Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
SILENT ATTACK - The Near Danger Zone was available as a giveaway on March 16, 2007!
The game is a sci-fi kill'em all arcade shooter. In this game you will act as a defender of an "energium" quarry. Using a plasma gun and rocket launcher you should destroy as many planes of your enemy as possible. Points are scored for each plane that you bring down. The longer the distance at which you bring down a plane is, the more points are scored. In its turn, the enemy will be attacking the quarry decreasing the protection and viability of the mining platform. A system of bonuses is used to repair the damages.
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, Pentium 600 MHz+, GeForce 2 class 3D video card with OpenGL 1.1 support, sound card
6.1 MB
i never had an experience like this before i love this game very much
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Thanks for the free download, GAOTD - I always appreciate it even if the download isn't all that great...which sadly is the case with Silent Attack. The graphics are really excellent and I had no problem with performance on my homebuilt AMD64 3200+ machine. The game play gets very repetitive and after a while, much as I hate to say it, boring. Unlike many previous games, I won't be keeping this one - but thanks anyway!
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Auuugh! The moment the game started, my screen went bonkers! The game was partly visible, as was my desktop shell; both were moving faster 'n a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
The Windows cursor was locked, the game cursor was behind the activation screen and unresponsive, so I could not stop the process normally. Resorted to CTL ALT DEL .. many times ... after several minutes, I tried CTL ALT DEL ESC and was able to knock down the game.
I run dual Pentium 4's with > 1G of memory and darn near a Tb of hard drive space. First time I've had a game overwhelm this system.
Sorry Giveaway team; sorry to the software developers, too.
I am stunned and amazed at the toxic reaction~
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Didn't work for me. The graphics I saw were patchy & pixilated & flat-looking Movement was choppy and lagging and frankly made me nauseous. Also agree that gameplay seems monotonous. Adios to this one, but GGAOTD is still the greatest!
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I personally didn't enjoy this, Graphics were nice enough but the gameplay was boring and very repetitive and (correct me if i'm wrong) but only having two weapons really sucked.
Thanks but No Thanks
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I checked out the skins (Thanks Game Seeker for the link) and found the Mars skin okay, but the other three were not up to much. They add a little variability to the game, but not enough for me to keep the game. You'll find instructions on how to install the skins, however if you open the games folder you will see a folder named skins; just copy or drag them into that folder. To play the game with any of the additional skins you just have to go to options and select more options which minimises the game and opens up the main options window, jut click on the skins tab and select whichever skin you wish to use, save and exit then reboot the game by clicking on the game icon.... :D If you like this you'll really love some of the more recent first person shooters like Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Battlefield 2 and 2142 and the soon to be released Unreal Tornament 2007 to name just a few. You can pick up Battlefield 2 for less than $30 now and there are 100's of custom made maps made by commnity members that are amazing. You'll need a reasonable graphics card and at lease a 2GHz cpu and 1G DDR RAM to play these games.
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I didn't see the screensaver comment in the intro blurb, so after reading Game Seekers comment I checked it out and found it.
To set up the screensaver (that's if you decide to keep the game, lol), Click on the game icon to open up the first screen, which is the intro to the game. to skip this press the space bar, this will bring the game options menu into view.
Click on options. You should see two buttons: OK and MORE
Click on More. The game will be minimised to the task bar and a window will present itself that has a series of tabs that allow you to tweak aspects of the game such as the effects, grapics etc.
Select the screensaver tab by clicking on it once. You should see below the instructions a button called SET SCREENSAVER.
Click on the set screensaver button
Click on Save and exit
To return to the game you will have to click on the game icon again.
To set the screensaver you will need to follow the path:
Start\Control Panel\Appearance & Themes\Choose Screensaver
then click on the screensaver drop down menu and select the screensaver called 'Sascreensaver'
The screensaver is basically a demo of the game. Okay for a short while, but I prefer my space screensavers especially the last one from last Sataurday.
My son liked (8) liked the game so it's now installed on his computer, but i've removed it from mine. :)
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Hats off to "Gameseeker" and "WhiteRabbit"
I wait for you reviews on GAOTD games everyday
I was on the fence about this game.......after
reading both your reviews for the 3rd time word
for word...I have decided to pass on this game...
Although I think both of you could sell me on just
about anything...there have been a few times I downloaded
a game because of your recommendations and have never
been disappointed....
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@ 23 : lol at the "strained gameplay" thing. But then again the company is called "Inviting Game"... That is just weird...
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More info on today's game:
To change the look of the game there's free downloadable skins available here:
Click the "Download" link under each and save them to the "Skins" subdirectory in the game's folder. To access follow directions given on the above site, you use a Configuration utility found in the game's Start menu shortcuts. All the skins look great except the Mars skin, it's so dark it affects playability which already isn't great.
Developer's Help link offers expanded instructions on game play:
The instructions are good and make things much clearer. There IS an explosive effect but only from enemies hit with rockets and only if you stick around to see it. Going immediately to another enemy, like I was doing, means you'll miss the explosion from the rocket. Hitting with the plasma gun causes enemies to fall with only a splash, except after one particular power-up and even then only once. If you read the entire page there is a way to change power of the gun and switch from a single barrel to a double barrel. Too bad these expanded instructions are not included in the game's Help file.
Also it turns out the screensaver IS there, but has to be added manually from the Configuration utility within the game's start menu shortcuts, the same one used to change skins. The bottom of the page contains an explanation of how to use the screensaver, another instruction that isn't accessible from within the game. The screensaver runs like a demo of the game and uses whichever skin you have currently set for the game.
Even with the expanded instructions the emphasis still seems to be on wowing the player with graphics rather than playability. Maybe not a complete thumbs down but not a thumbs up either, more like neutral.
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Vista isn't even listed on sys reqs, its most likely the author is on XP.
"Crashbacks": try running in compatibility mode Win2k SP4
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it wont load it only shows the clip and gose back to my desktop
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i cant get it to work it shows the movie part but then goes back to my desktop
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OMG, this game is 100% crap, it lags so much on Windows Vista
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I am having problems with this game, it downloads and I came activate it but after the game starts and the story is shown the game shuts down..........any ideas why?????????
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If this is truly a giveaway, how do I get the registration code?
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Graphics look great. Blue sky with puffy clouds, moving water effect of the lake looks terrific and there's bare brown mountains. The scenario loosely resembles some parts of Australia or some parts of Northern Nevada or Northern New Mexico in the USA. Player's view is from inside the gun ship, but you can move around the landscape to have a look by moving the mouse. The graphics are the strong point in this game but there's not much else.
There's very little playability here and available weapons are anemic at best. Your main gun, the plasma gun, is equivalent to a pea shooter. You shoot with the left mouse button but even holding down the left mouse button doesn't shoot any faster or better. When the pea shooter's power goes down you power it up by holding down the right mouse button. Quick clicks on the right mouse button lets you use rockets, but there's a very limited supply of those and no way to get more once they're gone. No option to buy more with points accumulated and no automatic power-up for rockets as in the main gun. After shooting down an enemy ship it falls into the water with a nice splashing effect but no there's explosive effect before it hits the water, it just falls with a splash. Only four bonuses available and they don't add enough fire power or protection to matter.
Were they trying to create a game or a screensaver? The developer's description mentions an integrated screensaver but there's no evidence of that in the game's menus and no additional screensaver in Control Panel Display's screensaver tab after installing the game. It hardly matters though, the game plays like an interactive screensaver. The developer's descriptions seem to confirm that, with phrases like "amazing 3D graphic", "skins support", "original soundtrack", and "soundtrack changing feature". (Actually that last one works with most games that put .ogg or .mp3 files in separate directories, so nothing new there.)
Curiously though, in their own descriptives they do offer a clue to the limited playability in this game, specifically the phrase: "strained gameplay". Likely a descriptive chosen due to language barrier rather than intent, but unfortunately it's quite accurate. This game has potential but in it's current state it's Sleeping Beauty....a very pretty snore fest.
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the game sucks, i agree with most people, i liked master of defense and star blaze and scorch an island,(star blaze was practically a month ago) thanks for the free games!
justin langille
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The game showed signs of promise but as one of the prior comments, the cursor control is awlful! You get a headache trying to follow and "lock" onto target. If they would improve the control response or allow maybe arrow keypad controls I'd try it again, but for now it's un-installed.
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I want some Jump 'n' Run Games!
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Meh. It was an okay game, the graphics were pretty nice, but just wasn't what I was expecting after reading the adulating comments on here. I was quite bored.
Oh well.
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I was thinking of downloading this game and then buying the Gforce card but it turns out not to be needed.
I have a 5 year old HP and the game played good enough.
I had to get used to the motion (and throwing up) but I think if I play around with the graphics settings in my computer, turn off a few of the graphic "extras" and tweek the mouse settings I could enjoy this game without the expensive graphics card
-- Thank guys! More games like this!
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This looks like an excellent 3D shooter. The graphics as mentioned above are very nice, but that's about it. I thought at first, yeah a 3D shooter, however there's hardly any variability to the game at all. Different scenarios give you different back drops, but you are in a fixed emplacement so there's no roaming around an alien world, which would have made this game much better. There are only 4 power ups that only add a small percentage to your protection and fire power. The eye candy is in the actual environment. There's no interesting effects from the minimalistic weapons you get. Once you run out of the limited supply of missiles that’s it till the next round. No re-supplies are given. And when you shoot down one of the attacking craft, there are no fantastic flame effects and explosions as you’d expect in any 3D game produced in the last several years. I was bored after about 5 minutes.
This game was very disappointing. This will probably be one of the first games since Game Giveaway started early in December 06 that I wont be keeping unless my children like it, then I’ll install it on their computers. That's not to say others will not appreciate this game. From the comments above it looks like quite a few are really pleased with this; that's great. :) As many have commented over the time this project has been running, you can’t please everyone. I’m thankful to have been given the opportunity to try it out, and appreciate what the GGAotD team have and are doing. I’ll look forwards to another tomorrow. (I hope the main program is a screensaver. The last one has got to be my all time favorite, apart from the solar system saver from a while back.) With respect to games, give me a good arkanoid any day.
Tank you
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"Imitation of enemy AI"? ...AI means "Artificial Intelligence". So this game has an "imitation" of something that's already by definition fake? Indie game developers really need to learn how to use buzzwords better. :-p
That said, looks nice. Not my type of game but I check back every day anyhow. Thanks GGOTD!
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This was a joke windows xp,2.8ghz processor, 256 mb gforce graphics card, 1 ghz of ram game would hardley even load then freezes while in play. Sorry i wasted my time
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erm, why ii keep cant download those game ? haiiz ii had missed lot of game alreally !! pls help me thanks =)
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I'll have to install it just because I want to experience the "Strained gameplay" and "Imitation AI (Artificial Intelligence)"
From the Story:
"Your only weapons are your personal fighting qualities: the ability to stay calm, stay focused, and react quickly. Step by step you will be polishing your combat skills, gaining valuable experience and turning powerful steel machines into clouds of helpless elementary particles."
The Moral to this story:
Never underestimate the power of "staying calm, focused, and not procrastinating"
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Great graphics. The water looks fantastic. Gameplay is good too. I'd give it 8 out of 10.
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This is one of the first games I've seen GOTD give that have truly 3d graphics. Thanks for a change from the ordinary puzzle games (which are not half bad either)
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Sorry mates but this is boring and pointless (with low production values)- However, Gem ball from a few days ago was the best game I've ever downloaded here - so, thanks for Gem ball.
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WOW! I only have 99.7 gig left on my HD, this one might be too big.LOL
I have installed approx. 25 utilities and 40 games in the last 2 months. Takes about a minute to d/l, no more than 3 -5 to install. INCLUDING reading the text file so I do it right. Also includes reading at least 2 dozen comments most of which are whiners.
1. Thank you GAOTD for:
a. The FREE games and utilities
2. Thank you to all the posters
a. For the useful information regarding the programs.
b. For suggesting better (sometimes) free programs
c. Giving me a chuckle every morning as I drink my first cup of coffee
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Thanks, this looks very promising, will instal it...
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Awful jerky and the cursor won't move properly.
Clearly not set to be used in Vista.
Even with the compatability wizard it wont work properly.
Off now.
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yeah I know... stop whining lol
This game is fast, and a lot of fun !
more like this PLEASE?
thanks GGOTD !
this one ROCKS!
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Good game, good sounds and music. You can see 360 degrees around, and ships are attacking from all sides. That makes it more challenging. So in a scale from 0-10 I give the program 9 points.
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I love shoot em down, and this one's got lots of action!
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perchè non date un altro gioco tipo Master of Defense?
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sweet, this look totally titties!
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