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Sandbox of God Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Sandbox of God

The Sandbox of god is a puzzle at heart, where every decision you make affects your outcome in the end.
User rating: 213 33 comments

Sandbox of God was available as a giveaway on November 24, 2013!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
A unique memory game where you remember the card that you pulled out before.

As you look down upon the empty planet, you find a set of tools on the top right of the screen, ready to be used. A bolt of lightning, or perhaps a flood, or seedlings for trees…even the option to create man. And rabbits.

As you progress through the eons of time, you’ll notice that your actions have directly affected the shape of the world simply by the order in which you chose them. By creating the earthquake first, for example, you created a crack in the earth that you could then fill with the flood, which lead to a vast river spanning the planet. But had you done the flood before the earthquake, the ground would not have been dry enough to create the crack, and would have lead to an entirely different landscape. This is just a small example of what your actions do in the Sandbox of God.

System Requirements:

Windows 2k/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8


Xing Interactive



File Size:

24.4 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Sandbox of God

Thank you for voting!
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Meh. I thought I would like this WAY more than I did. I'll probably uninstall it. I was hoping I could put various animals on the planet and NOT man, for a nice variation. :D But I don't see a way to do it, sigh.

Reply   |   Comment by RDC  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i gave this a 'thumbs up' to help balance the scoring. i did not read one single negative comment, so it appears some did not like the 'name'... While i can appreciate this possibility, i would point out that the author did use a small 'g'... i for one DO balance such things in my analysis of 'things'. In other words, i am so intrigued by the possibilities of how this game can relate to other things that i'm going to up-vote it and download it right now. tyvm.

Regards to the 'good' "rabbit" (smiley face)

......................Moderator Comment......................

Thanks for the feedback. :) Sorry for the late moderation.

Reply   |   Comment by NothingIsFree  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I for one am addicted to match-3, hidden object, strategy and some time management games so was undecided about this one, mainly because of the graphics and negative votes, but glad I took a chance and downloaded it. I found it fun, entertaining and, dare I say, addictive! Have things to do but hate to take the time away from my "sandbox". LOL It gets a thumbs up from me!

......................Moderator Comment......................

Thanks for the feedback. Sorry for the late moderation.

Reply   |   Comment by TopazMystique  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After installing, every time I try to start this I get the following error message:

"An unexpected error occured when running this game."

I click on "OK" and the game closes. Please advise.

..........................Moderator Comment............................

Check out the FAQ's section over in the Game Discussion forums:


Right click on the games executable (the orange icon with the key) and select run as Administrator. If that doesn't work, try going into compatibility mode via properties (right click on the set up) and run in XP mode. You could try changing some of the graphics compatibility settings as well.

Reply   |   Comment by Boots  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Works without problems on XP SP3.

Positive: the game is self-standing, the installation unzips files to the folder and doesn't change anything in the registry, so copying the game folder elsewhere and uninstalling lets you keep it for good.

Negative: it looks like you have to use all the "actions" that pop up in the upper right corner to complete an era, so you have to strike your people with a plague every now and then even if you don't want to, which may cost you points (flies), rank (I was labelled EVIL for probably half of the eras and finished with a rank of 8. Jupiter - the god of sissy-men or something like this), but bizarrely raises the IQ of your people. Mine finished with IQ 135 and guess what - in reality that's impossible. Everyone who knows what IQ is knows that for mankind it's always equal to 100, a reference point like 0 in distance or weight. An individual may have their personal IQ higher or lower, but mankind always has 100. If today's people are more intelligent than those from a 100 years ago, than a person who scored, say, 130 today would have scored 160 then and today's 100 would have equalled to, say, 130 then, but at any given moment the average IQ for mankind is always 100. And the IQ for rabbits actually beats me. How do you test it?

You may say I'm nitpicking, but the concept of this game isn't original at all. I played something like this in the 1980s on my Atari 800 and didn't like it. You don't guess God's quirks and whims - you (try to) guess those of the programmers.

Yes, it is good not to have match-threes or time management all the time (a good HOG would actually come in handy, IMMO), but this game is not worth any money. And I'm not even mentioning bugs like the music coming back on after I quit the game at the "checklist" to the main menu, even though it's still off in the options (strangely, the music is really off after the next start). Didn't vote thumbs down, but have no reason to vote up.

.......................................Moderator comment.............................................

Thank you for your feedback Joe.

Reply   |   Comment by JoeJ  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I never played something like this so I download it and will see what happens. If it's not for me I still can delete it later.

Thanks for another opportunity.

Reply   |   Comment by Anu  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The 'throwback graphics' add to the game (imho) since it is suppose to be the beginning of time/Earth... or maybe I am reading to much of a correlation into it all. Yes, there are some error in grammar/spelling, but I think that for a lower budget type of game that is just something that happens. Sometimes it doesn't get reported and also just because a company is American/English speaking doesn't mean that all the employees/contractors are such. The game offers some limitations in decision, but overall is fun and humorous in both nature and comments. I take the times you do something that it refers to you being 'evil' as just the way that humans would see you just as when you do something and you are 'good' being the same thing (even if it has an ill effect later). I find the game fun and a good time waster as well. I have only played it for a short time (again imho, lol) but can see that I will be going back to it. Thank you Vertigo and I hope you bring us some more of your games.

P.S. it would benefit you (if you are reading this) to have an editor go over your grammar/spelling it seems that some are not willing to play/give your game a chance with any errors.

......................................Moderator Comment..................................

Thank you for your feedback G. :)

Reply   |   Comment by ibwebb  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a fun little game. I played through a few times and am still working on some of the developments, but that just means it has decent replayability. I'd like to see more complexity -- more options, a little more depth -- but for what it is I'm enjoying it.

Reply   |   Comment by Angle  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I played this many years ago... never got all the points in the original game. But it's fun, and I downloaded to try again.
Basically a logic puzzle; do things in a certain order and observe the results. Graphics are indeed clunky, but it's still a fun game. To dismiss it out of hand because of how it looks would be like saying there was never a good movie made before color film or computer-generated special effects.

......................................Moderator Comment..................................

Thank you for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by ThomasR  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

....................Moderator comment........................

Sorry for the lack of moderation for this afternoon. Was at a scouts award. my son was getting his gold award.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It's an ingenious idea for a game, although I'd like it better with a bit more complexity. The real problem is that runs at an AGONIZINGLY slow speed on my reasonably fast computer. After I had played several levels (doing other things while it pondered its way through each action) it gave me several error messages about missing files or something, and then suddenly began to run at what is probably its proper speed, at which point it became pretty enjoyable. What's the matter here? After closing the game and starting it again, it is back to the agonizingly slow speed.

............................Moderator Comment............................

Thank you for your feedback Antsy

Reply   |   Comment by Antsy  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Have the original, but am pleased to get this one as well. It's an amazing concept and I would love to see it expanded upon...different races, planets, perhaps one underwater with fish? Maybe even a version that takes place in Heaven between good angels and bad angels? I have literally 1,000+ games in my collection, ranging from Hearts of Iron to Papo & Yo, so have been able to see a great many types of games in my time. This one is a keeper for me. Thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by Asanath  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm not sure what the strategy is, or what causes which consequences, but there is something about the game that makes it enjoyable to me.......maybe, because it IS so different. I recommend it to anyone that likes to think out of the box.

Reply   |   Comment by richard tarno  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This IS in fact the same version given away on July 14, 2011 !!

There were two additional files in the main directory (generated by Play), and the two files in the \data directory had been modified by play! All other files are the same, so today's version Number is

Reply   |   Comment by Chris Roy Jackson  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Looks like a great game for use in my classes - war, politics, environmental destruction! I am going to have fun with this.

Reply   |   Comment by Aroonima  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

OH, WOW! This is the first time this game has been offered when I wasn't camping or away from my PC. I wanted this game so badly that I ended up buying it last year. Well worth the 2.50 I spent on it.

This game is FUN, FUN, and more FUN! Once you figure out the mechanics of how the game works you are GOD. I used the walk throughs until I figured it out. "God does work in mysterious ways". The people do become stronger from strife and adversity.

I don't know why the Vertigo games picked "wabbits" as the villain; I would have chosen wolves or something like that. But then wolves don't build hutches. Anyways, those wabbit armies can cause a lot of damage.

So glad to see a decent game here that isn't a HOG/TM/Match 3. You people need to try something different and use your brain.

Even though I didn't download this(Already have it) thanks to Vertigo Gaming and GGOTD for this offer. And thanks to the floppy eared, Oh Furry one(not a baddie)for his review. I "Evernoted" all your links. Thanks!

............................Moderator Comment............................

Hi Delenn, they are repeating Babylon 5 on one of the channels I pay for, so have been re watching the series. Not seen it in several or more years, so am looking forwards to watching it all again.

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Did you watch Doctor Who all day yesterday?

Today's game is just like Christopher Eccleston! Old, bad, and no longer relevant.

Reply   |   Comment by Swamp Thing  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The version of "The SandBox of God ReMastered" that was offered here on July 14, 2011 was Version Number (according the "Hard Code" in the executable "The Sandbox of God Remastered.exe" (7,509,416 b).
Installation ZipFile Size: 15.27 MB (16,010,025 b)
Installed Total File Size: 18.02 MB (18,895,624 b) 10 Files
That version was before the new "Wrapper" was introduced, so if today's ZipFile is 24.4 MB, that's a difference of about 6.4 MB. I THINK that's around the average additional size added by the new wrapper. That and WhiteRabbit's statement that the installed Files equal approx. 18 MB tells me that this version is PROBABLY the same!
I guess I'll just go ahead & download, then install it after backing my current version up to a different directory (to see wheather or not it is an update)!

............................Moderator Comment............................

Thank you for your feedback Chris

Reply   |   Comment by Chris Roy Jackson  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Graphic and sounds effects are dated. But the game play is unique. It is nice having a game that's not match 3, hidden pictures, or time management. This is refreshing and challenging. I say that, but it also looks like a one play game. Unlike the others mentioned I don't think I will go back and play this one over and over.

Loaded fine with no issues.

Thank you.

............................Moderator Comment............................

Thank you for your feedback

Reply   |   Comment by Will S  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game is awesome, but simple. I beat the game in seven sessions. You have a checklist to complete. The game really needs the ability to view the checklist from the splash screen; you must run through a game before you access the checklist. The hardest part is getting the sequence correct for the Volcano City. It has replayability until you have completed the checklist a few times and get bored with it. Now I play it only once in a great while.

............................Moderator Comment............................

Thank you for your feedback

Reply   |   Comment by John  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I love the concept of the game, but the graphics look so cheesy I didn't bother, sorry. I didn't vote either way as I have not actually tried it.


Reply   |   Comment by Fred Stevens  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sorry but I'm passing on this one. God games of all sorts bore me rigid. And why can't the developers spell CRATER correctly? I thought (maybe wrongly) that the Vertigo team are American, so they have no excuse for spelling it CRATOR!

I tried the same developers' game Kablooey! but that's almost impossible to play due to the one-minute-per-level time limit they impose: this is a similar game, so I know it would drive me bananas as well. I have no doubt Sandbox of God would appeal to the people who enjoy those games I refer to as "thing A + thing B = thing C" games, of which today's giveaway and Kablooey! are both examples. I know there are some popular phone games like that but I dunno the proper term.

PS: Why are ALL the comments in bold today? Did you forget an end-bold tag in your first comment, Stephen? (Which would affect everything below it on the page)

PPS to GOTD team: PLEASE GIVE US A PREVIEW COMMENTS OPTION in GGOTD COMMENTS, like on the main GOTD pages! That's been annoying me for a long time.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thanks for your feedback Cad. No, I've started to put my comments in bold italics so that they stand out from the main comments. Makes it easier to see.

Reply   |   Comment by Cad Delworth CEng MBCS CITP  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded and tried to install the game of the day and it tells me that the give a way period is over. It is the Game of the day for today.

................................Moderator comment...............................

Ive just downloaded another copy just to see if there was a problem and was able to download. Try clearing out your internet cache, reboot your modem/router and check your computer clocks date and time.

Reply   |   Comment by Glenn Baker  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@6. Yeah it's supposed to be like that. Stretching the game to full screen would've been a simple case of hitting F4 had the developer left the setting on default in Game Maker.

Reply   |   Comment by LukeWarm  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After reading your excellent review, I still decided not to download it, based on the screens; so please consider this feedback to the authors and not just a negative criticism. The screens showed ragged object edges, which indicates to me a much lower resolution than the 1920 I run natively. Also I saw three errors in agreement - I'm a retired copy editor, so I notice these things and they usually indicate many more language issues, which also can indicate programming errors. If this is a revised edition, how are there still errors in the very screens they provide for examples? So my personal standards for programs was not met, even by the few screen examples. I hope the authors of the game will put more effort into a grammatically corrected version. Good luck!

..................................Moderator comment...................................

Thank you for your feedback Wayne

Reply   |   Comment by wayne rice  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Original, intriguing - great little strategy game!

I like the contrast between the epic music and the wonky graphics. :)

Vertigo Gaming is an interesting developer. I hope they'll continue to showcase their work here. Thanks very much for this giveaway.

Reply   |   Comment by Emily  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It might look dated? I can confirm that it does. It forces you to inflict pestilences on the people, then calls you evil for doing so? Sandbox in this sense means you have to pick all the options in the order of your choice to continue - not leave certain options out. The rubbish graphics and restrictive gaming makes this the worst game i've ever seen.

Reply   |   Comment by benny cake  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

the game opens in a window and when changed via options it is stil the same size but with a black background ........ ??????!
My screen is 1920x1200 and the OS is windows7 64

Reply   |   Comment by voorbijganger  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh, yeah, forgot to mention: it's the Remastered edition/version.

Reply   |   Comment by Delilah  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

See Rabbit's review from 3 years ago here:

A strange, quirky, unpredictable (so far!) little game. I know there's some logic to it; I just haven't figured it out yet.

Works fine on my creaky old XP Pro SP3. No volume control for music, just ON or OFF. No full screen option, but it's not really necessary with this one. It says version 1.5, but has both ‘Warfare’ and ‘Simulated Boardgame’ Modes on the menu.

Thanks, all!

.....................................Moderator comment..................................

Thanks for posting the link Delilah, had a bad night last night so didn't wake up till an hour ago. Had been working on the review until nearly 5am.

Reply   |   Comment by Delilah  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

guys, guys...why no comments and lots of thumbs down. I downloaded this last giveaway and since sold laptop it was on so lost it. this is a great and quite original piece of software. It's not one of those boring pick three which lots of you seem to like or hunt the hidden thing which lots of you also seem to like. give it a try you never know. Hope this is helpful??

...............................Moderator comment...................................

I agree with you wholeheartedly. It s sad that the original games we get here rarely get a decent score.

Reply   |   Comment by Robbie  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The Sandbox of God Remastered:

Sandbox 001

Brought to you by the Game giveaway team thanks to the generosity of Vertigo games. (thanks guys)


The Sandbox of God (remastered) downloads as a 24.4 MB zip file that unpacks to a read me and a wrapped setup file (the orange colored file with the key symbol), plus there's a setup file with security (setup.gcd) that's protected from being hacked (because the previous giveaway system was easily cracked). This file may case some security software to alert the user to a possible malware attack, but it will be a false positive.

The game giveaway team check all game giveaways for malware using several well known anti -malware suites. There has never been a game giveaway infected with malware since the project started back in Dec 2006. (The owners know that allowing such things would compromise their business, so they make sure all software given away via the giveaway and gamegiveaway sites are thoroughly checked for all types of malware before allowing community members to download any files.

Some community members have been having problems installing games since the security software was added. It's been found that turning off your security temporarily or configuring it to accept the setup.cgd file usually sorts the problem out.

To register and install the game, click on the orange colored icon. The installed game requires 18 MB of disk space and installs to the following path:

C:\Program files (x86)\The Sandbox of God Remastered

A shortcut is installed to the desktop. There's also an uninstaller.

The Sandbox of God (remastered) works on both my Win 7 (64 bit) & Win 8.1 (64 bit) computers. I've not reinstalled Vista or XP yet.

163612 sogscreen7 medium



As you look down upon the empty planet, you find a set of tools on the top right of the screen, ready to be used. A bolt of lightning, or perhaps a flood, or seedlings for trees…even the option to create man. And rabbits.

As you progress through the eons of time, you’ll notice that your actions have directly affected the shape of the world simply by the order in which you chose them. By creating the earthquake first, for example, you created a crack in the earth that you could then fill with the flood, which lead to a vast river spanning the planet. But had you done the flood before the earthquake, the ground would not have been dry enough to create the crack, and would have lead to an entirely different landscape. This is just a small example of what your actions do in the Sandbox of God.

But your actions don’t go unnoticed. Shape man and give them the tools necessary to thrive, and they will pray to you for guidance…which you can then deliver or ignore, allowing them to choose their own destiny. And rabbits could even learn to pray, too.

The Sandbox of God comes in two versions: the full freeware version that contains the original game, and the Remastered version that has more new modes and features.

Reference accessed HERE 22nd Nov 2013

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The Game:

Today's remastered version of the game is built on the updated 2004 release of The Sandbox of God. The main differences between the freeware version (v1.52) and the commercial version (v1.56) are the latter remastered version has two new game play modes called ‘Warfare’ and the ‘Simulated Boardgame’ Modes. The game also includes all the updates made to the original freeware version such as using the latest Game Maker 8 engine instead of Game Maker 5; which basically means faster processing. There’s also a new save system and you can play the game in a slightly larger resolution than from the original; though when you consider the size of the average flat screen monitor now, the retro screen resolution of 800 x 600 seems rather absurd, but this is because the new version is just a remastered version of the original. You can play the game in full screen via the toggle in the options menu, but there will be a large black border filling in the area not covered by the game. If you wanted the game area to look larger, with a smaller black border you would have to temporarily reduce the size of your screen resolution via the properties window.

The options menu contains a music toggle, the windowed/full screen toggle, an erase data button, which enables you to restart the level and a go back button that takes you to the main menu. The main menu gives you access to news and updates as well as any patches that may be available.

I'm not sure whether the giveaway version will qualify you for updates due to the giveaway clauses that you can find in the read me that accompany the game in the zipped download file, but I don't see how that function can be omitted from the giveaway version. The best thing to do is contact the developer if and when an update has been made to see if it is possible. Choosing ‘New Game’ from the main menu opens up a new screen that gives you access to all three available modes, that is Classic Mode, Simulated Boardgame Mode and Warfare Mode. The news and updates button also gives you access to a spoiler free hints guide that is very useful for those new to the game.



Simulated Boardgame Mode:

You can still play The Sandbox of God: Remastered (SOG:R) in it’s classic style or switch to the new ‘Simulated Boardgame’ mode. In this new style, SOG:R simulates how one might play a board game version of the Sandbox of God in their basement using light gels, clay figures, blocks and cards, and Christmas lights. Switching between the classic style and the board game style can be done between rounds.
For help click on the question mark that’s situated next to the in game score card to the bottom right of the playing area. You will be prompted to go there when you first start the game.

The Sandbox of God Warfare Mode:

As man sits atop the world, enjoying the fruits of his labour, evil rabbits plot revenge. Defend man’s civilization as you purchase new defences and upgrades, and prepare to do battle with the ever-multiplying civilization of rabbits. Use your godly powers of lighting and destruction to destroy rabbit armies and huts…provided that you have enough cash, of course. Unlock new cards by beating Sandbox mode and see how far into the future you can survive!

When you choose the Warfare mode you can follow the online guide (via the menu once you choose the Warfare mode) by clicking on the online guide button, which explains what the Warfare mode is and lists all the different cards such as Lightning, Wind, Man, Earthquakes, Medicinal, Seedlings, Plagues , Comets, Explosives plus several more (see the three images below for the full list and explanations).

The objective of this game is to survive wave after wave of rabbits over the course of many eras, until man cannot defend themselves any more. There are many tools at your disposal to help you in this quest, so let’s break it down!



You’ll notice the store at the beginning of the game. You can buy powers from here and add them to your inventory. You can hold up to ten cards in a single battle round, assuming you have the game cash to purchase them. Any cards left over at the end of a round will carry over to the next round.

Your main city’s health is displayed over itself by a bar graph; you cannot place any items within the dotted radius, or move any units within those boundaries, (see the images above and below).

As you progress through each era, you’ll notice that you’ll unlock new cards. As your technology improves, so do the rabbits, so plan accordingly. You win money with every rabbit defeated along with a nice bonus for destroying their huts and cities.


You can also see you a few You Tube videos of game play HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE


It is possible to change the in game music if you find it annoying. Just follow the path detailed below:

C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sandbox of God Remastered\oggmusic

You’ll need to rename and convert the music you wish to use from your usual MP3 or WMA to .ogg - Please change the names of the music you choose to add to the ones you are replacing otherwise the game may crash or at the very least no music will play.

System Requirements:

O.S. - Windows 2k/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8




It may look a little dated now, but this game is an excellent and easy to play God mode strategy game.


Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 6
Audio/Sound Effects: 7
Help/Tutorials: 7.5
Originality: 8.5
Replayability: 8

Total score out of 60 = 45 which is equivalent to 7.5 out of 10


You can find a walkthrough in five parts:

Sandbox of God Walkthrough Part 1 - Walking through the Valley of Eden
Sandbox of God Walkthrough Part 2 - Bad Moon Rising
Sandbox of God Walkthrough Part 3 - Under the Vulcano
Sandbox of God Walkthrough Part 4 - I want to be a Little Fishy
Sandbox of God Walkthrough Part 5 - It’s the Final Countdown

Walkthroughs for the Remastered Version:

Spoiler Walkthrough by John of Jayisgames.com

You'll find a link in game to the following strategy and hints guide
Non Spoiler Mini Strategy and Hint guide by chubigans


1) … If you get the following message:
"Problems encountered when starting the game" or something similar
try the following fixes

Try updating your graphics drivers or it could be a compatibility issue; try playing the game in compatibility mode. Also, if you have your screen resolution set too high it may crash. The game wasn't designed to play on high res screens, with a default screen resolution of only 800 x 600. try reducing your resolution temporarily. If it works and you like the game it may be worth keeping and turning the resolution down whenever you fancy a game. Yeah I know, it's a little annoying, but some games are worth the effort.

2) … To escape from the game use either the Esc-button, then choose quit; or, click on the upward pointing arrow (near the bottom of the game area). You’ll find an arrow on all modes; this takes you back to the main menu where you can then quit the game.

3) … If the game doesn’t run smoothly you may not have enough free RAM; either turn off some background programs manually or install the free version of Game Booster from Iobit which is available via the following link:


We got the pro version a few months ago via the main giveaway site, however the free version works just as well. Basically it turns off all unnecessary windows programs and you can also manually program the app to turn off non windows applications as well. A button is provided to return your computer to normal one you've finished playing your game.

Alternative free Games from Vertigo

The original Sandbox of God is freeware. You can download that version HERE
According to Felix Atagong's Unfinished Project the freeware version seem to have had the hidden Easter Eggs removed, plus despite the update there has been no new content added. This means the original walkthroughs are still valid for the Remastered classic mode and freeware version all of which can be found via the following links:

Vertigo games are offering several games for free. Acid bomb and Acid bomb 2. Wizzard of Ozz actually posted some of the freeware Vertigo games some time ago as part of our ongoing free games for the weekdays project. You can find download links those games below:

Prisms of Light 1 & 2

Sandbox of God, you can also get it directly from the developer HERE

Vivid Conceptions

The original version of Shellblast called Acidbomb and its sequel Acidbomb 2 can be downloaded HERE (Acidbomb) and HERE (Acidbomb 2)
There are several more free games from the Vertigo site, which have been posted in the free games for the weekdays project, so I’m not going to mention them here

Games, Games, and yet more Games plus Download, Installation & Game play Problems:

If you're looking for something other than today's game check the didimatic site via THIS link for some brilliant deals.

Steam weekend deals include 50% Europa Universalis IV (released Aug 2013) and 75% off Rage (plus dlc) as well as play for free until Sunday afternoon (PST) The 48hr deal is 75% off Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad GOTY, and 75% off Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.
There's also 75% off Shift 2 Unleashed, 75% off Need for Speed Undercover, 75% off Need for Speed: Shift, 75% off Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, 75% off Jade Empire: Special Edition, 75% off eve Online, 50% off the Worms franchise, 40% off Bridge it plus, 75% off Star wolves franchise, 80% off Storm: Frontline Nations, 75% off both Full spectrum Warrior games (a little dated now after 8 years, but excellent squad based game play, well worth the ridiculously low price of £2.24 (approx $3.50), 30% off Ashes Cricket 2013, 66% off Prime World Defenders, 75%v off Post Apocalyptic Mayhem, (one for the kids called World of Zoo 75% off), 75% off Aura: Fate of ages, 75% off Deep Black: Reloaded, 70% off Super Splatters (a cross between Peggle and world of Goo), 75% off Razor2: Hidden Skies, 50% off Hexodius, 33% off Day One: Garry’s Incident,; in total there are 86 game son sale via steam.

Over on Gamersgate you can save up to 75% off Civilization V (the main game and dlc), 75% off the 2 driver games (Driver: Parallel Lines and Driver: San Francisco), up top 60% off Trackmania, 33% off Disney’s Castle Illusion, Eve Online 75% off. You’ll find Gamersgate deals HERE.

If you prefer to buy from GreenMan Gaming, they have a 25% off coupon for a lot of their digital games apart from excluded titles (usually those that already have a large discount). 75% off X-Com: Enemy Unknown, Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle 66% off, Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear 50% off . You'll find the deals HERE.

You'll find many more game deals onDesura , Gamefly, Gamestop, and GOG; some of which you can find via the Didimatic site, which I've linked to above.

To be honest there are too many game deals around to list them all. Just visit the sites I recommend above and I'm sure you'll find something that suits you for a very decent price.

Check out the Game Discussion forums for details of other games, either free or on deals such as the Indie Game bundles, (there's at least 5 or 6 bundles live at the moment plus regular bundles such as the Humble Weekly Sales and the Bundle Stars bundles (at least four of those are still live) including Groupees. You'll find links to all of these bundles in the Game discussion forums HERE All of the indie bundles are amazing value.

The latest IndieGameStand game is Super Lemonade Factory, a platformer. You can find it Here. There's a DRM free download and it's on Steams Greenlight project, so you could get a Steam key later ; plus if you pay more than the average, which stands at $1.28 at the time of writing you'll also get wallpapers, a sprite sheet and the music. This deal ends on Thursday 28th Nov around 5am GMT.

There are small indie bundles available over at Indiebundle.org. Each bundle has three games and costs $5 each for the basic bundle plus a few dollars more for extra games. Check the Indie bundles HERE. There’s still several other bundles active such as the Weekly humble bundle which this week is Zen Studios brilliant pinball tables (Pinball FX2 Core Pack, Pinball FX2 Zen Classics Pack, Pinball FX2 Earth Defense table, Pinball FX2 Paranormal table, and Pinball FX2 Epic Quest table, Pinball FX2 Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles Pack, Pinball FX2 Star Wars Pack, and Pinball FX2 Marvel Pinball Original Pack – you do need a Steam account for this deal). You can find most deals HERE (I count 20 bundle deals live at the moment, ranging from a dollar to several dollars – all of these deals are unbelievably cheap, its one way to stock up on loads of games for less than the price of a few coffees at the local Starbucks.

Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit-uk  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Is this the same as "The SandBox of God ReMastered" that was offered here on July 30, 2011 ???

.......................................Moderator comment.........................................

The previous version was v1.56. I've not been able to find out which version this is. Vertigo games do update their programs, so there is a chance this has been upgraded. The last time this was given away the installed game was 17.9MB in size, whereas today's is 18MB.

Reply   |   Comment by Chris Roy Jackson  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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