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School of the Dead: Anastasia was available as a giveaway on April 22, 2019!
This is the story about a girl named Anastasia, who ends up in a school filled with hideous monsters and gains amazing strength after a strange incident. She has to find her brother while trying to defeat crowds of the dead, collect everything useful and leave this terrible place where she is losing her mind every minute. Are you ready to help a damsel in distress or leave her to the mercy of the terrible monsters? You decide.
Windows 7/ 8/ 10
192 MB
After I unzipped the file and launched the setup for this game, Malwarebytes suddenly woke up and told me that it was infected with FileRepMalware. Maybe a false positive, but I decided not to risk going any further. (I haven't had that before with downloads from this site.)
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The large blocky characters of the game are like they were drawn by a little child using dull crayons.
I expect better definition of the characters and not just blobs of pixels on a 1920 x 1080 screen.
Poor programming of the characters does not make use of the FHD screen at all.
I have seen better images on an 8 bit machine.
This game is childish and immature at best.
You must be deluding yourselves if you think this is a good game with High-Definition graphics.
It could have been written for a 4k screen but if the characters are large and blocky then it is still a bad 8 bit game.
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regarding your comment ''You must be deluding yourselves if you think this is a good game with High-Definition graphics''
No one has said this was a good game or suggested the game has Hi resolution graphics. What I was trying to say was that Commodore games did not have graphics that were as good as today's game. They were blocky (due in part to the processing power of the time, the hardware of the time, for example the monitor which as I mentioned in my previous comment only had cells that were equivalent to 64 pixels. As for seeing better images on an 8 bit machine; show me some example of a better image that was taken from an 8 bit machine and I'll accept your original claim that some games had better graphics than today's game. I very much doubt you can.
I played plenty of games on a Commodore and loved most of them, but I can remember how poor the graphics were compared to games released today.
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User with Pentium4 (or lower) shouldn´t use it - Stop and go Play :(
I can play Oblivion, Fallout3 and also Skyrim (all with many Mods) without any lagproblem, but this Game is unplayable with my System.
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André Uwe Dürner,
No one else reported issues with lag. Thousands of copies were downloaded.The most likely explanation is that you may have had something running on your computer that was conflicting with the game, or your graphics drivers may be outdated for this game. It ran absolutely fine on three of my computers, and one lap top (that only has a single core cpu and an integrated graphics chip).
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is this the best graphics that you can come up with?
My Commodore 64 from the 1970s was better than this.
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No it wasn't.
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We tend to remember things from our past; especially things we enjoyed through ''rose tinted spectacles''. There's no way the graphics from a computer that boasted a 320 x200 pixels image size with a maximum of 16 colors would be graphically better than today's game. The following example shows a 1920 x 1080 images of a screen capture from School of the Dead: Anastasia, reduced to 640 x 480 compared to three popular Commodore games. (Draculas Castle, Ghost busters and Donkey Kong)
The size of each cell on a commodore monitor was equivalent to 64 pixels on a modern monitor. You can see this clearly in all the Commodore games images as the text and images did not have smooth lines, instead they looked stepped (like a Minecraft game), becasue the resolution was so low and the monitor cells were so large; whereas today's game has smooth curves with no stepping.
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Jerry, Totally agree.
There's no way the graphics from a computer that ''boasted'' a 320 x 200 pixels image size with a maximum of 16 colors would be graphically better than today's game, especially considering the size of each cell on a commodore monitor was equivalent to 64 pixels on a modern monitor. As I said in reply to Bob, we tend to remember things through rose tinted spectacle. I remember playing the RPG 'Darklands' via a 640×480 VGA monitor in 1992, thinking it was the best thing since sliced bread, but when I compare it to even the lowliest arcade game released today, it looks absolutely horrendous (though i still consider the actual game play brilliant).
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The game is quite bugged. Zombies can push you out of the screen, the gun sometimes completely stops working (even though I have a lot of ammo). Sometimes you don't score a hit, even if you stand just near monster, etc.
And it's ridiculously difficult, as the monsters respawn in a few places, and you have limited life.
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