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Masked Shooters 2 Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Masked Shooters 2

An intense first person shooter.
User rating: 36 38 comments

Masked Shooters 2 was available as a giveaway on July 24, 2016!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Challenging Memory Card is an exciting game for attention and memory!

Suit up, boys! The battleground is open and danger has never been more real. Enemies lurk at every turn, their trigger fingers just itching for the opportunity to take you out. Once the mask drops, be ready to pull the trigger.
Masked Shooters 2 puts you on the front line of a dangerous gunfight that can only end in victory or defeat; there will be no white flags to wave. As a covert ops soldier, you have access to advanced weapons that will blow your enemies away, if you know how to use them. From a pistol and sniper rifle to a grenade launcher and RPG, your arsenal is packed for a maximum kill rate, but it won’t be easy. Enemies have their own weaponry and your ammo is limited, so make every bullet count.

Key Features

  • Action packed gameplay
  • Realistic shooting mechanics
  • Multiple weapons: Sniper, pistol, knife, grenade launcher, RPG, machine gun, ak47, grenades
  • Play offline or online
  • Brutal AI enemies for challenging offline play

System Requirements:

Windows 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10; Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600/AMD Phenom X3 8750; Memory: 1 GB RAM; Graphics: GeForce GTX 260/Radeon HD 4870; DirectX: Version 9.0c; Storage: 500 MB available space





File Size:



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Electronic Arts
Developed by PopCap Games
A challenging MOBA set in a fantasy world.
Developed by Overwolf

Comments on Masked Shooters 2

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......................Moderator Comment..........................

I will try and moderate all of the comments made today, over the next few days. So long as you received your Steam keys, the game can be activatedand installed at any time. I won't be around for a couple of weeks afterThursday as I go on vacation to the Black Sea.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

..................................Moderator Comment..................................

I checked this morning and there was no games in the listings confirmed for today. I saw a message saying we would be getting a game in four days, but did check back about half an hour later, but no game had yet been posted, so assumed that was it until Thursday.

I've just checked back ( 1am - 16 hours after the game went live) to see if there were any more posts for yesterdays game and discovered that the team did post a game for Sunday, (later than usual). Games being given away are usually marked with a sheduled marker, so that I know a game is due on that day. Only Saturdays was marked this weekend so it seemed there wouldn't be a game today. I used to be informed by PM in the forums if there was to be a game, so either way I would have been prepared, but the latter hasn't happend for over 4 years now. Unfortunately it's already two thirds through the giveaway so it seems pointless preparing a review now; however, I will write a very short comment about the game. I'll also post a few video's and images. It's a pity I didn't get the opportunity to write up a review for this game because I have played it for over 4 hours previously and had enjoyed the experience.

It's a decent enough game especially the multiplayer game. Playing with friends or even strangers is fun compared to playing against the AI. For the princely sum of £0.79 you can't expect much, but it does have reasonable graphics and average game play, though a little dated by today's standards; then again, to get Call of Duty, Battlefield or ArmA like graphics you'd be paying £40 or more. This games graphics are much like the earlier versions of Battlefield, for example Battlefield 2 or the second version of Call of Duty, which were released 11 or more years ago. I played this mainly with four or five players at a time and found it a lot of fun. You get to carry an arsenal of around 7 or 8 weapons, some of which are very effective against the OpFor (opposing forces) , I even enjoyed playing cat and mouse on a couple of occasiona when only one other player was playing. The single player mode was okay, but it was relatively easy to out wit the bots so became a little tedious after a while.

It's got mainly negative reviews on Steam, but I personally don't think it deserves such an accolade as it was only ever meant to be a budget game; the complaints are pathetic IMO considering the price of the game. You can read some of the community reviews HERE and check out a few videos. HERE, HERE and HERE


Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit-uk  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Whiterabbit-uk, SORRY! Whiterabbit; I consider this another GGOTD FAIL! Nowhere in GGOTD's description or your review does it say that "STEAM" is required for this game.

At the moment I have my issues with "STEAM".

................................Moderator Comment................................

Hi Jon, I didn't post a review for this game because I didn't know there was a game on Sunday. I did check at the time it should have gone live and later as well, the only thing I saw was a message on the previous days giveaway saying the next game would be in four days, i.e. Thursday. It was only by chance 16 hours later that I found out a game had been posted. I decided it wasn't worth posting a review so late in the giveaway becasue from experience I know most community members would have already visited the site; however I did decide to post a short comment about the game becasue I'd already played the game previously for over 4 hours after purchasing it the day it was released. I included links to a couple of videos and a link to comments from the Steam community plus added several images of game play.

Sorry to hear you have issue with Steam. Unfortunately I think Steam and all of the other game clients are here to stay. I wouldn't be surprised to see GOG creating a client eventually. DRM is here to stay (again unfortunately). I've never liked DRM, but have come to accept it because there's no way out of it (mainly due to gamers ripping off developers for hundreds of millions of dollars. You can avoid DRM of course, but doing so will exclude you from some of the best games available as well as future releases. For those you will require one of the several DRM based clients now available (eg Steam, uPlay and Origin being the main ones)

Reply   |   Comment by JonE  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Whiterabbit-uk, I hope you have had a nice vacation.

Since you just released this game, and the announcement on GAOTD a DAY AFTER the "offer" was free, no one was able to enjoy the giveaway. The demo works OK, but offering an already expired game isn't very cool.

And then you leave town, out of touch, I think it would be fair for you to issue a key to those who were offered a free key but could not get one. Good you got a vacation, but the timeline was kind of poor for your potential customers. I'm not prone to buy a key to go online if that's the way it's run.

As first person shooters go, I give it a four out of five. But not being able to engage with others due to the DEMO mode make it rather frustrating.

I don't blame the developer, but GAOTD not notifying those who COULD have gotten a key, but didn't because they sent notice after the offer was expired.

............................Moderator Comment................................

I do not control what giveaways are given, nor am I a part of the giveaway team, I am a volunteer community member who has written hundreds of reviews for the giveaways as well as administered the forums and moderated these comments for over 8 years. I don't get paid anything for my services. I spend upwards of 10 or more hours every weekend contributing towards the game giveaway site. I've always tried my best to help community members solve problems when a game they have downloaded does not work for them.
I was not informed that we were getting a game on Sunday despite checking several times on Saturday and Sunday early morning. As far as I knew there wasn't one because usually games tagged for the weekend have a note at the side saying they are sheduled for that particular day. There was no such notice for Sundays game. I posted a note in the forums saying there could possibly be a game giveaway, but as they hadn't tagged it for Sunday I couldn't say for sure. I checked at the time a game should have gone live Sunday morning (even though I'd only had a few hours sleep and really needed more) and there was still no game giveaway scheduled. I checked back half an hour later and still no game, so presumed there wouldn't be one because this situation has only happened a few times throughout the history of the game giveaway since its inception back in Dec 2006. At the time I did note that a message on the previous giveaway said the next game would be in four days time, i.e. Thursday, so I turned my computer off and went about family buisness not giving the giveaway site another thought until early Monday morning (approx 16 hours after it had gone live) when I thought to check to see if anyone had posted a late comment about Saturday's game, only to find that there had been a game posted late for Sunday.

You should not rely on the email notification sent out by the Giveaway team, it's never been perfect. The best way to check if there is a game is to visit the site. It's just as easy as checking your email; probably quicker.

I found your comment rather offensive, especially as I had posted comments before yours telling of the giveaway and how I'd not been informed by the giveaway team, but more so becasue you seem to think i'm totally to blame for your misfortune. You only have yourself to blame for not bothering to vist the site on a giveaway day or to read the comments posted throughout the giveaway period. If you really want the game you can still get it for less than a cup of coffee via Steam (see my comment where I've posted a link to the Steam page) as it only costs £0.79p (approx $1).

I purchased the game when it was released and it cost a lot more, but it was worth it. I've spent over 4 hours playing it and although it's very basic, it's a great game especially playing the arena maps against other players. It's n ot quite as good as Half Life 2: Deathmatch, but almost as good

Reply   |   Comment by GreatestMood  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Dear users,
If you were getting error 404 when attempting to download the game, please, try again, everything should work fine now. If you have any issues, feel free to contact our tech support at giveaway@giveawayoftheday.com

Sorry for the inconvenience and have a great weekend!
Always yours,

Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway of the Day  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow, I never received a game notification in my email, but had remembered Whiterabbit speaking of one so I came to the site, and it wouldn't load, so went about my business, figuring if there was a game I would get the email, it never came until today! Wrote to Gamegiveaway at the address they put in other comments, and just now got a reply back, saying I should resubscribe, and visit the site on gamedays, which lets me know they didn't really read my email as I stated the site wouldn't load for me on Sunday.
Really disappointed as I wanted this game, and wish I had a steam key for it, and really disappointed in the response back from the site, which had a distinct 'oh well' feel to it. Have been a loyal member for a long time, sharing it with many others, as I felt that would help them.
So no game review from me this week, on one I would have really liked to :(

Reply   |   Comment by JBurt  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Masked Shooters 2 was available as a giveaway on July 24, 2016!

Today is the 25th. Booooooo

Reply   |   Comment by Casper  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I didn't get the email until the 25th. Why send out a free game a day after it can be installed? This new format is terrible.

Reply   |   Comment by Don  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Even if I had wanted this, I would have missed it. Just got the email 3 hours ago.
Good going on the email system, GGAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by anon  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Received the e-mail for this game on 7/25/2016 at 4:50 a.m. I checked this site yesterday morning and there was no game giveaway :).

Reply   |   Comment by Joe V  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

On the 25th July I was offered this game that expired on 24th July! Ha! Ha! Good thing I don't like this sort of game.

Reply   |   Comment by Larry Carter  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Nice to get notification of a game giveaway one day too late.

Reply   |   Comment by Mick  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Well this was a waste of my time, i have a steam account, i spent hours trying to logon to steam through your link and again through my steam logon, link kept looping after entering the captcha (letters prove not a robot) from dotd link, And when entering through my normal Steam Logon i get Logon to steam failed. the usual account does not exist or password wrong ETC. Most likely a Steam Problem but now the game has past the 24hrs so can't use the link anymore. If GOTD is going to giveaway games from Steam or even Origin they should have extra time or arrangements with Steam etc, so we can still get the game when Steam fixes there logon problems,
Thanks anyway.
but disappointed.

..................................Moderator Comment......................................

Hi Mark, I went through the process and everything seemed okay in that I received a message saying the code had been sent to my email. However as yet it's not arrived. If it does you can have it because I've already purchased the game. I cannot remember having to login to Steam. all I did was put my Steam name and pasword into the requested information, but steam wasn't opend into a browser. I was then asked for my giveaway email (which is different to my Steam email), where I presume the Steam code should be sent. I will keep an eye open for the code and will email it to you via the email you've given here. If you don't hear from me in the next day or so, it will mean I never received the promised code.


Stephen aka Whiterabbit (if you want to send me a friends request my Steam names are Whiterabbit-uk or Slickwhiterabbit - I have two accounts)

Reply   |   Comment by Mark  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Glad I got this one, I'll have to play with the sensitivity as I keep blowing myself up. Full Metal Jacket, here I come. "This is my rifle and this is my gun, this one's for fighting and this one's for fun." (reference from the movie, not me)

Reply   |   Comment by Jackorama  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

If you have a Steam account and or create one which is free, it's really easy to get this offer.

Seems like a fun game, I have a problem with games like this though because the motion of the games make me feel sick sometimes.

Good game, and I like the fact that there are no 3rd party installers other than Steam if you are new to steam.

I have nothing against My Play City, but the thing is, the offers for the My Play City games you can get from there anytime, I just don't like the adware for my play city, if you say "FREE GAME" or "GIVEAWAY" then it should not come with strings.

Either way, thank you, this is a good game!

..................................Moderator comment...............................

Hi Tom, if you have a mouse that allows you tochange the sensitivity, you may find lowering the sensitivity a little will ease the motion sickness. I know exactly the feeling as i've had it myself and always find lowering the sensitivity helps a lot.

Reply   |   Comment by Tom  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Always glad to see game giveaways but given recent events in the world this seems to be inappropriate to give away at this time.

Reply   |   Comment by Zen  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Zen, Your comment is a good one. Although we all realize that this is "just a game," it does add to the repetitive dulling of societal insensitivities towards killing and death. I think it's always much more fun to have the targets be some kind of bullseye shapes, like at a carnival shooting gallery.

Reply   |   Comment by Marsha A.  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I found Masked Shooters 2 to be very easy to operate. Unfortunately, my aim isn't that good yet, but I was able to kill 3. I didn't think that was bad since I'm new to the genre.

It was very simple to change weapons. It would be really nice to have a tutorial of some kind. Maybe I missed it. Maybe a stat sheet with the specifics about the weapons would be a great addition too.

I really enjoyed my time with the game. I guess I'll have to practice some. I just played 2 players offline. I don't think I'm ready for the other levels of play. I like having the different options though. I feel like I can progress in the game itself as I improve.

I give it a Thumbs Up....a lot of fun. Thanks GGOTD and FreezeNova for the game today. Two games this weekend is even better than Christmas!

...........................Moderator Comment.............................

Thank you for your feedback Paula, seen your post over in the forums, will be sorting it out before I go on vacation. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Paula Flinn  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/434250/
Read the reviews.
The "game" has also been given away free just this last Apr.
The game isn't worth the time to fill out the form for a key.
Not even any trading cards

Reply   |   Comment by Mr. J.  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Hi, unfortunatly no mail with download link is comming... :-(

Reply   |   Comment by Marw  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Hi Marw,
Please check your junk and spam folders. If you can't find the email there, contact us at giveaway@givawayoftheday.com and we will help you out.
Always yours

Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway of the Day  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Got the link to work and email was sent with a valid Steam key. Small fast d/l there from your Library. Played couple rounds in offline mode w/ 4 computer player setting. To make learning easier try just the minimum 2 and test the weapons 1-9. Default is decent. Bazooka only 3 shots and not as accurate for you as seems to be for computer even with RMB aim. Fired off 3 and never got guy. Weapon 9 is good but then AI seems harder opponent.
Major objection I have to all this is that the constant motion needed just makes me sick. Even reducing mouse setting to far left is little help since then your side to side viewing is too slow. And often running around is forced since only way to avoid being killed fast.
Tried the Military 1, 2 fields but not the Arena.
Using 4 Players the AI will off one another then come for you & get you if you hope to wait it out. Back to wall to see it coming and boom bazooka hits me. Wait near buildings & sucker drops down from roof & knives me, lol. Anyway got a few kills after a while. Did try a dif play field & offline team play. That helps bit to cover blind/weak spots.
On/off for sounds. Thanks for the offer GOTD. Maybe 7.5/10 for bare bones play.

..................................Moderator comment...............................

Hi Beergas, thank you for your feedback.

Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I do not want STEAM installed on my computer. ......................... rest of comment removed by moderator due to inappropriateness....................

..................................Moderator comment...............................

Stephen, this is a family site. Your language may be acceptable on some forums, but it's not here. please refrain from using such language here. You may dislike Steam, that's your perogative, but, 70 million community members including myself say differently. Personally I don't know what the problem is, i have access to loads of free games via the Steam client, it's got a great community and you can even make money from playing your games. I for example made over £1400 selling the trading cards i received for playing games. They also have an extensive library of fantastic games of all gentres, many of which can be purcased with massive reductions in the many sales they have. Also there are loads of indie bundles available that cost anything from $1 to $5 for several or more games, most of which include steam keys. Unfortunately DRM is here to stay, thanks to the many gamers that have over the years ripped off millions of dollars worth of games. You can thank them for clients such as Steam, uPlay, Origin and others

Reply   |   Comment by Stephen Herring  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I jumped through all of the hoops to get the key sent to my email. The key arrived. Now it's impossible for me to find any link to actually download the game!
I get sent to the same "like me!" page. Never is there any link to actually download the game.

Reply   |   Comment by Blizno  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Getting closer: I went to the Steam site. I am signed in. The message said to click the "Games" menu and select "Activate a Product on Steam".

There is no such option. I only get a list of available games.

Reply   |   Comment by Blizno  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

I FINALLY got the game installed. It never asks me for the key. I start the game - sound is BLASTING!!!! and there's no way to turn it down; only off. I want to change controls. I want to reverse mouse movement and greatly reduce sensitivity. No options.

I have spent far more than $1 worth of my time on this nightmare. I quit.

..............................Moderator Comment......................................

You can turn the games sound down by using the computers volume control. If you right click on the speaker icon in the tray next to the clock and select Open volume mixer you can turn down the volume in game. As for the other issues you have with the game. Sensitivity can be controlled using a decent mouse. The game costs £0.79p to buy, for that price you really can't expect a fully functioning options menu.

Reply   |   Comment by Blizno  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Hi Blizno,
Please mind that you need to activate the game using the Steam client app, not the website. You can download the Steam client here:
Always yours,

Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway of the Day  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Fails to download, even with personal download link via email.

More wasted time

Reply   |   Comment by Just Annoyed  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Dear user,
Please, make sure you carefully follow the instructions in the email. If you still have issues installing the game, please, contact our support team at giveaway@giveawayoftheday.com and send us the screenshot of the error you are getting.
Always yours,

Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway of the Day  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

When i tried to download it sent me to steam and wanted me to pay for it or download the trial, which I did, but this doesn't allow online game.

Reply   |   Comment by Jon  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Hi Jon,
You need to press the big green download button, then share the link on FB or request a personal download link via email. After that you will be asked to log in with your Steam account. After that you can request the key to be sent to the desired email address. That's it you've got your free copy of the game. If that still sounds a bit difficult, contact our support team at giveaway@giveawayoftheday.com and we'll do our best to help you out.

Have a nice weekend.
Always yours,

Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway of the Day  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I love that you guys have a shooter game on today. It is not generally my thing but the hubs, two boys and I sometimes play TF2, CS or CS:GO. From what I've read about the Masked Shooters 2, be aware that there are hardly any servers that still play it and, from Half Life experience, most of them will be **** that have played it since 2002 without fail. If you want a free shooter game Team Fortress 2 on Steam is hilarious and fun. There are lots of servers out there but we prefer our own or ones with bots. Counter Strike and Counter Strike: Go (Paid Games) are excellent and more like this game but you have teams that assist you in your mission, which is usually either to plant bombs on the other teams area or save/kill the hostages. You can buy better weapons as you go. Those are paid games, yes, but worth it. Again, bot servers are more fun than trying it with people but sometimes you get some good folks.

I'll let my fellas know when they all get up that this game is free today and we'll see how many of us gets it. ;) Thanks for all your hard work today guys!

........................Moderator comment...............................

Thank you for your feedback Keisha, please excuse the very late moderation. I didn't know there was a gamegiveaway until 1am this morning, almost 16 hours after the giveaway went live.

Reply   |   Comment by Keisha  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Problem not fixed.
This game needs to go through a Steam account which ask you to verify that your not a robot. This continually LOOPS by continually asking you to reenter Letters and numbers over and over again.
Please fix.

Reply   |   Comment by BarrysCool  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

BarrysCool, They can't fix Steam. If it's a Steam issue you just have to wait for them to fix it. I love their platform but there is ZERO customer service for Steam. If it helps the game is only $0.99 on Steam right now and it might just be easier to buy it. I don't honestly think GGOTD can do anything at all to help with a verification loop on Steams end.

Reply   |   Comment by Keisha  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Mmmm 404 every time I try to go to the download page. Has anyone actually dowloaded this game.

Reply   |   Comment by Cheez  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Hello Cheez,
Thanks a lot for the report. We are working on the issue now. It will be resolved ASAP.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Always yours,

Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway of the Day  –  8 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)
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