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Pahelika Secret Legends  Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Pahelika Secret Legends

There is an ancient secret so powerful, it was buried deep beneath a maze of puzzles and pitfalls to prevent anyone from ever laying a hand on it.
User rating: 345 86 comments

Pahelika Secret Legends was available as a giveaway on April 19, 2015!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
An interesting game for your skills in driving vehicles on unrealistic tracks.

There is an ancient secret so powerful, it was buried deep beneath a maze of puzzles and pitfalls to prevent anyone from ever laying a hand on it. Then one man discovered the existence of the secret. In doing so, his life changed forever. He resolved to seek the secret. He wanted to know if the legends were true. They were.

System Requirements:

Windows Me/ 2000/ XP/ Vista; Directx 7; 64MB RAM; Graphics Card.


Xing Interactive



File Size:

80.7 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Pahelika Secret Legends

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Nothing found on their sites either!

Reply   |   Comment by Cas  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

tried all resolutions.
Nice game, sh..t coding.

Reply   |   Comment by Cas  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Same here: I Keep clicking and clicking to place objects.
Pity,love those games. But not playable this way.
" It may be the screen resolution..." yeah well, no other games have problems with my resolution.

Reply   |   Comment by Cas  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I found this to be the best 'search' type game in a very long time, or at least, the part of it I can play is so far. My problem is, every time the game saves itself between windows/levels. it crashes and I have to restart the program. I'm running it on an Asus laptop with Win8 OS. Can anyone offer tips as to why it is having problems saving my progress and insisting on crashing at each level? Thanks!

...................................Moderator comment.......................

Hi Robin, post the problem in the game discussion forums. Once the giveaway is over, this page is virtually ignored. Hope someone can help. I have the game on my Steam account. Never had any problems like you describe. Maybe contact the developer. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Robin Baker  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No problem on my Win 7 64bit. The voice is hard to understand, it sounds like it was recorded in a cheap echo chamber. Other than that it seems to play fine. A little different for me as I usually only play match 3 or HOGs.

................................Moderator Comment.................................


Reply   |   Comment by Lonni H  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed on Win8.1 64bit and loaded fine and I have now finished it. All in all was a good game, yes the skip per page was a little annoying but a couple of quick clicks and I was back into the game. Was a mind bender for this old girl but alas I did it. In the game I did notice there was a sequel to this game. Any chance of getting that one free too?

Thank you for this game.

...................................Moderator Comment.................................

Thanks for your feedback Suzanne. Glad you liked the game. I can;t say re getting the next one, but you never know. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Suzanne  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for entertaining game.
Dear developers, a lot of comment here are about difficulties to place objects right.
I have got the same problem, very irritating. Like when you have to hit exact tiny area on the top of chest to open it with hugе bending... something.
My be you can replace it with less bulky cursor and enlarge area you have to click on?
W 7 64, tending to freeze in transition between chapters if I move cursor.

..............................Moderator comment................................

Thanks for your suggestion :)

Reply   |   Comment by thinkornot  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

There is absolutely no reason to complain about a game that is free. All you have lost if you don't like it is a little time!! I have been coming to GGOD for many years and LOVE the site. I tell anyone that is even remotely interested in computer games about it. Yes, there are many games that aren't what I like but there will be someone out there that does like that kind of game. GGOD does a fantastic job of varying the games. Everyone has a right to their own opinion but critisizing the site and moderator is very very poor behavior. As far as I'm concerned...... keep up the good work. I THINK YOUR'E THE BEST!!!! I have found no other site that gives away games you have to pay for someplace else on the web nor have I found one I could trust not to load malware or worse onto my computer except for this one. I can't say thankyou enough for all the work you do and have done over the years. Just blow off the gripers, LOL, they are probably related to Scrooge before the visits from the spirits and nothing in this life makes them truly happy. :-)

As for the game, I, too, am having problems with placing an object. The graphics are pretty and as far as I have played the game has run smoothly otherwise. I run Windows 7 and play in full screen mode. I have never come across this kind of problem before and especially not with a Playrix game. They are my favorite of all the various developers I have come across on this site. Odd. Maybe if I had a monster sized screen it would help but I play on a laptop. The screens can only be so big or we couldn't carry them around. Mine is a brick as it is. :-) Also, I have changed nothing on the screen resolution from the factory settings. The only thing I have done to my screen is a color adjuster device to adjust my screens color settings for working with photographs.

Thanks for all you do and keep up the good work! Your site is far above anything else I have found.

..........................Moderator Comment..............................

Thanks Carolyn.

I did have some minor problems placing things like those colored crystals in place, but, eventually they did go in place. I do think the screen resolution that some community members use may be conflicting with the games collision mesh. It's basically bad coding, but may possibly be resolved by using the right resolution. I may be wrong :)

Reply   |   Comment by Carolyn  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Its a nice game, but appears too easy to me. Perhaps I missed an option, but everything goes in order and you follow along, then
transported back and start again. There is no intrigue or mystery about it to me. The graphics are okay, but not great. I do not
want a skip overall button, but would like to be able click on the images of the story to move it along faster. It did download
in less than a minute on 8.1 and runs smoothly except waiting for clicks sometimes. Really, not much to do, but follow through one
thing at a time.
Thank you for another game and have a great week!

Reply   |   Comment by Lee C.  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed without incident on an HP laptop running Win 8.1 with 6GB RAM. The game initially launches in windowed mode with the maximize option grayed out at the upper-right of the window, so I was at first dismayed that I would be forced to run the game in that mode only. However, once I went to the "Options" menu and un-checked the "windowed" option, the game went full-screen as desired.

Although I'm sure I'll be referred to the FAQs, I wanted to mention that upon reaching the "Fairy Garden" stage of the game it crashes, with Win 8.1 reporting "... stopped working." I attempted to re-start the game, which loaded the startup screen, but when I attempted to resume the game I experienced the same results. I'll monitor these comments for possible solutions, as well as perusing the FAQs for same.

It saddens me to see the total lack of respect and decorum exhibited by many people which seems to me to becoming increasingly predominant within discourse on the internet. I suspect that this is due in no small part to the ability for one to remain anonymous to those whom they choose to attack. The earlier comment by "NoThanks" is a perfect example of this attitude. Nobody forced this individual to even visit this site, let alone download or install today's offering. This phenomenon appears to be a "sign of the times," where attention-seekers have learned that they can draw much more attention to themselves by being rude and otherwise disrespectful than if they simply aired their grievances without ad-hominem attacks and simplistic one-word slurs that don't communicate their actual reason for the grievance they assert. Yes, I've experienced a problem with today's game - that's the chance I knew I was taking. The issue may be ultimately resolved, or it may not. In either case, I'm nonetheless grateful to both Playrix Entertainment and to this site (especially Stephen AKA whiterabbit) for making it available to me at no charge.

Writing code for games is no simple task, and I have a great deal of respect for those who do so. Being as specific as possible when describing the problem one is having with the program is helpful to the developers in finding possible weaknesses or errors in the source code of the software, which may well lead to the software being "repaired" by the developer to address that particular problem. However, I don't know a single programmer who has ever been able to correct a problem with a software program wherein the reported problem was that the program is "trashy."

Now I'm off to study the FAQs to see if I can find a resolution to the problem I'm currently having. Regardless of the outcome, I'll continue to visit this site, and will also continue to be grateful to all who contribute to it!

............................Moderator Comment.....................................

Hi Don, the game has worked, none of the FAQ's really apply. Not sure if I've added uising the event viewer to the FAQ's yet? As soon as a crash occurs, open up the event viewer. Usually, if something goes wrong, you'll find information in the event log associated with the crash. Often, you can sus out what went wrong from that event log. It may be a game bug, in which case the developer needs to address the problem. The game has been on Steam for a while, so it may be useful to check the Steam forums as they have sections for most games sold via Steam.

Reply   |   Comment by Don Hill  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed on Win 7 Pro x86 and plays OK up until the start of level 4 but then crashes every time. Event viewer says a fault with SDL2.dll. Solution was to NOT skip the dialogue. The game itself is pretty simple so far, and as has been pointed out by others, you are more or less led through the game.

Reply   |   Comment by banditrider  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I think this game was made for me! An easy point and click. I can't say I'll play it through more than once but at least I'll finish it unlike some of the other adventure point and clicks I've bought.

Reply   |   Comment by Ann  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded, installed fine on Win 7, 64-bit. No music, although sound FX & narration worked fine.

Played all the way through (with breaks for chores), so game can be completed in an evening.

Agree with others:

1) Option for system cursor. Might help with the sometimes too-precise requirements for placing objects

2) Less annoying FX sound when you don't click correctly

3) Agree that some important areas are so poorly marked that it’s hard to find them.

4) Like that you finish one area before going to next so you don't spend a lot of time backtracking

5) Interesting storyline

Thanks again GOTD for keeping (some) of us entertained - and for free. I did try yesterday's offering but it wasn't to my taste - but I appreciated the chance to try it.

Reply   |   Comment by Elkyn  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I found another reason for the problem: My system clock was wrong. It was some date in 2002.

If it was mis-set by the system as part of the daylight savings time auto-adjust - it about matches how long I haven't been able to install the games.

.................................Moderator comment...............................

I change my MoBo battery evey year so haven't had a problem with dates for a long time. Glad you sorted the problem out. :)

Reply   |   Comment by dave6d6ky  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow is this terrible! Many times I clicked over and over at the same spot and finally pressed help. It showed me that exact same spot. Now it worked. Frustrating!
The logic for solving hidden things is often nonexistent. Help says to do something that does not follow from anything.
Every single time I swap out to look at the walk-through the game crashes.
What a disaster!

............................Moderator comment..............................

Weird, re the help them worked. sorry you're not enjoying the game. Thanks for the feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by Scott  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded in a couple of minutes and isntalled without a problem. Played until I got into the tower.

I like it so far - the storyline pictures could move a bit faster as I don't want to skip but am a bit impatient ;-)

To the crouchers all I can say is Get a life - I didn't like yesterday's game cause it's not what I like to play - but didn't say word - why should I? I can come back today and see if there is something in for me and if not I come back next weekend. I already played a lot of funny games from here through the years and got good tips where I can get more and like anyone else I had to delete some cause I got stuck or bored or whatever - I don't care - there are plenty of others to play.

Reply   |   Comment by Anu  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Have two comments:
1) ran into a problem when I tried to use the "hint" and now it keeps closing the program. I can't seem to proceed. I plan to uninstall and try to reinstall. I might also download it again. But am finding myself using the Hint button more often in this game -- things are not very intuitive.

2) the words "smelt" was used in place of "smelled". I believe smelt to be incorrectly used in this instance.

Thanks for any and all free games. I find that should I run into one that is not to my liking, it's very simple to uninstall it. But to post complaints about the quality of the game herewith is not productive. Why look a gift horse in the mouth? Be happy that some folks are willing to share their creative efforts.

......................................Moderator comment.......................................

A lot of the games given away here are from East european developers whose native language isn't English. The English poet and playwrite Shakespear spelled his name several different ways. Personally I think we've become rather snobbish with respect to spelling. IMO, so long as the idea is understood, spelling shouldn't matter. It saddens me that in the UK, many students are penalised in exams due to poor spelling, when the knowlege is the most important aspect of the exam. More and more grammar and spelling are taking on more importance in non language subjects like science.

Reply   |   Comment by Mewzical  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No worries on the "late" moderation. I'm glad you replied at all.

Installing Visual C++ 2010 x86 fixed the issue I had on x64 systems. Note, it had to be C++ x86, not x64.

Thanks again.

.............................Moderator Comment..............................

Thanks for the feedback re the fix. appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by GP  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

On my XT none of the suggestions did not work. And that happens a few weeks, unfortunately ...: ((

Reply   |   Comment by Leo  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

There is just no accounting for tastes! Whilst I found yesterdays' offering totally incomprehensible, I've so far enjoyed today's game. I DO like HOs, TMs, Match 3s, and other puzzle games. So far the GOTD site has been virus free and free! What's to complain about? Good on you Stephen, GOTD and all the sponsors!!

Reply   |   Comment by DJ  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Simple -- Area 51

Reply   |   Comment by Robert Wolf  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I know what people mean about the cutscenes sometimes being lengthy, and not being able to skip them (especially if you've played it before a few times).

I've got a suggestion (which I've done, not only for this but for other games). While you're playing, have a paperback book by your side and then when you're fed up with the apparently interminable cutscene, just read a bit and when it's finished, put your bookmark back! That relieves the stress and impatience.

Reply   |   Comment by Littlemaggit  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I would suggest that the comment "it's over too soon" might refer to the fact that people are enjoying it so much they don't want it to stop! (I don't know how to insert a smiley-face, otherwise I'd have done so)

Reply   |   Comment by Littlemaggit  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Same problem for me! It never installs properly. (Win 8.1)

Reply   |   Comment by bascd  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After disabling Sonar on NIS and Anti-Malware, game installed without a hitch on Win7 SP1 64.. Great game so far.. Thanks GGOTD for todays game.

Reply   |   Comment by Dianne  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is the first time I have made a comment. But I have been moved to by a really unfair, crass, and severely low rent "human". I really have to say I am glad this site is here. I have gleaned some really cool games here and spread the word far and wide about the software too! I am happy to see Saturday games giveaways are back! There are some games I give a pass but the majority I download. I am grateful! If I have issues with any I just dump them no fuss no muss and I have only lost a bit of time(which would have been taken up on the game anyway). Some mortals stress me with their hands out thinking golden eggs should be dropped in them.....but it is time to wake up look at what you have and be grateful you have a computer, can afford internet access, and free to express your self. I am VERY grateful White Rabbit takes time for us and is very precise in his details and descriptions. I am sure rain falls in his life as well but he is always faithful to us. Nobody is forced on to this site it is a choice and at the whims of our freewill that we come. I also believe in freedom of speech so anyone can say what they will when they will it. But at times I wish they would say it elsewhere. Rabbit you ROCK!!!!

....................................Moderator Comment.................................

Hi Mond, its community members like you, who show support, when I'm thinking is it really worth the effort, that keep me coming back and trying harder. I do go through times when I just don't put the effort in that I used to (you can usually tell those times becasue I don't post a full review, or non at all. It's sometimes down to illness, opr family obligations, but more often than not it's becasue I'm dog tired due to the opiate drugs I have to take. Like any human, I get fed up and sometimes its a real chore to even think about moderating and moreso spending several hours preparing a detailed review, with all the added extra's that I've added over the past several years.

Things seem to be looking up for the project at the moment. We've been getting more games. I've not seen so many game sin the listing as I have over the past three or four months. Now we have a new sponsor that has already given us one of the best games i've seen on Steam in an age, with two more to come over the next few weeks. I do hope they will be a regular like Alawar and Playrix.

I doubt we will ever go back to a game every day of the week and for me that's fine as I wouldn't be able to keep up the work if that happened, unless they paid me a small retainer. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Mond  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I think I might no why some folks can not seem to get the game to start the installation, because I have the same problem. Norton (my anti-virus) is objecting. This by the way is the third time Norton has objected to a game installation in the past few months. Over the years it has objected from time to time to the installations of GAOTD programs but the games never seemed to have any problems.

I know you say TRUST us. We are SAFE and you need not worry. But your big smile makes me extremely nervous.

This is my type of game too. Darn. Oh well, ones less game won't kill me.

.................................Moderator comment..............................


Reply   |   Comment by Mark Van  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded and setup before you posted anything today. You do a great job here and the games ARE FREE for goodness sakes! I've been here since the start of the site and have downloaded a great number of great games. I don't post much since it's usually late when I take them down and all has been said. You sort of implied I was complaining. I wasn't. I was just making an observation, hence the smiley face. :-)

...........................Moderator comment............................

Hi Marcycn, I must admit the negative comment from no Name did annoy me. I did see your comment as a little negative, so felt I needed to explain why I think high download number indicate a game is liked. It wasn't meant as a dig at you though.

Thanks for your continued support.


Reply   |   Comment by marcycn  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well I am enjoying the game, low key, no stress, soothing adventure mist like game.

Downloaded in less than 30 seconds on win pro 7 32/64 laptop. No problems with install or game play. Have completed the first 2 levels in the book. Must say I really got a kick out of the hall of questions.

Had a very busy tiring day yesterday so today's game is just about perfect. No problems thus far and none anticipated, if that changes will let you know; so far so good.

White Rabbit I am very glad of your reviews....as a matter of fact downloaded this one, but waited for your review to activate and start playing. You do a much better review than what the developers do about their own games.

Think it is very rude of folks to complain about games they don't like for no other reason than THEY don't like it. Have come many times and found games not to my particular liking, but just wait until the next time and perhaps something I like will show up. The site is FREE and doesn't force any junk with the offerings, nor does it put up annoying site popups after you close the game as other free sites do. I sometimes find games here that I cannot find on the other free sites. I never have to worry about a virus, trojan or worm from here. Free games are important to me as I am on a very low fixed income and other wise would never get to play any games as I need the income for more important stuff - like a roof over my head and food to eat. So quit your grousing and just move on when you don't care for the offering.....you are offending the rest of us!

Didn't mean to rant so much but that sorta pissed me off!

LadyLei :)

......................................Moderator comment................................................

Please excuse the delayed moderation, I was playing The Elder Scrolls Online and got so immersed, I didn't realize several hours had passed. I have innumerable spare game keys for the Steam client, which I've been meaning to sort out for ages. Because of the ongoing building woes, its taken me till the recent vist of the French Exchange student to complete some of the rooms, including my study (I've been waiting 18 months to move in). I finally moved in a few days ago and am now realizing just how many of those bundles I've purchased over the last three years (virtually every one), I don't know why I keep buying them because I usually already own all or most of the games included in the bundle, unless they are debut/greenlight bundles.

I have a spare Steam account which we use when friends of my kids come to stay as they like to play coop games with friends; many of the spare keys have been added to that account, and I've given my kids loads of steam keys for their own accounts as well, plus at least 500+ keys to friends over the last year or so. I still have a couple of thousand Steam and Desura keys (at the very least) that haven't been redeemed. Most are indie games and some AAA games with a smattering of arcade games. PM me over in the forums and let me know what types of games you like. I will give you a bunch of Steam and Desura keys with no strings attached. (I used to have a lot of Alawar games, but I gave all of my activation codes away once I'd completed the games. You will need to install the Steam and Desura clients, but they will be worth it. You'll find hundreds of decent free games that you can add to your desura account once you've got yourself a free account. I don't want anything for the Steam and Desura keys. I've purchased most of them through buying many of the indie bundles. Most have cost me virtually nothing at all. (on average each game probably costs no more than around 20 pence or so (thats a fifth of a pound). It seems a shame not to share them with someone who'd appreciate them. :)

Reply   |   Comment by LadyLei  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I remember playing this years ago and really liking it, so thanks very much for offering it here. I hope you can also offer Revelations for completion, as I never did play that.

..........................................Moderator comment.................................


Reply   |   Comment by gmon  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No stress, dear Moderator! In any case, I dont think it is a screen problem, yet I appreciate very much giveaway games, especially the Playrix/ bigfish ones! Thank you...

..........................................Moderator comment.................................


Reply   |   Comment by lla  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

OK, I think I can save my commentary on the negative posts, since everyone else here has done a fine job of putting the complainer in their place.
Installed and activated on Win8 64 bit with no problems. My ONLY complaint is the storyline will only advance one board when you click SKIP. Otherwise, it is a very good game at making you work out your brain. Perhaps that's what the complainers don't like about it.
Having completed 2 levels, I took a break and have chores to accomplish. I will be back to it later.
Thanks GGOTD and Whiterabbit for your hard work and diligence in getting us free stuff to play with.

..........................................Moderator comment.................................


Reply   |   Comment by Joe  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It needs

1) An option to turn off the voice over.
2) A skip that skips everything not just a single sentence.
3) Less annoying FX sounds.

..........................................Moderator comment.................................

Thanks for your suggestions. :)

Reply   |   Comment by cooper  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've found that if you have a hard time clicking on an object and it's not responding, try turning off the custom cursor in the game if it has one. Also, I heard that if your system text size is set to anything else then "default" smaller then you may have a hard time viewing things.

..........................................Moderator comment.................................

Thanks for your feedback :)

Reply   |   Comment by Little Bear  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This happens to be one of my types of games that I like. Others may not like them but they are not dull to me nor trash as long as they entertain me.

I like this game type but this particular game has a few issues that make me give it a 'C' grade (average).

#1 - I'd like to see an option to use the system cursor instead of the game cursor.
#2 - Placing objects should not be an issue in this type of game. I have to click multiple times in some cases to get the game to accept my object. Example is the water on the fire in the very first puzzle scene. You have to be exact where you click to use an object. 1920x1080 resolution
#3 - There should be a smooth transition between each of the narration panels. As it is now one narration occurs, silence, another narration occurs, silence, and on and on and on. Yes I can skip but then I miss out on the storyline, which ,in my opinion, is important to these types of games.
#4 - some areas that are important are so vague that it's hard to find them. Example is the first portal with the gems. SPOILER - where the blue one goes is almost hidden behind a pillar. I spent too much time trying to place it where it did not belong because I thought it was just another occurrence of the game not letting me place it.

I will play and finish this game but I would not be happy if I purchased it. Sorry to the developers. I'm just one opinion.

..........................................Moderator comment.................................

Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated :)

Reply   |   Comment by ngar6t  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sounds and looks like a fun game. Thanks for the great review Whiterabbit.

While everyone is entitled to their opinion just because someone does not like the genre of a game does not make it trash.

I am downloading today's game to enjoy. Granted the game on Saturday was not something I would play so I did not download or comment. Honestly if you do not like the game genre then skip over it and look another day. No sense in attacking GOTD or the developer.

Thanks GOTD & Playrix for the game and WhiteRabbit for the review!

..........................................Moderator comment.................................

Thanks for the support and feedback Suzie :)

Reply   |   Comment by Suzie  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

One of the best hidden object games. I don't have this in my library but the scenes show a similarity to what Myst might look like re-imagined. Works well on the Windows XP laptop. I don't know why some people are ungrateful for these games and think they are self entitled to having something THEY WANT instead of leaving constructive criticism on what they do or don't like. Like WhiteRabbit said there are hundreds of great deals happening and even games on Steam that have some games as low as 10 cents. I just picked up Far Cry yesterday for only $2.49 and worth every penny for an older game.

..........................................Moderator comment.................................

Thanks for the support Jason. When the game giveaway project was in its infancy I was so grateful to them, because they introduced me to some genres of games I'd never bothered to try before. They hadn't been appealing to me. Prior to the giveaway project I'd restricted myself to Breakouts, Shmups, platformers, Tower Defense and AAA games. The giveaway team allowed me to try other genres such as the TM games and Match three's that had never appealed to me previously. Virtually every day for the first few months was like a voyage of discovery, realizing that those games that i'd ignored for so long were actually quite enjoyable to play. For that I'm extremely grateful to the giveaway team for starting up this wonderful site. Early on, I started to post comments, that expanded in size as I became more confident at writing about the games. by the beginning of the second year of the project I was writing fully fledged reviews for most games. It got to a point where I was about to give up, because spending anywhere from 4 to 6 hours every day preparing a review got too much. It was around that time that the giveaway team announced that games would be given away only at weekends from around Easter 2008. The giveaway team gave me access to the admin panel and would tell me what games were going to be given away, so that I could prepare in advance. That way, reviews could be posted as soon as the games went live.

Since moving house I have relied a lot more on reviews from places like Gamezebo because I've not been able to devote as much time to writng. They have saved me an immense amount of work writing reviews all the time. I still do write complete reviews, but not as many as I used to. You can always tell if its not my review because I always post a reference to the source material. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Little Bear  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just saw posts 3 & 4.

Post 3 (Past6iche) - I have found that windowed mode does seem to introduce some difficulty placing the objects, but I have not gotten far enough to verify a pattern and have resolved it personally by playing in full screen mode as it increases the size of the click area.

Post 4 - Does sound like a security issue relating to that PC. I have had no issues downloading any games from this site now or in the past.

As for the crashing mentioned above, I found a walkthrough provided by Bigfishgames that has allowed me to move further into the story without utilizing the hint button that was causing my crashes. For those who need to utilize the walkthrough, there is also a strategy guide available that will serve the same purpose provided by Ironcode.

..........................................Moderator comment.................................

Thanks for your feedback Steel :)

Reply   |   Comment by Steel  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Trash? Wow, hard to say where that comment is coming from. Free games that you can download if you want, or not. No one is twisting your arm and making you play them. Sheesh!

Todays game is actually pretty good. Its a nice adventure game with some pretty tricky puzzles. Pick up items, figure where and or how to use them in a scene etc. None of them are impossible but a few of them will really test your puzzle solving skills. Another thing I like is the cutscenes actually have voice overs and the voice acting is really pretty good. The downside to the cutscenes, for some people anyway, is there is no way to skip them and some of them are rather lengthy. Another great thing about this game... depending on the puzzle or the objective, you can rarely leave a scene until you collected all the clues or solved the puzzle. As a result its not one of those games where you have to spend hours wandering around going back and forth to previous scenes looking for items or clues you may have missed. If you can leave a scene before collecting all the items an arrow will appear in the upper corner alerting you that more actions are necessary in this particular scene. Not to worry, hints are available (sparkles on areas of interest etc) That said... its not perfect. Some of the puzzle clues provide no information on how to solve them. No clues, and there is no logic in solving them. Ugh! For example... having to set a series of switches in certain positions to unlock or proceed to the next step. There is no rhyme or reason to the solution. Even the walkthroughs you can find are online are of little help because the solutions simply involve pure luck.
You basically have to stumble across the correct positions thru trial and error. Fortunately there are only a few of those mind numbing puzzles. You should at least give it a try. Its not the easiest adventure game I've every played but certainly not the most difficult.
Either way, for todays price of "Free"... its hard to beat!

Reply   |   Comment by Elton Noway  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Maria,
I had the same issue but it resolved itself after about 15 minutes. As of 10:20 am American CST, it is working fine.

Reply   |   Comment by Freedom1958  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed real easy on Windows 8.1. It’s a real basic game though. It walks you through every step of the way unless there is a way around that and I didn’t see it. The skip only skips one frame at a time instead of the whole conversation. I felt like I was inside a tutorial and couldn’t get out.

PS moderator: Just because a game is downloaded 17 thousand times doesn’t mean it was a good game. I download a lot of games and quickly delete them when I find they just aren’t that good. :-)

For some reason my comments weren't approved so here they are again.

..............................Moderator Comment...............................

I can't moderate 24/7. I'm the only person moderating. Sometimes I have family matters to attend to and this morning I was called away to sort a boundary dispute between one of my rented properties and the neigbour, so you may find your comments aren't moderated for hours at a time, wheras at other times I spend quite a lot of time moderating..

You could also argue the converse. The reason most community members download these games is becausethey have read my review and made an informed choice to download the game. It may not always live up to expectations, but generally large numbers of dowmnloads go cap in hand with positive comments from the community. Usually I have a review posted as the game goes live so that you can read about the game before you download. That's the whole point of me posting the reviews in the first place. It's my way of saying thank you to the giveaway team, and to the community who have given me something to work towards since my accident several years ago. Another reason I volunteered to post reviews and moderate these comments as well as admin the main forums was becasue we used to get a lot of complaints from those that were still on slow modems that they had wasted their time downloading a game then found it wasn't to their liking. It's one of the reasons I started to post reviews. (though anyon can Google the name of a game then check it out either by reading about it or looking on You tube; its very rare not to find examples of most games these days). I try to get them posted as soon as the giveaway goes live (I usually get advanced warning as to what the game will be). That way, as mentioned above, you have an informed choice. I posted yesterdays review early, so most community members will have seen the review and made a decision about whether the game was for them. There are a lot of regulars that rely on the review to make that informed decision, so when I say 17 000 downloads it's usually an indication that the game was well liked. :)

Reply   |   Comment by marcycn  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The Problem resolved itself after about 15 minutes. It must have been a server issue.

Reply   |   Comment by Freedom1958  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Although I already have this game and enjoyed, wouldnt say a keeper really but fun for free, and yesterdays game was very much not my cup of tea, I dont understand why people complain about a site giving away games. Limited by the games offered to be given away. Maybe once a month or so theres a game here I try, a few I have kept. but check every weekend and appreciate the site.
I went to that Desura and there are a lot of free games there, to my liking maybe maybe not but wont complain if I dont find one that is great. Have fun all with todays game It aint bad

Reply   |   Comment by Doug  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Whiterabbit, I thank you for this weekend's games and I wish you did not have such impolite people posting where reviews should go.

In any case, Pahelika Secret Legends has a great narrative and slideshow style graphics for its story telling. I love the Myst-like hide and find atmosphere with a proper number of hints to ensure you don't get stuck in a room just clicking on objects.

That said, I do have two issues with the game so far:
- I wish for there to either be a click to accelerate the storyline or an option to remove the 1-2 second gap between each slide. While I realize I can skip the story, I only wish to remove the delays that slow it down.
- The game's stability has come into question as it crashed on me when I clicked on the hint button for the second time in a room. It must be that specific portion of the game that cannot seem to hint properly as I was able to reload the game to the exact spot it crashed (great saving feature!), before clicking on the hint button again and it crashing once more.

The exact location of the crash is when you've moved passed the golem and are now attempting to utilize the magic dust.

In case the OS comes into question: Win 8.1 64 bit. That said, the game had not crashed until this very hint spot and has repeatedly done so. As such, I'm more inclined to believe it is the game, and not the environment it is running in.

Reply   |   Comment by Steel  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I get the message, "Failed to connect. Please try again later." when I try to install the game.
This has never happened to me on this site before.
Is anyone else having problems?

................................Moderator comment............................

Check the FAQ's thread over in the game discussion forum sticky section. I've linked to it in my review at comment number 1. It may be your security that's blocking it. Temporarily turn it off till the game is installed. The giveaway team throughly check all giveaways for malware using several well known security suites. They have never given away a game with malware since the projects inception.

p.s. please excuse the late moderation. When i finally returned home I still had to post my review, it took three hours to play up to a point before I could post the review, then I was faced with over 50 comments to moderate. that's a couple more hopurs of work if i had the time to reply to all of them.

Reply   |   Comment by Freedom1958  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This first Pahelika is one of my all-time favourite games and I'm delighted that GOTD is offering it. When I first played it, I found that it required quite a bit of lateral thinking, and it doesn't have a lot of hand-holding - brainwork is necessary. I like the graphics - the ice scenes in particular can make me feel cold. The storyline is intriguing.

The fact that I've already played it quite a few times (with ads) and am looking forward to playing it again without ads says a lot for its replayability.

A while back I got Pahelika-Revelations, and I'm finding that more difficult than Secret Legends. I'm currently totally stuck in one particular place, but I'm refusing to check out a walkthrough - I know the answer is there somewhere!

................................Moderator comment............................


Reply   |   Comment by Littlemaggit  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you for you response above. I love game giveaway of the day. I look forward to seeing what each weekend has to offer. Yesterday's game was not for me but today's is. If you do not like the FREE game then don't download. Please don't bash this wonderful site that doesn't have to offer what they do. So thank you for this wonderful game and sore as well as the reviews. To the moderator, a BIG THANK YOU for all that you do and the professional manner when responding back to comments both positive and in this case negative.

Reply   |   Comment by melmel  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have not played the game yet but it looks intriguing. I would like to comment on a previous post though. The day I criticize a web site offering free software giveaways is the day I realize I feel way too entitled. Thanks for everything GGOTD, and if I get to the point I want more out of games than you can offer I certainly won't be blaming you.

Reply   |   Comment by James  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Looks like a Myst clone. And I love Myst-style games, so this should be interesting. No problems installing, went through first few scenes, no problems. I'll be back later once I've peeled a few layers. Thanks for this game.

Reply   |   Comment by Parked Cow  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

These type of games are my favorite to play and thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by KimmyG  –  9 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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