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Sky Kingdoms Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Sky Kingdoms

Prevent the Sky Kingdom from falling by retrieving the missing gem!
User rating: 16 9 comments

Sky Kingdoms was available as a giveaway on August 8, 2021!

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Game featuring images of various robots made in this unique genre.

Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and ToomkyGames! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!

Strategy and action come together like never before in this exciting Marble Popper! An evil dragon has stolen one of the gems required to keep the Sky Kingdom afloat, and now it`s up to you to get it back! Use special upgrades and unique powerups to pop your way through this fantasy world. Chase the evildoer through challenging levels and prevent the Sky Kingdom from falling by retrieving the missing gem!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; CPU: 800 Mhz; RAM: 256 MB; DirectX: 8.1; Hard Drive: 64 MB





File Size:

31.1 MB



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I have 50 images for this game, but because Photobucket have significantly reduced their allowance for free accounts, I can no longer access them without paying a monthly fee. I have several free accounts due in part to all the images i used to upload for these reviews, but I'm not willing to pay the exorbitant prices they are asking to unlock them. I will post some image once I've had chance to capture more; probably later today.
Sky Kingdoms :

In Brief:
Sky Kingdoms is an excellent marble popper on the lines of the Luxor and Zuma games and is well worth downloading.

Sky Kingdoms was given away on the 11th December 2016 where it received a positive 75% from 42 votes with 26 comments which you can see HERE.

You can see reviews and other information about Sky Kingdoms HERE and HERE; plus a few videos of game play HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE

The Game:
Sky Kingdoms are the luxurious places full of green lush plants and peaceful inhabitants. The air is perfectly clean there and you can hear the pleasant sounds of the water and the warm wind blowing. There is nothing more harmonious, you may say. Well, everything is not so good now. The life used to be perfect there but one day a frightening dragon came to steal one of the magic crystals. What will happen to these Sky Kingdoms now? In a couple of hours here will be nothing except the damage and devastation if nobody helps and deals with the problem. Come on, everybody's waiting for your help! Here are some hints for you: use a special weapon to spoil magic spheres which will come again and again. Prepare to make fast decisions because the speed of the moving spheres is rather high and you'll have practically no time to think. Good reaction and attention will help you to save Sky Kingdoms. Remember that good work is always rewarded so do your best and collect bonuses which will be of great use when you feel weak and tired. But there is no much time to relax: level by level everything will become more complicated and each of 90 challenges is designed for you to pass through and have a lot of fun. These adventures will bring you to the magic worlds. Colourful backgrounds, nice sounds and perfect visual effects will add something special to the atmosphere. So you just have to complete the levels correctly and save Sky Kingdoms from disappearance. Download this game right now and forget the boredom of the reality!

The Game:
Not all games are for all players. Developers often create their wares with specific audiences in mind, and it seems clear that this fantasy-themed marble popper game originally released via Alawar Entertainment new, is geared not for people new to the genre or even casual fans of such games, but rather hardcore ball blasters who play these games for hours on end until they become so proficient that they can fly through even the fastest-paced, most twisty levels while half asleep. It is, in other words, a challenging game, though not because of any great innovation on the genre’s classic formula.

Sky Kingdoms‘ premise is simple: Players control a winged, ball shooting ship that flies around an island floating high in the sky as they search for a dragon that has stolen one of the gems that keeps these airborne atolls from crashing to the ground.

Our goal, as in all marble poppers, is to destroy lines of balls that snake their way over winding paths toward a game-ending terminus. This is done by firing coloured spheres from our craft at like-hued balls in the encroaching line. Match three or more, and they’ll disappear.
There are more than 90 levels scattered over ten chapters, and many have special objectives, such as clearing balls while avoiding incoming blasts or using special power-ups to clear levels as quickly and as spectacularly as possible. What’s more, there are three dozen different—and surprisingly lively—environments, which keeps environmental repetition at a minimum.

Also helping to maintain freshness is a healthy selection of bonus balls (created by matching a ball with a glowing white ring around it) and power-ups (earned by clearing a certain number of balls quickly enough), though their effects and abilities are pretty standard for the genre. Firing a marble at a lightning blast ball, for example, will send bolts of purple electricity down from the top of the screen that take out a random selection of balls from within the line. Hit a bluish white ice ball and it will freeze a small group of neighbouring balls; fire again to make them shatter. You’ll also earn the one-time ability to sort all balls in a given line into groups of colours, as well as the opportunity to set up a provisional cube-shaped blockade to halt a line’s progress.

It’s all pretty typical stuff for a marble popper, with the only real novelty being that we can not only buy but also sell upgrades for bonus balls. Players collect silver coins as they play which are spent on ball improvements that significantly enhance their effects (the difference between a level one and a level two stop marble—a bonus ball that temporarily arrests a line’s movements—is a good five or six seconds). If you find you don’t much care for the effects of a particular kind of bonus ball you can sell off any upgrades you may have purchased and use the coins you get And this is where things get a bit tricky. Players are given only three lives with which to work through the game’s generous helping of levels, and extra lives cost a whopping 20 coins a piece—coins most players would rather spend on equally pricey upgrades. Should you run out of lives you can restart the game from where you left off. However, you’ll have lost not only your score but also all of the upgrades purchased prior to the loss of your last life, which will make further progression within the game far more difficult. Indeed, so challenging are some later levels (tracks become short and balls begin to move mighty fast) that I found them almost impossible to complete without starting the game over again and trying to earn upgrades more quickly. Even then I often failed—and on the easiest of the game’s three skill settings, no less. back to upgrade another kind of ball—or purchase an additional life.

But I’m not going to complain too loudly about the difficulty. As mentioned at the outset, not all games are made for all players. Alawar Entertainment clearly designed Sky Kingdoms for rabid fans who lament the ease with which they complete most games in the genre. Gluttons for marble popping punishment will likely have a blast. However, one thing I will grumble about with some volume is that the game wasn’t designed with any consideration paid to widescreen displays. Selecting “full screen” when using a wide monitor results in the image being stretched across the screen, making both environmental objects and marbles look fat. What’s more, the desktop wallpaper that becomes unlocked as the game progresses is provided only in a low resolution format, which means if you try to set it as your desktop it will either be stretched to fit or simply occupy the centre of the screen with black borders all around.

Of course, these are common issues in the casual gaming scene, but they feel particularly shameful in this instance since the game’s art—which consists of simple but subtly beautiful and dynamic fantasy landscapes—is quite appealing. Still, this is a fairly minor grievance. The take-home message here is that Sky Kingdoms is a rudimentary but competent marble popper with a fiendishly challenging level of difficulty. If you fancy yourself a master of the genre, it’s probably worth a try.

Reference accessed HERE. Original review by Chad Sapieha Apr 7, 2009 edited by Whiterabbit-uk 11th Dec 2016 and reposted 7th August 2021

1) ...Get better upgrades

2) ... dozens of special effects

3) ... Different ways of destroying spheres

4) ... Desktop wallpapers
This is an excellent marble popper, that I like as much as my favourite marble poppers Luxor 111 and a couple of the Zuma marble poppers. it doesn't have anything innovative, but it has been put together with lots of features found in the best of this genre plus it also becomes very challenging as you progress through the levels. Well worth downloading this game. Ideal for all but the youngest of the family and only then because of the difficulty. With help from parents even the little 'uns could enjoy this game. If you want to end a level quickly catch one of the flying bugs, it takes you to the next level, but you don't collect any coins for that level.














Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)


The latest Epic freebies are A Plague Tale: Innocence - Follow the grim tale of young Amicia and her little brother Hugo, in a heartrending journey through the darkest hours of history. Hunted by Inquisition soldiers and surrounded by unstoppable swarms of rats, they will come to know and trust each other and Speed Brawl - a 2D combat-racer about moving fast and hitting hard! Maintain your momentum, build combos, and unleash powerful moves. From next Thursday 12th August we will be getting Rebel Galaxy, which has previously been given away via Epic. Also available as a free to play just for this weekend is Far Cry 5 that was released Feb 2018. It's got a decent discpunt as well if your interested in buying it after you've trialed it.
Battlefield V is free from EA Games (Origin) until 1st September, but I think you can only get it free if you subscribe to Amazon Prime via their free Amazon Prime Gaming. You'll find a link to the appropriate page HERE; you'll need to log in via your Shareware on Sale sign-in then click on the link that says '' click here to go to the giveaway page '', then you'll need to sign into your Amazon Prime Gaming account (basically the same as your Amazon Prime sign in (I think). It's part of the Twitch gaming subscription which you get free with Amazon Prime. If you are unsure how to do this you can find out via Livewire HERE. I've posted some images links to videos of game play for single player cooperative and multiplayer game play as well as a link to a review of the game over in the giveaway forums HERE

If you like WWII first person shooter, Battlefield V is actually an amazing game with respect to graphics and immersion. I was blown away by the action when I first booted up the single player campaign last year. I've posted some images and a link to a review of the game over in the forums

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

Hi Stephen,

I appreciate all that you do here and wanted to offer a suggestion. Since you are having such issues with the images, why not save yourself the trouble going forward and just refer people to the images posted above with the description and to the homepage link, in this case Big Fish, where there may be additional images and very often videos as well. People can also see images at the previously "given away" links that you include. Point being, I grasp the time and effort this takes you and I would hate for it to become an unpleasant chore.

I am unsure about others but frankly, for me, the images are far less important than your opinions of the game. The first thing I read is your "In Brief" and then go directly to your "Conclusion" as that holds the most weight for me. Based on that, I will decide to explore further or not.

Just a thought.

I hope all is well.

Reply   |   Comment by jboy  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)


Thanks for the suggestion JBoy. There's not usually any issue posting images. It does add quite a lot of extra time to the process. Things have been rather manic of late, so my free time has been cut into significantly; plus I've become obsessed with a particular Steam game (The Hunter: Call of the Wild, plus I've made promises to help with a Battlefield 2 mod (that is really cool) that requires a lot of time as I need to learn out to use the map editor). My reviews have become rather short of late because of these and other more important issues (a legal case against a builder who ripped me off for over £40 000 that is approaching it's eighth year). Still I enjoy doing these reviews; I just wish I could devote more time to them.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)


YW, just looking out for you! ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by jboy  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Stephen, you appear to be really a remarkable fellow. I wish there were some way to translate your articulate knowledge into cash you, or at veery least, widespread recognition!

Reply   |   Comment by frank farmer  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

frank farmer,

Thank you Frank; my problem is I've always been a pushover when it comes to money. Plus when it becomes paid work, I find it not as attractive. for example, my grandfather who worked with a cinematographer called Sam Hannah got me into photography at a very early age. My first camera was given to me at the age of seven, my first SLR camera at the age of eleven and I loved photography; often planning shots months in advance just to get the lighting right. When I left the army I ended up working as a professional photographer; but it sort of destroyed the love of it; at leas t for a few years after I left the profession. I think if I was offered to write for money, it would feel like I had to write the reviews and they would be time sensitive. As a volunteer I can take it or leave it. I still enjoy what i do, so have continued all these years. The giveaway team did put me in contact with a site that offered $8 per review; I decided against it, partly because $8 for a minimum of 4 to 6 hours work is scandalous, but also for the same reason I mentioned w.r.t. photography. Another example; I was a keen hobbyist building electronic projects like amplifiers, a synthesizer on the lines of a MOOG, a biological amplifier that could pick up alpha and beta waves from your brain (I'd considered trying to connect it with robotics, but then I worked in electromechanical engineering in the army and it destroyed my love of it as a hobby.

Besides, my knowledge of games isn't that extensive; my main reason for playing games is to keep my mind active as well as distraction therapy to help with the chronic pain from an accident almost 16 years ago where I was sent home with serious head injuries and a badly broken back (I lost 4 inches in height); they had missed both problems and said I'd just sprained myself (after being hit by a car from behind that was travelling at around 50 to 60mph while I was cycling to work; I've not worked since.)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Hi, Stephen!

I've read a similar comment about loving to walk the dog, but the fun seems to vanish when it's paid work.

OTOH, an 'ideal paid work' would be one about which you'd say "and they'll even pay me to do that?!"...

BTW, are you over the previous discomfort?

Reply   |   Comment by alexyu  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)


Reply   |   Comment by Vinu  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)
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