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Snake Time Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Snake Time

The game with the snake that grows bigger with every bite that it takes is now well known to almost everybody remotely familiar with digital entertainment. But this snake is a real charm to watch. No matter where, but the snake is always on the search for something to eat, be it on the desk or in the kids room. But growing in size gives our charming snake some problems as well. Take care of our charming snake so that she wont bite in her own tail. Some of the thigs she swallows are also not very good for her and she might behave a bit odd. More than 100 funny level await you, as well as different levels of difficulty.
User rating: 67 48 comments

Snake Time was available as a giveaway on December 21, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

The game with the snake that grows bigger with every bite that it takes is now well known to almost everybody remotely familiar with digital entertainment. But this snake is a real charm to watch.

No matter where, but the snake is always on the search for something to eat, be it on the desk or in the kids room. But growing in size gives our charming snake some problems as well. Take care of our charming snake so that she wont bite in her own tail. Some of the thigs she swallows are also not very good for her and she might behave a bit odd.

More than 100 funny level await you, as well as different levels of difficulty.

Password system allows you to start at exactly the level you last played the game. Different levels of difficulty turn this game into a challenge for experienced gamers as well as for beginners.

System Requirements:

Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP; DirectX 8.0 or above; Pentium II; 32MB RAM; Soundcard


Xing Interactive



File Size:

89.3 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

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Comments on Snake Time

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I am in agreement with others...90 MB for this game is way too big...The game held my interest for all of 2 minutes.

Reply   |   Comment by shtaba  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Dead links? Is this dead?

Reply   |   Comment by Lockett  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

p.s. Thanks BuBBy

Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey Lockett, thank you for the link to Death Worm; looking at the You Tube video and reading the forums (via your link) the game looks really cool. Though it does lead to dead links unfortunately. The following looks promising, though the download is excruciatingly slow.


I'm still waiting to try it out :(

I've searched the web and virtually all the links go back to the one you posted. Of the other two I found, one was for an online game that was rubbish, and the other was dead as well. I've been trying to download it for over an hour on a 4Mb broadband connection, from the above link; whether the sites bandwidth limit is almost reached I don't know, but it'll put off a lot of people who would otherwise be willing to try the game. I'm going to leave it downloading while I turn in and maybe I'll make a comment in the next giveaway.

Thanks again though. :)

Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Snake Time crased on "GAME OVER" on Win ME and Vista.

Reply   |   Comment by Torleif  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well normally i dont complain but this company is starting to get on my nerves like that unmentionable one we havent seen games from in awhile. Their file sizes are huge, not that i dont have room but i got a graphics design hobby as well as gaming and i really wouldnt waste my space for these games. They all have terrible controls and are not really unique in any way. Now mind u im not complaining because its free and i can pass. Just think this company needs to fix their games and maybe they would see more happy customers. Hopefully our comments will get thru to them one day.

Reply   |   Comment by vella  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I just want to know why all the games offered seem to be for little kids?

so far of all the games offered the average age group for them would be about 12 or less.

your position is very good GOTD, but your game offerings leave much to be desired

Reply   |   Comment by David  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It's a Magnussoft game. I'll pass on this one. They have way too many problems with their game controls being even close to descent

Reply   |   Comment by smw73  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

hello folks
i am dual booting xp and vista home basic and snake errors out on both
any other ppl havin problems
it installs but you go to play and an error comes up and says snake has to shut down

tx jim

Reply   |   Comment by jim  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It would appear this Snake was written in Visual Basic. Somewhat klunky, quite slow, with a user interface designed by a deranged, cross-eyed idiot. 90MB? Heck, perhaps the stooge forgot to compile it? No, gracias.

Happy Dae.

Reply   |   Comment by Happy Dae  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Controls too slow on my win XP SP2, ?Mhz PC. I saved the sounds and music tracks to use with screen savers I'm making for friends and with other games. Uninstalled the rest.

Reply   |   Comment by VampireRat  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My review of Snake Time:

Well, it's another Magnussoft game - what can I say? A lot.

Most Snake games are fun, if derivative. This, however, is not fun. In fact, to quote an obscure webcomic, "This is not fun. This is anti-fun."

How so? Well, Magnussoft managed to screw up Snake the same way that they screwed up Sokoban - with diabolically horrible controls. It's isometric(odd for a snake game), but it's controlled using the same keys as basic grid-based versions. I had to tilt my head 45 degrees to see what I was doing. Needless to say, they're incredibly counter-intuitive, magnified by their unresponsiveness. It took me about five tries to eat the first fruit.

This game has weird "grafics"(referred to as that in the credits), with a 3D pre-rendered snake(it seems that you can't make a game these days without pre-rendered 3D) that looks like some kind of mutated leopard, weird playroom-esque backgrounds(I have no idea what a snake is doing at a daycare center), odd "candy"(watermelons the size of raspberries and crickets?), and a creepy menu background of a leopard-skinned snake with long eyelashes crashing through what looks like yellow sheet metal. Hurgh.

The sound is atrocious, except for the music, of course(the default song is recycled from Sqiek, actually). Menu selection is a stock clicking noise, but the only other in-game sounds are that of the snake eating and dying - both of which are abominable. I can't decide if the snake(I'm assuming that it's a female) sounds like E.T, a granny, or some weird amalgam of the two. She says "Lunch!"(or something equally inane) when she eats, and "Oops!"(it sounds short and truncated in-game) when she dies. They're off by default, which is good. The music ranges from basic techno to interesting acoustic work, which almost makes up for the hideous sounds(I actually copied the music to my collection). Still, it's hardly enough, especially when it abruptly cuts out for no reason.

The theme is just weird. Apparently, the snake is loose in someone's house and has to get out, but there's no story anywhere(least of all in "Help", which is as wordy as the one in Sokoman. "Help" also closes with the perplexing message, "Have fun!"). I can't decide whether I should give it points for originality or detract points for stupidity.

Overall, I give Snake Time a score of thre and three quarters out of ten(three for gameplay, three for graphics, four for sound, and five for theme). As with Sokoman, Magnussoft managed to take a fun concept and completely kill it. Stay away.

If anyone wants a worthwhile Snake game, they should download Death Worm(http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=279075). While side-scrolling, it is at its core Snake, and anyone who likes Snake should like it a lot.


Erm, 90MB is HUGE for a game like this.


Tron? How about the 80s classic Snake?

Reply   |   Comment by Lockett  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Further Addendum

For those worried about the lack of intuitive controls; you can change them via the options menu quite easily to something more to your liking. As with any game with movement as its major feature you do need to be able to feel comfortable with the controls.

Has anyone had the time to see if a game pad would work? This may solve the control issues that many (including myself to a certain degree) have been having. From the many comments I've read over the months this project has been running there may be emulation software that allows you to use a game pad instead of the keyboard controls. I'm lucky enough to have a gaming keyboard specially designed for such games as this, (though I rarely use it yet as I've become so accustomed to the main keyboard over the past 20 years of owning a computer). You can get a traditional looking keyboard that has an additional gaming pad added to the right or (rarely) left portion of the board, for example the ZBoard MERC Gaming Keyboard, which you can check out via the following link. Though that particular model isn’t suitable for left handers like myself:


Have a great weekend folks. :)

For Keyboard/Mouse emulation with a gaming pad - check out http://xpadder.com

Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To all the people complaining about the crappy games: Well, thats what you get for going to a site that gives away commercial games, if it was an incredibly great game, or a big time company, it very likely wouldn't be free. I do think that there could be some better games, but hey, if you don't like them, go to a site with actual freeware games, many are better than most of the games on this site.

Note to the webmaster people: Could you feature Jets 'N Guns GOLD? Even just the original Jets 'N Guns would be cool to have here again. It's QUALITY!

Reply   |   Comment by Anonmyous  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Everyone always is asking why the games from this company in Germany are so large. But did anybody actually "look "at its program file? You will see there are a zillion "langauge" files. Just delete them, except for your own of course, and the thing will shrink to half its size.

Reply   |   Comment by doggie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow, this game is terrible. Controls are completely unintuitive, and the game itself is pretty stupid. Eat a fruit, and look! Another one pops up over here! Laaaaaame.

Reply   |   Comment by Georgia  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Another Magussoft offering. I will pass on this but that is a personal preference. For me I have yet to see a game from this publisher that I would keep. I agree the download size is way too large for this type of game. I just wonder how much of the size is dedicated to the intro? I've said before the intro screen is very cool and impressive. After that when the game starts it's a big let down. Every Magussoft game I have seen here have serious game control issues. A snake games requires moves you can execute on demand. I'm not sure if this publisher can deliver that. Overall I think this publisher has a lot of games that would interest me and most people if they could fix the control issues. And most people like to use their mouse. Add a mouse optiom. That is my opinion.

Reply   |   Comment by gpc111  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It looks like a lot of fun, but I'll pass. @ 90megs thats way too big for the app. Thanks anyway GGAOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by CRD  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

90 megs is way to much for a snake game when one fit's on my phone.
sorry but I'll have to start passing again

Reply   |   Comment by bexs  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Let's see....
on my calendar it's december 2007

but somehow, the snake game from 1986 is on the site today?

This snake thing is SO twenty years ago!

and 90 meg for a stinky snake game?
come on guys and gals....
it's the new millenium for 7 years now.

no thanks

Reply   |   Comment by vilulf  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Jeeze once again a lame offerring. Can thank the rabbit man for his johnny on the spot remarks, then additions, then corrections. Sure up to date on computer woes and upgrades. Thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by long  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Its an okay game :/ :(

Reply   |   Comment by Zin warrior1  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If I was the developer, I would be ashamed to sell a crap like this. The host of this website also need to be a bit more particular when putting free games on here, or don't put any at all.

Reply   |   Comment by Denguy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is ridiculous. Who in their right frame of mind would download a crappy poor graphics game like this and wate nearly 100 megs of hard drive space. Get a life, and put some decent games on here man. jeez.

Reply   |   Comment by Denguy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

90 MB might not be that much - but the file comes from a really very slow server...

Reply   |   Comment by Mad Ollie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Faulty controls (keyboard keys).
Otherwise is very good.

Reply   |   Comment by Giorgos  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Remembering level codes for Magnussoft games has never been a problem for me since I've rarely been able to get past the first level on any of them!

Reply   |   Comment by normal norman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Addendum to my first post:

Again I apologize for posting a review before I’d actually finished it. The usual excuse of a doctor’s appointment was to blame. We have to book on the day at the moment due to the approach of Christmas.

I have found a few things that I need to add to the review to make it a little more complete.

Difficulty Settings:

There are three settings which change the number of objects the snake needs to eat before you reach the end of the level, for the easy level this is 30 objects, Medium 40 and hard 50. Let me say trying to eat 50 objects especially on the more complex boards is very hard. I think a joystick may help matters, but as mine is still somewhere stored in the garage I couldn’t swear by that assumption. The difficulty settings do not affect the number of lives you have. Thankfully there are extra lives that can be collected, as there are speed ups and slow downs, plus a few others that you can find out about by reading the help document.

More Game Information:

The first five levels need no passwords to enter. You can see immediately that as you progress the levels do get harder. Trying to maneuver a snake with more than 45 segments through some of the narrow channels you’ll find in later levels (you can see what I mean by level 3 or 4) is disconcerting, especially when you’ve lost the orientation with respect to which key to press, lol

This is a very challenging game. You can compare this with the one of the last snake games we were given by looking at the images I uploaded to my photo bucket account. (see below for links) I’ve added a few more images to today’s giveaway. To me the game play is virtually the same, but the 3D aspect and the better graphics that you get with today’s game do give the game the edge over it’s competitors, apart from maybe Axysofts version, AxySnake; and also far outweighs the annoying password you have to note down.

I do hope Magnussoft listen to the many comments that have been made about this particular feature as it really does spoil this great version of the classic snake’s game

Still I do think this is better than all the previous versions we got back in March by Axysoft called AxySnake and the two other 2D versions called Battle Snake (May 29th) and Feed the Snake (June 17th)

Snake Time:


Snake Game: (given away in May 07)



I forgot to mention in my first post that I had a CDT. This occurs more than just a few times during my second test phase. It seemed to happen either when I’d crossed the snake’s body or when I lost my last life after colliding with one of the objects I was supposed to avoid. It also happened when I used the Esc key. Has anyone else had this problem?

System Requirements:

- DirectX 8.0 or above
- Pentium II
- 32MB RAM
- soundcard
- Windows 95/ 98/ Me/ NT/ 2000/ XP

Thank you very much for a challenging game Magnussoft and to the Game Giveaway team for their relentless pursuit of developers and Game Houses. :D

Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks to WhiteRabbit. Her (his? Sorry) reviews are the best on the boards. Anyway, I appreciate foreknowledge of the game's size as a consideration, but I don't think a game should be criticized for size (even if due to programming sloppiness). I don't recall size as a consideration for BioFreaks or MGS. With that said, I wouldn't recommend this for a download. I was really hoping for a snake game. I downloaded the classic as part of a classic game pack and received a disk full of malware for my efforts. However, while the graphics are decent (the snake texture is very nice), the controls are clunky. I couldn't get the snake to move in certain directions and helplessly watched him run into a wall, despite tapping a key to move directions. The keys should be fixed and stable for directions. I would have overlooked this, but as pointed out above, the game also crashed on me at the first level. I immediately uninstalled. I have 3 great games so far from GGOTD (out of 5 offerings I've seen, nice!) so I don't *need* this one. Great site and wonderful idea (give away a day).

On the software side, I haven't seen anything yet, but I've only been watching for about a week. Aside from screensavers, I don't think I need any software.

Reply   |   Comment by Josh  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Suffers the same issue the rest of the magnus software suffers from.
controls just aren't responsive enough and a game like this its ultra important!

Reply   |   Comment by Zenny  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

On the file size: If they write games in C they will have small file sizes... if they write in crappy Visual Basic the games will always be huge because VB is crap.

Reply   |   Comment by Chris Maler  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

All other snake games fall short of the previous offering: AXYSNAKE

Reply   |   Comment by Johnny B.  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I think this may be the first Snake game I've ever seen that wouldn't fit on a floppy disk. Talk about yer bloatware.

Reply   |   Comment by Joe Momma  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded it in 1.75 minutes. Though not as great as the original version, it's still a game that offers a challengs to my 8yr old. Your graphics card can give you better game play, and I found no glitches what so ever. Thanks GGAOTD for program that has at least some "Bite" to it, and a refreshing change from breakouts and match games. Keep the better games coming.

Reply   |   Comment by Phil  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

way too many megs to be fun...too much bloatware!!!....Love goad but am poor sob and cannot download all .....tried but too much of nothing....deleted 15 min after download....not worth price..even at free...uses way too may resources...sorry all......

Reply   |   Comment by qb7894  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't know what it is with Snake, but somehow it's unresistable. This version however is incredibly bad. The isometric view doesn't work AT ALL in a game where it comes to strict handling.

Reply   |   Comment by Bart  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Unpacking this file will give you two files a read me and a combined activation and set up module. Which makes it slightly easier to install this game. For those that do have more than one drive as I’ve said several times before it’s always a good idea to install your non essential programs such as games on a drive other than the boot drive. Despite someone yesterday saying to the contrary


This is a great take on that old classic, which we’ve seen twice before in the form of a 3D Axysnake (March 24th) and a 2D Battle Snake (May 27th) This particular version seems much more polished than the two previous game giveaways. As a Magnussoft game I found this refreshingly different once it was installed as they have either dropped the bulky intro AVI or it was made before the AVI was developed, I hadn’t noticed the download size prior to installing the game so was a little surprised at the size of the zip file, which was 89.3Mb and the installed game which was 142Mb; though with today’s cheap and mega large hard drives (I’ve just bought yet another drive which cost me around $100 for a 500Gb internal hard drive) this size dwarves into insignificance, especially when many of the $70 games are approaching several gigabytes when installed.

The Basics of the Game:

What struck me about the initial screen was it’s simplicity, colorful and brightness as well as the ability to choose your difficulty settings and the level you want to start from, though as you would expect levels you haven’t played will be locked. The downside with respect to this though is that as usual Magnussoft are using the outdated code system, which always leads me to put my games of this ilk into my infrequently played games folder as I never can remember where the piece of paper I wrote the code down on is, or the document I copied it to (these tend to get copied to an obscure DVD or CD and filed in my cupboards), so I’m never willing to search out the codes. That aside, the vibrant colors and excellent themes you’ll find do make up for this a little.

There are around 12 different items to either avoid or eat. The faster you eat your items the quicker you’ll attain the correct size to proceed to the next level, though the larger the size the more difficulty you may have avoiding obstacles, especially crossing over your own body which will cut off that part that is at the rear end, or even worse eating your own tail, which is a definite no no. You’ll find five different themes from a sweet orientated one to Lego bricks, with a bathroom kitchen and office desktop thrown in (just about all the themes you would wish for in a family, lol). There isn’t much else I can say about this game as virtually everyone must be familiar with at least one version of this game. They all have the same game play (well almost).

I really like this one and it will definitely be a keeper though as already implied I’m not happy about the code thing. :(

There is a reasonable help menu that details everything you need to know about the game, so I’d read this before Proceeding.

The game unfortunately isn’t mouse controlled; though you can use a joy stick which is the next best thing (together with a game pad). You can reset the default key bindings if you find they are not to your liking. There are also several other features you can adjust such as the time limit on the levels, ranging from 5 10 or un-timed (off).

You’ll find several reasonable music tracks which if you are adventurous enough can be changed for more music to your liking. They are all MP3’s so all you need to do is rename the music you want to replace the default tracks with to the names that the default tracks are called. (Track0 to Track9) I’m sure most or all have been used in previous Magnussoft giveaways, but that isn’t a problem in my opinion. I haven’t played the game long enough to see if the tracks are played in sequence. There’s no toggle to play them randomly and I only heard one track while I was play reviewing the game.

There’s the usual music and sound toggles as well as a few graphical toggles such as the bit depth and a shadows toggle that can be turned off if you have any graphical glitches. Also there’s the usual graphic modes (5 in all) that I think are related to the type of graphics card you may use. If you do get any graphical glitches you can try each mode to find the best one for your computer.

There are only a few screen captures as I had the same problem as usual with taking screen captures with Magnussoft games in that I had to go to the task manager and exit the game whenever I took a screen capture, which was too time consuming. Also there were no images to be found on the net so I don’t actually believe that this game was released in 2002, as there would be at least some images to be found. (I’m not meaning to sound negative on this issue; it just seems to me that Magnussoft is trying to give an impression that all there games are well established). Please don’t let those negative comments put you off as I do think this is a lovely game


Despite the codes and the games obvious ancient theme, I love this game and as already said will be keeping it. It’s a great family game that is well presented with several themes that the kids and adults will find adorable and even tasty when you get to the sweets. :) It’s worth 7 out of 10 in my opinion. You can see what few images I managed to take by following the link below:

All on one page:


As a Slideshow:




Increasing the speed of your computer:

Here are some links that give you simple step by step information on speeding your computer up or give a general overview of computer performance issues. A few are advertising promo’s, but ignoring the rubbish you will find some simply written explanations of such things as why defragment regularly or more technical stuff (some written for the layman) that explains about upgrading components

http://www.cryosphere.f2s.com/articles/computers/5-simple-ways-to-increase-your-computer-speed.html *****


http://www.metacafe.com/watch/868940/speed_your_computer_200_by_2_tricks/ ****


http://www.engenderhealth.org/res/onc/support/speed.html *****


http://theblogjoint.com/2006/12/28/how-to-speed-up-your-computer/ *****


The ones that are not starred just means I didn’t have time to evaluate the content and doesn’t mean it’s not good.

Any of the tricks and tips that are detailed via the links above you do so at your own risk, and I or the Game Giveaway team claim no responsibility for anything that may happen if you don’t follow the procedures detailed to the letter. I would advise that if you do decide to make any changes to your computer you first ensure that you create a restore point by going into the system tools via the Start Menu/All Programs/Accessories/system tools/system restore The article about over clocking is the most ‘dangerous of the articles if you don’t follow the procedures detailed within the article. With respect to this issue over clocking will increase the heat output of your CPU so it is advisable to clean the fans and the heat sink that you will find associated with the CPU as this is a major contributor to heat, it may even be advisable to change the heat sink you have for a more modern and efficient fan/heat sink combo. You can pay anything from as little as $15 to $400 on CPU cooling fans, most of which are better than the stock heat sink and fan that comes with your bought computer. I’m starting to branch out to far from my original info piece so I’d better stop as I won’t get the main review done before my dead line, lol. If you want to pursue these issues further just use your favorite search engine and some appropriate key words like cooling speeding up your computer, over clocking defragmenting or why defragment. Keeping youe enquiry short will give you better results, but don’t be shy, lol

Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A brief answer to the size question.

Installed, the game directory is 149.5Mb in size.

Of this 57.7 is the game maker's intro movie. It's a very nice dramatic intro avi, but seems imo to be much too large. The size of the intro avi is crippling the chances of those who have a slow connection, from buying online and downloading games from this company. This may be something the company could consider to open up the market more.

Reply   |   Comment by Fred  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No Thanks, 89 Mb for a simple game is too much.

Reply   |   Comment by Jan Konings  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

In comparing the companies that make games I have noticed that Alawar makes their games with around 9 to 14 mb and Magnusoft uses up the entire space 75 TO 90 MB I wonder what the difference is I can't see it and Alawar is very playable have yet to experience a crash on one of their games . I will pass on this one because it is to bloated and needs to lose some weight. Thanks for all you have give away it is filling up my folder fast I have around 160 games to date most of them are free

Reply   |   Comment by Ken Roberts  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is like the classic 80's game TRON :) fantastic

Reply   |   Comment by bob  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

80mb!? Whoa! iPod's seriously have better graphics games than this - I bet that 76mb's are made out of the introduction movie or something...

Reply   |   Comment by ben  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks so much, i love snake games, they are so much fun!!!

90mb is allright, and it isn´t big...
Thanks GGAOTD that´s awesome!
happy xmas

Reply   |   Comment by wikki  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Control is _very_ counter-intuitive. I couldn't get used to it in 10 minutes time. Plus, the game crashed twice on me in that time. Not worth the download I think.

Reply   |   Comment by Scat R. Brane  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

89MB for have the same fun that with the game of nokia phones?.

Reply   |   Comment by pirelli  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

90 MB is too much, even though it looks like a wonderful game. No outstanding graphics,sound etc...can't figure out why the size is huge.

Reply   |   Comment by Jithin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've always found Snake to be one of the most boring games ever (at least the single player mode).

Reply   |   Comment by Mike  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

89 MBs??? Waaaaaa! I have dialup. Darn it all! Thanks anyway, though. Bet it's a killer game!

Reply   |   Comment by Skye-hook  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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