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Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection Giveaway

Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection

A set of three historical turn-based strategies.
User rating: 26 20 comments

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Win one of the 50 Steam keys for Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection!

Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection is a set of three historical turn-based strategies, in which you are going to take command of the armies in the greatest Medieval wars as well as take control of countries and nations during World War II.

Become a general of one of the most important WW II battles! Take command of the German, Soviet or Allied army and lead them to victory in three challenging story-based campaigns. Single player scenario-based battles will satisfy those who love huge maps taking several hours to complete as well as quick skirmish lovers.

System Requirements:

Memory: 2 GB RAM; Storage: 500 MB






The game is available for $4.99, but the winners of our contest will get it for free.

GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection

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NoTwitterShare, obscene language or unfavorable about the numerous social media accounts you MUST have and NUMBER OF FRIENDS YOU MUST SELL to to get it? As a test (after losing so many of these) a friend and I made a not so honest account and tried to win a key. We used EVERY social media account on the list a the time and even had many many many friends we had use it to download the software/try to win the software. I have to say that I would be VERY impressed to see the numbers of the 100 ppl that won keys over me after finding out how many ppl joined in to help me on my quest. I find this all complete BS. Let us ALL see the numbers of the winners? Who won? How many ppl did they sell themselves to that came here? Why did this all change from 'giveaway' to 'selyourselfaway'?

................................Moderator Comment.......................................

Hi Gregg, I don't know whether the game is fixed because I've not won one game yet despite entering all but the last one. Last but one weekends game should have been an almost 100% chance of winning assuming everyone had the maximum number of entries. Because the number of keys divided into the total number of entries came to almost the same number of total entries I'd made over the week. I've looked at all of the winners from every game so far and some people have won up to seven games. The odds of winning have actually been favorable for virtually every game so far varying from a 25% chance (this weeks so far), but most have hovered around the 40 to 50% chance of winning.

It would be good to see how many actually enter, the number of entries each has made and other stats. Personally I don't think it's bad luck that i haven't won, but something a little more insidious, but i may be wrong. It just seems odd that some community members are winning virtually every week and I've not won one???????

Reply   |   Comment by ibwebb  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

ibwebb , of course there is the possibility neither of you have mentioned, that individuals might possibly win multiple keys off their multiple entries! If that organisational error occurs then all bets are off when using the total number of entries divided by the ways to enter as an estimate of the odds of winning! It's then becomes a complete farce! BTW This and not Sundays game giveaway is being advertised on the main giveawayoftheday.com front page... I wonder why that is... I doubt it is due to incompetence!

Reply   |   Comment by TK  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh my I had not thought about it from that angle, but you are completely right. YET, all of this could be cleared up (I would imagine) if the moderators (if they have access) or staff would be interested in letting us know.

Reply   |   Comment by Gregory A Webb  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

How long before giveawayoftheday goes the same way as gamegiveawayofthe day???

Reply   |   Comment by Steve  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Wow! You got seven whole comments this week! And one of them was "sdfa!"

That's Two TOO bad! It's RISK, people! I've wanted a RISK game to be GIVEN away on this here site for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS. It's Two Too bad that this isn't a GIVEAWAY site anymore. It makes me SAD like "Skinny Love." :(

I'm going to go get something free from the SharewareOnSale site and smile through my tears.

Reply   |   Comment by Swamp Thing  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Swamp Thing, that is not fair they are giving it away for free..... so long as we sell off a bit of our respect if we want stuff with all that having to have an account on every social media to send it out to everyone and lets not forget how we need to SELL it to so many of our friends too (for 'points' to MAYBE get it)!!

................................Moderator Comment.......................................

The only task I haven't followed so far is the friends one because I think it's out of order. Sort of like spamming your friends just so you can get something for free.

Reply   |   Comment by ibwebb  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)


Reply   |   Comment by styu mune  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Twitter has been blocking people who participate in too many of these gleam.io-type of giveaways. They will block your account and require that you verify your identity through either a SMS message or by responding to an email with a reminder to read their T.O.S. about excessive spam. They see these "retweet" and "tweet" steps as being spam if you do too many of them though they have no issues with "following" a developer or giveaway promoter. I participate in many of these throughout the week as there are a couple of places on reddit that keeps a list of ongoing giveaways and raffles and have had this happen to me a few times already. The "Tweet with #gamegiveawayoftheday" action may trigger this response from Twitter and I think this requirement shouldn't be allowed with giveaways on this site.

Reply   |   Comment by Brian H.  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)


................................Moderator Comment.......................................

Hi Gregg, I don't know whether the game is fixed because I've not won one game yet despite entering all but the last one. Last but one weekends game should have been an almost 100% chance of winning assuming everyone had the maximum number of entries. Because the number of keys divided into the total number of entries came to almost the same number of total entries I'd made over the week. I've looked at all of the winners from every game so far and some people have won up to seven games. The odds of winning have actually been favorable for virtually every game so far varying from a 25% chance (this weeks so far), but most have hovered around the 40 to 50% chance of winning.

Today's stands at about a 1 in 4 chance of winning, that's 25%, but previous ones have been much more favorable. For example the one from two weeks ago was almost 100% (yet I still didn't win, lol)

Reply   |   Comment by ibwebb  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

ibwebb , you ignored the question I was actually asking which was, what actually happens when you allow someone or other to tweet for you?

Reply   |   Comment by DocSid  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A question to those of you who have entered to win in the past. It appears that to get the entries for twitter you have to give somebody (GGOTD, Steam, Herocraft)?? the right to make tweets in your name. I have always refused to do that but am wondering what has happened to those of you who have accepted this part of the offer.

Since the offer is alreay a 30 to 1 shot against me winning, I'll decline the offer this week.

................................Moderator Comment.......................................

Your calculations are way off Doc Sid. At the moment there are 1856 entries so far. If you assume everyone ignores the 3 friends enries that makes 9 entries each. Divide this into the number of entries that have so far been made and it comes to just over 200 (209). There are 50 keys available so that means as it stands everyone has a 1 in 4 chance of winning. Personally I've not won one game yet despite entering every competition since it started apart from the Alien Shooter 2 which I missed. The one last week gave an almost 100 percent chance of winning (which I still failed to do, yet some community members are winning virtually every time they enter. I have seen one guy win at least seven times so far. Most odds from all of the competitions so far vary from between a one on five (i.e. 20% chance) to a 98% chance, but generally it's around a 30% chance i.e. 1 in 3.,/strong>

Reply   |   Comment by DocSid  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

DocSid, please forgive me fore using your comment to help the same cause but on a different level! They will sell out and others will follow. I am sure that the originals that started this sight are crying about what it has become!! I ask how love before you have to PAY for your "give away"? We already have to sell off a bit of our respect if we want stuff with all that having to have an account on every social media to send it out to everyone and lets not forget how we need to SELL it to so many of our friends too (for 'points' to MAYBE get it)!!

Reply   |   Comment by ibwebb  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

It's really sad to see the old GotD gone. I looked forward to see what free game is offered on the weekends. Now, it's mostly war games and you have to win something to play the whole thing. There was quite a variety that were offered and you didn't have to win a key to play it.
I wish that would come back and White Rabbit was still the monitor.


Reply   |   Comment by Subhadhra  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

What has happened to the Giveaways? This week you have only offered the chance to "win" one of the few steam keys available after completing all those tasks. On the few occasions, I've actually bothered to try, I've been told all the keys are already gone. This isn't good enough. You can't continue calling yourselves a giveaway site when you're not giving these away to everyone who visits, or at least everyone who completes all the required tasks. You obviously have many more visitors than the number of steam keys you're willing to part with. I'm not even going to bother applying for today's game as it's highly likely that the 50 available keys have already gone. The least you could do is to put a counter on the page so we can see whether it is worth trying. This has become more of a gambling or competition site, than a giveaway site. Shame on you!

Reply   |   Comment by Lynn  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

........................Comment removed by moderator due to obscene language. Warning, another post like this and your IP will be banned................................

Reply   |   Comment by NoTwitterShare  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

NoTwitterShare, I agree with whatever this guy said, before it was censored by this shtty group that ruined the way this was for years. Wish I knew what was said so I could applaud the guy.

Reply   |   Comment by Jon  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

NoTwitterShare, obscene language or unfavorable about the numerous social media accounts you MUST have and NUMBER OF FRIENDS YOU MUST SELL to to get it? As a test (after losing so many of these) a friend and I made a not so honest account and tried to win a key. We used EVERY social media account on the list a the time and even had many many many friends we had use it to download the software/try to win the software. I have to say that I would be VERY impressed to see the numbers of the 100 ppl that won keys over me after finding out how many ppl joined in to help me on my quest. I find this all complete BS. Let us ALL see the numbers of the winners? Who won? How many ppl did they sell themselves to that came here? Why did this all change from 'giveaway' to 'selyourselfaway'?

Reply   |   Comment by ibwebb  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

NoTwitterShare, Block his IP? You realise that, unless he has a dedicated IP, you'll be blocking an entire group of people?

Reply   |   Comment by kevin  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection

In Brief

There are 50 keys available for completing a few tasks such as liking it on Facebook, subscribing to a news letter, following the game on Twitter etc. Personally I don't use Facebook or Twitter for anything other than getting games and applications free. Prior to the advent of this type of activity, where you have to use Twitter and Facebook I never used social media, but I did create accounts specifically to get free games and software. I firstly created an email (GMail) that I then used to create a Twitter and Facebook account, which I only use for these gamegiveaway competitions and similar competitions on other sites such as Falamid where you have to do similar actions. Also, for those that are security conscious I've not had to give out any important personal information to create any of the accounts.

Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection is a map based strategy game with three different scenarios, 1) ... Strategy & Tactics from WW II featuring three campaigns for the Axis, the USSR, and the Allies. 2) ... Medieval Wars featuring the Crusader forces in the IX-XV centuries and 3) ... a WW2: Sandbox featuring 28 countries

If you miss today's competition, you can get the game via Steam HERE. In the Steam summer sale it is only £5.24/$7.49

If you still haven't opted to install the Steam client, it can be worth it just for the free games available of which there are a few hundred. The client does not take up much hard drive space and has a small memory foot print. Once installed make sure you are not signed up for the beta program otherwise you'll get daily updates, which often means re-booting the client. For those who want to add even more games to their Steam account cheaply there are literally hundreds of excellent Steam game codes available at this time for upwards of 90% off from various Indie bundle Sites. You can see these by checking out the thread called The Weekly Round-Up of Game deals over in the game discussion forums HERE. Also the Steam summer sale has started with discounts as high as 90% off. You can pick up loads of indie games for as little as £0.39p/$0.50cents. The Steam sale ends on the 4th July.

The game installs to the following path by default unless you chose to install to a different path from the main Steam installation. Those with multiple hard drives are able to save games on any drive they wish:

C:\Program files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\

You can select to have a shortcut installed to the desktop and start menu if you wish

The Game
Strategy & Tactics: Wargame Collection is a set of three historical turn-based strategies, in which you are going to take command of the armies in the greatest Medieval wars as well as take control of countries and nations during World War II.

Strategy & Tactics: WW II

Become a general of one of the most important WW II battles! Take command of the German, Soviet or Allied army and lead them to victory in three challenging story-based campaigns. Single player scenario-based battles will satisfy those who love huge maps taking several hours to complete as well as quick skirmish lovers.


three campaigns for the Axis, the USSR, and the Allies

dozens of Skirmish mode maps and 7 historical scenario-based maps

lots of maps for Hotseat multiplayer mode

Medieval Wars: Strategy & Tactics

You will send the armies of England, France, and Crusader forces in three campaigns, trying to defeat your enemies in the major European wars and battles in the IX-XV centuries. With the scenario-based maps you will take part in battles for the Rus', stop the Saracens under the banners of Charles the Great and spark the Hussite uprising.

Three historical campaigns

4 separate historical scenarios

Several Skirmish maps

Hotseat multiplayer mode

21 types of troops

Turn-based battles, economic and military development

WW2: Sandbox. Strategy&Tactics

Win the victory in World War II for one of the 28 countries at your choice.

You can keep the political alliances that existed in reality and, for instance, lead the USSR and crush Germany together with the Western allies, or you can disable the alliances and celebrate your victory on the ruins of London.

The generator of random events, such as guerilla movements, landing operations, voluntary recalls, etc., will add to the replaying possibilities of each game, making it your own unique part of history.

Map of Europe with over 500 regions

39 countries available for playing

infantry, air forces, artillery, armor and navy — it is up to you as to what to bring the enemies to their knees with

choose what to spend the resources of the captured areas on: grow your army or further develop science

Reference accessed HERE. 2nd July 2016

If you have a problem installing or activating or getting the game to work please visit the problems section, which I've now incorporated into the FAQ's thread, and which you can find HERE

You can see a video of game play HERE

Useful Information:
The problems section that used to be posted here in the Game review is now included in the Game Discussion FAQ's thread; which you can find HERE.

I've updated the games section that used to be posted with the review. The thread is now called 'Weekly round up of game deals', formerly the games section of the weekly reviews. You can find the new thread (which I've posted in the sticky section of the game discussion forums to make it easier to find if you are perusing the game discussion forums) HERE.

The latest free game over on Origin has changed to Nox. Nox is an action role-playing game developed by Westwood Studios and published by Electronic Arts in 2000 for Microsoft Windows. It details the story of Jack, a young man from Earth who is pulled into a high fantasy parallel universe and has to defeat the evil sorceress Hecubah and her army of Necromancers to return home. Depending on the player's choice of character class at the beginning of the game (warrior, conjurer, or wizard), the game follows three largely different linear story lines, each leading to its unique ending. If you've ever played the early RPG's such as Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale or the early Fallout series and liked them, you'll probably like this game as well. It's 16 year sold now, but still looks pretty good for it's age. This type of game has held it's appeal and looks far more than the early first person games. I highly recommend it..

You can get it HERE. Please note that you do require the Origin game platform to be able to download and install the game.

If you are having problems installing the game check the thread I've linked to above. If you can't find any fixes check the comments made by the community below and over the last few weeks for suggestions. Thank you.

If today's game wasn't to your liking, you may find other games either free or for less than the price of a cup of coffee (from your favorite coffee house) via the 'Weekly Roundup of Game Deals' thread which I've posted a link to above, or HERE.

I've still to send out some Steam keys to those that commented on previous weeks games. I decided to take a break from virtually everything for the last few weeks partly to recharge my batteries. I am not going to run the free keys again this week as I'm still behind with everything at the moment, it would just confuse my morphine addled brain even more than it is already. :) I will resume giving more keys away once I've sent out all of those I owe to community members. To those that have qualified for keys so far , please be patient. Also, remember I need to see what you want via the thread I've linked too above that can be found in the game discussion forums. If you've had problems signing into your forum account, let me know what your forum name is and I'll resend you a new password. I have posted lots more games in the list over in the game discussion forums. To those that haven't received a key and who think they should, check out the new games as you may find something more to your liking. also to help me all community members who still think they are owed a key I'd really appreciate it if you re-posted a comment listing the games you wish for in the thread I created specifically for this. It will save me loads of time and maybe even speed up getting the game to you. thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit-uk  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I am really sorry if you took any of my rant personally. I know that you are a fair man that does a fantastic job. I just found myself (seems more and more) bothered that GOTD is changing the way they are... the free game use to be for everyone and now because I choose to not have a twitter account and a few other social medias I am punished. Again, I hope you didn't take any of that personally and you still owe me and email! lol

Reply   |   Comment by ibwebb  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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