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Richman Games: Monopoly of New York Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Richman Games: Monopoly of New York

$14.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 251 90 comments

Richman Games: Monopoly of New York was available as a giveaway on June 12, 2011!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
An interesting game for your skills in driving vehicles on unrealistic tracks.

Monopoly is the most popular board game. Richman Games will take you on a business trip to the City of New York. Your goal is to maximize your net wealth through various corporate actions and make yourself the richest person in the Richman Games. Richman is a multiplayer (4 players) business strategy game with very simple rules.

Key features:

  • Boss Key (Escape) - Hide/Show the game quickly;
  • Play Monopoly games on your computer;
  • Single-player game mode - You can play with the smart computer player;
  • Multiplayer game mode - Play with family and friends. Host your game night;
  • New Map & Feature - Placed in New York City & Added Hostile Takeover Feature;
  • Simple Rules - If you enjoyed playing Monopoly board games then you will like Richman!

System Requirements:

Windows 98/ 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7 (x32/x64)


Xing Interactive



File Size:

6.07 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
A challenging MOBA set in a fantasy world.
Developed by Overwolf

Comments on Richman Games: Monopoly of New York

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No 'save game' ???
The sound is poor too. Need to put some background musics and more FSX.
There are more drawbacks for this game so I think 14$95 for this game is wasteful!!

........................Moderator Comment...................

Thank you for your feedback

Reply   |   Comment by Nguyen Trung Hiếu  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I wish I would have been home to get this one, I love Monopoly. I was away for the weekend so I missed it. Hope it is repeated sometime.

Reply   |   Comment by Tina Bentley  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

fun/funny FYI~
we displayed/put the game onto our 'extra' monitor ~the TV, then played 'catch' with the mouse for each player turn-which turned into a 'don't try this @ home' mess with the interesting left click/right clicks that come up from tossing the cordless mouse back-n-forth- :)

Reply   |   Comment by T Mike  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not enough functions in the game, and there are other monopoly clones out in the web with far more function. I even experienced a frozen state once so I had to use CTRL + ALT + F4 to shut it down, i could click exit but nothing happend.

For anyone who wants a better game I suggest you test out billionaire II.


Reply   |   Comment by Zham  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice enough updated version of the game, with the exception of numerous spelling errors... "RUXURY TAX"? Very distracting!

Reply   |   Comment by Clark Peterson  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good game, but a little bit on the slow side, waiting for the other (computer players)to move. An option to adjust the game speed would be an improvement, I feel.

Reply   |   Comment by Andy  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Running Vista Buisness x64, I have problems with text being displayed properly in boxes at all given resolutions. Unplayable in current state.

Reply   |   Comment by Gary R.  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just to add... I'd give this a top score, 98/100. Thumbs up!

Reply   |   Comment by Mr. Snoozles  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Game feedback...

Downloaded UPDATED version using alternate link mentioned above.

Can't find the spelling errors.

When installing from the alternate, an error is reported. But, it is not an error as it's in reference to the now deleted (in the developer's update) upgrade checker.

Game play. Great! NOTE that during play, some of what you can do is at the bottom of the screen...not obvious at first, but it is a good location. I made a trial run to become familiar with the controls. Then, an actual game v. computer. I won after about an hour.

Music. I like it! So it sounds like 80s video games. So what? It's cool retro.

Great stuff! Thanks Richman Games and Whiterabbit-UK for your great efforts on walking us through this one, and all of your hard work as always.

Mr. Snoozles

.............................Moderator Comment.......................

Thanks Mr Snoozles

Reply   |   Comment by Mr. Snoozles  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have installed this game on both my Windows XP Desktop and my Windows 7 Home Premium x64 and it installed and ran correctly. Never got an error message or anything.

My antivirus program I never heard a peep from so whatever the issue is with the autoupdater, it is nothing more than the antivirus software being anal and does not want to let anything really change the PC or any of it's software.

Enough of that, back to the review of this game..

When I first downloaded this game, I really could not see any pictures or anything because the main review was not posted. Once installed I was like a neat looking monopoly game. Started playing it and I got a little bummed because the PC was whipping my butt in this game. I started playing it a little later and I finally started winning the game.

Game display is more than what I actually expected comparing it to the older version of Monopoly that I have. It is really a good game and I can play it for hours when I am not busy.

.............................Moderator Comment.......................

I'd not finished the review yesterday, so wasn't ready to post it this morning. It took me about an hour into the game giveaway to post the review. Thanks for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by jradasm350  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Two weeks in a row that I managed to both install and look at the game before the offer expired. Previously, I had not written comments on the games that I had not been able to play until much later but, if it would help, I can go back and comment on the ones I've tried and not be so shy about it in future.

Oddly enough, the dialog box backgrounds were all truncated on my system regardless of the screen resolution I set. This caused some of the text options to be black text on black (and not really useful as a result). Since the screenshots all showed the dialog boxes as being displayed correctly, I think it must be my video card not playing nicely with it.

Other than that, the gameplay was pretty fun and I liked the new ideas. The bank is a neat idea but, sadly, the option to confirm the deposit was not accessible. I also liked the added cutthoat gameplay the hostile takeover option would provide.

The graphics, sound, and English left a bit to be desired and I would not be willing to pay more than a few dollars for it in its current state. I am happy there was an option to turn off the music and sound.

I used the link provided by the developers to download the version without the updaters and had no issues (AV or otherwise). Not that I think it was anything but a false positive but The Husband would no longer allow me to download anything ever again if I did accidentally install a virus/malware/adware despite the fact he managed to infect his laptop at least twice. Go figure... Since the only person who seemed to have any problems would be notre ami canadien qu aime les mots scatologiques (72 and 73), I'd say he didn't get the virus from this app.

As always, thank you EDesktop, GOTD, and Whiterabbit for the game as well as Whiterabbit's excellent review, game summary, and comment modding.

.............................Moderator Comment.......................

Thank you for your feedback karolyne

Reply   |   Comment by karolb  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After reading all these posts, I don't think so. Anyways I hate Monopoly.

..........................Moderator comment...................

It was nothing, so your loss. :) The developer even posted a link on their site with a new version that had the auto updater removed. There was never any malware involved with this giveaway.

Reply   |   Comment by Suzanne  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The game was boring. There was no real physical involvement with playing the game(i.e. throwing the dice, and moving the game piece). It would be nicer to be able to move the game piece with your mouse yourself rather then having the computer doing it for you. Also, the music was very annoying, although you can mute it under options. I usually like board games, but I'm afraid I really did not enjoy this version of Monopoly.

.............................Moderator Comment.......................

Thank you for your feed back. There are three or four other free versions available via Caimans Games. Perhaps they should give the option for the player to move their piece or toggle it to auto. also it would be nice to have a physical dice set maybe.

Reply   |   Comment by Sue Ragan  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have been enjoying the game. My Kaspersky 2011 didn't alert me to any malware. I ran EDSKSOFTUPDATE.exe through virustotal.com - results here: http://goo.gl/x9xBZ

When I look at virustotal results I always look at the top 4 AVs - F-Secure, BitDefender, Kaspersky and NOD32. None of them are showing any malware. Those 4 AVs are the top 4 not just because they find all malware but also because of their low false positive ratio.

No worries here.


.............................Moderator Comment.......................

Thanks Carl

Reply   |   Comment by Carl  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@ Nº. 56 ≡ Dusty

If you see "Failed to connect. Please try again later..." message, try:
a} Test your Internet connection (try hard refresh (CTRL+ is best) on known good site. If your connection is down, you WILL fail to connect to GOTD/GGOTD. Fix your connection. ...OR...
b} Be SURE Mi¢ro$o£t INTERNET EXPLORER is set to "Work ONline." GOTD states they use "M$ Internet Explorer engine" for verification programme. Thus you must dig up M$ IE and fix it there. Any other browser you use (Firefox, Opera, etc., should already be online if {a} above is true. BUT, if M$ Internet Explorer is off line you WILL fail to connect. Period. No matter which browser you run. Absolute fail in this event.
~~These two steps, {a} and/or {b} above, have ALWAYS worked for me EVERY time that message appeared, and it is QUICK and EASY! However, during the past few years, others have reported the following worked (after FIRST trying a & b, each of the following in this order):
c} Reboot all modems and routers your operate through.
d} Check the "security settings" on M$ Internet Explorer and all other browsers you may be using. Be certain they allow cookies and all permissions for ALL GOTD and related sites in general.
e} Clear ALL browser caches. Even if you do not use M$ Internet Explorer, CLEAR IT TOO if {a} and {b} failed.
f} Close all browsers and other applications and REBOOT your system.
g} Be certain you only have ONE version of M$ Internet Explorer installed. Multiple instances / installations may conflict.

If any one of the steps {c} through {g} work for you, PLEASE be kind and report it and perhaps this issue can put to rest with a concise FAQ.

I have had "Failed to Connect" both here at GGOTD and at GOTD as well. Be mindful of this when using the sister site. The same solutions {a} and {b} above ALWAYS worked for me at giveawayoftheday.com as well.

Thanks ever so much to Whiterabbit-UK, GGOTD and the vendors who let us test their wares.

Mr. Snoozles

.............................Moderator Comment.......................

Thanks again Mr Snoozles. I'll precis the above in the FAQ that I'm workng on.

Reply   |   Comment by Mr. Snoozles  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

McAfee didn't flag anything (not that I'd have believed it anyway; to this day, it insists the executable from my purchased copy of Tomb Raider Legend is a virus). Also, the game will run even if you disable EDSKSOFTUPDATE.exe.

Anyway, this game is actually pretty well made. The gameplay is mostly faithful to the original Monopoly, but also adds its own welcome twists. It's straightforward for anyone who has played Monopoly and manages to keep itself fast paced. The promise of extra boards is definitely a plus as well.

Graphically, however, I found it a bit lacking. To its credit, at least the board and everything are clear and easy to read. Music wasn't amazing either.

I'm most concerned about all the copyrighted things in the game (Monopoly board spaces, KFC, McDonald's, etc). I'm not all that familiar with copyright laws, but I'd hate to see the developer get in any trouble for this.

My suggestions:

-The copyrighted images and names might be a problem. Perhaps they should be changed to avoid any issue.

-Fix any spelling and grammar errors (ruxury, prince, etc)

-Add a way to save in the middle of the game and resume later

-Add some more detail to player pieces and the board (and maybe some more animations)

-Maybe add some alternate music? The player could switch tracks from the menu.

-Add a tutorial or at least a help page listing rules

I'm probably a little biased since Monopoly's my favorite board game, but I enjoyed this one despite the somewhat bland appearance. Thanks EDesksoft and GGAOTD!

.............................Moderator Comment.......................

Thank you for your feedback Angel, much appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by Angel9RakouCobra  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I meant to reply to GMMans post ages ago, (sorry GMMan) but got side-tracked. Initially the download from their site wouldn't work for me; that is it kept saying activation failed. But I just did it for the last time before I turn in for the night (it's 03.40am) and it registered. So for those who are just now thinking of installing the game. If you want to get a copy that doesn't include the autoupdater check back to the post GMMan posted way back that includes a link to the developers site. Download the game from there and then activate it. I suspect they will take the link down when the game giveaway ends in just over four hours. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

en tout cas give a way ,avec ce jeu si vous etes de manigances ,vous etes une belle gang de crisse !!! gaetan qc canda

Reply   |   Comment by gat ren  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

### y marche meme pas votre asti de jeu de calisse de cul . desolé mais jai essayé sur 2 ordi pis niet ,rien calisse ,cest tun asti de jeux de cul qui marche pas ,pour faire planter les ordi . apres on perd toutes nos anciennes data ,si faut repartir window ,cest pas un faux positif la detection dantir vir ,cest la verité ,cest un asti de jeux de cul pourri de cochonnerie ,mon ordi a vire bizarre apres avoir installé ca ,alors pour ma part cest dla calisse de grosse merde ..... gaetan ,qc canada .

Reply   |   Comment by gat ren  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@68/69: That's probably because the program was still running. For some reason it blocks after it gets the update info. I suppose normally it wouldn't happen if there's no 404 error.

You know what? A bit more disclosure would be nice. The installer should at least make a shortcut to the updater so that you know it is installed, and be able to uninstall it, either together or separately with Richman, when you choose to uninstall the game. Oh well, work in progress. People make mistakes.

Quick AV story of mine: I was doing some debugging on some program (forgot what program it was and what I was trying to do). I made a couple changes to the instructions, saved, and bam, avast! said it was a virus. How the heck would that minor change that I don't think would cause catastrophic system failure trigger antivirus software, I don't know.

Reply   |   Comment by GMMan  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Cool!.... a board game...and to boot..It's Monopoly. Many an hour the family would play this game. Thanks EDesksoft for the fun game.

The board colors will take some getting used to and I am going to change the music..but all in all....thumbs up. I really enjoyed the addition of the "hostile takeover" factor. Hey it's business.

No problems installing and no warnings..(but I trust GOTD and that Wrascally Wabbit) with WinXP and MSE.

Was kinda disappointed with the fact that if you want to play with another person you have to use the same PC. The hubby hates my keyboard and mouse setup..and I hate his.

Thanks again EDesksoft, GOTD for the game and "The furball with the long ears who needs to go to sleep" for his review and patience. :)

.........................Moderator Comment.....................

Thanks Delenn, always look forwards to your comments.

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The issue is full disclosure--whether or not any program is harmful, the user should be notified in advance of its existence before choosing to install it.

Incidentally, Malwarebytes File Assassin could not delete the autoupdate program, but I was finally able to delete it in safe mode.

Reply   |   Comment by Kathy  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I am blocked from undeleting the edesktop autoupdate program from my program files. This both before and after deleting the many associated registry keys and also rebooting. There is nothing in the user agreement to indicate that this program will be installed with the game. What would you call this other than malware???

...................Moderator Comment.....................

No I wouldn't; my defenition of Malware is somethig that adversly affects my computer or causes other files to do the same. The file you've ended up with was meant to be an autoupdater. The developer included it with the game because they are or were intending to add more elements to the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Kathy  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Also, I have never gotten any viruses from this site. I have gotten a ton just being on Yahoo News and Facebook! This site is very thorough on what they have up on here, far more than many bigger companies who do not care.

Reply   |   Comment by Pixiey  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have not posted in a while due to either having the game or not interested in the genre. I wish more people would take the time to read everything before downloading the file so they have all the information you spent so much time researching. You had even said that you have had this game on your various computers for a week!! That is a very long time, you put these games on many different systems to make sure things go smoothly as possible for us. Thank you for that and all the time you spend trying to help users understand and perhaps trouble shoot any downloading problems!

I like the game, some of the text was rather small to read, but I wear glasses, so maybe that is it. If there was a way to make the font a bit bigger perhaps for those with eye trouble, that would be nice. Also when I played I needed to stop, and there was no way to save that I could see....I might have missed that, not sure. If there is no way to safe during a game, I would really like that feature later on perhaps. The music was not very good, but I have alot of retro games with worse sounds! I too caught the "Ruxury Tax" and wondered if they did that on purpose. If they add more to the game I would definately buy this. This is one of the better Monopoly types I have played, I like the hostile take over and the bank, in the beginning using the bank would not be a good thing. LOL It gives the game a different twist.

Thanks so much to EDesksoft and GameGiveaway!

..........................Moderator Comment.........................

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. Much appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by Pixiey  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ok I used the link that #38 gave for the install (no offense GOTD or Whiterabbit) anyway it gave me a runtime error but otherwise it worked fine. Now as for feedback. Ok I agree that the music is irrating and thankfully you can turn it off. I would suggest that perhaps improving the sound effects and giving you a option to be able to select the avatar would be a major improvement without having to change the price. Also I would say that $14.95 is a bit high for this game at this time, however if a later version had different cities available than that price would be more realistic. All in all not a bad little game. Also as for the malware/virsus warnings, I finally got rid of avira and went with mse because it kept giving me alot of false positives. so you can't always trust your AV program totally and have to try and use some common sense with it as well. Bottom line do you trust the place you got the program from or your AV? and if you don't trust the place you got your program from (in this case GOTD) then why download from there in the first place? (just my 2 cents worth :-) )

........................Moderator Comment..........................

Thanks for your feedback Elric (are you a Moorcock fan). You can also change the music by adding your own music and you can also add your own avatars. I've mentioned how to do this briefly in my review above. You can chage the avatar at the start of a new game, but once you've chosen you can then choose another.

Reply   |   Comment by Elric  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Is it just me , or has RichMan Games ripped sprites and graphics from the Tik Games version of Monopoly?

.....................Moderator Comment..........................

Don't know. Maybe, or maybe it's the other way around, or it could just be a coincidence.

Reply   |   Comment by Jason Carver  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE THIS GAME!!!!! I just installed direct from developers site. No malware nor any other problems. I BANKRUPT the computer in 3.5 hours. Most fun I've had with a computer game for a long time! Thank you GOTD and EDesksoft for the super fun game! I love this site! I haven't played Monopoly for years! Now I need to go buy the original board game again for the tactile mode, even if I do have to clean up after!;)

Reply   |   Comment by Teri  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

NOTE EDesksoftUpdate.exe
was not removed when I preformed and uninstall

Reply   |   Comment by Dan  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Be nice if I could save the game part way thru. Other than that it is ok. I would like to play with others rather than AI as it is boring just letting pc do it all.

After all folks its free and if ppl don't like it just uninstall. its that simple

........................Moderator Comment...............................

You can set the game up for four friends or family to play together. I does mean you all sharing the same computer, but it can be fun all the samew. I grabbed a quick game with my daughter this morning and we really enjoyed the round we played.

Reply   |   Comment by Myrn  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I don't know much about computers and installing this or extracting that, but I do know that sometimes my anti-virus and malwarebytes sometimes give me false positives and it knows enough to ask me what I think before doing it's business.
So I have gotten 'false positives' from things I've uploaded to my internet storage or cloud storage or whatever its called and when I've retrieved it, (a rar of snapshots I took), I got a warning.
So I don't see what the problem is. You're going through GGotD, they have told what & why it might occur and I don't know how many years I've done the daily weekend thing with them and this white rabbit guy, (who is absolutely indispensible and have nothing but trust for his reviews) should there be any concerns.
And if there is don't download.
Don't come back waving flags and saying don't download suspicious because if I can figure things out....
Politely move along to the next offering or add constructive +/- comments or suggestions for the developer to improve.
I rarely post but sometimes I get tired of seeing dumb complaints sorry if I offended anyone.

.......................Moderator Comment......................

Thank you Pete, that's how I felt this afternoon before I managed to get some rest. I appreciate your feedback. :lol:

Reply   |   Comment by Pete  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


.........................Moderator Comment..........................

All game giveaways have been rigorously tested by the giveaway team using several security packages. The giveaway site has a very good standing with all the major search engines because it is such a clean site. You can test this by posting a comment in the forums then making a search of what you wrote; and it will find it right away. Did you bother to read any of the above comments before posting your comment?

by the way, either someone is hacking your ip address or you've posted twice using different names and Emails (the one you used for this post looks like a gash one.

Reply   |   Comment by GOTD-  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

good action from edesksoft (#38)
AVG also reports it being a trojan but comment #1 by the hopping white one silenced my concerns (i also join the ty sayers btw)
installed the game without problem, activation went smooth.
monopoly was one of the few real life games i bothered to play so curious about this one.

I am on many sites and it is shocking to see that in many many cases, as a Dutchie i write and/or speak better English then most native English speakers (by no means flawless though) but 3 testimonials on a site in engrish is not good advertising. If someone from that company is reading these comments i would advice them to do a spelling and grammar check on the text they have

............................Moderator Comment..........................

Hi noname, I counted a few errors in your post (not meaning to be funny, just though you would appreciate the head up)....

'i write and/or speak better English then most native English speakers' should read ....'I write and/or speak better English than most native English speakers'


'If someone from that company is reading these comments i would advice' should read ......'If someone from that company is reading these comments I would advise' The letter i is always capitalized . :)

Reply   |   Comment by NoName  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just wondered if any one else has the problem of the icon not working ? can't get it to open more than the one time from the splash screen tried the windows explorer and went to program files and it won't open from there either . From what I played the first time it seemed like a nice game . To bad it won't open for me . All my other programs open fine only this one will not open after the first time.

.........................Moderator Comment.........................

Have you tried from the Start Menu icon? As for the problem that you are experiencing, I've not come across that one before. You cold try creating a shortcut yourself from the games executable. If that doesn't work, create a shortcut to the games folder. It would mean having to open the folder then clicking on the actual game exe file each time, but at least you would be able to play it. (It's still better than what wee had to do when it was just DOS :lol: )

Reply   |   Comment by Ken Roberts  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Have tried all day and can not get it to activate, keeps saying try later. I would really like this game. First time I have even not been able to activate

........................Moderator Comment..............................

Try rebooting your modem and/or router. If that doesn't work reboot your computer and finally clear out your internet cache. Hopefully one of those will sort the problem. Mr Snoozles mentioned another fix in last weeks game giveaway as well. (I shopuld make a note of it so that I can repost it.

Reply   |   Comment by Dusty  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

works great on vista home premium 64bit

thanxs whiterabbit

Reply   |   Comment by justchuck69  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This isn't a bad game and it hasn't shown any signs of a false positive from my microsoft security. I do miss the fun of throwing the dice and friendly banter with fellow players, but can't imagine the inconvenience of doing a multi player game on the same computer. Definitely they need to think about online game play. The translation errors don't bother me too much. If I paid for the game it might be another story.

Speaking of paying for the game.In the usage agreement it mentions that this is shareware. Why are they selling shareware?

What I didn't like was the casino (a waste of a board space in my opinion), not seeing an option for the free parking jackpot, and having to stop at the bank every time you go past. Bank business should be an option for every turn before the player rolls the dice. This would be faster play.

.........................Moderator Comment.........................

That's a good idea re the bank option.

Though I can't remember having to stop at the bank every time I went past? I love the casino addition. It adds a little bit more to the game play. (I’ve never been in a gambling shop, and only ever once been in a casino when I was at university many years ago. I placed one bet and won, then cashed in my chips. I think we only went in because it was a new casino that had been built opposite the student accommodation and the fact that we got free drinks while we were there. :)

Shareware is a commercial product that allows you a short demo period where usually you get unlimited game play until the demo period is up. This was first created to give consumers the opportunity to try product for free in the hope that they would then purchase a full version.

Reply   |   Comment by lu  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

~thought I'd speak up over all that grumbling & mumbling & cautionary tales above ~ LOL
@10AM Pacific all my 'scanners' gave a thumbs up & it installed quick on this HP Vista laptop.
Whoo-hoo, agressive realitor tactics, a familiar style of play & a chance to expand my empire beyond 'startup town' if others like the game well enough to play/recommend & yes-buy (to get the developers 'attention' ).....sounds like a win-win to me.
ESC key does hide it, tap the ESC key again reveals it, was there a question about that above..?
...sigh- no time to play it yet today, nice weather for a change forces/allows me to go do the handyman thing in the real RVers' world here-

.........................Moderator Comment.........................

Thanks for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by T Mike  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a Basic project. Developer is working hard on updates to make the game work inf future. Developers name is similar to a trojan horse or worm and antivirus software detects malware in the program. But no panic! Everything will become right.

Reply   |   Comment by Alpha Panic  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Win7 64 Home premium on a HP. Got the same problem a lot of others mentioned: it keeps saying set resolution to 1024 X768 and restart. I've set the resolution...but it keeps giving me the same message. Very frustrating.

But I thank your site for offering a board game! I'd like to see more of them.

Reply   |   Comment by SusanB  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@32 Same problem here text in Chance and Casino are off-centre can't play anyfurther so I had to push the escape button too.

.........................Moderator Comment.........................

The Esc button does not turn the game off, it only hides it in the background. It's aboss key function.

Reply   |   Comment by Jan  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I had to download today's game, if only out of curiosity. I'm a huge Monopoly addict (must have it on every computer) so I was hoping this game would take the Monopoly idea to a new playing level.

What I liked:
* Easy download and install - no virus/trojan warnings, activation went smoothly, no problems at all.
* Love the "hostile takeover" element of the game - one of my long-held strategies is to buy as many properties as the cash allows, and being able to buy something already owned by another at a set price is lots of fun! Of course, it's not so fun when I lose a property in the same way . . .
* Liked the "person" avatars rather than the traditional dog/car/hat choices.

What I didn't like:
* I prefer proper English, so the bad grammar and spelling was quite annoying.
* I'm a very visual person, so having the "buy/cancel" window use the same light blue color for every property was very confusing.
* Also confusing is the layout/labeling of the board - it's not easy to see what properties make up a color-group. I'm sure I can figure it all out after playing it for a while, but the other negatives cause me to wonder if I really want to spend that much time in the game.

I do appreciate GiveawayoftheDay's game offerings, and have found many fun and interesting games through this site. It's long been on my list of daily "check-in" sites.

Thanks, Whiterabbit, for the excellent, informative reviews!

.........................Moderator Comment.........................

I agree with you on the layout. It was a little too different for my liking, that said I will be keeping the game unless one of the Caiman versions is better. I've not had time to check those out yet. This is the first Monopoly game I've played on my computers since one I purchased back in the day of the floppy. that particular Monopoly game was a direct copy of the one I was familiar with and I played it to distraction with my then girlfriend (who is now my wife).

By the way, thanks for the feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by Ruth  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#33: "... Install today’s game! It will NOT harm your computer NOR jeopardise your data, programs or personal stuff! :)

……………………Moderator comment………………….

THANK YOU sparkles, unfortunately your comment will go on deaf ears and many will lose out unfortunately thank you for your comment (can you tell I’m fed up today, lol)"

Purely FWIW...
I think anything regarding hacking & mal-ware is confusing & frightening to Lots of people, not just because there are threats out there, but because the hype from all sorts with vested interests is tailored to forward those interests -- not to give anyone useful or necessary information. It's Not just the Black Hats who hope to benefit from the confusion either. IMHO the best thing folks can do is take a step back, take a deep breath, & think things through logically, without all the fear & emotion.

Most AV software companies provide stats on what mal-ware threats are common on any given day or historically, however you want to break it down -- shadowserver.org has loads of stats if you don't trust a for-profit company. Sites like AV-Test.org give you information on just how effective various AV software is, including how prone they are to false positives. [Lots of people BTW take false positives as evidence that their AV software is working rather than the opposite, maybe perversely giving those companies incentive to purposely write poor code in hopes of greater sales/profits]

My own 2 cents worth is that EDesksoft has nothing to gain & everything to lose if there was anything in any way suspect in their software. I also think that the bad guys out there are having enough success right now, that it would be beyond silly for them to bother with the effort & expense setting up a company, site, & software like EDesksoft has. I think EDesksoftUpdate.exe is just something they developed to add value for their customers, not that different from the update apps used by Roxio, Nero, Adobe, etc. -- when you produce several different apps it might be more efficient to check for updates for each of the apps installed rather than do it individually. I don't like extra stuff running myself, & turned it off the same way I turned off the update apps for those other companies, & I've no doubt that if any of those updaters were mal-ware, it would have been lots harder to find them let alone turn them off.

.........................Moderator Comment.........................

Thanks for your feedback Mike. A decent sleep has put me in a better frame of mind. :) It's just sad that some will not bother with this game because of the comments early on in the giveaway. As mentioned above, I was in two minds whether to allow them through moderation because I knew what would happen, but at the time I wasn't as sure as I am now that the auto updater has nothing to do with a Trojan Dropper so had to put aside personal feelings an allow the post through.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I also wanted to share an idea with you. Since, the small amount of money you are able to offer is a factor, you might consider offering a supplemental "Game Deal of the Day (or week or whatever)". Similar to the indie bundle mentioned in your blog. Since most of the money would go to the publishers they potentially could offer better deals than might be offered on Steam or other services. Also, it might open the door to getting other free games from the same publishers. Also, I wondered whether you've looked at getting free older games from some of the bigger name publishers, things from 8-10 years ago, that probably don't sell much anymore anyway. Also, I noted that the publisher Anarchy is always among the top deal givers whenever Amazon is offering discounts, in case you've never contacted them.
Best, Keith

.........................Moderator Comment.........................

That is actually a really good idea. By the way, check out the game discussion forums. I and others post more or less all of the available game deals that are going on at any one time. I usually focus on the Steam deals and sometimes the Direst 2 Drive deals. then there’s a few of the arcade sites such as Gamehouse and Big Fish, and even Microsoft’s Live and a few others besides. There is always some deal going on at the moment. Steam for example always have a midweek and a weekend deal, often with amazing reductions plus now they have a daily 24 hour seal.

It would be fantastic if the game giveaway team could cut a deal with some of the developers they have dealt with over the years. I'll pass on your suggestion to the owners. (Yeah, the more I think of it, the more it seems like a brilliant idea) :lol:

Nice one Keith

Reply   |   Comment by Keith  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

LOVE Love love this game! Thanks G-GAOTD. Installed smoothly, game place is easy. And it took me under 1 hr to become the Monopoly of NYC against AI! Love it!

Reply   |   Comment by VeganMom  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Would be great if I could play it with my wife and kids over our home network.

.......................Moderator Comment............................

Yes it would. I though at first that was what the multiplayer feature meant, but no, you all have to huddle around the same computer. The game would be much more saleable if there was a proper multiplayer function. I'd love to play momopoly with my friends around the world. I chat a lot to a few friends in between playing various online games. This game would be really good

Reply   |   Comment by h1stdoc  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I wanted to respond to your reply to my earlier comment. As far as the comment about being desparate, it was more of an observation than a complaint. I always appreciate the opportunity to get something useful for free. I don't mind the thought of commenting on the game. However, because I have a backlog of games, I usually don't get around to those games I download from you for at least several weeks, so there usually seems no point in commenting by then. However, if you think it would be useful, I could provide a comment at that time. As for the malware issue, that was my main point. Any hint of malware & you should not issue the game, period. Or you will devalue your service to the point that users will not trust it. However, thanks for your efforts in providing free games & I understand the constraints you are operating under.

.......................Moderator Comment............................

Hi Keith, sorry for the delay in replying; I promised my kids I'd do something with them earlier in the day, and then fell asleep at the keyboard. My wife dragged me to my bed to sleep, so it's been several hours since I last moderated. :(

Thank you for replying. I appreciate that not everyone can spend the time writing a review; though I do think less than 0.1% is a very poor response for a service that has more or less consistently given away arcade games since December 2006 within a safe environment. The comments section remains open not only on the day of the giveaway, but always. Even if community members posted a review (no matter how short, long, negative or positive) after the event, it would not be wasted. If developers know that comments are being left after the event they would look back. Please do try and leave a comment later if you don't have the time now. I can appreciate back logs. I'm still playing some of the games I purchased from the Steam Christmas sale. (I bought over 260 games from that particular sale).

As for the malware thing, it is just unfortunate that the developer has a very similar name to a well known Trojan Dropper. The file installed onto anyone’s computer that installed the game has not got a Trojan Dropper; what they have is a auto updater that was put in place so that the game could be updated because the developer is/was planning to create more boards to add to the game. I was in two minds whether to let the malware posts through moderation because I knew they would cause panic, but at the time I still wasn't sure of the file in questions pedigree so felt it my duty to allow the post through. After further checking I'm now certain that it is a benign file that was put there for the reason I outline above. It's just sad that many regulars will not have downloaded the game because of the uncertainty. Follow the link made by GMMan. The developer has responded on their own site to the problem and have apparently removed the auto updater from the game. I tried the ned download but it does not register the game as the giveaway one does, so you'd be left with a demo of only 30 minutes. There is always the alternatives that I suggested. Caiman games has at least four Monopoly versions for download. I was going to check them, but haven't had the time. As for today’s game, I love the hostile take over function. It enables you to make up full sets easier, though also enables the AI to purchase properties from yourself as well. Great game IMO.

Reply   |   Comment by Keith  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

There is a mistake in the game where "RUXARY" tax which is ment to by "LUXARY" tax

.......................Moderator Comment............................

You'll find a few others as well if you look closely. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Prince  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Having screen resolution problem, games says it needs 1024 X 768 resolution, which I have. Every time I try to start it I get the same statement: games says it needs 1024 X 768 resolution. I tried default setting give by GOTD 800 X 600 and still got the same responce:games says it needs 1024 X 768 resolution. Any ideas that will help?

Reply   |   Comment by lhwells  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Monopoly of New York is a VB [Visual Basic] app/game that's hardwired to start full screen -- if your on-line search is more successful than my very quick attempt with Google, or if you contact the dev you might find out about a registry key or a configuration file you can add, but *out of the box* when you change the display rez in-game, it is not recorded anywhere permanently, & the game will start next time full screen as well. As part of the install EDesksoftUpdate.exe is added in its own Program Files [(x86)] \EDesksoft folder, & added to the Run key in the User section of the registry -- if it bothers you there are several ways to disable it including stopping the process in Task Mgr. & then renaming that folder [e.g. "_EDesksoft"], which gives the benefit that you can always name it back if you wanted to check for updates or if you experience any problems. As far as VB goes, only the main VB runtime is included, msvbvm60.dll, which is set to be added to Windows system folder only if it isn't there already -- using Universal Extractor I didn't see any mention of setup registering that runtime file with Windows however, & with VB installed I didn't record any VB changes. Monopoly of New York does use D3D, Direct Show, Direct Movie etc., but it seems to have very low system requirements in that regard, being one of just a handful of non-Flash apps I've seen that will run in the XP Mode VM -- that actually may be an alternative to get the game running in a lower resolution, just run it in a VM [Virtual Machine], where Monopoly of New York will be whatever size you set for your VM window. Note that installing the GOTD version of Monopoly of New York adds the registration key to the User section of the registry, so you'll want to run setup in all Windows profiles where you want to play the game.

.......................Moderator Comment............................

Thanks Mike, your info is much appreciated. :lol:

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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