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Spring Boy Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Spring Boy

Help the little envoy of spring overcome the winter!
User rating: 6 10 comments

Spring Boy was available as a giveaway on September 20, 2022!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Collect several identical cubes together to get a combo destruction!

Spring Boy is an exciting platformer with beautiful graphics. In this game you have to help the little envoy of spring overcome the winter, which is stubbornly hanging on. Dodge obstacles while helping flowers blossom. Also make sure to clear snow drifts along the way. Get to the finals and melt a huge snowflake that refuses to go away and let spring blossom.

System Requirements:






File Size:

170 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by SCS Software
Developed by Overwolf

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Spring Boy:


In Brief:
Spring Boy is a side scrolling platformer and another of those Gamiron games (#14) that were entered into a game making competition, where you are given specific rules such as the type of game and the length of time you have to create that game. Some excellent games have been created this way, but generally (from my own experience of playing a lot of these games) most are short and often unfinished.

Today's game is playable but only in a window. If you want to increase the size of the window, you'll need to lower your monitors resolution, which will effectively increase the size of the window. Running it on a monitor set to 1920 x 1080 will give you a window that fills about half of the monitor.

The aim of the game is to pick up clouds and open flowers but avoid the red thorns. If you touch a red thorn, you start the level from the beginning. The first four levels are easy but get progressively harder from level five onwards. There are a total of eighteen short levels. You have to open the red flower to be able to progress to the next level. You'll know when you are at the end of a level because you'll see a signpost and a owl hiding behind a bush.

There's about an hours' worth of game play unless you are absolutely terrible at platformers. If your dexterity is high, you'll easily finish this game in less than 40 minutes

A = Move Left
D = Move Right
Space = Jump
D or A + Space = Wall Climb
Esc = to Menu

Game controllers not supported

You can see a video of game play HERE.
As with many of these short games, this is an ideal coffee/tea break game.
Notes on Security

I scanned a zipped copy of the installed game using Virus Total and it found zero hits from 61 antimalware engines.
You can see the results of the installed games scan HERE.













Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

"Running it on a monitor set to 1920 x 1080 will give you a window that fills about half of the monitor."

FWIW, resetting the screen rez can be a slight bit of a hassle because of restoring desktop icon positions & such. *IF* a game will work in a VirtualBox VM, it's trivial to set the display resolution &/or go to full screen display, though full screen *may* increase the VM's display rez somewhat.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)


Thanks for your feedback Mike. I've not had an issue with restoring desktop icons in a long time. I think the last time it happened was when I was playing a really old game via DOSBox.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

+2 Time Zone __05:01 21/9/2022

mike, hi .
I've had my desktop "blown away" a few times in the past and
it was a real painful experience trying to restore all my icons to
the right place .
Thankfully , 9-10 years ago I've stumble upon a small , free program
called "desktopOK" .
I can truly say that it saved me numerous times .
So , give it a try ...
Maybe you will like it as much as I do ... :-)

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)


You can pick up DesktopOk HERE. Thanks G for posting the app name. I'v eused a couple of different ones over the years, not tried this one yet. So will check it out. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Long, long day for me. I normally would not download a game this potentially short, but downloaded just in case I was "absolutely terrible at platformers". Well, I'm not terrible, but I'm mainly a mouse player. I struggle with keyboard games, so it could possibly be 1 I could build my skills on. You should see me at keyboard racing games. Positive disaster! LOL. Glad I downloaded because when I tried to play it, it alerted me to a DirectX update I didn't have. Thought I had them all, but it doesn't help when Micro$oft removes them from the Download Center to discourage people using unsupported OSses. Happy to say it DOES play on my Windows XP SP3 32 bit, though this posting will be too late to alert anyone, unless they want to pay the $5 dollars. The game itself is so basic - though seems fine for what it is - that it doesn't seem necessary to review it.

However, also happy to get the advice from mike and JED. Thanks guys. 2 useful programs to know about. Always wanted to play with VMWare, but had a hard time figuring out enough that I wanted to download it. VirtualBox looks simpler, more easier to get into. Though, like WR, I've never had scrambled icons, desktopOK is good to know about. So, a productive visit for me.

As to the ongoing Ashoot mystery, I'm not going to try and belabor this day after day, but I forgot to mention an impression I had last time we had 1 of these contest entries, which is: It's interesting to see that Ashoot seems to be entering all these contests. Or is on good relationships with those who do. If he actually is. Or does. Like I say, probably won't deal with this much anymore, but these contest entries brought this mysterious issue to the fore again, at least for me.

Thanks all, TC.

Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)


Hi Watcher13,

Thank you for your (as usual) detailed comment. I wish that more community members had posted more detailed feedback on the many games we received between December 2006 (when the game side of the project started) to March 2008 when 7 days a week games stopped following the financial crisis; (game prices in real terms crashed significantly, i.e., arcade games used to cost on average $19.99, but early in 2008, prices dropped drastically to between $4 to $6 per game). We continued to get games most weekends from April 2008 to 2016 before Alawar and Playrix cut ties with the site. From that point on we got games from the free game sites (with some reduction in the adware that is always present in games from those sites) with the occasional limited giveaways from Steam until Falcoware filled the weekday gap in 2018.

Back in the day, when we were getting games 'every' day from the likes of 8 Floor, Jadeware, Alawar, Playrix and other independent developers. I'd hoped that this site would become a nexus for indie game developers, who would take on board the comments left by the community, that would give developers more ideas and help with improvements to their games. I firmly believed that if the community had responded to my requests for positive and negative constructive feedback on the games we were given; developers would continue to give away their games and possibly use the site for βeta and αlpha testing and feedback, with the promise of giving the final release to those who participated. I used to ask the community to post their detailed feedback for those reasons.

Sadly, it wasn't to be. There were some community members who did post decent feedback, but they were few and far between. At one point while still asking the community for help, I'd post statistics where I'd quote the percentage of useful feedback from the number of comments and the number of downloads taken on particular occasions. The figure rarely rose above 0.01% of the community bothering to even comment; and often was less than 0.005% of the community commenting that could be regarded as useful; bear in mind, this was when we often had upwards of 20 000+ downloads for each game given away.

I've still not heard from Itch.io about Ashoots games. I may have to send another email; especially considering yesterday's game is the second where two different developers appear with the same game?

Still, I'm sure both Falcoware and Itch.io wouldn't entertain a developer who steals work from another developer. The most likely explanation is that Ashoot uses different developer names, but I will try to confirm that eventually.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Whiterabbit-uk, I share your hopes in the regard of Ashoot, and I have also mentioned, I think after you did, that Ashoot might have developed under different names in the past - an old veteran returning previous efforts to circulation. I've also mentioned a couple of other benevolent possibilities: that Ashoot has collected a number of games from other developers, who may have gotten out of the business, with their permissions or, at least that Ashoot may be recycling abandonedware. That last, though perhaps ethically murky, at least may be bringing these games back into circulation. Though perhaps Ashoot, for his or her own reputation, should check more carefully that some of these are truly abandoned, and not available for free elsewhere. Or just come here and address the issue. And, it just occurred to me, that Ashoot's efforts may be a combination of all of those things. I'm perfectly willing to think happy thoughts. :P I guess in the future this discussion will only arise if some other commenter here happens to notice an Ashoot offering available elsewhere under another name for less money. So it probably won't come up much, if at all. I can say that I won't be spending time searching the "provenance" of these.

Or maybe Falcoware can shed some insight on this, since they've, as you've said, have shown an admirable tendency to respond in the past. I thought they weren't involved, other than providing the new installer that doesn't balk at either XP or 32 bit, as the old weekday 1 did. (I believe that JED - or maybe it was mike - pointed out that the old one likely required a .net framework level incompatible with XP, which sounds like the most plausible possibility.) I checked one of Ashoot's offerings and it wasn't on the Falcoware website, but Spring Boy is. Is there a way for you to contact them? And Falcoware's Spring Boy page doesn't mention a developer. In any case, I'm going to leave this alone, so, unless we get more "I've seen this somewhere else under another developer's name for free" comments, which, of course, started this discussion, the issue may just fade away.

Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

+2 Time Zone __06:28 21/9/2022

#1 WOW ... a game from Ashoot that has NOT the word "fire" in its title ... :-)

#2 WOW ... it works just fine under Windows XP .!!!!

A few words about the game .

The game starts in Window mode .
When , through Settings , changed it to full screen ,
my screen flickered rapidly , making the game unplayable .
Later , when I'll find some time , I will try to change the monitor
settings and report back if I have a solution .

There in no sound control , only on-off .
No resolution settings .
No controls settings ... man,,, I HATE WASD controls .

The game is pretty easy to "pick up" and I really enjoyed it playing
for a few minutes , even though I HATE WASD controls .
Oops , sorry , I already said that ... :-)

I suspect that it can be really addictive for gamers who like platformers .
I know I do ...

Wish #1 ... I wish I had an Arcade controller ...
Wish #2 ... I wish the Arcade controller will be compatible with the game ...

A word to Ashoot .

First thing first , thank you very much for all the games that you gave us through
GameGiveawayOfTheDay .

Unfortunately , as I said before , most of them refuse to work under Windows XP .
I don't know if the Unity engine will allow you to make your games Windows XP
compatible , but I would love it if you could .
There are many dinosaurs like me out there , believe me , that would appreciate
the Windows XP compatibility ...
Also , can you do something about the WASD controls .
I am playing games from 1998 and I've always used the arrow keys to move and the
RMB to jump .
As you know , it's pretty difficult to teach new tricks to an old dog ... (born 1964) ...

Thanks again .
Bye for now .

Reply   |   Comment by JEDIGEG  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)


Hi G,

Thank you for your excellent feedback; really appreciated, and, more importantly, glad to hear you are able to play the game, considering the games you've had to miss. :) Stay safe my friend.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)
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