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Lunch Puzzle Deluxe Giveaway

Game Giveaway of the day — Lunch Puzzle Deluxe

Lunch Puzzle Deluxe it is bright representative new generation of puzzle games. This puzzle game difference from standard puzzle games there is now you get more than one puzzle game. Base task of the Lunch Puzzle Deluxe conclude 3 game modes. In each game mode you need feed hungry but funny monster and you can do it different ways. You can broke chips on game screen by moving them to create vertical or horizontal row.
$14.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 87 41 comments

Lunch Puzzle Deluxe was available as a giveaway on June 9, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Use the keyboard to control your shapes that are constantly changing!

Lunch Puzzle Deluxe it is bright representative new generation of puzzle games. This puzzle game difference from standard puzzle games there is now you get more than one puzzle game.

Base task of the Lunch Puzzle Deluxe conclude 3 game modes. In each game mode you need feed hungry but funny monster and you can do it different ways. You can broke chips on game screen by moving them to create vertical or horizontal row. Or you can feed our monster by connecting chip in pairs on the screen. Also difference last game mode from first there is you may move each chip but you do it not at full screen – chips falling from the top.

On this note description of game modes in other puzzle games will be end but in Lunch Puzzle Deluxe you can also choose 2 game change features (action and strategy) and 3 levels of difficulty (easy, normal, hard). And if when you will this cool puzzle play game you will have some problems with game you can use hint button to help yourself.

System Requirements:

Windows 9x/ME/XP/2000/Vista, Pentium 266 MHz processor, DirectX 7.0 or better


Xing Interactive



File Size:

9.44 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PopCap Games
Developed by Overwolf
Developed by BeamNG
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Comments on Lunch Puzzle Deluxe

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I've lots of brain crackers; sometimes I just want to wind down with something simple and restful. And I can see this w/out my glasses!

The bright colors are a pleasant change. Too many similar games have buttons that are hard to distinguish from each other and the background, and depict skulls and gargoyles or bugs.

Thecombinations of varieties of play and skill levels can be combined into 'something for everyone.'

Thank you GAOTD and RealApex! I really appreciate your time and effort and generosity.

Reply   |   Comment by HerCathyness  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My kids love the games that they give away here. My only complaint is that it seems that all of the games that I have downloaded lately are only good for 60 minutes of play. I am not sure how much longer I will participate in this site if all of the games have to be purchased. Not really free games....

Reply   |   Comment by scrapbookmom5  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Would have loved to download this program, but my security sofware (multiple) didn't allow it. I won't try it any further. Sorry!

Reply   |   Comment by Downside Up  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

OK, I stopped playing 2 BY 2 long enough to play Move. Very fun games. I would definitely pay for this one, but thanks to GOTD I don't have to. Thank you, both of you. :)

Reply   |   Comment by PLady100  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice game. Thank you GGAOTD and Real Apex.

Thank you Whiterabbit and Swan for interesting reviews.

Reply   |   Comment by faber  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sorry this is off todays topic. I thought i'd answer Helens request. :)

HELEN…….. comment #29. Any of the Ricochet series are a must have for any arkanoid fan, especially the second and third in the series... Ricochet Lost Worlds and Ricochet Lost Worlds recharged; although I'd opt for the latter because recharged is made up of the best of fan made levels which I think are still available if you search deep within the fan site. On the fan site you’ll find 106 pages of level sets (approximately 700 sets) some of which have over a 100 levels each, making approximately 30 000 free levels, many of which are fantastic.


You get a levels editor with both games. The first in the series, called Ricochet Xtreme doesn’t have a levels editor and you can't use the free level sets with it either, however it’s worth having as the game play differs enough from the later releases. The graphics on this game are outstanding, which for a game that was developed several years ago is great.

Check it out here:


The other arkanoid I would recommend is called Acky's XP Breakout.... The title hides the fact that this is probably the best arkanoid game I've ever played. It is also several years old and the graphics aren’t as crisp as newer arkanoids, but the game play surprises you all the time. There's a lot of depth to this game. You've got to try the demo to appreciate it though. This game also has a levels editor included. This game has more of everything that other break outs offer. I’d love to see an updated version with revamped graphics; however the graphics are okay still.

Get the demo from:


There are lots more. Visit the following site for a run down of many:


Unfortunately the guy who services this site seems to have left it because it's not been updated since Xmas 2006; still most of the best arkanoids are reviewed there. You’ll find a few free downloads as well.

For wacky arkanoid versions try ‘X-Bound Deluxe’, which you can find as a free online game called X-Bound, but the Deluxe PC version is much better, and an even better arkanoid of this type try ‘Break In’. Both of these games are 360 degrees playing arenas.

I listed about twenty 2D and 3D arkanoid games earlier this year, that in my opinion are worth having in your games library. I don’t think any of them have been given away yet either, lol.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Very fun game. Thank you. I've never played the 2 on 2 game before. Even on the easy mode, it gets challenging. I've spent hours playing today. Thanks! Now who's gonna clean my house? ;)

Reply   |   Comment by PLady100  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

"To whine about the introductions not being written in good or perfect English is so rude, especially when these developers are giving away commercial games."

Except....when they are selling this product. Some people keep forgetting the fact that the game being free today for us here, if we want it, is normally being sold. If one is in business one does well by not making oneself ridiculous to ones customers. Please don't forget that basic English is very simply. So simply in fact that pre-teens pick up so much English from music, movies and TV that by the time they hit High-school in a country where English isn't a national language they already have a fair grasp of it.

14.95 USD for a game which is so primitive, although adding some variations as well as adding some other games which in themselves are also hardly original, that anyone with a bit of knowledge of programming can make is frankly an insult. Programming a game such as the one offered here boils down to a check for a certain condition (e.g. 3 similiar elements in a row) removing those elements, moving everything in each row down as many squares as there were elements removed.
A 9 year old can program it in basic. What makes a game such as that stand out is originality (hardly possible seeing how old the concept of the game is), graphics/animation (sorely lacking) and sound (hold on while I re-adjust my earplugs). It truly is not hard to make a game. It only becomes difficult if you want lots of different things happening at once, if you want to including one or more computer opponents and if you want to have stunning visiual effects. It has none of the latter.

A game that perhaps can induce a feeling of nostalgia to those of us who remember the days when games such as Pong, Frogger or even Dr. Mario where new and exciting. Or having a kid that isn't spoiled by the PS3, X-box 360 or the Wii that it still can be enchanted by the littlest of things. Don't be surprised tho' if the kid asks for permission to spend 15 USD to buy what 6 months ago was a 60 USD game (and developed by a team of 35 people with a music score preformed by an actual orchestra) for one of the game machines.

I guess the developers decided to call it Deluxe because the original dated back to February of 2004 and seemed only to have 2 game modes and which is still for sale for 12.95 USD (10.14 Euro)

Reply   |   Comment by Belgian dude  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If you wnder why I ask for suggestions after affirming that other such programs do what I'm looking for, those that I know that do run on PDAs; and I'm looking for one to play on my PC too B-)

Reply   |   Comment by Jelpy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Gameplay is severely lacking, only allowing HALF of possible moves as it does NOT allow diagonal moves.

Several other similar programs allow both (+ & x moves).

Thanks anyway.

I'll play it until I find one that does both.

Any suggestions??

Reply   |   Comment by Jelpy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Parton ma speak, I dont do tha ritin, rithmutick to well.

Ramines me bein a kid. We had ta gather tha fruits manally then an boy! it shure was a lot harder feedin that "munster" an all dem other little "munsters" runnin roun waitin fer her ta drop sum food sos they could gobble it up afore tha other ones grabbed it! An if ya loss tha "game" back then, ya got yer low score on tha seet a yer pants. Hah. At lease I dint havta worry bout dem waspers an big red aints with this mouth feeder. That mousy thing did protest ma apullin ginst his tail so hard tho! YeeHah.

Well, thanks everbody fer tha fun memries. I toll all ma frens an thell be acummin here licketee-split ta grab ahole a thisun.

Reply   |   Comment by Dicky Hicky  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just wondering about something. I have downloaded a couple of keepers and love one especially. Brickshooter Egypt is my favorite. The old computer it was on is croaking and now I have to use this new one. Is there any way in the world to get it off the old computer and onto this one? I am on the *very last* level which has taken weeks, and now can't finish the game! Boo hoo, what can I do?

Reply   |   Comment by Nana  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you #22, it worked :)

Reply   |   Comment by Terry  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you RealApex and GGOTD for a pleasant game. The 2 x 2 mode was a nice touch.

White Rabbit - thanks for your info on moves & saves - good to see you back with your complete descriptions. I also appreciated your recommendation some time ago for Incrediball - I love it. If you know of any more lesser known Arkanoid types please give us the titles.

Reply   |   Comment by Helen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you, Thank you, and again Thank you Stephen #21! You took the time to explain the game in great detail. Hopefully, this will put the "Whiners" out there to some shame. Remember, People who complain, complain, complain. This IS ALL FREE! FREE! FREE! So, if you don't like the games on this Site, which by the way is Jim Dandy, then "JUST MAKE LIKE A TREE AND LEAVE! There are some of us; No, a lot of us who love this site and the Very Good things they do, namely giving All of Us FREE GAMES! Thank You Real Apex and the GGAofTD Team. God Bless you all for all that you do!

Reply   |   Comment by EddieAnthony  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good morning everyone! ;)

A match 3 game with a couple of game play twists - so don't give up on it just because you think it's an ordinary old style match 3 game.

Stephen (whiterabbit,) has given you a wonderful run-down of the game and I only want to add a couple of things (gee thanks Stephen for leaving me something to say!) ;)

The graphics are poorly done and I'm not speaking about the retro feel to the cartoons, which I found quite charming, especially for kids. The graphics albeit well drawn - have an unpolished look at full screen resolution, due to a lack of applying any anti-aliasing.

This is needed badly in order to counter the (very) ragged edges of every drawing (especially the peaks of the mountains in the background!) One wonders if this is why the game is pre-set to open in minimized mode where these details are not nearly so apparent.

Another gripe (not limited to this game,) is that the 'help' files can only be reached on-line. Which means that if you want to refer to them while playing, you also have to launch your browser and keep it open. I find this an annoyance when it happens in any game.

Well designed games from professional developers, will include the help files inside the game, for easy access by the player.

I also had to smile at the title - which incorporates the word 'Deluxe,' usually indicating anything BUT a first version game, as this happens to be.

I was happy to see the different game modes and tried them all, very happy with each and had way more fun at the upper levels. For those complaining that the game is too easy - play any of the modes on 'difficult' and you'll soon find that it's not so easy for you. ;)

The game unfortunately crashed (using Windows XP Pro) on Level 15 of the 'two by two' mode, however I was unable to recreate the error - so this may just have been a one time glitch.

While misspellings (anywhere,) do irk me, this game is created by only two people, both of whom are foreign to English speaking countries. While this is no excuse not to have a polished game, pre-checked for correct spelling, let's keep in mind that this is after all only version one - and thanks to our reviews might (one would hope!) change before the next game version.

I won't comment on any of the other features or game play, as Stephen has covered it excellently, as he always does! ;)

I'd suggest an age group of anywhere from 7-70. For me, this game is just perfect on a lazy Saturday morning with my coffee, when I definitely don't feel like playing other heart-stopping games.

The music didn't annoy me quite as much as it did Stephen, but that could be because I usually have music turned 1/2 way down and sound effects turned right up. ;)

Thank you to RealApex for this offer, which for me, is a keeper because of the great age range that it covers and the flexibility of novel game plays.

I hope we see you here more often with other games that you would like to see critically reviewed.

Thank you always to GgotD for providing such an incredible advertising outlet for game providers and software houses - and for negotiating these deals whereby we all get a free game in thanks for our reviews.


3 for drawn grahics - cartoons aren't all that difficult;

-1 for not applying anti-aliasing;

4 for originality (in other modes;)

2 for flexibility in age groups.

TOTAL: 8/10 and a thumbs up.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! ;)
~ Swan

Reply   |   Comment by ~ Swan  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for a wonderful site.

Game looks fun for kids. I'm sure my son will enjoy it.

Reply   |   Comment by DMS  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# 21 Thank you for the review Stephen! I appreciate the effort that you do. It helps in deciding on whether or not I want to try a game. Thanks again!

Reply   |   Comment by PCStudent  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I really like the games for kids...I have saved a fortune by getting these for free. My son asks me everyday...did you get a new game for me mom...Thanks again...

Reply   |   Comment by Taylor Blue  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Try the mirror link. That should work!

Reply   |   Comment by Fritz  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

In this English speaking orientated cyber world; there really is no need to admonish those non-speaking, or those that have English as a second third or even fourth language. They are game developers not language experts. To whine about the introductions not being written in good or perfect English is so rude, especially when these developers are giving away commercial games. The information is clear enough for anyone to see what type of game it is. I’ve got a couple of degrees and other post graduate certificates, but try as I might I’ve only every managed to learn to speak listen and read German in a very rudimentary form. Having not lived there for 30 years (serving with the BAOR for three years) my skills have deteriorated to the point that if you asked me to write the following review in German for example; I couldn’t. The language converters that are becoming popular are still a long way from being able to translate the nuances and grammar of one language to another. For example, my brother in law has a translation business converting Polish and German to English and even after years of experience he still has some problems translating certain meanings or words over to English.

The initial start up window gives you access to the game overview and system requirements via the help button, which I’ll repeat here, with some editing:

Lunch Puzzle Deluxe is a match three puzzle game. One of those addictive arcade games that has cartoon like graphics. The aim of the game is to feed the friendly, but hungry monster. The game features three game modes each of which has two advanced modes and three levels of difficulty. There is a hint button that can be used initially to gain an insight in to how to play the game.

• Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/ME or better.
• DirectX 7.0 or better.
• Pentium 266 or better.
• 14 MB RAM.
• DirectX-compatible 8-bit video card.
• DirectX-compatible sound card.
The above specifications show that this is quite an old game, however don’t let this detract from the games features because each of the three game modes are distinctly different. See below for details of these. There will be very few community members with such old specifications, so playing this game on any computer ‘should’ be a breeze.

Initial impressions of this game would indicate that this was designed for the younger age group, taking into account the cartoon like design and the creature that you have to feed burgers and fruit to win the game, or at least not to run out of a supply of food for the monster. (This is a very loose story line, but it does give you a certain objective, lol) The colours are quite saturated, so it is a colourful game, but the final polish is missing; this is probably due to its age though. Newer versions of this genre have much better graphics; however the three game modes do make up for this perceived shortcoming. I think you’ll find that this game is an all round game suitable for all the family. All selections and movement of pieces is made with the mouse so for those with disabilities, especially the hands will find it relatively easy to control.

The options menu give you slider controls for the music, which I find a little amateurish (reminding me of the musicians occasionally seen at wedding receptions, playing a small Yamaha keyboard, with a basic synthesizer, lol. I’m sure you know what I mean), the sound effects are also mediocre, but hey, it’s the game that’s more important. Don’t expect the quality sound effects and pleasant background music promised in the read me and/or help file. :)

You are also able to toggle between full screen and windowed modes, different cursors and for those with lower end graphics card/computers, you can turn off the particle effects that you’ll see when destroying pairs or groups of fruit.

Clicking on the new game button will take you to the games mode selection window which offers three types of game play:

Two by Two

Game Modes:


Advanced Game Modes:


Selecting any one of these games will take you to an advanced game mode screen where you can select your difficulty settings. You can also select between action and strategy for each of the three game modes, effectively giving you six games. Which IMO justifies the tag of deluxe?

The Classic game:

This is a basic match three style of game that most of us (That is, the ones who have been visiting this site for more than a few weeks) are very familiar with. There are three difficulty settings which basically just speeds up the game, so I would suggest you start on easy or medium to begin with, just to get the hang of the game. Whenever you match three fruits you will get a fruit or burger added to the progress bar at the bottom of the playing field. If you work slowly, you will notice that these may disappear, so you need to work relatively fast on any of the difficulty settings to fill the progress bar and continue on to the next level Your progress can be saved at any point by clicking on the main menu button to the bottom left of the playing area. This will bring up a small window giving you the choice of saving your progress or quitting. You can return to the game by selecting continue from the main menu which will take you to the game mode screen where you have to select the particular mode you saved. There seems to be no way of saving the advanced mode of each of the games, so if you’ve saved a strategy version, then decide to play a new game in the action mode, this will overwrite the strategy game that you saved; however there are three game modes that you ‘can’ save.

By creating multiple sets in a single move you can double the number of fruits added to the progress bar. If you go too slow the progress bar may reduce to almost empty. When this happens one of those ‘quality’ sound effects sounds. It’s very distinctive, so you will be awakened, lol. Playing the strategy option will enable you to take your time because there is no time constraints.

The Moving game:

You start with a playing area about a third full. The fruits drop down at a measured rate, which is determined by the difficulty setting you selected. They also drop down at random places on the playing field, filling the arena unless you move single fruits to a place where they create sets of three or more. This is a variation on the classic game that I’ve not seen before, and is an interesting alternative to the fixed positions you find in the classic game. In this game you can set up your fruits to create multiple matches simply by moving single fruits into strategically placed area’s, then moving the final one into place that sets off a chain reaction. Bear in mind the game does have time limitations, so you need to have an agile mind to figure out larger multiple matches.

The following images will show you what I mean with respect to moving the fruits. Sorry I’m not able to post images directly.





Two by Two:

This is another mode that I’ve not seen before, mmm vaguely seem to remember something similar? You have to match the fruits in pairs. So long as at least one side of each fruit is exposed you can move a match to anywhere in the playing field. Matches are indicated by a yellow line, if there are two fruits next to each other all you have to do is click on one of the pair and then click on the other. This will clear the pair from the field. In the action mode the game is timed by the progress bar reducing slowly. If you clear the playing area before the time runs out you will be awarded bonuses which are calculated by the number of fruits left. Playing in the strategic mode you start with no fruits in the progress bar and gain them by creating pairs. This mode is not timed, so for those of you who like a mellow pace, this is the one for you.

The following image will show you graphically what I mean with respect to pairing up fruits (well I hope it does, lol):


Every mode has a hint button which can be used if you get stuck; however it will cost you at least 50 points for each hint. If you have no points left, it will still work though. :)

My only real gripe with this game is that there is no back button from when you save a game. It always goes back to the main menu rather than the last page, which means going through the modes and advanced modes pages to get back to a fresh game. It does have a back button elsewhere in the game. (It’s not really a gripe; just a suggestion to the developers to perhaps include a back button in the game.

I give this a 7 out of 10 for its playability and appeal to all ages. I’ve not subtracted points for the retro look or the poor music because these are only frills in my opinion. The game is solid and it does offer several modes which enhance the game play tremendously. Nice one.

If you visit Real apex’s web pages http://www.realapex.com you will see a reasonable professional looking set up with a very large selection of games (there’s well over 100 pages) ranging from old classics like Ricochet Recharged (taken from the best of fan made levels via the included editor [there are thousands of free levels available for that particular game]) to the most recently released games.

Thank you RealApex games and the GGAotD team for a very interesting version of this classic game genre. Even though it’s got a retro looking feel to it, the game play is varied enough to make this one well worth keeping over some that ‘appear’ better looking, but have very little variation in game play. :D

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is the third day in a row when I have tried to activate a game I get 'Error: Key is invalid.' I've been downloading games off this site for a while now, and I have never had a problem until now. I do appreciate the free games, but I am confused as to why I am getting this message each time I try to activate a game. I have used the mirror link, and tried it at different times of the day too. But each time I get the same error message. If anyone reading this has any ideas or suggestions, please let me know. Thanks. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Leah  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This game was not my style, but I would like to comment on the language stuff. When I was a program developer at IBM, we were told not to use the word "invalid" in any of our error messages. Since our program would be converted into other languages, we couldn't use a word that had multiple meanings in English. Now, frankly, I wouldn't want somebody translating something of mine if they couldn't understand that someone had entered an incorrect value into a field and not that they had entered a bedridden value, but hey - that's why The Powers That Be get paid the big bucks :-)

Reply   |   Comment by bsw  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i will never understand those who complain about what they're getting...when they're getting it for FREE!
ok so this is not the most complex or even exciting game but i say 3 CHEERS to ANYONE or ANYTHING who can occupy my kids for more than 10 minutes at a time.
so thank you GAOTD!! you're helping make summer more tolerable...lol

Reply   |   Comment by nik  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have noticed lately that the download button takes me to a file sharing site...wikifortio.com
I have tried to download games but it gives me errors, and won't open up now.
I used to be able to download the games but since this newer page comes up instead I can't.
What can I do to download the games?

Reply   |   Comment by Terry  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice game! I think it will be a keeper

Reply   |   Comment by player  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

An easy-going game that is deceptively simple to learn. Getting a high score requires developing a strategy. A nice, calm moment after playing Alien Shooter for the past two days.

Cute enough for free. However, it looks like it was designed by a game development package (that is why so many of these games look and feel so similar).

$14.95, though? Even my four year old grandson got bored with this after about half and hour.

Reply   |   Comment by Hempman  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Decent game, if you can get past the horrible sounds. For free, it's an excellent way to waste some time on a rainy day. The different game modes are fun, but I expected a little more from a description of a "hungry but funny monster". I figured there would be some humorous in-game or between-round comments from the monster, but all he does is clap his trap shut on the food you collect. I have much better match-3 games, but they weren't free. 5 out of 10.

Reply   |   Comment by metalshop  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Nice game, very good for children.
For adults to simple I think.

Reply   |   Comment by Flash  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This one is really nice :)

Reply   |   Comment by zhao-zhuxi  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you for the great game

Reply   |   Comment by Jen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#7 I think that is the point - the developers may not be fluent in every native language of countries they give their software to, but the programs' description (and text in tghe games themselves) should be translated by someone.

I don't usually personally mind about language errors but really, if these games are for sale in different countries then they should be polished enough to be understandable in each native language - after all, people are PAYING for this software externally to this site.

I did laugh out loud at #5's citation from the above description -

“Also difference last game mode from first there is you may move each chip but you do it not at full screen – chips falling from the top.”
- what does this mean?!?!? There has been bad English before but this sentence really does win hands down!!!

No-one expects developers to speak every language but for a paid for game they should at least recruit a translater to write the descriptions and text within games as to sell a game in this manner - for money - is not really acceptable.

Reply   |   Comment by Merril  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Very cute and easy game but it couldn't really hold my attention long so it's probably better suited for the kiddies. Thanks anyway GAOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Chloe  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This's nice. May you have som fun and relax just like me while you're playing this :)

Reply   |   Comment by Nancydrew  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

In how many languages are you fluent #5?

Reply   |   Comment by thassos  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yes i agree this is a fun game for kids, thanks GGAOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Jack Pinoski  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

First off, I love GGotD. This is a great site and I've gotten a few "keepers" over the months. Ignore the naysayers who complain about "ANOTHER game type yyy" and demand "game type zzz" instead.

However, what is it with the poorly written descriptions? The majority of them are terrible, with no description of the gameplay and/or horrendous English.

But, I think today's description takes the cake:

"Also difference last game mode from first there is you may move each chip but you do it not at full screen – chips falling from the top."

May I suggest that in addition to copying the game description from the developers (who apparently don't speak English as a first language), you also write another paragraph with more details in clear English? :)

Ignore my whining and keep up the good work. :)

Reply   |   Comment by engrish  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh come on ! 9 thumbs up and... 10 down !!!
It's so unfair...

Very funny game and so entertaining.
Ok it's another match 3 game, but it has really original game modes.

To me, it's definetely a keeper ; and a thumb up !
Thanks realapex and goatd

Reply   |   Comment by franck  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Another match 3 food game. Thanks for the freebie GOTD, but I'm on a diet.

Reply   |   Comment by twnstar2  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Very cute- thanks..

I tried to get the other one for yesterday and I got this error:
File '565074' is not found on any working WikiFortio server. Please try again later. (i got that all day?) oh well

Thanks so much for the variety!

Reply   |   Comment by karylle A  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Yummy, Sounds good!

Reply   |   Comment by Eric Blum  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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