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Sky Aces - Cold War Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Sky Aces - Cold War

The action is taking place in present time. What could the third world war look like? Apparently, it would be all about cutting-edge weapons and space-age aviation! The side that will be more aggressive and better at controlling its jets will be the winner! In this game, you will take the pilot's seat in a machine of pure destruction. The powerful machine guns and missile launchers of your plane will not cool down for a second, as there are so many missions ahead!
User rating: 150 58 comments

Sky Aces - Cold War was available as a giveaway on January 16, 2010!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
You have several attempts to correctly guess color, but will you choose it?

The action is taking place in present time. What could the third world war look like? Apparently, it would be all about cutting-edge weapons and space-age aviation! The side that will be more aggressive and better at controlling its jets will be the winner! In this game, you will take the pilot's seat in a machine of pure destruction. The powerful machine guns and missile launchers of your plane will not cool down for a second, as there are so many missions ahead!

Your tasks will include: defense of the friendly airspace from sudden enemy attacks, escorting bombers and transport planes, attacking enemy objects, transport convoys and endless dogfights. This high-quality simulator was developed in full accordance with the standards of its genre - shooting, explosions, rapid maneuvers and non-stop action. All you need to do is choose the plane you will control and join the fight. The game includes a great number of real planes belonging to the air forces of different countries - from MIG's to Sabres. All of them possess different combat characteristics. Intuitive controls and an active gameplay will help you quickly get familiar with the main piloting principles, while high-quality graphics and the accuracy of plane models will be a pleasant surprise for all fans of 3D games. Finally, the ever-changing weather and day/night transitions add plenty of realism to the game.

System Requirements:

Windows 98/ME/XP/Vista; Pentium III processor; 256 Mb RAM; 50 Mb HD space; 32 Mb video memory; Sound card; DirectX 7


Xing Interactive



File Size:

30.8 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Sky Aces - Cold War

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I installed it on 2 computers and both would play alright except on 1 I have a gun site but not on the other one, is there a switch for that

.................Moderator Comment...................

Not sure Ron. check out the ptions to see if thereis anyhing you can adjust. ou could also try installing the demo as well. Don't delete the giveaway version, just install the demo to another location. It should play as a full version. It may have the gun site which you say you are missing. hope it works. :)

Reply   |   Comment by ron w  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

On the outside this looks to be a very interesting game. I love simulation games; especially flight simulation, and fighter aircraft, but on the inside once you get into the nuts and bolts of this game I have to give it a thumbs down.

As flights sims go this game is very limited in every aspect. All the action is happening in one area. Ceiling altitude is limited to less than 1000 feet and I don't remember the top speed but for the aircraft that are supposed to be involved the speeds are extremely limited. Also for the types of aircraft provided the technical ends are very limited. Not a very good flight sim overall.

As flight sims go this one needs a lot of work for it to even come close to some that I've seen and used. I mean ask yourself if you'd put a quarter in the machine to play this in a video arcade. O.K., O.K., it's more like a dollar these days, but the bottom line is I wouldn't waste a dime to play this in an arcade.

I've uninstalled it and that's another negative. It has no uninstaller. What the heck is up with that GGA? In this day and age. No uninstaller; give me a break.

Reply   |   Comment by jeck  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I like being able to use the joystick with this game.
Thanks Again!

Reply   |   Comment by jinksnyou  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I Like It !
Thank You !

Reply   |   Comment by jinksnyou  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game WOULD be nice, if

a) it wouldn't be buggy as hell
b) the dogfights were better

I'm sorry, but I'll have to give a negative on this one. It's unacceptable for a program to have THAT much running problems, even for huge games, like Crysis, Quake 4 or Doom 3. Training course is impossible because the game window keeps jumping, and eventually I crash the plane. Dogfights are somewhat good, except that your bullets just go through the enemies even if you clearly see you hit'em, there is no airplane collision, the music repeats itself in every 10th second, and the world famous "Memory access violation" also exists, even if I complete the mission. Of course, the game will not save my progress.

As a uniquely experienced PC game rater, I would say to skip this clunker.

Reply   |   Comment by Reactor  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is the worst aerial combat game I have played in a long time. Combat instructions are too long and it freezes too often and need to be properly coded. I certainly would not pay money for it.

Reply   |   Comment by mak  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed on both
Compaq laptop, 2GHz windows XP, 2G ram Intel chip
brand new HP Pavilion, 3GHz AMD Sempron Windows 7 machine

Program installed and works fine on both - no issues at all

Game it self is great classic arcade sim. f;ight models and simplistic and no where near real life performance

but it's still a lot of fun... nice job

Guys you need to do a space sim

Reply   |   Comment by Crazy Al  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I commented on the Sky Aces WW2 giveaway last time, this one unfortunately has ALL the same problems. I even tried in Win XP SP2 compatibility mode, which has helped others, but no go for me. I'm running Vista Home Premium on Dell XPS 420 quad-core with 4 GB RAM, many GB of free space on my games and systems partitions, nVidia 8800GT graphics, Avira Antivirus, Online Armour firewall, Creative Platinum X-fi sound card. Again, I hope Fly Games can fix all the bugs, maybe offer joystick support, and offer their games again in the future as a thank-you to all the beta testers on GAOTD. And yes, I do appreciate the chance to try their software, but won't play again until I see an updated version.

Reply   |   Comment by Mr. Dave  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

ok, excellent little game.

Reply   |   Comment by billyg  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

excellent little game, need more of them, something like battlefield 1942, would be great.

........................Moderator Comment........................

BF1942 would be a brilliant giveaway, especially considering the hugh amount of mods available for the game. Unfortunately, even if EA games were to allow a freebie for the day; the giveaway servers wouldn't be able to cope with the bandwidth. Brilliant game even if its a little outdated now. I still play it occasionally. One of my favorite maps is Eagles Nest. Theres a modded version of the map for BF2 as well (created by Iamtheheadhunter)

Reply   |   Comment by billyg  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Works just fine in win xp sp2, (could not get rid of vista fast enough). Tried sp3 and then started having problems with many working programs. Thank you for the game. Can not beat the price.

Reply   |   Comment by phase  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Try the joystick...

Reply   |   Comment by Eduardo  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

On my netbook Samsung NC10, all system go! :) Without problem. Thanks for 1024x600 :)

Reply   |   Comment by etya  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed game no problem plays no problem it's nice to enjoy a simple game once in awhile although I also get the memory access error but not until I win the level and it is getting ready to go to the next level. It starts me over at the beginning which is annoying.

Reply   |   Comment by Graywolff  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


"There are three Air force groups, Russian, NATO and ' US ', each with their own jets"

You certainly are being very friendly. I see that we are back in the family again. Cornwallis must have been forgiven by all, and it has been officially declared "an unwinnable war". It is quite nice that you have allied yourself with the American States. I will remind you that we are a part of NATO.

"Xpadder" might be usable with one finger on the left hand but it have been nicer to be able to play with a joystick.

....................Moderator comment......................

lol Bigun. Of course I realized the mistake later in the day, but at the time of writing (around 3 or 4 am I should have een in the land of nod. :lol:

Reply   |   Comment by Bigun  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sky Aces Cold War not bad at all! Heck! for a freebe at the moment it does just fine Thank You.

Reply   |   Comment by jinksnyou  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You know, I often wonder if the people with 'modern' OSs (Vista and Win7) understand that in many cases, it's necessary to run MANY programs (not just games) in compatibility mode on those OSs? (See comment 11 above.)

In many cases, the reason for this is not 'bad programming' on the part of the program's authors (although arguably it IS insufficient testing), it's the often radical changes which MS have made 'under the hood' of the OS, coupled with the fact that for many games, it's necessary to NOT program things the way MS insist you should in order to get the kind of performance your game requires. And if you're not using an official (i.e. MS-provided) language to program with, then forget getting any REAL support from MS.

Stephen, I completely agree with you that many people either cannot afford or simply do not want to upgrade their OS from XP (or from even earlier OSs!). Personally, I am in BOTH those categories.

I do understand that it must be frustrating for those who have either new PCs with Vista or Win7 pre-installed, or who have already been through the pain of upgrading, but I feel that the game developers often get a rough deal in here from people who assume 'every program should just work' and who perhaps are unaware (or unwilling) to try out obvious potential solutions such as compatibility modes before simply leaping in here to post a comment saying 'it doesn't work.'

PS to Stephen: Would it be helpful if I were to either send you an installer for a freeware version (v5.3) of XPAdder; or else post it online myself and send you the link to where others could download it?

.........................Moderator comment.........................

Well said Cad, I agree with you wholeheartedly on ever point you make. When I first installed my first coppppyof vista (a 64bit home Premium copy, almost 50% of my paid for software wouldn't work, so I scrapped the OS until I got more programs. I personallyt hink running dual boot systems with copies of older OS's is a great idea. I've got a whole range of programs and games that will only work on Win 98, so I keep a copy of that running (usually, though not recently). Once I can afford a copy of Win 7, I'll still continue to run all the other OS's as it seems shameful scrapping games and programs just because they wont work on newer systems; though I do sometimes get rid of some of my older games, usually pre millenium, though I've still got a few and am even buying some from Good Old Games. :)

As for the link, post it in the forums please. Thank you.


Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Same as prior one. Memory access violation. Maybe becoause Win 7 Ulit x32 wiht 6MB. Might be the 6MB ram. Crashes just as seems to
finish loading objects to start a mission.
Also seemed to scramble D: drive afterwards. Drive couldn't be found. Finally managed to delete the folder in safe mode. Then Win 7 did a scan booting up and restored a bunch of these orphan files of
Sky Ace and there's a ton of them. Boo on this one.

Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

if you recieve a mem access violation or something:
1) right click on the application/executable
possible solutions:
1) run in compatablity mody
2) check the box marked "run as administrator"

run as admin worked for me.

I do hope that widely known games will be distributed on this site :D

Reply   |   Comment by this is how  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Enough said about the loser.

As for the game, it is too bad that I too had problems with last weeks sky-ace. I had false trojan alerts. Then I had similar problems as already stated here. Guess it has to do with particular hardware. Since a lot of people have no problems. Think I will skip todays.

Will have to wait for the next game for now.

Reply   |   Comment by joe  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Works excellently on XP Home SP3.

The best arcade game to relax for some minutes with netbook or simple laptop. Especially if you are working hardly and do not have a week to study the control and rules.
Realistic enough to get adrenaline.

Bravo, Fly Games and GAOTD!

P.S. Life is beautiful, don't kill it learning a realistic simulator which anyway is never the real flight.

PS.PS. Sorry, do not understand why all simple games must run on Win7 and x64. Simple cheap games should be small and run on simple cheap PC.

Reply   |   Comment by Sgo  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


despite the time you are spending with your children ( rightly so ) and your earlier comments, you seem to be reading at least some of the reactions placed here, so I feel I can ask a question;
while changing the music to the Theme to the Dam Busters ( yes, the one you're hearing in your head right now ), I wondered if there is a good Dam Busters' game? One allowing one to take part in the mission, so to speak? Thanks in advance.

....................Moderator Comment....................

Hi fotofex, thats really strange as I was thinking about the very same thing the other day. I don't know of any game that duplicates the dam busters, but the game I've just bought (which I've posted some images above in my first post and linked to over a hundred more) does have really cool bombing missions. You are able to observe the bombs hitting as well, which is brilliant. You can see some top down image I've taken of some explosions from some of the bombs i've dropped. They were only part of the tutorial missions so are't as impressive as later missions will be. The game has only just been released so is full price (it was 10% off until yesterday), but I reckon in a few months it'll be up as a mid week or weekend deal on Steam. well worth getting if you like relaistic looking simulators. The main difference beween this game and some like Microsofts flight sim X is you can toggle off realism and play it as an arcade game but with the visual realism intact.

Reply   |   Comment by fotoflex  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Typo: *Like probably 1 /10 people would be their games...

Reply   |   Comment by Joji  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

One question...
How is "Fly-games" gonna get profit!? Like I highly doubt only 1 / 10 people would by their games since they are mostly crappy.

No offense... but don't you see their games? If they want to make a nice WWII game, they have to make the scene more "old like" and not make it... you know.


Reply   |   Comment by Joji  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ah, I forgot to mention my thanks for providing this service. I hope that you get a lot of satisfaction out of it as well as some (at least) financial remuneration. I've also been very glad to see your comments concerning your care for your children. The world is already, and will be even more, a better place because of it.

Thanks again,


p.s.: As a correction to my previous post..."I wasn't due to..." should read "I wasn't able to due to..."

Reply   |   Comment by Michael B  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I had hoped to be able to "fly" with last week's Sky Aces game. I wasn't due to the "memory problems" described there. Upgrading video drivers and DirectX didn't help. I'm using Vista Home Premium. Hope runs eternal and so I downloaded this newest version -Cold War, hoping that it would work. The same issue. I first installed it to a non-default location. That didn't work so I installed it to its default. That didn't work. Alas! I hope that it doesn't mess with the Register because there is no uninstall even in the Control Panel. I had to delete the game folder itself.

Also, a suggestion: is it every day that you offer free full-version games? It seems that you only show them on the weekends, but then you say it's everyday. Sorry if this last is a bit off topic.


......................Moderator comment.....................

Hey, no problem going off topic, I do it all the time. Both my children are now off skiing. My son is already in France and my daughter is getting ready to fly out to andora with her grandparents. (My son went with his primary school.

I'd keep the game installed just in case a later update enables the game to work.

I really don't have any issues on four different computers, with three different OS's (XP Pro withSP3, XP Pro with SP2 and Vista Home basic 32 bit and vista home Premium 64 bit. Each computer is set up differently as well, with different graphics cards (thugh all are NVidia cards) one is a laptop with in built graphics, one has a NVidia 7900 GS card with 256Mb of RAM, another has 2 Nvidia 8600 GS 256Mb RAM (x2) and the last one has a Nvidia GS 275 with over 800Mb of RAM. All the computers have different cpus, though the main ones are all Athlon core duo cpu with the laptop being a single core. Although there appears to be a large number of reports saying this game doesn't work, in actual fact there are usually well over a thousand downlods each day; most of those are not reporting a problem.

Reply   |   Comment by Michael B  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I will pass on this one. Sorry, I appreciate the offer but don't like bad games. What will tomorrow's game be? Let me guess...... another jig saw puzzle game? I hope not.

Reply   |   Comment by gpc111  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Back when the arcade was the place to spend all your time (and money), there was a game called "Time Pilot", this game featured a time travelling warrior pilot who flew missions to an ultimate mothership battle ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Pilot ).

The progression of "Sky_Aces" games offered so far kinda reminded of that lol.

On a more pertinant note, the game does play well, the memory error is kinda tedious, but twiddling the settings does seem to have an effect with regards to easing the problem.........maybe the programmers need to look at how the program processes the models (the problem reminds Me of the initial gmax issues I had when I overloaded the poly count).

Reply   |   Comment by phased  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Annoying music. Kept having to turn it off. No option to make a desktop shortcut. Installs in unusual folder (C:\Games).
Confusing instructions. (Bad translations?)
-"Destroy hitler's forces!" Isn't Hitler dead by this time?
-"Fly to square C4" (on top) "Fly to square D4" (on bottom). No reference to what this actually means
Difficult to use controls.
-Can't do a barrel roll
Poor AI
-Easy to beat
-Don't shoot enough
(Even on hard)
No uninstaller included
Limited options
-Slider bar for graphics options
-No remappable controls

Needs serious work.

Reply   |   Comment by Arlan J  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Is there any way through which health can be restored. I die even before downing 2 planes

Reply   |   Comment by sriram  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


To even respond to #19's ridiculous comments, attempts to give him credibility. At the risk of doing that myself, I couldn't stop myself from stepping in and............I saved you from having to delete the tirade I just let go. You get the point though.
Some people just need to disrupt others just to see their inane comments in print.
Of all moderators that give of their time here and on the utilities side, NO ONE!!! NO ONE!! does more than you do.

Keep up the good work and just delete goons like that.

Enjoy your time with your children.

....................Moderator comment..............

Yeah I get your point. Thanks for the kind words. Still I'll leave the comment as its a reminder as to the ignorance we sometimes have to put up with. I doubt the guy will even bother to apologise. I've had to have one guy banned from the site becase of his inane comments; most of those were never seen. It's been a very busy time since Christmas and I'm exhausted to the point of falling asleep anywhere which where but..... etc. sometimes it just feels good to respond, though I realize its not very professional. :)

Also I find it rather sad that a great game like today's has faults that is spoiling it for lots of regulars. I do hope Fly Games investigates and updates the games. If you've activated the games now, those possible updates may still be valid several months down the line (judging from the ability to activate the demo. I installed a demo after I'd activated and it became a full version. I do think that we are being used as guinea pigs with respect to this and last weeks game; as both of them are relatively new releases. Last weeks was only released on Christmas day just gone.

Reply   |   Comment by joe  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

POS game. Same problem I had with last weeks game, as soon as you do ANYTHING in the game, either with the mouse or the keyboard, it simply minimizes itself and stays that way until the plane crashes. Then, woo hoo, I get to look at the menus some more. I see lots of folk have the same or similar problem, or they have memory problems. Seems to me that, before a game is released, it should have all the bugs out. Yeah yeah yeah, same old story. "we can't anticipate what each individual machine is going to do in advance...etc etc etc. I'm so tired of hearing that from developers. I don't want excuses, I want a game that works. This one looks like one I could like, but I'll never know because, apparantly, it's to much trouble for the developer to actually put a REAL fix on here, so the game will NEVER work. I only hope that games are all this company does, because I would hate to think of the kind of software they would produce, if this is the best they can do with games.

Reply   |   Comment by Bret  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It's very good

Reply   |   Comment by biggy  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Like the last game, from the same company, "memory acces violation", highly annoying, not worth to download before corrected!

Reply   |   Comment by Itztli  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Suggest getting at least 2Gb RAM if running Vista, rebooting if you've used other applications and closing (via task manager)and taskbar all non-essential processes, especially web browsers and Outlook Express!

Also temporarily disable all antivirus/ antimalware and firewall resident shields. This does NOT disable most of your antivirus /firewall protection. Remember to reset them afterwards.

This should cure most memory access violation errors.

Reply   |   Comment by Charles L  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

ERROR: Unable to set graphics mode

Reply   |   Comment by Tim  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To finish my comment, (which the website abruptly cut me off in!) I'm slowly getting the hang of it and it seems like a fun game that's easy enough for us old buzzards to play. Thanks GAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by ezrider  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed and activated on XP2 SP3 with no problems. I'm slowly getting t

Reply   |   Comment by ezrider  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Buggy. Same as the other game they have. It hangs at loading player data, then locks up and errors out with Memory access Violation. I am on Windows 7 / 64bit. I have tried the other compatability modes and they dont work. Like the other game, it installs on the c:\games directory, and never creates a shortcut to the game or a group in all programs. It needs more work.

Reply   |   Comment by Dave  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Posted by Moderator: "Both my children are going on week long ski trips later today, and I want to spend as much time as I can with them, so won’t be answering any queries that ask for help with memory access violations or any other problem that was encountered last week with the WWII version of this game."

Are you serious? It is your JOB to handle problems like those already stated. If you have no weekend time for this job, then perhaps you should tell your superiors to NOT provide any programs during the weekends or when you and other moderators want some personal time. I have children myself, but a job is a job. No excuses. In this world's current economy, I wouldn't be posting about purposely neglecting job responsibilities.

.........................Moderator comment..........................

..................Scuze me.................. I do this voluntarily. It's not a job, I don't get paid for it. so i'll take whatever time I feel I need for my family.

Reply   |   Comment by Mark A. Landry  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I got the memory access error no matter what kind of setting i fit. The fact is there is no game which failed to run on my nvidia box, i have 512 mb DDR-2 graphics card, and 4GB of RAM, this game even failed to load....

I think they are testing this game with this giveaway, if they thought they were planning to become popular, i really doubt i would buy any game from Fly GAmes at all!!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Hari  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

actually, i've decided to let this game go, after reading the comments i was a little disheartened to see that the suggestions to fix the problem was to roll back the drivers. I just updated everything so that Deep Voyage (from the 3rd of this month i think) would work properly and i don't really want to worry about that game not working properly again. I think i'll just go play that! :D I think sky aces looked fun and if i didnt have to roll stuff back i'd be playing that.

...................Moderator Comment.......................

Rolling back the drivers was just a suggestion. Sometimes the latest drivers are not necessarily the best to have. I've had to restore my system to an earlier time after installing NVidia drivers that were still in Beta after they crashed my system big time. You may find leaving the game installed may lead to it working at a later date. Changes you may make at a later date such as a new driver or a change in your configuration may fix the problem.

Reply   |   Comment by mthealien  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Add. - Found one on the demo, and used that to remove the Giveawayoftheday one.

.................Moderator comment...................

you musn't have read my previous comments about the demo. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Phil K  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm getting the memory access violation message, i'll check out the link wr posted and see if anything changes. Thanks for the link!

Reply   |   Comment by mthealien  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh yes - and NO uninstall on the damn game too.

Reply   |   Comment by Phil K  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

And no, W.R. - even using the demo of the game doesn't work in Windows 7 x64. Just stops due to game.dat
Uninstalled, and wish game and app producers made an effort to make their games/apps useable with present day OS's instead of making them for OUT OF DATE Windows only.

.........................Moderator comment...................

Sorry you couldn't get the game to work. Pity as it is quite a nice arcade flyer. In answer to your comments .....as you can see from the comments above, it does work on some systems that run Win 7. Also I wouldn't say Vista is outdated yet. It's only a few years old, and most computer users have not or cannot afford to update to the latest OS. Unfortunately the game giveaway project only gives away windows based games. Most giveaway games have no uninstall, but you can get an un install version by installing the demo available from Fly Games, the activation module does work with that and you also get desktop and Start menu/Program shortcuts as well. The lack of an uninstaller isn't so bad; all you have to do to delete the game is go to where it was installed and delete the folder.

Reply   |   Comment by Phil K  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Today's game plays exactly like last week's Sky Aces WW2. It shares all the strengths and weaknesses of the aforementioned WW2 flight sim.
I was not able to complete the "training" portion due to the screen minimization problem I encountered on my system, but my biggest nitpick by far is the noteworthy absence of the F-18 jet (featured on the splash screen/main menu) anywhere in the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Mat  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I love this game! I like it better than the one offered earlier. I even have the WW1 ver as offered years before.
This and WWII ver work fine in Win 7, just set compatibility mode to WinXP SP2. Thanks! GGAOTD. Just one question... are there any hidden planes?

Reply   |   Comment by Ted  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It works under Win7 and WinXP without problems.
I have no memory-acces-problems.
(AMD Phenom X4 945, 2 GB RAM)

Reply   |   Comment by Nobody´s Fool  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The same company that made the WWII flying game.
Same result for Windows 7 x64 - won't work. Sound is on but no picture."Game.dat" opr somesuch error.

Reply   |   Comment by Phil K  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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