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Natural Threat: Ominous Shores was available as a giveaway on March 2, 2025!
Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and ToomkyGames! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!
Use your powers of observation to save your friends from the genetic aberrations that populate a forgotten island in Natural Threat: Ominous Shores! Brave the escalating threat that unfolds before you and save your companions! Each scene will bring new challenges, horrifying discoveries, and clues to what brought the monsters that populate the island to life. Be smart, and you might survive long enough to make the most shocking discovery of all in Natural Threat: ominous Shores!
Windows XP/ Vista/ Win7/ 8; CPU: 1.6 GHz; RAM: 512 MB; DirectX: 9.0; Hard Drive: 649 MB
587 MB
Had this game before.
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I use Windows 11 completely updated. I downloaded and installed successfully. This game froze my machine nine times while playing. Could not Alt+tab out of it. I had to reboot my machine every time. It let me back into the game each time, but I had to repeat the last few minutes before it froze. I was able to complete the game. (I'm a very patient person.)
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Natural Threat: Ominous Shores was available as a giveaway on September 19, 2021!
8 comments and review posted by Whiterabbit-uk...
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