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Relaxing puzzle game Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Relaxing puzzle game

A great relaxing puzzle game. Collect the puzzle and unlock new levels.
User rating: 9 18 comments

Relaxing puzzle game was available as a giveaway on March 4, 2022!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Collect several identical cubes together to get a combo destruction!

A great relaxing puzzle game. Collect the puzzle and unlock new levels. Pleasant music accompanies the gameplay allows you to achieve maximum relaxation even after a very hard day. Download and enjoy the game.

System Requirements:





File Size:

122 MB



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Relaxing Puzzle Game:

In Brief:
Relaxing Puzzle Game is a simple set of 36 jigsaw puzzles made with the Unity engine.
You can see a video of game play HERE.
A great relaxing puzzle game. Collect the puzzle and unlock new levels. Pleasant music accompanies the gameplay allows you to achieve maximum relaxation even after a very hard day. Download and enjoy the game.

Reference accessed HERE 4th March 2022.

The Game:
Relaxing puzzle game includes 36 puzzles divided into four themes of 9 puzzles each in a 6x5 grid i.e. 30 piece jig saws. Pieces are jumbled together at the start of each puzzle. When a piece is placed correctly it will lock in place. Puzzles are traditional jigsaw pieces, not the square shaped ones we've been getting over the last year.
An entertaining, but simple set of jig saw puzzles..







Notes on Security

I scanned a zipped copy of the installed game using Virus Total and it found zero hits from 58 antimalware engines.

The downloaded executable 'may' include some low level adware that only opens your browser once to Falcoware's home page after the game has installed and also places four shortcuts onto your desktop (which can be safely deleted once the game has installed).

The installation does NOT inject any malware into your system. When your browser is opened to Falcoware's home page following the games installation, it earns Falcoware games some money, part of which is given to the developer of the game for allowing the game to be given away free. Once you've installed the game, there are no more browser redirections. This is because Falcoware removed their installer over a year ago (that installer would show an advert for a game and then open your browser each time you played and then closed the game down.)

You can see the results of the scan via the following link:


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)


Other Free Games:
For other free games, please check Delenn's threads over in the giveaway forums HERE (non-Steam games) and HERE (Steam games) for the latest freebies; it's kept up to date frequently, whenever a free game becomes available, (thanks for keeping this up to date Delenn, very much appreciated).

Also, for the latest Steam sales check THIS Steam database site out. You can list the games in 'price' & 'percentage off' by clicking the headers. If you link SteamDB (the Steam database) with your Steam account, all games that you already have will be highlighted in green and those in blue are on your wish list. When there are Steam games being given away, you'll see the percentage off as 100%. It's worth checking this regularly to make sure you don't miss the best deals and freebies. Delenn usually posts links to all free games within several hours of them going live, so check her links at the top of this comment as well.
Don't forget to check Indie Gala's freebie section HERE, then click on the Showcase header, selecting freebies from the drop down menu; the most recent additions include:

1) ... The Last Enchantress: Revival, (choice-based fantasy game, contains adult themes and not suitable for children)

2) ... Copperbell (Returning freebie - hand drawn adventure game)

3) ... Avani: The Primal Land (Explore, gather, learn, craft and build in the world of Avani: The Primal Land. Fight, hunt and tame wild animals. Animals have their own genetics and no animal is like the other. The interactive taming process allows making a real bond with each tame. Avani offers a unique crafting system combined with a huge skill tree and an intuitive building system mixed with traditional survival game elements)

4) ... Cov Shooter (Try to survive as many waves as possible, upgrade your stats and weapons to do that)

5) ... WTC : Relentless Protagonist [Sxs}, (a short mostly KINETIC comedy/drama visual novel)

6) ... Out of Puberty: Chapter 1 (graphic novel, contains adult themes and not suitable for children)

7) ... Neon Invasion Earth, (space invaders)

8) ... WTC : Recruitment Day (a short mostly KINETIC comedy/drama visual novel)

9) ... Pixel Puzzles 2: Paintings ( jigsaw puzzle)

10) ... Welcome To... Chichester OVN 3 : The Mysterious Affair At The Violet Hotel (Interactive novel)

11) ... Hamsterdam (NEW - classic brawler mechanics meet rhythm and precision)

12) ... Chainsaw Warrior (Chainsaw Warrior from Games Workshop is the classic nail-biting game for one strong-nerved player! It's the year 2032 and spatial warping has opened a hole into another dimension in the midst of the old municipal buildings at the heart of Manhattan. Bizarre and dangerous creatures are flooding into our dimension, intent on destruction. Behind their actions is a controlling intelligence known as 'Darkness', who intends to drag New York back into the warp – destroying it utterly!)

We have been given over 340 games since I started to check the freebie section several years ago. But around 60% of those are no longer available free. The following recent freebies have now been removed from the free library: Leisure Suit Larry 2 Looking For Love (In Several Wrong Places), Leisure Suit Larry 1 - In the Land of the Lounge Lizards , Figment, Pixel Puzzles 2: Space, Revolution Ace, Six Sides of the World, Byte Family, Alone on Mars, Garfield Kart, Nostradamus the Last Prophecy, Snowball, Pixel Puzzles 2: Christmas , Die Young (Full version), Distortions, Dino Run DX, Cheap Golf, Kill Em All, Dead Hungry Diner, and Contract with the Devil. If you claimed those while they were still available you can access them via your Indie Gala account under the showcase section. Each page from your free list can take 30 or so seconds to move to the next page; so, if like me you've added most of the free games over the last several years, it can take almost half an hour to get to the last page. I have just over 340 games in my free section. All remaining freebies can be found in the showcase section (113 games are still available). Not all games that go into the showcase remain free and are removed after a short period (e.g. the recent adventure puzzler Figment that costs almost £15 on Steam); so, you should grab them as soon as you can. All titles are DRM free.

The latest Epic Games are Black Widow: Recharged (Defend your spider web from an onslaught of bugs in this frenetic revival of the cult classic twin-stick shooter), Centipede: Recharged (The original bug-blasting arcade game is back! Centipede: Recharged has been reimagined for modern gameplay, with vibrant visuals designed for modern screens) & Epic Slayer Kit for the F2P Dauntless (Take to the skies with this epic bundle of supplies. With 3 days of VIP club and a dash of currencies to accelerate your progress, you'll be ready for anything!). For the latter freebie you'll first need to add Dauntless to your Epic Account. It's a free-to-play online action RPG which you can find HERE.

Next Thursday 10th March from 4pm UK/11am Eastern, we will be getting the city building game Cities Skyline, which was given away previously. If you missed it last time, this will be an opportunity to grab one of the best city builders around; sadly we don't get any of the 37 DLC's apart from a few free ones (Carols, Candles and Candy, Match Day and Pearls from the East). I'm assuming those will be free like they are over on Steam.

The best Indie Bundles sites that have been operating from around 2010 are the Humble Bundle and Indie Gala sites (though the latter isn't as good as it used to be) where you'll sometimes find decent bundles with over 90% off the usual price of the games included in the bundles. The Humble site is in my opinion the best; though a more recent addition that is worth checking out called Fanatical games looks to be a serious contender for that title as they have some very good bundles. You can find Fanatical games (that used to be called Bundle Stars) HERE.

I've restarted a project I originally started back in 2008 that used to be called Good Games to Grab, where I posted free games over in the forums on a daily basis. I won't be posting them daily this time; only as and when I have time and the inclination. You can find the new forum section entitled 'Free Game Project' HERE. So far, I've posted eight excellent PC games, plus one android game as well as suggested or linked to others similar to the ones posted e.g.

Hidden & Dangerous Deluxe (a squad based solo shooter). Battlegroup 44 (a free-standing mod for Battlefield 2 that is a follow up to the original Battlefield 1942). Slam Tilt (an excellent pinball game with four tables). 3-D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night, (one of my all-time favourite pinball games from the mid 90's). Breakquest (one of my all-time top ten 2D breakouts). Messy Paths (an android game). Castlevania The Lecarde Chronicles (fan made free standing Castelvania game). Conflict Vietnam (third person squad-based shooter). Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2006 Trophy Season (a linear hunting game). Just added Open TTD (Transport Tycoon Deluxe). I'll be adding more over the coming months.

Black And White Apocalypse that was given away some weeks ago by the developer Hammergames is always free and can also be downloaded as a colour version. The community member Space pointed this out at the time. You can find both versions over on itch.io via the following links Black & White version, and Coloured version. :)

You can also find 'all nine' of the developers' games (for free) HERE. Some of them look like they are worth investigating. :)

The next Humble Choice bundle has recently live (Tue 1st March)); it includes seven Steam games and one Origin game. Desperados III, Mass Effect Legendary Edition (Origin), Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan, Red Solstice 2: Survivors, Nebuchadnezzar, Police Stories and Evan's Remains. Subscriptions to the Choice bundle have recently been changed, levelling the ground for all subscribers. The monthly cost is a meagre $12/£8.99 with other benefits such as access to a lot of indie titles for free while subscribed and a percentage off other purchases from the Humble store. This increases the longer you keep subscribed up to a year with 20% off all none bundle purchases. (1 month sub' gives 10% off, 3 months sub' gives 15% off and six months sub 'gives 17% off). The next Humble Choice bundle goes live Tuesday 1st March 22.

The latest Humble Bundles are Humble Heroines that includes seven games i.e. SCARLET NEXUS, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Severed Steel, Gears 5, Celeste, Cloudpunk & Tacoma. Overwhelmingly Positive Gems (all games get a 95% or more positive rating and include seven games i.e. Shadow Man Remastered, Clone Drone in the Danger Zone, Bang-On Balls: Chronicles, Kathy Rain: Director's Cut, HUNTDOWN, There Is No Game : Wrong Dimension & Finding Paradise. There's also a VR bundle called VR Discovery Bundle ( that includes Synth Riders, Blaston, Cook-Out, Panoptic, Trover Saves the Universe, Red Matter and Tower Tag + Soundtrack). Both bundles end on the 11th March 22. There's also Sid Meier's Ultimate Collection that includes Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI, Pus the DLC's Gathering Storm, Rise and Fall, Vikings Scenario Pack, Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack, Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack, Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack, Nubia Civilization & Scenario Pack, Khmer & Indonesia Double Civilization & Scenario Pack; plus, a coupon for $15 off the New Frontier Pass, as well as Sid Meier’s Civilization®: Beyond Earth™ - The Collection, Sid Meier’s Civilization V: The Complete Edition, Sid Meier's Pirates!, Sid Meier's Civilization® IV: The Complete Edition, Sid Meier's Civilization® III: Complete, Sid Meier's Starships, Sid Meier's Railroads!, Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies, Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol, Sid Meier's Colonization (Classic) and Sid Meier's Covert Action (Classic) that ends on the 9th March 22.

If you are a removed game collector Gods Remastered a classic platformer from the early 90's is being removed from Steam on the 27th March. You can swap between the original and the remastered version. You'll find the Steam page HERE

If you have Amazon Prime you also get access to a new set of free games every month. The March freebies are now available and include an Origin code for 'Madden NFL 22', and 'Surviving Mars' on Epic Games (this was given away twice via Epic a few years ago on the 10th October 2019 together with a couple of the DLC and again on the 11th March last year; if you missed it both times here's your chance to grab the base game now). There are also downloadable games that include The Stillness of the Wind, Crypto Against All Odds, Pesterquest, Steamworld Quest: Hand of Gilgamesh and looK INside. Also available are a whole bunch of in game content for lots of big name games like League of Legends, GTA V, Red Dead Online, Dead by Daylight, Destiny 2, Battlefield 2042 and loads more. Visit Prime Gaming for details. Stay safe everyone.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

What is the free or trial version? , that is, truncated

Reply   |   Comment by roberto262  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Hi Roberto,

When I click on the Green button labelled ''Download Trial Relaxing Puzzle Game'' it takes me to the itch.io version that costs $5.


There mustn't be a trial version of the game. To be honest, most of these puzzle games are so short you'd easily complete them in the time a trial lasts.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

why no gamws for four days look forward to these on weekend and dont stream or wait for licenses

Reply   |   Comment by sherry storey  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

sherry storey,

The giveawayy team used to take the odd weekend off for server maintenance; though it's been several years since we last saw no games on a weekend. I was surprised to find no games for both Saturday and Sunday.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Whiterabbit-uk, Me too! I was stunned actually! This has not happened in probably 5+ years both days nothing. Very rare, Super rare.

Reply   |   Comment by Cooper  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

The best computer jigsaw puzzles were the one where you could use your own photos

Reply   |   Comment by Brian  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)


Hi Brian, I agree.

The first jigsaw puzzle that was given away by this site was called The Infinite Jigsaw Puzzle that was given away fourteen years ago back in February 2008. You could add your own images and the ability to change the number of pieces from 24 to 1040 pieces as well as change the type of lugs etc. I still have it and will often dig it out from my back ups and upload one of our family photos to the game. I've since tried to find the game so that I could purchase a copy to support the developer, but have never been able to find anywhere that sells it.

You can see the original giveaway HERE.

One of the comments by someone called Sg posted a link to a site that has a free jigsaw puzzle maker called Astra Gift Maker, that allows you to upload your own photographs. Amazingly the site is still active.

You can find the jigsaw puzzle maker HERE. another community member called copMom posted about another jigsaw maker called Brainsbreaker that looks interesting as well (It's shareware). You can find that HERE. :) I downloaded both of the above and checked for any malware. You can see the results via the two links I've posted. both were 100% free of malware. I downloaded an earlier version of Brainsbreaker (v4). I've not installed it yet, so don't know whether the earlier version is free or just a demo.

Security Scan for Astra Gift Maker - 100% clean from 65 antimalware suites:

Security Scan for Brainsbreaker - 100% clean from 70 antimalware suites:

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

Whiterabbit-uk, is this the puzzle game you are talking about? If it is, I have scanned the .exe with Avira and it seems clean. https://www.doublegames.com/infinite-jigsaw-puzzle.html

Reply   |   Comment by Harri  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Yes it is; though I'm unable to download the demo from the site, even when I try to allow it via my security. I wonder why Googling it didn't reveal the Double Games link? We used to get a lot of games from Double Games.

The only one I can find is a brief description of the game, which then links to Alawar, who no longer sell the game. Even th3 site they send older games to i.e. GamExtazy doesn't hold the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Needed to turn off a security setting in Windows defender to install it, because it was considered "unknown publisher" {eyeroll- it's just old, windoze, relax}
I trust GOTD games so it's ok. I only played one puzzle, so maybe there's changes as you go, I dont know. Only option is to turn on or off the not-necessarily-annoying background music. You have to choose the puzzles in order to make the next one become available. The pieces are not rotated. Now all that wouldnt be too bad, the puzzles are tiny anyway, but there is a ghost image of the puzzle you put it together on top of- and you cannot turn that off! So its far too simple, although once you get partway thru, it can actually be confusing because your brain sees the picture as finished and you can't immediately see the hole where it goes! Also as noted by another, there is no interface option to exit the game. I tried the ctrl alt del end task, but windows helpfully informed me there *was* no task running (double eye roll). So I tried alt-F4 and the program ended immediately.
One more note, if this is put out as a GOTD again, it brings up the Falcoware website in *internet explorer* (even though that is NOT my default browser), and a warning pops up saying IE wont be supported after June 2022, so I dont know what might happen with the website redirect after that. It is a good introduction to virtual puzzles for children, but a decent interface (like an exit option!) would be helpful.

Reply   |   Comment by C Taunton  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

C Taunton,

Thank you for your feedback appreciated. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Installed game, only puzzles with few pieces, non rotational though.

Reply   |   Comment by Kenneth Maughan  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Is there a way to exit the game without an "end task" ?

Reply   |   Comment by EDDIE  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

EDDIE, Not that I've found. That's kind of a deal breaker.

Reply   |   Comment by merrick  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Do you have to rotate the pieces? I hate those types of puzzle.

Reply   |   Comment by Kenneth Maughan  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Kenneth Maughan,

Hi Kenneth, sorry for the late reply; been a little distracted lately. This one has traditional lugs instead of the square elements we've been getting recently and no, you don't have to rotate the pieces. Yeah!

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  3 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)
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