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Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord

Upon the prosperous nation of Namariel descended the terrible Iron Lord. And with the help of a legion of mechanical soldiers, he conquered it very quickly. Be the one to face the dark ruler and destroy the source of the Iron Lord’s power. Exciting adventures, the true courage and mysterious world await!
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 354 146 comments

Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord was available as a giveaway on October 12, 2014!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
An interesting game for your skills in driving vehicles on unrealistic tracks.

Upon the prosperous nation of Namariel descended the terrible Iron Lord. And with the help of a legion of mechanical soldiers, he conquered it very quickly. Be the one to face the dark ruler and destroy the source of the Iron Lord’s power. Exciting adventures, the true courage and mysterious world await!


  • Emerge into the unique fantasy world;
  • Follow the exciting story;
  • Travel to 50 various game locations;
  • Meet 15 amazing characters in 3D;
  • Enjoy 25 mini-games;
  • Get tons of achievements.

System Requirements:

Windows XP, Vista, 7; CPU: 2.5 GHz; RAM: 2048 MB; Direct X: 9; Hard Drive: 4 Gb


Xing Interactive



File Size:

1.59 GB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord

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Игра шикарная! Тематика и визуальные образы напоминают "Машинариум". Но в этой бочке мёда есть и ложка дёгтя: игра зависает без возможности продолжения. Не могу сказать какой это уровень, а эпизод - там где 3 голубых цветка должны поймать летающие пушинки. Дважды дошел до этого места и всё... Выскочило окно, говорящее по-английски, что создан отчет о крушении игры и с просьбой отправить этот отчет разработчикам. Сам файл с отчетом я не смог найти в компьютере, иначе бы точно отправил на сайт игры. За игру - спасибо, жаль что не доиграть. Мой компьютер - ноутбук ASUS с WINDOWS-7 sp1, все обновления и фреймворки установлены.
Game smart! The subjects and visual images remind ' Mashinarium '. But in this a flank of honey there is also a spoon of tar: game hangs without a possibility of extension. I can not tell what it is a level, and an episode - there where 3 blue flowers should catch flying fuzzes. Has twice reached this seat and all... The window which is speaking English that the report on wreck of game is created Has jumped out and with the request to send this report to developers. With the report I could not find a file in a computer, differently precisely would send on a site of game. For game - thanks, it is a pity what to not finish. My computer - notebook ASUS with WINDOWS-7 sp1, all updatings and Framework's are established.

Reply   |   Comment by Павел  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just finished the game, including the extra mini-game (which frankly could have survived as a game within itself) and this one has to rank right up there with the best download ever from GGAOTD. A good steampunk-themed combination of puzzle, adventure, just an excellent game overall. Thanks for this. Was a huge download, but worth the time and effort. With the bonus game thrown in after finishing the regular game, it was just wonderful. And the time and effort that went into it, like the artwork, the animations, etc., were just beautifully done.

If I have a complaint, it's not with this game specifically, but with the genre of HOGs generally, (which this is not really) is that the antagonist/hero/key figure is always female. In that, at the beginning of the game, I was very disappointed. But soon, with the progress of the action, one totally forgets what gender you are, and away you go. But this female-oriented adventure/HOG can sometimes imply that "guy" heroes just aren't up to the task of solving puzzles or sequenced plots of which this sort of game is one. The "GUYS", it seems, are only adept at shoot-im-up battle games and massive role-playing war games currently monopolizing the gaming world. I'd like to see a male hero in this type of game format for once.

But this was such a good game... looking forward to the sequel!

.................................Moderatr comment......................................

Thank you for your feedback. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Parked Cow  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


.........................Moderator Comment...............................

Try posting the problem over in the thread created for this purpose over in the game discussion forums.




B.t.w. using capital letters throughout a comment is considered shouting and very rude.

Reply   |   Comment by DIANE CHRISTOPHER  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The wife just finished this and said it's one of the best HOG games she's ever played. And she's played a LOT of them.

Thank you GGOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Jack H.  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great game! Thank you!

Reply   |   Comment by hannie  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Found the complete game on Pirate Bay.
Download took less then 15 minutes.

................................Moderator Comment............................

Downloading programs from Pirate Bay is basically stealing. The giveaway version is sanctioned by the developer as are sites like MyPlayCity and Jenkat games where this game is also available 24/7

Reply   |   Comment by Wil  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is just a comment to say that i'm interested about your teaching offer. I'm a native French speaker, 22 years old, 2nd year of engineering school in the east of France.
Your daughter is about the same age as my brother and I used to help him with his homework when I lived at home, so I believe that I could do this well !

Just send me an email.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you,

Camille D.

.............................Moderator Comment......................................

Thank you for your offer. Only just seen your comment today (Sun 19th Oct). I managed to set my daughter up with a tutor some days ago. Sorry I didn't see your message earlier.

Reply   |   Comment by Camille D  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you so much, White Rabbit! I bought this game some time ago and could not play it to the end, because at one point you just could not do, what one had to do to proceed. Your download works smooth, I like the game and finally I finished it!

Reply   |   Comment by Barbara Niederreiter  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i just finished the game, including the extended CE level, at a guess 12 hours game play in all. i had just finished clockwork tales: of glass and ink when this was offered. the two games share quite similar storylines and steampunk visuals and themes. i was concerned that they would be too alike to enjoy back to back, but i was happily mistaken. namariel legends turned out to be completely different, and the story seemed better resolved, especially with the additional CE level. there were many new (to me) and fun types of puzzles with lots of variety, some easy, some vexingly difficult.

getting the dandelion seeds into the blooms was crazy and, i think, glitchy. if the seeds didn't go right into the center of the bloom, they disappeared "behind" it and out of reach. i could hear them when my cursor was near them, but i couldn't get to them. i put all the seeds into the flowers three times. then i gave up, but the Skip button was pointless. the text was scrambled and it worked for only one click, putting a single seed into a bloom. after that it stopped responding. maybe it had to recharge? couldn't tell because it was scrambled (it was fine everywhere else in the game). so i decided to muddle through. after several more tries with one bloom, i got it to work. after that i restarted each other bloom as soon as a seed got stuck and kept trying until it worked properly.

the music was generally too strident for my taste. turned down to .5/10, the main booming theme was still too intrusive, but the other pieces were fine at that level.

the visual style was beautiful and clearly rendered. i like subtle touches like as the game loads, rather than having a progress bar, the screen wipes from the happy olden days to the battered state at the beginning of the game. they took their steampunk seriously, integrating gears and mechanical stuff into absolutely everything and making puzzles out of fun technology like an ornithopter and a model bathyscaphe.

i like sidekick robot jim -- i think he should have more things to do.

the game ran perfectly on my modest 1.6GHz netbook. the text was more readable with widescreen turned on (though one line toward the end was a tad too wide to fit on screen. i think it was something the father said). the image size was the same whether widescreen was on or off with bands of black on the sides, probably 4:3 ratio.

a couple nitpicks: there were several typos.

i found it counterintuitive to have to click on scenes to make something happen. for example, discovering the pilot on the bridge of the airship, the player is cautioned not to draw his attention. the last thing i thought i should do is click on him. but that's what i had to do to trigger the next scene.

i think this is a great game and highly recommend it, 5 out of 5 stars. thanks to playrix for so generously offering it, ggotd for hosting, and whiterabbit for always going above and beyond.

(System info: WinXP Home SP3 on an Acer Aspire One D250, 2GB RAM, 1.6GHz, 1024 x 600 resolution)

...............................Moderator Comment....................................

Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated.

Reply   |   Comment by tinyearl  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you. I have posted the question in the forum.

Reply   |   Comment by Diana  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The 14-day download period changed to no longer available. I was waiting for the server to be less busy when others had finished their downloads - thought i had lots of time

What happened? :(

Reply   |   Comment by Krystal  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

So sad!

I am on level 126 of the game and enjoying it very much. Unfortunately, I cannot proceed because there is a bug in the game such that I cannot pick up the valve or the brush as I am supposed to do. They are not highlighted by the magnifying glass. This is a known bug and documented on this thread:


The commenters on the above thread were eventually provided with a bug-free version of the game.

Which leaves me with two questions:

1) Is anyone else stuck at this level?
2) Did Playrix provide 49,000 people on GOTD with a game that has a bug on level 126?

.........................Moderator Comment.....................

Hi Diane, post the comment over in the game discussion forums.

You could also try posting it when the next game is given away. The earlier you post the more likely you'll get help from the community.

Reply   |   Comment by Diana  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Took about 3 hours to download but so far seems to be well worth the time and disk space! My granddaughter and I work through a bit of the game every chance we get, she loves this one! I like the graphics, and the music and sounds help create a good mood for the story. It all seems very linear so far and not too difficult, so it may be best for intermediate or beginning adventurers. I like how the game works, and it seems very responsive. Built-in strategy guide is a nice feature but we haven't needed it yet. So far the puzzles have all made sense. Very similar to Dreamscapes: The Sandman, but not as scary -- so it's better for my granddaughter! I think we'll play this one through to the end. Thanks GGOTD and Playrix.

Reply   |   Comment by Mr.Dave  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi Whiterabbit!

I'm in the same situation as jevvv, I waited long time to download this huge game and now I'm not able to install it because the giweaway is over :( It's frustrating, because I knew that will be a more than ten days grace period. What should I do now? delete the installation files or do you think if there is a little chance to reopen the giveaway?
Please help, I'm sure there are other in the same boat with me.

Reply   |   Comment by drWoo  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ohhh, that's "HOG".
Then I love HOG's, and just missed this one :-(

Reply   |   Comment by Cas  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The 14-day download / install period changed to no longer avail. What hoppened? :(

Reply   |   Comment by Benjamin Casy  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It took about 5 hours to download - I just left it and did something else instead! But eventually it installed with no problems and the bit I have played so far has been great. It's just my sort of game and I love it - so many thanks GGTD and Whitetabbit.
Just one little criticism - it is slightly irritating that the areas to click on to move, or to examine and collect items, are not very precise. You can be clicking near something and keep getting what you have already looked at. But that is a minor fault in a great game :-)

Reply   |   Comment by Fran  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

What a waste of time and space! When I down loaded it, page showed 13days 2hrs. Now Tues shows time is over when installing>

Reply   |   Comment by Norm  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Tried several times to download yesterday but each time it said it was going to take 3 hours (I have 10mbps!) thought the server must be busy so came back tonight to try again (I thought the text said it was available for a few days) only to find I had missed it - grrr
Hope it wont be long for the next decent download!

Reply   |   Comment by gbswales  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I sure wanted to download this game. I tried several times kept saying download time was 8 hrs so I left computer running this & it didn't download. I got with geeksquad & they said my computer was running great Oh well

Reply   |   Comment by ann  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi again White Rabbit!

Hope you have a quieter day today!

Thank you for all the work you do!!!!!!!!

.....................Moderator Comment.......................

It was one of the buisiest giveaways I've had to moderate. IfForgot to check back after my last post until Tuesday evening and found another 27 comments to mederate. That has never happened before. I think most were releated to the time element. i.e the 14 day live period. I always thought it was a mistake and did try to warn the community, though it could have been genuine due to the large download. :)

Reply   |   Comment by jevvv  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

File will not unzip !

Reply   |   Comment by D Webb  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


That HUGE download..... Well over a Gig and it will not load. :(

Reply   |   Comment by D Webb  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Looks like the 14 day load period was false. Too bad. I had so much trouble downloading it that I decided to wait until today, since we "had 14 days". Very frustrating. Perhaps they can provide it again since it was such a huge file?

Reply   |   Comment by cf  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for this:
Namariel Legends: The Iron Lord is available as a Giveaway of the day! You have 13 days 18 hours 51 minutes to download and install it.

Glad I have 13 days to download it....


Reply   |   Comment by buzz123  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have to say this was the first time I had to spend so much time downloading..I tried the download manager but it kept not working...I had contacted firefox and that takes time.for them to get back to you...got it working today thinking they had given us a bunch of time due to the long hours it took to download (7) on my high speed internet. I am very upset that they did not at least give us the whole weekend for the downloads. Not everyone has been able to get those managers working. I really wanted to play this.

Reply   |   Comment by Pixiey  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I was sorry to see that the deadline was changed once again. I downloaded the game during the night here in Europe, but when I woke up this morning and saw that it was extended two weeks I didn't hurry to install it before work. And now it's too late... very disappointing. Had they sat the extra time to a few hours I would havde known and gotten it installed in time. :-(

Reply   |   Comment by MiaLa  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I try to get this game, but download speed was ~50 kb/s and time to end 8-9 hours. Normally I download 1,5 GB in 20 min. When I saw that time to end of giveaway was over 13 days and I read what moderator wrote in 12-th comment:
"That said, it’s been pointed out that todays game giveaway is live for 2 weeks. not sure whether that is a mistake on the giveaway teams part. we shall see tomorrow morning.", so I stopped download this day.
When I wanted to download game today, server wrote me that giveaway is over! Why I was cheated? So moderator write now "I always suspected that the 14 day live period was an error.".
If I would know that this giveaway is active for 1 day (like all before) I would continue download even in 50 kb.

Reply   |   Comment by peter  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It was quite big download (1.6 GB!), and I could not download it in the requested time (my download speed was about 100KB/sec). I'm somewhat frustrated, and I hope I will manage to download it next time.

In cases of such big downloads, please allow the registration to be later a little than the usual...

Reply   |   Comment by Rafal  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the game. I just played for about 5 minutes last night and it looked like fun.

Just FYI - I use Chrome and the download said about 6 hours. After reading some of the comments about download managers, I went to the Chrome store and added one to the browser for free. It cut down the download time to 2 hours which helped. So, thanks all for the suggestion. :-)

Reply   |   Comment by Kris  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well after trying 3 times in a row (with a d.m.) I woke up this morning to another incomplete download. Can't say I didn't try.Was hoping it would remain live but not to be...Hopefully it will be run again.
Thanks for all your work Stephen!

Reply   |   Comment by Jen  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It took me the entire day to download the game - even with a download manager on FIOS. Now I find that the original 14 day availability has disappeared. I am very disappointed.

Reply   |   Comment by Uma  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Quick question about availability.

Earlier, the time left showed it would be available until after next Saturday (just under 14 days,) but it's not anymore. It didn't seem right, but then again, there have been downloads that were available for longer than the 24 hour period (on the regular site, I hadn't noticed any on the Game site.) Was it a typo, or if the Setup.exe is clicked, will it still install? Thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by Chewy  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@111 Whiterabbit-uk

You did a lot of work yesterday and Giveaway didn't make it easier with mentioning the period of 14 day's, at 2 different places.
May thanks for your replies.

I did install it on a newer laptop(6years, 512Mb Video) and it works good.
I also installed it on a laptop(9 years and a 64Mb shared video). The game started, I could read some words in a blurring screen: that's all. This was expected with a office-laptop.

I've tried to install it again, but noway: time is over:

Bad luck for some person's, but I think/hope the servers will be open some day; so keep the download for a while.

Reply   |   Comment by Ootje  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A little disappointed...I took the time to download the file and knowing the site said days, tried to activate it this morning. Nope, too late, and now the site is changed to reflect this.

Even if done in error, the original time frame should be honored. I can understand if it was a mistake, but still...

Reply   |   Comment by Dan  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Was looking forward to installing this today as it stated 14 day giveaway (1st download was corrupt- installed DownloadThemAll as suggested here and downloaded again late in the day). Got up to find the 14 day giveaway time was a lie! If I'd known that, I would have stayed up late last night to finish installing it... Boo on GGOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Avid Gamer  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

..........................Moderator comment....................

I've now spent well over 10 hours solid moderating since yesterday morning and since getting up this morning (after only 2 hours of sleep) I've spent a further 2 hours.

I will check back to answer any more question later today. If you do have a query, please do check all of the comments above first to see if it answers your question before posting it here. Thank you.

Unfortunately, I can't spend more time till this evening moderating any more questions as I have too many other things to do at the moment.


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It took hours to download the game, hours to install it - and hopefully weeks to play it ;-))

Despite the large size, excellent playing behaviour - no freezings.

Hint for the developers:

Sometimes, can't read the text in the field line on top, it is going over the screen. Same with the tools on the left side "Menu" and right side "Hint". In full-screen mode, can hardly reach rsp click on them.

...............................Moderator Comment......................

Hi Marie,

Glad you got the game working. Thank you for your feedback.


Reply   |   Comment by marie  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Whiterabbit, I did shut off my AV and spent much time checking for any other program(s) running that may have interfered, to no avail. :(
Thank you for all your help though!!

.............................Moderator Comment............................

Thanks for your reply. sorry you didn't get it this time. hopefully it will be given away again in the not too distant future.

Reply   |   Comment by sad  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Was looking forward to this one after reading the description- hog and puzzles and whatever else- sounded like a good combo.

Big size hmmm- will take a while but thankfully I don't have the limits I used to have so I'll get it, instead of passing.

Oooo - they must have realised it would take ages for everyone: it is available for 12 DAYS and however many hours and minutes.

I read it again. Yes it said days

Sweet that will give me time to get it downloaded and installed and registered in time instead of wasting all of that lovely data on something I can't use.

Came back after an urgent half day errand

Yes it downloaded completely

No it's expired


.............................Moderator Comment............................

Hi jevvv,

The giveaway team have never extended the giveaway before (apart from the off several hours when the servers have been down for some reason)

I always suspected that the 14 day live period was an error. I would have thought that the giveaway team would have taken this into account and extended the giveaway, at least for a little while longer as I'm sure there are many more community members who tohught they would leave the download till the download numbers had reduced significantly.

If enough community members complain, it may be that the giveaway owners may run it again soon, but that's only conjecture and they would also have to seek permission from Playrix.

Sorry you missed out on it this time.


Reply   |   Comment by jevvv  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

When I try set up there is a message that pops up repeatedly that says: "Giveaway period for this software is over, please check our web-site for a new giveaway."

.............................Moderator Comment............................

Hi Jim, the quoted 14 days was a mistake. Games are only licenced to be given away for a period of 24 hours. I'm sorry you've missed out this time, especially if you had relied on the 14 day live period. There's nothing I can do as I'm just a volunteer.

I'm sure it will be given away again sometime next year. As far a si know all Playrix games have been repeated apart from a few recent giveaways.

Reply   |   Comment by Jim  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yesterday I got the cannot decrypt key message too. Now I get the message that the Giveaway period is over. This after all the trouble of downloading which didn't go entirely uneventful. A slightly longer period would have been very sensible with such a big download. Too bad the message about it being 14 days gave us the wrong information and made me hope I would have some more time to solve this problem. Utterly useless and very frustrating.

I guess we can thank this Themida stuff for this problem. Nice going GOTD. What do I do now? I haven't read a real solution. Nothing I have read so far works. When do we get a re-run with a version that I can actually use?

- Ben -

.............................Moderator comment.....................

Hi Ben,

The giveaway project relies on the generosity of developers for the game giveaways we get each weekend. We've been getting free games from the likes of Playrix (and Alawar) for years now (the project started around 8 years ago and was initially every day, but since the recession hit in 2008, we've only been seeing games at the weekend).

With respect to the security software that is now included with the downloaded zip file. It had become necessary to include this in the set up file because of some community members posting ways to get around the 24 hour limit on installing and activating these games. They had found ways to circumvent the 24hour limit on installing and activating games and were posting details of how to do it on You Tube, (you can still find these videos on You Tube, but they are of course useless now); also, some community members were immediately uploading these permanatly active game.exe files to peer to peer sites so that anyone could download the games 24/7 - 365 days a year. Definitely not fair on the developer, who may have invested a lot of money creating the game.

All games given away are commercial games, that are being sold via many game distributors. The more community memebers ripping off the giveaways, the less likely developers would then give us decent games. So a solution had to be found. Themida was the solution. It stopped the main source of rip off's by stopping the executable that was always placed in the temporary file in the App Data folder during the installation of the game giveaway from being accessible during installation. If the giveaway team hadn't introduced this security we would have lost our primary contributors i.e. Alawar and Playrix as well as others.

It's a sad fact of life that there will always be some that try to circumvent the restrictions placed on giveaways. i.e. .....that you can only install and activate the game within the 24 hour period that the giveaway is active.

Ripping off giveaways so that they can be installed at any time is basically theft, but for some reason many think its their right. It's an easy crime to commit and most people who do cyber theft get away with it. Sadly those community members who stole and propagated the way to steal are ultimately responsible for the addition of Themida and the associated problems many genuine community members have suffered since.

I'm sorry that you've missed out on this giveaway. I'm sure it will be given away again sometime in the not too distant future, but when I cannot say. We have to rely on our sponsors (usually Alawar or Playrix) for the games we can give away here.

We've been getting some decent games recently. Lets hope we see another original next week. I can only suggest that you try to download and install giveaways as soon as they go live if it's possible, or at least as soon as you are awake in the morning (depending on where you are in the world). We are lucky in the UK, the game goes live at 8a.m. in the morning. IMO an ideal time to download and install. I doubt I would have got into writing reviews and volunteered to moderate if the giveaway had started in the middle of the night. :)

Take care Ben, have a good week.

W.R. aka Stephen

Reply   |   Comment by Ben  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My download just completed. But the activation period is over. Would it be possible to open this period again? I really want this game please.

.....................................Moderator comment...............................

I'm sorry Judith, I am only a volunteer and have no control over the actual download and activation servers. I do think the misleading 14 day live period that was quoted below the download button and the fact that many community members had a lot of problems downloading this game would have led the giveaway owners to leave the activation and download servers active for longer than normnal.

I used to check to see how long activation was kept open post giveaway and it was never more than 90 minutes, but more like 1 hour on average.

I'm sure Playrix, who have been fantastic patrons of this site for years now will give this game away again in the not too distant future.

If enough communmity memebrs complain about the problems, who knows, the giveaway team may just open up the servers again next week, but it's unlikely :)

Reply   |   Comment by Judith  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No, i activated some minutes after the first comment. Just was too lazy writing another comment.

.....................................Moderator comment...............................

Ah, okay, thanks for the feedback Fred.

Pity they didn't leave the activation servers open a little longer considering the time it's taken many community members to download the game. I did try to warn everyone abiut the time it would take to download by posting a message in the Game Discussion forums and in the main giveaway a few days ago(Thursday morning i think), but not everyone will have seen the warning.

Also the 14 day live period that was quoted below the download button will have been misleading to some. I thought it was an error, but couldn't be sure until today. I would have tohught the giveaway team would have at least allowed some extra time becasue of the mistake. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Fred  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I was able to get the game installed finally.
The fifth time i tried it didn´t say "unable to decryt key" immediately instead it was "working" for about two minutes then the process continued with the installation.
I guess it was some kind of server issue, high load or whatever.

.....................................Moderator comment...............................

That;s good news; glad you managed it. :) Did you activate it after the 24hour deadline? I'm curious to know how long they left the activation servers running post giveaway. Usually it's for an hour, but rarely more than 90 minutes.

Reply   |   Comment by Fred  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

.........................Moderator comment...................

Not only was this the largest ever download size given away here on the game giveaway site, it was also downloaded more times than any other game given away here since the project started back in Dec 2006, with only 5 downloads short of forty nine thousand downloads.

As I thought, the 14 day time to expire was a mistake. Pity as this may have led some to leave the giveaway for a later date. Hopefully the giveaway will be given away again sometime in the future. Playrix have been amazing over the last three or four years, sharing virtually the whole of their catalogue.

With respect to the key cannot be decrytpted, there has been comments above as well as relies by me that have tried to suggest ways to fix the problem. It's now two hours after the giveaway, so there's no possibility of the activation server being live. it is usually kept open for a little longer to ensure community members who are still downloading after the end of the giveaway can still activate the game.

If you are one of those who are still downloading, I'd try to activate just in case the giveaway team have considered the long download times and have left the server open longer than usual. I can't be sure that they have a sI no longer have a set up file after deleting and clearing it from my recycle bin.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The giveaway is no longer active... I tried all day/night to install, receiving the error "The key cannot be decripted",...shame because it looked like a very good game. Thank you though, GOTD and Playrix, for the offer.

.....................................Moderator comment...............................

Sorry you didn't manage to get the game installed. There were some suggestions made in the comments and over in the forums. Turning off your AV software temporarily was one possibility, even tohugh it's not usually recommended, and you do so at your own risk. Unfortunately I didn't get to bed until 5.30am and have only just woken up, so missed the 8am deadline. I wanted to get back before it ended, but was shattered after spending over 8 hours moderating and trying to help here.

hopefully Playrix will give this game away again sometime in the future. Most other games have been repeated. :)

Reply   |   Comment by sad  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wished I'd read the comments first and tried the fireFox add-on, I had to leave the computer running all night, it took nearly 8 hours to download. Fell asleep before it did and missed the deadline. I'll have to hope this gets offered again in future as it really looked right up my street.

.....................................Moderator comment...............................

Hi Colin, did you try to activate it after the giveaway ended? The activation servers do stay active for over an hour after it ends so as to allow those still downloading at the last minute to activate their game. So long as you managed to download the zip file and unpack it, it's worth trying to install and activate it after the deadline. It may be too late now as it's been 2 hours and 15 minutes, but I'd still give it a try. Just in case the giveaway team have been generous with the activations servers considering how long it's taken many to download this software. :)

As you said, hopefully they will give this away again sometime next year.

Reply   |   Comment by Colin  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Do you rerun the game Namariel
Legends: The Iron Lord. again as the big download file make the download speed very slow and missed the game.during giveaway period. Thank

.....................................Moderator comment...............................

It may be rerun at alater date, but no guarantees. :)

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow, good thing I didn't depend on this giveaway lasting for 2 weeks, as they JUST NOW changed it to end at midnight local time...

.....................................Moderator comment...............................

Hi Delilah

I thought it was too good to be true. It's never happened before. Though they have extended the giveaway for several hours in the past after having download problems. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Delilah  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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