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Street Fight Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Street Fight

One of the best arcade classics, Street Fight, is now available for mobile!
User rating: 6 6 comments

Street Fight was available as a giveaway on August 31, 2021!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Game featuring images of various robots made in this unique genre.

One of the best arcade classics, Street Fight, is now available for mobile! Play for free and discover this revolutionary beat 'em up.
You are the king of the fighters. A man, a city on the ropes and a crime lord who rules the streets of rage that 
you will have to win in a final fight. Welcome to one of the greatest arcade classics. Wield knives, baseball bats or 
pistols and fight along incredible scenarios infested with thugs to bring order to the city. Trepidante, explosive, 
brutal and totally addictive. Street Fight is one of the most influential beat' em ups of all time!

Street Fight - Features:
- Quick fight action!
- Brutal combined attacks!
- Excellent visual and sound effects!
- Devastating weapons: baseball bat, knife and pistol.
- The true atmosphere of the city streets of crime and hardcore play!

System Requirements:





File Size:

79.6 MB



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Developed by Overwolf
Developed by The FlightGear Organization
Developed by Razer Inc.

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I've have to strip then try and fix my daughters gaming computer that she also uses for her university work. It stopped working and I need to see if I can fix it before deciding to purchase a new one for her. So the following review is based on just a short game play test. We've had a similar game to this some time ago, but I can't remember the name of it. Also, Falcoware released a very similar game to this called Street Battle in 2019 using the same assets.
Street Fight:

In Brief:

You can see a video of game play HERE.
One of the best arcade classics, Street Fight, is now available for mobile! Play for free and discover this revolutionary beat 'em up.

You are the king of the fighters. A man, a city on the ropes and a crime lord who rules the streets of rage that you will have to win in a final fight. Welcome to one of the greatest arcade classics. Wield knives, baseball bats or pistols and fight along incredible scenarios infested with thugs to bring order to the city. Trepidante, explosive, brutal and totally addictive. Street Fight is one of the most influential beat' em ups of all time!

- Quick fight action!
- Brutal combined attacks!
- Excellent visual and sound effects!
- Devastating weapons: baseball bat, knife and pistol.
- The true atmosphere of the city streets of crime and hardcore play!

Reference accessed HERE 31st August 2021.


The Game:
A side scrolling Beat 'Em Up game with a pseudo 3D feel. and made with the Unity engine. Use the ZXC keys to punch kick and defend and the space bar to jump or jump kick. Smash crates with kicks or fists and to find weapons (with limited ammunition), which can take out an enemy with one shot. You can pick these up using the Z key. Move left to right and up and down using the arrow keys. Follow the direction of the hand and survive to the end of the level. You health is shown in the top left hand corner of the screen and your enemies (as you fight each one) is shown in the top right of the screen, much like the original Street fighter games.

When you start the game you can select to play a training session which introduces you to the various moves you can make by beating up one of those karate dummy torsos. When you start the game you can choose between two characters Nathan and Jason; each with slightly different characteristics i.e. Nathan has less power in his punches and kicks so may require more hits to knock out opponents, but he's faster and can jump higher than Jason, who has a slower speed, lower jump, but has a more powerful hit. There appears to be four levels, but a message below the level selection screen says

''This is an example of a level selection screen with four items. all the items currently load the same level (01_Game). To edit the level data, drag the UI Prefab from the project into the scene. Go to UI/Canvas/LevelselectionScn and edit the data of the UILevelSelection component.''

This may indicate more levels, or it could be an artefact from when the game was being created in Unity? This would imply that ther eis actually only one level to this game or if you were to download the free version of Unity you could possibly edit the level?
The introduction to this game (taken from the developers slot on itch.io), implies that it's as good as the original street fighter, which it is not. The original had more moves and although the graphic was dated by todays standards, it was far superior to this attempt at copying the game. Still, it works and today it is free. If you like Beat 'Em Up games, this is worth downloading, but you won't find much variation in the game play. The limited time I played this was enough for me. I have far better beat 'em ups on my Steam account; e.g. Street Fighter IV & V, Ultra Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken, Tekken 7, Kickbeat, THE KING OF FIGHTERS '97 ( which is much closer to the original Street Fighter) and Zeno Clash 1 &2 (two of my all-time favourite true 3D Beat 'Em Up's with some whacky stone age weapons) to name just a few




Notes on Security
I scanned a zipped copy of the installed game and it found zero hits from 60 antimalware engines. The downloaded executable may include some low level adware that only opens your browser to Falcoware's home page after the game has installed and places four shortcuts onto your desktop (which can be safely deleted once the game has installed). The installation does not inject any malware into your system. When your browser is opened to Falcoware's home page when the game has been installed, it earns Falcoware games some money, part of which is given to the developer of the game for allowing the game to be given away free. You can see the results of the scan via the following link:


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

Why not mention for what "limited period of time" they offer
for free use !?

Reply   |   Comment by V.Goranow  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)


Hi V.Goranow

Game giveaway of the day should give you a clue as to how long you get the game for, i.e. permanently.

They also say near the top of the page:

Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

How can I enable Gamepad?

Reply   |   Comment by Kees  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Kees, impossible.

Reply   |   Comment by Guest  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Unity engine, which always overheats my laptop severely. Also game is just one short level. Very unfinished. No exit option except to kill the game outright. Very meager intro on game controls.

Reply   |   Comment by Johan Ente  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+18)
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