Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
The competition is over.Visit our main page for more free licensed software.
Hurry up! Perform all the tasks and get one of the 5000 Steam keys for Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age!
Prepare to delve into a fascinating world where the forces of technology and magic are embroiled in a vicious struggle! Blurring the lines between the RPG and strategy genres, Megamagic recaptures the unmistakable flavour of the 80s in a game filled with pop culture references and magnified by the incredible music by Mitch Murder, composer of Kung Fury and Hotline Miami 2 soundtracks.
Megamagic features a deep combat system that put five different schools of magic at your command, challenging you to unveil the secrets hidden in monster-infested wastelands, neon-bathed cities and shady dungeons alike. Learn new spells and summon the creatures you have beaten, leading a powerful army of grims on your own style. You will need to rely on your ever-growing grimoire, developing your own playstyle as you become the greatest wizard in the world... and the last hope to discover what the sacred institution of the Order is hiding behind their unsullied facade.
Steam; Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz (or similar); 2 GB RAM; Intel HD Graphics 4400; DirectX 9.0; 3 GB available space
The game is available for $9.99, but the winners of our contest will get it for free.
Dear users,
We are extremely sorry about the issues some of you encountered during the giveaway. The problems were caused by an unexpectedly high load on our servers and we ran out of keys before our team managed to elliminate the problem. We gave away 5000 keys in just 5 hours.. Our team will be updating the service to make it more stable.
Beautifun Games team has kindly provided us with additional keys, and we'll be issuing them to everyone who reported on the issue during the promo.
Once again, we are extremely sorry for the inconvenience and will do our best to avoid such situation in the future.
Have a nice weekend.
Always yours,
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Hi there! We are the developers of "Megamagic: Wizards of the Neon Age" and we are terribly sorry with the problem that happened with the giveaway. We have already sent to Giveaway of the Day more keys in order to give everyone who joined the giveaway their key.
We don't want anybody to think that we are taking profit of all of you. Please, if you had an issue with the giveaway and you didn't get your key, write to GOTD Team.
Thanks for understanding the situation and enjoy Megamagic!! <3
BeautiFun Games Team.
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Guys, please stop yelling at the developers. They give you a chance to play their game. Show respect. ಠ_ಠ
Yes, the algorithm that counted the tasks was not very good. But it's not developers' fault. Thanks. (눈_눈)
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Thank you Elizabet!!
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I really am not liking how these things are running. The comments are sort of sad but anyway, I really wanted to try and win even though my chances would not be good....lol
Thank you Game Giveaway, I look forward to seeing the next one.
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Wasted time with twitter task and now it's over...
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Yo quiero mi clave gentuza. Que hagáis las cosas mal no es mi problema. Que llevo ya 2 horas dándole vueltas para quedarme ahora sin el juego. Ya comente anteriormente que tenéis un problema.
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Daniel, hemos enviado más claves a GOTD para solucionar el problema. Escríbeles y te la enviarán! Ya te digo que ha sido un problema del servidor y que nuestro estudio no tiene nada que ver con ello. Disculpa las posibles molestias!!
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Twitter steps were broken and now the competition is over.
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For those who are getting "invalid or expired token" try this.
in Firefox
click the tools menu at the top
click web developer
click storage inspector
In the frame that opens in the bottom of your screen
select the cookies option from the menu on the left
right click on https//game.giveawayoftheday.com and select "delete all"
right click on https://giveawayoftheday.com and select "delete all"
refresh the page.
click one of the twitter tasks.... if all goes well it should complete.
try clicking the other twitter task.... it will probably fail
if it fails, repeat all the steps to delete cookies and try again.
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1. Invalid or expired token.
2. Invalid or expired token.
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Finally, I gotten the two Twitter tasks checked after being on this site for over an hour... fighting to get the key. :/
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Different e-mails linked, but everything else single, they bug out because one email is linked to facebook, while the other is linked to twitter and steam, really hilarious!
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Completed all the tasks with a lot of messing around and difficulty, still didn't get a key anyway.
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Invalid or expired token.
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Every part of this is broken. Invalid tokens, broken twitter, broken facebook share, account splitting when only have one etc etc.
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Follow @Beautiful Games isn't a valid account on Twitter @BeautiFunGames is the right one, so the task for follow and check won't work.
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You need to use the oauth_token and oauth_token_secret returned from the oauth/access_token call instead of the one in your app's settings in dev.twitter.com
$code = $tmhOAuth->user_request(array(
'method' => 'POST',
'url' => $tmhOAuth->url('oauth/access_token', ''),
'params' => array(
'oauth_verifier' => trim($params['oauth_verifier']),
if ($code == 200) {
$oauth_creds = $tmhOAuth->extract_params($tmhOAuth->response['response']);
// echo '';print_r($oauth_creds);exit;
$tmhOAuth->reconfigure(array_merge($tmhOAuth->config, array(
'token' => $oauth_creds['oauth_token'],
'secret' => $oauth_creds['oauth_token_secret'],
$code = $tmhOAuth->user_request(array(
'url' => $tmhOAuth->url('1.1/account/verify_credentials')
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Megaperin, what i have to do?
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Luka, If you're using tmhOAuth, you need to 'reconfigure' the parameters using the access token and access secret found app settings in dev.twitter.com before doing the request to /account/verify_credential
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Invalid or expired token.
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"Invalid or expired token." I can't complete the follow BeautiFun Games on Twitter task
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Twitter FIX PLEASE БЛЕАТЬ !!!!!!!!111111111111
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Invalid or expired token.
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I gotten a message saying "You are unable to follow people at this time. Learn more here.
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invalid or expired token
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Invalid or expired token.
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Twitter is dont work
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Invalid or expired token.
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twitter authentification dosent work !!
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Twitter don't work in Chrome and EE
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"Invalid or expired token". Come on!
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Invalid or expired token.
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I can not complete the second task. "Invalid or expired token."
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thanks for the key.... its take 3 hour to claim the key
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Twitter tasks don't work, remove them as Twitter banned you for spam! You are unable to follow more people at this time. Learn more
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Second twitter task gives me "Invalid token" message. I looked through comments and found out that it could be caused by facebook and twitter being linked to different emails and my FB account is indeed linked to different email. I did it because 1) i'm unwilling to recieve lots of facebook spam in main inbox and 2) i don't use FB as a social network: my country already has VK which is much better alternative
It says that i must contact giveaway owner in that case so dear giveaway owner pretty please with cherry on top can i have my key because i tried to complete everything this site asked me to do
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I did all the tasks but why doesn't giving me the key?
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Please let us change our linked social media profiles, this is ridiculous.
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fix the twitter tasks
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Invalid or expired token.
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Invalid or expired token.
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Twitter actions doesn't work!
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It seems that the twitter tasks aren't working. :/ IMO, I think the coding on this site is poor.
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Twitter not work
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invalid or expired token too..
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invalid or expired token !?
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Twitter task: Invalid or expired token.
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Invalid or expired token.
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Fix twitter please!!! Follow error!!!
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Invalid or expired token.
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