able to access any of the new levels or test and save custom made levels.
The game is keyboard controlled. It says on the website that the game can also be controlled by a game pad or a joystick

The aim of the game is to survive each level, protect your home base from being destroyed by the enemy and destroy a specific number of tanks which is indicated next to the number of lives you have left, which starts at three. At the end of each level you are presented with the end of level statistics which include the numbers of each tank you’ve destroyed, the points for each tank, the score for the level and the cumulative score for the game.


I may add some comparison images later today, though the changes are only cosmetic. I'd intended to do it earlier, but deleting my review has cost me a couple of extra hours having to rewrite the changes I'd made to the original review.

All on one page

As a Slideshow

System Requirements:


• English version of Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista
• Intel Pentium II 300MHz or AMD K6-2 450MHz processor
• 64MB RAM (128MB for Windows 2000/XP
• 4x Speed CD/DVD-ROM drive
• 20MB of uncompressed free hard disk space
• 100% DirectX 7.0 compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers
• 100% Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP,2003,Vista compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers
• DirectX 7.0
• 8MB 3D hardware accelerator card required – 100% DirectX 7.0 compatible and the latest drivers.*


• English version of Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista
• Intel Pentium III 500MHz or AMD K7 Athlon 500MHz processor
• 128MB RAM (256MB for Windows 2000/XP)
• 4x Speed CD/DVD-ROM drive
• 50MB of uncompressed free hard disk space
• 100% DirectX 7.0 compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers
• 100% Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers
• DirectX 9.0c
• 32MB 3D hardware accelerator card required – 100% DirectX 7.0 compatible and the latest drivers.*


Initially I wasn’t impressed with this game, but that was because of the very basic looking graphics. The actual game play is quite reasonable apart from the controls. I found those to be very clunky and lost loads of tanks due to the inability to turn away from incoming fire, though if you’re lucky enough you can destroy incoming shells from other tanks. Once you’ve got used to the controls though you can have a decent enough game. The variety of power ups is okay. If you wish you can change the music which can be found inside the music folder within the main games folder; though you’ll have to convert the music to the ogg format first (there's several audio converters available in the giveaway freeware library, then rename the music you want to place in game to the files you are replacing. There are four files that you can add.

Although the game looks like it's from the 8 bit age it's still got some decent game play. I'm sure graphic whores who pay hundreds of $'s for their graphics cards (like me, lol) will hate this game, but because it does play okay I’d give this game 6 out of 10.

Alternative Games:

Off the top of my head I know that there are two games that Gametop have at least two freeware tank games called Tank Commander (11Mb) and Tank Assault. The former was given away last year but was called Tanks Evolution. Gametop games are full version commercial games, but because of licencing they usually have their names changed.


Both games are from Gametop so you need to be aware that when closing the game down your browser is opened to Gametops home page; however, this is not a browser hijack. Once the page has been closed that’s it. Some Gametop games also have tick boxes to uncheck otherwise you may find that your browser has been hijacked, (with your consent as you didn’t uncheck the box, so technically it’s not a hijack, lol), or a toolbar may have been installed - rule of thumb – just make sure you check each step of the installation process and uncheck any tick boxes that ask you for permission to install toolbars etc. :lol:

Get Tank Commander HERE

Get Tank Assault HERE

There’s also quite a few decent tank based games to be found in the games synopsis over in the Giveawayoftheday forums. There’s a 3D game called Battle Tanks 2, Gabaaba an unusual tank and helicopter game, S.U.A.V.E another 3D tank shooter, plus three stationary tank games called Scorched Earth, Scorched 3D and another one called Singed Earth; there’s a tank strategy game called Steel Panthers World at War, and Strife a futuristic tank dueling game and finally another tank strategy game called Tank Wars. If you’ve not seen the Free Games Synopsis, is easy to use; click on the letter at the top of the page that corresponds to the game you’re looking for and it will take you to all the games beginning with that letter. The list is alphabetical, so all the games I’ve mentioned above should be easy to find. The name of the game is linked to a thread somewhere in the games discussion forums that will give you details of the game and a download link.

Go to the Free Games Synopsis HERE

Finally here’s few more tank games, all abandonware or freeware called Abrams Battle Tank; which you can download HERE, and another one called Sherman M4 HERE, and Cannon Fodder II HERE


There was also a review done by Lockett last year. You can see this Lockett’s review of Enemy at the Gates

Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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