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Rebuild the History Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Rebuild the History

The world needs somebody to make things better and rebuild what has been lost!
User rating: 17 16 comments

Rebuild the History was available as a giveaway on November 27, 2022!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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1001 Jigsaw World Tour: Europe is a puzzle game and a fantastic tour guide.

Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and ToomkyGames! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!

Help the world rediscover all the beauty of past generations in ReBuild the History! Problems of the past centuries have made our life harder and left famous buildings in ruins. At last, peace has come and now we are living in a calmer, safer time. Follow your dream and rebuild the forgotten historical buildings that your generation only knows from the movies. Gather resources, solve Quick Challenges and learn about famous historical buildings in this fun classic Match 3 game. The world needs somebody to make things better and rebuild what has been lost!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: x86, 800 MHz; RAM: 2 GB; DirectX: 8.1 or later





File Size:

103 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
Developed by Boneloaf
Developed by The FlightGear organisation

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Rebuild the History:


In Brief:
Today's looks like a reasonable Match Three game. We've not had one in a while, so hopefully this will give those of you who love match threes something to play this Sunday. :) I only played it for a short while, still not up to playing anything. From the time I played I found the game quite decent, with lots of things to unlock as you progress. The match three levels look decent and despite the games age, it still looks good: but, not as shiny as more recent games, but still okay

Unfortunately, no full review from me today, but i have included several screen-captures and links to a few videos that should give you a good idea what to expect from this game. I'll continue to moderate all weekend. Hoping I'll be well enough by early this coming week. We have loads of games in the listings stretching to two weeks at the moment. Some good, some so so. :)

I hope all my American cousins had a fantastic Thanksgiving this year. :).

You can see a few videos of game play HERE, HERE and HERE.










Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+28)

Whiterabbit-uk, Hi Whiterabbit. I just came across this site last week. Tonight is the second time I've been here and I almost passed by this game but I stopped to read your comment. Thanks for commenting. I didn't know it was a match 3 game. I enjoy those when I am waiting in line, or at the dr office, or in the car waiting to pick up kids, etc.

Your review was very helpful. I had a great thanksgiving this year, thank you for the warm sentiment. I hope you feel better soon from whatever ails you. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Lyn Geist  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

Hi Lyn,

Welcome to the site. (now go get a coffee or tea) because I've just posted a rambling and friendly advice regarding games here and deals that can be found (usually in the forums) below. (took me ages to write, lol) :)

I discovered the main site (that gives away applications) way back in November 2006. It had been live for about 4 weeks at the time. They would give away games a couple or more times a week; then early in December 2006, they opened the game side of the project; giving away decent arcade games 'every day' until the financial crisis that hit in early in 2008. From then they gave away games only at weekends, but around the summer of 2018, Falcoware joined the team and usually give from two to five indie arcade games away during Monday to Friday. We also sometimes get what I call limited giveaways, where the community are offered anything from around 25 to 100 keys for decent games on Steam. Each person entering gets a specific number of entries, which can be added to over the days the giveaway runs (usually seven days). The more entries you gain (by coming to the site each day the competition runs and visiting the games developers page or liking it on various social media sites etc) the better your chances of winning a key. There have been some excellent AAA games given away here since 2017, though this last year it's only been three or four Steam games given away.

e.g., Since we started getting Steam keys, we've been offered Warhammer: End Times Vermintide & Vermintide 2 (several times), A.D.M (Angels,Demons & Men) as well as The Last Roman Village & ADM 2 When Worlds Collide (a couple of times each). Also Mount & Blade: Warband, Immortal: Unchained, Onion Force (twice), 1993 Space Machine (twice) , Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms: Starter Pack ($400 worth of DLC), Forge of Gods (several DLC Packs costing around $200) , Alien Hallway 2, Rogalia, Cargo Cult: Shoot'n'Loot VR, TangramsVR, Mighty Party (various DLC Packs) , UnnyWorld - Founder's Pack, SteamWorld Dig, Minion Masters (several DLC packs worth around $200), Destroyer: Invasion, Mind Shift, Nihilumbra, The Barbarian and the Subterranean Caves, Wild Island Quest, Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age, Tap Adventure: Time Travel - Promo Pack, Conan Exiles, Aerial Destruction, The Samaritan Paradox, Action Alien, Tap Heroes, Zombie Shooter 2 plus several others (p.s. I got carried away listing them, lol)

It's definitely worth checking the site every day both the applications side (see the top of the giveaway page for link to the appropriate page and click on the Windows icon). We always get an arcade game such as Hidden Object, Time Management, Match Threes, Tower Defence and other decent arcade genres every Saturday and Sunday. These tend to be from the free game sites like MyPlayCity and TooMky games; and usually include some low-level adware that comes bundled with those games when you download directly from the free game sites; however, some of that adware has been disabled in the giveaway versions or can be; bearing in mind, the sites that donate these rely on the browser adverts for their income as they pay the developers of the games given away for allowing them to download the games for free.

The giveaways are a win-win-win for all concerned (consumer, distributor and developer), with the only payment, your browser opening to the game sites home page when you first install the game, and then whenever you close the game down. This does not apply to the weekday games we get from Monday to Friday (usually from Falcoware Games), which have had all, but the initial install browser opening removed, plus four desktop shortcuts that can be immediately deleted once the game has been installed. Once the Falcoware games have been installed they are totally free standing, and virtually all have usually been given a totally free bill of health from upwards of over 60 different antimalware suites. Those that do show some malware hits are usually no more than two or three from the 60+ that scan the installed game, so are 'almost certainly' false positives. That said, most games come back clean. Though games over 1GB I've not been able to scan using the free virus checker sites that I regularly use, (i.e.,Virus Total - max size to check 650MB and Internxt - max size to check 1GB)

What low level adware is included with any of the giveaways we get, is NEVER injected into your system. It is self-contained within the game and is there to earn the developer and distributor money via adverts, but the games themselves are free of adverts.

The weekday games are generally created by small independent developers and enthusiasts. Some are excellent, some okay and some I'd say Hmmmmm! not so sure........... :)

I usually post a review with images and links to game play videos as well as a virus check for most games given away; through I will usually take a break from posting a full review if I'm ill.

I've been downloading games from the game side of the giveaway project since its inception and before that via the applications side when they gave a game away (as mentioned above usually two or three times a week) and have never had any issues with any games given away here or on the applications side of the project.

If you're still not convinced of the games efficacy and want to be absolutely sure that the game (and any applications you may install from the giveaway site) is safe to install, please use a sandbox program to check that the game is safe to install before installing it to your C drive or other drives on your computer (assuming you have more than one drive or a partitioned drive).

There are free sandbox programs that you can use such as Sanboxie, GeSWall, BitBox, Windows Sandbox, Bufferzone (a six month commercial license was given away via the applications side of the project back in December 2009 HERE), Shadowzone, as well as others. (You'll find them all on the same page from Techwhoop.
Sailor Bear aka Jason, has also been posting regular reviews over the past several months and is a welcome addition to the site as he usually gives a really good account of the games he reviews, that usually includes suggestions of games that are similar or that may have inspired the game he's reviewing.

I will sometimes post details of games being given away via Good Old Games, Steam and other sites such as Epic games (they give really good AAA and Indie arcade games every week) and Delenn, a regular here for many many years also posts details of free and heavily discounted games for Steam HERE and Non-Steam games HERE over in the game discussion forums. You can find the Game Discussion forums HERE.

At the moment you can get a free Steam key for Garfield Kart - Furious Racing via Fanatical games HERE (a nice family oriented cartoon like racing game) and over on Epic this week you can get Star Wars: Squadrons HERE (an excellent 3D space shooter that you'll love if you are a Star Wards fan and from this coming Thursday 1st December 'Fort Triumph' HERE and 'RPG in a Box' HERE will be available free until the 8th December. Each week when the games go live whatever's being given away the following week will be announced. Fanatical Games and the Humble sites also have excellent indie bundles that are often discounted up to 90%. You can see those sites HERE (Fanatical Games) and HERE (Humble Bundles.
Also, worth visiting, especially if you use Steam, are CD Keys HERE, Greenman Gaming HERE, and Gamers Gate HERE . There are others, but the ones I've mentioned I've never had any issues with and have got some fantastic bargains over the last decade for example, I got Star Wars Squadrons (an Origin key) with 99% off for only £0.39 from CD Keys earlier this year (It's usually £39.99, now you can get it free as mentioned above until 1st June.

Finally, you can check for games on high discount sales on Steam via the Steam Database (SteamDB)with deals of up to 90% off and sometimes more off HERE; the site includes filters (found at the top of the listings) that allow you to list all games with the best discounts and the best prices. You can also link the site with your Steam account (assuming you have one) that will colour code any games you already have or ones you have in your wish list. A word of warning though, if you filter to show the cheapest games, you'll find hundreds costing as little as £0.22/$0.30. However, these tend to be what we call asset flips, where the developers have used a free or demo template from one of the cheap game engines such as Unity, RPG Maker or Game Maker, then added other free assets or cheap assets bought from the owners of the engines to make it look slightly different. Then, they call it their game; you'll see hundreds (if not thousands of these on Steam now, especially since game engines became readily available, either for free, as part of a game bundle or really cheap. Often these asset flips are initially 'significantly' overpriced (e.g., as much as the lower end of the AAA game market, i.e., £20 to £30), but you'll see them on regular 90% off sales every few weeks that gives the impression of a really good bargain; but, in reality, even with the 90% off, you're getting games that are just copies of other games, usually bug ridden, with less than an hour's game play and often unfinished to a point where you wonder at the audacity of the so called developer. The best thing to do is check the community reviews of those games before you decide to purchase. Often, you'll find they are mainly negative reviews or no reviews at all and most of the positive reviews of the game are likely posted by friends of the developer. Some of these asset flippers eventually get banned from Steam, but they then reappear with a new Steam account and a different development house name and repeat the cycle. Because there are tens of millions of Steam user online at any one time, they can easily make a big profit selling their asset flipped games. Over the years I've come to recognise many of these games, having already purchased or played the original games.

Sorry if I've waffled on for too long. If you ever need advice there are some decent community members here who will reply over in the forums; both on the application and game side as well as answer questions here in the games comment section.

I don't usually post this info and advice here, but as you said you've just joined the community; so, I thought I'd post the above just in case you aren't aware of the deals you can find here and elsewhere. I hope it helps and inspires you to visit often. Over the years I've found some fantastic arcade games here and made some amazing friends with whom I chat via Discord (a free gamers communications application where you can chat either face to face or just voice, share images and
downloads and even screen share if you wish
). I play cooperative games with the friends I've made here at least couple of times a week (and sometimes more) for example Generation Zero, Fallout 76, Second Extinction, Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide, Dying Light, Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, as well as theHunter: Call of the Wild and several other coop games. When we feel a little competitive (rarely) we'll play something like Half-Life 2: Deathmatch or other similar game like Unreal Tournament.

Okay done for now :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

Lyn Geist, Welcome to the community. Whiterabbit-UK has pretty much summed everything up for you here. I love the Giveaway site, especially the games on the weekend as you can find some really awesome finds on Saturday and Sunday, ones you least expect. During the weekdays I like to call it Indie week as we get games from independent developers that have crafted games out of either the Unity , Falco or some other engine. Some games are great, other games need work.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Hi Lyn,

That Wrascally Wabbit can be verbose, can't he? But we love him.

Welcome to the site. Glad you found us.

As That Wabbit said..I am the one who searches for giveaways else where. I avoid ads, trials and malware. So don't forget to check my threads in the forum. I just keep the forum page open at all times so I can add them as I find them.

Got one right now that I am read to post.

Google Play Store
Rectangles PRO

Have a great Sunday.

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I forgot to say I have been a member here since 12/2006

Reply   |   Comment by delenn13  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Pretty tired, so will likely forget something, but.... Being a match 3 addict, was almost a given that I would download this, but.... Read the Big Fish reviews and this was poorly regarded. Scored 2.2 out of 5 and only 9 out of 39 reviewers recommended it. Most said it was just boring, with a number of flaws. A few were positive, and seemed to point out things that the negative reviewers missed, but, unfortunately, most of the reviews that gave more detail which could be seen as positive features were written with awkward grammar, so I couldn't really make out with certainty what they were saying. Many of the negative reviewers said it was only fit for young beginners, so maybe that explains the poor grammar, since most Big Fish reviewers are usually clear and specific about their likes and dislikes.

But, with some of the details revealed more clearly here, I suspected I had better download and see if this was one of those games whose charms were more subtle. That's my conclusion, but, for me the jury is still out as to whether there's enough here to grab me.

At first it was glitchy. The full screen fills the 20', 1.77+ (true 16:9) monitor I've just gone to as my previous 19', 1:6 has started to develop power issues. This one also has compatible drivers, where as that other I had to use it as a generic monitor, though that seemed to work fine. This is set at a 1280x726 resolution and seemed fine. The items to match weren't large, but they were relatively standard for match 3 at that resolution. But, since Jason mentioned it, I experimented with turning fullscreen off and things got weird. At 1st I had the screen offset to the left, with the right hand 1/4 to 1/3 black, and, after toggling back and forth again, all on the right with the left 1/3 to 1/4 black. Then, I couldn't get back into full screen, kept getting told that the toggle was unavailable. Had to exit and start again. Started back in fullscreen, but then toggling stayed unavailable. But, since full screen worked fine for me, gave up on that experiment. Also, after I got past level 3 on the 1st location, it didn't want to go to the next location when I hit play, and I had to coax it repeatedly with play, exit, hitting the escape button, and ctrl-alt-delete once, until it finally lurched to the next level. Then, eventually that stopped and I had no problem on location 2.

As to the Big Fish comments, this happens sometimes because Big Fish patrons have to either buy games, or spend a free coupon on one, and so almost always start by playing the demo. And it takes a little playing to start to see the slowly developing variations here. I forgot to check the shop after the eiffel tower, but so far I've played more than 12 levels - because on neither building did I get all of the resources after the required 6 levels - and have only 1 power-up. This isn't that uncommon, but, frankly, since the timing on here is not overly short, more like leisurely, if you don't complete the level in time you don't have to start over, the levels are, in essence, all but untimed. Many of the Big Fish commentators complained about lacking an untimed mode, but, as others pointed out, it's all but irrelevant. If you don't complete a level in time, you just have to play longer to complete it and you don't earn any more resources on that level. And you might have to play another 2 or 3 levels until you get all the resources. So, also, if you think about it, power ups are all but irrelevant. You might use them to complete on time, but the payoff is a lot less than in other games, and, if you like to match, then there's almost no reason to use them at all. Unless, say, you've been trying to remove a square in a corner for 15 minutes and just get fed up. Maybe later in the game it might become so tough that you just won't get anywhere WITHOUT the power ups, but no way to tell, yet.

Also, since many talked about no info on this feature and that feature, I should point out that this game actually has some help screens and tutorials. Because of haste perhaps in trying to get the most out of the demo, many Big Fish users missed this. And others may also, since you don't activate the help screen from any button that says help, but from a small, standard "info" symbol - a circled i - to the right of the play button on the map page. Because of the confusion on certain points that I've seen, I recommend it to practically all players. And, it's possible that this game was slightly improved after the 1st relief - because, for one thing, a couple on Big Fish mentioned no option to turn off music, or deactivate the custom cursor. However, volume controls and a custom cursor selector are there on my option popup. BTW, some may want to keep the custom cursor on because it changes color when you select a power up, and changes back when you use it or use a right click to cancel it - a mildly useful feature.

Playing: welllllll, I'm a clock player. The suspense of completing a level on time is part of the adrenaline rush I get, and makes it a little less mindless activity, since I might need some strategy to help stay on time. After all, you'll eventually complete the levels on almost all match 3 if untimed, and untimed is really mostly useful if you really can't master a level. So, in that sense, untimed has a broader use in many games. As to this games appeal, I once played a building TM with random elements and also enemies to hamper you, which was given away here, called Be A King, and fell in love with it. It had some flaws, and one of the reasons I think it wasn't more popular was that it introduced it's innovations in a very deliberate manner and really only became an adrenaline rush about half way through. I have a suspicion that may be what we have here. It's unfolding as a pretty generic match 3, and the interesting wrinkles that it may have are being introduced in such a leisurely manner, that it might not grab someone who has only a 30 minute or hour demo to sample.

One thing I think is almost universally agreed upon though, the music is not successful. It's simple to the point of extreme. The 2 themes are maybe 2 bars of music, in an attempt to create suspense with super simple repetitive notes - and pseudo, not real it seems, clock like noises. It's basically the approach that John Williams used for the shark theme in "Jaws", only distilled down to practically nothing. It's quickly mind numbing, vice suspense creating.

To those who aren't match 3 pros, this is a basic match 3, and might be enjoyable. But is it a grabber for match 3 fans? Maybe. Maybe not. Too early for me to tell, anyway, after 2 locations. It usually doesn't take that long for a match 3 to grab me. But maybe it will later.

Thanks, Toomky, and GGOTD, and welcome Lyn. And, yes Lyn, as modest as he is, Whiterabbit is our - to use a variation on an American sporting term - MVG: Most Valuable Gamer. :)

Reply   |   Comment by mediaman(watcher)13  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Unfortunately I hit a streak of bad luck. All of a sudden I can't access my Steam Account and I tried to reset via Text Message and they said a message in red saying I needed to email support for additional verification. I answered all the questions they required such as last 4 of a card I used plus I found a PayPal Transaction ID I used and the physical address I live at. I hope that this does not turn into a hassle to recover my account.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Had to change in the properties the compatibility to win 7 on my win10 computer... Did work fine on my win11 computer without changes

Reply   |   Comment by agno  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)


Thanks for the feedback Agno, appreciated :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Rebuild the History - The game is very cool but the visualization is terrible because of the size of the icons. Did they not think about this difficulty for those who have visual difficulties or wear glasses? They can improve.

Reply   |   Comment by Hermam Bendin  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Hermam Bendin,

Hi Hermam, have you tried changing the monitors resolution or going into compatibility mode and seeing if any of the changes you can make help?

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Hermam Bendin, I do agree with you about the visualization of the program. It does appear this game was designed for a resolution of either 1024x768 or at the very least 800x600, it would only seem that people who have a 19" Desktop monitor or 17" Laptop screen at the very least would benefit from seeing it well. I have a 14" laptop screen and while I was able to see most of it, I ended up moving the laptop a little bit closer to me and having my glasses on so I could see it.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

sailorbear510 aka Jason,

When I took screen captures, they were appearing as much smaller images than my usual capture (only covering about a quarter of my monitors (27''), that would indicate that the game is quite old and uses older native resolutions than more modern games. I think it's more like 1024x768.

I hope you and yours have had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend and maybe found some Black Friday bargains? :)

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Whiterabbit-uk, I shopped early in July and was able to get that ASUS laptop I am typing on now for $99 USD normally $249 USD. As of right now it's still that price but it may change after the sales are over.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

It's very welcoming to see a Match 3 game here again after a somewhat dry spell of them.

Today's game teaches history to an extent with a Match 3 gameplay format. Throughout the game when you complete all the levels you will learn about historical landmarks.

As you guessed it already, you do Match 3 or more of a kind on the board, the more you match the higher the score which also paves the way to make chain reactions which increase your score even more.

In some of the levels the game will throw you a curveball or a challenge you must complete in the level. It does warn you in game when it happens. Once you get good enough you can also use the money earned to obtain power ups to get you out of those sticky situations. Later levels will also increase the difficulty and add more gold squares to clear.

The visual presentation was pretty good and I enjoyed the background images between the levels. But the audio presentation was so and so. I just did not care for the in game music.

A note about today's game. I encountered two problems. The first one was regarding the way the game was displayed on the screen. If you go into the options and choose "Letter Box" the game itself does not know how to center the game properly on the screen. I have the latest drivers for my computer and so this can negatively affect your gameplay experience. I went back into the options and unchecked it and things were fine.

Also there was a problem when I launched the game. A window popped up that showed a 404 error. My guess is that the original copy of this game without the giveaway treatment had advertising in this window but in this version it's disabled. Very Strange.

If you want more Match 3 games, they are likely to be on Sale on the Steam website through their seasonal sale or you can check out Legacy Games for sales on multiple game packs. The discount starts at 20% and goes up when you buy 2 and 3 packs at a time.

Overall it's nice to take a break from Tower Defense, Hidden Object and Time Management genres. It's quite enjoyable and is probably a good way to start your weekend with morning coffee and matching objects. A must try for Match 3 enthusiasts.

Reply   |   Comment by sailorbear510 aka Jason  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)
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