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Oh My Candy (for Win & Mac) Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Oh My Candy (for Win & Mac)

In Oh My Candy, it's your task to satisfy a chubby hamser's craving for sweets! Click on the block with a paw print and use it to push the candy to the hamster in each stage.
User rating: 142 19 comments

Oh My Candy (for Win & Mac) was available as a giveaway on September 29, 2012!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

In Oh My Candy, it's your task to satisfy a chubby hamser's craving for sweets! Click on the block with a paw print and use it to push the candy to the hamster in each stage. The block with a paw print can't pass through areas with yellow and purple stripes, while candy and other movable objects can't pass through blue and pink striped areas.

If you are Mac OS users, please get installation file here (file size 16 MB).

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7; iOS


Xing Interactive



File Size:

14.0 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
A challenging MOBA set in a fantasy world.
Developed by Overwolf

Comments on Oh My Candy (for Win & Mac)

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Downloaded today's offering and I am ehhh about it. I appreciate the simpleness of the game but when it got to skill at making the loose physics do what I want it to do, I quit. I am not an angry birds fan either. I turned the music off.

The graphics were fine, boring but easy to dismiss into the background while focusing on the action/play. The tutorial levels were well done. I would like the big Hint button to actually give a hint rather than a link to a 10 min walkthrough of the entire game. Having a walkthrough button when you fail a level does fine for that need. Or having a Walkthrough button rather than a Hint button would be more appropriate. The striped blockades were a tad confusing. The stripes register before the color does. It doesn't take much to memorize the differences but it is annoying to begin with. I would suggest a differences between paw block and object block be along the lines of stripes in different orientations, or a solid and a stripe, or different patterns, or different solid colors. You could do stripes of one color and an invisible stripe and get away with the different colors you have. The fact that one stripe is the same color on both makes it more annoying.

I liked the puzzle aspect. Move this to get this to make it go here, etc. I would have liked to have been able to skip the "skill" based level of bounce it off the paw with the correct arc while the paw doesn't respond to the mouse well.

Being able to save my progress would be good. It would allow me to play for a few minutes do something else and then come back to it.

Over all I am sure it is a nice game for those that like these sort of physics games but it is only half my cup of tea. Thanks for the opportunity.

(this the sort of feedback you are looking for?)

Reply   |   Comment by Gina  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Glad you were able to get back on as moderator Whiterabbit. As you can see by all the comments, you were missed. Makes a bunny feel good...lol.
Nice little game to kill a few minutes, without the worry of getting hooked and losing track of time. Which to me, happens all the time.
Thanks GGOTD, Wheemplay and of course, Whiterabbit.

Reply   |   Comment by Anita  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

First, hello again Stephen! I've checked in every week (even when the offering was a wash), hoping to see your signature handiwork, and finally - you're B A C K! You know, you really have made a difference here, on your own AND as Moderator; I think all the kind comments directed your way today are more than proof of that and the high regard we hold you in. I'm so pleased to "see" you again and hope all the GOTD snafu's are taken care of so you can focus on what you do best, herding us catz and adding value and insight to the forums - plus a bit of good humor from time to time. Last but not least, I sincerely hope all is well with you and your family. Take care- John

As far as the "Candy" game; I just can't get into it - it's just too simple/short/uninteresting a game IMO - and it doesn't last long enough to while away much of an afternoon, even with a game on to pass the time. Usually Wheemplay games are at least challenging, and downright perplexing at times, but this one couldn't even stand up to the grandson for long. (he found it boring - well, so did I)

Sorry Wheemplay, don't know why you bothered!

Reply   |   Comment by JL  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Last Sunday, I did some consideration of Wheemplay, and whether their games were worth our attention, here, and discovered that they're probably getting something of a bad rap. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to post anything until the last hour of the giveaway, so I'll share again what I found out - and some new info. - to help put these Wheemplay games in a clearer perspective.
Even though GGOTD doesn't list it, Wheemplay does, or at least did, have a website. It may be semi-abandoned, but Wheemplay does claim two portals on it's wheemplaynetwork.com website - a teen portal at beplayed.com and a family portal at godvilgames.com (family, godvil, get it, real sublte) - that both are still active on facebook and are almost certainly still drawing game submissions. This may be where Wheemplay is still attracting developers - although these also, incidentally, attract non-licensed games, like sonic and mario flashes which Wheemplay obviously can't market. These two portals don't mention Wheemplay, but Wheemplay claims both on it's network website which links to the old wheemplay.com website. That site, which otherwise shows no update since Aug. 2011, is 2012 copyrighted.

The point to all this is that it's pretty clear to me that Wheemplay's whole thrust is flash games not for these portals - which have no advertising - but for portable devices. The website prominently features words like "mobile, ipad, ipod, iphone". That also explains the 1.99 price tag. The only other possibility is that Wheemplay has given up it's portable development and hopes GGOTD will be the last chance to make a final coin or some on these games. But the key point is that these can't compare with full PC games because they weren't intended to. They were intended to be small, simply designed, and possibly ultimately disposable games for portable devices.
I would recommend for clarity that Wheemplay or GGOTD consider calling "mobile apps." or "mobile games", or at least that Whiterabbit consider referring to them that way in his reviews. The main point, again, is: whether these games are good or not, it isn't fair to compare them to full PC games. The only fair to evaluate is as what they are. Time killers for portables - with a portable price - that may even be consider to be disposable apps.
As to today's game, I'll try to test later. Also, let me mention that beplayed and godvil also have walkthroughs, so I'm assuming you can get walkthroughs for any Wheemplay through these sites.

..............................Moderator Comment..................................

Thanks for the feedback/research Watcher. Would have replied earlier but fell asleep watching Dr Who. (Just woke up seven hours later). ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by watcher13  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hello Mr. Rabbit. Thanks for the great review and the info.

Thumbs UP for this game. It's great for entertaining the grandkids. I really can't understand why this has so many negative votes, unless it's that the people who vote expect adult level games to be given away everytime. That's selfish :(

Congratulations Wheemplay for letting us try this out.

..............................Moderator comment...........................

Hi Bill. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Bill  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Am so glad you are back WR. It has been very bland here while you were gone. There is so much more feedback when you are here. I hope the site owners realize how valuable you are to the site. Will be back tomorrow and have an update on the fishdom premium then. Hugs!

.............................Moderator comment........................

Ha!.....I won't be drawn into giving more clues. (you have the wrong developer lol). Thanks for the kind words.

Reply   |   Comment by CabLady  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wonderful to have the Wabbit reviews back! Sorely missed the extra touches. Might try this one just on brand strength tho user scores and comments very awful. But easy enough to try. There's always Sunday, hope hope.

...........................Moderator comment............................

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Will somewone stop publishing theses games please.

Reply   |   Comment by No No  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Welcome back Stephen, I haven't been downloading many games as I use a Mac and most of the games are not available for the Mac. I see this one is, so I hope it will be an easy install.

..........................Moderator comment........................

I'm sure there's a sandbox type of program that will allow you to play Window based games on a Mac. I can't remember the name of the software though. It may be worth checking it out as there are thousands of freeware games available for Windows systems compared to Mac.. :) We don't get many Mac games and then they tend to be these wheemplay flash based games.

Reply   |   Comment by Marilyn  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Welcome back Whiterabbit!! Downloaded and installed without problem to Win7 64bit Premium. Not the type of game I would purchase as I don't usually play the physics type games. Cute game to enjoy some down time with though. The graphics are quite good, the game is not very challenging at the beginning. The music ... well it can be turned off!! :) Thanks GGOTD and Wheemplay!

..................................Moderator comment...........................

Thank you Kate.

Reply   |   Comment by Kate  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Welcome back.This is not really a bad little game, as some one said a nice little time filler. Just on a side note,in your comment to Amanda, if you dont like Hidden object games please dont let that stop you from putting them on offer here. Some of us enjoy them, when they are good ones. Thanks.

........................................Moderator comment..................................

Hi Don, I do like HOG's, but i'm very selective. I probably have around 40+ of them in my game collection. What i'm saying is thta a lot of the HOG's being released are mediocre and for me a little boring.

As for not bringing up games here; I have no control over what's offere, I'm just a volunteer helping out. ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by Don  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Welcome back Whiterabbit, it is nice to have your thorough explanation of game installation and list of other game sites again. While I did not feel that this game was for me, I have to say that I had no problems downloading it, and I do like the colors as well as the look of the graphics and how they seem to be fairly modern and up to date when playing the game. While I did not particulary care for this type of game, I found that my two 7 year old nieces love it. They were able to figure out how to play it very quickly, and they have been laughing the whole time that they have been playing it. So, I would have to say that it was definitely worth downloading just to hear them laugh, and to see them playing a game that they do not believe is just for grownups!!! Actually, this sort of game is excellent for their continued hand/eye coordination practice, and while it is easy it is not so simple that they are immediately bored with it. In the past, I have found that many of Wheemplay's games are good for younger children, either for entertainment, or continued lessons on learning how to use the computer to have fun and learn at the same time. The game itself did not even require that I disable SONAR from Norton before downloading it, and after downloading, it was very simple to install and I have had no problems with it at all. I am a little intrigued by the comment you made to Jenny about tomorrow's game, and I am looking forward to what it will be. Again, I wish to welcome you back, as your narration is often extremely helpful to me when it comes to downloading or installing a game. I also appreciate all the additional sites for games that you are constantly providing, and I have started to visit some of those sites and even downloading some of the games and experimenting with various types of games that I do not usually play. STORM

.......................................Moderator Comment................................

Thanks Storm. also thank you for the excellent feedback. I hope you find games you enjoy. there's a whole world of games available for everyone to find. The indie game projects are becoming so numerous I'm losing track. I have over 40 Kickstarter projects sponsored but can't remember which without having to check my emails. Of those only two have come to fruition so far (FTL - Faster than Light, which apparently is taking Steam by storm ;-) at the moment and Cloudberry Kingdom. All those who sponsored via Kickstarter got a Steam key for the beta release. ( thankfully both are excellent games). The only problem I foresee with Kickstarter is that some of the games the community sponsor may never make it, so the money given is wasted.

Reply   |   Comment by STORM  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Downloaded/installed fine on Vista 64-bit.

Another Wheemplay game! How prolific they are... At least their physics are pretty good, the graphics are nice. I didn't listen to the music/SFX.

Actually, this game is better than most of their others I think. My biggest gripe is that the paw doesn't stick to the mouse well enough, and should follow it more closely.

The loose/imprecise control of the paw and the trial-and-error nature of the game made me feel like a laboratory monkey trying to earn a piece of kibble. It was a little frustrating (inasmuch as this simple game can be) because I know what I want to do and how to do it, but my stupid paw isn't moving the right way. It amused me.

Not a bad distraction.

PS- I'm glad to see you back in action, Stephen, this is a better place with your moderation :)

...........................Moderator Comment......................

Thanks Amanda. Also thank you for the excellent feedback. :D I was beginning to think I'd never get back. Glad I did. I actually feel quite refreshed and am looking forwards to the coming weeks. I'd sort of become a little bored (for want of a better word; hmmmm, actually more like jaded) of writing the reviews and spending hours moderating; especially as most of the games I was reviewing weren't my cup of tea (mainly Time Management games and some Hidden Object games.

There are some HOG games I really like, especially those with a decent story, gorgeous locations and lots of mini games to puzzle over; also, there are TM games that I really like such as the Farm Frenzy series (though I think the series has been a little diluted by the more recent releases in the name of Farm Frenzy) and a few others, but in the main I find those like Amelia's Cafe, Snowy Lunch Rush, Coconut Queen etc were too stressful to play and enjoy at the same time and many of the non-descript HOG's that Big Fish were (and still are) offering almost on a daily basis. I cancelled my subscription because of the paucity of my favourite genres such as Shmups and breakouts as well as the plethora of HOG's being released. Over a period of 10 months i'd not been able to spend one of the monthly credits I got for subscribing. Have you seen Big fishes list of available HOG's? There's well over 1200 of them.

Reply   |   Comment by Amanda  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Welcome back Stephen! ;)

To be honest I'm a little tired of these games and they never have had much pull for me in the first place. It's not that I don't like Physics games, I do have a few that I enjoy and play spasmodically.

I think it's very generous of Wheemplay to have offered so many games on this site and my opinion is in no way meant to slight the developers.

I didn't try the game, so didn't give a thumb vote and I do hope that those that download the game have fun with it. Thanks also go to GGotD ;)
~ Swan

...........................Moderator Comment......................

Hi Swan. :) (stand by for another waffle, lol)

I think they are being used more as fillers as opposed to full version games. I make that assumption partly because most of the Wheemplay games can be completed in less than 30 minutes, plus every Wheemplay game we've been given so far is also available to play for free on the many flash sites that are rife on the www.

Times have been hard over the past few years. Since the project went to weekends only four years ago (April 2008), more and more game houses have been offering their own versions of a game giveaway. You can guarantee that there will be freebies or at least very cheap games available 24/7 now. Even the latest games are being sold at up to 75% off only weeks after release. Last summer I calculated that if I'd waited until last years summer sale to purchase all of the games I'd purchased on release or pre-ordered between Easter 2011 and the summer sale which started early July 2011 I'd have saved almost £200 ($300).

Games are very cheap at the moment; considering the larger part of my arcade collection cost me nearly $20 per game (over 900 of them, I'd have saved thousands if I'd purchased then over the last few years. Game houses are practically giving them away and in some cases such as the MyPlayCity like sites, are giving them away. All that said, you can see why it's become very difficult to get premium arcade games regularly for this project. Overall I think they have done a brilliant job. Thankfully we have also two very good game houses willing to give games away fairly regularly (we also used to have Realore another decent game house) but they have their own weekly game giveaway now. As for Alawar and Playrix; I do hope the community are supporting both places by purchasing the odd game or two from them. :)

I'd hoped that developers would come to this site because of the quality feedback or at least the potential for quality feedback; but so far we aren't getting enough of the community contributing several minutes of their time so as to be able to leave constructive feedback. I've always believed that if we got plenty of that developers would be falling over themselves to give away their new creations, if only to glean new ideas and to i9mprove and hone their skills via the ideas we impart to them. I'm still hoping. some members have given a lot, but its still not a significant portion of the community. I've calculated that only 0.01% of those downloading the games bother to leave a comment at all and of those perhaps only 10 to 20% or useful as feedback. That's approximately 0.002% to 0.005% of the community.

Reply   |   Comment by Swan  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I love most of the wheemplay games I do not always down load or instal them but they are a great way to waste some time and oyu don't want to think so hard or do anything to strenuos...

If you are hungover on a Sunday afternoon where some places the temperatures are in the 100+ range. And the air conditioner is on the fritz While your cat just vomited.. And you find the last bottle of beer is flat.

Well when your day is like that^^^

THEN there is nothing you want to do that is gonna make you have to exert yourself.

It is at times like that when all these Wheemplay games fill our swimming pools with some nice clean & cool refreshing water... Plus then half way through some wheemplay games the air conditioning starts working right and the cat eats its sick up.

I have not yet played the game. a review will follow providing I wake up in time to to post it. for now this frogs hopping off to bed.

Good hunting everyone

................................Moderator comment.........................

Absolutely. I think those that do enjoy these games love them exactly for that reason, well..... maybe for other reasons as well, ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by Rick Frog  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

An Aieesoft program and a Wheemplay game. Better luck next weekend, maybe. Last weekend's Wheemplay disaster was the last straw for me. I appreciate the effort GOTD makes and I fully understand that some people actually seem to enjoy Wheemplay's offers, but the draggy, off-kilter physics and sleep-inducing "graphics" are not for me. I've lost count of the times I've given them "one more chance", only to wind up getting rid of the game. Their suggested prices are cheap enough, buy I honestly don't see where Wheemplay gets off charging anthing for games that are of much poorer quality than the many similar free online flash games they are trying to copy. Thanks, anyway, GOTD!

.........................Moderator comment.................

Thank you for your feedback Jenny. I promise we will be getting a decent game tomorrow. It looks better than the norm...... ;-)

As far as I'm concerned some of the Wheemplay games have actually been rather good and very playable, and some have been dire. One of the overriding things I like about them is their simlicity and their time filling capabilities. i can take them or lave them. i like to drop in between their bigger cousins to recharge my batteries. never spending more than several minutes at each session. wheemplay games are ideal for that. (IMO)

I prefer the ones that include level editors becasue at least you can then extend the life of the game, plus designing levels adds to the challenge of the game. Graphics aren't spectacular I know, but graphics are not as important as game play (usually), even tohugh i'd probably take a graphically superior game over a poor one. I'm into a whole range of game types including the latest games that require the best graphics cards. I love the amazing graphics of games like Skyrim (doesn't actually require a powerful card), Sleeping Dogs, Total War: Shogun 2, ArmA II (can't wait for ArmA III), Resident Evil: Modern Warfare 3, The Witcher 2, Borderlands 2 and some of the next generation flight sims such as the DCS series, plus virtually all other AAA PC games that have been released over the last few years. I just wish developers would create PC oly games so that the graphics potential of the latest cards can be harnessed. (I have almost 6GB of gRAM, hardly any of it being utilised for most games, especially console ports, though that said i really can't see any difference between the two, lol. So called dedicated gamers seem to complain a lot about how console ports don't look as good on PC). Scuze the waffle, got sidelined, lol.

Reply   |   Comment by Jenny Bouchard  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Finally the return of the one and only Whiterabbit. Thanks for all you do.
Personally I never understand all the low ratings from GAOTD users for the Wheemplay games. You are getting them for free and all of them are at least mildly entertaining.

....................................Moderator Comment....................................

Thanks Eric.

Reply   |   Comment by Eric  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Welcome back, Whiterabbit! This game is not my style (timed, etc.), but it's always fun to read your reviews.

....................................Moderator Comment....................................

Thanks Delilah; glad to be back. :) Can't believe how long it took to sort.

Reply   |   Comment by Delilah  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Today’s game downloads to a 14.0 MB zip file and unpacks to a wrapped setup file, a security file (setup.gcd) and a read me doc with the terms and conditions and instructions

The game installs to:


by default and is 11.3MB in size once unpacked. There is no shortcut installed nor any uninstaller. As with other Wheemplay games the game installs directly into the games folder with no folder of its own, but you can create one by adding Oh My Candy to the end of the installation path. A folder specific to the game will then be created.
i.e. C:\Games\Oh My Candy

There is no uninstaller included; to uninstall the game just delete the executable.

I’ve not tested it on all of my computers. Most are offline at the moment awaiting various repairs or upgrades. It certainly works on Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit


In Oh My Candy, it's your task to satisfy a chubby hamster's craving for sweets! Click on the block with a paw print and use it to push the candy to the hamster in each stage. The block with a paw print can't pass through areas with yellow and purple stripes, while candy and other movable objects can't pass through blue and pink striped areas.

The Game:

Here's another Wheemplay game for your consumption. Most Wheemplay games are physics based, this one is no exception.

The aim of 'Oh My Candy' is to move various candy pieces from one area of the arena using various tools to move the candy to a chubby hamster, who promptly eats the candy. There are various tasks to perform to enable candy to be moved to the hamster using various tools such as moving pencils matter transporters, barriers, blocks etc. some objects are movable others are fixed.


Your task is to figure out the quickest route to get the candy to the hamsters mouth. Each of the 25 + levels are timed. At the end of each level a stats screen appears with the level time you attained, the total accumulated time so far for the game as well as the best time scored for that level. To the bottom left hand corner of the game arena are two buttons, the first is the settings where you can adjust various parameters, the second is to turn off the music. I'm sure most of you will find the music rather annoying after the first few minutes. I'd recommend you turn on your media player in the background and play some soothing music that will help you to concentrate on the various puzzle presented to you instead of listening to the in-game music. To the bottom right of the game arena are two more buttons, the first is a pause button, the second a restart level button. In between the two sets of buttons is a hint button. (I've posted links to some video walkthroughs below)

The overall look and feel of the game is better than the usual Wheemplay fare. The graphics are cutesy carton in style.

There are loads of flash sites that have this game where you can play the game for free via your browser any time. There's even a players pack with more levels, but this isn't available with this version of the game. You'll find the browser version on loads of free to play flash game sites such as Kongregate

Video Walkthrough's & Images:

You can see video walkthroughs for this game HERE, HERE and HERE

There are more, but once you've seen one they all seem similar. On average the walkthroughs posted on you tube take around 9 to 10 minutes to work through all 25 + levels. (probably practiced the games before they videoed the, so unless you are an expert puzzle solver, you should get more out of this game. I've uploaded images for most of the levels which you can see HERE as a slideshow.

Actually 'Oh My Candy' is a better than average Wheemplay game, but IMO not worth the 0.99cents Wheemplay are asking because the 25 levels can be finished in les than 10 minutes. The game needs at least double the number of levels it has at present and if possible a levels editor would be an improvement so that users can create their own levels.

Personally I'd package this game with several other physics based Wheemplay games and sell it as a compendium of physics based puzzles.


Overall I'd give this game the following score:

Game play - 7
Graphics - 7
Music - 5
Replayability - 5
Originality - 5

Total = 29 out of 50 which equates to 5.8 out of 10

Alternative Games almost for Free:

You will find loads more free games posted in the Game Discussion forums, plus there's loads of very cheap bundle deals available at this time (most are finished over the next three or four days and you've just missed an excellent Space Bundle)

You can check out the bundle deals that are available at the moment over in the forums. They are all on the front page of the game discussion forums (see link above). The Indie Royale OktoberFest has just been released, there's also Indie Gala 9 (ends Oct 3rd), Humble Bundle 6 (ends 2nd Oct), Indie Face Kick bundle ends at 1am GMT tomorrow) and the Indie fort bundle (ends 1st Oct, with three different bundles to choose from). You'll find the following games (in no particular order )

1) .... Indie Face Kick
Adams Venture, Desert Gunner, Hard Truck Apocalypse, Helforces, Operation Matriarchy, The Entente: Battlefields WWI.

2) .... Gamersgate Indie Fort Bundle
3079, A Sirius Game, Air Buccaneers HD, Black Market, Blue Libra, Cel: Emergence, Dark Scavenger, Dead End Cerebral Vortex, DEMISE: Ascension, Devil Whiskey, Girl with a Heart of, Hacker Evolution: Duality, Influence, Orbitron: Revolution, Pe-2 Dive Bomber, Sentinel 3: Homeworld, Shepherd Slaughter, Star Prospector, Survivors of Ragnarök, Telepath RPG: Servant of God, Tiny and Big: Grandpa's...., Will fight for Food, Zombie Football Carnage

3) .... Humble Bundle 6
Rochard, Shatter, Space Pirates & Zombies, Torchlight, Vessel, Dustforce, Bit.Trip Runner, Gratuitous Space Battles, Jamestown and Wizorb.

4) .... Indie Gala 9
Battlegroup, Cal of Cthulhu, Worms, Alien Bred 2: Assault, Broken Sword 1-3, Worms Blast, Worms Crazy golf, Worms Pinball, Alien Breed 3: Decent.

5) .... Indie Royale: OktoberFest Bundle
Hector: Badge of Carnage, Chime, The Adventures of Shuggy, Dangerous high School Girls in Trouble, The Network, The witches Yarn.

You can get most of the above bundles for as little as $1 up to several dollars. Overall there's some excellent games to chose from. I highly recommend Humble Bundle 6

It seems that there's always at least one or two bundles on the go all the time now; what, with the Humble bundles, Indie Royale Bundles, Indie Gala bundles, Groupee Be Mine and Build a bundle bundles, Indie Face Kick be in your Face bundles , Indivania bundles plus others i.e. Elf Squad, Frozenbytes, AGS Bake, Indie Underdog Bundle in a Box, Operation Gratitude, Quadtastic, Indie Fort and Strategy first bundles, not to mention the bundles available over on Steam occasionally. by the way you can play Cal of duty Modern Warfare 3 for free all weekend and, if you decide to purchase it there's a 50% discount on till Monday afternoon. Today's 24 hour deal is The Binding of Isaac for only £0.99. There's also a brilliant Total War sale on with al but the first two in the series (Total War: Shogun and total War Medieval) included, though none of the DLC is included, which could set you back £50 if you purchased it al. Se my post over in the forums about this deal. for £24. 98 you can purchase the Mater edition that includes Total Rome: Total War Gold, Medieval 2 Total War, Empire: Total War, Napoleon: total War, Total War: Shogun 2, Total War: Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai and the latest a conversion from android phones to PC Total War Battles: Shogun. You can purchase the oldest in this pack - Rome: Total War Gold for £1/$1

If you've heard of Half Life 2, you'll have heard of Black Mesa. Well a group of modders have been working on a free standing mod that uses a free version of the source engine. Now you can get Half Life Black Mesa for free. You'll find details HERE .
Finally, there's a new indie site called HERE, where every four days a new indie game will be put up. You can purchase it with the 'pay what you want' model (minimum $1). After the four days it goes into the shop where you'll pay the usual price. Today's four day deal is called Escape Goat, which changes over around 3am tomorrow (GMT). You can find it HERE


If you have any problems with the game, either installation issues or getting the game to work check out the FAQ's section over in the Game discussion forums. you can find it HERE

Request for Help:

Developers rely on good feedback to improve their games. If you download this game please take some time once you’ve played it a while to leave some constructive feedback either positive or negative. The more constructive feedback we get, the more likely developers are going to give more games away. The giveaway site already has a very good standing with the search engines. Developers want their products out there on the WWW, this site has the potential to do that. The game giveaway project gives away on average between 9 to 17 thousand downloads for each game depending upon what genre and how obscure the game is. That’s a lot of homes these games are being downloaded into and a lot of 'potential' cash that’s being lost by the developers. If we get better games because of better feedback, the community are likely to continue to benefit from the generosity of the developers. Satisfied community members are then more likely to visit the home sites of those developers and purchase games that they may not have bothered with before they discovered the developer via the game giveaway site, thus giving the developers more incentives to give away even more decent games.

Please leave some feedback once you’ve checked the game out. It can be positive or negative, but please explain what your reasons were for the feedback you post. You could also leave suggestions for improving the game, for example, this game could do with more block types for the levels editor, add more power-ups, describing the ones you think would be suitable, add some mini games (which seem all the rage in some arcade games now) or enable the user to be able to change the in game music easily.

Thank you in advance to all those who take the time to post a constructive comment.


Whiterabbit aka Stephen

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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