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SeaPuzzles Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — SeaPuzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are considered the most famous of the puzzle varieties.
User rating: 8 2 comments

SeaPuzzles was available as a giveaway on April 26, 2021!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

Jigsaw puzzles are considered the most famous of the puzzle varieties. This simple yet addicting game trains your memory, imagination and logical thinking. In this game you have to collect puzzles with marine life. The game has nice music and interface. After solving the puzzle correctly, you automatically go to the next level. Hope you enjoy the game. Have a nice game.

System Requirements:





File Size:

102 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Play Facebook games in your browser without logging in.
Plant flowers and fight with zombies to save your brain.
Gain access to online stores and manage licensed game copies.
A simulation game about the life of a truck driver.

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Only just found out that the Epic freebie Alien Isolation also includes the dlc, which the previous time it was given away it didn't, so those who have passed it over
because they already have the game from last December, check the DLC out as well.
We have a game every day this week; with different genres each day. Tuesday to Fridays games are in my opinion all worth downloading. Do check them out; there are no zombie shooters or jigsaws after todays game this week. :) Wednesdays game is educational and worth having; especially if you have children.
Sea Puzzles
In Brief
Sea Puzzles is another square jigsaw puzzle with lugs but no ability to turn the pieces. You can see a video of game play HERE
Todays jigsaw puzzle is different to all previous jigsaw puzzles we've received over the past several months. It has a menu system with sub menus unlike all previous titles. Unfortunately all the menus apart from the games main menu which has two buttons, Play and Exit, are in Russian. I spent some time translating these for those who wish to play around with the settings etc. See below the game description for details of the Russian translations.

The Game
There is no selection screen to choose your jigsaw, you have to complete a jigsaw before you can proceed to the next jigsaw. The jigsaw pieces are square with lugs on them and you have a 4 x 6 grid with 24 jigsaw pieces. There is a timer under the jigsaw counting up, but there appears to be no record kept of any completion times. If you exit the game on any jigsaw puzzle it always defaults to the first one when you start the game again. The backgrounds are animated with clown fish swimming around near the bottom of the screen. There are no cheat images. You can restart any puzzle using the restart button below the puzzle. Puzzle pieces do not lock into place when placed correctly.

I've translated all of the menus as near as I could ascertain with the main menus along the top of the game window from left to right being File, Settings and Help, each with a drop down menu giving access to more buttons. See image directly below for the Russian names for those three buttons.
I've included the translations for each of the drop down menus as well. The content menu found in the drop down menu for Help (Помощъ) is disabled and the information button opens a window with no information just the name of the game in English. You can turn off the audio samples and music by unchecking the items in the drop down menu from the Settings menu (Настройки) i.e. ВоСПроизвести ауДио-сзмПлы and ВоСПроизвести музыку respectively and close the menus via F8 (Скрыть меню). Clicking on Players (Игроки) via Ctrl+Y brings up a grid called Default Management (Управление по умолчанию) which allows you to add Joystick controls with four buttons each or use the keyboard (клавиатура). When you click on the keyboard buttons which all contain an X in their fields, that opens a window with the key bindings mainly in Russian (apart from Shift)

If you click on any of the Joy stick grids you'll receive a message in Russian as follows; ДЖОЙСТИК не ПоДклю или ДраЙвер не установлен. which means THE Joystick is not set. You will need to add a joystick first. That said; when I tried to use the keyboard commends that were listed in Russian (see the Keyboard settings {клавиатура} below) a small window appears with the key bindings (as mentioned above); however, these appear to have no effect on the game play??? I gave up on checking after this as I'd spent a considerable amount of tie trying to translate all the menu items by reconstructing the words from single Russian characters then using Google translate to discover the English meaning.
файл = File
Новый (F2) = New
Пароль = password (disabled)
Пауза (Ctrl+P) = Pause
Игроки (Ctrl+Y) - Players
Выход (Alt+F4) = Exit



Настройки = Settings
ВоСПроизвести ауДио-сзмПлы (Ctrl+S) = Play audio Samples
ВоСПроизвести музыку (Ctrl+M) = Music
Скрыть меню (F8) = Hide the menu

Setting up a keyboard (Настройка клавиаТуры)
Стрелка = arrow
Вверх = Top
Вниз = Down
Влево = Left
ВПраво = Right

Keyboard settings (клавиатура)
кнопка = button
кнопка 1 = Shift
кнопка 2 = Управление = management (Control)
кнопка 3 = Пробел = gap (Space)
кнопка 4 = ВвоД = input (Enter)

Keyboard settings/клавиатураAshampoo-Snap-25-April-2021-20h11m25s-018

Отмена = Cancel
Управление по умолчанию = Default management
клавиатура = Keyboard
ДЖОЙСТИК 1 = Joystick 1
ДЖОЙСТИК 2 = Joystick 2
ДЖОЙСТИК 3 = Joystick 3
ДЖОЙСТИК 4 = Joystick 4

Controller management/Управление по умолчаниюAshampoo-Snap-25-April-2021-20h11m51s-019

ДЖОЙСТИК не ПоДклю или ДраЙвер не установлен. = THE JOYSTICk is not set.Ashampoo-Snap-25-April-2021-20h20m06s-020
Помощъ = Help
Содержание (F1) = Content (Disabled)
информация = InformationAshampoo-Snap-25-April-2021-18h51m48s-015






Other free games worth adding to your game library

The latest Epic freebies include Alien: Isolation, A first person psychological/survival horror game based on the Alien movie franchise and set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger. It was previously given away on the 21st December last year. This is an opportunity for those who missed it the first time to grab it now. I bought Alien: Isolation when it was first released on Steam back in October 2014 as I love the Alien movie franchise and have purchased all of the games related to the franchise. My favorite game in the series is Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000 that was originally released 21 years ago, and which always gave me the same adrenaline fuelled rush I got when I first watched the original franchise. It was later re released on Steam and is now only £3.99. The re imagined version Aliens vs. Predator released in 2010 looks better visually, but IMO does not have the same scary moments when Aliens suddenly pop up in front of you coming down dark corridors. Even today the original scares me and I get the same feelings I used to get as a child when hiding behind the sofa trying to watch Dr Who.

We also get Hand of Fate 2, an RPG roguelike deck builder card game; Master a living board game of infinitely re-playable quests - unlock new cards, build your adventure, then defeat your foes in brutal third person real-time combat! (combined cost of both games is over £50/$70/€58).

From Thursday, 4pm UK time, the games changes to Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms with add-ons. All players who log into Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms through the Epic Games Store between Thursday 29/4/2021 at 11AM Eastern and Thursday 6/5/2021 at 11AM Eastern will receive the Epic Champions of Renown add-on worth over $100.

Please see Delenn's threads for other Steam and Non Steam freebies HERE and HERE respectively. There won't be new freebies added every week from these sections apart from the Epic games, but it is worth checking them regularly for details of any games going for free. Delenn usually posts details when a game is being offered free for a temporary period. These include games from Good Old Games (all DRM free), Ubisoft's uPlay client, Valves Steam client, EA Games Origin client and other indie developers.

You'll find hundreds of freeware games of all arcade and indie genres on Itch.io and Caimans Games as well as other sources. Please do check out the game discussion forums for older posts HERE (the sticky section is useful). Many of the earlier posts may be out of date with respect to the links I and others have provided to the free games; however, you only need to know the name of the game to find most of them via other sources. Many of those games from 2008 to around 2017 were posted as part of a project to supplement the lack of weekday games when the game giveaway went to weekend only games around Easter 2008 (mainly instigated due to the financial crisis of 2008) until November 2018 when Falcoware stepped into the weekday slot; however, from around 2015 onwards we did start to get the occasional Steam key for various games offered as limited giveaways, with a restriction on the number of keys available (anywhere from 25 to 2000+). These included over 60 decent AAA games and indie arcade games ; for example some of the better AAA games included , lucky Warhammer: Vermintide 1 & 2 plus DLC for version 2; Dreadlands, Mount & Blade: Warband, Immortal Unchained and Conan Exiles.

I've not posted details of any Indie Gala freebies since my older computer went on the Fritz back in October last year. Since then Indie Gala have added quite a few more free games, some of which are definitely worth downloading. You can find the latest freebies HERE and their showcase list, which includes all the freebies still current; (many of which have been included for a couple of years now) HERE.

It’s worth adding these links to your favorites and checking regularly for available freebies. Most are only free for a specific time. If you miss the deadline you’ll miss out. Once added to your account, they are yours to keep. :)
Notes on Security
I scanned a zipped copy of the installed game and it found four hits (Jiangmin, Rising, Zillya and Microsoft - all different) from 62 antimalware engines. The downloaded executable may include some low level adware that only opens your browser to Falcowares home page after the game has installed, but does not inject any malware into your system. When your browser is opened to Falcowares home page it earns them some money, part of which is given to the developer of the game for allowing the game to be given away free. You can see the results of the scan via the following link:


When I installed and ran the game I received another warning from Microsoft Defender. Personally I think this is a false positive considering the giveaway teams 14 year history of never giving away a game with malware.. The results are still not significant with all the major antimalware engines passing the game as fit for use. If you want to see the results of my scan follow the link above. All four engines gave a different malware warning, and they were pointed at different parts of the installed game for example one pointed to the 20M text file that isn't required (and can be deleted from the installed game) another pointed to the uninstaller.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

Nice colourful puzzle to pass the time, thanks for sharing! I didn't get any warnings about it from Windows Defender or Avast Anti-Virus (which is usually very picky) To exit, I just pressed F2, which brings up the main menu but thanks to the other poster for full details.

Reply   |   Comment by Susan Ganiebny  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)
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